• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 304 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

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Pikachu's Pikaboo!

*Latias' POV*

While my mistress and the others were off dealing with something, I was at the sanctuary with Serena's Pikachu and some other Pokémon.

I exclaim "Hey guys! How about we place some hide and seek?"

Dialga scoffs "That would work for the smaller Pokémon but what about us bigger Pokémon?"

I spoke "I hadn't thought of that..."

Ria spoke "Maybe the larger Pokémon can watch."

I spoke "Great idea Ria!"

Tessa spoke "Count me out, I can't see anything."

“Oh. Right. You’re blind.” I remembered.

Pikachi was holding a thin twig with a single leaf on it.

Pikachi spoke "Let's include the Patavee and Salavee in too!"

Joltesusmon spoke "Sounds like an awesome idea!"

So Joltesusmon calls out to the other Eeveelutions.

Joltesusmon spoke "HEY GUYS!!! COME ON OUT!!!"

Soon, the others arrived.

A Latias-Espeon hybrid was among the gathered Pokémon.

Soon enough, Pikachi throws the stick up into the air as the leaf snaps off while the other Pokemon and I try to keep the leaf in the air. After it lands on the ground, the tip was pointing at Pikachi.

Pikachi giggles "Guess I'm the seeker!"

Pikachi covered her eyes and started counting as the others all ran off in different directions to look for places to hide.

I turn invisible before hiding in a place.

Pikachi giggles "Ready or not, here I come!"

I stayed still while invisible so Pikachi couldn't find me.

Ancient Vapormaimon was hiding in the fountain.

Sylkazemon trips over something and gets her head stuck in a vase.

Flarerudamon and Flarenimon were arguing over a hiding spot.

Pikachi saw the two of them and sighed in annoyance at that.

Flarerudamon and Flarenimon both spoke "Guess we got caught..."

Pikachi spoke "Yeah."

A crash was heard since Sylkazemon had shattered the vase that she was stuck in.

Pikachi spoke "Not a smart choice."

Flarerudamon spoke "That klutz got herself stuck in the vase though."

Flarenimon spoke "That klutz is my mate."

Before the two started fighting again, Pikachi used Thunderbolt, shocking them both.

Flarerudamon spoke "Ouch..."

Flarenimon laughs at Flarerudamon since the Flareon-Garudamon hybrid was fluffier than normal.

Flarerudamon spoke "I should say the same thing about you, Flarenimon!"

Flarenimon spoke "I'm straight fire type, you're fire-flying!"

Pikachi warns "Don’t make me zap you two again."

Flarerudamon spoke "Tch..."

One of the baby Suicune was hiding.

Pikachi spoke "Now I wonder where the others could be."

Flarerudamon spoke "I saw GlaceAngemon hide in a closet..."

Pikachi asks "Really?"

Flarenimon's ears twitch.

Flarerudamon asks "Hold on, you guys hear that?"

We then suddenly heard a horrified scream from Pikachu.

I drop the invisibility as I saw a few other Pokémon running away from an out of control lawn mower.

Miraidon yells "What the heck is going on?!? Why is that thing out of control?!?"

I noticed it looking black with a bit of magenta on it.

Espewomon spoke "That CAN'T BE GOOD!!"

Gengar showed up. “I can tell it’s haunted, but not by a ghost Pokémon.”

One Salavee asks "You m-mean an actual..... g-g-g-ghost?!?"

Gengar spoke "Yeah, but it’s not around here. We might need to get Ash and Serena."

Kuraidon spoke "Danyelle too but she and Ash are out of town at the moment. We obviously can't ask Sakura and Zoey to help, both of them are scared of ghosts."

Serena showed up. “Hey, guys.”

I spoke "Ias! {We got a ghost problem!}"

Flarenimon spoke "What the Latias was trying to say is that there's a ghost problem and for once, it's not Gengar's fault."

Gengar spoke "Gen-Gengar! {Not to mention it’s not from any ghost Pokémon!}"

Flarenimon spoke "It's not caused by any ghost type Pokemon either."

