• Published 29th Jul 2016
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The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 26

A Game of Thrones Part 2

“What do you mean that they were able to steal the Kaiburr crystal!?” the Brotherhood’s leader screamed at the hologram of an officer informing him of what had happened.

“My apologies, my Lord, but it is undisputable: the Resistance has gotten control of the Kaiburr crystal shipment, and have taken them away into unknown space,” the officer said.

“Fret not, my Lord, our forces are currently in pursuit, and we already have a trace on the Ravager and the traitors that aided the Resistance, knowing for a fact that they are headed into the Unknown Regions with the shipment,” the officer immediately followed up, hoping to secure his master’s faith in him, and save his position as Admiral.

“Then don’t waste time telling me about this pursuit, and retrieve those crystals AT ONCE!”

“Y-yes sir, right away sir!” the officer said, bowing. His holographic image vanishing, leaving the chamber to fall silent.

“FUCK!” screamed the leader of the Brotherhood, as he slammed his fist into the table, destroying his side of the table.

Nervous about angering their leader, the other members, silently, exchanged worried glances with each other.

Nervous beads of sweat running down alongside their temples. Not just from fearing how he’ll react to what they might say, but because they knew that their standing in the universe was now (GREATLY) threatened with the theft of the Kaiburr crystals.

With a frustrated sigh, he waved his hand over the destroyed console, restoring it back to the way it had looked before he damaged it, and returned to his throne. Slumping back down into it, and grasping the front ends of the armrests with his hands.

Repeatedly, tapping the finger against it, and glaring out in front of him.

“P-perhaps, instead of looking at this as a loss, we should be taking advantage of the opportunity presented to us,” said a councilmember, whose head was enveloped in fire, with fiery eyes, and a crown suspended in mid-air.

Looking up towards the councilmember, the leader shot him a nerve-wracking glare.

“W-with the theft of the Kaiburr, our forces will be in hot-pursuit of the Resistance. Wherever they’ve taken it, it will be a secure location so they can exploit the power contained within them…and no matter where that it is, our forces will overwhelm them, and recover what was stolen.” He went into greater detail in the hopes that the leader wouldn’t blast him.

A single bead of sweat running down his face, the sight of which was enough to make the leader’s eyes narrow, and glare at him, now even angrier than he already was.


Eye-beams were fired at him, which destroyed his chair, and sent him crashing into the floor.

“Uncertainty is something I do not require at a time like this…but assurance that the crystals WILL be returned to us,” he said, before his throne spun away from the others.

He uttered a frustrated groan, before raising his fingers up to his eyes, and grinded his brows.

Everyone at the table looking at each other with nervous expressions, and sweat beginning to run along their temples.

Outside the station, in space, the three remaining Star Destroyers and a Super Star Destroyer was guarding the half-completed station.

Emerging from jumps to Lightspeed, five newly arrived Star Destroyers headed straight for the station.

Their crews informing the station, and the defense fleet of their sudden arrival. Saying that the Grand Moff of the nearest sector had diverted the majority of his fleet to protecting the Brotherhood, itself, from any incoming attack.

With their strongest navy forces dedicated to retrieving the Kaiburr crystals, this left the Brotherhood virtually unprotected. Something he was not ready to accept, even as the station was protected by a powerful shield, that was generated from drawing upon the energy of a Kaiburr crystal, he was not taking any chances by directing the majority of his fleet to a chase that was important as this one.

It didn’t matter if the Resistance got the crystal, if the Brotherhood council fell, it was all over. Not just for him, but everyone within the empire.

Taking their positions alongside the rest of the fleet, they stared out through the viewports at the vast, endless blackness, whose only luminescence was the stars.

However, for as much as they wished that this peaceful calm could continue, it was brought to an abrupt end, as they detected a large vessel incoming.

The officers getting a little nervous at seeing that it was larger than the Brotherhood’s station, being the size of a planet!

Then, like a dagger in the dark, the large station emerged from Lightspeed, surprising the Brotherhood fleet.

It’s large shape, slowly, moving across the vast gap between them.

From the ship’s ‘’eye’’ a beam was fired, though, as the crews soon came to see, it didn’t damage their ships, or the station in any way.

However, like a real eye, it shifted to different parts of the station. The beam, slowly, looking all over the station, as if it was searching for something…or specifically, someone.

[Meanwhile, on the planetoid spaceship’s Bridge]

Watching the monitors before it, a cloaked and hooded figure sat with its glowed fingers touching tips. Watching the technical readout of the battle station, as their bio-scans had failed to pinpoint his location within that insignificant sphere of steel and iron.

However, it had not been ten minutes, before an alarm started blaring, loudly.

One of the officers turned towards it’s raised platform, looking up at it, as it relayed the only three words that were acceptable at this point: We’ve. Found. Him!

‘’He’s situated in the Council Chambers, along with five others of who I presume to be the other councilmembers.”

Pressing buttons on the control board, changed the large circular monitor to show a specific technical readout of one part of the station, with several dots that showed six energy readings.

The seated figure narrowed its eyes, and rose from its throne. Glaring at one particular dot on the screen.

“Orders, my Lord?” asked the Commander, who stood beside the throne.

Turning to face the Commander, the figure just replied with, “Distract them, do anything you can to keep their forces distracted long enough for me to find him and finally end this once and for all…though, do not engage the station,” before turning away, and hastily walking across a catwalk towards a large door, that opened for it, and saw it leaving command of the Bridge to the Commander.

All eyes turned towards the Commander, awaiting his orders.

“Well? Prepare to fire missiles,” he ordered.

Returning to their duties, the crew began carrying out their orders, and primed the missiles for firing.

The Commander folding his arms across his chest, as he stared at the screen, which had now shifted back to display the Brotherhood’s station and fleet.

His eyes narrowed as he glared at them, but he was also a little nervous about this.

Surprisingly, remembering their plan of attack was not exactly calming him.

Shortly, a small, titular Starfighter left the planetoid ship’s hanger. It altered its course, aiming its nose towards the enemy station. Ignoring both the regular, and Super Star Destroyers, as it shot towards the station.

The Star Destroyer’s crews were alerted to a ship approaching them. It’s estimated trajectory being the Brotherhood’s station.

However, anything could be done in the hopes to make the pilot turn around, several bright lights, suddenly, shone upon them, blinding the crews.

The lights shortly dissipated, but that’d probably preferred to what followed, as missiles were then fired at each of the Destroyers. Exploding upon hitting the hull, like standard missiles do, but these were ones were not one’s standard weapons.

See, they’d managed to penetrate the hull of the Destroyers, and the crew in those hallways saw that they were large crystals, that had penetrated their armor

However, the previous confused murmurs amongst the crews, were shortly turned to shocked gasps, and horrified screams, as the crystals then started turning everything into green crystal.

The horror truly starting when sharp spikes launched shot out of the floor, walls, and ceiling, and impaled the crew…and turned them into crystalized versions of themselves, that turned on the others, and began to either kill or infect the others. Though, even the dead were converted, and turned into crystalized versions of themselves, whose glowing, dead eyes struck fear into anyone that they encountered.

Watching from the Bridge, the Captains and Admirals watched as the ships in their fleet was converted into large, green, crystal versions of themselves – though, they lacked the elevated platform, and were now just large triangular, titular, with sharp points and ends on a completely unrecognizable ship.

The Super Star Destroyer taking longer to convert due to its large size, but soon, even it fell. Becoming the flagship in the new Resistance fleet, that surrounded the Brotherhood’ station.

These new Resistance forces were shortly contacted by the planetoid Starship, and told to not engage the Brotherhood’ station. Instead, they were given orders to form a blockade to engage the Brotherhood forces, as they’d soon realize that they’d been fooled, and return to defend the station as fast as possible.

The rest of the Resistance’s fleet, that had attacked and reclaimed the Kairburr crystal, had already been sacrificed to ensuring the Brotherhood’ forces did not return to interrupt their attack, and would return beaten and bloodied for them to mop up.

[Meanwhile, onboard the Brotherhood’ station]

“What the hell is going on down there, Commander!?” screamed the council’ leader, who’d witnessed everything that had happened up until now.

