• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 305 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Repo Mantis

*New York, Aki's POV*

I have no idea how I got talked into this, but Mikey and I are helping Donnie salvage from the city junkyard.

Donnie spoke "*Opening car hood* Man, junkyards are gold mines!"

Donnie started salvaging through the car hood before finding a pineapple-scented car air-freshener.

Donnie asks "*Sniff!* Who needs real pineapple when you got one of these babies?"

Nyriel spoke "Yeah but real pineapple tastes better."

Mikey and I noticed a car being dragged above us as Donnie kept salvaging.

Mikey spoke "Donnie! Donnie! Donnie!"

"Nyriel! I seriously think we should-" I urged as Donnie found a pair of fuzzy dice.

Donnie spoke "Ah, fuzzy nerd dice!"

"Guys!" Mikey and I shouted before the car started falling above us as we got Donnie and Nyriel away from the car we were on before the car above it crashed onto it as fell to the bottom before landing in a car.

Nyriel spoke "This is why we have to be careful!"

Donnie spoke "Guys, next time, I would appreciate a heads-up."

Mikey spoke "Okay. Heads up!"

Mikey adjusted the mirror as we saw a vehicle.

Mikey asks "Is that…?"

Donnie gasps "It is!"

Mikey spoke "The Jupiter Jim Moon Buggy!"

Donnie spoke "Featured in no one, not two, but 60 sequels of “Jupiter Jim’s Last Trip to the Moon.” Ah!"

Nyriel and I were surprised by how many sequels there were.

Nyriel spoke "I wonder if it's for sale."

Mikey asks "How could anybody let that historical gem slip through their fingers?"

Donnie spoke "I do not know, Michael, but we’ve got to have it."

But then we noticed Slam from Ace Bunny’s world hanging out with Suu as the two laughed.

Nyriel goes to find the junkyard owner.

Nyriel spoke "Excuse me but I was wondering if the moon buggy was for sale."

I went over to Slam and Suu as Donnie and Mikey got out of the car before someone appeared and lifted the car. “Who the heck are youse?”

Donnie spoke "Oh, no, a mutant! Wait, we’re mutants too, Mikey. It’s okay."

Mikey spoke "Dude, you better hide. There’s a human guy around here."

Repo spoke "Easy, easy. *Tosses away car* This is Repo Mantis Salvage. The guy is me."

Mikey asks "This is your lot?"

Nyriel spoke "Tch, and I get ignored!"

Mikey spoke "You have to sell us that Moon Buggy! Please!"

Nyriel asks "Yeah, is it for sale?"

Donnie pulled Mikey and Nyriel back as he met up with me, Slam and Suu.

Donnie spoke "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Cool your scramjets, buddies. This is a negotiation. We gotta play it smooth."

Nyriel spoke "Which I will be handling since I'm next in line for the throne on my dad's side due to the fact I'm royalty. I have to learn how to handle such situations. I got this."

Nyriel walks over to Repo alone.

Nyriel spoke "Good day sir, I was wondering how much the moon buggy is worth."

Repo spoke "Scram, I got a lot of fenders to count."

Nyriel spoke "I am Princess Nyriel Dreemurr, adopted granddaughter of the legendary Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari. I'm quite sure you might have heard of her."

Repo asks "Eh, don’t ring a bell none. But say, I could use a bunch of tough creatures like you. Ever do any repo work?"

Mikey asks "Of course! No. What’s repo work?"

The rest of us were confused at that too.

Repo spoke "It’s when you take stuff back from deadbeats who didn’t pay for it. Do a job for me today, and I’ll let you have that moon buggy thing."

Mikey spoke "We’re in."

Donnie spoke "And… sidebar."

Donnie pulled Nyriel and Mikey back to us.

Donnie spoke "Look, Mikey, repo people have to be mean, and I don’t know if you know this, but you’re kind of a softie."

Mikey spoke "That really hurts my feelings! Oh. You have a point. But I can do this. Hard as nails. Grr."

Donnie asks "And I assume you know about hardness, Nyriel?"

Nyriel spoke "Don't make me laugh Don, I spar with Knuckles on a daily basis. I'm tougher than I look."

Donnie spoke "Good."

We turned to Repo.

Mikey asks "We’re in. What’s the skinny, Chico?"

Repo spoke "I need you to get an RV from a real shady mutant. Holes up in the woods on the wrong side of the tracks, in the darkest outskirts of the bad part of town."

After a few rides, we were starting to get close to our destination.

Donnie spoke "I ran a profile on this guy. Lawless loner, doesn’t pay his bills, lives in this very spooky forest. He is a 98% match for the Spine-Breaking Bandit!"

Nyriel spoke "Don, you and your brothers take the back door. the girls and I got the front door. Don't let him escape."

Mikey spoke "Pfft. I’m not scared of some no-good forest dweller! Let’s see him! There’s his RV!"

We looked at the RV before seeing a horrifying set of jaws erupt from the RV, terrifying all of us, even Nyriel.

Mikey spoke "That’s the biggest forest dweller I’ve ever seen!"

Slam nodded in agreement as he guarded Suu, who was behind him in fear.

Donnie spoke "He is totally gonna break our spines. Maybe we should call the others."

“No, no, no, no, no!” Nyriel, Mikey and I denied.

Mikey spoke "We got this. Think of all the boss adventures we could have in the Moon Buggy!"

Donnie spoke "Ah, all right. If you guys are dead-set on doing this, we gotta go stealth. Sneak-jitsu 101: Never let a spine-breaker get behind you."

Nyriel glares hard at the spine-breaker, forcing him to freeze up.

Nyriel spoke "SIT!"

But me and the others panicked and ran when he was right behind us!

Donnie spoke "No! He’s behind us! He is directly behind us!"

We were soon cornered with Nyriel coming towards us to shield us as the bandit turned on the lights, revealing… a friendly groundhog mutant with tons of puppies?

The groundhog spoke "Hey, I’m Todd! Welcome to Cuddle Cakes Puppy Rescue, the puppy-eat place on earth!"

We were surprised by how many puppies of different dogs there were, but they were all so cute!

“Aww!!! So adorable!” Nyriel and I gushed as Suu, Mikey and Slam found the puppies adorable too.

Donnie asks "Puppies. Right. And which one are you having for dinner?"

Todd spoke "Oh, right! It’s dinner time!"

Todd pulled a rope, filling a huge bowl with dog food as all of the puppies started digging in.

Nyriel had a Dalmatian puppy in her arms.

Nyriel spoke "Guys, I think we misunderstood this one. I don't sense anything hostile about him."

Sabrina asks "Sir, do you run a rescue center?"

Todd spoke "Yep. Hey, you guys want some of my Internet-famous homemade lemonade? I donate it to folks in Alaska who need a little sunshine."

Todd gave us some lemonade as we tasted them. And… they were delicious!

“Wow! So good!” I said.

Nyriel spoke "So, tasty."

Sabrina spoke "So zesty."

Mikey spoke "Oh, wow. This is pretty good."

Donnie spoke "That honestly tastes exactly like sunshine. Wow. And sidebar."

Donnie dragged me, Nyriel, Mikey, Slam, Suu and Sabrina to a different spot.

Donnie spoke "Cute puppies, nonprofit lemonade? This is no spine-breaking bandit."

Mikey spoke "He’s the nicest guy in the world."

Mist spoke "But we shouldn't judge a book by its cover."

Donnie spoke "Right. And we need that RV. We gotta be tough with him. Hard as nails!"

Mikey spoke "Got it. Everyone, Donnie and I will handle this."

Mikey and Donnie stepped up to Todd.

Mikey spoke "So, Todd, let’s get down to business about your RV."

Todd asks "Sure thing! Could you hold Willis?"

“That puppy is so cute!” The girls and I gushed.

Mikey spoke "Oh, I d-don’t know if I’m-No! *Willis coming up to Mikey before he picks him up* Aww, you little mischief-maker! *As yellow puppy rolls towards Donnie, who rolls him away. Only for it to happen over and over again* Wait a minute. We’re supposed to be talking about your RV."

Nyriel spoke "Mikey brings up a good point."

Donnie spoke "Look, Todd. You haven’t made a payment in two years, and that means-"

Todd spoke "Yeah. Turns out, all you get for rescuing puppies are million-dollar smiles. Ooh, Miho wants her belly rubbed."

“So adorable!” The girls and I gushed again.

Donnie spoke "My hard-as-nails brother and I are here to-"

We saw Mikey feeding the puppies milk, which was adorable!

Mikey spoke "And I’ll call you Indiana Bones, and you Little Bones."

Donnie spoke "Mikey, come on! *Ball hits him in the face before catching it* Oh!"

Todd laughs "Melvin wants to play! Could you toss his ball?"

Cuteness overload!

Donnie spoke "Okay, fine. *Grabs ball and Melvin* I will toss the ball if you give us the keys to your-"

Donnie threw the ball before we heard a squelch.

Donnie spoke "I am in something squishy. I am in something squishy!"

Todd asks "Oh, yeah, I am so swamped, I never get to clean the yard up. But you guys are so good at this! Do you what to grab some shovels?"

Later, after we dug up dog dung from underground and a dump truck went off with them, we had shocked expressions on our faces.

Mikey asks "Why did we just do that?"

Donnie spoke "I don’t know, Michael. I don’t know. Niceness is his superpower!"

Nyriel's ears pin back.

Nyriel spoke "That does it, no more miss nice Princess!"

Nyriel walks over to Todd.

Nyriel spoke "Okay mister, hand over the keys to your RV right now!"

Donnie spoke "Nyriel is absolutely right! We didn’t come here to help you. We came here to repo your RV."

Todd sighs "*Sadly while sitting down* Okay. *With tears and a booger sticking out of his nose* Yeah, I guess me and the pups will just sleep under the stars tonight.

We heard thunder as Todd sniffled before it started pouring rain. Nyriel was starting to feel guilty.

Todd spoke "And every night, *Voice breaking* through puppy hurricane season!"

This was breaking most of our hearts as Donnie remained stoic while Willis, Miho, and Melvin brought us three umbrellas.

Mikey spoke "*Cries* I can’t do it!"

“This is too much!” I sobbed as Slam wailed to with Suu shedding tears as we grabbed the umbrellas and held it over our heads while holding the three puppies.

Nyriel felt extremely guilty now.

A warp ring opens up before Fluttershy steps through.

Fluttershy asks "Might I make a suggestion?"

Nyriel asks "Huh?"

Fluttershy spoke "There's a place that would be safer for these adorable puppies. It's managed by a Nekomata-gryphon Mobian named Danyelle Hikari, she's a kind hearted female that takes in injured Pokémon and looks after them."

Todd asks "*Gasp!* Really? It has a place to feed the puppies, and bathe them and diaper and play with them?"

Fluttershy spoke "*Smile* Of course."

We helped move Todd and all his puppies to the sanctuary as he bid us farewell when we got into his RV.

Todd spoke "Thanks, guys! I’ll never forget you! And come back if you ever wanna milk the puppies! They have eight nipples!"

Donnie spoke "No, stop! No!"

Donnie closed the windows as the warp ring closed.

Mist spoke "Good thing I made a phone call to my mom, asking her to send Fluttershy."

“Thanks, Mist.” I said in gratitude.

“Hard as nails!” All of us cheered as we drove the RV back to the junkyard.

Donnie spoke "All right!"

Mikey spoke "We did it! Hey, Repo! One RV, as promised. Wax up that Moon Buggy, baby."

Repo spoke "Not bad, not bad. But what had happened was… I ain’t giving it to you. Turns out, dorky Jupiter Jim fans’ll pay big bucks just to sit in that thing!"

Nyriel snaps "What was that?!"

Donnie spoke "What? We had a deal, buddy-o."

Repo spoke "*As we got out of the RV with Slam growling* Scrapping is a tricky business, kids, and you got tricked."

Donnie spoke "We are not leaving without our Moon Buggy."

Repo spoke "*Shoves Donnie* Hey, the purple turtle’s funny!"

Donnie spoke "I keep telling you guys I’m funny."

Repo spoke "*Stabs claws into metal blocks, gaining homemade hammers* I’m gonna break your legs halfway through… a-twice."

Repo attacked Donnie as he dodged before he noticed a crane.

Donnie spoke "Guys, the magnet!"

Nyriel spoke "Say no more!"

Nyriel used her magic to pull a lever on the magnet crane, activating the magnet as Repo was dragged to the magnet and got stuck.

