• Published 29th Jul 2016
  • 15,738 Views, 109 Comments

The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 33

Wrath of a Super Saiyan!

“Move! Move!”

The Equestrians are instructed by their Cybermare captors, as they’re forced to march in lines towards open fields large enough for the Transports to land.

The large crowds intending to be brought onboard the spaceships to be Cyber-converted.

The Equestrians covering their ears at the loud hum of the Transports’ engines, while the Cybermares don’t respond.

The Equestrians gripping the ground as the Transports’ engines produces wind strong enough to pull them away, while the Cybermares don’t respond.

A loud clanking thud sounding as the large silver structure lands in front of the confused, horrified, and yet intrigued Equestrians.

A door opening, before extending a ramp out to the ground.

“Move!” the Leader instructs.

Pointing its hoof towards the ramp.

Exchanging concerned stares with each other the Equestrians gently trot towards the ship.

However, while approaching the strange, metallic vessel, the Transport suddenly explodes!

The force of the explosion knocking the Equestrians to the ground.

Turning around, the nearby Cybermares are greeted to a burning wreckage that used to be their ship.

Their inbuilt scanners detecting something from amidst the wreckage.

Raising their arms, they aim their wrist-cannons towards the wreckage.

“Cyber-Leader 6 reporting we are under attack! Request reinforcement-ARGH!”


Though, before the Leader can finish its request a blast shoots out from the wreckage!

The Leader explodes, sending its head flying through the air. Gently clanking on the ground.

“Warning! A Cyber-Leader has been destroyed! Commence defensive-!”

Again, however, several more blasts shoot out from the wreckage, hitting every Cybermare in the chest.

Beams of light shooting out from their bodies before they all explode!

Bits and pieces of their armor, guts and gore all scattering around.

While nervously covering their heads the Equestrians slowly look back up.

Though, at seeing the destroyed Cybermares steel and organic scattered components their eyes widen.

Overtaken with shock at the cruel invader’s fate!

A silver coated and purple and white maned Unicorn filly gently putting her hooves on the grass in front of her.


Gently turning her head and looking towards the burning wreckage.

A bewildered expression on her face at feeling something emanating from inside it.

Standing back up she turns her whole body to face the wreckage.

The fiery glow shining on her body.

Her eyes widening as a dark silhouette appears in the fire, and jaw hanging open at seeing the equine’s mane blow in the air.

Mimicking the flames that littered the wreckage.

A pair of golden eyes opening, staring back at the filly.

Fear taking hold with her, but one of comfort.

Instilling within her that this unknown mare has not come to hurt anyone.

Anyone that isn’t a one of the metal equines.

The Unicorn filly and unknown mare’s eyes looking as they stare back at the other.

Narrowing her eyes, something about the unknown mare triggers the flames surrounding her to react violently.

Her mane flaring like the flames.

Flaring outwards as a sudden force begins emanating from her.

The intensified wind blowing across the filly’s face.

Narrowing her eyes as she continues to meet the mare’s gaze.

Then, the burning wreckage explodes as the mare flies up into the sky.

A fading golden streak trailing behind her as she flies away.

The filly and every other Equestrian looking up into the sky after her as she flies away.

None of them having ever felt power like that since…the Nightmare Wars!

The elders present shivering at remembering the horrors that nearly consumed them.

A tall, dark figure with glowing red eyes flashing in their mind.

Its clawed hand stretching out to grab them!

Looking back up towards the filly, many reminisce on how fortunate she is to have been born after the war’s end.

Never to grow up with the knowledge that every elder will forever carry with them.

Flying through the air, Celestia uses her enhanced vision.

Spotting a large concentration of Cybermare ships and flying Cybermares in the distance.

Her eyes angrily narrowing, and her flaming aura flaring up even more…!


Standing atop a hilltop, the Controller surveys the progress of his invasion.

Carelessly holding his arms behind his back.

However, his internal display starts going haywire all of a sudden!

His scanner acting up in a way he’s never experienced before!

Numbers flashing on-screen in rapid display.


Immediately, his left eye all of a sudden shatters!

His face momentarily overtaken with electric sparks that soon dissipate.


He exclaims, covering his exposed eye with his left hand.

Fisting his other hand at turning in the direction of the sudden energy spike.

Staring into the distance with both eyes, however, with his exposed eye twitching.

“Leader, situation status!”

He commands at slamming his arm against his chest, demanding a report from the nearest Cyber-Leader he’s contacted.

Momentary static shortly gives way to hearing a Cyber-Leader’s voice.

