• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 304 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Scaly Royals Making up for Lost Time/ Kaban and Serval's first visit to the Chuddle Hotel

*Jupiter’s POV*

Bowser and I were walking throughout the Chuddle Hotel as he told me what happened while I was in stasis.

A pair of feminine giggles were heard from a nearby Savanna suite since what seemed to be a serval-human hybrid was chasing a human girl about.

“Well, should we head back to our room, in the Volcano Suite?” I asked with a smirk.

Bowser chuckles "…Yeah."

So the two of us went back to our room, the Volcano Suite.

*Meanwhile in the Savannah suite*

Serval laughs "I'm gonna get you!"

Kaban giggles "Don't eat me!"

The two were tussling.

Stepping through a warp ring while carrying the three serval cubs, Danyelle spoke "Hey Helia."

Helia spoke "Hey, Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "Before you ask about these three, they aren't mine."

Helia spoke "I can see that. And I have a feeling of who’s kids they are"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah... I think their mothers recently checked in."

Helia asks "Savanna Suite, correct?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah since servals are commonly found in the savanna."

Helia spoke "Well, they might be a bit busy."

Danyelle spoke "I see."

Helia asks "Anyway, need anything?"

Danyelle asks "How's Bowser?"

Helia giggles "Oh, catching up with Jupiter, his wife. Hehe."

*Meanwhile, back in the Volcano Suite*

Bowser and I were relaxing in a warm and toasty lava hot tub.

I giggle "It's been a long time huh?"

Bowser chuckles "Hehe. Yeah. Ya know, I never thought about why I kidnapped Peach so much. But now that you’re back, I figured out why."

I spoke "You were just lonely though. Plus I heard rumor you got humiliated by a nine tailed alicorn-kyubi one time."

Bowser chuckles "Heh, yeah. But that earned my respect. Besides, it was also because she’s just like you, Jupiter. Good heart, lot of kindness and love, great leadership, brave and helpful to your friends and those in need, real smart, and you’re both resourceful."

*Swoon* That Bowser… No wonder he’s my husband, he’s so big, strong, fierce, tough, manly, and willing to protect his family and those in need. But he’s also mischievous, hotheaded and naughty. Even though I was a good girl my whole life, I’ve always had a thing for bad boys, and Bowser just makes me feel so hot and dark, I love it! “*Lustful growl* Aww, you saw Peach as me, Bowsy?”

Bowser chuckles "Yeah, Jupy."

The two of us smirked as I grabbed Bowser by his neck collar, bringing our faces close.

“So? Wanna have some fun?” I asked with fire in my eyes.

Bowser chuckles "*With fire in his eyes* Hehehe, with pleasure."

The two of us kissed and started making out as we moaned in pleasure, love, bliss and lust under the lava.


Danyelle spoke "Oh, hey Chameleo!"

Chameleo spoke "‘Sup, Danyelle."

Danyelle notices a pair of Zorua-snake hybrids beside Chameleo.

Danyelle thought mentally, “Zorua-Green Tree Snake hybrid teens? The boy looks 12 while the girl looks 13.

The three serval cubs were rather curious.

Chameleo asks "Surprised?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

The Zorua half of the boy turned into a Grovyle half as the Zorua half of the girl turned into a Salazzle half.

Serval cub #1 mewls.

But then Danyelle noticed a mark on the boy hybrid’s palm of his right hand.

Serval cub #2 asks "What that?"

Chameleo asks "Heard of Boruto?"

Danyelle spoke "Sort of plus you could say that Akari is his pony counterpart since Twilight has Kurama in her soul."

Chameleo spoke "Yep."

Danyelle spoke "Cynder freaked out when I told her about Skyla and Luke being a couple."

Chameleo spoke "Huh."

*Back with me and Bowser*

“I love you, Bowser.” I sighed lovingly.

Bowser chuckles "Love you too Jupi."

Then two people showed up, revealed to be Ember and Ringo.

Ember spoke "Hope you two don’t mind if we joined in."

I giggled, “Not at all.”

Bowser spoke "Eh, why not."

Ringo spoke "Thanks."

Ember and Ringo joined Bowser and I in the lava hot tub.

Ember spoke "It's been quite some time since I had a day off, being a leader is hard work."

Bowser chuckles "Heh. Don’t I know that pain in the tail."

Ember spoke "And it doesn't help that the pain in the ass hyena is still around... I heard that Alpha-Queen Danyelle calls him a screamer."

I couldn’t help but giggle. “Really?

Ringo spoke "Yeah."

Bowser spoke "Hehe. Heard of the Melty Molten and Melty Monster Galaxies? I’ve been to those places."

Ember spoke "Can't say I have."

Bowser spoke "Well, those galaxies are seriously hot, since the Melty Molten Galaxy is a large galaxy, completely made of rocks and lava, and the Melty Monster Galaxy being completely covered in lava, with magma tides that rise and fall every so often."

Ringo spoke "I’d take his word for it, babe."

Ember spoke "But not all dragons would be able to handle the heat. I'm talking about dragons like Lucy, Gajeel and Wendy."

Bowser spoke "Yeah."

But then our stomachs growled as we realized that the four of us were hungry.

Ember spoke "I'm so in the mood for gems..."

