• Published 29th Jul 2016
  • 15,738 Views, 109 Comments

The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

  • ...

Chapter 43

Storm the Castle!

*The Present*

A cold wind blows across the fields outside Bill's castle.

Through the fog, a faint but growing silhouette appeared.

One silhouette, then two, then six, and soon ten. And that number continueed to rise as more silhouettes appear.

Many of them varying in shape and size, but everyone of their eyes are focused on the monstrous castle in front of them.

*Meanwhile, inside the castle...*

All eyes were on Bill Cipher as he hovered in front of Celestia's motionless body.

After he said "Sink'', Celestia's eyes widened and her jaw hung slack.

A petrified expression on her face, as she stared into Bill's face.

He extended a hand and gently tapped it against her forehead, but Celestia didnd't respond.

Bill grinned maliciously at her lack of response.

Bill snapped his finger and conjured a large TV screen that floated in the air above the party guests.

He narrows his eye gleefully, but soon stared blankly into Celestia's eyes.

Suddenly, a beam of golden light shot out from his eye towards Celestia's.

The beam split in half and seperateed into two beams that shoots into Celestia's eyes.

Bill's body continueed to have a golden aura, but his body's color drained. Becoming grey, while a faint golden aura appeared around Celestia's body.

The void shattered (like glass) and golden liquid pours into it through the faultlines.

Celestia tried to move, but is trapped even within her own body and mind.

Helpless to watch as the golden splotched expands and spread across the void.

Enveloping everything around Celestia in bright gold, all while she's help to do anything but watch.

As the gold consumed the entire void, it finally converged on her!

The gold rose high above her like a wave, before it came crashing down!

Celestia is knocked beneath the waves, but immediatly swam back up towards the surface.

Gasping, as she broke the surface.

She coughed up some of the golden liquid, but froze as she noticed the landscape.

"W-where am I!?" she asked softly in a terrified tone.

Aside from vast ocean of golden liquid, there was the dark clouds in the skies, above.

But visible in the clouds were hundreds of red faces.

Some sad, some happy, but the majority of them appeared to be screaming with furrowed brows.

"W-what kind of place am I in?!" she asked, looking in different directions... while oblivious to the water faintly swirling around her.

"And what is this stuff?!" she wondered aloud as she raised her hoof.

Looking at her hoof as the slime runs, and dripped back onto the ocean.

Her attention is soon drawn towards a swirling, amorphous window in mid-air.

Though it, she saw Bill Cipher...

Celestia squinted her brows, however, as she noticed something about Bill's apperance that strikes her as...odd;

Nearly half of Bill's body is grayed out, and the wave of gray continued travelling up along his body.

She stared at the image blankly. Obviously confused by it.

Her confusion distracted her from the water once again swirling all around her.

Behind her, a shape gently rose from the body of water. Towering over her.


Celestia reacts, as she heard movement behind her and turned around.

Looking behind her, she saw a massive form emerge from the water, thats' also composed of the water, itself.

Her eyes widened and jaw hung slack as she stared towards towards the mound...before a large, slit eye suddenly opens!

The eye looked down towards her, to which she gasped and quickly backed away from it.

She turned around and tries to run away from it, only for the water to explode upwards out of the water into the sky!

The water forms a large four-digited claw!

Celestia's eyes widened at the sight of the claw, but she managed to snap from her petrified stupor and swim away...that is, until another claw shot up out of the water

Her brows jumped and her jaw hung slack, all while the large eye behind her rises up out of the lake.

The top of its head re-formed into a triangle with the eye in its center.

"Hello, princess," the entity said. Speaking in Bill Cipher's tone.

"Bill...Cipher!?" she asked confused, "What have you done!? Where are we!?"

Bill just smirked, and swam down into the water. Slowly circling her.

"You don't even recognize your own Mindscape when you're swimming in it," he said, passing her by.

"This place is my Mindscape?" she asked, turning her head and looking around.

Bill soon emerged again from the water.

His large eye staring at her.

"It was...until I got here. Now its mine, along with your body!"

He extended his arm out towards the floating screen.

"Now you are mine!" he said in a slow and soft-spoken tone.

Gently raising his finger, which changed the window's color from pink to gold.

In spite of the ongoing transference, a creepy grin stretched across Celestia's face.

Celestia gasped as she looked out through the window and saw that half of Bill's body has now become gray.

