• Published 29th Jul 2016
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The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 15

Adventures in the Dreamscape Part 6
Battle at Fawful Castle Part 2

*One hour later*

Standing out in front of the door to Bill’s room, the tall, armored creature that had been ordered to guard Bill Cipher’s room was addressing several bipedal figures clad in armor (Their heads and hands)

“…and since no one has seen Mack since that great explosion in the Eastern corridor I am deploying you two to fight whoever is responsible”

“Mwee hee hee!” One of the figures that was being instructed to by the Commander laughed.

“Fear not, Commander Boomer, those puny insects were dealing with Mack, who, as we all know,” he gestured with his hand.

He pulled up his hand in front of his mouth, leaning slightly in to the left, towards the figure beside him.

“Is not the greatest warrior.”

He whispered.

“Hee hee hee!” The other figure laughed, its eyes displaying the devious joy in talking about one of their master’s weaker minions in such a way.

“He probably didn’t last more than five minutes against them.”

“I know, right?”


“Eh hem.”

The two of them had their attention drawn away from the fun they were having in making fun one lower than them, and instead looked back up at the tall, armored figure in front them.

Crossing her arms in frustration with their idiocy, she shot the two of them an angry glare.

Immediately, the message that she was trying to get across started to sink in, and the two of them resumed their original stance. Looking back up again with obedience in their eyes at the figure before them.

“That’s better…” She said in a much lighter, calm tone of voice.

Gently, but then getting louder and louder, she begins tapping her armored finger against her arm, -

But neither of them gets the hint that she is so obviously sending them.


“Well…what, Commander Boomer?”

Closing her eyes, she inhaled a soft sigh.

“Go and find the intruders!”

She suddenly shouted in an infuriated rage at the two of them.



Both exclaimed in startled fright as her loud voice caught them unaware.

“Y-yes, mam, Commander Boomer!” Both suddenly shouted out, saluting her off, before they both turned tails and quickly hurried down the hallway to get away from their frightening superior.

After watching the two of them rounded the corner, she shakes her head with an unimpressed frown on her face, and crossing her arms, once again.

“It takes an idiot to know an idiot.”

Still shaking her head, she turns and walks back away towards the two giant doors leading to Bill’s room.

Turning the knob, she opens the door and proceeds inside.

Closing the door behind her.

Bah, I couldn’t agree more. Not even I would have such idiots in my service.

A pair of floating purple eyes opened in mid-air.

Crossing themselves, the eyes looked out at the dark-purple hallway in front of it.


The eyes chuckled to itself.

With a shift, performed by its unseen body, the pair of eyes started to move towards the wall, vanishing out through them, as it started heading off to other parts of the castle.


Back inside the room of Bill Cipher, the door creaked open, -

Standing by the open balcony, Bill suddenly turned around on the spot.

Turning around to face the tall, heavily armored, imposing form of Boomer as she entered into his room.

As her eyes fell upon the anthromorphized triangle she watched his eye become angry, his arms touching against the side of the lower part of his triangular form as he glared angrily back towards her.

“Doesn’t anyone ever knock around here?” Bill asked in angered frustration at her sudden, unannounced, entry into his room.

After closing the door behind her, she stood at his attention, bowing her head down in respect while bringing an arm up to her chest.

“My apologizes, Lord Cipher, “she apologized to him. “But a situation has arisen.”

The apparent reason for interrupting him like this caused him to extend his arms out beside him, and his eye to became relaxed, downright surprised at the news that he had just been given.

“Situation?” He floated up into the air, shooting her a suspicious look. “What situation?”

“Nothing that you needn’t worry with, Lord Cipher, my men have got it all under control.”

But what she said only made Bill raise an unimpressed brow at her.

“Uh huh…’’Your men’’,” he said while making bunny ears with his fingers.

“And by ‘’your men’’ I assume you mean the two incompetent morons I heard you talking to just outside my room?”

Crossing his arms, his stare did not waver as he kept it affixed on her.

“Uh…I…H-how did you- “

“I heard everything that you said,” he said, interrupting her small moment of confused shock. “You really should work on developing a much calmer voice.”

Nervously, she bowed her head again, trying to be respectful towards him.

“Y-yes, my Lord, I’ll- “

“I mean, seriously, what if Fawful is meeting with an important dignitary, and a situation develops, and if they still would want to continue discussions with each other it would be really inconvenient if suddenly they hear a loud, angry voice coming through the walls.”

She raised her head, staring back down at him.

“But, my Lord, I couldn’t lower the temperament of my voice,” she responded back with a light hint of feeling nervous. “My troops would not be able to take me seriously if I do not keep the demanding voice of a Commander.”

