• Published 29th Jul 2016
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The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

  • ...

Chapter 13 (Edited)

Adventures in the Dreamscape Part 3

Meanwhile, back on a planet far away, a dark castle stood motionless in the clouds overlooking an entire world. Everything that was the castle, its hue being the same as fire cracking through rock. The tops of the castle being replaced by sharp curving spires, hovering in the air above the center, with the sharp shapes pointing at it were blue flames. The central gate having a giant circular symbol on the front of a madly grinning, spiral-eyes/glasses. Flying down through the air

Atop the castle tallest tower in the center of the whole fortress, in the center of the room, stood a frozen block, a motionless familiar triangle being contained inside it. The ‘’light’’ of the Dark Sun shining in through the caste balcony, falling upon Bill frozen state.

The doors to the room suddenly opened, and in walked the familiar form of Fawful, the outfit being a whole lot more different than last time he had seen that dwarf of a devil. The coat this time being more refined, more regal, being all dark-blue with red edges, the top having a flap that hung down around him, with a little of the dark-blue, but mostly consisting of grey. He still wore those spiraling glasses, and wore that still creepy grin that drive anyone to jump out the nearest window.

Standing in front of the frozen cube in front of him, Fawful laughed in his usual childish laughter as he stared at it.

‘’I have chortles, but Fawful has reached the end of his patience.’’ He said, as he reaching back inside his robe, pulling his arm back out, now holding a ray gun in his grasp. ‘’Now is the moment in which I will finally feast my eyes upon my greatest prize.


A red beam shot from the tip of Fawful’s ray gun, enveloping the entire cube of ice upon making impact. Outside the window, Fawful watched with silent glee as the bright light grew brighter at first…Dimning only as the ice started to melt, creating a small puddle on the floor, but he did not care about that, he had what he wanted and that was all that mattered at this moment.

Though, some of the pieces did not melt immediately, instead sticking Bill Cipher’s still-frozen body. However, since most of him was already freed, it would not be too easy to break himself out of these last clumps stuck to him.

With powerful force, Bill shattered through the last of the ice, shattering the pieces and sending them flying throughout the room, as a bright glow erupted from him. Fawful having to raise his hand in order to shield himself from the terrible shards and fragments.

Holding his arms out, Bill finally seemed to calm himself down once the light dissipated into the aura surrounding his triangle form.

Stretching his arms, he heard multiple joints snap and pop. His eye opened, looking rather relaxed and calm, his arms hanging down beside him as he spoke for the first time since he was frozen in that terrible cube of ice. ‘’Oh man, pure movement…It feels so great to be back again.’’ He exclaimed with joy in his high pitched, echoing voice.

‘’Yes, it is indeed great to have you back, O great Lord Cipher.’’ Fawful’s voice spoke up in front of him. He tried looking around the room for any sign of the speaker. But found no one.

‘’Um yes?’’ Bill said while now turning himself around in his fixed spot in the air. ‘’W-where are you? Either I was kidnapped by an entity that can turn itself invisible, or I am just going crazy…No, correction, crazier.’’

Crossing his eyes, Fawful only gave off a look of frustration up at the Dream Demon. His grin being turned upside down upon his face. ‘’Fawful says down here.’’ Finally starting to look his eye down, Bill started slowly spinning himself around. His eye finally stopping when it came to stop at seeing this green-faced, robe wearing, crazy faced…midget standing in front of him. ‘’Oh…’’ Bill replied.

‘’Yes, I, Lord Fawful.’’ The creature said, a mad grin reforming on his face in place of the look of frustration that it had up until recently worn. He suddenly started spinning in place, his cape flowing up, allowing Bill to see that he was wearing dark-blue suit underneath it. But as Fawful finished speaking, Bill’s last memories started resurfacing, returning to him as he was reminded of what had happened before being frozen.

‘’Wait a minute, you’re that Fawful guy that froze me, and abducted me!’’ He shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Fawful. ‘’You took HER away from ME!’’ His voice turning demoning, and his eye turning red and black, while his body became red, with white limbs and top hat.

‘’Correction Lord Cipher, I took you away from her.’’ He held out an index finger to emphasize the point of his correcting what the Dream Demon was accusing him of.