Serena asks "You mean it was actually a real ghost?"

Flarerudamon spoke "More than likely but we can't get Sakura and Zoey involved.... You know how those two react when it comes to ghosts..."

Serena spoke "Right."

Kura screamed loudly.

I spoke "Ias!"

Serena: That can’t be good!

Flarerudamon spoke "right!"

Flarenimon spoke "Of all the times to not have Danyelle or Twilight around..."

But then a sudden van showed up, before it opened, revealing a young mare. “Need a ride?”

Flarerudamon spoke "That would work for smaller Pokemon but not for larger ones like Miraidon."

A stallion revealed himself, driving the van.

The stallion spoke "Well, that scream came from where we’re heading. We’re gonna try to investigate that place.

Serena was on Miraidon's back while I carried Ancient Vapormaimon and WereGlacerumon on my back.

Espewomon spoke "I wouldn't put it past you two to have a talking dog..."

A white dog asks "What? How did you know about me?"

A white dog revealed himself.

Espewomon spoke "I'm a 224 year old Digi-Pokemon..."

The dog spoke "Whoa! Anyway, my name’s Mystery, and these are my friends, Vivi Yukino and Arthur Kingsmen."

Espewomon spoke "I don't have an actual name, but my species is Espewomon."

Mystery spoke "Huh. I see."

Vivi giggles "Heehee! Come on! Let’s go!"

Flarenimon spoke "Not all of us are going though."

Vivi asks "Huh? Why?"

Sylkazemon spoke "Too large a group might drive the ghost off."

Serena spoke "Exactly."

Pikachi spoke "Pika!"

But a pile of Pichu had smothered Pikachi, wanting to play tag with her.

Pikachi sighs.

Miraidon and a few other Pokemon head off with Serena and the trio.

*Serena’s POV*

We soon arrived at someplace as the van suddenly died, much to our confusion before I saw Pikachu and Kura outside the gate, looking completely terrified.

Miraidon was on edge, as was Latias.

Gengar came out of the shadows, being a bit on edge too.

Flarenimon and Sylkazemon were also on edge.

All of us entered the mansion, only to see darkness, before the candles became lit with purple flames.

Miraidon growls.

But then purple ghosts with golden hearts appeared, singing something. “~Whoa-o-oh! This time I might just dis-*Vocalizing while surrounding all of us before menacingly singing* OH YEAH!~ *Vocalizing again before we decided to run*"

We ran before a suit of armor swung its sword at us as we dodged it, but we were horrified when we saw Mystery’s head being gone, before we were relieved as it popped his head up, still being alive by ducking his head. But then we saw paintings in the hallway vocalizing, one of them looking similar to Rarity with another looking similar to a certain prosecutor.

Paintings sang "*Menacingly* ~OH YEAH!~ *Vocalizing again as a Rarity-like painting pulled a rope, causing a pothole to open right below all of us, causing all of us to fall into it*"

We were then falling though an Alice-In-Wonderland-like tunnel as mirrors appeared nearby each of us, showing Vivi’s eyes being completely dark and Arthur’s prosthetic front left leg being gone, while Mystery’s suddenly cracked.

Latias, Flarenimon and Sylkazemon were hovering in the air though and so was Miraidon.

“Grab on!” I informed as we did that, while Arthur and I got onto Miraidon, before the three of us found ourselves in a dark location.

Flarenimon's fur glowed bright to provide a light source.

Flarenimon spoke "Good thing Zoey and Sakura didn't tag along."

“Flarenimon?” I asked in surprise.

Flarenimon asks "What?"

But then the four of us felt fear as we saw a black coffin with magenta outlines. But then it opened, revealing a floating skeleton of an earth pony stallion in a tuxedo with a golden heart on the left side of his chest. The skeleton looked at his heart before glaring at us with its black eye sockets. “You.” The skeleton simply said as he point at Arthur, who scarcely point at himself as a question. A few seconds passed before glowing magenta eyes made of fire appeared in his eye sockets as magenta fire appeared on the pillar bowls. He then cocked his head to the left, causing a hairdo made of fire to appear on his head and a tail made of fire to appear as well.

