• Published 29th Jul 2016
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The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 32

The Legendary Sibling Rivalry Part 2

While her body shoots through the air after Luna’s painful punch, Celestia’s eyes immediately open!

Her body stopping in mid-air as her aura is ignited.

The golden flame enveloping her body as she rights herself up in mid-air.



Luna screams upon emerging from her superspeed.

Both sister’s pulling their hooves back, before thrusting them at each other.

A destructive shockwave shooting outwards on impact that sweeps across a good deal of the earth below them.

Trees are uprooted, large chunks of the earth are broken apart and scattered.

A wasteland remaining within the radius that their once-punch shockwave caused.

A single heartbeat later and they suddenly fly away from the other. Only to come around and shoot directly for the other.

However, upon hitting each other a second time, they once more bounce away from each other. Only to attempt another strike.

Again, again, again, again, again, and again their clashes end the same.

The skies soon being ravaged by a series of explosions appearing out of nowhere.

The random appearance of the explosions causing the desolated plains to grow larger with every passing second.


Appearing in front of the other sister, they both lunge at the other.

The other’s screams drowning out the other.

In another heartbeat, they ignite an intense exchange blows.

Luna’s enraged, teeth-gritting expression being countered only by Celestia’s serious yet strained expression.

One fighting with all their resolve, and the other with all she’s got.

The sky, once again being consumed by sudden explosions, naked to the pony eye.

Celestia blocking Luna’s blows, while Luna blocks Celestia’s blows.


Disappearing and re-appearing behind Luna, Celestia begins charging a blast at her horn.

Turning around, Luna sees her sister charging an imminent blast, but before she can dodge it, Celestia fires it at Luna.

Growling, Luna holds up her hooves in front of her as the blast explodes.

As the smoke clears, she is only left with a couple bruises on her hooves.

Before Celestia can react, Luna’s horn begins charging a blast of her own.

However, like Celestia, it’s fired too fast for her to dodge it, but unlike Celestia, Luna’s blast causes excruciating pain upon contact.


Celestia screaming in pain provides Luna a perfect opportunity to appear behind her.

A malicious grin on Luna’s face as she holds out her hoof and begins charging another energy blast, which she shortly fires upon Celestia.

The white Alicorn screaming even louder as the pain of Luna’s first attack is still fresh on her mind when the other one hits.

Luna smiling at hearing her sister scream endure all the way down towards the ground.

Only stopping when an explosion interrupts her.

As the smoke from the blast’ explosion clears, Celestia crawls out of the hole.

Panting as she stands back up, much to Luna’s disappointment.

Looking up in the air, Celestia is faced with her sister’s furious glare staring back.

Their stare going uninterrupted for a while, before Celestia’s aura is triggered and she kicks-off into the air.

Pulling back her hoof as she speeds straight for Luna.


However, upon punching her Luna merely uses her speed to dodge the attack.

Appearing behind Celestia, perform a quick spin and kicking her hard in the side.

Her ribs crack, causing an excruciating amount of pain.

Though, persevering through the pain, she hits Luna hard in the face with her skull.



With Luna distracted by her surprise counter-attack, Celestia uses her superspeed to get around Luna.

Holding her hooves together, she begins charging a bright ball of energy.


Thrusting her hooves out, both siblings scream loudly as she unleashes her Kahameha against her.

A blinding flash of light blocking Luna from Celestia’s vision.

However, the blue Alicorn’s ear-piercing scream lets her know that her attack is working.

Echoing all around the surrounding landscape. Continuing even as the blast shoots up into space.

Vanishing into the distance before triggering a far-away explosion.

Back on Equestria, the smoke and bright lights from Celestia’s attack finally dies down and clears away.

The fading smoke reveals Celestia, whom is heavily panting from exhaustion.

Her body exhausted from pouring so much of her energy into that final attack.

Before the smoke can clear for her, Luna’s body falls out of the sky.

Plummeting towards ground as a result of her sister’s devastating attack.

Celestia’s eyes following Luna as her body falls to the surface.

Soon followed by a powerful shockwave shooting out across the landscape, while a giant mushroom cloud towers high into the air.

The ground cracking to where it breaks apart and collapses in on itself.

An ENORMOUS crater remaining as the wind force dies down and earthquakes stop.

Celestia, seemingly unfazed by the devastating damage done to the landscape, merely stares down at the crater as she hovers down in silence.

Planting her hooves on the ground, she gently trots up towards her sister’s corpse.

Stopping at finding Luna’s lifeless body at the center of the crater.

Luna’s jaw agape, with a dead, motionless expression on her face.

Lowering her head at staring towards the massive hole in Luna’s chest.

Smoke coming out of the gaping hole in her chest. Exposing flesh within.

Luna’s motionless eyes staring up towards the sky, and her jaw hung perpetually open. A dead expression on her face.

