• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 305 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Meeting a Legend/Minotaur Maze

*Mist’s POV*

That stay in the Chuddle Hotel… It was like nothing I’d ever experienced… And that was the best experience in my life ever!

But then a warp ring opened, with Danyelle appearing.

But to my surprise, it was a different Danyelle. This one had a kimono on instead of everyday clothes plus she was human.

The other Danyelle asks "Koko wa doko?"

I had no idea what she was saying.

Moroha shows up with Darrell in tow while carrying a three year old dark blue-gray Mobian male kitten with heterochromia eyes in blue and gold in her arms.

Moroha spoke "She's asking where she is."

“Oh, you’re in Maretime Bay.” I answered.

The Feudal Era Danyelle tilted her head in confusion.

Moroha spoke "I’ll translate."

The kitten meows.

The Feudal Era Danyelle asked how she ended up in the present.

Moroha spoke "I see."

Serval bolts of lightning were shot into the sky since Ash had the gall to challenge Alpha-Queen Danyelle to a rematch.

I ask "Oh boy. You know what would make this anymore bizarre?"

Muta spoke "Leave my daughter alone ya damned drumstick!"

Muta was throwing rocks at Toto.

Sunset asks "What's his beef?"

Baron spoke "Muta's more dense than the knucklehead."

I spoke "If some kinda of known legend from Mobius showed up in Equestria, that would make today really bizarre."

But then an orb of light appeared before it faded, leaving a crater in its wake.

Baron spoke "You just HAD to jinx it!"

“Sorry.” I apologized before we saw a sphinx like the ones that Somnambula encountered before, and it was in an ancient Egyptian attire, with a crook and flail.

Jinxie soon flew in from beyond Zephyr Heights with the Pillars of Ancient Equestria on her back.

Jinxie asks "Another sphinx?"

“Something about him looks familiar… But what?” I wondered.

Jinxie was speechless once she looked at the male sphinx.

“You alright?” I asked Jinxie.

Starswirl spoke "Something about that sphinx reminded her of someone she lost."

“Who?” I asked.

Jinxie stammers "M-my mate..."

But then I realized who that Sphinx was! “No way! He was from Mobius, but now he’s reborn into Equestria as a Sphinx! It’s… It’s… It’s…”

Baron asks "Is who?"

“It’s Ramses the Third!” I answered, much to the other Mobians’ shock.

Sunny asks "Didn't he get killed in 1155 B.C.E?"

Ramses groans "Ugh… What happened?"

Trident spoke "Ramses, it’s been some time, old friend."

Ramses spoke "Trident, I see you still have that namesake hand of yours."

Sunny noticed a rather nasty scar on the sphinx's neck.

Sunny spoke "Something’s telling me someone assassinated him in his past life. *Touches scar* And with how moist that scar is, it must’ve been before he fell into a river."

Gusty bops her mom on the back of the head.

Sunny spoke "GAH!!!"

A portal opened up before a butter yellow sphinx female with a soft pink mane and moderate cyan eyes crash lands in the water.

“What the?” I gasped in shock and confusion.

Sphinxshy groans in pain after dragging herself out of the water, shaking it off her fur thus causing it to poof up.

Sphinxshy asks "Where am I?"

Yui spoke "My dad fainted from shock..."

Sunlight suddenly shined on Ramses before he shot a concentrated beam of sunlight into the air, before we saw a flying scouting Heartless fall to the ground, burned through by that sunbeam.

Yui spoke "Holy cuss..."

Sunny spoke "Something’s telling me that’s just one of the things he can do."

I looked at my watch and gasped before using a warp ring as I headed to New York with Aki to meet up with Raph and Mikey.

Yui snaps her claws, destroying the rest of the Heartless.

Yui spoke "Didn’t break a sweat."

Soon, Aki and I reached the turtles and saw them training.

Donnie spoke "Oh, cool."

Mikey spoke "Oh, yeah!"

Mikey kicked off of a guarding Raph as he spun his weapon.

Mikey spoke "Check this out. Power-fun-jitsu!"