“C-controller-…w-we are reading a-…he W-west!”

The tremendous power source, whatever it was, was interfering with their communique.

“Copy that!?” the confused, and somewhat concerned Controller replies.

“Leader!? Report status-!?”

However, a sudden explosion occurs in the distance.

A violent shockwave shooting out from the horizon towards the Controller and his army.

His eye widening at hearing a voice loudly scream as the shockwave approaches.

Holding out his free hand, he braces himself for impact!

The shockwave procuring a loud roar as it hits both the Controller and his army!

Most of the army being airborne as they’re hit, so they’re blown away along with the shockwave as it continues into the distance!

The Controller, though, attempts to push back against the strong winds.

VERY slowly taking step after step forward…, -

However, the ground beneath him begins to crack and split open!

The sturdiest mountains and hills cracking to the point of exploding into giant boulders that were scattered when the shockwave hit them!

Entire forests were uprooted and scattered about!

Vast crevices tearing open, swallowing up anything that falls into them!

Even several of the Cyber-Ships were caught by the intense wind and pushed against one another. Exploding upon contact!

And the Controller, himself, finally started feeling his grip slip ever-more away!

His steel feet slowly pushing further back due to the winds, that now have a tight grip on him!

Additionally, with only the use of one arm, his power was not as strong as it would’ve been if he used both arms.

“N-hrng-NOO! I. Will. Not. LOSE!”

He screams defiantly against the shockwave!


However, even he cannot stand against the incredible power facing him, and he’s finally blown off his feet!

His screams echoing around him as the shockwave pushes him against a large boulder!


He screams as the boulder explodes upon hitting him!

Sparks appearing around his left arm.

Soon, the shockwave does pass over them.

Disappearing far into the distance, though, not slowing or reducing in intensity!

Leaving a devastated Equestria in its wake as the large wave of power disappears into the distance.

As the dust settles and the clouds part to allow beams of sunlight to shine down on the devastated wasteland a spike-haired silhouette appears through a settling cloud of dust…

*Return to the Present*

While sustain heavy damage, a direct result of the shockwave’s overwhelming power, the Controller’s visual display finally switches back on.

Though, somewhat glitchy, as a direct result of the damage sustained.

Groaning, the Controller gently sits back up.

His back to the remains of the, originally, large boulder.


Groans the Controller while raising his head.

Slowly looking out towards the devastated wasteland before him.

While the forests and hills had been turned to large-open plains, the mountain formations were different from what they had been moments ago.

After sitting there for a short while, he slowly reaches out and grabs the boulder behind him.

Using the boulder for support as he slowly rises back up to his feet.

Not far away, a dark silhouette appears through the settling dust.

The silhouetted figure narrowing its brows as it slowly approaches the Controller.


Standing back up again, the Controller sharply turns around at hearing the enraged voice call out to it.

A familiar figure slowly approaching it.

The wind blowing through his hair as he steps towards the cyborg.

Momentarily causing it to flare up in the form of fire.

However, upon detecting another sound, he looks back over his shoulder.

Seeing something that his worries at ease.

Causing him to turn and look back towards the humanoid with a renewed confidence.

If he was still capable of smirking, he would’ve now.

Folding his arms across his shoulders and narrowing his exposed eye.

“So, you refused to be upgraded?” he asks in an arrogant tone.

The approaching Kami stopping in his tracks.

Silently glaring back at the Controller.

“Well, no matter!” he exclaimed.

Swatting his arm through the air.

“Even if you refused to become a weapon for my army, you shall still die at my hand!”



The Controller taken off-guard by his response.

“You may be powerful, but don’t confuse my earlier failure for my real power.”

“W-what!?” exclaimed the Controller.

His frown curving up into a smile.

“That’s right. I only allowed you to believe you were stronger than me, so you wouldn’t think to interfere in Celestia and Luna’s battle,” Kami replies, folding his arms across his chest.

“Aftercall, if Celestia had been trained by someone as weak as me, then what would you gain from interfering?”

Enraged, the Controller tightens his fists.

His left arm beginning to spark.

Blood beginning to run down along the steel.

“Y-you…tricked me!?”

“Mhm,” Kami nods back.

“And judging by that blast, I’d say that not only has one of them won the battle…but the whole planet knows about it!”

“B-but then you will have to d-defeat whoever won their battle!”

The Controller’s voice breaking as it was giving in to the one thing it has never known for a long while; fear!