Every time he didn’t think he could be any more shocked, he was unfortunately proven wrong each and every time. His eyes widening ever more with everything that came to pass.

The planetoid ship’s arrival…

The surprise conversion of their ships into titular, crystalized versions of themselves…

And the shock of them then refusing to respond, and breaking formation, just so they could assume new ones far away from the station…

Everything that had transpired in the last fifteen minutes frightened every one of the councilmembers, and especially their leader, who could only stare at the planetoid’s expressionless ‘’eye’’ as it stared back at him through the monitor.

However, his eyes soon narrowed, as he spotted something getting bigger and closer to the monitor.

He originally thought it a glitch, but as it came into more of a focus, he saw it as ship with a similar (aesthetic) appearance as the converted Destroyers.

“Is that…a ship?” asked one of the councilmembers, who’d also noticed the titular Starfighter on its screen.

Flying into the monitor, the entire room violently shook, as an intense earthquake came over it!

Those councilmembers that stood up fell to the floor, and the ones that were sitting down, their chairs were shaken lose, breaking apart into tiny pieces.

Their leader’s golden throne saw several cracks spreading through it, and despite lasting longer than the others, it too crumbled to pieces, leaving the leader without a throne to sit in.

“Warning! Warning! Shields have been compromised! Shield capacity down to 20%!” a voice shouted, as their screens started to flash red.

“Report situation!” demanded a councilmember.

However, silence was the only thing that greeted the councilmember, as well as loud static, that indicated someone was jamming them.

“Report, god damnit!” he screamed, slamming his fists against the table.

His fear overtaking him, and a dread that had not been felt in a long time began returning to him.

Then, that fear only exploded to the surface, as a voice began speaking…

“Don’t worry, God can hear you just fine, -“ an all-too familiar voice, suddenly, spoke through the intercom.

The screens changing into the image of a hooded figure with golden eyes.

“…though, the lack of praying for your immortal souls does concern him.’’

Immediately, everyone standing beside the table quickly jumped back away from it, startled by the sight of him.

“Fuck!” exclaimed the ones that were particular startled.

The leader shooting up from his throne, just before crumbling to further pieces, and disintegrating into dust.

His eyes shooting wide open, and his fear sinking deeper and deeper into that pit of despair.

“Yes, I’d imagine you’re somewhere around there,” replied the figure on the screen.

Everyone tried to collect themselves, but their expressions gave their fear away, which pleased the figure on the screen.

“Now, as I’m sure you’re all aware, I’m back…and very happy to see all of you in such good health. How have each of you been?” he asked them.

The eyes on the screen, seemingly, stared back at them, as if it could see them, terrified everyone that meet its enraged stare.

“I asked, HOW HAVE YOU BEEN!?” it then screamed, its eyes turning red, though, as much they wished it, that was not the only thing that happened!

From the center of the table, large, and sharp, green crystals, shot out! Terrifying everyone that saw this, and making them back away from the changing table, only able to watch as the central pillar in their table was overtaken by a blanket of sharp crystals.

Even their leader backed away, as their table was covered in sharp-tipped crystals.

The darkness within the council chambers began to crack, breaking apart, as light from the outside shined in. Getting brighter with every crack in the wall, and making the whole room shake more intensely with every ray of light that shone into that dark void.

“I suggest you all run,” the screens said, as the crystals started to spread along the ceiling, moving down along the walls.

As the table was consumed in crystals, it seeped down into the floor, and started to move towards the councilmembers, who were slowly backing away from it in a state of fear.

“Everyone, get out, now!” screamed the leader, who jumped to the side.

Making a dash for the door, while avoiding the crystals, that were infecting everything in the chamber.

Following his example, the rest of the council followed behind after him. All of them running out of the council chamber with all haste.

And just in time too, for as they fled the chamber, the crystal was starting to affect the walls.

However, before one of the councilmembers could escape, his foot was impaled by a crystal that shot out of the wall!

He exclaimed in pain, but as he fell forward an arm reached out, and grabbed him. Holding him up.

His head snapped up, but his eyes, then, widened in horror, as they looked back upon horribly deformed entity, whose entire body was coated in green crystals, and their eyes glowed bright blue.

Its jaw hung open (as if dis-located), and a terrible clicking sound was coming from its drooped jaw.

“No! NO! NNOOOOOOO!” his screams could be heard from down the corridor, as the other council members ran for their lives.

Like their steps to him, his screams fading into the distance, as no one came back for him.

The last thing he saw being the crystals transforming the corridor, before everything faded into darkness, and he saw nothing more.


Meanwhile, in the throne room, Khamul and Morwen were interrupted from their hug when the room began violently shaking!

Pieces of the ceiling collapsed to, and broke apart as they hit the floor, and dust continually fell down, covering the floor in an ever-growing carpet of sand and dust.

“What’s happening?!” she asked, holding Khamul tight against her.

“I have no idea! Everything is collapsing!” he replied, holding her tight against him.

Their attention snapped towards the throne room’s entrances as they heard growling and snarling from down the corridors.

Eyes widening in shock, as they watched hundreds of humanoids, crystal creatures with glowing eyes, slowly, enter the throne room in the form of a large horde.

Their jaws hung wide open, and their emotionless eyes glared at the councilmember couple. Their creepy, unnatural appearances forcing the pair of them to back away to the throne.

However, retreating to the throne seemed to prove effective, as the crystal monstrosities seemed to stop at the steps of the throne. Not daring to take another step, as if instructed to by their master.

Khamul and Morwen seemed to acknowledge this, as their fear died down a little after reaching the throne. Finding it interesting that these creatures didn’t dare to take another step beyond the boundary of the stairs, and just opted to stand there glaring at them, and snarling like feral creatures at them.

“Why did they stop fighting?” she asked, looking out towards the crowd in confusion as they just stood there, staring up at her and Khamul with dead stares.

“Because you are not to be harmed…not yet,” a voice said from in front of them.

Both of them looked up, staring across the throne room towards the doorway at the other end, seeing a light shining in it, and the silhouette of a figure, if its attire was anything to go by, was wearing robes that blew in the wind.

Stepping aside for him, the robed figure made its way through the crowd of crystal humanoids, stopping only as he reached the steps of the throne. Looking down at them for a few moments, before looking up, and staring at the two beings, whom just stared at him with confused glances. Both of them wondering about his identity.

Then, he slowly looked up towards the throne, staring at it for a time, before suddenly staring towards them, directly!

A bright blue beam of light blinding them!

Holding up their hands proved ineffective, as their arms seemed transparent, and hardly impaired the blindness forced upon them.

Both backed away from him, but her husband tried to shield her from the light by stepping in front of her.

Him stepping forward did create an obstruction to the light, and did allow her to see again.

However, a golden tendril just wrapped itself around him, and lifted him up into the air, allowing the light to shine on her in full force.

“No!” he shouted, struggling to free himself from the tendrils, though, the tendrils just tightened their grasp at this.

Their tight grip burning him, leaving painful scorch marks on his skin.

‘’Let me go, this instant!” he screamed in both anger and pain.

His anger boiling over at seeing the hooded figure tormenting his Morwen.

“As you wish!” a disembodied voice was heard speaking inside his head. A familiar voice!

His eyes shot open, looking down at the hooded figure as it dawned on him!

“No!” he softly uttered, as he stared at the figure with pale eyes.

However, as soon as everything started sinking in, he was then thrown towards the destroyed window behind the throne, where, outside, he fell downwards. Plummeting to the surface, below.

“NOOO!” he screamed, turning himself around in mid-air, reaching out with his hand towards the window.

The love of his love was in that room with the only person she would preferred to have been with, and he couldn’t let it end like this. He had to do something, and fast!

Again, he turned himself around in mid-air, looking down in front of him to see if there was anything he could grab onto.

His scrunched eyes immediately shot open, as he spotted a nearby battlement.

He scrunched his eyes, as he held his legs together, and his arms against the side of his body, as he shot towards the battlement.

He then did a flip in mid-air, straighten himself up just before his feet landed on the stones.

Craning his head upwards, he looked back up towards the top of the tower.

“Damn!” he cursed aloud to himself, as he saw how far up it was.

“I’ll have to- “

However, just before he could think of a plan, his attention was shortly distracted by hundreds of panicked, and agonized screams below him.

He looked down, only for his eyes to widen in horror, and for him to flinch as he saw a giant mass of green crystals flooding the fortress’ lower battlements. Impaling Stormtroopers, paralyzing them long enough for the mass of green crystals to envelop them, leaving them as crystalized versions of themselves.

Raising his head, he gasped, as the entire landscape was covered in crystals, with large titular structures emerging throughout.

Looking back up towards the tower, he noticed dark clouds swirling at the top, and unleashing torrents of lightning upon the tower, where the lightning was absorbed by the tower.

Being desperate at this point, he ran into an open doorway, hurrying back inside the tower, and running with all speed back towards the throne room, hoping that he wasn’t too late!

Ahead of him, he spotted several of more of those crystal creatures, and after hearing him running towards them, they noticed him. Turning to face him.

However, he jumped into the air, and magically summoned his daggers out of nowhere, holding them horizontally, using them to cut the creatures’ throats, killing them!

Howling in pain, their bodies shattered, turning into a pile of rubble, before automatically putting themselves back together, and returning back to humanoid form.

Roaring at him, they gave chase after him. Snarling like simple-minded beasts.


Back in the throne room, the hooded figure was still staring at her, his eye-beams continuing to blind her, until they then dissipated.

The eye-beams faded, allowing her to finally see again. However, as her sight returned, she immediately collapsed to her knees before the hooded figure, falling forward, but supporting herself with her arms.

Its arms behind it’s back, it stood towering over her, casting a long shadow over her.

She continued panting, until she suddenly leaped up, summoning crude blades out of thin air, that she tried to strike at him with, screaming in rage!

However, he effortlessly dodged her attack, gliding out of the way faster than anything she’d seen before!

She gasped at this, but was only allowed to see his eyes, before he punched her hard in the face!

She fell to the floor, along with a small pool of blood that had been caused by his punch. The blades clattering beside her.

Backing away from her, the hooded figure’s eyes were still on her, as the floor began to glow around her, and flaming chains began coming up off the floor, and slithering up along her arms and legs like serpents.

Once the chains began scorching her chains, she began screaming in agony!

The chains then hoisted her up into the air, letting go of her legs, but leaving painful scorch marks on her legs, while letting her hang suspended in the air.

Holding his angry enraged frown, he continued staring at her as she hung there suspended, before hearing something over his shoulder, and turned around to face several crystal zombies that’d just arrived.

Without uttering a word, he watched them push a large rectangular shaped capsule into the chamber, coming to a final stop in front of him, and the crystal creatures pushing it backing away from it to join the rest of the horde.

Walking up to the capsule, he looks through a small, round glass window, staring at a figure frozen inside it.

He scoffs, chuckling softly to himself as he thinks back to the old days.

“Welcome back, old friend,” he says, extending a finger and pressing a button on the capsule.

A loud hiss of steam sounds from it as well as some steam shooting out as it unlocks, startling the crystal zombies, many backing away from it frightened!

The doors slowly slide out to the side, opening to allow white fog to pour from it, spilling onto the floor where it begins to spread across the floor.

Smiling, he backs away from it, moving up the steps towards the throne.

Raising her head and watching the scene unfold, her eyes widen as she sees this particular capsule being opened. Her strength returning to her as she begins to struggle against the chains, only to feel their burning touch on her skin again!

She gives up, freezing in wide-eyed horror as a hand reaches out from the fog, grabbing the side of the capsule, followed by another hand grabbing the other side. Both hands are completely black, with sharp, pointed elbows, soon seeing curved and sharp shoulders as a figure emerges from the capsule.

“No!” She weakly utter, despair and terror consuming her as she watches a dark shape step out of the fog, it’s form clear as day.

Raising its head, the figure faces the hooded figure, whose smiling at seeing the face.

A half-open mouth with fangs, a red beard, a green face, and four antler-like horns, with two small horns on the side.

As soon as its eyes shot open, it’s eyebrows ignite, turning into flames, and a loud droning begins to fill the whole chamber.

“Ohhhhh ~ Who? What? Where?” groans the newcomer as he raises a hand to his forehead.

After getting over the headache

“You have been unleashed, brother,” he said, putting a hand atop the figure’s shoulder, making him look up at him.

“Brother?” asked the newcomer, raising a confused brow.

“Yesss, we are brothers, kin…family.”

“But we don’t look anything alike,” he replied, pointing a sharp finger at the hooded figure, to which he merely scoffed.

“Blood is blood, no matter the form given to us…and my blood flows through your veins, just as yours flow through mine,” he says in a soft voice, his smile becoming much friendlier, warmer.

“Brother?” the newcomer asks, some of his confusion about his situation fading.

A connection being felt between himself and this hooded figure, a bond he knows to not be deceitful.

The hooded figure calmly nods, smiling back with pride.

“And like any brother, will you help me now in my hour of need?” he asks, raising his fingers to the side of the newcomer’s head, closing his eyes.

“W-wait, what are you- “

However, the newcomer gasps as he suddenly feels an overwhelming rush of information flood into his mind, showing him memories, feeling experiences, and showing faces, both good and evil!

Once his fingers are removed, the newcomer collapses to his knees, supporting himself by his arms touching the floor, quickly panting from such an experience! Processing the information, he’s just received.

Once his breathing becomes more controlled, no longer panting, he stands back up, though, hanging his head.

“You really care for her, don’t you?” he asks, turning his head and looking towards the hooded figure.

His head snaps up, staring into his brother’s eyes with a sudden sternness.

“I love her, and yes, there isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do for her!”

A smile settles on his face after hearing this answer.

“No…not a thing we wouldn’t do,” he slapped the hooded figure’s arm. “If it is indeed your will, then I will see it done.”

“Then I have one final thing to ask of you, brother…” he said, but then turned his head and looked towards Morwen as she hung suspended by the chains, smiling, “but all that in good time, as I wish to have words with…this one!” He gritted his teeth, narrowing his eyes into an angry glare towards her.

Looking back at her and then his brother, his confused look changed into an evil smirk.

“Of course, my brother, you would have words with this foul wench who betrayed you.” The brother snarled, glaring at her and forming a fist of his own.

“Much appreciated, brother,” he replied, before turning around to face her, putting his hands arms behind his back.

Snapping his fingers, the chains lowered her down, allowing her to plant her feet on the floor again, but was still bound by the chains.

“What do you want?” Morwen whimpered, giving him a sad look, however, her sad frown was meet with his enraged glare.

“I want to talk,” he replied, his frown suddenly giving way to an unexpectedly warm smile.

“Talk about what?” She raised a suspicious brow at him.

She was shortly meet with a soft chuckle from him.

“You misunderstand, traitor,” he replied, holding out a hand while leaning forward, “I don’t want to talk to you about anything, you’re already dead to me…just listen to your voice for the final time I will ever hear it.” His friendly smile then contorted back into an enraged grimace, red smoke coming from his eyes.

He raised a hand, extending it out to her cheek.

“I have a special proposal for you…one that you might be interested in.”


(Meanwhile, in another part of the station)

Despite their escape (mostly) unscathed from the Council Chambers, they’d been intercepted by a horde of those crystal zombies and forced to take up arms, plunging into battle against the beasts.

Long and hard they found, but as they soon came to discover when they clove one of the crystal zombies in half, they possessed the ability to regenerate themselves back to full.

It didn’t matter no matter how tiny each fragment was, they’d just keep respawning and keep coming again and again, thus forcing them to flee.

Continually, they were ambushed again and again by their pursuers, losing more and more ground. They could never stay in a single place for too long as the corridors and hallways were steadily overtaken by the crystal epidemic.

The hangers had already been destroyed and any starfighters that might’ve been of use to them destroyed, so any hopes of escape were already dead…however, they just kept fighting, continuing to draw breath while they could.

As they retreated, one councilmember was frozen wear as he witnessed one of the crystal demons attacking one of their officers, roaring loudly like a feral beast as it bit his neck, the officer screaming in agonizing pain!

Unable to do anything, the councilmember could only watch as green roots spread through his skin, with crystals puncturing his skin as he was soon consumed by crystals!

