• Published 29th Jul 2016
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The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 25

A Game of Thrones Part 1

Sometime later in another galaxy, two fleets were engaged in a great space battle above a planet.

The planet, itself was a barren desert planet of hardly any significance, desolate and remote. Certainly, a way away from the nearest planet under control of the Brotherhood…but that was what made it ideal for an ambush!

The Brotherhood fleet consisted of five Transports, but when leaving their point of origin, they were accompanied by five standard Star Destroyers and a single Super Star Destroyer. The onboard cargo being much too valuable to be simply stolen by pirates, or worse, the Resistance!

On the opposition’s side, it consisted of six Lucrehulk Control ships, four Munificent Frigates, two Providence Destroyers, and a single Recusant Destroyer as the command ship.

Launching their fighters, both sides’ starfighters speed towards each other ready to engage!

Soon, the sky lit up as red and blue energy bolts zipped across space, destroying enemy starfighters as soon as they made contact!

On the Super Star Destroyer’s Bridge, the Admiral could do nothing but observe the battle in progress.

With his arms folded across his chest, his mind was only fixated on only one thing; What are they doing?

This tactic of just recklessly attacking such a heavily armed force was beyond anything the Resistance had ever attempted before.

The Transports had been instructed to remain safely on the far-right side near the rear of the Super Star Destroyer.

This put them uncomfortably close to a nearby asteroid belt, but scans of the asteroid field had yielded no nearby hostiles.

For fear of being intercepted by the Resistance, the Transports had not yet attempted to flee from the battlefield. They were to only do so if the Resistance were overwhelming their forces. The Resistance could not be permitted to possess this cargo at all costs.


Meanwhile, at a large space station that ringed an entire planet, several new Star Destroyers had been completed. Crews for the large Starships were being flown in as fast as possible so that they could immediately depart to reinforce the escort fleet, who had already engaged the Resistance forces.

One of these Star Destroyer ‘’Ravager’’ that would serve as the Command ship.

The commander of the Ravager was Captain Ozzel, a famed commander, who had long served the Brotherhood by pushing back Resistance on many previous occupied worlds. He had even been personally visited to ensure that he was part of the reinforcements, since suspicions about an incoming attack had been brought to his attention.

As his shuttle landed in the Ravager’s hanger, he was greeted by the Captain, who had served as his Second-in Command on their previous Starship, who was very friendly when greeting him.

“Glad to see that they choose you to command the fleet, Admiral,” he said, extending a hand.

“Indeed, just like old times, eh?” replied Ozzel.

“Yes, sir,” he replied.

After making their way through the giant ship, they finally arrived on the Star Destroyer’s Bridge. Ozzel sighing in relief at seeing the Bridge, and not another hallway.

Walking into the Bridge, an immediate order to make the jump to lightspeed was given.

Shortly, all the Destroyers then made the jump. Disappearing, as they made their way towards the in-progress space battle.

As he saw nothing but a blue vortex in front of him, he held his hands behind his back, grinning at the thought that soon, soon this war would end…

“…and peace will be restored to the galaxy, at last,” he said, verbalizing his thought.

Narrowing his eyes, he looked towards the Communications Officer, and ordered him to send a transmission to the fleet, informing them that they were underway, and would be there shortly.

Without hesitation, the officer replied with a “Yes sir,” and set to work on sending the desired transmission.


On the Bridge of the Providence-class Cruiser leading the assault, a being wearing blue robes that reached down to the floor, covering its legs, and a suit that allowed him to breathe outside the atmosphere of his home planet, with only the top of his head exposed, was shortly approached by a Super Tactical Droid.

“Commander, there has been a development,” the droid said.

It’s master turning around, and facing him. Still with his arms folded across his chest.

“How so?” the Commander asked.

“Our Tactical Computers advise that our current course of action is to commence bombings of the enemy fleet,” the droid explained.

“Well, get on with it, then,” he waved off the droid, as he slowly turned back to continue observing the battle.

“You misunderstand, Commander, we are to divert all Bombers to attack the enemy’ Star Destroyers,” interjected the droid.

A little bit of news that made the Commander freeze in place, and rapidly turn back.

“All Bombers!?” he inquired, notably outraged at this.

“Go and make sure the damn thing hasn’t malfunctioned!” he demanded, pointing his index finger at the droid.

