• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 303 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Time’s Champion/ Origami Tsunami

*Danyelle’s POV*

When Serena told me what happened, I was shocked.

Bluestar spoke "That's really weird..."

But then a orb of light appeared before it faded, leaving behind a crater.

I sigh "Another one?"

Bluestar spoke "Probably."

We looked in that and saw a zebra mare with a sand hourglass.

Lillian spoke "What the..."

Riptide showed up. “I’d know that hourglass weapon anywhere.”

Waking up, the zebra asks "What the?"

Riptide spoke "It’s been some time, Raven."

Raven spoke "Riptide, indeed it has. And I see what you did there."

Dialga had gotten its fat ass stuck in a fence.

Arcee was laughing.

But then a giant Heartless in the shape of a Red-Eyes Black Dragon appeared before Raven threw her hourglass at it as it shattered on impact, then the Heartless was suddenly fossilized before it crumbled down, falling apart as the hourglass repaired itself and put itself back onto Raven.

Selma gasps "What was that?!?"

“A Heartless.” I answered.

Yui retorted "I thought I destroyed them all! Unless.... someone was creating more!"

But something in me was telling it was something different.

Lillian asks "Maybe there were some stragglers that avoided being destroyed?"

Maybe, but that still didn’t sound right.

I spoke "As long as there's still evil in the galaxy, there will always be Heartless."

All of a sudden, a large black dragon roars loud.

“That can’t be good.” I noticed.

Lucy growls "THAT'S ACNOLOGIA!!!!!"

Raven spoke "Something tells me my hourglass won’t work on that beast."

Lucy spoke "No cuss Sherlock! Acnologia has magic resistant scales! All forms of dragon slayer magic is useless against him!"

A Sacred Penance hits Acnologia but it had no effect on the black dragon.

Acnologia roared in fury.

Belius roars back at Acnologia before freezing the dragon in ice.

Belius spoke "You don't cuss with an Entelexeia!"

But then Acnologia broke out of the ice instantly.

Blizzardstar had an Icium Z-crystal attached to a sweatband on the right wrist as shi yowls "SUBZERO SLAMMER!!!"

The attack hits Acnologia hard, knocking the evil dragon out cold.

A sudden supersonic skystrike sliced off Acnologia's wings, permanently grounding the dragon.

Corina spoke "As my dad once told me, a downed dragon is a dead dragon!"

Belius spoke "that was harsh..."

Corina spoke "But it's the truth."

Lucy spoke "But I don’t think Acnologia would be fazed by that at all."

Corina spoke "We can't ask the Huntverse alicorns to deal with this problem and I have no idea what happened to the Legendverse."

I spoke "Well, don't look at me!"

Lillian spoke "We’re not."

I spoke "I don't think we can reform Acnologia though..."

Sunset spoke "Yeah, looking at his past, he went way past the deep end, meaning he’s too far gone. If we do kill him though, it’ll at least help give him some peace and a chance to reunite with his family."

A sudden supersonic skystrike spindash tore through Acnologia's chest, killing the black dragon.

I spoke "Holy Shinx..."

Riptide asks "What… was… that?"

Sonic spoke "That was my doing!"

Serena exclaims "B-But how?! You’re not a Pokémon!"

Blizzardstar spoke "Neither am I yet I was able to use a z-crystal no problem."

Twilight spoke "My guess would be that some of the z-crystals adapted to powers instead. Since my element is fire, I'd be able to use Inferno Overdrive easily. Blizzardstar's a cyromancer, which means shi's able to use Subzero Slammer."

“Hmm… l wonder how the turtles are doing.” I thought out loud.

Belius spoke "I'm rather curious about that too."

*Nyriel’s POV*

Aki, Mist and I were watching a Lou Jitsu movie with Splinter as the thug on the screen asked, “Where’s our free grub, noodle man?” As the other thug broke a tray in half with his face with Raph appearing.