However, just as the now-transformed officer and crystal zombie that infected him noticed him, and started charging him, he was snapped from his paralyzing terror by the other councilmembers, and began running again!


Soon after, during their little chase through the station, the councilmembers joined back up with her Khamul and were informed on the current situation outside.

After fighting off a group of attacking crystal zombies, they decided their next move was to rescue her and then escape the station before they could be taken hostage.

Soon, they noticed the corridor becoming a lot greener, glowing a lot more than it used to, and realizing that their time was up, they again resumed running.

However, one thing they’d failed to notice as they ran was that the crystal changed color, becoming black.

All across the station, every single one of the crystal zombies started to transform, their physical changing into sleek, sharp-tipped humanoid forms with horns, flaming eyebrows, and green faces with half-open mouths with four fangs. Spears being spawned in their hands.

The councilmembers were unaware of the transformation until they encountered another group of zombies, however, they were quick to take notice of their change in appearance.

Despite their new aesthetics, this surprise did not weaken and they continued to fight their way through the hordes, cutting down thousands with ease, but never killing them as they still respawned…


Cutting down several that were guarding the throne room door, they kicked them through the door, shattering the door to pieces!

Attracting the attention of all the other figures in the chamber, every single warrior within the chamber turning around to face the intruders, aiming their weapons at them, but not rushing them.

Standing by the throne, the hooded figure smiled at seeing his enemies had finally come to him.

“Morwen!” he called out at seeing her suspended in the air by fiery chains.

“Khamul!” she called out to him, only to feel the scorching pain of the chains on her arms.

His eyes trailed down, glaring towards the hooded figure.

“Let her go!” he called out, demanding from the hooded figure

Rolling his eyes, he put his arms behind his back, shooting him a serious frown.

“I’ll make it easy for you, bow down to me now…” he instructed, smiling with fiery smoke coming from his eyes, “or forever live with the choices you’re about to make, reflecting upon them as the millennia pass you by.”

All of the warriors, suddenly, standing at attention.

Taken aback by their enemy’s surprising actions, Khamul, as well as the rest of the council turned around, looking behind him towards the rest of the council, especially the council leader, staring at him for a few minutes, before turning back towards the hooded figure.

“Not a chance!” he shouted, before charging straight for the horde of warriors, slicing several warriors with his sword, decapitating them.

“Get’ em!” he calmly instructed to the horde.

The warriors immediately sprung to life as they charged towards the intruders, letting out a loud war cry!

“Defensive positions!” shouted the leader.

Following his command, the councilmembers raised their shields, holding them up in front of them.

However, the Khamul ignored his command and just charged straight for the horde, his sword raised, ready to slash the nearest warrior.

“Fool, get back here!” The leader called out to him, after seeing him break rank like that, but before he could hear him, he’d already raised his sword, using it to block one of the warrior’s spears from impaling him!

Pushing the warrior back off him, he took advantage of the opportunity this presented to him and slashed the throat of several warriors that were closing in on him, their dead corpses falling to the floor!

While he was busy with his own group of warriors, the rest of the council was soon set upon them as they charged straight into the shield wall, but was stopped!

Their strength was enough to push them back, giving the council the moment they needed, suddenly, breaking formation as they charged straight at the warriors, and the warriors towards them…

Using his shield, he caught their spears with it, but this left him at a great disadvantage as there was now so many coming at him that he wasn’t able to fight back against them…however, one of the female councilmembers sliced the spears with her sword, kicking one of the warriors while she was at it, before hitting another one with her shield, and slicing the throat of three of them!

One was impaled by the spears, but fortunately her armor was durable enough to survive it, taking advantage of the opportunity, impaled one of the warriors through the chest with her blade, quickly swinging it out towards the others, cleaving through their torso’s!

Another dodged several warrior’s attempts to stab him with their spears, ripping the tridents from their grasp, and using it for himself, impaling four warriors at the same time, stabbing the one in the front, which in turn caught the one standing behind him at the time!

At one point, he threw one of his tridents through the air towards the hooded figure, whom just smirked at this pitiful attack.

Holding out his hand, the trident stopped in mid-air, floating in front of him.

Looking back towards the councilmember that’d tried to attack him, he narrowed his eyes, his smile widening at seeing the fear on his face, before he pushed hard, sending the trident flying back through the air towards him!

Turning around in mid-air, he felt an overwhelming rush of pain as it impaled his hand, sending him flying back towards the door, but hitting the wall above the door, forcing him to hang from the spear that had now pierced his hand!

He tried to loosen the trident, but every second he moved an agonizing pain shot down along his right arm, dripping fresh blood onto the floor.

Despite one of their own being incapacitated, the battle still continued! Everyone fighting harder, better, as they knew that they couldn’t let the hooded figure win, cutting down warrior after warrior, staining their blades, armor and shield with their blood!

Soon, there was not a warrior left standing, aside from perhaps the captain, who charged at the council’s leader, though, he was quickly taken up by being pierced through the stomach by his blade and then slashing it upwards, cutting him in half, spilling a lot of black blood onto the floor, which splashed on their feet.

The hooded figure’s smile faded into an angry frown once the final warrior fell, but it was nothing compared to the enraged, vengeful glares that meet his’s.

Raising his trident, he pointed the tips towards them, taking slow, fearful steps as he backed away from them, a terrified expression soon settling!

“G-get back!” He commanded, his trident’s tips sparking, which scattered to the floor, landing atop several of the many corpses that littered the chamber.

His demand, however, was greeted by cold stares from the entire council, especially the leader and Khamul.

“Get back I said!” Again, his trident shot off several sparks, which bounced off the leader’s chest.

The Khamul then increased his pace and walked up to the hooded figure, grabbing him by the collar.

He glared towards his Morwen’s captor, looking towards the wall behind the throne, giving an evil smirk as an idea popped into his head.

“Now that’s an idea,” he said, slowly turning his head back towards the hooded figure, watching that fear on his face.

Chocking the hooded figure as he walked back towards the center of the chamber, the rest of the council stepped aside for him to pass.

“See, I’m feeling a little nostalgic…” he said, lifting the hooded figure up above him, looking straight at the throne in front of him, “so how about it’s my turn to say goodbye?”

The hooded figure’s eyes widened, looking out in front of him at the wall!

“No wait-!”

However, before he was allowed to finish, the Khamul threw him through the air!

Watching the incoming wall, a pale look of terror was plastered on his face.

“Oh no!” he said, before crashing through the wall!

Both he and the debris falling towards the dark abyss awaiting him below!

Looking below him, he saw an ocean of shadows, swirling at the base of the tower, which was now an island amidst an ocean of darkness.

Back atop the tower, the entire council erupted into a loud cheer after watching their fellow councilmember throw the hooded figure out the window.

Inhaling a deep breath, he softly exhaled it back out, experiencing relief now that it was all over and dealt with.

His head snapped towards his Morwen, who was still hanging suspended in the air by the flaming chains, her head hanging low. Narrowing his eyes, he stared towards her chains, glaring at them.

Calling his blade back to his hand, he threw it towards the chains, cutting them, a wave going up along the chains, which disintegrated them into tiny particles, dropping her to the ground. However, he caught her with his telekinesis, suspending her body a few feet from the ground, gesturing with his finger and pulling her towards him. Once close enough, he grabbed her out of thin air, suddenly hugging her.

Her eyes shot wide open at the hug, raising her head and looking back into his eyes, as he looked into hers’

Raising her hands, she touched his helmet, feeling if it was real, eliciting a soft gasp as she realized that it was real.

“Khamul, I’ve missed you!” She greatly surprised him by quickly throwing her arms around him, hugging him.

“I’ve missed you too, Morwen!” he said, hugging her back. “I’m never gonna let us be parted like that again!”

She sobbed into his chest, feeling more joy than she’d ever felt before.

“Good to see that you’re back with us,” said the leader of the council.

At hearing his voice, her eyes shot open and her head snapped towards him, her lip trembling, trembling at the mere sight of him. Her speechless expression facing his warm smile.

“No!” she said as she gently pushed Khamul away from her, which came as a surprise to him.