Ringo asks "Uh… You do know the three of us don’t eat gems, right?"

Ember spoke "Yeah. I’m cool with meat too."

Natsu cannonballed in the lava, drenching the other four.

Bowser growls "Grr!!! What’s going on?!"

Ember spoke "That was Natsu, he's a fire dragon."

I grab Bowser by the collar before pulling him in for a kiss, calming him down.

Bowser sighs "Sorry about that, I can get a bit hangry at times."

Natsu chuckles "You're not you when you're hungry."

Bowser growled at Natsu again.

Natsu spoke "You can forget about trying to roast me, I eat fire."

Bowser just scoffed.

Natsu spoke "Well, later."

Natsu left the suite.

Ember spoke "Fire doesn't hurt him at all since he actually eats the stuff to get stronger."

Ringo spoke "Come on, let’s just get some food."

Bowser grabbed a device in the suite before it summoned all kinds of delicious edible meat, both raw and prepared in meat dishes.

A red furred Mobian spotted hyena female was beating Ein up.

The four of us laughed at that.

Ember spoke "I recall Danyelle mentioning one time that male spotted hyenas are weaker than females of the same species."

Hilda kicks Ein in between the legs, causing a reaction from Bowser and Ringo.

Ringo spoke "*Wince!* That’s gotta sting."

Bowser spoke "Even I can get hurt by that."

Ember spoke "Just goes to show, you don't screw with a female spotted hyena. My guess would have been that the Screamer fell head over tail for the female, not realizing that female spotted hyenas are stronger than males."

Ringo spoke "Stupid is as stupid does."

The four of us started chowing down on the meat, and it was so delicious, we couldn’t get enough of it!

Ember and Ringo tussle over the same piece of steak.

But as they held it in their mouths, it split in half before they ate it. Bowser and I ate meat right of the bones of some of the dishes. None of us noticed it, but as we kept eating, we were slowly getting bigger and fatter, but none of us even cared a single bit. When we were full and finished eating, each of the four of us were as big and heavy as the Melty Molten Galaxy and the Melty Monster Galaxy combined.

*Meanwhile with Danyelle and Chameleo*

While they were chatting, they heard four simultaneous universe-shaking ultra-loud belches from the Volcano Suite.

There were two more belches from the Savanna Suite.

Danyelle sighs "If it's not one thing, it's another."

Chameleo spoke "Eh. What can ya do? Sometimes, ya gotta go with the flow. Ya know, I remember taking a picture of a counterpart of Raptor’s from my Blaze’s dimension."

Putting sound proof barriers around the three cubs, Danyelle spoke "Holy shit... Ein's stuck in the wall, again..."

Chameleo asks "Yeah. But wanna see the picture?"

Danyelle spoke "Sure."

Chameleo brought out the picture he took, and saw a Pokémon couple of a female Blaziken and a male Quaquaval in a suite in Chameleo’s universe at the Chuddle Hotel, being incredibly chubby at a whopping 18 billion pounds while making out with each other in a ginormous hot springs bigger than they are in the picture. “The female Blaziken is Raptor’s counterpart from my Blaze’s Sol dimension. The male Quaquaval is from that dimension too. They took a battle steamy open-air hot springs suite.”

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me that a certain chakat has been hiding a rather big secret from Rarity..."

Chameleo spoke "Well, Articuno’s been telling me that Blizzardstar’s was raised by an ice dragon. Call it an ice-type’s instinct."

Igneel spoke "I recall kicking Sidonas's scaly butt once about 700 years ago, that dumbass cyro had his head stuck in a rock wall after."

Danyelle asks "Really?"

Igneel chuckles "It's a fire versus ice thing. Take Natsu and that stripper for example, they fight a lot since their powers are opposites."

Chameleo spoke "Huh."

*Back in the Volcano Suite*

The four of us were surprised by how big and fat we’ve gotten, but somehow, none of us were bothered by it in the least.

Ember spoke "Oof, I don't think I can eat any more..."

Ringo spoke "I think it’s safe to say all of us are full, but I feel like I can still move like a normal healthy creature."

Ember spoke "Wait… me too!"

Bowser spoke "Same here!"

“I’m feeling fine as well!” I noticed.

Ember spoke "But ya know…"

Ember and I locked eyes and smirked as a circle-shaped mud pit bigger than the four of us combined appeared, unaffected by the environment of the suite.

Ember spoke "I’m feeling a lot of energy right now."

“Heh, funny. The same’s said about me!” I said as Ember and I went into the mud pit before the two of us started mud wrestling each other for fun as Bowser and Ringo watched the battle.

Ember threw a mudball at me.

I threw a mudball back at Ember before she and I then tussled, rolling around in the mud any getting ourselves muddy as we kept wrestling each other.

Ember giggles "Hehe! This is fun!"

“Heehee! Yeah! And somehow, it feels more fun when we wrestle while being fat like this!” I smiled as I threw Ember over my shoulder, making the dragoness splash the mud on impact while her body jiggled.

“For some reason, I totally agree!” Ember responded as she grabbed me and pulled a suplex, causing my body to wiggle and the mud from the impact.

“We should definitely come here more often!” I smiled as Ember and I clashed with our bellies.

“That’s for sure!” Ember agreed as we then clashed with our butts, then tails, then chests, hips and fists.