“I had hoped that my training would give Celestia the necessary power to defeat her sister…but I’m also more than happy to step up and deal with the situation myself!”

Kami’s smile widening as he held his knuckles together. His bones popping.

“And now that I know how strong you are, eliminating you will not take five minutes!”

While Kami confidently steps forward, the Controller nervous begins to back away.

His exposed eye staring out towards the enraged humanoid.

Twitching at the fear welling up inside him.


A fiery aura suddenly ignites around the Controller.

Momentarily pulling himself back, he immediately jumps back into the air.

Stretching out both arms and holding them together while aiming directly at Kami.


Pulling his hands away, he conjures a red ball of energy, which he fires at Kami.

Holding his expression, Kami silently watches the blast get closer.

Narrowing his brows seconds before pulling his foot back, and shortly kicking the blast!

The red blast heading in the same direction as the Controller…only to miss him!

The Controller turning his head and looking behind.

His exposed eye widening at seeing the blast head straight for one of his Cyber-ships!


An incredible explosion erupting from the massive spaceship!

Explosions erupting from inside the ship. Tearing it to pieces, before finally disappearing in one final, large inferno!

The burning wreckage falling out of orbit as it crashes into the ground.

Slowly turning back around, the Controller’s organic body (inside his armor) becomes pale. Shaking with fear!

Consumed with fear upon realizing that he was telling the truth!

Him being weaker was nothing but a façade!

“T-that doesn’t prove anything!”

The Controller shouts at Kami.

“M-my drones will still distract you long enough for me to flee this planet!”

Holding out his arms beside him, the army of recovered Cybermares fly up into the air behind him.

The fleet of Cyber-ships altering their course and beginning to fly towards the Controller and Kami’s position.

While staring up at the ships and airborne army, Kami’s eyes widen as he senses something incoming.

A specific Ki that is rapidly approaching him.

Causing him to raise a brow while shooting the Controller a confident stare.

“While I’d be inclined to believe you under normal circumstances, I’m unfortunately going to have to be the bearer of bad news for you once again, Controller, -“ Kami said, “but it would seem that one of the royal sisters is returning from her battle!”

The Controller’s organic eye widens at being given this information.

“And if I’m not mistaken she should be arriving anytime, -” he said raising his arm, and looking at his wrist as if checking a watch, “now!”

Before Controller can prove his enemy wrong, an incredible explosion erupts behind him!

An orange light being cast upon him, Kami, and their surroundings.

Sharply turning around, he looks behind him, only to find one of his ships has its front-half missing and is slowly falling out of orbit!

The badly damaged ship violently exploding a second time as it slams into the surface!

The bright light from the explosion blinding the Controller to where he averts his gaze.

Kami smiling as he looks towards the nearest Cyber-ship.

Watching a speedy figure zoom from one ship to the next too fast for the naked eye!

Explosions begin to erupt all across the ship’s hull! Starting at the very front of the ship, and continuing until reaching the other end!

Raising his head at watching a figure burst through the hull and fly up into the air above the ship.

Hovering in the air as it fires a golden beam towards the ship, causing the already badly damaged ship to split in half down the middle!

The two halves exploding in mid-air.


The Controller exclaims at witnessing his ships be destroyed one right after the other!

“Is it finally sinking in yet?”



He hears Kami ask, before being immediately punched in the face.

Sending him flying until colliding with the hard rocks!

Gently sitting up, he looks up to see Kami hovering in the air.

A stern glare on his face while folding his arms across his chest.

The wind blowing through his hair.

Several moments of silence passing between Kami and the Controller.

Kami’s enraged stare terrifying the Controller every second of their stare.

“You may have an army…but I am an army!”

Kami says, extending his hand. Conjuring a ball of energy in his hand that begins charging.

“I am ending the Cyber Wars. Finally ridding the universe of your filth once and for all!”


Exclaims the Controller, holding out his hands in front of him!

No! Not this time!


Kami softly utters, before firing his blast right at the Controller!


The Controller screams.



Mere seconds after impacting the surface, Kami’s blast violently explodes.

Projecting a bright light on Kami and the few surrounding Cybermares in the sky.

Blinding the Cybermares, while Kami continues staring at the explosion un-effected by the explosion.

The smoke blowing away to reveal an empty crater with no trace of the Controller’s body.

His arm hanging beside him as he smiles.

Slowly turning his head and looking towards the hovering drones, whose heads all snap towards him.

Turning around, his smile widens into an evil smile.

Relishing the fear, the emotionless cyborgs must be feeling at seeing him obliterate their leader. Knowing that soon it’s their turn!