“*With Raph copying him* Okay, ha. How ‘bout some, hot soup?” Lou Jitsu offered as he grabbed the two thugs while Raph grabbed Donnie and Mikey before they threw them behind, sending them face first into noodle soups. “*Raph still copying him* Too spicy for you? Haha. Everyone’s a critic. Hm.”

The movie was then paused.

Donnie spoke "Man, Teriyaki Shakedown always gets me so… *Inhale* …jazzed!"

Raph spoke "Yeah, Lou Jitsu’s the business!"

A warp ring opens up before Danyelle and a creature that I've never seen before arrive.

Danyelle spoke "Hey kids."

Mist spoke "Hi, Dany."

But then Splinter threw the remote at Raph, hitting him on the face, sending him onto his back. “Then why do you insult the master with your poor technique? Hot soup!” Splinter gave out a war cry as he flipped Mikey and Donnie, sending them into the noodle soups again, breaking the bowls and bricks they were on this time. “Do not worry. Someday you will be great ninjas with a little practice… is something I would say if I were a liar.”

Mikey spoke "*Getting up with Raph* That’s nice of you to say, Pop, but I’m tired of practicing."

Raph spoke "Yeah, we can be heroes like Lou Jitsu!"

Splinter laughed, “Nice try.” as he walked away.

Danyelle spoke "I know someone who could teach you four to be better ninjas."

Danyelle calls Shadow via telepathy, asking him to unfreeze Espio from stasis.

Mikey spoke "We got the squillz, we got the tight color-coordinated team look."

Raph spoke "Let’s do it! Let’s get out and bust some bad guys!"

Donnie spoke "*Getting up* Yeah. I just feel like, you know, we need a case to get the juices flowing a little bit. You know, let’s see what the internet has to say about it, shall we…"

Leo showed up and laid on the couch upside down.

Mikey spoke "Yo, Leo, we’re gonna be heroes!"

“Okay, what’s the plan? Solve the city’s rat problem?” Leo joked before he was slapped in the face off the couch by Splinter’s tail.

Splinter spoke "Hey now. I am standing right here."

Danyelle dropkicks Leo through a wall.

Danyelle spoke "And that's for the hedgehogs."

Raph scoffs "Pfft, no way, Leo. We’re crime fighters!"

Checking out newspaper saying “Spine Breaking Bandit Strikes Again!,” Donnie said, “Okay, check this out: The Spine Breaking Bandit!”

Raph chuckles "Yeah. Go big or go home!"

Leo groans "*Showing up with bump on the head* Yeah, go home on a stretcher. What else you got?"

Reading “Long Island Mangler Still at Large,” Donnie answered, “Uh, okay, here’s something: The along Island Mangler!”

Leo asks "Okay, Donnie. I appreciate you giving your best effort, but maybe we should save mangling and spine breaking for, I don’t know, our second day?"

Mist teases "What's the matter Leo? Too chicken to deal with a few bad guys?"

Leo was unfazed by that however. “Heh. If so, then I’m a smart turtle chicken that starts small.”

Reading “Paper Thieves on the Loose!” Donnie informed, “Alright, well, this one’s kinda lame: someone stole paper from a delivery truck?”

Grabbing Donnie’s tablet, Leo declared, “Not on my watch! That’s exactly the kind of junior-level mischief we can put an end to.”

Raph spoke "Really? That’ll make us heroes? But it’s only paper…"

Leo asks "It’s only paper? *Laughing* I’m so sorry: Donnie, what did he just say? Did he say it’s only paper?"

Donnie spoke "Yup."

Leo asks "Did he say it’s only paper?"

Donnie spoke "Yes, he did."

“Okay! That’s what they all say. You think the road to hero town is paved with real crime? No! It’s paved with the tears of the poor paper man. And who helps that guy? I’ll tell you who: We are who.” Leo said as his brothers cheered with a “Yes!”

Oh… That Leo… *Swoons!* So suave… So emotional… So brave… I love him!

