• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 305 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Exploring Mobius/Mystic Mayhem

*Mobian Sunset’s POV*

Wow! I can’t believe my family and I are visiting New York City! This is so awesome!

Reed spoke "A lot has changed in 223 years."

“Yeah! And the streets are more filled with humans and Mobians!” I agreed.

Mist spoke "And chakats too, don't forget."

“Right, sweetie.” I smiled to my daughter before we looked at the starry night sky.

A shooting star streaks across the night sky.

Reed spoke "Make a wish, Mist."

Mist spoke "I wish… I wish… I wish I could find the love of my life."

I smiled that my daughter wanted to find love, before the three of us heard a ginormous splash, and it sounded like it was from a rooftop pool on a tall hotel.

To our surprise, there was four familiar faces.

One voice spoke "What happened here? Still, it’s a good thing someone left these wet floor and dry pool signs here."

Reed gasps "S-Sakura?"

Sakura asks "Reed? Sunset? Mist? What’re you three doing here?"

I spoke "I was just about to ask you that!"

The green furred male wolf groans "Sakura... could you turn that alarm off?"

Sakura spoke "Okay."

The green furred male wolf groans "Wait a minute... This isn't Ponyville..."

Sakura spoke "Looks like Mobius to me."

the blue furred male wolf asks "Wait... Where's Danyelle?"

“In Equestria.” I answered.

A teal colored face pokes up out of a warp ring.

Daria gasps "Sakura! Li! Aki! Ame! It's SO good to see you again after 200 years!"

Sakura gasps "Wait… 200 years?!"

An alicorn that Sakura had never seen before soon arrives.

Sunny spoke "Hi."

Sakura asks "Who’re you?"

Sunny spoke "I'm Princess Sunny Starscout, eldest granddaughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle."

A half blind horned hippogriff cub was on Sunny's back.

Sunny spoke "This little one is Gusty Winds, she's my and Jay's daughter."

Sakura asks "How much did I miss?"

Sunny spoke "A lot... my mom still remembers you."

Sakura asks "Uh, could you take me, Li, Aki and Ame back to Equestria?"

Gusty chirps.

Sunny spoke "I am rather curious about Mobius though."

Daria spoke "I can take you four there."

A warp ring opens up before Danyelle ran out of it with a wolfdog girl on her back.

Danyelle spoke "*tears in eyes* Sakura!"

Sakura asks "*As Danyelle hugged her* You alright, Dany?"

Danyelle cries "I missed you so dang much..."

Sakura spoke "Me too, Dany."

But then Reed and I saw Mist flying towards a construction site before the two of us followed.

Danyelle picks the Showron family up with magic before running after Reed and I as Sunny followed.

Soon, we saw four… turtles? They didn’t look Mobian, or even human.

The first turtle spoke "A few hours ago, I would’ve called this foolish and impossible. Now I just call it foolish."

The second turtle spoke "Say what you want, Donnie. Raph’ll pull it off, ‘cause if he doesn’t, we’ll lose our best friend forever."

The third turtle spoke "Mikey, don’t say that. You know he chokes under pressure."

Donnie spoke "Leo, he’s even more self-conscious when you talk about it. And then you can smell his fear."

Raph spoke "Stop talking about my fear stink!"

Danyelle spoke "Turtles! Cease thy prattle at once!"

Raph asks "Huh? Who’re you guys?"

Danyelle spoke "I am Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari of the Crystal Stars hive-pack. The wolves are Sakura, Li, Aki and Ame Showron. The ponies are Sunset Shimmer and Princess Sunny Starscout. The gryphon is Reed, the two hippogriffs are Mist Cloud and Gusty Winds."

Raph spoke "Oh, name’s Raphael, leader and muscles of the team. That’s Leonardo, the speed."

Leo spoke "Sup!"

Raph spoke "That’s Donatello, the brains."

Donnie spoke "Greetings."

Raph spoke "And that’s Michelangelo, the acrobatic."

Mikey spoke "Yo!"

Raph spoke "They’re my little brothers."

Megaman pops up suddenly, startling the Turtles.

Danyelle spoke "And that's my brother, Vincent Doucet or better known as Megaman. He may look like a NetNavi-Mobian hybrid but his soul is human."

Raph asks "Whoa. That’s new. And is she alright?"

I looked at Mist and saw that she was suddenly blushing after looking at Raph, before I knew what was going on.

Aki was also stuttering since she was staring at Mikey.

Ame sighs "Seems my sister is twitterpated..."

Danyelle spoke "And I should warn you Mikey, Aki loves pizza."

Mikey exclaims "Pizza?! Now that’s totally awesome!"