A cold wind blowing through the air.

“Bang!” he says softly.


Immediately, before either of the drones can react he uses her superspeed to suddenly appear in front of them.

Punching one so hard in the chest that its entire explodes from within!


Drop-kicking another drones’ head off, and grabbing its body.

Spinning fast around before throwing it at two drones at once and cleaving them in half!

Holding out both arms and fires two blasts at two more drones, whose bodies explode!

Three quickly fly away for their lives! Leaving two remaining to try and fight him.

The two remaining drones aiming their wrist-cannons at him. Unleashing a barrage of blaster bolts upon him!

However, he merely pulls his arm. Delivering a powerful swat that deflects the barrage back towards their original source.

Either drone barely able to back away before they’re hit by their own barrage, causing both to explode at the same time!

Turning his attention towards the trio of retreating drones, he glares angrily after them.

Holding both hands behind his back, before holding out his right arm. Conjuring an energy blast at his finger.

The charging blast begins crackling and growing in intensity.

Narrowing his brows and smiling, he points his finger towards them!

The blast shooting after them like a colossal missile!

Looking behind them, one of the drones is meet with a crackling mass of swirling energy!

The final thing it sees, before it and its fleeing companions are swallowed up by it.

The energy disintegrating their armor into tiny pieces that flies off, exposing their organic bodies!

An explosion finally occurring, sending a shockwave across the landscape.

As the ashes blows away on the air, Kami’s attention shifts towards the slaughter the slaughter of the Cybermares.

His aura igniting as he begins flying towards it.

Determined to finally end this conflict!

However, while flying to put the Cybermares on the endangered species list, he fails to notice a spaceship fly down from the sky.

Landing at the former landing site of Frost’s saucer…


Meanwhile, back with the Iron Legion and their mysterious attacker, another Cyber-ship violently explodes.

The Equestrians on the surface below running for cover from the falling debris of the massive spaceships.

Choosing to flee than stand their ground, unlike the Cybermares.

Cyber-Leader slams its chest.

Opening a communications channel between it and the remaining ships.

Ordering the remaining ships to flee before they too are destroyed.

“The Iron Legion will delay your attacker-!”


“Oh, are you now?!”

Celestia says, immediately appearing in front of the Leader.

Her hooves folded across her chest, and mane blowing in the wind while smirking at the Leader.

“Because I have a feeling that none of you are leaving here alive.”

Lowering its hoof from its chest, the Leader stares blankly at her.

Its visual display flickering as it begins scanning her.

The rest of the Iron Legion staring directly at her.

A cloud of Cybermares boxing her in as they surround her, while maintaining an even distance from her.

“Scan identifies you as Princess Celestia, co-ruler of the planet Equestria,” the Leader says.

Momentarily frowning, Celestia replies, “Actually, it’s solo-ruler now!”

Letting her hooves hang, she narrows her gaze angrily.

“Just for that, all of you are dead!”

She says through gritted teeth.

“I mean, I was gonna be nice and offer you the chance to kneel before me, but after that it’s clear to me that none of you deserve-“

“Delete her!”


As fast as they can, every single Cybermare aims their wrist-cannon towards her.

Thousands of energy bolts shooting through the air towards her at once!

Time slowing down for her as she closes her eyes.

The crackling sound of blaster bolts echoing in her ear.

Getting ever closer...and closer…and closer, -

…until her eyes slowly open again!

Her brows narrowing as she holds out her hooves beside her.


She screams while igniting her flaming aura around her!

Conjuring a golden bubble around her.

Time resuming at its normal pace as the energy blasts merely bounce off her shield!

Shooting back through the sky towards the Cybermares that fired them.

Piercing their bodies, and triggering a wave of explosions to erupt around her!

A majority of the Cybermare army diminishing as thousands of lifeless bodies trail smoke while falling to the ground!

“Delete! Delete-!”


Utilizing her superspeed, Celestia immediately appears beside the Leader.

Spinning around in mid-air, and punching the Leader’s head hard enough to make it explode!

A disembodied body, gore and steel all falling out of the air towards the ground.

Every Cybermare’s head snapping towards Celestia.

“Switch to melee-combat! Blasters have proven ineffective!”

A random Cybermare shouts.

Causing the other Cybermares to deactivate their wrist-cannons.

Then, all at once, the whole army charges straight for her.

Every Cybermare holding their hooves out ready to punch her, -


…however, before a single one could land a single blow she dodged their attacks!