“Uh-oh.” Raph said as he was engulfed in a fiery vortex. “Ha ha ha! Not bad, not bad. But check out these puppies. Tonfa-powe-jitsu!” Raph shouted as he dispelled the vortex with his weapons’ mystic power while creating giant armor on his fists.

Mikey and Donnie spoke "Oh."

Oh Raph… that amazing turtle hunk. So brave, so strong and so tough… *Swoon!*

But none of the Turtles knew that Aki was the bravest of the second generation Mobian Guard.

Leo spoke "If you guys want to see some real skill, look right here. I’m gonna make a portal to New Jersey."

Leo swung his sword, but nothing happened.

Leo spoke "Come on, power-portal-jitsu."

Still nothing as Leo kept swinging his sword before he soon created a portal, but it was really small, making Raph and I laugh.

Leo spoke "Yeah!"

Raph spoke "That’s not gonna get you across the street, let alone to Jersey."

Aki spoke "That was a bit rude Raph, he tried his best."

Leo spoke "Okay, but… *Puts hand through portal before another appeared behind him as his hand came out of it and scratched his shell, making the itch there go away* See, it’s practical, which makes it better."

Aki spoke "Exactly."

Mikey asks "Hey, Donnie, what are you doing there, bud?"

Donnie spoke "Well, while you guys took flashier items from Draxum, I, on brand, took a more cerebral one. See, this crystal, combined with the elements-"

Leo spoke "Get to the point."

Donnie spoke "*Inserting crystal into his visor* Now, I can see all the mystic energy hidden around New York, possibly even the world. You’re welcome, and thank you."

Raph spoke "Whoa, that’s awesome."

Aki spoke "That's totally badass!"

“Definitely!” I agreed.

Raph asks "Hey, what about that laundromat?"

Donnie spoke "*Having visors on* It looks like a laundromat. *Takes off visors before noticing old lady* But, what do we have over here? *Puts visors on* Whoa, underneath that old lady’s skin is some sort of fire mutant thing."

We then saw the lady stop at a graffiti on the left outside wall of the laundromat building before doing some kind of motion with her left hand, causing it to burn bright blue before the NYC and skull eyes of the graffiti glowed as the whole graffiti turned into a portal with the lady walking into it before the portal turned back into a graffiti with non-glowing letters and skull eyes.

Mikey spoke "She just disappeared into that wall!"

Aki spoke "It almost felt like magic..."

Donnie spoke "I believe she went into some sort of cool, mystic pizza place."

Mikey and Aki spoke "Pizza!"

Mikey spoke "Guys, my blood shuggies are getting low. I need to eat, bad."

Aki’s stomach growled ferociously.

I spoke "Hold on guys, it could be a trap."

Aki whines "But I’m starving!"

I spoke "Aki, chill out will you? We'll eat later, we should approach with caution. Plus your father would shave my tail if you got hurt."

But the turtles jumped to the graffiti as I gave an exasperated sigh before Aki and I followed. Raph was about to make that hand motion before Leo cut him off.

Leo spoke "Step aside, let’s put the prettiest face first."

Raph spoke "I don’t think that’s a good idea."

Leo spoke "Why? If anyone’s gonna get us inside, it’s me."

Leo did the hand motion, only for the right skull on the graffiti to blow a raspberry at him, much to our amusement.

Nyriel laughs "Step aside boys and let an alicorn take a crack at it."

the 14 year old made a series of hand movements as her horns glowed, opening the portal.

Raph spoke "Awesome!"

All of us went as Leo was a bit behind.

Leo spoke "Don’t leave me!"

We got inside before the portal closed, before we saw some kind of restaurant in front of our eyes.

Raph spoke "Alright, alright. Everybody be cool. This is our first time in a classy restaurant, uh, establishment."

Leo spoke "Hey, guys, *Head stuck in the wall* this wall is definitely broken."

We pulled Leo out, causing the portal to close completely as Raph noticed something.

Raph asks "Hm, a table. What do we do?"

Donnie spoke "Okay, be cool. I think we just sit at it and ask for stuff."

Mikey asks "Uh, like regular people?"

Donnie spoke "I think here, we are regular."

Nyriel giggles a bit since Leo had been stuck in the wall.

We went to the empty table while Nyriel stayed with Leo, who growled at the wall.