“Commander, the Tactical Computer is running at 100% capacity. Nothing is wrong with it, but those are our orders, and they are the ones we have been issued,” said the droid, seemingly determined to carry these orders out regardless of his co-operation or not, if it’s demeanor was anything to go by.

“Hmmm…” he thought, putting his gloved hand to his respirator.

Thinking it over, before giving his answer.

Despite being hidden behind a respirator, a heavy sigh was uttered by him.

He turned, looking directly at the droid, and said “Very well… Do it.”

“As you wish,” responded the droid, bowing its head, and touching a hand to its chest, before turning away, and walking away to carry out its orders.

Narrowing his eyes, angrily, he folded his arms across his chest, and turned back. Looking out the large viewport as he resumed watching the battle.

Hoping he’d made the best decision.

Meanwhile, on the Bridge of the Super Star Destroyer, the Admiral was informed by an alarmed officer that a large swarm of Hyena Droid Bombers were commencing a bombing run.

The Admiral was worried, but considering the threat to be a low one.

He was about to begin issuing orders in response to this, but was abruptly interrupted by the same officer following up by shouting “… However, they are not heading for us.”

This worried the Admiral, as it was highly irregular for Resistance forces to not want to eliminate the strongest elements of the Brotherhood’ Navy.

He would have inquired about their real target, when he was suddenly distracted by another officer calling for his attention.

Frustrated, he snapped at the officer, but when he looked out the viewport, he froze.

His face becoming pale, as he watched a large swarm of Bombers fly straight towards the Star Destroyer, Quartier, right before unleashing a blanket of blue energy over its Bridge…


However, he was unable to see the rest as an explosion erupted from the Quartier, that prevented anyone else from seeing the rest either.

When the light, and they could see the fate of Quartier, they soon wished that they hadn’t.

A great fire was occurring at the back of the Starship...It’s Bridge was missing…and its front tip was slowly pointing down, as it fell out of orbit towards the planet below.

Snapping from his trance, an officer called out to the Admiral, but it took the man a few seconds before he was able to come-to after just witnessing such devastation.

“Order a- “

“Admiral, there is an incoming transmission…” the Communications Officer interrupted him.

All eyes fell on the officer, whom it seemed was listening to what it said.

“Are they hailing us?” he asked softly.

His urge to stay behind and fight, having been crushed at seeing how deadly the Resistance’s new strategy was. Though, admittedly, he was a little confused why they hadn’t used it earlier?

The officer’s head turned, looking back at them, but unlike they expected, he was…smiling?

“Negative, sir,” he replied, “…it’s the Ravager, and her reinforcements!”

The Admiral’s brows jumped at this news. That was indeed news that were rather unexpected at this time.

“What!?” he exclaimed.

Outside the Super Star Destroyer’s Bridge, several Star Destroyers emerged. Coming out of their jump to lightspeed, and gliding through space towards the space battle that was in progress over the barren planet.

The map revealed that it was four Star Destroyers that had come to their aid, and with their arrival, they now stood a chance of withstanding the Resistance’ attack.

The Admiral quickly realized that gave the Transports a perfect chance to flee the battle.

The Resistance was still engaged with their forces, so it would mean that if the Transports were to make a break for their reinforcements, they could possibly make it. They would still send Fighters to try to intercept them, but with the condition of this battle, they could not afford to spare many.

“Order the Transports to make their way to the Ravager, and remain close as they make their escape,” he instructed.

“Yes sir,” the officer replied.

Wasting no time in relaying the message to the Transports, giving them the orders to seek shelter at the Ravager.

Outside in space, the Transports, having received new orders, made sharp turns. Heading for the Ravager, and its fleet of reinforcements. Making due haste towards the four triangle-shaped Starships.

Just seconds after their arrival, Starfighters and Bombers could already be seen departing the Star Destroyers, and speeding across the bottomless, black plain of stars and darkness.

Shooting past the Transports, and engaged the hostile Vulture Droids that were in pursuit of them, presenting the Transports with just the chance they needed to reach the Ravager, and the other Star Destroyers.

On the Ravager’s Bridge, Ozzel held his hands behind his back, as he watched the Transport get closer and closer.

“Admiral, the Transports are now within range of our Tractor Beams,” his Second-in Command informed him.

