• Published 29th Jul 2016
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The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 17

The Book of Secrets

The next day after Luna had lowered the Moon and her sister had raised the Sun to welcome the new dawn, she turned her attention back to the quite surprising discovery that had been made in her closet last night.

The second following her adorning her royal regalia once more she immediately turned her attention to the book.

Staring blankly down at it as it sat on her desk with the strange fix-clawed paw insignia on the front (with no number) So many mysteries were stirring inside her head at just this book’s mere existence, let alone who put it in her closet.

While she did blink, she remained otherwise motionless as she sat on the floor facing it with great curiosity surrounding it. A stern expression mounted upon her face as she could not manage to look away from it.

“What are you…?” she asked none in particular since she was the sole occupant in the room.

Extending a hoof out to its front, she gently pulled the cover to the side, revealing a page that read;

Written by Alex Hirsch

“Hmm…Well, whoever you may be, Alex Hirsch, I assume that one day we will have to meet so we can discuss why you left a box for me in my closet.”

But as she finished that sentence it dawned on her how dangerous it was now that she had a name to go on – stopping her hoof in mid-air thus. A nervous expression settling on her face as her eyes could not divert themselves from looking at the book, especially now with those thoughts.

Is it possible that whoever this Alex is that he…could be one who serves my sister and I? Could it be that the one who left this for us was a guard or one of the other ponies who occasionally come and visit us? It is aftercall impossible to keep an eye on everypony that come here.

Nervous about her surroundings suddenly she slowly turned her head to look over her shoulder, checking her room to ensure that no one was there with her in this moment.

Crossing her brows, she activated her horn, causing a blue light to that reached up from the floor to the ceiling, but was as thin as a thread, that moved from one corner of the room to the other opposite it, making safe that the no one and no thing was in there with her.

Using her magic again, but this time to de-activate the spell, returning the room back to before she had cast the spell and turning back to look at the book in front of her.

Her worried expression changing to a more relaxed blank stare she used to look at the book with.

“Okay then, back to business like usual.” she said as she resumed movement with her hoof – that had been suspended in mid-air after when she became distracted – but instead of flipping the page with her hoof she simultaneously used her magic to flip it the page while doing a swiping motion with her hoof to humor herself…


Her eyes immediately jumped, as well as her whole body flinching as her eyes fell upon the second page that depicted a bipedal, pale figure that was clad in black robes and holding dark-green robes with a bald head and a face that had the slits of a serpent for a nose, but primarily those of a skull.

The title was up in the corner of the left page written in big letters.

The Unmentionable, the title read.

Guiding her eyes back towards the pale figure she stared down at the page for a few minutes longer than she intended.

The writing on the two pages was very crude, as if it had been written in a hurry.

Phrases like, He cannot be trusted, Murderer, and lastly down in the corner on the right page were the words, I…am afraid of him, written.

On both the pages was a lot of text relating to this “Unmentionable.”

One of the photographs displayed an open grave that displayed the image of a casket that had been lowered down into the hole.

Per the snippets of information found on both pages she could piece together that this…creature was born in 1963 during the Victorian era.

As it grew up it was associated with some horrific murders that had believed to have connections with the anti-non-magic users who, in Equestria’s old days, had performed a series of ritualistic murders of Earth Ponies and Pegasus Ponies due to them lacking a horn to which they could magic with.

Sacrifices were made to a god whose followers were promised a ‘’purified’’ world to which they would roam once they were the sole species of this world.

One in a while a ‘’chosen one’’ was selected who would be the vessel for the god’s spirit that was pure evil.

Once possessed the ‘’chosen one’’ would be transformed into a tall bipedal creature that was the god’s true form in whatever dark dimension it originated from.

Often it would rip the remaining horn of the chosen vessel from its forehead and use it as a means of casing its dark magic. It could use telekinesis well enough without the use of the horn, but it was otherwise forced to use the horn due to it being unable to fully manifest itself in this dimension for longer periods of a week.

However, while prohibited from using all its power at once the possession was enough to create a link between its vessel and its imprisoned self in the other dimension it had been banished to, and with its huge reserves of power in the other dimension it meant that its stamina was never depleted.

Only in the last few days of its possession would it grow exhausted and tired from slowly being forced to leave the vessel and return to its prison.

The last thing she saw of this terrible creature was a newspaper clipping that had been attached to the right page that spoke of this society called ‘’the Purebloods’’ who had been apprehended after a series of gruesome ritualistic murders had been carried out in their name.