Easily dodging their attacks with ease.

One of the Cybermares craned his upwards, only for Celestia to kick his eyes in with her hind-legs.

Sending a shockwave through his body, before exploding.

Two Cybermares charged straight at her from both sides, but instead of dodgeing, Celestia held out both hooves.

Catching them!

A shockwave rippling out across the landscape below, slicing large chunks of the ground.

Twenty other Cybermares charged straight for her, but she immediately beginning around.

Her telekinesis gripping the two other Cybermares hard.

Slamming them into the other charging Cybermares.

Every hit against another Cybermare leaves the other two Cybermares more and more damaged.

Soon the body of twenty Cybermares, and the destroyed pieces of the two others, plummet towards the surface.

Holding their hooves out in front of them, several Cybermares charge their blasts before firing them at Celestia.


Celestia, though, easily dodges each of their blasts.

Appearing in front of one of them.

Reaching out her hooves and ripping its head off. Exposing the Cybermare’s organic body, specifically the spine.

The dismembered head falling towards the ground, while she holds up the head in front of her.

Smiling as she turns back towards the army of Cybermares. Narrowing her brows deviously.

Tossing the head up into the air, she momentarily pulls back her hoof before punching the head.

The head hitting another Cybermare and bouncing off it, though, not before causing sparks to envelop the Cybermare.

Its lifeless body falling out of the sky towards the ground.

However, the head continues hitting Cybermare after Cybermare, causing more of them to fall from the sky dead.

The head ricocheting off more Cybermares.

A steady rain of lifeless Cybermares falling out of the sky!

The head finally being grabbed by a hand, drawing everyone’s attention.

Celestia’s head snapping up towards this mysterious figure.

Eyes widening at sensing the mysterious figure’s power.

With one hand behind its back, the mysterious figure holds up the disembodied head in front of himself.

Holding a stern gaze, before changing into a smile.

Hanging his head, he looks down towards Celestia.

“Mind if I have a go at them now?”

Recognizing the voice, Celestia’s brows jump, then narrow.

A devious smile forming on her face.

“Sure! Have at it!”

She calls back up in a malicious tone.

Folding her hooves across her chest.

“I’ve already had my fun.”


Faster than the Cybermares can react, she uses her superspeed to quickly re-appear outside their encirclement.

Flying down towards the surface to assist her subjects while Kami deals with the Cybermares.

“Now,” Kami says turning back towards the army. Breaking his knuckles, “where were we?”

He casually asks the army calmly.

“Delete! Delete! Delete!”

Every Cybermare shouts as they all charge straight for him.

“Oh right, I was ridding the universe of your filth! RRRRYAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

Balling his fists and screaming loudly reignites his flaming aura around him.

Sparks appearing around him shooting out and striking nearby Cybermares.

Sending several lifeless corpses plummeting down towards the surface, below.


Before a single Cybermare can hit him, he quickly dodges out of the way.

Shortly re-appearing, and immediately extending his arm up above him.

“Destructo Disk!”

He shouts, throwing the energy disk towards several drones.

Slicing many in half, whilst beheading others, and dismembering others in ways that their remaining offensive capabilities was to charge straight for him.

However, Kami grabbed these particular drones and threw them towards another drone.

Shooting a blast that explodes upon contact, destroying both drones.

Cybermares close to him, aiming their wrist-cannons directly at Kami, -


…but only end up hitting their own when he super-speeds out of the way.

Grabbing two drones’ heads and slamming them against each other, making their heads explode.

Their headless bodies trailing smoke as they fall out of the sky.

Silently hovering in the air, he silently glares out towards all the drones.

All of them waiting for what his next move will be.

Gently, he extends both arms. Conjuring a triangle of golden energy at his hands.

Slowly pulling both arms back, causing the Cybermares to stand ready, -


…before suddenly disappearing, and re-appearing in the sky above them.

“Piercing Arrow!”

He screams, rapidly firing hundreds of arrow-shaped energy blasts down upon the drones.

The arrows impaling hundreds of drones, rendering them motionless.

A loud hum sounding from each arrow before suddenly exploding!

Hundreds of dismembered limbs and destroyed pieces of armor falling out of the sky towards the ground.

In the commotion, none of the drones notice a humanoid figure appearing behind their army.

Him glaring up at them with an unamused expression while extending his hand pointing his finger towards random drones.

Holding the other arm behind his back.

Neither drone can get organized before several drones are pierced by a red beam through the chest!

Each of the drones that got shot, exploding shortly after.