Belius spoke "Ya gotta start somewhere though."

Soon, the nine of us were jumping across the rooftops to find the paper thieves.

Raph asks "What kind of weirdo steals paper?"

Mikey spoke "A dreamer! You look at a blank sheet and see nothing. They see possibilities-"

Raph elbowed Mikey, making him stop talking.

Donnie spoke "*Putting on visors* There’s only one store they haven’t hit yet, and it is right over there-oh, convenient."

Raph chuckles "How ‘bout we go stealth and make ‘em wish they stole toilet paper?"

That quip made us laugh.

Danyelle was on Belius's lower back as the Entelexeia leapt across rooftops.

Danyelle spoke "I'm no ninja but I'm a capable fighter. Plus Mikey's right though, a blank piece of paper can hold untapped potential."

Donnie spoke "Ha, okay."

We got onto the ground before the two thieves bolted.

Raph spoke "Leo, Donnie, Nyriel, you guys go left. Mikey, Aki and Belius, you guys go right. Mist, Danyelle and I will take the roof and swoop down like bosses!"

Danyelle whacks Raph on the head.

Danyelle spoke "Idiot, I don't have my wings right now. If I jumped down, I could break my legs."

Raph spoke "Okay, Danyelle can go with Mikey while Belius can go with me."

This time, Belius whacks Raph on the head.

Raph asks "What?"

Belius growls "Are you trying to kill the keenest of the first gen Mobian Guard?"

Raph spoke "No! I just didn’t know!"

Danyelle spoke "My flight and magic are both locked whenever I'm on Mobius."

Raph spoke "Right. I’ll remember that."

I spoke "Plus I'm not strong enough to airlift my adopted grandmother down to the ground..."

Belius spoke "They're getting away!"

The Entelexeia leaps across rooftops with Danyelle on her lower back as she leapt down to block the escape route.

But as Leo, Donnie and I chased one of them, we met up with Danyelle and Belius as the thieves were suddenly gone as Mikey and Aki crashed into us.

Mikey asks "Where are they?"

Leo asks "That is you right?"

Danyelle asks "What’s going on?!"

A loud screech was heard since a bird-like Entelexeia was chasing the two thieves back towards us.

The male Entelexeia spoke "While you nine were bickering, I had to chase these two idiots back towards you!"

But then the thieves suddenly vanished through an untraceable portal.

Raph spoke "Swoopin’ like a boss!"

Raph and Mist yelled as they jumped off the roof.

Donnie spoke "Raph! Mist! No, no, no!"

Raph and Mist crashed onto us as we scattered from the pile we were in became of the impact.

Leo spoke "Ow!"

But then we heard engines revving and tires screeching as the van with the paper then drove away from our grasp.

“Uh, quick question: Did we seriously just get schooled by paper thieves?” Donnie asked.

Raph spoke "I don’t swoop like a boss. I swoop like a noob."

Mikey spoke "Man, this seemed like a really cool idea until we didn’t succeed at it."

“What?” Aki and Mist gasped in shock.

Leo asks "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Where’s my brothers go? Mikey, where’s your… legendary optimism?"

Mikey groaned at that.

Leo asks "Raph, where’s your, ya know, your go-getter attitude? And Donnie, where’s your-your thing, your emotionless passion?"

Donnie spoke "*Quietly* Here."

Leo spoke "We can still catch these lame old paper crooks and be heroes!"

Donnie spoke "Yeah, that’s gonna be hard. This was the last paper store in town."

Leo asks "Hmm… Or was it?"

Donnie spoke "Yeah, I-I literally just said that."

Leo spoke "Don’t worry, I got a plan."

I spoke "I tagged one thief with a tracking spell."

But then Raph’s x-shaped bandage on his chest had a glowing dot, that being the tracking spell I used.

Soon, we set up a fake paper shop, with the paper being salami.

Mike gasps "It’s beautiful."

Donnie then put a Paper on Sale sign out as we went to into the fake shop.

Belius was wearing a shirt that was often seen on cashiers.

Danyelle spoke "This will be the prefect trap."

Donnie spoke "Do you really think that this is going to hook the thieves? The only paper we have is made from salami, which is round. Paper is not round."

Leo spoke "Yes, it’ll work. Raph, stop eating the plan!"

Raph grunted after taking one last bite before the door opened, revealing April. “Hi, I’m here for the job interview… aw no. *Mikey wearing mustache glasses while waving* Man, I thought it was weird to have a job interview at midnight.”

Danyelle whacks Raph on the head.

Raph spoke "Hey! That wasn’t my idea!"

Danyelle spoke "Felt like it."

Mikey spoke "Ah, Miss… O’Neil."

But then we heard a car approaching.

Mikey spoke "*Gasp!* Customers! April, you’re hired! Just follow the sales script and remember the customer is always right unless they’re a psychotic paper thief."

April spoke "Uh, okay."

Mikey spoke "We’ll be in the back."

Everyone and I except Belius, who was minding the register, and April, went into a box called security, which was a tight squeeze.

April spoke "Welcome to Leo’s Paper Hut. Can I interest you in our-Mm-mm-mm-mm!"

Belius was making muffled sounds as well.

Mikey spoke "What is “mm-mm-mm-mm?” She’s supposed to say… paper!"

We soon broke out of the security box, tearing it apart.

Raph spoke "Get outta the way!"

Donnie spoke "April! Belius!"

Mikey spoke "The salami paper! It’s gone!"

We got outside, only to find the van having already driven away.

Leo growls "No way! *Kicks Paper on Sale sign away, knocking down the front sign as Danyelle brought April and Belius down before freeing them* This was supposed to be easy. How do we keep losing these clowns?"

“Leo, do you really think I would let you make salami paper without putting a tracer in it?” Donnie asked as he pressed a button, before we heard a stomach growl, drawing our attention to Raph as we saw a beeping light from in him, telling us he ate the tracer. “It’s okay. I put two.” Donnie said as he pressed another button before he brought out his tablet, showing us the van.

To our shock, Belius was gone!

Danyelle transformed into her Danyterasu form.

Danyterasu spoke "I'll chase them down! I was smart to have Belius wear a tracking collar that I can track with magic in case she got taken hostage."

The wolftaur gallops at high speed, chasing after the van.

Soon, we arrived at the shipping docks as we saw the van empty.

Leo spoke "Okay guys, this is our moment. They may have given us the slip before-"

Mikey spoke "Twice before!"

Leo spoke "Thank you, Mikey. Twice before, but now we’ve got them cornered and there’s nothing that can stop us. We gotta get in there, stealth."

I turn invisible with magic.

Danyterasu asks "What about an invisibility spell?"

Mist spoke "That might work."

Mist turns herself and the others invisible.

Danyterasu whispers "Okay guys, keep your voices down. And stick together since we don't have that many magic users on hand."

Mikey spoke "Don’t worry, we got our mad squillz. We can do this!"

Aki covers Mikey's mouth.

Aki spoke "Keep your voice down Mike, you're gonna blow our cover if you shout."

Mikey spoke "Sorry."

We soon got into the ship and found the thieves and all of the stolen paper with a captured Belius who had her tracking collar sliced off.

Danyterasu whispers "Damn thieves... That was the only tracking collar I had..."

Leo then jumped down and revealed himself. “Okay, twerp and…”

The thieves revealed themselves as a lieutenant and a brute with foot marks on their faces and flames on their heads.

Leo asks "Surprisingly big man. It’s eight against two, so what day we just call it a day, right?"

Mikey spoke "Whoa! They’ve got footprints on their faces!"

Aki spoke "Freaky!"

Raph asks "Uh, are those flames on their heads?"

Mist spoke "Weird."

Donnie spoke "Feels like a real hazard for a paper thief."