Half of him is transfered and soon he will take all control away from her over her own body!

She looked back and gritted her teeth before firing a beam up at him.

He, however, just swated the beam back down at her.

Causing it to explode upon impacting the water, and knocking her back into the water with a loud splash!

Celestia soon broke the surface, and started coughing up water.

Soon looking up above her towards Bill's monolithic body as it towered over her.

A silent, eerie ambience in the air around them for that moment, which Bill soon broke.

"Poor little butterfly, you have lost your wings," Bill mocked her.

Smiling cruely at her.

"And now that which matters the most to you," he chuckled.

Celestia's brows jumped, but soon narrowed. Staring at him sternly.

"Go ahead! Take my body, but know that you'll never truly rule over the ponies of Equestria! They will never submit to you, no matter how much you may threaten them!"

Bill narrows his eye, and leans his head down close to Celestia.

Shooting her a creepy stare.

"Nor will they you...ever again!" he said in a slow and cold tone.

Confused, and a little scared all of a sudden, Celestia raises her brow at him.

"What do you mean?!"

Bill just chuckled at the tiny pony princess.

"I hope they remember you. I really do...cause generations will!"

Meanwhile outside Celestia's body, every one of Bill's guests looked up towards the motionless bodies of Bill and Celestia.

Awaiting whatever Bill was intending to show them, when the ceiling above them suddenly explodes!

Their attention is up, but are only able to see debris come falling towards them.

The various monsters and villains scatter to avoid being hit by the falling debris.

"We're under attack!" a monster with a hundred and eighty-eight different faces shouts.

In the panic, a lone jumps into the cracked ceiling.


Aku brows jumped, and the Shogun froze in his tracks.

Slowly turning around as he looked up towards the hole in the ceiling to see an unfortunatly familiar figure balling its fists.

Aku gritts his teeth, and angrilly narrowed his brows.

"Samurai Jack!"

"Yes, Aku. I will not allow to terrorize this world as you did mine!"

Jack calls back to the Shogun, as he grabs his sword's handle and pulls it out.

A sheen passing down along the blade.

"BWA HAHAHAHAHA!" Aku laughed.

His laughter grabbed the other monsters and villains' attention.

All of them looking towards the samurai with angry eyes.

"And who are you to deny me dominion over this world?!" Aku asked.

"This world belongs to me and my allies. You cannot defeat all of us!"

Aku holds his arms out beside him, drawing attention to the massive horde of monsters and villains behind him.

Jack, though, just smiled and slashed his sword through the air in front of him.

"Why do you assum I came alone?" Jack asked.

Suddenly, before Aku or the other villains can respond Moon Butterfly, Hekapoo, Rhombulus and Omnitraxus jumped inside the cracked ceiling.

Rhombulus shot his crystals towards a large bug-monster...

Hekapoo cloned herself in mid-air, and each of them held their hands out in front of them.

Conjuring a wall of fire that they shoot down towards a group of Bill's guests...

Omnitraxus conjures his large fists, and punched several black creatures with elongated heads and tails...

And Moon leaped into the air. Jumping over Aku.

The Shogun turned his head 90' degrees, but abruptly snapped it back towards Jack.

Growling, before he lunged right at the samurai.

Taking him by surprise, and knocking him backwards as the two flew outside.

Spotted Bill and Celestia suspended in the air, and didn't hesitate to shoot a beam of powerful magic towards him...!

The Thing screeched as Rhombulus's crystals pierced its flesh.

Its flesh smoldering away from where the crystals struck it!

Ivo Shandor swung his hand through the air, summoning dark-purple rocks that formed a protective barrier in front of him.

Protecting him, and the ones behind him, from the flames.

The Xenomorphs, that Omnitraxus punched, slammed against the wall quickly got back up on their feet.

Aggressively at the etheral creature, before they all charged at him...especially once the Queen Mother ran towards him.


And Bill groaned as the blast struck him in the back.

The golden beams from his eyes stopped, as his body slouched forward...

He managed to recover, though, but when he turned around to face his attacker his eye widened at seeing Moon charge up another spell.

He could only whisper the words "No!" before she fired it at him.

She fired the beam, and it pierced him directly in his chest!

The beam came out his back, and hit the object Celestia was restrained by.

Destroying it in a bright explosion, and leaving Celestia's body to fall towards the ground.

Before she hit the ground, though, Moon swoops in (in her butterfly form) and grabs her.