More surprises were in store, though, such as her refusing to make eye-contact with him, her mouth hanging open as she took heavy breaths, her head snapping towards her arms, seeing the chain’s scorch marks on her arms, looking first up at Khamul and then back down at her arms, before she begins to sob.

“Hey, it’s alright, Morwen. He’s gone! You’ll never be troubled by him ever again.” Her head snapped towards him, wide-eyed, with the most surprised look he’d ever seen on her face.

Hastily, she walked towards him, her expression changing into an angry frown.

“What did you do with his body?!” she asked, pushing him.

“Hey, take it easy!” He backed away from her. “I just fought a battle for you, here, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not a little beat-up after it.”

Shaking her head, she growled and rolled her eyes.

“I don’t care about the ‘’battle you fought’’, what I want to know is what did you do with his body!” she snarled angrily.

“If you’re looking to pay him back for what he did to your wrists, then you’re a little late,” the council’ leader spoke up, her head snapping towards him as he pointed towards the hole in the wall, ‘’for I suspect his body lies impaled on one of his own crystals.” He scoffed.

“Then there’s perhaps a chance,” she thought aloud to herself, looking straight at the hole.

“A chance to do wh-AAAAT?!” He asked, before suddenly exclaiming in surprising as she began running towards the hole.

“What are you doing?!” One of the other councilmembers called out to her, giving chase to stop before she jumps out of the wall.

However, before she can even leap out of the hole, a form of shadow quickly flew in through the cracked wall, and quickly assumed the form of a hooded figure clad in an iron mask, that pointed a well-crafted, black stick towards them.

“Get back, Morwen!” She called out to her, reaching with her arm, but Morwen wasn’t moving a muscle.

“No, he didn’t know! He didn’t know!” She screamed at the hooded figure, whom just grunted as his head snapped towards her, staring at her, watching her face become pale, shaking her head in defense of her Khamul.

Behind them, movement was heard coming up from down the hallway outside the door!

Something was approaching…and fast!

Looking back over her shoulder at him, Khamul meet her sad/depressed frown with his confused expression.

He watched her lower her head, staring down at the floor.

Looking up at him one more time, before she turned back towards the hooded figure, hung her head in shame…and then bowed before it.

Watching her bow before the hooded figure, his eyes wide, awe-stricken with disbelief at seeing her bow before the spider.

Catching a glimpse of what she was doing, the leader did a double-take, staring at her wide-eyed, along with everyone else of the council, as soon as he saw what she was doing, coming to only one conclusion


“What is she doing?!” Asked one of the councilmembers.

“Has she gone mad?!” Asked another.

“Traitor!” Snarled another, glaring at her with gritted teeth.

“Morwen, what are you doing?!” Khamul asked, approaching her.

Hanging her head, she closed her eyes, letting a single tear fall from her eye.

Turning back, he froze upon seeing her face, eyes widening again as he saw tears running down her face. Staring at her as she extended a hand to him…

“Khamul, please…” she pleaded, sobbing, “don’t fight, don’t protest, just bow.” She sniffled.

Narrowing his eyes, he looked back up towards the spider, watching it snarl softly at him, before returning his attention to her again.

“You...” he stuttered, chocking in disbelief on his words, “you betrayed us!” he said softly.

“Please, Khamul…just bow, I’m begging you.”

However, he just backed away from her, narrowing his brows more and more, soon giving her angry looks.

“I came here for you, put my life and everyone’s life on the line for you…just so you could join with him?!”

Watching his get angrier and angrier, she bit her lip, her head snapping back towards the spider, and then back to Khamul again.

“Khamul, please stop-“ She pleaded, but was interrupted by him.

“I loved you, Morwen,” clenching his eyes shut as he gently shook his head. “Was willing to sacrificing my own life to protect yours, but I can see now that I should’ve abandoned you, as you abandoned your love me!”

“Khamul, please-“


His loud scream startling everyone within the chamber, scaring Morwen into becoming silent, forcing her to back away from him out of fear from what he’d do to her. Rising to her feet, she hurried towards the entrance on the left…not noticing the figure that’d emerged in the doorway behind her.

The hooded figure then fired a warning shot towards them, causing an explosion in-between Khamul and Morwen, drawing everyone’s attention back towards it.

Already angered by (what he believed to be) his Morwen’s betrayal, Khamul was about to begin running towards the hooded figure.

However, another fired blast to the floor, soon halted his and the rest of the council’s aggressive advances against it.

While everyone’s focus was on the hooded figure, one councilmember shifted his attention towards Morwen, whom he could see was backing away towards the left entrance, though, soon shifting his angry stare to a confused one as he took notice of a figure standing in the doorway. The same doorway that Morwen was backing away towards.

Soon backing up into the doorway, her retreat was abruptly interrupted when she suddenly bumped against something (or someone) in the doorway. Her body tensing up as she reached behind her, feeling flesh and blood, though, despite the cold touch of death upon first contact, there was also a warmth. Life and death being very prominent in this being behind her.

Quickly, she jumped away from it, rapidly turning around! Looking behind her towards the figure, holding a frightened expression as she looked towards the doorway, seeing a dark silhouette standing there.

It’s dark robes blowing in the wind, showing a bald head.

Suddenly, though, two eyes shot open amidst the blackness!

The eyes are blood-red, slit, with the same pupils as a snake, and they quickly snap towards Morwen, before looking straight at him! The eyes narrowing as they stare at him, distracting him from another figure that is emerging from behind the Dark Lord’s robes, slithering along the floor.

Hearing a soft hiss from the floor, the councilmember suddenly screams aloud, quickly flinching as he jumps back! Everyone’s attention snaps towards him, staring to where he is pointing as he screams, “AHH, the floor is hissing!” noticing the dark figure, and immediately get ready to defend themselves!

Morwen’s gaze, though, is drawn towards the floor, where she sees the Burmese python beside the Dark Lord’s feet.

The snake hisses aggressively at Morwen, making her more frightened of it, but despite this fear, she tries to compose herself in his presence.

“Move aside, woman!” Orders the Dark Lord, waving her off with a white bone it’s holding in its hand.

Bowing her head, she complies. Hanging her head as she backs away, moving out of his way.

Ignoring her, both he and the snake shift their attention towards the council, narrowing his eyes as he steps forward, accompanied by the snake slithering across the floor beside him.

“My Lord,” says the hooded figure, bowing his head before the Dark Lord.

“Lord?” questions one of the councilmembers, shooting the Dark Lord a puzzled stare.

Watching him, they cannot see anything beyond his blood-red (snake) eyes. That is, until he emerges from the darkness, stepping out into the light, making everyone gasp and stare at him with pale expressions. Terrified by his face.

While the baldness was not a shock, his face resembled a skull, with two slits for a nose (as he lacked a nose) and pale skin. His robes, themselves, covered his entire body, sprouting long sleeves. And just like the hooded figure, he held a stick, but his was a bone, pale, holding it elegantly between his fingers.

His disappointed frown shifted into a cruel smile at seeing their frightened faces staring at him.

He then shifted his attention towards Morwen, staring at her, whilst his smile grew wider.

“You have served the master well, everyone of them appears to be here,” he said, shifting his attention back to Khamul and the council.

Looking at her, Khamul and the council shot her angry frowns, while she hung her head.

“I…I live to serve him, my Lord,” she replied, clearly hesitant to reply.

“My Lord”?” Khamul asked as he stepped forward.

“Crucio!” exclaimed the dark lord, pointing his wand at Khamul.

Suddenly, agonizing pain began ravaging Khamul’s body, causing him to spasm, before falling to the floor, convulsing on the floor from the pain!


Morwen shouted as she attempted to run towards her Khamul to help, only for the hooded figure to hold out an arm in front of her, stopping her!

“No!” he commanded. “If he is meant to suffer for betraying the master, then he shall suffer,” he said, looking down at her, “your feels be damned.” He sneered.

“No, Khamul,” she sobbed softly.

Her face twitching as she beheld the unspeakable agony he suffered. Listening to his painful screams as they echoed throughout the throne room.

She wanted to look away, close her eyes, silence her hearing. Do anything than witness his suffering, but she couldn’t, for she knew that the master was watching her, judging her.