The brute spoke "You! I’m gonna grind your bones with my fists."

The lieutenant spoke "Ooh, that’s inspired. We’re both gonna grind your bones."

“Right. Listen, bubs. Before we free Belius and put our footprints on your faces, we gotta ask: what’s with all the paper?” Raph asked as Danyterasu couldn’t help but agree.

Danyterasu snarls as flames swirl around her.

The lieutenant grabbed a piece of paper and folded it into a man, much to our confusion.

Mikey spoke "Yay, arts and crafts!"

The lieutenant then threw the man before it bursted into flames, becoming a life-sized ninja.

“Whoa!” All of us gasped before it charged towards us and knocked Raph onto the wall.

Donnie asks "Uh, hey, maybe we should fight now and register our amazement later?"

Leo charged toward the ninja and sliced it, scattering it to pieces before the the turtles started panicking in disgust of the raining confetti.

Leo spoke "Wait a minute, wait a minute! *The turtles stop panicking and looking at the confetti* It’s just confetti!"

Raph spoke "Huh. Oh yeah."

Donnie spoke "Paper viscera."

But then the lieutenant summoned more origami ninjas as we fought them.

A blast of dark magic hits the burly thug, knocking him into a wall.

Sabrina spoke "Thought you guys could use a bit of help!"

To the surprise of the Turtles, Nyx and Asriel show up with four others along with the first gen Mobian Guard!

Nyx spoke "The white cat sensed that Nyriel needed help so she went to get help!"

But as the brute got onto his feet, the lieutenant summoned more origami ninjas as all of us fought them.

Leo spoke "*As we kept fighting the ninjas* We’re getting nowhere fighting these guys. We gotta take out the source."

“Go! You and your brothers take care of the flame heads! We’ll hold the ninjas off and free Belius!” I said.

Nyx had a Waterium Z-crystal attached to an earring on her right ear.

Nyx spoke "Guys, I have an idea!"

While Nyx was explaining her idea, Leo fought the brute before he was pushed back. “Okay. You think you’re pretty good, huh?”

Brute spoke "Indeed."

Leo tried to kick the brute but then he went behind the turtle and threw him to the paper stacks. “*Groan* You are good.” Leo admitted before thousands of paper swirled around.

Raph asks "What?"

The papers formed a gigantic paper ninja.

The Turtles spoke "Uh…"

The ninja grabbed Leo as he tightened its grip.

Raph spoke "Leo! Donnie, it’s piñata time!"

The three turtles charged towards the giant ninja as they dodged its attacks while Mikey and Donnie were getting closer before grabbed the hand that held Leo. But then the ninja grabbed the two with its other hand. The lieutenant snarled as he pounded his fists, with the giant paper ninja following after, hurting the three turtles with a chuckle.

Raph spoke "*Charging* Hero town! Population, me!"

Raph yelled as red mystical shell-like armor appeared on his arms as he grabbed the brute and lieutenant before spinning them around and throwing them behind him to the wall, causing the giant paper ninja to fall as it exploded with tons of paper, even some flew out of the ship with its horn blaring. We got out of the sea of paper on the floor before the two ninjas got out, with the brute trying to make an origami ninja, but made a paper crane instead. He tried again.

Nyx spoke "Now’s my chance!"

Nyx charges up a Hydro Vortex, drenching all of the origami ninjas.

Danyterasu sets some origami ninjas on fire, incinerating them.

Danyterasu spoke "Guys, fire and water are most effective against paper!"

Danyterasu creates a large fireball before throwing it at the large origami ninja, setting it ablaze and causing the sprinklers to go off thus weakening the two thieves.

Brute spoke "You may have shredded our plans for now. But next time, you will feel the fury of a thousand feet!"

Lieutenant spoke "Ooh, you’re on fire today!"

The lieutenant brought out a salami slice before folding it into a ninja before throwing it at us, transforming into a salami ninja, much to our disgust and horror.