He shouted in blind rage. Extending his hands, holding them beside his body, red flames appearing in his hands. ‘’NOW…’’ he paused, narrowing his enraged eye down onto the small figure in front of him. But even as he increased size to five times his normal self, Fawful did not flinch. ‘’What is to stop me from smooshing you into the flattest pancake?’’

‘’Eeeyah hahahaha’’ He was just laughed at by the green little munchkin. ‘’You would not hurt Fawful.’’ Fawful finally said when he stopped laughing. Raising his eye only eye’s brow, Bill shot him a look.

‘’Oh, and why not?’’ Bill inquired, giving off an amused glance.

‘’Because Fawful-...’’

he lowered his head, obviously having some difficulty getting whatever he was saying out. Whatever it was, it must be quite…embarrassing, evidenced by his nervous face. That only served Bill great, he was hoping to make this little creature pay for his forced separation from Luna.

‘’... Fawful loves you!’’ He blurted out.

‘’Hah…! I knew you would say that, now I will finally dest-‘’ However, Bill suddenly froze in his place as the realization of what he had just head finally reached him. ‘’What?’’ The flames in his hands died down, and his red form shattered, being crushed down into a bunch of tiny fragments. While his pupil shrunk down from the shock his initial shock, his body returned, leaving him with his usual golden triangle form.

‘’Y-y-y-you l-love me?’’

He held up his hand, pointing it back at himself, hoping that what he was hearing was not truth. Unfortunately, he was proven otherwise as he nodded his head back at the floating triangle.

‘’Fawful says yes to you.’’

He nodded his head.

‘’I have had longings for you ever since Fawful saw upon that hilltop,’’ as Fawful continued to talk, he continually got closer and closer to Bill, his mad grin seeming more like the stuff of nightmares, and was the final cherry on top of this horrifying cake of awful surprises. ‘’Fawful knew that he had to possess such a magnificent specimen of beauty, even if stealing was a requirement in that plan.’’

‘’Y-you cannot be serious…’’ Bill pointed accusingly back at him. ‘’I don’t know about you…Fawful, buddy,’’ he said with a forced smile. ‘’But I…am…not…gay.’’ He explained, while doing hand gestures to get his point across a little more.

‘’That is where you are wrong, for you see, I….’’ He extended his arms out, holding them up above his head, a glow of light erupting from his body. Bill being forced to hold up a hand to shield his eyes from the intensity of the bright light.

While shielding his eyes made looking difficult, it did not make it impossible to fully see Fawful’s changing form. He could see very clearly that Fawful was growing taller, his robe changing into a dress, and two horns growing out of his head. After another flash of light, he could finally lower his hands down back down again. The bright intensity dropping to a much more manageable level.

As the light cleared, he could see smoke trailing upwards from a new figure that now stood in the same place that Fawful had only moments ago. However, this figure was taller, with sharp green fingers on the end of much longer arms, a madly smiling green face, which had a round gem in its forehead, and two horns. The dress was purple, with red linings, and arm sleeves resembling the wings of a bat. Like before, the rest of its body was hidden behind its clothing, but judging by its longer eyelashes it was not hard to deduce that the form behind that dress was female. Its face was still aligned with the same red spiraling glasses/eyes, soft flowing hair that reached down to her back, the smile was not as big as it had been as when she was in the other form, but was still quite…maddening to say the least.

‘’Eeeyah hahahaha.’’ She laughed, almost causing the entire room to shake violently from the intensity in her voice. In fact, the room seemed to almost darken from her laughter alone. Even the Sun darkened – though it was already dark before she started to laugh.

‘’Ahhhhh…It feels so unimaginably great to finally be back to my original form.’’ She moaned, stretching her arms out, popping and snapping the joints before returning them back inside her dress.

‘’Wh-…WHAT?’’ Bill stuttered, still trying to comprehend what had just happened. ‘’W-who are you, if you said you were Fawful, but then have the appearance of Cackletta?!’’ He pointed an accusing finger back at the newly transformed female.

‘’I have chortles.’’ The new form of Fawful replied back. ‘’While this name ‘’Cackletta’’ rings unfamiliar to me,’’ she narrowed her eyes. Like before, she started spinning in her spot, stopping and striking a pose. ‘’It is true that Fawful has seen an…upgrade since we last spoke, Cipher, but Fawful assures you that she is still the same on the inside.’’ Raising a hand, she touched it to her chest, most likely where her heart was.

