• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 303 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Bonds Beyond Time!

*Unknown POV*

A black hedgehog with yellow markings and blue eyes was staring out at the horizon, unaware that something bad was about to happen.

The hedgehog soon notices that buildings were starting to disappear.

the hedgehog asks "What’s going on?!"

A burly wolf Mobian spoke "Something has changed history... You should look for the Alpha-Queen, she and her allies can help you. But I don't know if they are alive in our time."

The Hedgehog spoke "I understand!"

Meanwhile in the GX dimension, the same thing was happening as well.

A brown Mobian tomcat with green eyes was in a panic.

The brown cat asks "This is freaking me out! What’s going on?!"

The sound of tires screeching was heard since a black hedgehog Mobian on a motorbike had jumped back in time.

The Hedgehog asks "Are you Jaden?"

Jaden spoke "Y-Yeah."

The hedgehog spoke "I'm Yusei Robotnik. I'm pretty sure you saw what happened already. A friend of mine told me to find the Alpha-Queen and her allies, only they can help us."

Jaden gasps "Wait, you mean THE Alpha-Queen?!"

Yusei spoke "Yeah."

Jaden was starting to get a bit fanboyish.

Yusei facepalms.

Yusei spoke "Not the time, Jaden."

The two jump through time once more, arriving in 2244 AD.

Yusei spoke "We should lay low until that Paradox jerk shows up."

Jaden spoke "R-Right."

Danyelle was talking to a white cat with green eyes, blonde hair and a Dark Magician Girl outfit when a large building was knocked over by Stardust Dragon thus crushing the two mages.

Ben shouts "DANYELLE!!!!"

Various others shout "DANY!!!"

But then everything went back in time by a few seconds. The large building started falling again before a familiar sword stretched out and grabbed the two mages, pulling them away from the falling building.

Danyelle spoke "Thanks Keldeo!"

But it wasn’t Keldeo, it was Byleth. “*Showing Sword of the Creator* I think you mistook me for someone else.”

Yusei showed himself while restraining a hyper Jaden by the shirt.

Yusei asks "Are you Danyelle?"

Danyelle spoke "That I am."

Sabrina was wary of the two males.

Maria was carrying an infant Yusei in her arms but she kept him out of sight of the older Yusei.

A strange Mobian laughs "You fools will never stop me!"

Danyelle was snarling at the stranger.

The strange Mobian spoke "That cat is nothing but trouble! She's the reason why my era is in ruin! I have to get rid of her!"

Ramses turned green before he went underground. Then a giant green snake erupted, trying to attack the stranger, only for the Mobian to dodge it as the snake turned into Ramses.

Sabrina blasted the stranger with dark magic but the attack got deflected.

Yuki flung a water blade at the stranger but the attack got deflected as well.

Both white cats hiss "COWARD!!!"

The stranger’s hands started glowing with chaos energy as monsters appeared.

Danyelle shouts "CELESTIAL GODS!"

Amaterasu and the rest of the brush gods appear as did all of Danyelle's Pokemon.

The stranger scoffs "Celestial Gods? Tch! More like False Gods, because they’re nothing more than monsters that only care for themselves!"

Danyelle snarls "I challenge you to a card duel!"

Yugi spoke "Count me in too!"

The stranger growled before black/purple mist surrounded him, Danyelle and Yugi.

Jaden, Sabrina, Yuki and Yusei were beside Danyelle and Yugi so they got involved as well.

*Yuki's POV*

I spoke "It's six against one!"

But then I started having a pounding headache, same with Danyelle, Sabrina, Yusei, Jaden and Yugi! But the stranger didn’t seem affected by it at all.

The stranger spoke "This world, the Shadow Realm, it will be your tomb, Alpha-Queen Danyelle!!!"

Yusei growls as he shot a Chaos Spear at the stranger.

Yusei growls "That is FAR ENOUGH PARADOX!! You dare agitate me, Yusei Robotnik? YOU'RE A COWARD!!!"

Twilight pops up beside Danyelle since the two royals had the same guard mark.

Twilight snarls "Mess with the cat, you get an angry fox!"

Yugi's eye color changed to red as Atem's soul took control.

Atem spoke "You've picked the wrong group to anger."

Paradox spoke "No, you’re the monsters. I’ve accepted that revelation ever since Danyelle destroyed my home, my family, my era, everything. But if I kill you all, everything will come back, so for the sake of my era, I will destroy you all! MALEFIC DRAGONS!!! I SUMMON YOU!!! PURGE THIS WORLD FOR THE SAKE OF ALL EXISTENCE!!! ERASE THY ENEMIES!!!"

Five unbelievably power familiar dragons appeared.

Danyelle summons Blue Eyes Shining Dragon and Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon since she had borrowed Seto's deck.

Twilight spoke "Killing Danyelle won't bring back your family!"

Paradox spoke "Even if so, it’ll make sure that their past selves will stay alive!!!"

Atem spoke "You idiot! If Danyelle dies, then everything she worked hard to achieve is destroyed!"

Yuki and Sabrina hiss "Do you WANT THAT TO HAPPEN?"