Raph tried doing something with a trinket in his hand, but nothing happened. He tried again, still nothing. Again and again and again… nothing worked. “Come on! Stupid wall! *Throws trinket against wall, but bounced off of it and his head* Oh!” Raph yelped as he fell onto his shell before the trinket fell into Mikey’s right hand.

Mikey asks "How about we let the artist of the crew take a poke at it?"

Leo spoke "I say give him a shot. I mean, he can’t do any worse, respectfully.

“Hey.” Raph growled before Mikey put the trinket onto the wall, before it glowed as Mikey drew a glowing symbol onto the wall.

Danyelle sighs.

Megaman chuckles "I heard rumors that a different Michelangelo had fallen in love with a different Pinkie."

Roll appeared. “Maybe the ones from Appletank’s universe?”

But then the symbol on the wall turned into a mouth.

Megaman spoke "I heard from Blazell that it was over in the ENG BNA world though."

“Guys. We got a portal in a mouth here.” I pointed out.

Donnie spoke "You beautiful fools. It worked!"

Raph spoke "All I had to do was believe in myself."

Leo asks "Okay, uh, what do we do now?"

The four turtle brothers looked at each other before smiling.

Raph spoke "*As he jumped into the mouth, falling into the portal with a somersault* Cannonball!"

Mikey, Leo and Donnie spoke "*Following Raph with somersaults to* Cannonball!"

Mist and Aki followed them.

The others and I followed after them.

We landed on ground as Raph, Mikey and Donnie crashed a bit.

Leo spoke "Land safely… Aha! Oh, whoa!"

All of us awed in amazement at what we saw.

Leo spoke "I can smell Raph’s amazement stink."

Danyelle spoke "Same here..."

Donnie spoke "Exactly what I expected."

Raph scoffs "Are you kidding me?"

A female spoke "Psst! Hey, guys, over here."

We looked behind us to see a black human teenage girl.

Mikey spoke "April!"

The four turtles rushed over to the girl as they hugged her while April hugged them back.

Raph spoke "Missed you!"

Mikey spoke "Yeah."

The five then let each other go.

Raph asks "Donnie, where are we?"

Donnie spoke "According to my calculations, we are in a tertiary meta-verse."

April spoke "Actually, I’ve been exploring, and we’re in a mystic hidden city deep under New York!"

Donnie spoke "That was my second guess."

Mikey spoke "Whoa."

Danyelle realizes she was back in human form.

Danyelle spoke "Crap crap crap!"

I spoke "Oh cuss!"

Raph asks "Jumpin’ Jack Flash! You some kinda mutant?"

Grabbing the six with my magic and setting them down on a safer spot, I spoke "Nah, Alpha-Queen Danyelle often reverts back to human form whenever she's on Mobius since she was born a human."

April spoke "Whoa! That’s pretty cool."

Leo asks "So where’s the dog thingy?"

April spoke "He’s in there."

We saw where April was point at and saw a huge building.

Roll growls a bit.

Soon, we made our way inside before seeing something, making us gasp.

Donnie spoke "Oh, look at the color scheme. Whoa, I’d love to do my lab in this style."

We soon hid before seeing something.

Raph spoke "Hey, there’s the little guy. And the delivery guy too! We gotta help them get out!"

We were about to head in before April stopped us. “Someone’s coming.”

I turn myself along with Danyelle, Reed, April, Roll, Megaman, both hippogriffs, the wolfdog Sakura, the Showrons and the Turtles invisible. I also masked our scents too.

Roll whispers "Keep quiet guys and gals, we can't draw attention to ourselves."

A door soon opened as we saw a being exit it with small gargoyle-like creatures on his shoulders.

Delivery Guy spoke "If you’re the guy who keeps calling about the calamari, fine. It’s pig butts! But the crab cakes are real."

The man spoke "I assure you, I have no interest in your petty cakes of crab."

The gargoyles the jumped onto the guy’s cage.

Right gargoyle spoke "But we would love to hear more about those pig butts."

The being approached the dog-like creature’s cage and reached into it. “So nice of you to return my vial.” The being thanked as he took the vial off the dog-like creature as it growled while he turned towards the delivery man. “You are about to be a part of an experiment that will change the very nature of humanity and Mobians.”

Delivery Guy spoke "Alright!"

While the gargoyles when back onto his shoulders, the being then opened the vial and poured it into a hole as his machine started activating.

April spoke "This dude looks like trouble."

Raph spoke "Yeah, and if I’ve learned anything from “Jupiter Jim” movies, glowing green usually equals bad."