‘’Oh yeah?’’ He raised his only brow suspiciously. ‘’Aaaand how am I supposed to be sure that is actually you? How do I know that you are not an imposter trying to fool me? For all I know the real Fawful could be hiding behind a wall trying to play me for a fool.’’

Shaking her head, Fawful’s smile only seemed to grow wider. ‘’Fawful assures that there is no trickery involved. Fawful only wants what is best for her…special friend.’’ Her eyes reflecting the sincerity in her words, as he saw her looking back at him with emotional eyes/glasses. Extending her hand out to her side, she motioned it towards the center of the room. ‘’See?’’ Her grin returning to its usual self.

‘’What? What is- ‘’ But as Bill turned himself around to see whatever Fawful was pointing towards…But once setting his eye upon what the once-small-but-now-taller Fawful was intentionally trying to make him see.

In front of him stood a shrine…for him, coming fully equipped with pictures of him, though, Luna had been cut out from them, there were golden busts depicting striking various poses, there were posters, and even banners that had various Bill Cipher symbols on them. There was even, on both the left and right side provocative posters of Bill holding one hand behind his head, and another that was reaching down inbetween his legs and grabbing… ‘’NO! Don’t need to see that!’’ Reacted Bill as he flinched, covering his one eye as he turned himself away from the mostly PG-shrine in front of him.

Moving his hands down, he looked his angry eye to the side. ‘’Geez! What is wrong with you?!’’ He called back to her. ‘’Have you no decency?’’ He asked.

However, instead of being meet with any Forgive mes or I’’m sorries, he just heard an unexpected questioning of, ‘’What is decency?’’ from his right. His eye looked out in front of him, twitching a little from hearing what he was unmistakably hearing. Bringing a hand up, he face-palmed himself from sheer stupidity.

‘’W-wait a minute…’’ He said, holding out his arms in a gesture to stop. He turned around, facing his eye once again with the face of Fawful. ‘’You were spying on us, right?’’

‘’Fawful says to you yes.’’

‘’Okay, first of all,’’ he said holding up both hands, and two fingers. ‘’That isn’t creepy at all, and second, we were there for an hour…’’ Gradually he put down each finger, looking his eye back onto her. ‘’How the hell did you have enough time to not only get all things associated with me, but most importantly of all, you see me once, ONCE!’’ He held up his index finger, pointing it intensely up. ‘’And you literally fall in love with someone at a literal love at first sight?!’’ He got closer to her, his form increasing its size, and a big red eye stared at her. Veins visible in his eye.

‘’Again…’’ She said annoyed, ‘’Fawful says to you yes.’’ Her annoyed look remaining.

Sighing, he brings a hand up to his eye, rubbing it. ‘’So let me get this right, you not only kidnapped someone you barely know, but you also want that person as your…?’’

‘’Beloved!’’ She replied excited.


‘’Fawful intends to you make you, Bill Cipher, her own…And together we shall be the knife and fork that leave their mark on history’s great cake.’’

‘’Aaaand…If I am to guess, then ‘’make your own’’ means…- ‘’

‘’Marriage,’’ Fawful interrupted. ‘’You are correct in your assessment.’’ She pointed a finger back at him.


Crossing his arms, as well as his eye, he stared back at Fawful with a suppressed angry look.

‘’And what if I refuse…Hypothetically?’’ He asked, surprisingly nervous. He could see that Fawful was no fool, if she had managed to capture him then there must be a pretty big reason for that.

‘’Fawful would imprison you, and add you as one of the thousands of paintings she holds of all her greatest treasures from all across the multiverse.’’ Brushing aside her robe, she held out an arm to show towards the wall, obviously there was no paintings there, but just to give the general idea of what awaited him if he tried to shatter relations with her.


‘’I-I understand.’’ He said, adjusting his bowtie, and holding his hands out nervous.

‘’I have chortles…’’ She said, laughing as she said that. ‘’It pleases Fawful’s heart that you finally see things that you are supposed to.’’ Her grin growing slightly, despite looking like it couldn’t take growing any bigger.

‘’R-right.’’ He nervously smiled back at her. ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha’’ She laughed back at him. Turning to the side, she started to walk away from him, heading back towards the main door that she had used to enter into the room.

‘’Wh-where are you going?’’ Bill inquired to her, holding out his arms in confused shock. She stopped dead in her tracks, giving him a gentle chuckle, then turned her head left, looking one eye at him.