"I've got her!" Moon called out to Jack the others.

Meanwhile, as Moon flies away towards the destroyed ceiling, Bill hovers in mid-air.

Chocking, as his chest wound regenerates; restoring flesh and bone.

He gasps as he's restored.

Panting, as his eye looks up towards the destroyed ceiling and sees Princess Moon fly towards it with Celestia's body.

Gritting his teeth, his narrows his eye.

Gold smoke envelops his form, and he shoots straight towards the hole. Becoming an gold amorphous mass.

Moon flies towards the destroyed ceiling, but Bill suddenly beats them to it!

His amorphous form stretched its tendrils out to cover the hole. Preventing Moon, or any of them, from escaping!

Moon gasps, and abruptly stopped in mid-air...however, not fast enough as one of Bill's tendrils shot out towards her.

Wrapping itself around her waist!

Aku smiled, though, that smile soon faded as something suddenly crashed through the amorphous mass!

Scattering gold fluid onto the crowd, below.

A humanoid form of sorts fell down, though, a magical blast soon shot from it towards the tendril.

The tendril released Moon as the beam hit, and she quickly flew away from it.

The humanoid crashed against the ground, and laid motionless on the floor.

"Magical High Commission, to me!" Moon called out to Rhombulus, Hekapoo and Omnitraxus.

Omnitraxus, Hekapoo and Rhombulus turned towards Moon, and ran after her.

Rhombulus shooting his crystals, while Hekapoo and her clones formed a cirlce Rhombulus and Omnitraxus.

Creating a fire wall that protected them from the charging Xenomorphs.

As he ran, Omnitraxus punched the Thing (that was still screeching in pain), causing it to fall ontop of several monsters.

The monsters screeching alongside the Thing as they were assimilated.

The Thing experiencing such pain that it couldn't control itself!

Shandor hovered in the air.

Holding out his arms as he summoned more large dark-purple rocks, that he threw towards the Magical High Commission.

Remaining at the rear of the group, Omnitraxus punched the rocks before they hit Rhombulus and Hekapoo.

Xenomorphs Drones and even a couple of the Praetorians, and a couple Queens charged charged straight towards the group.

Many of them screeching as they were burnt by the fire, but always managing to destroy one of the Hekapoo clones!

The Queen Mother followed after the Magical High Commission, despite the Praetorians and Queens' insistance that she stay back and let them handle the situation.

But the Queen Mother were so consumed with rage. Feeling the pain of her sons and daughters as they were incinerated, and not being about to let these intruders to escape!

She attempted to stab Omnitraxus with her tail, but it merely passed through his head.

Omnitraxus's attention snapped towards the Queen Mother, and he thrust his fist out towards her. His fist elongating as it shoot towards the Queen Mother and punched her through the wall!

The Drones, Praetorians and Queens immediatly ignored about the Magical High Commission, and hurried out after their Mother.

Making it easier for Rhombulus, Hekapoo and Omnitraxus to make their way through the crowd towards the other end of the room.

Fighting off monsters and villains as they went.

Above, Moon bombarded the crowd with magical blast after magical blast.

Clearing a path for the Magical High Commission to get pass Bill's allies and monsters.

Charging a particular powerful blast, that she fired at the wall. Blowing it up.

"In here, quick!"

Moon called out to the others, before flying inside the hole in the wall.

Rhombulus, Hekapoo and Omnitraxus following suit.

The amorphous mass reformed back into Bill Cipher again, and he watched as Omnitraxus vanished inside the hole in the wall.

He quickly thrust his hand out, and shoot an immensly powerful beam (twice his size) towards the hole in the wall!

Another explosions erupts, sending a shockwave that knocks the crowd to the floor.

As the dust settles, Bill sees an even larger left behind from his last-ditch attack.

While his allies and monsters get back on their feet, Bill growls.

Slowly turning his head and looking up towards the destroyed ceiling, as he hears swords clashing and beams being fired.

He narrowed his brows, and held his arms behind his back.

Turning around, he faced his allies and monsters.

"Deal with them!" he said in a soft yet angry tone.

The villains and monsters all nodded, and all walked towards the destroyed wall to pursue Moon and the others...until they heard Bill's voice.

"No, not them..."

The monsters and villains stopped, and looked up towards Bill, confused.

"Them," Bill said, pointing his finger up towards the destroyed ceiling.