A giant glowing green bubble appeared on the ceiling inside the giant glass canister as the strange mosquitoes inside it latched onto it and extracted some of it into them before one of the mosquitoes flew out of the hole and into the being’s hand as he walked toward the delivery guy.

Delivery Guy asks "So… *As he was constricted by his cell vines* is this gonna hurt?"

the man spoke "It will… if I’m doing it right."

The mosquito then latched onto the man and stabbed its nose into his forehead before injecting the ooze it extracted from the bubble into him, then flew off after doing that.

Deliver Guy spoke "Hey, that wasn’t so-oh, ow. Okay, this part hurts. *Starting to morph* This part-oh! This part hurts. Ah, that hurts!"

Raph asks "What’s happening to him?"

April spoke "That is messed up."

The Delivery Guy was mutated into an imitation crab mutant, much to our unease, as he let out a gurgling yell.

Donnie spoke "Yeah, jury’s in. That was imitation crab."

We glared at Donnie, who didn’t mind us.

Delivery Guy gasps "I just got used to acne. Now this?"

The mutant then screamed as he ran out of the room.

Right gargoyle asks "Should we go after him, boss?"

the man spoke "The mutation worked, just like it did all those years ago."

Raph spoke "Mutation? You mean like us? *Gasp* Could we be-"

Mikey asks "Part imitation crab?"

Donnie laughed at that. “You are not kidding, are you?"

The person spoke "*To dog-like creature* I’ll deal with you next."

April spoke "We can’t let that sheep-horned weirdo do anything to that dog!"

Leo spoke "But except for Donnie, we’re out of weapons."

Donnie spoke "Note to you: Next time, make your weapons out of high-grade titanium."

Raph spoke "Guys, who needs weapons? We’re ninjas! Leo’s got his mad skills, nobody flips better than Mikey, Donnie’s got that big old brain, and I’ve got, uh-"

April spoke "A friend who knows where there’s a room full of weapons!"

Leo spoke "Ah, thank goodness. We were so dead."

April flipped a switch, before all of us, including her, fell into a hole and came out into a weapon room, much to our awe and amazement.

Donnie spoke "Oh! It’s like if magic and science had a baby!"

Danyelle's fists catch fire after slapping Donnie on the back of the head.

Danyelle spoke "I may not have flight and magic but I still have speed and firebending! Plus I can use crossfusion too."

Danyelle uses her telepathy to contact Mikasa.

Danyelle spoke "I called in a pair of capable fighters to help us out."

Grabbing two katanas, Leo spoke "Oh, yeah!"

Grabbing two nunchucks, Mikey spoke "These‘ll do."

Raph exclaims "Hey, yo, guys! *Showing glowing weapons* How about we take the glow-y ones?"

Leo and Mikey spoke "*Awestruck* Oh…"

The two dropped the weapons they were holding before they joined Raph.

Leo spoke "Oh, dibs on the sword! Oh, boy!"

Leo grabbed the blue Odachi Sword as Mikey grabbed the orange Kusari-fundo.

Mikey spoke "Hot soup!"

Grabbing pair of red tonfas, Raph laughs "Boom! Huh-ha!"

“I think I’ll take this one.” I said as I grabbed the purple staff before it turned into red and yellow colors.

Donnie spoke "Hmm… This looks pretty interesting, though."

Donnie grabbed a small purple crystal before Leo, Raph and Mikey posed heroically.

Leo spoke "Oh, yeah!"

Raph spoke "Let’s go save that dog thingy!"

Danyelle pulls out her nichirin sword before yowling loud "CHARGE!!!!"

Mist and Kura stayed behind with Gusty since the three weren't fighters.


The man spoke "Finally, after all these years, I can continue my work."

Then we arrived.

The man asks "What?"

Raph spoke "Alright, you incredibly unusually buff bookworm, give us the little guy, and you’ll walk out of here with your horns still attached."

Leo asks "Shouldn’t we also stop him from creating crab-men?"

Raph spoke "Good note. Okay, give us the little guy, stop creating crab-men—"

Donnie spoke "Imitation crab-men."

April gave on exasperated sigh as Raph continued. “Okay, good note. Stop creating imitation crab-men—“

Mikey spoke "And a ride home, and a limo with a hot tub and pizza!"

Raph spoke "Stop creating imitation crab-men and you’ll walk out of here-"

Leo sighs "Raph, why don’t you take it from the top again?"

Raph spoke "Here goes. First, you apologize to the dog thingy-"

April spoke "Let’s do this! April O’Neil!"

April jumped straight in, much to our surprise and shock.

Mikey spoke "Omigosh! She just ran in."