‘’Preparations for the greatest of greatest weeding’s, but of course!’’


He swallowed down, adjusting his bow tie in a nervous gesture. ‘’O-of course.’’ He replied with a forced smile.

‘’Now, be the bestest of good boys and wait till Fawful sends for you to join Fawful at the altar.’’ He nodded softly, trying not to give off any suspicious behavior.

‘’S-so I wait here?’’ He pointed down with his finger at the floor that he was currently hovering over.

Pinching her clawed hands together, and squinting her eyes a little, she gestured her hands through the air. ‘’Oh, how cute Fawful thinks you look when you wear that blank look of not being awares upon your face.’’

‘’R-right.’’ He said with another forced smile, shooting her a pointing finger.

‘’Now…’’ she pushed her robe aside, allowing her arm out in a dramatic manner. ‘’Not that Fawful does not trust her soon-to-be-husband, but she fears for his safety until the hour of greatest glee, but I need to ensure that my prize does not be leaving this room until called for.’’

She held her arms out, raising them above her. ‘’O’ Great servant of Fawful, come to me!’’ She called out into the room as if something was about to happen…But it didn’t.

Confused, Bill’s eye looked around the room, still waiting for something to take place within the stone-brick chamber.

*Soundless to Bill, a rectangular square flipped itself around in mid-air, descending silently down to the floor*

About to raise a hand and interrupt her, he suddenly stopped himself when a figure, almost as thin as paper, turned to face him. He was to caught off-guard by the sudden appearance of the new arrival, flinching in the air, as he saw it.

‘’Ahhh!’’ He franticly jumped as a tall Humanoid form appeared next to Fawful, standing behind her. Its red crossed eyes trailed downwards till they fell upon him.

The figure, itself, was a tall and feminine-looking form, which was clad in shogun armor, its face and body being completely black, while the armor, itself, was dark-purple.

Taking a bow before Fawful, the figure bowed its head as it rested its arm on the one leg that was standing. ‘’You summoned me, my Lady?’’ Said the figure.

‘’Indeed Fawful did, Commander,’’ she said, holding an open hand out in front of her. ‘’My beloved, the future King of the Dreamscape…or Dreamworld if you’re a pedestrian,’’ she rolled her eyes annoyed. ‘’Is forbidden from leaving this room while preparations for his and Fawful’s weeding are awaiting completion. You are tasked with safe-guarding the room until then…Is Fawful’s task to you understood?’’ She gave off a slight look of suspicion.

‘’Of course, my Lady.’’ She nodded back. ‘’I will not fail you.’’

‘’You had better not.’’ She growled through gritted teeth.

Retracting her hand back behind her robes, she resumed her mad grin, and started for the door. The Commander standing back up, and following her head out of the room.

Standing in the doorway, Fawful looked back at Bill, as he looked back at her. ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha’’

‘’B-by the way, Fawful…sweetie,’’ he forced himself to say, lifting a gesturing hand. ‘’Who are the others that you said you imprisoned in paintings?’’ Very quickly, after being asked that, Fawful’s grin turned into an angry frown.

‘’Bad people that irritated Fawful…So Fawful punished them.’’ Her smile returning, looking even creepier than before.

‘’Oh…’’ He sighed, his eye looking down towards the floor in sadness. But upon hearing Fawful’s voice, he lifted it back up towards her.

‘’Cheer up you should, Bill…Gloom is not appropriate for a weeding.’’ Were her last words before the two doors swung shut, leaving Bill by himself in the very luxurious chamber. If anything was made clear, it was that Fawful did care for those that she had stay in her castle.

With a heavy sigh, he floated on over towards the glass door that lead outside to the balcony. Hovering behind the railing, his arms hung down, as his eye looked out at the giant castle that he had been brought to. He failed to recognize that it was identical to the one he had picked Luna up at, but was yet a completely different castle, that had yet been conquered by Fawful.

Looking out at his surroundings, he leaned himself down against the railing, supporting both arms atop the stones, his eye peering staring off into the distance.

‘’Oh Luna…’’ he sighed deeply as he looked out into what was the Dark Day. ‘’What am I to do?’’ He asked.