The monsters and villains looked from the destroyed ceiling towards Bill, and nodded back.

All of them jumping out through the hole in the ceiling.

As his allies left the room, Bill smiled as he hovered down towards the destroyed wall.

"I will deal with Celestia and her little friends!"

Bill smirked...


Meanwhile outside the castle, Velvet waited with her friends and allies for Moon to successfully save Celestia...but as they awaited her return, something lunged at Jack!

Pushing him backwards, and knocking him off the roof.

"Jack!" Velvet exclaimed, as she extended her hoof out towards him.

However, the samurai and some sort of black mass fell down towards the ground.

As they fell, Jack gritted his teeth and tightened his grip around his sword.

For all the black mass's efforts to restrain him, he managed to free and swing his arm out.

Slashing the sword outwards, and causing the mass to burn and smolder.

The black mass released its grip, allowing the samurai to free himself and jump atop it.

He ran up along the black mass. Slicing his sword along its center.

Jumping off the edge, just before it slammed down in the middle of the army of ponies.

Blowing up a powerful wave of dust and pressure, that passed out towards ponies in its wake.

Sending them flying through the air.

Jack grabbed and held his gi as it tightened. Becoming dome-shaped, which eased his descent towards the ground.

Allowing him to gently plant his feet on the dead surface.

Fortunatly the dust cloud died down before it reached him.

Even as the dust settled, Jack didn't hesitate to assume a defensive stance.

Holding his sword out in front of him.

His brow narrow, and eyes refusing to blink as he looked inside for any sign of the Shogun of Sorrow...

While the samurai watched for the Shogun, neither Velvet or their allies noticed a black mass that flew out from behind the Fearamid down towards the Equestrian army...!

Jack's head abruptly snapped behind him, though, as he heard energy beams being fired, voices screaming, and explosions behind him.

He immediatly gasped as he saw thousands of Ultron Sentries flying over the ponies.

Blasting them with their wrist-canons.

Several Sentries opened fire on Jack, but he parried the blasts with his sword.

Using his sword, he caught more blasts as he began running away from the Sentries.

The Sentries gave chase, and flew after him...until a figure behind them raised a metal hand.


The Sentries stopped in mid-air, and turned around.

"He's Aku's!" Ultron Prime said.

The Sentries hovered in the air, before they flew off.

Ultron smirking as he watched the samurai run away.

Watching as his Sentries resumed firing on the samurai...driving him inside the dust cloud!


Both normal Unicorns and equine archers shoot their arrows/magical blasts up towards the Sentries.

Piercing and several, but still the victory was a short-lived one as the Sentries just continued to swarm them!

Blasting them away faster than they could shoot them down.

Terrified, Velvet looks down on their army as the Sentries flies over them.

Decimating their forces as they go!

"T-they're killing them all!" Velvet said in a soft and frightened tone.

She focused so much that she doesn't notice the Sentries flying down towards them.

"Take cover!"

The Unicorns with them souted as they fired magical blasts towards the Sentries.

The Sentries, though, dodged the blasts and fired their own.

Raising protective barriers, Velvet and Night retaliated against the Sentries.

Shooting magical blasts out through the barriers, which hit the oncoming Sentries.

As their lifeless bodies fell out of the sky, Velvet and Night ran up to the destroyed ceiling.

But froze in their tracks as they saw a golden mass blocking it.

"Something's blocking their escape!" Velvet exclaimed.

She charged up a spell, but before she could fire it her attention was directed elsewhere as she heard one of the Unicorns call out...!

"More are incoming!"

She turned around, and gasped as she saw a swarm of Sentries flying down towards their position on the rooftop!

However, the humanoid at the head was taller and bulkier than the rest.

"Wait, is that-?"

"Didn't Jack destroy him? Cut him in half?" Night asked.

Leading his Sentries, Ultron narrowed his brows at noticing how the fillies seemed taken aback by his apperance rather than alarmed.

He thrust his hand out in front of him, which his Sentries repeated, and unleashed a flurry of energy blasts upon Velvet, her friends and the Unicorns.

The Unicorns managed to raise another protective barrier, but with the Sentries concentrated fire it soon started cracking.

Putting a strain on the Unicorns, which only weakened the barrier further.

Velvet and Night began discarging random blasts out towards the Sentries.

Hitting several, whose bodies fell out of the sky.

"AUGH!" Ultron groaned as Velvet hit him in the forehead. Killing him.