Months had gone by without too many leads that gave exquisite evidence as to who were directly involved, but one cult member had eventually turned himself in and revealed the location of the society’s meeting grounds.

Apparently, he had been feeling great guilt about the things that he had done and wanted to hopefully save himself by preventing more murders by taking place.

In the following days, several arrests were made concerning key-figures within the main councilmembers who were part of an inner circle that were in direct contact with the deity so that they could carry out its will.

Once they were in Equestrian custody the society disbanded, since without the council to interpret the will of ‘’the unmentionable’’ there was no longer any purpose for their existence.

Seeing that a peace had been created the council was secretly executed to ensure a permanent peace was established and to infinitely keep the society from ever resurfacing again to continue their mindless string of murders…


Feeling disgust at what she had read her scrunched expression looked away from the newspaper clipping as her magic turned the page.

When her eyes spotted the next entry, she saw that it was quite a strange yet recognizable one.

“Oh, what was its name…” she held up her hoof, trying to snap her non-existent hooves just like she had seen Bill do when he had trouble remembering something.

“Ah, yes!” she exclaimed, smiling as she finally remembered the name.

“Gozer… Yes.”

She trailed slightly off as she gently nodded her head from remembering the name.

Staring down at the picture depicting the god she was less impressed since she had already meet the deity personally.

“Meh… Already seen that one,” she commented on this page before using her magic to flip the page again with her magic.

However, as the page was flipped she missed one of the newspaper clipping that had a rather interesting title.

End of the World prophecy or just mad ravings?


After flipping through the book’s many pages, seeing nothing but extensive entries on various creatures and sometimes even whole locations.

The building in particular confused her since it was just a simple sketch of something that looked like it belonged in Manehattan.

One of the entries was even stranger. It just looked to be what could be estimated schematics or designs.

Flipping onto the next page she crossed her brows almost immediately as soon as she saw the next figure depicted.

Raising one of her brows as this one caught her attention on a level that she didn’t expect to.

Scanning the page for any identification she eventually found it in the top corner of the left page.

Lord O

With the use of her magic she lifted the book up into the air, moving it closer to her face so she could better examine the attire depicted in the image.

Not because the quality of the picture was inadequate to display it well enough, but because it was giving her the strangest sense of Déjà vu that she had seen this figure somewhere before.

Raising her head – and putting the book back down on the desk – she looked out the window in thought.

Trying to remember where she had seen this before her mind immediately connected the image to a memory, remembering precisely where she had seen this before.

Thinking that it was better just to visit the actual place her horn activated the teleportation spell, making her vanish in a flash of light.

Several moments after she had left the door to her room was gently pushed open and a lone figure stepped inside the now abandoned room.

Turning its head, its eyes falling upon the book with the open page it stepped up to the desk.

Extending a hoof, she flipped through quite a lot of pages until she arrived at the last page. Its eyes widening in shock.

[Far away from Canterlot…]

Re-appearing in another flash Luna immediately turned her head to look around at her surroundings to ensure that she had arrived at the place she had intended.

She had.

She had arrived in the center of a large clearing where most of what surrounded it was a forest.

Standing at the center of a circular clearing she could see nothing but the forest that surrounded her.

Closing her eyes, she began to concentrate. A second later her horn was activated, a far stronger concentration being used than usual.

Energy crackled seemingly at random in the sky, but was soon revealed to be a large forcefield that flickered to life as the magic could sense the one who originally cast it ordering it to undo the spell.

Obeying the command the barrier momentarily flickered, suddenly causing several structures to flicker into existence.

Becoming clearer to see as the spell was lifted, the structures finally looked solid enough to make it clear that the spell of concealment had been lifted fully.

Suddenly a shape rose high into the air behind her!

Thinking that it was something attempting to sneak up on her she quickly spun around to face it, readying her horn for whatever she might encounter.

However, when seeing the shadow’s origin with her own eyes she immediately froze in place, halting all further movement, -

…seeing that the figure to meet her eyes was a solid stone statue that depicted a bipedal figure.

Standing tall the figure it extended its arm out, holding a sphere that unlike the rest of the statue seemed to be made from obsidian, making it stand apart from everything that was just purely carved from stone.

If shown to Equestria’s grumpiest critic it could never be argued that it had flaws. Everything was flawless.

Trotting around to the front she looked up at the statue’s face.