Even as the hooded figure lowered his arm, she continued to watch, fearful of the consequences of disobeying him.

She even held back the tears at seeing his body reacting violently to the pain of the Cruciatus curse.

From the floor, the snake looked up at her, watching her as she started to sob for real. Unable to hold back the tears anymore, as they started running down her cheeks. Dripping to the floor.

Looking down at the floor, she started to think. Thinking about the situation, these people, the circumstances that brought them here, particularly what they’d been fighting for.

Continually, a single question kept popping up time and again-

Was it worth it? she asked.

The question was unshakeable, impossible to not think about, that it kept tormenting her…until two figures stepped into the doorway. Standing behind the Dark Lord as they watched him torment Khamul.

Sensing their presence, the Dark Lord lowered his wand, ending Khamul’s torment as he looked back over his shoulder. Everyone else in the room following his example and staring at the dark silhouettes standing behind him.

“Ah!” replied the Dark Lord as he recognized the figures, “finally, you join usss.” He greeted them.

“You took your time getting here, I was beginning to worry you had lost your way.”

Stepping forth, the first silhouette was revealed to be a slender woman, her body was clothed with a dress that was easy to move about in, with a leather corset at the waist, sleeves, and a large crow’s nest of hair.

“Forgive me, my Lord,” she said, bowing her head, “but we were just dealing with several of these filthy traitor’s servants.” Her want pointing towards the council.

“we”?” asked the leader, taking several steps forward.

However, before he could even get close, she quickly grabbed her wand from her pouch, pointing it directly at him!

Her eyes became buggy, staring at him intensely as she pointed her wand at him.

While her pointing her wand at him was enough cause to make him freeze in his tracks, it was those buggy eyes and the terrifying expression that convinced him, that she wouldn’t hesitate to kill him.

The leader didn’t take another step, fearing the consequences of upsetting her.

“Move again, scum, and I won’t to hesitate to kill you, - “ she said, giving off a wicked smile, “unfortunately, as fun as that would be, the master has need of you. Personally, I wouldn’t waste the effort even bringing your corpse to him, you filth!” She spat in his face.

“Why you little-!” Growled the leader as he wiped the spit from his face, looking up at the woman as she turned and walked back towards the doorway.

His rage bubbled to the surface, but before he could lunge at her, she was too fast for him, and turned around, aiming her wand at his chest.

“Petrificus Totalus!” she said.

His eyes widened, his body becoming petrified, before shortly falling backwards and slamming onto the floor!

Every single member of the council gasped at seeing this. Their leader, the one person more powerful than either of them, the embodiment of their beliefs…had been defeated by a mere witch, and with such ease!

While Morwen, Khamul and the council was looking at their leader’s collapsed body, Bellatrix just stared at him as he lay there.

“Pathetic,” she sneered, lowering her wand as she didn’t consider him worth the effort.

Shaking her head, and covering her face in shame, she turned to walk away, back towards the doorway.

Glaring down at the petrified leader, the Dark Lord snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, from out of the hallway, shadows flew into the throne room. Landing on the floor, the shadows soon vanished, leaving dark robed, hooded figures that pointed their wands at what remained of the council.

Soon the Dark Lord’s chilly breath could be seen, as he, himself, was seen turning his head and looking up at the cracked wall. Staring at the hole as a hooded figure gently entered through the wall.

Its limbs were skeletal, with no visible body below the waist, but then again, the rest of its body was hidden behind dark, torn robes, with its face being hidden behind a hood and a single hole in the front.

“No!” one of the councilmembers gasped softly, eyes widening.

She turned towards the Dark Lord, staring at him as a single tear ran down her cheek.

“Not the Dementors…please, not them!” She sobbed.

However, the Dark Lord just looked at her, giving her a nasty glare, though, that glare soon turned into an evil smile.

“Take them!” he ordered to the Dementors.

The Dementors, that had been converging above the council, suddenly, descended upon them!

“No! NO!” she screamed as she was beset by a Dementor!

Watching as the terror unfolded, Morwen cupped her mouth as she backed away towards the Dark Lord. Watching in horror as the council and Khamul were ruthlessly attacked by the foul creatures.

Bellatrix smiled, folding her arms across her chest at the sight of Morwen being forced to watch the Dementors hurt her Khamul and the council, hearing their screams, watch their happiness be feed upon by the wraith-like creatures.

She wanted to beg the Dark Lord to throw her to the Dementors, suffer alongside her Khamul, to prove to him that she was still loyal enough to go through suffering of this magnitude with him…but she didn’t. She stood there, the tears running down her cheeks. She hated the master for his cruel punishment…but she feared the Dementors more, not wanting her happiness devoured by creatures that are empty, soulless and evil.

She tried looking away, but Bellatrix wanted her to see this, to have it burned into her memory forever.

She used her magic to force Morwen to watch, unable to close her eyes or avert her gaze.

Meanwhile, outside the tower, a dark figure rose from the ocean of shadows. A cruel, twisted smile widening on his face at hearing the council’s agonized screams. He knew that all of them were being tortured, even if it was in different ways.

Hearing a loud crash behind him, his head snapped towards the source of the crash. Looking up into the sky to see a giant spire had forced its way through the skies, like a tooth through flesh!

His look of shock gave way to a wide grin.

First looking up with his eyes, before then raising his entire head. Staring up at the sky.

Turning back around, he began approaching the cracked wall.

He, turning into dark smoke, while the other turned into golden smoke as they flew towards the cracked wall.

Entering the cracked wall, the black smoke faded, being instead replaced by two humanoid figures standing inside the throne room.

His brother standing beside him with his arms behind his back, smiling at the sight of Khamul and the rest of the council lying splayed out on the floor. All of them panting heavily from their terrible experience with the Dementors.

Scoffing at seeing the leader’s petrified body on the floor.

Turning his head, he looked at Morwen. His smile growing wider at seeing her sad frown, even scoffing at the fresh tears running down her cheeks.

The Dark Lord figure sheathed his wand, before bowing before the golden figure. Everyone else immediately the Dark Lord’s example.

The only ones that didn’t bow were the Dementors, who just floated there in the air.

“Should we kill them now, brother? They are at our mercy!” he hissed, balling his fist, Morwen gasping as the suggestion.

“No…” his response immediately making her exhale in relief, “despite their treachery, they possess valuable information that will go lost with their deaths,” he said.

His eyes snapped towards the petrified leader, narrowing his eyes whilst glaring at him.

“This knowledge is new to me, precious beyond even my own life, and I will not see it lost now.”

“As you wish, my Lord,” the Dark Lord said, bowing his head.

His attention shifted to Khamul, whom he stared at for a couple minutes. His glare changing into a mocking smirk, as he stepped down from the throne. His brother following behind him.

“Bring them to my ship, and salvage what you can.” He instructed to the Dark Lord, before continuing down the hall, accompanied by his brother and a pair of the hooded figures.

The Dark Lord’s eyes widen, gently raising his head as he looks up at the ceiling. Lastly, staring at the iron throne as a beam of light shone in through the cracked wall.

However, his stare didn’t last long as a giant, black, titular hand crashed through the wall, and grabbed the throne. Lifting it up, and out of the room.

Dementors and Death Eaters, alike, all flew out of the throne room, carrying out the master’s orders. Wanting to see them through as fast as possible.

Soon, after everyone had left, the Dark Lord, himself, flew away. Turning into dark smoke, as he flew out through the cracked wall.



Sometime later, the golden figure, flanked by his Death Eater guards, Bellatrix and a young man, who was clad in identical robes to the (pale) Dark Lord walked down a corridor towards the hanger.

Encountering both the motionless corpses of the Brotherhood’s forces and the crystal zombies, who upon seeing him leading at the head, stepped aside for him and the ones with him.

Soon arriving at the hanger, they made their way towards a nearby Imperial Shuttle that had been prepared for their departure.

After proceeding up the ramp, the ramp lifted back up, sealing shut behind them.

Lifting up off the floor, it turned around in mid-air, before flying out of the hanger. Its wings folding down as it flew into space. Returning to the planetoid station.

The shuttle, however, was not the only ship to be seen departing from the Brotherhood’ station. The crystalized Star Destroyers all flew away from the doomed station. Everything with value having been salvaged, and everyone now safely leaving onboard the behemoth crystals.

As distance is put between the ships and the station, the planetoid station’s crew receives the order to demolish the station and put it to proper use.

The massive pincher-like spires begin going deeper into the station, penetrating deeper as the planetoid pulls the station closer! Projecting a beam from its ‘’eye’’, which begins sucking up the station’s steel plates, pieces of machines, software, defense turrets, and even whole armada’s worth of Starfighters.

Whatever survivors of the Brotherhood’s forces remained on the doomed station, were soon sucked up by the bright light. The light blinding them for the last few minutes that they lived, before then feeding them to the planetoid station’s machines, where they finally meet their fate.

Like a vulture feasting on a lifeless corpse, the near-completed station was eaten out. Entire sections, large chambers and rooms. Everything within the station was reduced to…nothing.

Soon, all that remained of the vicious assault was the planetoid station and its crystalized Star Destroyers.

Folding back its wings as it landed in the hanger, the shuttle’s ramp slowly moved down. Clanking as it hit the steel floor, soon followed by the hooded figure and his guards emerging down the ramp.

Voices were speaking over the intercoms, crew and personnel were attending their duties, but upon seeing the hooded figure approaching them, they immediately bowed before him.

Before reaching the door, his wrist-device began beeping. Raising it, he pressed a button, which caused a tiny, holographic image of a scientist to appear.

“My Lord, as per your instructions, we have begun experimenting on the first crystal zombies as you instructed,” said the scientist.

“And?” replied the hooded figure.

“We’re about to awaken the first batch, and would like for you to be present when they waken.”

“I’ll be there shortly,” he smiled, pressing a button on his wrist-device, that caused the hologram to fade.

Looking back at his guards, he nudged with his head for them to follow. To which both nodded their heads in reply.

Looking back in front of him, he stood motionless for a few seconds, before his entire body turned into golden smoke. Both he and his guards flew straight towards the door, which sharply opened for them. They made a sharp turn left, before flying down through the corridor towards the labs.


Waiting patiently in the control room, the Chief Scientist and his crew were patiently waiting for their master to arrive. By the look of things, they wouldn’t be waiting long as the door soon whooshed open. Followed by three forms flying into the room control room. Two black, and one golden.

The golden one landed in front of the Chief Scientist. Startling him at first, but then, upon seeing the hooded figure emerge from the smoke, he was now terrified.

The hooded figure’s serious frown was soon replaced by a smile, as he put his arms behind his back.

Turning away, he faced the glass, seeing a dark room in front of him. Waiting for the demonstration to begin.

Snapping from his nervous stupor, the Chief Scientist started pressing buttons on the control console, causing the dark room outside the glass to be illuminated with light. Revealing five coffin-shaped capsules.

Steam hissed as the coffins opened. Pulling away the lids to reveal a humanoid figure within each coffin.

“We experienced some difficulties from the…subjects that you provided, my Lord, -“ he said, pressing a button on the console, illuminating blue lights on the humanoids’ chests.

Grabbing the edges, the five figures soon emerged from the coffins.

“…however, once interfaced properly with the suit, they all became silent,” he chuckled.

After pressing a button, they all stopped. Standing beside the other in a straight line. The mechanical sounds they made when moving, coming to an abrupt stop.

Their black, expressionless eyes staring back through the glass at the figures on the other side.

“My Lord, Omega, may I present to you, -“ he said, turning to face his master. Bowing his head as he held out his arm, pointing towards the silver humanoids.

“The Cybermen, the Silver Nemesis of your enemies!” he proclaimed.

In response to what he said, the Cybermen all tapped their chests. Standing at attention.

His smile having turned into a blank frown, he slowly looked from left to right. Seeing each Cybermen with his own eyes.

“Impressive,” he commented, gently nodding his head.

“When can they be put into mass-production?” he asked. Focusing on a single Cybermen.

“Mass-production may commence as soon as they’ve meet with your approval-“

“Then you have it!”

Looking back up towards the hooded figure with a shocked look, the Chief Scientist gave him a shocked look at his sudden reply.

“Beg your pardon, my Lord?” he asked, giving him a quizzical look.

“The Cybermen…they meet with my approval,” the hooded figure said. Turning his head and looking towards the man beside him.

“My Lord?” he stuttered. Shocked at the news their master was personally delivering to him.

“I suggest you prepare for the Army of the Dead, instead of being puzzled by my words.”

He tried to speak, to make sense of his master’s decision, but before he could, the hooded figure (and his guards) turned into smoke. Flying back out the way they had entered. Leaving the Chief Scientist and his staff alone in the control room.


Meanwhile, elsewhere within the planetoid station, the Death Eaters, Bellatrix, the pale figure, and the teenager clad in dark-green robes were using their magic to create a new throne room.

The snake simply watched large black pillars grow out of the floor, with white bases and tops connected to the arching ceiling.

In-between each pillar a statue was carved. Each statue showing one of the great leaders of old. Two statues being carved from pure gold. Being furthest inwards in the room.

The first depicted a young man, who was clad in long robes. His hair was to one side, and had a young face. He was cradling in-between his fingers. A special wand with bumps going all the way up to the top, and a white mark near the bottom.

The second depicted another figure clad in robes, but on top wearing big robes, it also wore armor. With the final piece, being a large helmet that completely covered the head. It grasped a spear tightly in its hand.

Not too far back from either of these statues, stood a small flight of stairs that lead up to a white marble throne. A black marble, and less impressive throne sitting beside the throne. Suspended above the throne, was a large, golden crown.

Rising from the earth, the walls reached high into the air. Curving inwards at the back. Forming a giant dome above the throne in the back…

(Insert pic https://middleeartharchitectures.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/rotkd1-004266.jpg)


After completing it, everyone gathered at the bottom of the stairs. Every single one of them looking up towards the throne. Focusing their attention on the throne, before looking up towards the crown suspended in the air above the throne.

Hearing footsteps approach, and sensing a presence about to arrive, they all turned around. Looking back towards the front entrance, where they saw Aku carry the iron throne towards them.

Without hesitation, the crowd moved out of the way, allowing Aku to pass. Continuing towards the steps, Aku proceeded to walk up the steps towards the top. All eyes being on him as he placed the throne back down at the top.

Suddenly, though, as the throne connected to the floor, a powerful burst of lightning shot down from the ceiling! Striking the throne, Aku was knocked back down to the floor from the explosion that erupted from the throne!

(Insert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVgn5KU438k)

Before anyone could rush over to Aku, their attention was soon stolen away by the throne beginning to emit a bright light. A light, that just continued to get brighter and brighter.

Everyone, present, hearing sparks coming off the throne as they held up their hands. Shielding their eyes from the light…!

However, everyone was suddenly taken by surprise when another explosion erupted! The whole room being enveloped in white light.

On the surface or deep underground, the entire planet was shaking! The largest quake shaking the planet to its core! Fundamentally changing it, as blue energy that accompanied quakes seeped into every hole, crevice or gap all across the planet! A bright blue glow shining upwards into the sky!

From space, the blue streaks were spreading across the planet like veins!

Upon reaching the base of the pincher-like spires, symbols on the side started to appear! Glowing the same blue, until reaching the very tip! A single, blue spark of energy shooting out towards the other end...

While the planet was changing, onboard the crystalized Star Destroyers, the council had been imprisoned in holding cells, that bound their arms and hands. Any attempt to escape would be replied to by being injected with a fatal poison, which would kill them…but not before having every memory, every thought, everything, drained from their mind.

If they wanted to die, then that was their choice, but the information they carried was too valuable not to be saved.

Within each ship, a floating screen had appeared in mid-air for them to see what was occurring on the planet.

“Wait a minute, hang on,” she said. Seeing on the screen, that something was happening on the surface of the planetoid.

“Something’s happening. What’s happening?!”

Within every ship, each of the captured councilmembers’ eyes were unable to avert their gaze. Each and every staring at the screen as they watched the blue veins continue to spread.

Appearing at the spires’ tips, sphere containing raw energy began rapidly gathering energy. Getting stronger and stronger with each bypassing second!

Out of the corner of her eye, Morwen noticed the spheres on the screen. A pale look of terror settling on her face at the appearance of such raw power! Crackling energy emerging from either sphere.

She would have begun to struggle, but the spheres suddenly fired several beams towards each of the Star Destroyers.

Every ship shaking violently, as every crystal began glowing fiercely! Everyone being blinded by the light as the end drew closer…!

Continuing to remain at the heart of the ship, everything around the holding chamber, though, began to reorganize itself! Changing into something new, something more powerful, something…secure!

Its triangular form remolding into a new form!

It’s mass expanding to become larger. Developing sharp edges at both the top and bottom. Getting flat sides, top and bottom.

Before returning to the energy spheres, the beams empowered the cubes. All of them glowing a bright green!

(Insert pic Brotherhood Prison Cubes)

The new crystal cubes continued to remain in orbit around the planetoid station for as long they could, but once the beams dissipated, they began to drift away. Drifting into great unknown. Each one separating from the others.

This was the Brotherhood’s punishment for their betrayal against the Great One: they’d forever lost to the void, but they’d never see each other again. They were at their strongest when working together as one, but at their most vulnerable when alone. It was their united strength that bested the Great One, but now, they were nothing but the dust beneath his fingernails.

As her cube floated away from the rest, Morwen looked back up towards the screen. Looking at it one final time as she watched the other cubes slowly drift away, though, all her attention was only focused on one specific cube. One that she saw as clear as day. It being as visible as it was, probably to torment her.

One final reminder of her failures, the decisions that lead her to now be imprisoned…causing a single tear to run down her face.

Now, forever hating herself for the decisions that lead her to this moment, to be forever separated from Khamul…and now, she’d lost him forever.

Meanwhile, as the cubes disappeared into the endless distance, the blue veins and violent shaking coursing throughout the planetoid station finally came to a stop.

Back in the throne room, as the lights died down, everyone present could finally lower their arms. Staring across the room towards the iron throne, which had now welded itself to the floor.

However, instead of the whole throne being dark-grey, everything beneath the armrests (including the armrests themselves) were now white marble.

Immediately, everyone began staring in awe of the throne’s transformation.

It was now, clearer than ever, that the throne had found a new home in the planetoid station. The entire station been empowered so that it may serve the throne and its master properly.

Instantly, the station’s technology had been improved and every crack, tear, rip and hole had been filled. In other words, it had been perfected with the throne’s restoration.

Standing up, Aku brushed himself off. Shocked at the power contained within the throne.

“Impressive, isn’t it?” They all heard a voice ask from behind.

Quickly, every one of the group turned around. Their frightened faces looking back at the Great One as he stood behind them with his behind his back.

“The power the throne possess is remarkable,” he said, stepping forward. Approaching them as they looked into his glowing eyes.

“Yesss, it served the traitors well…but its true power can only be unlocked by the heir. The one to inherit the power, and use it as they please.” He stopped walking at the steps. Standing frozen in place as he stared at the throne.

Turning around, he looked back at all of them.

“Yes, what you’re thinking is completely right. I am the heir. Once I take possession of the throne and its power, everything will return to the way it was before the betrayal…”

“You, brother, may return to your slumber, to sleep peacefully until called upon once more,” he said, holding out a hand towards Aku.

Aku silently nodded his head. Calmly accepting what his brother was telling him.

“In fact, every single one of you will sleep until your time has come again.” His hand pointing out towards the whole group.

Holding her hands behind her back, Bellatrix just smiled. Nodding her head.

“Yes, my Lord,” they all said in unison, bowing their heads in respect.

“You have all done your part in restoring order to chaos,” he said, turning his head and looking back towards the throne, “but now, it’s time for me to play my part.” His eyes narrowing towards the throne.

Turning around to face the throne, he inhaled a deep breath. Calmly exhaling it.

His first step was soon followed by another, and another, and another. Slowly drawing closer to the throne, one step at a time…

Reaching it, he turned around. Looking back down towards them. Smiling behind his mask, before sitting down in the throne.

Seeing everyone in the group for the final time in a long while.

Blue markings began illuminating themselves on the sword. The glow from the throne, getting brighter and brighter. Showing the Great One as nothing but a black silhouette.

For a second time, everyone in the room raised their arms to once again shield themselves from the bright light.

For a time, there was nothing but the bright, golden light…that is, until it reached its apex, and exploded! Shooting an intense wave of golden light outwards from the throne, that pushed everyone! Knocking them off their feet!

However, the wave didn’t just stay confined to the throne room, or even the station…

No, it continued to pass through steel, crystal and flesh, until it reached the end…but still, it didn’t stop here…

Continuing into space, the golden wave shot outwards from the station across the entire universe! Sweeping across planets, moons, galaxies and nebulas!

A Brotherhood fleet that was hit by the wave, were disintegrated into dust, before becoming nothing.

Brotherhood constructed cities, recruitment posts, space stations, shipyards, and what remained of their Space and Ground forces were all destroyed in an instant. No trace of their presence remaining as the wave passed.

The Brotherhood’s banners burned. Disappearing from the universe forever!



Meanwhile, in a far-away castle, a man was sitting alone in a dark room. Sitting against the wall with an evident look of fear on his face as he panted.

Sweating ran down his head as he panted heavily, eyes wide in fear as he looked out in front of him!

He could feel it as clear as sunlight: both his hearts had stopped, and he was just barely holding on by a thread!

Soon, the door opened and a figure stepped inside.

Despite hearing its footsteps as it got closer, he didn’t look up…not yet.

Soon, though, as the footsteps came to a stop in front of him, allowing him to see nothing but the figure’s boots, did he finally raise his head. Looking up towards the figure in front of him.

Its frowning face staring at him, while he began to sob.

“I-I don’t want to go!” he sobbed.

“Neither did he, but you still robbed him of his life, stole his chance at a normal life, and he will never get it back because of what you did to him,” he said.

“You were meant to die that day,” a wide grin appearing on his face, “but I can promise you, after all I went through to finally bring you to justice, that this time you will stay dead. Both your hearts are dead, so you won’t even regenerate…but just die!” he said softly, letting the terror of the thought sink in with him.

As both his hands and head started to glow, he tried to gasp, but found that there was no more breath in his lungs.

“You don’t even deserve this, but I still bid you-” he said, holding his hands at the front. Looking down at the Time Lord’s hands as the glow started to intensify.

Putting his hands behind his back, he backed away from the dying Time Lord as he looked down at his hands. His fear growing at seeing regeneration’s light growing stronger…meaning that his doom was drawing closer.

“Please, don’t do this!” he pleaded with the figure before him, only to be meet with silence. Tears running down his face at his imminent departure from this world.


With that final word spoken, he then faded away. Upon no longer standing in front of him, the Time Lord saw the door had been closed.

However, neither of these things calmed him. Instead, he just began trying to pant. Not drawing any breath as he slowly stood back up on his feet, grunting as he felt it getting closer…

He attempted to walk, but this only speed the process up, causing it to happen faster. He managed to get three steps, before freezing in place. His eyes widening as it hit him in both hearts!

A golden inferno erupting from both his hands and feet! His arms shooting out beside him.

His face tensing as he felt the energy rushing throughout his body! Killing every cell in his body dead.

Clenching his eyes, he let out a final scream from the agony he was experiencing! Letting himself be heard one final time before the end.

Soon, everything calmed, as the energy stopped flowing. His arms falling down beside him. Standing motionless as his open eyes looking out in front of them.

Standing there for a few seconds, before falling backwards. Hitting the floor with a mighty thud, which caused a crack to appear at the back of his head.

The crack continued to spread throughout his body, destroying his body piece by piece, before a fiery glow was seen between the cracks. The cracked pieces beginning to float up into the air as the now-lifeless shell was unable to keep them intact anymore. Nothing being left of him, once every piece was finished disintegrating.

Soon, the hallways and corridors of the castles fell silent. Not a single sound being heard throughout the almost-abandoned fortress. !Is͞�gAF}�Y}

Author's Note:

Link - The Long Song (with lyrics) - Doctor Who