Mikey spoke "Ew! That’s nightmare fuel, man!"

Aki spoke "You’re telling me! I don’t think I’ll sleep for weeks!"

But then the ninja fell apart.

Donnie spoke "Okay, salami origami doesn’t work."

Raph spoke "Hey, look. They vanished."

We looked and saw that the two ninjas were gone, and without a tracking spell on them.

Donnie asks "Then what are we looking at?"

Leo spoke "Oh. What is that? Don’t do it. Don’t do it. Don’t do it."

Donnie spoke "No. No. No!"

Raph grabbed the salami and started eating it, much to our huge disgust.

Leo spoke "Oh! Ah. *Covers mouth*"

I gagged, trying to not lose my stomach.

Donnie spoke "Raph, no! Look at me. No! No!"

Mist groans "Guh… I think I’m gonna be sick. *Covers mouth*"

Mikey spoke "Ugh! Ugh! Gross! Ugh. Oh."

Aki spoke "Yeah! Ew! Gross times 50! Yuck!"

Raph spoke "What? Five-second rule!"

Danyterasu kicked Raph in the rear, sending him flying off the boat.

Mikey asks "So… does this count as a win?"

Leo asks "Well, I don’t know. Let’s think about it. Did the bad guys get their big supply of paper?"

Danyterasu spoke "We stopped them this time but they'll be back."

“Well, they didn’t get their paper supply.” I said.

Leo asks "Did they build their army of soldiers?"

“Nope, they did not.” I answered as Raph came back.

Leo asks "Are they otherwise thwarted, and we unscathed?"

The rest of us answered with a smile, “Yes!”

Leo spoke "Hero mission accomplished, my friends!"

Danyterasu howls in happiness.

Then Pinkie appeared out of the wet paper sea. “Know what this calls for?”

Danyterasu spoke "I already booked a party at the Mystic World pizza joint."

Pinkie spoke "AWESOME!!!"

Danyterasu chuckles "In fact, bring the rest of the Pony Guard!"

Pinkie spoke "You got it!!!"

Looking at the Turtles, Danyterasu spoke "Rule of advice, don't question Pinkie's antics. Twilight tried to once but she couldn't figure it out."

Mikey spoke "You should really tell Donnie that."

Donnie was freaking out, going all scientific on how Pinkie got here in the first place.

Passing through a warp ring, Twilight spoke "Don't even bother trying to figure Pinkie out, I tried to once but I gave up. There are just some things that science can't even explain. Natsu got a flower pot to the head because of that."

To the surprise of the turtles, Wendy and the Dragneel family show up with Spike and Skyla. Wendy, Natsu and Lucy were back in human form although Nashi, Layla, Luke and Skyla weren't.

Natsu spoke "Yeah, that was not fun."

Donnie spoke "No! Nonono! There has got to be an explanation! And I won’t give up until I find it!"

Twilight spoke "You'll only give yourself a headache but put bluntly, Pinkie's just Pinkie."

Donnie spoke "I don’t care if I get a million headaches from limitless attempts, I. AM. FINDING OUT HER SECRET!"

Twilight spoke "No matter what universe it is, Pinkie's a hard one to figure out. Don't even bother trying to figure out the Huntverse Pinkie, she's beyond your comprehension."

But Donnie still wasn’t convinced as Pinkie started shuddering.

Danyterasu asks "Pinkie Sense?"

Twilight spoke "Pinkie Sense."

Nyx spoke "Probably a doozy."

Natsu spoke "Last time something like that happened, there was a hydra..."

Twilight spoke "No. That really wasn’t it for Pinkie."

Huntverse Pinkie pops up, confusing Donnie even further.

Huntverse Pinkie spoke "I sensed it too!"

Donnie’s eyes were twitching.

Danyterasu's fur had fluffed up since her Dimensional Scream kicked in.

Danyterasu spoke "Oh come on!"

Twilight was growling since she sensed something.