*Nyriel’s POV*

Hehe, Leo’s funny. But then the two of us heard two anthro dog mystic creatures passing by.

Dog 1 spoke "Never forget, you are a champion, bro."

The two dogs high-fived before flexing.

Dog 2 spoke "Thanks, bro, I was having a real existential crisis."

The two dogs then walked off, while the champion part caught Leo’s attention.

I spoke "A tournament huh? Sounds like that could be up your alley Leo."

The two of us looked to our left and saw a sign that said, “Prove you’re a champion” with the champion word being green and there being a slice of pizza engraved on the left and right of the sign.

Leo gasps "Ah!"

We entered it and saw pictures of creatures with a slice of pizza each on both left and right sides of the wall.

Leo spoke "Oh. Oh! Ah! *Eyes twinkling* Ah…"

But then we found ourselves stopped by a bony left hand in a stop position, with the arm connected to it held by a male skeleton’s right hand as we saw that was his left arm he was holding. “Whoa!”

Leo spoke "*Swatting hand away* Oh, ew, gross."

Skeleton chuckles "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, this is not for you?"

“Who are you?” I asked.

Skeleton spoke "My name is Señor Hueso, manager of this pizza restaurant known as Run of the Mill Pizza."

Leo spoke “Prove you’re a champion? Oh, this place is definitely for me."

Hueso spoke "Well, no it’s not. You, my friend, are not a champion, sorry."

Leo spoke "But you see, Bone Man, and can I call you Bone Man? I am a champion, and I want to know what’s behind your rope."

Bowing a bit, I spoke "I'm Princess Nyriel Dreemurr."

Hueso spoke "Ah, I see. Quite a surprise to be honest. But, you two need not be concerned with the Laberinto de Muerte, or as you would call it, the Maze of Death."

Leo asks "Ominous. But also, a question. When I solve your Maze of Death, what do I get?"

Hueso spoke "You get your picture immortalized on our wall of champions. Also, pizza. The world’s greatest pizza."

I spoke "My adopted grandmother, Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, is an expert at mazes."

Hueso spoke "So I’ve heard."

Leo spoke "Well, guess whose face is about to go on that wall? I’ve solved all kinds of mazes. You’re looking at a maze master, mister."

Hueso spoke "Be warned, in this maze, the use of mystic powers, any kind of powers, including elemental bending, stands, personas, magic, flying, chaos abilities and supernatural abilities is strictly forbidden.

Leo spoke "No mystic powers or bending? Perfect. I never touch the stuff. I’m old-school."

I spoke "That would also include the Roar of the Ancients too since my adopted grandfather has that power."

Leo asks "So, whaddya say?"

Hueso asks "Ugh, fine. Would you two like to enter alone?"

Leo chuckles "You know what, make it for seven, because what’s the point of being a champion if you can’t rub it in your brother’s face?"

I wingslap Leo on the back of the head.

But Leo was unfazed by that as later, he dragged the other five to the hallway.

Leo spoke "Come on, you can have the world’s greatest pizza."

Donnie spoke "*As Raph and Mist comforted Mikey and Aki* Oh, please, every place in New York claims to have the world’s greatest pizza."

Leo spoke "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but this pizza’s behind a velvet rope. Velvet rope, guys. Velvet rope-

Hueso slapped Leo on the face with his right hand before Leo grabbed his brothers while a slap mark was on his face.

Leo spoke "You know that means quality!"

I spoke "Only drawback to the maze is that magic and flight is off limits."

When we entered, the door we came out from vanished.

Raph spoke "Hey, Leo, what is this place? Thought you said we were getting pizza."

Leo spoke "It’s nothing, like Nyriel said, we’ve just gotta solve an easy, straightforward maze first."

The maze was actually shaped like a pizza.

Raph spoke "Wait, what? I didn’t sign up for a pre-meal maze."

Mikey spoke "Yeah, this looks pretty hard. My tumbus wants easy food."

Aki spoke "Mine too."

Leo spoke "Don’t worry, just follow me. Onward, everyone."

We arrived at the foot of the maze and entered it.

My ears were on full alert in case something went wrong.