"You got him!" Night exclaimed, overjoyed.

Turning his head and looking back at Velvet.

Velvet smiled as she looked towards Night...however, their joy was soon cut short!

"Hrrrrrnnnng-I-I can't hold it any-AUGH!"

Velvet and Night's attention snapped back towards the Sentry swarm, but gasps as the barrier finally shatters.

Unable to withstand any more, especially as the Sentries continued their assault despite Ultron's destruction!

As soon as the barrier dissipated, the Sentries mercilessly shot the Unicorns. Killing them instantly!

Night and Velvet managed to raise their own barriers.

Withstanding several hits from the Sentries, until another problem soon arose... one that was flying straight for them!

"Oh... No!" Velvet and Night said together as they saw Ultron's body flying straight for them.

"NO!" Night exclaimed as he leaped in front of Velvet's body to shield her.

Ultron's body slamming into them both, knocking them towards the golden mass behind them.

They penetrated the golden mass and fell down through the air.

Night lost his grip and fell. Slamming into the floor,

Velvet nearly called out to him, until she looked up and saw the golden mass holding Moon and Celestia in its tendril.

Velvet gasped internally, but exterioally narrowed her brows.

Her horn glowing as she charged and fired a blast at the tendril.

Releasing Moon, whom immediatly flew away.

Ultron's body then slammed into the floor.

"In here, quick!"

Velvet groans as she stands back up, when her eyes widen at hearing Moon's voice.

Her eyes shot open, and she watches Moon and the Magical High Commission run out through a hole in the wall.

She nearly ran over to join them when she immediatly stopped in her tracks.

She ducked down behind Ultron's body, and looked up towards the amorphous golden mass.

Her eyes widening as it reformed back into a humanoid form of Bill Cipher.

All the monsters and villains looked up towards Bill, but soon left the room on his instructions.

Eventually, only she and Bill remained in the room...

However, Velvet and Bill's attention soon shifted down towards the floor as they heard someone coughing.

No! Velvet thought.

Bill didn't react outside of frowning sternly as he held out his hand in front of him.

Gently moving his fingers closer, which the Unicorn colt's body off the floor towards him.

Please no...!

Velvet gently shook her head as Bill grabbed Night's throat.

"I'm only going to ask this once, Equestrian, so please answer to the best of your abilities...even though I know that'll be difficult for you; what have you done with Celestia?" Bill asked.

Night just coughed back, to which Bill closed his eye annoyed.

"Her name is Princess Celestia, Cipher!" Night replied.

Opening his eyes as he glared at the demon.

Bill just smirked, and opened his eye.

"You know, I wonder how your daughter would feel growing up without a father?"

Night just intensified his glare.

"Your mistaken, Cipher. My future has no family in it...not under your tyrannical rule!"

Bill just chuckled, and squeezed Night's throat tighter.

"You are right...she won't grow up under my tyrannical rule..." Bill replied, before throwing Night down.

His body slammed against the floor.

Velvet would've run up to help him, if not for Bill hovering down and planting his feet on the ground.

"But then again, your world would still be nothing with or without her!"

Bill smiles, holding his arms behind his back as he walks up towards Night.

Placing his foot atop Night's chest.

Slowly pressing his foot down on the Unicorn's chest.

"Once I find Celestia, your world and everything in it mine forever!"

"That may be true, but you've yet to conquer it!"

A voice said from the left (Bill's left)

Bill turned his head, only for Velvet to shot an energy blast in his eye!

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH... MY EYE!" Bill screamed in pain.

Raising his hands to cover his eye, Bill stumbled backwards.


Quickly running up towards Night, Velvet helped him up to his hooves.

"Come on! We've got to get out of here!"

Supporting Night, she helped him across the room towards the destroyed wall.

Running into a darkly lit corridor.

"Come on, Night. This way," Velvet said as she lead him away someplace (pressumably) safe.

Back in the room, Empress Pollus teleported into the room.

She gasped, and ran towards Bill as she saw him covering his eye.

She ran over towards Bill as he finished regenerating his eye.

"My lord Bill, are you alright?!" she asked, concerned.

His eye shot open, and he looked down towards her.

"I heard and then saw that the castle was under attack, and have brought my Changelings to aid in defending the capital!"

Bill smiled, and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Good, your Majesty..." Bill said, looking away from her towards the destroyed wall, "I will find the Princess and end this once and for all!"