Mikey spoke "*As we ran toward the Moon Buggy* A deal’s a deal, chico!"

Donnie asks "Is there anything magnets can’t do?"

All of us got into the Moon Buggy as Donnie started up the engines.

Donnie spoke "Tallyho! Eat crater dust, bug man!"

We drove off in the Moon Buggy as Repo got his claws unstuck from the blocks before her jumped into a pickup truck and hit the gas.

*Meanwhile, with us…*

Donnie spoke "Man, this this is super slow."

Mikey spoke "Of course it is. It was built for the gravity of the Moon."

Nyriel giggles "But Bugface had it coming!"

But then we were rammed from behind as we looked behind us and saw Repo driving his truck.

Repo shouts "Give me back my dork-mobile!"

Mikey spoke "Moon-core lasers, activate!"

Mikey pushed a button, but nothing happened.

Nyriel spoke "Nothing."

Mikey spoke "Crater dust cloud…"

Mikey pushed another button, still nothing happened.

Donnie asks "Should that do anything?"

Mikey asks "Zero-atmosphere Gatling missiles?"

Mikey pushed three buttons, as the third spring up, being broken.

“Not good.” I dreaded.

Mikey: Aw, nuts."

Repo kept ramming us.

Donnie spoke "This is a movie vehicle, pal. They wouldn’t load it up with advanced lunar artillery."

Mikey spoke "Not unless it’s the Moon Buggy from “Jupiter Jim’s Third Last Trio to the Moon,” *Punches fist into dashboard before pulling it out, revealing another dashboard, being different than the other* which had a fake dashboard to fool the Plutonians! Pasta fazool!"

Mikey grabbed something that said “Pull to activate” before pulling it back, causing the tech in it to glow.

Mikey spoke "I’m kicking in Jupiter Jim Titan Turbo Mode!"

The Moon Buggy went much faster, pulling ahead of Repo as Nyriel was surprised and impressed with the speed for the size of this vehicle we were in.

Taking flight, Nyriel tore out a firehydrant with her magic before waterbending the water into the engine of Repo's truck, shutting the vehicle down.

But after getting out of the truck, Repo chased us.

Donnie spoke "This is bad. I can’t shake him."

Mikey spoke "I’ll try the Gravity Grease 3000."

Mikey pushed a button as oil shot out from the left side, accidentally hitting some people.

Donnie spoke "I think we got a bunch of people pretty oily."

“Ya think?!” I deadpanned.

Mikey spoke "Maybe the bug-zapper button."

Donnie groans "Really? There is a bug-zapper but-why didn’t you try that first?"

Mikey spoke "It didn’t have a 3000 after it."

Donnie wrote a 3000 under the Bug-Zapper words. “There. Happy?”

Mikey spoke "Why, thank you."

“I love you, Mikey. But let’s just do it already!” I urged as Mikey and I pressed the button, making an electro-cannon appeared on the top back of the vehicle as it shot an electro ball that suddenly mesmerized Repo like a big to a bug-zapper.

Repo spoke "Oh… What a pretty tone of blue."

When the electro ball hit Repo, it caused an electric explosion as he screamed in pain and defeat as we escaped from him.

“Hard as nails!” All of us cheered as we did a simultaneous high-five.

Nyriel spoke "And he's OUTTA here!"

Donnie spoke "Come on, let’s get this back to the sewers."

“So, Slam and Suu… what were you two doing together?” I asked the Tasmanian Devil and the slime, who blushed at that question.

A voice spoke "Isn’t it obvious? They’re boyfriend and girlfriend.

A spirit emerged from within Slam.

Mistybreeze meows "Hey Tox."

Toxic Seahorse asks "Hmm? You know me?"

Mistybreeze meows "I was created by Danyelle Hikari to be Nyriel's NetNavi."

Toxic Seahorse spoke "I used to be in Kimihito Kurusu, but since Slam is officially Suu’s girlfriend, I’m living inside the devil now."

That little joke made us laugh.

Nyriel spoke "My adopted grandmother knows at least two Megamen. One's a robot, the other's a NetNavi-Mobian hybrid."

Toxic Seahorse asks "Really? That’s surprising. Oh, did you know that Slam is fluent in Chinese?"

Nyriel spoke "Not really."