“Excellent, then engage it, and inform that we’re pulling away to friendly space so that their precious cargo doesn’t end up in the Resistance’s hands,” Ozzel instructed.

“Right away, sir,” replied the Second-in Command.

He bowed, and then turned towards one of the officers, pointing at him with his index.

“Activate Tractor Beam, and focus them on the approaching Transports,” he instructed.

He turned towards another officer, before the other had a chance to respond, and ordered the Hyperdrive to be primed, and to jump to a set of co-ordinates.

An order was then issued to inform the Transports that they needed to dock at the Star Destroyers’ landing bays as soon as possible. They were making a jump out of this system, and it was vital that the Transports were with them when they left, otherwise this whole retrieval was doomed.

Through the viewport, Ozzel’s attention shifted from the space battle to watching the incoming Transports disappear underneath the Star Destroyer, and make their way for the hanger bay, turning themselves around, and attaching themselves to the ship.

The clamps coming down hard, and connecting both ships.

After being informed that the two ships were connected, a curled smile made its way onto Ozzel’s face.

After giving the order, he and the Second-in Command watched as the Ravager’s Bridge viewport started turning right, as the vast warship changed course. The others continuing on their present course, but instead of heading for the Resistance ships…they were headed straight for-

“…us!” exclaimed an officer in shock at seeing this sudden turn of events.

“The reinforcements the Ravager brought with it, are instead converging on us, rather than the Resistance forces!”

Every single member of the crew recognized the fear in the officer’s voice as he relayed that information to them.

The Bridge, then, started shook violently, sparks flying from the walls, ceiling, and floor, as a relentless barrage came over them.

The floor ripped open, revealing terrifying flames that rose up from the cracks, engulfing the crew, and incinerating them…leaving the Admiral for last, who stood in front of the viewport, and silently watched as red and green energy blasts tore his ship apart, ripping it to pieces from the inside and out.

The bombardment it was under being too much for it, that as soon as the shields dropped, and it was left unprotected, there was nothing to prevent it’s now sealed fate.

An inferno erupted from the hanger, engulfing any of the surviving TIE-fighters that were trying to escape the doomed ship…

The engines failed, stranding it…

And every one of its turret armaments were overwhelmed with laser fire, robbing the scared and panicking crews of any hope…especially as the hull was ripped apart, and they were all sucked out into space, crippling the ship even more than it already was!

A blast penetrated the reactor, and ignited the core, sending a wave of fire and death throughout the corridors and hallways of the ship, silencing anyone that it encountered…

Back on the Bridge, the Admiral heard an angry growl, and slowly turned around to see what awaited him.

His face was covered by a fiery glow, and his wide, terrified eyes seeing only fire, before the raging inferno enveloped him, and-


…tore through the viewport, destroying it, as well as the entire ship, whose surface was now laced with fires erupting throughout its hull.

A final explosion erupting from the Super Star Destroyer’s center, at the same time!

A sphere-shaped explosion happened, destroying everything…and leaving nothing but dust, and bodies, drifting through space.

The other Star Destroyers had already suffered the same fate before it had, and were now lifeless, drifting pieces.

Soon, the Resistance ships all turned away, and made their jump to Lightspeed. The only survivors and witnesses of the carnage that had taken place here.


Meanwhile, in another quadrant of space, the Star Destroyer, Ravager, emerged from its jump to Lightspeed. The other Star Destroyers, that had been part of its reinforcement group dropping out, shortly…along with the Resistance forces, who just floated towards the Ravager, and hailed them. Providing them with instructions on where to proceed from here.

Instructions, they followed by sending out boarding parties to neutralize the Brotherhood in possession of the prize.

Slaughtering the ones that refused to surrender, and imprisoning those that surrendered.

After their cargo was secured, they primed their Hyperdrives again, and made another jump to another quadrant of space.

After emerging from yet another jump, the large fleet set course towards a planet…a planet that was entirely made out of steel and iron, with a large eye in the center, and a pair of large spires beside it, with a large ring surrounding the celestial body.

Docking at its immense landing bays, the Ravager, and the other Star Destroyer’s important cargo was removed, and brought to the planet’s core, where they were placed into specially shaped carvings on the walls.

An act, which triggered the crystals begin to emit steadily-building levels of humming energy, before exploding into an intense wave that flowed through the rest of the planet!