‘’For once in my life, I don’t know what to do…If I stay here, I’ll become the reluctant husband of some crazy Witch…But then again, if I try to resist, or flee, I might be turned into a painting, or worse, I still don’t know what she’s fully capable of. I mean, if she could freeze me, and then bring me here, far away from you, I shouldn’t take too many risks on upsetting her.’’

He paused, blinking his eye. ‘’She might just…actually…be stronger than me…and that scares me since there has not been anyone else stronger than me/Bill Cipher.’’

His eye trailed up, looking out into the distance.

‘’Heh, I don’t even know if your still alive, or if you’re even still in the same part of the Mindscape as I am-…’’

raising his arms up into the air, a small of swirling energy started to form. Moving the ball down, and giving it a look, he reached his arm back, and then threw it up into the air. Silent, he watched as it flew up into the sky, moving up, high, into the darkness of space.

‘’...but at least now, you have a chance of finding me.’’

Watching as the sphere of magic illuminated like a star, he smiled back up at it. ‘’Please find me…Please come back to me…"

"...Luna, I can’t stand being without you."

‘’Uh huh?’’

Luna gently stirred as she started coming to, her consciousness starting back up again since passing out from spending so much of her power. She gently brought herself to standing back up on her hooves, though, it was significantly slower than usual, which was not a surprise in itself because-

Just then, something inside her mind clicked! Her head shot up as the memories started to come flooding back to her in an instant, flashing before her eyes at an incredible speed.

A flash shooting out from her eyes as she quickly opened and closed them, her restored memories having finally caught her up to speed on what had happened before blacking out.

‘’Oh my…’’

She gasped, holding a hoof up in front of her mussel in shock.

‘’…I-I defeated Megaleg by shooting down a blast, putting too much power into it…’’

Turning her head around, she saw that she was no longer back on the planet where she had been left behind to face off against that tri-legged Automaton while Fawful stole the frozen Bill away. It was beyond easy to deduce that she was no longer on the planet she had been marooned on, as not only was she now surrounded by no longer those towering mountain peaks, but also the day here could literally be described as dark.

With a loud crack of lighting behind her, she suddenly spun on her spot, looking back up at the source from the sudden sound and lights that had occurred behind her back. But when setting her sights on what was behind her, she could not help but sound out another gasp, her eyes growing wide from the sight that greeted her. Her jaw hung open, staring in disbelief at the castle.

‘’I thought only Pegasus ponies could construct airborne castles like that.’’

Suspended in the air was solid rock, with a dark castle on top of it, spikes aligning the top all the way around, and raised a little higher was a secondary section that looked to be on the inside of the first level’s walls – being made from the same dark stones, a bizarre grinning stone face stood out at the front of the rocks, beneath the rocks was an up-side down dome that had a large wheel with a rotating wheel on the bottom, on the four sides of the wheel were sharp spikes, chains hung down, especially two straight chains that swung big round spiked spheres back and forth in front of what looked to be the face of a clown face that was smiling in quite an evil fashion.

‘’How the buck am I gonna get all the way over there without getting spotted?!’’ She exclaimed, throwing up her hooves in frustration. ‘’I mean, it may look easy and all, but how am I supposed to sneak up on that castle without being noticed?’’ Rubbing the side of her head she shot the floating castle a confused frown.

Growling in frustration, she began pounding against her head with her hooves ‘’Augh…If I could just remember what Tia told me about invisibility spells than this would be nothing,’’ growling back through gritted teeth, she looked back down at the hovering castle, ‘’but of course I just had to go and forget!’’ She said thrusting her hoof down against the ground, shattering it and leaving behind a small crater where she kept it.

Sobbing, she dropped to her knees, hanging her head low as light tears ran down her cheeks.

However, after some time of sobbing for a while, her ear suddenly twitched, perking up as it heard a voice trying to get her attention, she raised her head, and looked to her right, only seeing a bush not too far away from her.

She raised a confused brow at it seemingly being able to talk, but before she simply shrugged it off as being nothing but a part of the Dreamscape’s trickery, a head suddenly popped out from behind the bush, staring back at the suddenly jumping Luna, who flinched from surprise when the figure popped its head up at the top.

The figure was unlike anything Luna had ever seen. It had long blonde hair, a face that told her that it was female – but that was probably just from the long lashes and the softer lips.

‘’Um…Who are you?’’ Luna inquired to the newly arrived creature, but the creature, however, did not respond with any sorts of words, and instead just moved a hand out of the bush, waving Luna to her.