Paradox smirked, before laughing. “Then she’ll understand the pain I’ve endured… blow for blow. Her debt will be paid, blood for blood."

Yusei spoke "I won't let you hurt the cat! If it wasn't for her, my parents wouldn't have gotten together!"

Danyelle growls "Plus MY sister in law is YOUR GREAT GRANDMOTHER!"

But then Paradox’s eyes were magenta. “Betrayal… Betrayal… I… am… betrayal!”

Danyelle asks What?"

Paradox spoke "Kill…"

Twilight asks "What’s going on?"

Paradox shouts "DIE!!!"

Sabrina shoves Danyelle out of the way, taking the hit instead.

Paradox fired two chaos spears straight through Sabrina and Twilight as they fell onto their backs.

Yuki screams.

*Sabrina’s POV*

Everyone was suddenly gone, while Twilight and I were in a dark place.

Paradox sighs "So, you’re here…."

We turned around to see Paradox with his back towards us.

Twilight's wings were pure white.

I ask "Why are Twilight and I here?"

Paradox spoke "Well… How should I say this? You two are at death’s door."

Twilight spoke "You forgot two key factors though. If I die, Kurama and Matatabi die as well plus the Elements of Harmony become useless."

Paradox spoke "I know. And I don’t want that to happen, not after what I saw when I first came to this time period. What you were fighting, wasn’t me. That’s a dark entity controlling my body, because as you can see, I’m already dead. I really wanted to save my era, my home, my family and friends, but any means. But after what I saw when I came to your time, I couldn’t go through with it. But then something started taking control of me, until my spirit and I were dead, allowing it to completely control my body. I really am sorry for all that I put you through, please forgive me."

Twilight asks "Is there any way to stop the darkness?"

Paradox spoke "Yes."

Paradox opened his hands before chaos energy flowed into me and Twilight.

Paradox spoke "With my power, you should be able to stop it."

Then we heard voices, saying that we couldn’t die yet, or that we’re still alive.

Yuki spoke "Sab!"

Flash spoke "Twilight!"

Danyelle spoke "Wake up Sparkle Butt!"

Paradox spoke "Come on, you two still have work to finish."

Twilight and I jolted awake when Rarity drenched us with water.

Twilight spoke "Thanks, Rare."

Danyelle spoke "Uh Sparkles, your wings...."

Twilight asks "What?"

Danyelle spoke "They're pure white...."

Twilight gasps "Wait, what?!"

Danyelle held up a mirror to show Twilight the wing color.

Rubbing a sensitive spot on my chest since I had been stabbed, I spoke "Sheesh, I feel like I've been skewered..."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, you and Twilight were."

But before any of us could move, they suddenly healed really quickly on their own.

Discord suddenly showed up. “Could it be?! Could Twilight finally have some chaotic powers to balance her magic powers?”

I spoke "Either that or some of my blood got into Twilight's bloodstream, turning her part demon."

Discord gasps "Or both!"

Pandora spoke "Dissy, SIT BOY!!"

Discord was face-first on the ground, being as flat as paper, much to our amusement.

I spoke "With some demon blood in the veins, Twilight's wounds heal a bit faster than normal. But it won't regenerate lost limbs."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Twilight spoke "Quarter demon huh? That might help me recover from injury a bit faster."

Blizzardstar asks "What should we do with this jerk?"

Twilight spoke "Keep him in ice until we get his spirit back."

Rui spoke "Even if you regenerate lost limbs, you may be able to reattach them, since demons have faster healing than humans, Mobians or any other normal creatures."

Inuyasha conks Rui on the head.

Inuyasha spoke "Demonic regeneration doesn't work that way."

Rui spoke "…Maybe not all demons. I was able to reattach my head in my last life, you know."

Towa spoke "I heard rumors that my dad regenerated an arm though."

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps it has something to do with how much demon blood one has."

Mystery and his friends showed up. “Hey guys, what’s going on?”

Looking at Mystery, Kurama spoke "You smell like a fox."

Mystery spoke "Oh! Uh…"

Kurama spoke "It feels like I've seen you before... Kuroku..."

Mystery started getting nervous about that.

Fire swirls around Kurama as he shifted to his true form and size.

Vivi was so amazed before she fainted from excitement as Arthur screamed and panicked before running into a tree, knocking himself unconscious.

Kurama chuckles "Whoops."

Mystery sighs "You got me, Kurama."

Mystery suddenly transformed into a Kitsune.

A sudden Healing Aura washes over Kuroku, turning his dark red fur back to white.

Mystery spoke "Huh. That’s strange. I usually look like this color in the dark. I never noticed that I actually look like this."

Kurama chuckles "Remember all those pranks we had pulled on Ginji and the others?"

Mystery chuckles "Hehe. How could I possibly forget? I help solve mysteries nowadays, though."

Kurama spoke "Plus I have a son now."

Mystery asks "Really now?"

Midnight spoke "Hi."

Mystery asks "Eleven tails? Did you seriously mate with Matatabi?"

Kurama spoke "I did. Plus Midnight's one third alicorn."

Mystery asks "…How?"

Midnight spoke "My surrogate mother's an alicorn."