April tried to free the dog-like creature before she started fighting the two shoulder gargoyles as the being grabbed a purple orb before thrusting his left fist into the ground, summoning purple vines as the plants charged at us as we ran on them.

Leo spoke "I hate this! I hate this! *Sliding on vine* Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Gah!"

The being then grabbed three orbs before throwing them into the ground, summoning a giant robot.

Leo spoke "Whoa!"

Mikey spoke "Omigosh!"

Donnie spoke "Whoa, whoa."

Raph sighs "Dude, seriously?"

Leo spoke "Ah! It looked at me!"

It pulled the vines, before whipping it, sending us to the ground as we knew we had to beat that robot first as it roared.

The man spoke "Capture those specimens!"

“Cowabunga!” Raph let out a battle cry as we charged at the robot.

Danyelle shot fire from her mouth at the robot, melting it.

But somehow, it reformed before Leo sliced its right leg clean through as it through boulders at us. We dodged them as Mikey grabbed Raph with his Kusari-fundo before throwing him.

Raph spoke "Hot soup!"

Raph was about to punch the robot, but crashed into its face, before said face was sent to the ground as Raph spun in midair.

Raph spoke "Whoa!"

Donnie then changed his purple shell into a hovercopter as he flew into the air and changed both ends of his hi-tech Bo staff into rockets before they activated as he started spinning.

Donnie spoke "No, no, no. No, no, no, no. Look out, guys!"

Mikey gasps "Whoa!"

“Yikes!” I yelped as we dodged Donnie’s spinning weapon as it crashed right onto the robot’s head before it spun onto the ground as the staff flew back to Donnie.

Donnie spoke "Ha! Nailed it!"

Donnie grabbed his staff as he turned it into a selfie stick and took a picture of himself posing while Danyelle put extra heat on her flame breath, making sure the robot was melted down for good.

The man spoke "Accidentally impressive. With a little bit of training, you could be as formidable as I’d hoped."

Still fighting gargoyles, April spoke "It’s okay! I got this!"

Leo spoke "Okay, well, great, and since you’re surrendering…"

Danyelle slapped Leo at the back of the head.

Sui, Enkai and Raiju pop out of their balls before roaring loud.

The being laughed. "Baron Draxum does not surrender."

Leo spoke "Okay, well, when he gets here, we'll deal with him-oh, ho, ho, I see. You're doing that whole "sinister talking in the third person" thing."

Raph spoke "*Getting up* Only Raph can use the third person! Alright, guys, time to put our training to use."

Leo asks "What training? You guys have been training?"

We charged at Draxum as he grabbed two purple orbs, turning his hands and lower arms into gauntlets as we fought him and traded blows.

Mikey spoke "Cowabunga!"

All of us then leapt at him before he ground-pounded the floor with his gauntlets, sending us flying back with the amount of force that strike had.

Draxum spoke "And that's why Baron Draxum-"

The left gargoyle crashed on his head and fell to the floor. "I'm sorry, boss."

April came in and fought the two gargoyles before she stopped and gave a thumbs up at us, as we gave her a thumbs/paws up back at her. But then Draxum fired some kind of green moist webbing from his right palm as they hit April, trapping her in a cocoon with her head poking out while she landed in front of us.

Raph spoke "April!"

"You did not just do that to our friend!" Mikey said as he then swung his weapon as Draxum dodged it before the line stayed straight as the ball became lit on fire with jack-o lantern smile and eyes while laughing, much to our surprise and shock. "Whoa. Magic weapon-Whoa!" Mikey yelped as his weapon started dragging him all over the place. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Oh! Ooh! Oh!" Mikey yelled as he screamed while still being dragged by his laughing weapon as sparks crackled around the container before Draxum dodged Mikey as he crashed on the ground and dropped his weapon. "Ah! Ooh! Oh."

"Whoa! Mikey, that was awesome. How'd you do that?" Raph asked as the rest of us had stars in our eyes with awe and amazement.

"I don't know, man. I was just swinging my weapon, like this, when all of a sudd-" Mikey tried to explain before the ball on his weapon lit on fire and started laughing with jack-o lantern mouth and eyes again. "Just like thaaaaaaa!" Mikey screamed as he was dragged off by his weapon again.

Danyelle engulfs herself in fire, transforming into Danydonna.

Danydonna and her three Pokémon howl loud, causing the roof to collapse on top of Draxum thus clonking him hard on the head to knock him out.

Danydonna spoke "And that's all she wrote!"

But then Draxum instantly woke up and knocked the piece off him.