He rolled his eye at her returned response.

“I am not telling you to change your tone entirely, but just keep it at a much lower tone so that Fawful’s guests won’t have to be worried about hearing you barking orders through the walls.”

“Seriously, you’re so loud that you can shatter dimensional glass.”

With a sad expression mounting on her face after being told such…well, surprisingly helpful, yet devastating news, she lowered her head, hanging it low as a sadness came over her.

“It’s that loud, huh?”

With a closed eye, Cipher’s eye nodded back to her.

With a sudden, tensing face, she was immediately freaked out by it, but not to the point where it distracted her too much.

A gentle shaking of her head was enough to clear her mind of how weird that had looked.

“Aaaanyway, - “she hesitated slightly, holding on that note, before she continued.

“Oh! – Are you saying that you would like me to help you master your inside-voice?” He suddenly spoke up, his eye shooting open with newfound energy as he looked back up at her.

Her eyes flinched, shooting wide open, as she made certain that she understood what had just been said to her…

She had.

“Um, no thanks, L-lord Cipher…” She nervously replied back with a small hinge of undetermined certainty in her voice. “I’m fine.”

Lowering her head, she averted her gaze from him, bringing a hand up and holding her shoulder.

Raising a suspicious brow, Bill looked back at her with refusal to believe that her behavior was any indicator that she was ‘’fine’’ with the situation, but despite his chaotic nature there were limits to how insane even he would act with someone else, especially a complete stranger.

“Very well then, then would you please leave me?” He asked as he tried shooing her away. Having her attention return to him, she guided her eyes back to looking at him once more.

“I’ve got some band practice to get to if you wouldn’t mind.” He said whilst turning away from her, putting his hands behind his back as he floated off to his left side.

“Band practice?” She asked befuddled.

“But there isn’t any band performing here…Or anywhere for that matter.”

This caused him to suddenly turn around, staring back with an angry eye at her.

“Oh yeah?” he replied bitterly, silently raising a hand up. “Then what do you call…That?” He asked as he pointed towards the left.

Her head turned, looking off to where he was pointing.

With sudden widening eyes her face took on a surprised look when she saw that standing by the wall, upon which stood several other identical duplicates of Bill Cipher. Some of them having hair and some wearing clothing.

“Hey, come on! We’re practicing over here.” The guitarist said shaking a fist at her as he floated above the stage. His guitar being suspended in mid-air next to him.

“Yeah! We’ve got a gig that we need to be ready for in a… “ he raised his arm up, looking down at his arm while a giant clock appeared out of nowhere behind him. “A couple minutes.” He said as his eye looked back up at her causing the giant clock to disappear out of existence.

She turned back to Bill, giving him a confused look on her face that not visible due to being hidden behind the face-mask she was wearing that was part of her helmet.

He raised a finger, holding it up in front of his eye, -

But she must be seeing things because she could almost swear that his eye actually seemed to resemble a mouth going Sshhh to her.

Putting his hands behind his back his eye shifted its attention back towards the stage, which, shortly after she did too, directing her attention back up to the three figures suspended in mid-air on the stage.

The guitar floated on over to one of the Bill duplicates, allowing him to grab it before turning back towards those behind him.

“Ready, guys?” He asked the other Bills behind him.

“Ready!” The other bandmembers said in unison.

The Guitarist-Bill raised his hand up, ready to begin the first note of whatever they were trying to be practicing for, -

When suddenly the Bill that was hovering beside her snapped his fingers, out of nowhere summoning two large black boxes beside the Bills.

Their sudden appearance caused her to suddenly turn her attention back to the Bill hovering beside her, -

“Oh! I almost forgot the most important thing…The sound!” he swiftly raised his hand up, holding it up for her to see, her eyes looking down at it in shock.

“Wait!” She called out…


Uh oh!

*Meanwhile, in another part of the castle*

(Listen to this track until the next music track)

Suddenly the entire castle hallways shook violently, shaking like a terrible earthquake was hitting it…

But not only was that an impossibility, but the guards stationed outside on the walls had all their attention directed up towards the central tower where it was that their master’s groom was residing, as it, despite their best attempts to, could not deny that what they saw was…stranger than what they usually saw.

The entire tower was bouncing up and down in place, sending violent tremors through the entire castle as every time it landed down on the stone surface the entire castle experienced a wild shaking that caused the airborne castle to almost begin tilting downwards but not entirely.

Through the stone bricks flashing rainbow lights were accompanied by loud but muffled music.


Out on the deck of an Airships, several of the crewmember’s attention was now directing itself up towards the airborne castle. Great surprise and awe taking over them at what they were seeing.

“Uh, Captain?” A crewman on the deck of one of the Airships asked out to its superior despite not being able to rip its eyes away from the sight of the strangely-behaving airborne castle.


The Captain of the ship responded as he approached thee crewman, his at-first expression of annoyance from being summoned by a simpleton, but as he approached the crewman his pace slowed, eyes going wide from being just as shocked as the crewman was at seeing the castle the way it was, stopping in place beside him and staring back towards the wild castle as it was acting as if, -


“Uh, do you think that is a signal for us to do something?” He asked pointing his stubby arm back up towards the castle that was behind them.

They both turned their heads, looking back at each other with blank, deadpanned expressions on both their faces.

“I think it does.” The Captain said before turning himself around and facing in a different direction, and heading for several stairs leading up to where he might better oversee things.

He shoots the individual standing by the large wheel that controlled the Airship a stern glare.

“Bring us around and take us back to the castle…I don’t like what is going on over there.”

It barked the orders to the helmsman, pointing its angry but still stubby arm towards it to make the order understandably more important.

“Yes sir.” The helmsman responded back with a salutation of its own stubby arm, before it quickly turned the wheel, spinning it around quite fast.

The ship creaked as it started turning the front tip of the ship back in direction of the floating castle behind it.

“Hey, that is turning back towards the castle!” The crewmember on one of the other ships called out, using its (stubby) arm to point to what he was referring to.

“What!?” The Captain of the ship shouted from the upper deck.

The crewman turned its head, looking back up at its confused superior on the upper deck.

“Yeah, he’s heading back to the castle!” It shouted up.

Rushing over the second deck’s safeguard rail, it held the sides as it observed that the other ship was indeed altering its course.

With incredible speed, it pointed its right arm back towards the helmsman on their ship, shouting “Turn us around, and take us back to the castle at once!” as it ordered the ship to change course, immediately!

‘’Yes sir.’’

The helmsman responded back with a salute, before quickly spinning the wheel fast around.

With slow movement, the ship started to turn, following the same course as the other ship was as it headed back towards the castle.

Soon following this other ships started doing the same, and before too long, the Airships all had their course set up on moving back towards the castle in the center of their great Airship armada.

However, a giant, swirling form of greens, reds, and blues all suddenly started to penetrate through the clouds high above the castle, speeding down towards the castle.

Starting to separate, the singular masses started separating into four, as each of those four went for an individual Airship.

The unsuspecting crews of the armada were completely caught off-guard by the sudden appearance of the swirling mass as its existence finally became known to them, -

Especially after the thousands of shells that composed it pierced the wooden ships like nothing, cutting them in half to the point of extremely crippling the ships to the point where it slowly started to fall out of the sky, its nose pointing down as black smoke started coming out of the two halves while the ship gradually lost orbit in the sky, plummeting down towards the ground.

As the mass of thousands of Koopa shells with wings turned around it started coming back up, ramming right into another of the Airships in the process, repeating the same that they had done.

However, unlike the first time, their speed was greater and when coming up through the deck it caused an explosion to accompany it, ignited by the gunpowder in the levels beneath deck for the cannons stationed at the ready there.

Devastated, the armada tried in vain to alter their course to fly away from the castle that was now being swarmed by hundreds upon thousands of Koopa shells.

Up in the air above the castle, Koopa with glasses and that rode clouds with faces were dropping small spiked balls down upon the castle.

After landing on the castle floors, the balls started to twitch, beginning to move.

Eventually, they all started to crawl on the floor, moving inside the castle, albeit at a far slower pace than the bipedal Koopas who used two legs they were forced to crawl on the floor. This would make their siege on the castle much slower than if the Koopas would have accompanied them.

Unlike the first attack, the stragglers were boarded by the shells, which when touching down against the wooden floors had the occupants of the shells popping out, standing up on their feet.

After a substantial number of them had gathered on the deck of the ship, their attention suddenly fell upon the short, masked figures in robes who were staring back at them.

Then, after a single moment of silence, a loud uproar of battle chants from both sides erupted as both Koopas and Shy Guys charged at each other.

However, as the two factions reached eachother true battle erupted from the center of the Airship’s deck as both sides went at it.

The Koopas used each other as footballs there were to be kicked across the deck, knocking the Shy Guys over with a single swoop…

To counter this the Shy Guys used Shy Guys with propellers attached at the top of their heads to be suspended above in the air. While in mid-air they used slingshots to take out the Koopas that were getting to be deployed against the Shy Guys on deck.

Some Shy Guys stood themselves up on poles and tried to use the feet of their poles to stomp the Koopas… However, the Koopas would fight back by using the same tactic to render their legs useless.

Continuously the Shy Guys would keep bringing forth newer and other variations of the Shy Guys to try and contend with the Koopas surprisingly overwhelming superiority despite being only turtles: Some of which included the fire Shy Guys who could launch fireballs at the Koopas. Now that did some damage to their push, for a while, but the Koopas’s response to that was to call in the Lakitu to come in and drop the Spinys on the Fire Shy Guys, knocking them out. The same went for Ice Shy Guys who were only slightly stronger.

Once cleared completely of crew the Koopas assumed control of the Airships and immediately got it ready to fire the on-board cannons against the Airships that posed a more substantial threat to the mass of airborne Koopas with their cannons form a safe enough distance.

With the Airship’s cannons, they wiped out the majority of the armada in a short period of time.

After moving on to the next Airship after the other they greatly weakened the Shy Guys abilities to combat them, and soon most of them resulted to changing into Shy Guys with propellers at the top of their heads, using the new airborne abilities to flee from the doomed ships, hoping to land on another and aid in the defense of that one, hopefully taking the Koopas by surprise.


Back at the castle, Luna was running through the castle with all speed, and haste since she still did not know for how much longer the Koopas could hold Fawful’s defenses at bay. They had said that they had braved Fawful’s armies before with ease, but it was Fawful, herself, that was real challenge that had always stopped from fully retaking the castle.

Every time her hooves made contact with the floor the clopping of her hooves echoed all around her on the hallway walls as she passed by countless windows, torches, tapestries and horrific paintings that depicted nothing other than Fawful’s terrible visage in all manners of various victorious poses. Some that were even quite horrific, straight out of a nightmare.

After quite a long while of following these dark and dreadful hallways she rounded a corner, finally stumbling upon something new that she could understand…Sort of.

In the center of the room or rather suspended in the air above it, there floated a small constantly re-arranging glowing blue cube shape. The closest thing she could compare to it was ghostly emotions as smoke seemed to emanating off the bottom of the cube.

“What are y-?”

However, before an answer of any sorts could be provided, as she extended a hoof out to touch it the glowing square suddenly started to move forward, its current direction leading away from her as it zoomed down the hallway.

“What?” was her reaction as her wide eyes watched the cube moving on its own.

This sudden action startled her, causing her to flinch from its sudden movement-…Watching with shocked eyes as the cube speed down the hall away from her. Some of its ghostly mist trailing behind it as it shot through down through the air.

“Wait, hold up!” She called out with a raised hoof after it, only to observe that it was flying away from her.

Instead of doing positively nothing but stand still she immediately flared her wings out beside her, holding them out beside her body, and with a quick beat of them leaped up off the floor, delivering powerful beads in mid-air as she flew after the ghostly cube.

However, she was focused on following the cube that she failed to notice that a square shape emerged from a pulled-for tapestry, silently hovering in the air as it followed after her.


Down the other hallway two figures were left in a confused state as they silently exchanged continuous confused looks between each other.


One of them asked, having the other one beside him, causing him to turn his head, giving him a blank stare.

“Yeah, Cloaker?” Domino said, turning to face the…whatever Cloaker was.

“Where is the intruder? I thought she was supposed to be here by now.”

“Yeah…But she isn’t here.”

Cloaker turned back in front of him, staring back down the hallway. Domino looked too, staring in awkward silence as nothing seemed to happen despite his wishes that something would happen.

The duo turned back to face each other, staring back at each other.

“She still isn’t coming, Domino.” Cloaker said.

“I know.”


Both ‘’said’’ after another minute of nothing happening.


*Meanwhile, in another part of the caste*

Flying after the cube like there was an obsession about it that she couldn’t shake, she followed it all around the castle, passing by corridors, entrances to the outside battlements, even the routes that lead down to the dungeons. She pretty much went wherever it did, if not just because her curiosity was unable to turn to other things until she had learned what was going on with this strange cube and why it had revealed itself to her or its reasons for acting the way it was.

After watching the cube rounding a corner she followed it, putting more strength in her wings flap to catch up to it again since it had been getting a little too ahead of her, and she really needed to find it since she did not know where she or even where she was going now.

But upon rounding the corner she was instantly meet with a sight that caused her to stop in mid-air, hovering above the floor.

Across a long hallway, at the other end of said-hallway there stood a tall, armored, Humanoid figure, with a sword in its scabbard.

The armor style was familiar to her, but she couldn’t remember quite where she had seen it from.

Raising its head look back down the hall at its sudden new arrival, the figure narrowed its crossed angry blue eyes at Luna.

Bringing a hand down to the handle of the sword in its scabbard it stood ready to pull it out at any sign of provocation from the strange horse creature that had somehow stumbled upon the place that it had been tasked with guarding.

Standing just as still, Luna’s eyes crossed as she narrowed them back towards this strange form.

There was a small moment of silent intensity between the two enemies as their long stare did not break.

“I take it you are the one that I was with protecting Lord Bill Cipher from?” It asked her.

Gently, Luna nodded back to it with a stern expression on her face.

“Indeed I am…” Luna returned.

Raising one of her brows she returned this creature’s stern glare.

“And I am to take it that behind those doors are Bill Cipher?”” Luna asked.

With a gentle nod of its head, its eyes narrowed.

“He is.” It said.

“Then I am to assume that you are the last guardian that stands in my way of reaching him?”

Instead of saying anything it just gave a gentle nod of its head.

Inhaling a deep breath, she exhaled it heavily as her face took on an annoyed look.

“Well, I had hoped that I would have that one day where I didn’t have to kick any evil-doer’s butts, - “

Her horn started to glow, storing up magic for a magic spell that she would have to use.

“...but I guess we can’t all have it our way…You least of all.”

Once more, an uneasy silence fell over the long hallway in-between them.

(Listen to this until told otherwise. Might have to replay it a couple times)

Boomer tightened her grasp on her sword, narrowing her eyes while Luna’s continued putting out more magic that she was storing for any signs of a confrontation, which all the evidence was pointing to was the case.

Both just stood silent, slowly watching the other for any signs of movement that suggest provocation, -

…and then, both started running towards each other.

Boomer drawing her sword from her scabbard and holding it down behind her as she ran, -

…While Luna’s horn started visibly glowing with a magical aura that Boomer could see through the eyeholes on her helmet.

As she was running as fast as she was Luna almost stopped in place for a single second before gaining enough strength to make her big leap off the ground and into the air.

While in mid-air she only flares her wings out beside her for a momentary boost as she only flapped them once, giving her a substantial speed-boost, propelling her body forward at an intense speed with her horn affixed so it was pointing straight ahead of her.

Boomer’s eyes grew wide with shock as she saw this, but still kept her speed building, even as she was essentially running towards her enemy who was attempting a quite bold move.

As she ran down her end of the hallway she raised her right arm up, holding it like she was expecting to be using it shortly.

As she speeds down the hall she lightly looked back up, taking notice of how far away from the very tall humanoid figure was in relation to her as she continually shot down the hall like a bullet… Her already activated horn glowed a little bit brighter.

Followed by an aura that seemed to envelop Luna completely, -

…while at the tip of her horn a small (but growing) ball of glowing energy started forming. Its intensity growing stronger getting stronger and more violent for each second that passed.

Around the ball electricity started crackling, having more and more frequent rapidly discharging energy.

While getting closer, Boomer could finally take enough of a notice of something about her opponent that she had not been able to see before, a quite big something too… She was not only growing her stored magic’s intensity stronger, but she had also enveloped her entire body in a magical barrier, a barrier that was already strong enough to render her blade as threatening as a straw of grass, which could only mean one thing: She was preparing for something big…very big!

Boomer’s mind immediately started to think over-time, trying to come up with anything that could be a (relatively) close answer as to what this blue horse was trying to pull off.

Then, like a shock, it hit her, -!

… And it was far from the most pleasing thing she could have thought of at this moment.

Oh no!

She immediately thought as she realized way too late what she had just walked into…Or rather run into.

Luna formed the biggest smirk on her face that she could conjure at this point. Pointing her horn straight out in front of her, she aimed it directly at her opponent’s chest and just sat back for the rest of the ride. Something told her that it was soon going to be over.

Suddenly pressing her boots down into the floor, Boomer could only watch with wide eyes as Luna only got closer and closer, her fears that the inevitable was coming filling her with more dread than anything else about this whole attack on her master’s castle.

In the final moment before Luna and Boomer physically made contact with each other, Boomer, all of a sudden did the last thing that was expected she’d do… She ducked down!

This unforeseen action caused Luna to actually give off a worried look – for a second – as she thought that this might have been a mistake. Especially while she passed over the tall figure, time slowing down as she watched her opponent outsmarting her, watching it as it was crouched down on the floor. Patiently waiting for her to pass by before returning to standing up again.

But then, while passing over, and watching her opponent be crouched down like that a radical idea entered her head.

Maybe she wouldn’t have to worry about catching her unawares with this great opportunity at her hooves.

Closing her eyes, she pulled all her attention away from trying to keep the ball of energy under control... and instead just letting it all be unleashed in that one final blast.

However, instead of just exploding right there and then, the ball of rapidly-becoming-unstable-energy detached from her horn, being left behind her, above the crouched figure…while she continued to speed forward. Her horn still being connected to the intensifying ball of energy by electricity that was coming from her horn’s tip, -

…when they were disconnected there was nothing to keep the ball of energy back from finally releasing all its restrained power.

Having picked up so much speed on her trip across the hallway, she crashed right through the door to the room that Boomer had been guarding.

She shattered right through the steel door, startling the figure that was on the other side behind I, causing it to flinch in response to her abrupt entrance, though, it recognized her immediately by the color of her fur.

“Luna!” He immediately called out after recognizing her.

Her body crashed down into the floors, leaving behind a rather long trail of torn up floor stone bricks.

Back with Boomer, she could finally feel the energy of the ball left behind by Luna above her or rather she could feel…something.

She moved out of the way, standing back up, only to be faced with a large, very violently dispelling electrical surging ball of raw destructive power.

Facing the opposite direction, she began running in the other direction away from the spherical form of energy, that by the looks of things had finally reached the end of trying to contain this violent eruption within it anymore.

Shaking in its place, the floor underneath it started to crack open, the loosened stone bricks losing their stability, and falling down to the rooftops and other sections of the castle that was underneath it. The whole hallway was ravaged by terrible tremors as well as being accompanied by the powerful electrical surges moving across its ceiling, walls, and floors, destabilizing every bit of the foundation’s once strong grasp on every stone. Bricks fell out of the sky, ensuring the castle’s inevitable destruction was just a few moments away from coming to fruition.

Spreading across every stone brick in the castle like a disease it almost activated something of a self-destruct that was telling the castle structure to just…come apart, leave nothing behind.

Even the main tower that Bill had been kept in was starting to show this as parts of the ceiling fell onto the floor, walls shaking with such force that they were completely ripped to shreds, wide-open cracks forming. Not much of the castle would be standing for long now.

Noticing that everything was going to hell, Bill gestured towards Luna with his hands, lifting her up off the ground, and suspending her now motionless body in the air beside him.

All around them stone and wood was falling and shattering on the floor around them.

“We’ve got to get out of here, and fast!”

With a snap of his fingers a large object suddenly poofed into existence outside the tower’s balcony.

Quickly grabbing Luna, he hovered out onto the tower’s balcony, smiling in relief as he spotted the large and around shape of a familiar sight.

Without wasting any more time he teleported both himself and Luna onto the ship, appearing in a large chamber where the self-sustaining ship already a course laid in: Anywhere but here!

Sitting down in two chairs and strapping themselves in with their seatbelts in front of a giant monitor. Holding Luna close to him he shut out everything else that was taking place beyond the Dalekanium walls of the ship.

From within the crumbled hallway, the ball of energy exploded into a large spherical shape of bright, blue energy that almost seemed to eat away at the stone bricks as it came into contact with it.

A violent shockwave shot out from the giant sphere of destruction, that only grew bigger, swallowing up more and more of the already decaying castle.

When the sphere of flame dissipated its earlier stages of pre-detonation had already done sufficient damage, but now with the additional damage from the explosion and the shockwave, that had virtually crippled the foundation utterly, every stone brick started coming loose, plummeting towards the ground underneath.

A good distance away from the castle, the crews aboard the Airships had stopped their fighting when they had seen the castle have a giant energy sphere just…come out of nowhere from inside the castle, itself.

While the shockwave and blast had settled the castle’s, magic had already been severely broken, leaving just a small sliver of hope that the magic originally holding it all together could reconnect to try and save the rapidly-declining state of the doomed castle, -

...but unfortunately it couldn’t.


Meanwhile, in another corner of the rapidly decaying castle, in a darkened room, stones were plummeting from the ceiling down onto the floor, shattering upon impact, as the room shook with violent force.

“W-what is happening!?”

The voice of a pair of glowing eyes and a raised, worried hand watched everything beginning to collapse around it inside its chamber.

Dust fell from cracks in the ceiling and walls, and paintings and torches were shaken loose from their holdings on the walls, falling to the floor.

The two doors fell forward, crashing onto the floor, presenting the enshrouded figure with an open corridor.

Being quick on its feet it began running out of its chamber.

Once it was out of collapsed behind it into a giant flaming abyss.

Wasting no time, it began running down the corridor as more and more of the corridor that passed it by while it was running started to crumble away into nothing, fire rising through the violently shaking floor that had now been ripped into open gateways for the destructive flames to reach.

She was eventually lead outside to the castle’s battlements. Standing there, she watched as everything was collapsing down into itself, only to have fire erupt from within, shooting up into the sky.

With a look of pure shock, she could not avoid from looking out in amazement as everything…the very thought that she had once been invincible was seemingly falling into ruin all around her. This castle was meant to be a symbol of strength…but what would one see now as it was being reduced to nothing but fire and ash.

Hearing something from above that was not an explosion, and having a bright light fall on her, she turned around, looking up above her, a hand needing to be held up as the light was quite bright for her to see.

But shortly the light activated some sort of boost, as a loud humming noise followed by rapid movement as the light seeming to move away from her, heading up into the sky.

As the lights got calmer and calmer the further distance was put between it and the castle there was finally no longer a need to hold her claw up so to protect her eyes from its brightness.

More and more details of the light’s true form became clearer as she saw what little she could of its ever-distancing shape. But from what she could make out the shape had stood out the most to her: a round circle.


Back onboard the saucer, once they were far enough into the upper atmosphere, Bill undid both his and Luna’s seatbelts.

With a snap of his finger, both disappeared, teleporting off.

They re-appeared shortly after in another room where there stood a large tank filled with some sort of fluid. Around the room duplicates of Bill were moving back and forth, all of them wearing lab coats and some were holding the equivalent of an iPad mini, looking into things on it.

Holding her in his arms Bill approached one of the closest Bills, who upon seeing them approach looked towards him.

Worry evident on his face (eye).

“Is everything ready as I instructed?”

The other Bill nodded, and gestured his hand towards the tank behind him.

“Just put her in and we’ll get on with it.”

Bill nodded before turning to face the healing pod, holding his gaze on it for a few seconds, before giving Luna a momentary stare of sympathy.

He looked back up towards the healing pod, and then hovered towards it…


Outside the ship’s iron walls, it had seen the last of the planet, as it had put quite a lot of distance between itself and the planet.

Back on the surface of the planet, she watched form the battlements as the ship speed away, igniting its boosters, causing it to fly into the air at an enhanced speed.

Suddenly, something is shot from the saucer, which upon entering the atmosphere is sent hurtling down towards the surface.

Impacting the surface violently it starts digging down further through the earth until it reaches the core of the planet.

Once at the core smoke starts rising through the air of the hole that it had made, -

…followed shortly by a rapidly growing light.

Bright red light begins to shot out through forced cracks in the planet’s surface, wild tremors ravage its plains and fields, shaking mountains until they crumble, and having oceans rage till they bubble and boil, -

…and then it all stops.

Everything becomes silent, even the intense shaking ended, -

…but then it happens.


Returning to present time, the ship resumes its flight away from the planet, its engines humming as it speeds away. Leaving behind a dreadful sight.

The planet begins to disintegrate, falling to pieces as central point at the heart of the planets begins devouring everything, every particle, every speck of dust, every living creature that once existed there…all of it disappears into a swirling blackness that swallows up everything, destroying it all by disengaging it until there is nothing left but dust and ash… But in the end not even that remains.

Back onboard the saucer, Bill is hovering in front of a giant rectangular glass casing, silently observing, with his hands behind his back, as the blue figure inside is floating amongst all that fluid. A breathing apparatus connected to her mussel as bubbles occasionally emerge from it, drifting upwards through the fluid within the glass tank.

It was slow, but gradual progress could be seen to slowly restore her back to the way she was.

Outside the tank, Bill just continued watching her, silently blinking his eye from time to time as he just hovered there.

Outside in space the ship’s top compartment continued to spin around as it moved through the blackness of space, uttering no order sounds than the gentle vibrations of the engines steady hum.


Later, Luna gently stirred awake from her extended sleep.

Moving around, as her motor functions were being restored and her senses starting back up, she could feel her fur brushing against the soft fabric of a bed mattress.

“Mhm? What?” She inquired as she gently opened her eyes to look out in front of her…What she was a darkness that surrounded her on all sides. Surrounding the bed was an illuminating circle of light being projected from somewhere above the bed. But when she looked up she could only see a blinding white light, forcing her to squint her eyes to ensure that the light did not overwhelm them.

“Luna?” An echoing voice that was quite familiar, and most welcome sounded from the front of the bed. Lowering her head, she looked out towards the bed’s other end.