‘’Come, quickly, -!’’ she said before ducking back down behind the bush. She re-emerged seconds later, shown to be clad in a pink dress that belonged to one who held a royal position. ‘’I’ll explain on the way.’’ She gave another wave of her gloved hands, motioning for Luna to follow, then she turned tails, and started heading off before the confused blue Alicorn could get another word out.

‘’Hey, wait!’’ Luna called out after the strange Princess-looking figure before taking up the chase after her.

After some time of nothing but running after the Princess-like figure, she noticed that she was being lead somewhere, more notably, that cave entrance that they were heading for. Since the insides of the cave were dark she did not feel too confident on teleporting inside, not knowing what she might encounter, but her running speed was enough to keep her close enough on her trail that she did not lose her during the pursuit.

Inside the cave, they passed through various tunnels, passageways, and a variety of hollowed cavern trenches and crevices.

After much time spent running in pursuit of the surprising quick dress wearing Princess, she finally seemed to stop as she ran out into a large open chamber that looked to have been carved out of the mountain itself. Luna only stopped when she had entered out into the vast – almost sudden expansion of – space.

With a turn of her head, her eyes were directed away from the Princess onto instead looking up at the chamber which almost seemed to spiral outwards as it went higher and higher up, getting darker the higher it went.

‘’Wh-what is this place?’’ She asked, when she was finally able to get her attention back on track, slowly guiding her eyes back down towards the now more mysterious Princess figure.

The Princess slowly turned back to her, her hands held together and wearing a blank stare.

‘’Forgive me for not saying much before leading you here,’’ she touched a hand to her chest as she walked a little closer to Luna. ‘’But I am in desperate need for your help.’’ Her expression deflating into a frown.

‘’Rright,’’ responded Luna with the raise of a suspicious brow. ‘’But if you are in need of help, then why did you not talk to me out there? Why did you have to bring me here?’’

‘’I could not risk the two of us being spotted by Fawful’s spies. They are everywhere these days.’’ The Princess replied.

‘’Yeah, we can’t even leave our caves for fear of being spotted by Fawful mechanical monstrosities.’’ A sudden voice interjected itself.

Luna spun in her place, suddenly having her gaze falling upon a small claw that was poking out from behind the shadows.

Upon closer inspection she could see that it was not just that claw that her eyesight was seeing, but multiple glowing eyes looking back out at her.

She jumped at seeing them, instantly pouring magic into her horn as if preparing to fight the Princess, herself, instead of the hundreds of eyes that were looking back out at her

‘’Whoa there, calm down!’’ Raising her hands up, she held them defensively, as evidenced in her voice she was trying to calm the angry blue Alicorn down. ‘’I mean you no harm.’’

‘’Then explain, -’’

Extending a hoof, she pointed it back out at the surrounding blackness, especially the eyes.

‘’…what they are!’’

The Princess turned her head, looking out at all the eyes staring towards the center of the room where they stood. ‘’If they are not dangerous, then what are they?’’ Luna demanded, returning her hoof back down to the ground.

She looked around the room, turning herself around in her place, before once more facing the Alicorn that was about to attack her.

‘’They...’’ she hesitated, holding her head low for a small while. ‘’They are homeless.’’ She explained, looking back up with stern eyes.

‘’They, like me, had their home taken away from them…’’ she raised a hand, pointing back at the cave with her index finger. ‘’that castle that you saw once belonged to me…Until Fawful came, he drove me away, and turned it into the monstrosity that you see now.’’

Some of the strict in Luna’s face started to fade, turning into a look of sympathy, but still she kept her guard up just in case.

‘’And what of them? Where do they come in?’’ She nudged to the side, towards the shadows, the Princess shook her head.

‘’We found each other shortly after being forced from what we called our homes, and forced to up resident in these caves, -’’

Her hands went down, gently holding each other.

‘’But I don’t know how much longer we will be able to stay here, rations are running low, and we do not know if the lands beyond are hospitable for us to live in.’’

Out from the shadows small turtle-like-creature crawled out to the Princess, gently nudging at her dress with its hand, she looked down smiling as the creature looked up at her, reaching down she picked up the creature and lifted it up, holding it with her hand as her index finger gently caressed the shell that its arms legs and face emerged.