Exhaling a heavy sigh, Celestia hangs her head.

Her eyes closing shut in sadness.

Not only from the fact that her sister forced her to use such power against her, but also that she was the one who’d dealt the killing blow.

Immediately, before she can contemplate the death of her sister, Celestia’s eyes widens as Luna’s wound suddenly regenerates itself!

The flesh resealing the hole back up. Though, leaving her with a large hole in her armor.

“Huh!? What the-“

She exclaims, as she jumps back away.

Blinking her eyes, Luna grins revealing her sharp canines.

Pulling her legs back, she jumps back onto her hooves.

A wide, eerie grin on the blue Alicorn’s face as she holds still for a few seconds, before standing back up to full height again.

Trailing downwards until spotting her sister, Luna narrows her brows.

Shooting Celestia a blank stare.

Shooting her sister an eerie stare, which just causes Celestia to swallow nervously.

I-I have a bad feeling about this!

She thinks to herself, growing increasingly nervous.

Luna’s flaming mane igniting like fire!

Flaring intensely like wild-fire in the air, as sparks appear around her body.

The air around her pushing outwards in ever-intensifying waves, forcing Celestia to raise a hoof to prevent the dust from getting blown in her face.

The wind force around Luna and the appearing growing in intensity.

Reaching the point, that they began rapidly discharging. Randomly discharging throughout the landscape, triggering large explosions upon contact.

The siblings maintaining a stone-faced stare with each other, -


That is, until Luna’s eyes shots open, and she immediately leaps at her sister!

Extending her hoof out beside her in mid-air, and catching Celestia by the throat, causing her to gag, as she speeds through the air.

Pushing her against a mountain.

Leaving an imprint of Celestia, as she’s pushed into the rocks.

Coughing heavily, Celestia looks up. Seeing Luna pulling her hoof back to punch her.

However, before she can be punched she manages to shake her hoof free, and punch Luna’s hoof away.

“Huh!?” Luna utters in confusion, as her attack fails to make impact with her sister.

Despite experiencing excruciating pain in her hoof as she deflects her sister’s attack, and audibly groaning at its impact, Celestia does not allow the pain to consume her!

Gritting her teeth as she glares at Luna, Celestia’s aura ignites around her!

Blasting away the rocks around her, and freeing herself from the mountainside.

Holding up her hooves in front of her forehead, she screams aloud, “Solar flare!”


Luna shouts as she’s blinded by the attack. Holding up her hooves to shield her eyes.

With Luna’s momentary blindness, providing a strategic advantage, and utilizing her superspeed Celestia charges straight for the blinded Alicorn.

Celestia’s loud cry echoing around the surrounding landscape as she pummels Luna with punch after punch, -

…only to see that Luna, despite clenching her eyes shut, is able to keep pace.

Intercepting every one of her attacks!

Celestia’s charge losing its momentum, as seen when Luna begins closing her muzzle instead of gritting her teeth.

An unamused look on her face.

Thrusting out both hooves, Luna conjures a shockwave that pushes Celestia away from her.

However, instead of pushing her advantage she holds out her hooves.

A ball of energy appearing at her hooves, with a third at her horn.



Quickly utilizing her superspeed, Celestia immediately put a lot of distance between herself and Luna by flying high into the air!

An action that causes Luna to smirk.

She opens her eyes, looking up into the sky and spotting her sister high above.

In rapid succession, she fires hundreds of energy spheres into the air.

Not taking any chances, Celestia dodges every single one that looks to get too close.

Ignoring the ones that…miss?

Stopping in mid-air, she merely watches with a confused frown as hundreds of enery spheres shot pass her. Clearly missing.

Noticing the confusion on her sister’s face, Luna narrows her. Grinning wide as she stops firing.

Instead, holding out her hooves towards the sky.

“Tri Grenade!”

What Celestia had failed to realize was that all the energy spheres Luna fired had assumed a position in the sky around her.

Now, pulling her hooves together, all of them shot towards Celestia.

A large explosion of bright light erupting in the sky!

Causing a wind to blow across Luna’s face, whom doesn’t seem to care.

Instead, merely staring up at the sky with a malevolent smile.

Silently watching the light die down, and eventually the smoke too.

Eventually revealing, to Luna’s shock and anger, that Celestia remains (relatively) unharmed.

However, her body is now littered with plenty of bruises, and some blood from a couple wounds.

Hovering there in mid-air, Celestia heavily pants.

A strain finally being felt on her body. Especially after that latest attack.

I-I’m not gonna last for much longer if this keeps up, Celestia thinks to herself.

L-Luna’s so s-hrng-so strong that if I don’t finish this soon-…she-hng-may just defeat me!

“N-no!” Celestia utters aloud. “I-I can’t lose! I-nngh-have to save them from her!”

I-hng-still have one final technique!