Pollus looked from him towards the destroyed wall. Staring towards it.

"Okay!" she quickly said, before turning away and ran towards the destroyed to join the battle.

Momentarily stopping in her tracks, and then kicked-off. Jumping into the air, and buzzing as she flew up towards the destroyed ceiling.

"I'll see you after the battle!" she called back, before dissapearing out through the hole.

Bill froze in his tracks, and looked over his shoulder towards the destroyed ceiling.

Holding his gaze, before soon bringing his attention towards the destroyed wall in front of him.

He inhaled a deep breath, and took only a single step forward...

However as he stepped forward, his body transformed back into the amorphous mass and it shot towards the destroyed wall.

The golden mass split into two halves that flew down their respective corridor...

The mass followed that corridor until it soon encountered another crossroads, but it just seperated again. Following each corridor throughout the castle.


Outside the castle, the battle raged on between ponies and Sentries.

In spite of their earlier devastating assault, the ponies had managed to adapt.

Unicorns and Pegasi threw/shot spears/energy blasts at the Sentries. Shooting down as many as they could...

Earth ponies used their shields to defend from the Sentries' energy blasts. Throwing their swords up and striking the Sentries.

With the arrival of the Pegasi the battle had already begun to turn for the Equestrians and their allies...

"Look, the castle...!"

However, that momentum aburptly slowed to a screeching halt as the ponies' attention snapped towards Bill's castle...where they saw a black mass pouring out from the castle straight towards them!

With a loud screech, the Xenomorphs leaped towards he ponies.

Grabbing, and landing atop their victims.

The ponies attempted to struggle, but could look up at the hissing Xenomorphs above them...before an inner jaw shot out and pierced their heads!

Others were pierced by the Xenomorph's tails, and their bodies discarded off as the Xenomorphs proceeded to the next target.

The Unicorns and Pegasi immediatly went on the offensive, and retaliated against the Xenomorphs.

Using their spears and magical blasts to kill the Xenomorphs from a distance...but despite this minor victory the Xenomorph charge continued.

When the Xenomorph horde reached their ponies' position, the Unicorns raised protective barriers to fend off the Xenomorphs.

Creating holes big enough for the Earth ponites to stab the Xenomorphs with their sword.

The Pegasi flying overhead, threw spears and rocks down onto the Xenos. Crushing their heads...

Unfortunatly, their advantage was soon neutralized by the Sentries resuming their assault against the ponies.

Bombarding the barriers with their energy blasts. Pounding the shields...


Meanwhile Jack proceeds with caution inside the dust cloud.

Having been forced to take refuge inside it to avoid the Sentries.

Holding the sword out in front of him as he gently steped through the dust cloud.

Narrowing his brows, as he remained aware of his surroundings...

Until he suddenly leaped up into the air, dodgeing large black fist!

Raising the sword above his head, he screamed as he slashed it down the harm!

Cleaving the arm in half.

The hand disentigrated completly, while the arm just smoldered.

Without warning, several large spikes shot out of the dust cloud towards him, but Jack held both sides of hi gi and immediatly got enough force to dodge the spikes.

He then let go, and fell down atop the spikes.

Holding the sword out beside him, he started running down along the spikes.

Kicking off from the spike, and leaping into the air.

Raising the sword again, and screaming as he fell down...

"WHOA!" Aku exclaimed as he dodged Jack's blade.

Missing the sword by mere inches, as Jack landed on the ground.

The dust finally settled, and dissipated, as the samurai slowly turned around.

Glaring back towards...Aku's robe?

He soon heard a cough, and looked up...

"Ahem, my eyes are up here, samurai"

Aku scowled, putting his hands against his hips.

"What? Oh, right!" Jack said, shaking his head.

Holding the sword out in front of himself.

Both shogun and samurai stared at each other. Exchanging silent glares, until Jack soon smirks.

"So this is what the almighty Shogun of Sorrow has become following his death? Another Aku's personal lapdog!" he scoffed.

Aku just narrowed his brows. Intensifying his glare...before he put his arms behind his back and smirked at the samurai.

"I am no lapdog, samurai. I am an ally of the most powerful being in all reality, and he has promised to create worlds for us to do with as we please!"

Aku extended his arm and balled his fist. However, the samurai wasn't impressed.

"In other words; your master, your overlord," Jack said.

"Aku is the Master of Masters. Cipher is...neccesary to continue my rule from beyond the grave," Aku replied.