However, there was just one problem with that.

Its face was hidden behind by a large mask that covered the whole head, hiding any clues to solving the identity of whoever it was, though, that seemed rather futile now since no one when crafting a statue creates both the face and the helmet that it was wearing in this depiction.

The statue itself was very old

Scanning it with her eyes, her attention was drawn to a pair of broaches that were part of the shoulder pad armor.

Frowning her brows, she narrowed her sight onto the closest one of them, extending her wings beside her.

Delivering a powerful flap of her wings she flew up into the air, trying to get as close as possible to the statue so she could analyze the emblem worn by this…whoever.

Leaning in as much as she is allowed she begins looking the emblem over – both essentially being the same so comparing both is just redundant – taking in all its details to not miss anything important.

Shifting her eyes back to towards the large tower behind it, more accurately the door she notices a symbol that is suspended just above it.

Continually shifting her gaze back and forth between the emblem and the door, something finally starts to click in her mind.

“There obviously has to be a connection here,” she said aloud to herself in a light frustration. “Why else would this symbol be on both shoulder pads and above a door leading into a tower that is…, - “raising her head she looks up towards the very top of the tower.

At the top, which is a ring of four sharp spires pointing up into the sky.

“…very unique to say the least.”

Guiding her eyes back down to the emblem once more she began to think even harder about what all this could possibly mean.

“Hmmm…” she thought aloud to herself as an idea seemed to come to her. “Maybe if I think much clearer an answerer will become clear.”

Flapping her wings in a gentler pattern she flew down towards the ground again. Planting her hooves against the ground.

Emptying her mind, she readied herself for the mental focus it would take to be able to think in the manner of which she was going to attempt.

Sitting down on the ground she folded her legs so that they crossed.

It forced her to utter a small grunt from her because of the momentary pain of forcing one’s legs to sit in a position like that.

Inhaling a calm breath, she exhaled it moments later with a newfound calm from that simple breath she had taken.

Keeping her eyes closed she begins to focus her concentration on nothing but embracing whatever answers to unlocking the mysteries between the insignia and the door that exists.

Her powers begin to tap into the otherworldly, going far beyond anything that anyone has ever done before in their whole life. Going so far as to almost abandon the hold over her body to join with the greater forces of the universe that knows all…, -

…how fortunate then that she only used enough to only have dropped a small pebble into that ocean and not the entire rock.

While searching for the answers she was seeking something otherworldly reached out to her instead of the one that she had originally intended.

Moving through the large like a ghostly mist a hooded figure enveloped in a blue aura and clad in robes with a concealed face behind a hood.

“My my my…what do we have here…!?” a lone voice asked, interrupting the calm and serenity of Luna’s achieved state of mind.

The sound of boots stepping on the ground got louder as a figure seemed to approach her while in the state she was in.

She could not see it, but its presence was all around her..., -

…like it had become the very air her physical body breathed in.

All around she could hear unnatural snarling and growling of dark creatures, voices whispering to her in a dark language that she could not comprehend, -

…but still she could hear the figure approach her by the sound of its boots, and the wind that was blowing through its robes.

Raising her head, she looked up, turning from side to side to track the dark power that she was sensing surrounded her like a storm…and she was at the center of where it would hit hardest.

“W-who’s there?” Luna asked, her concern growing stronger even before she got an answer…if she even got one. “What do you want with me?”

A motion through the air was done, accompanied by a loud whoosh, and while she couldn’t see it she was suddenly overtaken by…a presence that was moving through the vast library of her mind, memories being accessed and other details about her character.

“Ahhh...Yess...! “the voice reacted as it must have found the information that it had sought.

She suddenly gasped as, again, but while she couldn’t use her eyes to directly see what was transpiring in front of her she could see feel that something was pointing in her direction.

“Princess Luna, is it not?” she was asked by the figure that she could not see.

“…Princess Luna…” the disembodied echoed in her head.

Lifting her head to look out in front of her at the creature near her she was slightly taken aback by its confusing question to her.

However, it was difficult for her to tell whether it was an actual question or a statement.

“Y-yes,” she responded, trying to put as much emphasize of remaining calm in the face of such a powerful individual. “…it is I…who or whatever you are.”

“Hmm…good…, -!” the voice in a hoarser voice.

“Good…” the voices echoed in her mind.

“Now…open your eyes…and face!”

Her physical bodies’ eyes shot open, staring out in front of her towards the powerful presence she had sensed only moments ago, surrounding her body in the real world.

However, there was nothing physical to meet her eyes.

Becoming confused she turned her head towards both sides, scanning her surroundings for any sign of that great power.

“W-who are you?” Luna asked blindly, hoping for an answer to be given. “Why can’t it-“

‘’Not see me…, -?” that familiar voice spoke up, though, this time without the other voices accompanying it.

Caught off-guard from being interrupted like that, Luna collapsed to the ground from her sudden jump of fright. Her hooves coming loose from their fixed position, allowing her to stand up on her hooves again.

As she stood up she picked up that it started to speak to her again.

“… It would seem that the answer to that question is not as difficult as you might believe!”

Mounting a strict expression, she looked around her surroundings again, still uncertain of where the voice was speaking from…but any attempt to do so only resulted in failure.

It was like…it was all around her. Even the very ground she trod upon was imbued with the energy.

“Who are you?” she asked in a calm, but suspicious manner.

“At ease, your Highness, -!” the voice suddenly replied, a little more concern in its tone this time than heard previously. “I have no quarrel with a Princess of Equestria!” it explained itself to her.

“… In fact, I would far prefer to instead speak with thee rather than fight!”

Luna raised a brow in a visual response, allowing whatever this voice was to see her reaction.

“Talk to me? Why cannot you just do that now? You seem to have pretty good telepathic abilities,” she asked.

“While right you are, a telepathic converse is not as good as one that can be shared face-to-face with another entity!”

“Hmm…” she grumbled to herself, thinking over the alternatives at her disposal.

She could either turn around and leave this place now, abandoning the possibility of uncovering the truths hidden behind those crimson doors…, -

…or she could gain entrance to a place that had been inaccessible to her despite her magical capabilities, and learn the facts behind its origin, if any could be provided at all.

Turning her head her attention fell upon the dark doors behind the statue. Narrowing her eyes, she looked at the door with a strict intensity.

Unaware to her, something very powerful was awoken deep within her subconscious. Something that would forever dominate her future from this point on…should she want to proceed from here.

Standing back up again she stepped out of the way of the statue, instead having her eyes set on the on the doors with a strict stare.

Thinking that some form of magic was required to open the door she closed her eyes in preparation of using said magic to open the doors.

All around her everything started to vanish into dark, swirling smoke that blotted out the surroundings.

“What am I to do if I want to gain entrance?” she asked the disembodied voice.

If the voices could grin, they would have.

“Only one thing, child; let that which has long been buried return to the surface!” the voice instructed to her.

Her strict attitude of a few seconds ago was quickly transformed into confusion at what she was being told by the voice.

“Do what?”

“Look deep within yourself… Find the desire that you have buried deep within yourself for such long a time…and unleash it!”

She opened her mouth to speak, but it just hung open as she could not muster the words she wanted to utter.

“I-I-…I don’t know what my deepest desire even is,” she winched, struggling to understand the task at hoof.

“Do not quell it…! Let it guide you towards what you want instead of denying it!”

“B-but I don’t know what I want! I’ve never known!” she hung her head, clenching her head with her hooves.

Suddenly, her eyes went wide as something could be felt in her chest.

Bringing a hoof up before her legs gave away, followed thereafter by the rest of her body she clutched at her chest.

The great pain emanating originally from her chest then spread out towards her whole body, forcing her to endure what felt like knifes being forced up along her skin, cutting pieces of her skin, -

…and she was all but completely helpless to make it stop tormenting her.

Out of the swirling smoke a hooded figure stepped forward with its dark robes trailing behind it as it approached her where she lay.

Gently lifting her head as some of the pain seemed to reel back in the presence of this hooded figure she saw it coming to a stop in front of her splayed-out body.

Wide-eyed with a pale stare she looked up at this figure as she shook slightly from the extreme she had been put under for the past five minutes.

Looking down at her the figure was silent behind its hood as nothing of its actual face could be seen from behind that darkened hood.

What Luna could see was that it was an equine with a long-elongated horn, though, from her current angle on the ground she couldn’t tell if this figure was or wasn’t an Alicorn.

“Pathetic…Worthless…Weakling” a voice clearly belonging to a female commented as it made (invisible) eye-contact with her laying body.

Slowly raising her hoof, she extended it out towards the robed figure before her.

“H-help me…”

She begged it, but instead of being meet with a hood in response the dark robes only moved away from her.

“Help…you?” it lightly tilted its head as it responded.

Opening her mouth, she tried to say something…but instead found that she was incapable of speaking.

The mare ignored her all the same.

It looked off to the side, hanging its head low.

“How far you have fallen, - “she said.

Slowly the hood turned back, staring down at the blue Alicorn.

“I shall deliver the fate of weaklings upon you…but I will grant you a warrior’s death.”

Slowly she raised her hoof up, having long sleeves droop down from the hooves as she pointed it directly at Luna.

Before Luna could get another word out excruciating torrents of lightning suddenly shot out from her hoof, ravaging her body with anything far surpassing pain that she had felt before.

It made King Sombra’s Dark Crystal scythe feel like a letter opener compared to the pain exacted upon her by this hooded mare who had the ability to unleash lightning just from her mere hooves.

The longer the lightning continued to ravage her body and bring nothing but unspeakable pain along with it she could not hold it back any longer, -

… She began screaming in agony!

An agony that far surpassed having a knife penetrate one’s own flesh.

“Young fool,” she said, her voice dripping with contempt and a lack of sympathy for the one that she tormented.

Every bolt of lightning that hit Luna’s body continually supplied the dark powers that were hurting her the strength to keep her grounded and enraptured by the pain she was in.

“Controary to popular belief the Princess of the Night is nothing but a weak and frail shell of her former self.”

From behind the hood a sick twisted smile formed.

“If you cannot protect yourself then you are nothing to those you wish to protect, nothing but a tool…of which your sister uses you to great effect in shielding herself…but not her subjects.”

Slowly she shook her head in disappointment.

Managing to guide her eye towards the mare, Luna looked back at her while being intensely tormented. Her attention now gripped by the mare’s words.

“Hmm?” she responded upon noticing Luna’s eyes staring back at her. “Mmm…”

Ceasing her relentless barrage of lightning Luna’s screams came to a stop as her body collapsed to the ground, smoke trailing upwards from her injured form.

“What is this? Bravery?” she responded in shock that was intended to mock.

Slowly raising her head Luna used her hoof to stand herself up in order to support her aching self, staring up towards the hooded face of the one who was tormenting her.

Deep within, her rage had started to bubble, getting warmer as the suffering she had managed to endure for this long did nothing but continually add wood to the fire that was stirring inside of her at this moment. Only getting stronger every passing second.

She gritted her teeth, breathing heavily as her eyes saw the dark hood and robe before her.

“Oh…” the mare responded as her eyes finally started to become visible, -

…revealing that they were shades of fiery red-rimmed yellow that seemed to glow as they looked down at her where she was standing up on her hind legs.

“Understand it, at last, do you?” she asked, only to be meet by Luna’s angry stare. “Poetic.”

Tightening her face a little she now glared back at her with an expression that unleashed nearly all the hatred she felt towards her at this moment being displayed in its full potency.

“Only now, at the end, do you understand,” she said as her hoof was raised back up, pointing it directly point-blank at Luna’s face.

Hanging her head low she looked down at the ground, something wild stirring within her that was no longer seemingly under her control.

… Something within her snapped!

Suddenly, quicker than Luna ever thought that she was capable of moving she swiftly shot her hoof upwards, pointing it towards the mare in front of her!

The mare’s eyes widened as she was suddenly forced back through the air.

She came into contact with the dark swirling smoke, but instead of passing harmlessly through it like she had before it instead subjected her to the full power of the lightning she had forced upon Luna.

Screaming in the same kind of agony the back of her robes was burned away, no longer covering the other half of her body.

In that moment, she collapsed to the ground her body fell to the ground.

Smoke trailing up from the parts of her body that had suffered the burns. Her robe was all but disintegrated by the black smoke, aside from her sleeves and the hood.

Grunting and sputtering from the damage sustained she weakly raised her hooves up to try and use them to crawl along the ground.

… However, she did not get very far as she was meet by a pair of blue hooves that stood in front of her.

Weakly raising her head, she looked up at the figure that was standing in front of her.

Once again, her eyes went wide as she saw that the one to meet her gaze was an angry Luna with a hate-filled glare that was now displaying the very same shades of fiery red-rimmed yellow that she had once possessed.

… Now hers had returned to being purple.

Her jaw started to tremble, trying to conjure up anything she could say…but was failing.

Looking down she could see that Luna’s hooves were randomly generating small surges of lightning. Returning her stare back up she could see Luna’s eyes narrow.

“L-luna, no,” she tried to speak, weakly trying to raise her hoof to shield her white face from the penetrating stare given by her sister. “P-please!”

“You hurt me, insulted me…” Luna spoke with a voice that was both dark but still retained much of herself in it. “You are the one that is pathetic!” she spat with distain most prominently in her tone.

“You don’t deserve to live for what you’ve done to me.”

Behind Luna a strong wind suddenly blew the dark hood off the Alicorn’s face, -

…revealing it to being her own sister; Celestia.

Luna’s golden, fiery eyes widened for a moment upon seeing her sister’s face being the one that had caused her such pain and humiliation.

“Celestia?” she asked confused.

“Yes…I-it’s me, Luna,” Celestia said in the motherly tone she always spoke in.

Luna’s rage subsided slightly, causing the electricity to almost fade.

“H-help me, sister…” She begged as she extended a hoof out towards Luna in a plead for help.

Luna was motionless as she stared down at her sister with jaw hanging agape at the revelation that it was in fact her sister who had done this.

“Please, Luna…h-help me.”

Celestia’s burned lower looked to almost be attached to a molten rock as her organic fur started to solidify, the fire within burning brightly through the solidified stone.

“Help me…please!” she begged one last time to the standing Alicorn in front of her with an outstretched hoof.

Luna’s pupils looked at the solid body of rock that her sister’s lower half had become, -

… Looking back at Celestia directly when she started to scream from the fire of the rock burning her organic body.

For a moment, Luna did not act, only look.

Eventually Luna slowly started to extend her hoof, raising it out towards her helpless sister.

At seeing this Celestia started to manage a weak smile at seeing her sister trying to help her.

Slowly she extended her own hoof up to meet her sister’s, -

…but it was not to be.

Suddenly, Celestia was once grabbed by a powerful telekinetic grasp, and her body was violently lifted off the ground and into the air again!

“L-luna, what are you doing!?” she shouted in panic down to the blue Alicorn in surprised shock, -

…only to be meet by her sister’s blank expression changing returning to being hate filled rage.

“Instead Celestia…” Luna said, her voice returning to sounding the way it had moments ago, …

“…you will die.”

Without hesitation Luna’s pointed hoof suddenly unleashed equally as violent – if not more so – brutal torrents of extreme bolts of lightning from her hoof upon her sister’s body that was suspended in mid-air!

Screaming like she had before Celestia was struck by continuous wave of lightning that reminded her of the swirling dark smoke around them and how it had hurt her as bad as it had. Except this time would end it forever.

Celestia’s body darkened, solidifying as her limbs, face, and mane were all turned to stone that the internal fire started to spread throughout, illuminated through faint cracks in the skin!

When everything was over and Luna ceased the unleashing of her wrath she lowered her hoof back to the ground.

The now un-recognizable rocky formation that was Celestia that hovered in the air fell to the ground with a violent crack, shattering to pieces, and exposing the flame inside it exposed.

… However, the flames only scattered through the air, existing while they could until they faded into nothing.

Standing over what had once been her sister Luna looked down at the pile of broken rocks with nothing but her golden eyes that conveyed the hate she was experiencing at the moment.

Standing behind her, a tall figure wearing black robes and a hood covering its face stepped soundlessly back into the swirling dark smoke, causing it to vanish from sight as Luna’s senses were returning to her.

Luna’s eyes shot open, but unlike the dark smoke that she was expecting to see was just the front entrance to the tower that she was trying to gain admittance.

However, unlike earlier times when she had seen it there was a very noticeable difference, -

… The doors were now open!

No longer locked by the strange forces that she had encountered and engaged conversing with.

With her mouth hanging agape she slowly stepped towards the parted doors, following the steps that lead up to it, -

…and vanishing from sight as her entire body was submerged in darkness!

Outside, the sphere that the statue had been holding this entire time crackled slightly with red flickers of lightning appearing randomly on it.

Author's Note:

Finally...we have returned to continue where the story last left off!

How has your 2017 been so far? Good?

Aside from just this general announcement proclaiming my return to FIMfiction there is not for me personally to say aside from just welcoming all who has enjoyed this story so far and hoping that they enjoy this chapter.

So now...with my resurrection complete, how about we resume we left off?

Link - Star Wars Soundtrack - The Emperors Death - Theme