... Hovering in the air in front of the bed was the triangular form of Bill Cipher. Someone that she had not seen for quite some time now.

Her mouth dropped, hanging slightly open as she stared back in silence at him.

After some time of watching her stare at him, Bill raised a brow at her from the confusion that was generated from seeing her strange reaction to seeing him again.

“Uh, Luna?” He gently asked.

It seemed to snap her out of whatever she was under, and she lightly shook her head.

She blinked her eyes as she looked back at him, a smile starting to settle in, though, somewhat repressed at first.

His eye’s changed its expression after that, seemingly indicating that his worry had vanished after the adjustment of her expression.

He silently hovered over to her right side on the bed, raising his hand and touching it to her hoof which lay down on the mattress.

“How are you holding up? Are you feeling alright?” He questioned her with a look of concern, to which her smile only grew, and she let out a gentle chuckle.

“It would take more than that to stay me.”

Her reply seemed to confuse him, almost as if to indicate that she had swore in front of him in a most inappropriate manner.

“What?” She asked when she saw his reaction. ‘’Did I say something?” but there was no response from him…yet, he just stared in silence.

“Wait, you don’t…remember?” He asked her.

Now it was her turn to give him a puzzled him as she had no idea what he was talking about.

“No…What? What is the big deal?”

Bill suddenly raised a finger to underneath his eye, giving off a thoughtful stare out to the side.

He then turned back, staring back with a raised brow, watching her deadpanned expression staring back at him, while occasionally blinking her eyes.

“Okay…” he exhaled with a soft breath.

“You destroyed the castle.”

Her eyes widened from shock.

“W-what?” She asked with a tone that was very obviously confused, but also amazed at the same time.

His eye closed, nodding back at her.

Opening again, it looked back into her face.

“Yes, whatever it was that you were attempting, it destroyed the whole castle, piercing the magic holding it together and becoming too much of a stain…eventually leading to its destruction.”

“B-but I wasn’t even putting all that much-concentrated energy into that blast. How did I, - “

Before she could finish she was interrupted by Bill, who had raised a finger to indicate silence.

“I don’t want you to overthink any of what we went through, -” he hovered closer, moving his hand up to her shoulder.

“...I just wanted to make sure that you were alright. I couldn’t stand the thought if you had died there.”

Luna’s blank expression immediately changed into a smirk.

‘’Didn’t I already tell you, Bill…” she giggled back. “I don’t go down that easy.”

His eye showed enjoyment, and a soft chuckle seemed to escape his non-existent mouth.

“I know, but even the greatest warrior needs a break…once in a while.”

His hand was slowly retracted from her shoulder as he started to drift back away from her, both still smiling at each other as their eye contact could not be broken.

“See ya as soon as you’ve made a full recovery, Lulu.”

She scoffed, chuckling slightly at the nickname given to him.



She blushed as she smiled back at him from her rather embarrassing attempt at giving him a nickname like he had for her.

“Heh, it’s okay.” He gestured with a raised hand.

“Till our next meeting.” He lightly tipped his top hat to her. She had a good chuckle at that.

“Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!”

He said before vanishing into a flash of light that almost seemed to warp reality around him.


Scoffing once he was gone she shook her head while wearing a humored smile upon her face.

“What a…Dream Demon.” She said to herself before she lay her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes, silently and without concern drifted into a nice sleep.

Meanwhile, the blackness surrounding the circle of light dissipated, fading away to reveal her normal room.

… However, when the darkness was all gone, the grey filter that seemed to have been put over the background of her room returned to being normal colors again.

Outside her bedroom window, the moon shone just as brightly as it always had with tiny stars joining in and lighting up the night even more.

… However, outside the window several eyes started folding back into itself, forming a solid colorful cube that as soon as it was completed flew away from the castle.

Once far away the cube was consumed by a bright light, and disappeared.

Shining in through the crack of Luna's opened drawer there stood a small box that was just barely visible as a crack of light shone in through the open door.

Author's Note:

Yeahhh...Looking forward to hearing what you think of this one.

Hope it isn't too much of a letdown, since i...you know, didn't have a big final battle with the main villain in this one. I hope the castle's destruction made up for it.

Link1 - Gravity Falls Theme Song 【EXTENDED Rock Version】Song by NateWantstoBattle
Link2 - Lord Of The Rings Soundtrack-The End Of All Things-Full Version.avi
Link3 - Gravity Falls│Weirdmageddon Part 3 Soundtrack│Stanley Forgets
Link4 - Gravity Falls / Feels│Weirdmageddon Part 3 Soundtrack│The End