Back down on the ground, Luna narrow her brows confused.

Her former smile contorting into a look of confusion.

What is she planning now? Surely, the fool realizes that I’ve got her beaten?

Luna thinks to herself.

As much as killing her would please me, I wanted to display her failure to the public. To let them know that their current ruler has now been replaced with somepony more capable, -

If this keeps up, she WILL die!

Without hesitation, Celestia holds out her hooves.

Shouting louder than anything she’s till now.

A flash of golden flames appearing around her.

The wind force growing strong again, but flaring wilder than anything seen so far!

The winds growing stronger as it blows across Luna.

Staring back up in anticipation of what she intends to do.

The clouds moving above both Alicorns. Forming into a swirling mass right above Celestia!

Holding her hooves together as she extends them out in front of her.

A ball of crackling energy appearing.

Sparks appearing around both Celestia and the ball of energy!

Suddenly, large bolts of lightning begin dispersing from the crackling orb of energy!

Random bolts shooting down into the ground, ripping up large chunks of the earth in the process!

One particular shooting down into the ground and tearing up the earth. Ripping up huge chunks of the earth as it speeds towards the blue Alicorn!

Huh? Wait a minute-

However, as she manages to get a proper read on the incoming light bolt, it’s far too late for her to dodge it!

In her attempt to dodge it, Luna groans as the bolt hits her in the face!

The ground upon which she stands begins to shake as if ravaged by the worst earthquake!

Golden bolts piercing the clouds, hitting Celestia’s blast. Empowering it!


Celestia screams as she can feel her body weakening every second.

As her blast grows stronger, she, herself, grows weaker!

Back on the ground, Luna turns back around.

Raising her head and staring back up towards her sister, she’s revealed to have suffered a grievous cut across her face!

A cut…that is not healing!

Staring back with an enraged stare, Luna grits her teeth. Seeing nothing but a golden flame in mid-air!


“Oh no you don’t-!”

Luna screams, extending her hoof and conjuring a blue ball of energy!


Luna screams as she throws the blue energy blast up into the air!


Celestia screams as she’s hit in the shoulder by Luna’s attack!

Her left arm hanging limp beside her!


She manages to scream!

An explosion of light and energy erupting as a golden beam shoots down towards Luna!

Luna’s eyes widening at the large beam that is shooting towards her!

Her jaw hanging wide open as the incoming blast petrifies her in place!

Unable to move before the beam impacts the ground!

Luna disappearing as the blast envelops her!

A bright light shooting outwards from Celestia’s blast as it impacts the ground that nearly blinds her, -

Yet, as the light starts blinding her, an agonized scream being heard from within Celestia’s blast!

Luna’s screams of agony echoing all around the landscape.

Her armor breaking apart into hundreds of pieces, allowing her flesh to be disintegrated into thousands of pieces!

Her body shaking at the pain of her flesh and bones melting away into ash!


A blinding explosion of light and energy erupting!

An intense shockwave shooting outwards across the landscape, as well as a blinding light!

The shockwave disappearing far into the distance!

When the explosion and bright lights die down, Celestia lowers her hooves from her face.

The exhausted Alicorn panting heavily at the energy used in that attack.

The clouds parting to allow beams of light to shine down upon the devastation that was left after Celestia’s Final Flash attack.

Celestia seeing the aftermath of her battle with Luna, as well as her final attack.

Already their battle had left a large crater, but now with her final attack the entire landscape was one giant crater!

Only far into the distance could one spot trees and mountains, but right there every tree, hilltop and mountain had been turned to rubble.

Nothing but a massive, desolate plateau stretching out into the horizon.

Some stone structures remained, but were nothing compared to what they’d once been.

Looking down towards where she’d last seen Luna, Celestia was meet with a far smaller crater.

In fact, it was nothing but a black hole.

“Luna…” she softly utters aloud to herself as she stares towards the hole.

Utilizing her telekinesis, she opens a small pouch on her belt and levitates a small bean up into her muzzle.

Chewing it and swallowing shortly after.

Immediately, she can feel her stamina being restored in full, as well as her injuries healing.

Looking down as she extends her hoof, she tightens her grip.

Inhaling a deep breath, while looking down towards the hole where Luna previously stood.

Rivers of waters streaming down into the hole. Slowly filling it.

Closing her eyes in mourning of her fallen sister as she hovers there in mid-air.

A sad wind blowing across the landscape.

Her mane gently swaying.

Luna… Why, Luna?

Opening her eyes again and seeing the hole again, she immediately wishes to avert her gaze.

Igniting her fiery aura, she turns around and begins flying away.

Returning back towards Equestria, though, not victorious.

What has happened this day is not a victory…but a failure!

Author's Note:

Link - Epic Fantasy | Must Save Jane - Undiscovered Realms - Epic Music VN