Leo spoke "Left here. Just follow my lead."

After a few minutes…

Leo spoke "Left again."


Raph spoke "No!"

Leo spoke "Yes!"

Raph spoke "No! We’re lost!"

Mikey and Aki groaned as they held their growling and hungry stomachs.


Leo spoke "Guys, trust me, it’s this way."

But then we heard mechanical whirring.

Mikey spoke "That’s not my tum-tum, mm-mm."

Aki spoke "It wasn’t me either."

Leo spoke "That, no-no, that-that’s the sound of baking. We must be close."

I spoke "Wait a minute guys, there's eight different sections in total..."

Leo ran ahead and saw something. “Wow, look at this. They make the pizza right in front of you.”

Three monsters were making pizza while a fourth monster ate it.

Leo asks "Can we get seven extra larges? One meat lovers, one definitely not Hawaiian. Okay, how does everybody feel about olives?"

The monsters growled.

Mikey spoke "Uh, looks like they hate olives."

Leo asks "Huh?"

The monsters came at us as we started fighting them.

Leo spoke "Okay, okay, we don’t need olives."

Since magic and flight were off limits, I fought bare hand with the rolling pin monster.

Raph spoke "Come on!"

Mist spoke "It’s go time!"

Raph and Mist fought the cheese grater monster before it swung its right arm as the two dodged, getting his bandana and her hair a bit shredded.

Raph spoke "Whoa!"

Mist spoke "Yikes!"

Raph spoke "Nice try, shredhead. Time for my mystic-punch-jitsu!"

Raph brought out his tonfas and readied to use its powers before Leo defeated the pizza cutter monster and saw Raph as he stopped him.

Leo spoke "No mystic powers!"

Raph asks "No mystic powers?"

Mist asks "What’s that supposed to mean?"

But then the cheese grater monster pinned Raph and Mist before Leo sliced through it, defeating the monster. Using the weapon itself was okay, since using the mystic powers of the weapons were a no-go.

Donnie spoke "Help! Help, help, help!"

Donnie was being pulled into the stove monster before Raph and Mist grabbed it and threw the monster onto the rolling pin monster.

I pull out a Chaos Saber from somewhere before clashing with the pizza cutter monster.

Soon, we defeated the monsters.

Raph spoke "What’s up with this maze, Leo? Mist and I almost got our cheeks grated."

Mist spoke "Yeah."

But then Leo saw the center of the maze.

Leo spoke "Relax, we solved it. The pizza is just over-"

Then walls appeared, blocking the path.

Leo spoke "Oh, no, it’s closing."

Then we were surrounded by walls on all sides.

Leo spoke "Oh, come on!"

Raph groans "Now, why can’t I just use my Power Punch to take down this wall?"

Leo spoke "Funny story, but I may have left a few things out. The only rules in the Maze of Death is no mystic powers, elemental bending, stands, personas, magic, flying, chaos abilities, supernatural abilities, ancient roars or any other powers."

Raph asks "Maze of what now?"

Leo spoke "Okay, a lot of things."

Keeping my wings folded, I leap up the walls to the top.

I spoke "Uh guys... This maze is technically a living thing!"

But when I looked down at the others, I saw spikes appear on the left and right walls with flames shooting out of them as they slowly moved in closer.

Donnie, Mikey and Aki spoke "Oh, no!"

Donnie asks "*As he, Mikey and Aki were dodging the flames* Uh, guys?"

Raph asks "Not now, Donnie! What’s going on here, Leo?"

Leo spoke "Nothing, we’re just here to get pizza. *As Aki extinguished the flame on Mikey’s head* And to get my photo on the wall of champions."

Mist groans "*Facepalm* Are you kidding me?!"

Raph spoke "A-ha! I knew we weren’t here for pizza. You just wanted to come here so you could get your picture on the wall. To prove you’re the best at something."

Leo: That’s what I just said."

Raph spoke "Don’t try to deny it, Leo. I got you. I’m not trying to deny it."

Aki spoke "GUYS!!!"

Mikey spoke "We’re gonna be skewered!"

Sliding down the walls, I used my raw strength that I got from sparring with Undyne to stop the walls from closing in.


Leo asks "But we’re trapped, how are we going to get out of here?"

Raph, Mist, Donnie, Mikey and Aki spoke "Make a portal!"

Leo spoke "I can’t, it’s against the rules. I’ll never get my picture on the wall of champions."

Raph asks "Who cares about a picture when we’re gonna be crushed?"

Leo spoke "Fine! *Attempting to make a portal, but failed* I can’t do it. I got no mystic mojo. I’m useless."

Raph spoke "Hey, that’s not true, brother. You just gotta believe in yourself, and know this; if I die in this maze, I will haunt you for the rest of your life."

Donnie spoke "Well, in theory, you’d both be ghosts, so I’m not sure how you would-"

Raph spoke "Donnie, not helping!"

Leo spoke "You know, it would really help me if you guys said I was your champion."

Raph, Mist, Donnie, Mikey and Aki all spoke "Just open it!"

“Leo! That sword might be able to cut anything! You can slice up those walls!” I informed before I decided to give him some motivation. “YOU’RE A CHAMPION, LEO!!!”

Leo suddenly smiled and sliced up the wall in front of him into a million pieces. “Guys! Come on!”

I drop down before cantering after the others.

Soon, after Leo sliced through all the walls, we got to the center of the maze and saw the Minotaur statue holding a box of pizza.

I spoke "Careful, it could be booby trapped."

A voice laughs "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You can’t be anymore right!"

Donnie spoke "That cannot be good."

Vines then suddenly erupted from the chest’s center of the statue as they charged towards us. We were now battling the vines from inside the statue before all paths to the center of the maze were blocked.

The minotaur spoke "You can’t escape me!"

Then pillars erupted from the ground underneath us as we avoided being shoved up by them and used them as a part of the battlefield.

The minotaur spoke "I am the assistant manager of this maze, and the maze does what I want, pending corporate approval."

Aki spoke "Wait a minute... That voice sounds so familiar... You're Iron Will!"

But then the vines froze, giving Leo the opportunity to grab the pizza box as someone came out of the hole on the statue’s chest.

The female minotaur asks "Wait a minute… You’re not referring to my husband, are you?"

I spoke "My adopted grandmother knows him."

The female Minotaur giggles "Oh, so you’re Danyelle’s adopted granddaughter. Good thing I won’t have to keep up my fake appearance with you here."

The Minotaur then transformed into a beautiful one.

Matilda spoke "The name’s Matilda. After Iron Will, and our son, Mankar, suddenly became immortal, we had to go into hiding when Danyelle disappeared. So we hide ourselves in the Mystic World’s Hidden City, posing as Yo-Kai.
I spoke "I'm Princess Nyriel Dreemurr. And before you ask, my adopted grandmother and the rest of the first gen Mobian Guard is back."

Matilda spoke "That’s great to hear, but is there a way to connect Equis to the Mystic World? Because I kinda have a job being the assistant manager of this pizza restaurant."

I spoke "I would have to speak to a certain Pokemon about that though."

Matilda spoke "Well, since ya did pass the challenge proved you all champions, *Brings out camera* feel free to eat."

I spoke "I nearly had my bones crushed by those walls..."

Matilda spoke "I’m terribly sorry about that."

I spoke "No harm no foul. Besides, I'm half goat monster anyway since my dad is full goat monster. My mother's full alicorn."

I pull out a cross-dimensional phone before calling Chameleo.

I explain to Chameleo about establishing a portal to connect Maretime Bay to the Mystic World.

Chameleo spoke "{Well, it won’t be easy, but I’ll do what I can.}"

I spoke "{I understand and given that my adopted grandmother loves pizza...}"

Chameleo chuckles "{Hehe. Guess she’ll be a real regular at the Run of the Mill Pizza.}"

Danyelle cuts in via telepathy "{Did someone say pizza?!?!?}"

Chameleo spoke "{Later.}"

Chameleo ended the call.

I giggle "Well, that solves that problem."

Danyelle soon shows up via warp ring with the rest of the Hikari family as well as the Dreemurr family, Ogami family and Felis family.

Danyelle was dragging Iron Will by the ear.

Danyelle spoke "Long time no see 'Tilda."