Once more, scattered pieces of what was once a whole being fall down towards the surface.

However, when the smoke clears, the remaining five hundred (of the original thousand) drones’ attention is suddenly drawn up at hearing someone call down to them.

“Alright, you disgraceful trash is really starting to bore me, so I’ll put an end to you once and for all!” Kami says.

Holding his arms together, his glare intensifies.

“Ka…me…ha..., -!”

Without hesitation, every drone gets a proper target lock on Kami.

Flying up towards him as fast to stop his attack.

Banding together to form an inescapable net of Cybermares when they reach him.

His blast growing steadily larger. Crackling intensely

His aura igniting, intensifying the blast’s already-powerful energy!


The remaining Cybermares stopping in mid-air at his immediate disappearance.

“Locate him! Find him!”

A panicked drone barks orders to the others as he vanishes.

Down on the surface, Celestia is helping her subjects to get away when she senses something appear behind her.

Turning her head and looking back, her brows jump at seeing Kami standing there holding his arms close together charging a large blast.

“Oh no!”


Hearing Celestia’s loud call to her subjects the Cybermares immediately shifted their attention down towards the surface.

Kami’s brows narrowing while at glaring back at the Cybermares.

“Target located! Delete him!”

“Delete! Delete! Delete!”

The Cybermares shout in unison as they charge straight for him.


With a final scream of rage Kami thrusts his arms out in front of him, unleashing an intense beam of energy into the air!

A shockwave exploding outwards across the landscape, causing the ground to crack and drift up into the air!

Every Cybermare attempting to halt their advance was only swallowed up by the blast!

The ones further back delaying their fate by one second, before they too were engulfed by the incredible blast!

Every Cybermare screaming as their bodies were wreaked by the painful energy coursing through their bodies.

Their armor disintegrating into thousands of pieces, their organic bodies inside being set aflame and turned to dust.

His blast shooting up into space, and vanishing into the distance to unknown corners…!

Back on Equestria the dust finally settles, allowing Celestia to gently open her eyes.

Slowly turning her head as she looks around. Surveying the situation.

Well, at least we’ve not been attacked by any Cybermares yet, so that’s a good sigh, she sighs.

“P-princess Celestia!”

A voice calls out to the Alicorn, causing her head to snap in direction of the speaker.

A smile widening on her face as she beholds a group of ponies trotting out from behind the ravaged trees towards her.

Thank Faust they made it!

She smiles softly.

However, as a filly gallops towards her, her attention is suddenly snapped away from her subjects.

Instead, she looks behind her towards a wall of dust that is yet to settle.

Silently staring at it as she can feel someone approach her.

Making out a silhouette through the dust facing her.

Even the approaching ponies freeze in their tracks upon seeing the silhouette.

Shaking in fear as it slowly turns towards them.

Staring at them for a bit before turning back towards Celestia.

However, as the dust finally settles, Celestia concerned changes into a calm smile.

The wind blowing away the dust revealing a humanoid with spiked hair.

Wearing all blue, a white cloak and armor.

His stern expression changing into a friendly smile while slowly walking down towards her.

Celestia being engulfed by his shadow as he towers over her.

Both meeting the other’s gaze.

Gently extending his hand, she smiles at raising her hoof.

Kami helping her back up to her hooves.

“So, is it done?”

Kami gently nods.

“The Controller has been destroyed, though, -“ Kami’s smile contorting into a frown.

Closing his eyes and hanging his head in shame, “I couldn’t save Frost.”

Confused, she could only raise a brow.

Before she could open her mouth, though, and inquire why he was sad about Frost’s death, her attention was suddenly taken up by the survivors calling out to her.

Cheering about the incredible battle they’d just witnessed. The end of the Cybermare’ invasion.

While galloping over to greet them, she didn’t notice Kami turning around and looking up towards the sky.

She probably won’t understand, but today was only a partial victory.

Equestria may have been saved, but the Cybermares survived! Escpaing onboard those starships. Possibly, retreating to whatever strongholds the Controller build while serving under you…but I promise you this, my fallen friend, I will not rest until I see the day that the Cybermares are extinct!

Your death will not be for nothing, brother! f}Ѳ�x�8 �6]�

Author's Note:

Link1 - Super Saiyan 3 (Orchestral Cover) (Alec Rozsa)
Link2 - Dragon Ball Z Original Soundtrack - Solid State Scouter (DBSoundtracks)

The links are for me, in case the videos get taken down, so I can maybe renew the links in the future.