With a turning head moving back and forth around the room Luna watched as more of those turtle-like things started coming out of the darkness, stepping out into the light, she could now see that she was truly surrounded by hundreds perhaps even thousands of those things, including some that stood up on two legs, each having red, blue, black, grey and green shells some having spikes on the back and others not so much.

Watching the others emerge from the darkness Luna was still surprised at her own astonishment since she was still acting surprised about seeing all of this, but then again it was a dream and dreams are meant to be surreal…To a degree.

She hung her head low, closing her eye as she let out a deep sigh, looking back up with a stern stare on her face.

‘’Look, -’’

She paused as she brought a hoof up to her eyes kneading them.

‘’…if my plan to rescue the one special to me that is held prisoner I am going to need to know everything on the inner workings of that castle.’’

‘’That should be simple enough to provide.’’ She said whilst holding out a gloved hand in a friendly gesture.

Clapping her hands together one of the bipedal turtles walked out carrying blueprints in his hands.

Luna did not want to admit it, but she had just now noticed that those turtles that stood up on two legs all wore boots-like attire, Weird.

Grabbing them the Princess figure extended her arm out towards Luna with the.


She said, but quite sudden and even more surprising, Luna used her magic to bring the plans of the Princess’s grasp and instead over in front of her face, her eyes skimming through it looking over the various details, secret trapdoors, possible traps – as well as locations for stationed enemies.

She looked up from the plans back towards the Princess.

‘’And if you happen to possess these why have you not launched an assault upon the castle?’’

She asked with a confusedly raised brow.

‘’Does Fawful have sufficient number of forces to command?’’

‘’W-we can assault the castle, but it is dealing with Fawful, herself, that could prove to be more than a handful…Her servants aren’t even all that strong compared to us, but it is their master that has us pinned at the start line.’’

‘’Hmm…I see.’’ Her eyes trailed back down once more looking upon the blueprints again.

Wait, WHAT?! Luna’s mind screamed. Y-you mean to tell me that ‘’he’’ is just…*mentally her eyes shrink and her face pales* That is bucking disgusting.

Finally looking up from the blueprints after skimming through them for quite a few times she had finally gotten a pretty good clue to which rooms to avoid and which to head through she lowered the map down from her face, looking across the chamber towards the Princess.

‘’Alright then, I believe that I have gotten a good idea of what the inside of the castle will be, and I should be prepared well enough to contend with whatever dangers that are skulking around in the shadows of that place.’’ Her magic rolling up the blueprints and throwing them back towards the Princess, watching as she just caught it with her hand.

‘’Great, what is the plan?’’ she asked excited holding up her hands close to her body in a giddy manner.

Raising her head Luna shot the angst-ly anticipating Human female a confident smirk.

‘’How ready are they,’’ Luna gestured down to the rapidly growing group of turtles – and variations of the turtles. ‘’For revenge?’’

*30 Minutes later…*

Emerging from the cave entrance she stepped up towards the edge of the cliff, her eyes raises as she looked them out across the giant – and vast – crevice that separated her from Fawful’s castle, a wind blowing through the air and pulling at her mane trying obstruct her view of that terrible place…but still she could see it, the fog of her own hair not doing a thing to dense her vision despite its greatest of efforts.

‘’I hope you are ready Fawful, -’’

She narrowed her eyes in anger.

‘’…because I’m coming for you, and I’m going to get ahold of you.’’

*Up from behind a figure walks towards her, a pink dress brushing gently against the soft grass of the mountainside*

‘’You’re not the only one.’’ A voice spoke up from her side, her smirk grew.

Looking up she saw the Princess standing beside her, looking down at her with a gentle hand touching Luna’s shoulder.

Turning her head up – which the Princess returns– they both smile back at each other…

With a gentle turn, both of them looking back out at the floating castle seeing only the cruel grin of Fawful.

Author's Note:

Oh my, this does not look good...If someone has actually managed to overpower ''Bill Cipher'', and imprison him on top of that then...*Shivers* No, i don't want to think about it.

Where will this lead?

EDIT: I guess this should have all been just one chapter since there wasn't a whole lot different about the next one that wouldn't have made it look like filler.

I will be really skeptical about uploading a chapter next week since i technically released chapter 14 now today, but if enough work gets done then it will be no problem.

Link1 - Fawful is There - Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Music Extended
Link2 - Cackletta's Theme - Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Music Extended
Link3 - The Poisoned Princess - Media Right Productions