We were scared stiff before we decided to run for our lives as the three of us rode Miraidon who was in bike mode.

Latias zooms after Miraidon in fear.

Meanwhile at a kitchen in the mansion, everyone else was gawking at the tall sandwiches Vivi and Mystery had.

Flarerudamon facepawed.

Flarerudamon spoke "I swear to Arceus that you're one of Shaggy's descendants..."

Mystery spoke "Sounds more like Arthur to me."

Flarerudamon spoke "I was talking about the sandwich.... And something smells... foxish about Mystery..."

But then Latias, Miraidon, Arthur, Flarenimon and I ran by them before they saw what we were running from and followed us, with Vivi and Mystery dropping their sandwiches as they hit the skeleton, we ran through doors, with the skeleton following us, being in a classic Scooby-Doo chase before all of us exited out a door when the skeleton popped out of another, scaring us as we started running again. But soon, Mystery stopped, with me, Latias, Miraidon and Flarerudamon catching up with as the skeleton flew past the five of us while we looked at a painting, which was showing us the past.

Flarerudamon asks "What the cuss is this?"

We saw Arthur’s Van, which was called Mystery Skulls for some reason, before we saw a purple-clothed, maned and tailed earth pony stallion driving the van instead of Arthur as the yellow stallion was in the back with his flesh and bone front left leg. The van soon stopped at a cave as the four investigated it and split into two teams at a fork in the road. Vivi and Mystery took the right path as the stallion and Arthur took the left one. Soon, the stallion and Arthur reached the end of the path as the stallion looked over the end, seeing a long fall to spikes at the bottom. We saw Mystery there as Arthur’s front left leg turning turquoise, same with the left side of his face as his left eye turned black with the pupil becoming a ghastly green before to our shock, with his front left leg, Arthur shoved the stallion off the edge, making him fall to his death as he was impaled by the spikes below before we saw the golden heart from before as it pulsed with purple energy, as we saw the skeleton, revealed to have been that stallion, then Vivi, whose eyes glowed magenta, then Arthur, whose right side cried with tears of shock, loss, horror and regret as the left side evilly smirked as we realized that his left side was possessed, forcing him to shove the stallion off, before we saw a kitsune with Mystery’s glasses, a glaring sparkle in its eyes while holding a front left leg in its maw as we realized that it tore off Arthur’s front left leg to save him from any further possession. We then saw Mystery having that same glaring sparkle in his eyes as we realized who he was.

Flarerudamon spoke "Figures, Mystery's a kitsune in disguise."

Meanwhile, the others were cornered as the skeleton charged towards Arthur, but stopped when Vivi tried to protect him. The heart then started floating towards Vivi, but before she could grab it, Arthur grabbed her as Mystery, Latias, Miraidon, Flarerudamon and I showed up, and all of us ran before the golden heart fell to the ground and cracked while turning blue. The skeleton’s eye sockets glowed magenta as he became angry, causing a fiery explosion as all of us escaped the mansion, got to the van and drove away.

Flarerudamon spoke "That was freaky!"

Sylkazemon spoke "Y-yeah."

But unknown to any of us, the skeleton saw us drive away before looking at his blue, cracked heart before he pressed it, revealing to be a locket as it opened, showing a picture of him and Vivi as he shedded a tear before he and the entire mansion faded away completely.

I spoke "Let's never talk about this to Zoey and Sakura..."

Sylkazemon spoke "Agreed."

I spoke "I'd rather not get a triple earful from Dren, Li and Danyelle..."

Espewomon spoke "But something tells me that ghost had a tragic past...."

Flarerudamon spoke "We’ll… talk when we get back to Danyelle."

Sylkazemon spoke "As long as Zoey and Sakura aren't within hearing range."

“Definitely.” I agreed.

Flarenimon spoke "Obviously."