Raph spoke "Let me try. Magic weapon, magic weapon, magic weapon, magic weapon! *Tonfas crackling with energy* Ah, yeah. Magic weapon! *Energy blasted him to the wall* Ooh! Ow. Mine works, too."

Leo spoke "*Charging towards Draxum* Can't wait to find out what mine does!"

Draxum brought his guard up as Leo slashed, only for the blade to pass right through the enemy.

Draxum asks "Hmm?"

Leo gave an uneasy laugh before a blue portal appeared below him and above him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! *Falling infinitely* Whoa! Ah! Get... me... off... this... ride! Whoa!"

Donnie spoke "And that's why I like fighting the old-fashioned way: with impossibly futuristic high-tech weaponry."

Donnie started fighting as I tried using the magic of my weapon, only to electrocute myself as I was covered in soot and coughed out a puff of smoke from that with my hair black and frazzled before Donnie turned the front end of his staff into a rocket fist. Draxum attacked as Donnie dodged while letting go of his weapon, letting the staff punch Draxum in the face, sending him back a bit as Donnie leapt to attack.

Donnie spoke "Just like I planned it!"

Mikey spoke "Look out!"

Donnie was soon dragged along for Mikey's ride.

Draxum spoke "You all fight like untrained buffoons, but under me, you could become true warriors!"

Draxum soon trapped all of us in the same webbing he trapped April with, and it was way too moist for Danydonna to burn through.

Mikey spoke "Hmm... We don't spend enough quality time together."

Donnie spoke "Oh, please not now, Mikey."

April asks "How are we gonna save the dog thingy now?"

Donnie spoke "Donnie's on it. *Puts on visors before getting a reading on the container* Wait a second! Ah!"

Draxum spoke "All of you, *As right hand and lower arm went back to normal* why are you trying to stop my plans? We are all in this together!"

Donnie spoke "Ah, hey, I don't know if this is part of your plan, but the lab's about to explode."

The container exploded as debris fell on Draxum. "Aw, nuts." He was knocked out cold this time from a boulder crashing onto him as debris broke the dog-like creature's cage before it sudden was on April.

April asks "Little guy! Can you do your thing and get us out of here?"

Soon, the creature teleported itself and all of us out of the building before Mikey made that symbol and opened the portal again while the building was exploding as we all jumped through it, escaping back to New York. But then Mikey dropped the trinket as it broke. "Oh, no! Splinter's doohickey!"

Danydonna spoke "Aw nertz! The kids are still in there!"

But then a portal opened as Mist, Gusty and Kura fell out of it, followed by Chameleo. "Talk about cutting it close. Good thing I got there on time."

Sunny sighs with relief.

Sunny spoke "Thank Faust..."

April spoke "Man. *As the dog-like creature teleport into April's arms* Are you okay, boy? Or girl? You sure were good through all that mayhem. Hey, mayhem! That's a cute name. We'll call you Mayhem from here on out, little buddy."

Mayhem purred, liking that name.

Chameleo spoke "Glad I could help."

Danydonna spoke "That was pretty chaotic..."

Raph spoke "We just defeated a boss villain. We're heroes! We deserve a name like "Mad Dogs."

Leo spoke "Mad Dogs? You don't think something like "Ninja Mutant Turtle Teens" or... I don't know. Maybe, we'll keep brainstorming."

Danydonna spoke "I think "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" sounds pretty badass."

Chameleo spoke "Well, see you guys later!"

Chameleo left through a portal as it closed.

Danydonna asks "So Raphie, what do you think of the idea I suggested?"

Raph spoke "I dunno... I'll have to think about it."

But then we noticed a familiar mosquito buzzing by before a whole swarm of them flew right by us and scattered across New York City.

Donnie spoke "Huh. That can't be good."

Leo spoke "We should go. People's blinds are starting to open."

Danydonna spoke "...Right."

We then ran off as one more mosquito exited the mouth portal before it closed.

I ask "Hey Dany, didn't you deal with rat flu one time?"

Danydonna spoke "Yeah, Fugo had that."

The four turtles were speechless.

Danydonna spoke "We'll explain later."

Mist spoke "*Blushing* Um... Hi, Raph."

Raph asks "Oh, yo. Wassup?"

Kura yanks Mist's tail.

Kura spoke "You forget, you're 235 years old."

Raph spoke "Well, see ya tomorrow night!"

Raph, the other turtles, and April, holding Mayhem, jumped away, fading with the night.

Mist spoke "I don't care. I just... *Blissfully* Love him."

Danydonna spoke "Huh. Mist is acting a bit like Buttercup."

Danydonna's nose twitches.

Danydonna growls "I sense Rat Flu!"


Author's Note:

This chapter overlaps the previous chapter