Aku raised a confused brow at this.

"But how can that be? I destroyed your future."

Aku just smirked. Exposing his teeth.

"You did indeed destroy me, samurai...however, you did not kill me!" Aku chuckled.

Jack gently lowered his sword, and frowned confused.

"Yes, samurai, you did indeed destroy me in the past, but that original timeline I created still exists. You failed to destroying it, only turning it into a paralell universe. A paralell timeline isolated from your new timeline, but still very existing."

Jack's eyes widened, shocked by this news.

"B-but then that means that...Ashi is alive!"

"If you're refering to my disobedient daughter, then yes. She is still very much alive, samurai. She died in your new timeline, and was ressurected in mine!"

Jack tried to hold the sword sturdy, but his hands shook too much.

Aku grinned at his old foe's shaking hands, and looked up towards the castle' roof.

A figure nodded its head, and immediatly leapt down from the roof onto the battlefield.

Accompanied by two others.

All of which landed in front of Jack.

While he didn't turn around, he noticed their arrival and narrowed his brows.

He looked out in front of him, but froze as he looked out in front of him and saw the figure inbetween himself and Aku...!

"No...! Please don't be...!" Jack said in a soft...but sad tone recognizing the masked humanoid in front of him.

Aku smirked as he saw the despair on the samurai's face.

He didn't say anything but then again he didn't have to. The destraught look on the samurai's face spoke volumes.

"Daughters, will you do your father a favor and kill this samurai?" he asked while holding his hand out towards Jack.

The Daughters of Aku responded by slightly lowering their heads.

Jack prepared himself for an attack...but his eyes locked with the one daughter twirling a kusarigama (a sickle and chain) in her hand.

"Ashi..." he said softly...before the daughters suddenly leaped into the air towards him!

The daughter with the kusarigama swung it out towards him, and wrapped it around his foot!

Pulling his feet out from underneath him so he fell on his back against the ground.

One of the daughter raised her spear above her head...but when she slashed it down towards his head, he rolled to the side.

The third daughter tried to stab him with her daggers but he blocked her first dagger with his sword, and when she tried to stab him with the second dagger he kicked her away from him.

He cut the chain with his sword, and leapt back to his feet.

The second daughter stabbed her spear at Jack, but he dodged and caught her spear.

Impaling her through the chest with his sword.

His blade stained with black blood as he turned around to confront the other daughters.

The two remaining daughters stood between him and Aku...but if she was really Ashi, could he...kill her?

She'd meant so much to him but these ponies' freedom was on the line, and Aku was one of Bill Cipher's most powerful allies...

"Best keep up your guard, samurai BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"


Unfortunatly, before he could continue this train of thought he was interrupted by the daughters taking advantage of his momentary loss of focus and attacked.

Rapidly attacking him in quick succession!

Striking him so fast as well as simultaneously that he couldn't get a single strike in!

Jack and the sister's blades clashing ith each other.

One after another.

"Well its been nice catching up but I should go."

Jack's eyes widened at hearing his accursed nemesis' voice, and even more at hearing that he was leaving.

Hearing a warbling noise behind his back...

However due to dealing with the daughters, he couldn't do anything to prevent Aku's departure!

Jack leaped into the air as the daughter swung her kusarigama towards him.

Doing a back-flip as he evaded the attack, but before he could go on the offensive against Aku the other daughter swung her daggers at Jack.

Forcing him to parry them with his sword...instead of going after Aku...

However, this time Jack head-butted the daughter in the face.

Cracking her mask as well as disorienting her.

Causing her to stumble backwards.

Taking advantage of this situation, Jack grabbed the daughter's dagger and slashed across her throat.

The daughter's body twitched before it collapsed onto the ground.

Jack looked down at the motionless body before him...before slowly raising and turning his head left.

Standing in front of him was the unmistakable silhouette of the final daughter.

Watching her twirl the kusarigama in her hand.

Behind her stood Aku, himself?


Meanwhile the Blade of Harmony shoots across the vastness of space like a comet.

Speeding past planets, stars and asteroid belts...until its abruptly seized by a hooded figure.

The hooded figure held the sword out in front of its face.

Looking towards the gem inside the hilt. Sighing to itself.

"I've got to save them. I can't let him do this. Bill must be stopped...one way or another."

Author's Note:

The End begins...!:pinkiehappy: