• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 303 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Four Hopes

*Huntverse Twilight’s POV*

Well, we were getting ready to enter the portal.

Danyelle's Latias and a bunch of other Pokémon opted to stay behind.

“Okay, we need to go over which groups are taking which path.” I noted.

Twilight spoke "I thought we talked about that already!"

“Oh, right. Sorry.” I apologized.

Twilight spoke "No worries other me."

Sui howls.

Danyelle was on Sui's back.

Danyelle spoke "Let’s go, Sui."

Sui chuffs in agreement.

Danyelle and her group went into the portal, causing the blue part of the portal to vanish.

Tails went with my group through the red portal, ending up in frigid Russia.

Tails spoke "Uh guys, I think we ended up on Mobius..."

But then a portal appeared in front of them, spewing forth humans led by a familiar smasher, but she seemed female this time.

Byleth asks "Tails? Where are we?"

Fluffing up his fur, Tails spoke "We're in Russia... It's known to be cold year round due to frequent snow storms..."

A male asks "Professor, what’s going on?!"

Byleth spoke "I don’t know, Edelgard. But it can’t be good."

But then ninjas suddenly appeared, eager to fight them.

Raph spoke "Oh, you lookin’ for a fight? *Grabbing mystical tonfas* Well, let’s see how you’ll be able to take my Power-Punch-Jitsu!"

A blue-haired warrior spoke "Don’t worry! I’ll fight too!"

Byleth spoke "Are you sure, Caspar? I don’t want you to get hurt because of me."

Caspar asks "Of course I’m sure. I promised to help protect you, didn’t I?"

Byleth blushed at that as she smiled.

Tails formed blades of air on his arms before flying into the battle as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbNZfdap5dw was heard.

Meanwhile, with Danyelle and her group, they found themselves on the mountains of Griffonstone.

Bluestar gasps "Uh guys, Griffonstone is completely gone..."

Danyelle asks "But… But why?"

But then a portal opened, with humans exiting out lead by another female Byleth.

Byleth spoke "Danyelle! Is it good to see you again!"

Bluestar spoke "What the...."

A unicorn stallion with right eyepatch and broken horn asks "Professor, what is happening?!"

Byleth and the group looked at themselves as realized that they were ponies, with one of them being a bison.

Byleth spoke "Not sure, but there’s gotta be trouble."

Ninjas appeared there too, being many kinds of creatures.

Leo spoke "Oh? More ninjas? And we have to fight them? Okay. I got this."

The Bison spoke "Byleth, I’ll fight by your side."

Byleth spoke "Really, Dedue? Don’t harm yourself to protect me."

Dedue chuckles "I promised to protect you, did I not?"

Byleth smiled as she blushed.

Bluestar lets out a loud screech as multiple shooting stars rain down on the ninjas, knocking them all out.

Sylvain spoke "Wow! Not bad."

Felix spoke "Now’s not the time to relax. Whoever’s using that magic’s gotta be here. So we need to find him."

Danyelle spoke "I've never seen that kind of attack before..."

Bluestar giggles "I’ve kinda been training with Ness and Lucas."

Danyelle spoke "We should call that... Wrath of StarClan."

Bluestar giggles "Heehee! Yeah."

Leo spoke "Whoa! Now that’s an awesome name!"

Meanwhile, with Zoey and her group, after exiting the yellow portal, found themselves in the dragonlands.

Shakir was with the group since he knew the layout of the dragon lands.

Shakir spoke "I just hope no one’s planning to mess with the active volcanoes."

But then a portal opened, with ponies, a deer and a wyvern, lead by Byleth, this one being a male this time.

Male Byleth spoke "Zoey, good to see you here."

The deer asks "Uh, Teach? Mind explaining why we look like this?"

Zoey spoke "Side effect of going into Equestria. I was half human half cat prior to coming to Equis, then I became one third alicorn..."

Deer: Normally, I’d call that a bluff, but I can tell that’s not your lying face. Guess that’s true, huh?

Byleth: Yeah, Claude.

But then ninjas showed up.

Mikey: Oh! They’re just askin’ to get hit by my mad acrobatics!

Orange-Maned earth pony mare: I’ll help too!

Byleth: I can’t let you get hurt because of me, Leonie.

Leonie spoke "I promised Jeralt I’d protect you."

Byleth spoke *Smile* Then I’ll protect you too."

Leonie blushed at that.

Zoey threw a Firecracker Bomb at the ninjas, sending them all flying far away.

White-maned unicorn mare spoke "Guess you had a few tricks up your sleeve."

Zoey spoke "I trained with Danyelle on how to manipulate my flames to the point I could make a bomb shape out of it."

Claude spoke "Heh. Maybe you’ll give Lysithea a run for her money."

Lysithea spoke "*Blush* Claude!"

Claude: Hehe, I’m just joking, sweetie."

Zoey spoke "Even though I'm half cat half alicorn, I'm not royalty."

Claude spoke "Huh. Can’t really say I’m not surprised."

Zoey spoke "Then there's Danyelle, she's a nekomata-gryphon-alicorn tribrid yet she's an Alpha-Queen!"

Claude spoke "Whoa! Guess I’ll have to be better with her royalness."

Byleth spoke "Don’t worry about Claude. He may be a bit of a schemer, but he is a great friend to have. He is the leader of the Leicester Alliance."

Claude spoke "Oh, no need to flatter me."

The two laughed, showing Zoey that they were good friends.

Zoey spoke "As far as I know, Danyelle wasn't always an Alpha-Queen. In fact, she was born a commoner. Before Thorax became king, Danyelle had taken the role of queen because one of her adopted children, a Changeling named Iris, was next in line to become Queen but that all went down the drain. The alpha part was because she scared a few Diamond Dogs into obedience."

Claude spoke "Bit of an outsider, huh? I can relate to that."

Zoey spoke "But as a warning, Danyelle has a rather short temper... I'm talking Donald Duck level temper...."

Claude spoke "I don’t know who this duck guy is, but I’m gonna take your word for it."

Meanwhile, with me and my group, we found ourselves on an empty grass field on Mobius.

Huntverse Rarity spoke "Uh Twilight, neither of us have clothes..."

I froze at that as I looked around, seeing the males averting their eyes. But then clothes of our liking appeared on me and Rarity, courtesy of Pandora.

Pandora spoke "You're welcome."

“Thanks.” I said in relief.

Pandora spoke "A lot of first time visitors on Mobius tend to not realize that they don't gain clothes."

But then a portal appeared as a group of humans appeared, lead by another male Byleth. “Where are we? What’s going on? Wait, is this Sonic’s home?”

Yuki spoke "If you're talking about Prince Sonic Ogami, then yes."

Byleth asks "…How much did I miss?"

Yuki spoke "223 years worth..."

A young unicorn mare spoke "Really? Wow, but it’s really not a lot for someone over 1000."

Huntverse Rarity spoke "Chose your words carefully. That white cat is half demon..."

Byleth spoke "But I can tell that cat’s on our side."

But then ninjas appeared.

Donnie spoke "I detect a zero-percent chance that those rookies will beat us."

Catherine spoke "Let’s go!"

Byleth asks "Are you certain, Catherine?"

Catherine spoke "Sure. You’re the reason why I want to still be a knight, Byleth."

Byleth spoke "*Smile* Then I’ll be your knight and protect you as well."

Catherine blushed at that.

Yuki yowls loud, inciting fear into the enemy ninjas thus making them run away.

Donnie and the others could see a faint image of an armored cat near Yuki.

Donnie asks "Uh, what was that?"

Yuki spoke "It's a long story..."

Byleth spoke "We can listen while we search, because we need to find who’s behind this time-space problem."

Palkia spoke "Whatever's causing it, it's got me and Dialga both on edge!"

Giratina showed up. “Don’t look at me, I’m not the one causing this.”

Palkia spoke "Well it's sure as cuss not Lady Arcee's fault!"

Byleth spoke "Come on! Let’s move!"

So then we began searching until we saw a huge portal building up energy at a distance.

Yuki draws her sword.

Yuki spoke "I'm no Danyelle or Rarity but there's a huge amount of energy!"

Donnie spoke "Wait a minute… *Uses visor goggles* Oh no! If that portal goes off, this entire timeline will be wiped out!"

Yuki spoke "AND US WITH IT!!!"

We hurried to the portal, and when we got there, we saw a platform with a control center and someone using it, with Byleth and his allies recognizing that person.

Shamir spoke "Leader of the Oroku House in Fodlan, Saki Oroku. Also known as the Shredder."

Cyril spoke "Oh no! This just went from bad to worse!"

Alois spoke "Apologies, Cyril. But your pep talk doesn’t really help raise our morale."

Byleth spoke "Forget it, Alois. We need to stop Saki and close that portal, or our timeline’s finished."

We soon charged, ready to fight Shredder.

Shredder spoke "That will be far easier said than done, Archbishop. Observe."

Then we suddenly found the platform we were all on flying into the air as we struggled to stay on.

Palkia fired a Spatial Rend at the Shredder.

But then someone showed up and swatted that Spatial Rend away like it was nothing. We then saw that someone to be… Danyelle?!

Byleth spoke "Hang on!"

Shredder spoke "Solon, Thales and their monsters may have failed, but I assure you, Caroline and I will not. The portal is now under my control, and in mere moments, the energy it is conducting will be unleashed. I will lay waste to this timeline, and send a signal to the worlds, that I am not to be trifled with! And very soon, I will rule all. But first…"

Blades erupted from Shredder’s gauntlets and more ninjas appeared, being stronger this time as we readied for battle.

A blast of magic sent Caroline flying.


Caroline just scoffed as she drew a sword.

Meanwhile, with Danyelle’s group, the Nekomata was shocked to see her counterpart act so cold and heartlessly.

Sonic spoke "And it just got worse... Scourge is trying to stop us!"

A sudden fireball hits the green hedgehog as a fiery colored gryphon male screeches.

Firestar screeeches "BEAT IT FREAK!!!"

Shredder spoke "Now, I shall finish what I started all those years ago. You will all die here."

Dimitri spoke "I’m afraid you’re wrong. With Byleth and her friends here, you will lose."



Yuki was heard yowling as well.

Firestar and Bluestar both screech.

Dimitri tightened his grip on Areadbhar, same with Byleth and the others with heroes’ relics as those weapons glowed.

Danyelle engulfs herself in fire, shifting to her Danydonna form.

Danydonna howls loud, calling in Mario and the other Smashers.

A quarter of all smashers showed up for each of the four groups.

A brown tabby gryphon hen with amber eyes flew out of a portal.

The tabby gryphon spoke "I'll help in anyway I can."

Danydonna spoke "ATTACK!!!!"

All of us charged, fighting the ninjas and the battalions they had.

the tabby gryphon froze a ninja in ice with her waterbending.

The tabby gryphon spoke "Watch your backside two-tail!"

Firestar dropkicks a ninja.

Danyelle helped Anti-Chrysalis fight Caroline while Sonic fought Scourge as Byleth and Dimitri battled against the Shredder, who was an alicorn.

A sudden blade of air slices off the Shredder's wings, downing the jerk.

A mottled tabby gryphon male along with a white gryphon male with black talons and paws and a leopard colored gryphon hen flew into the fight.

Firestar spoke "About time you showed up Onestar!"

Onestar spoke "I had to pick Blackstar and Leopardstar up along the way!"

Leopardstar flung blades of water at the ninjas, freezing them in ice.

All of a sudden, a giant flock of gryphons show up to aid Danyelle!

Danydonna spoke "Holy Shinx!!"

Gilda asks "What? Didn’t think we’d lend you a hand?"

Onestar chuckles "They all kinda followed me."

Danydonna slashed her evil counterpart's head off with the nichirin sword.

But Caroline started laughing as her head reattached itself to her body before she blasted Danyelle back. “Nice try, punk. But I’m immortal, you can’t beat me!"

Danydonna spoke "Think again missy, this sword can cut through your immortality!"

A small scar appeared on Caroline’s throat. “Heh, not bad. You’re good, I’ll admit that much. But I won’t die that easily!”

Shredder fell to his knees as all of us charged at him before he and Caroline sent out a blast, blinding all of us. When the light faded, we saw the other groups as the platform we were all on got bigger while floating above Fodlan, with the Church, Empire, Kingdom and Alliance down there. But then we saw four Shredders as they merged into one, becoming Super Shredder, same with the four Carolines as they fused, becoming four times as big and powerful as Danydonna. Scourge then turned into Super Scourge.

Super Shredder spoke "*Drawing wrist blades which were covered in electricity* The true battle… starts now!"

Danydonna reverts back before taking on the Danyterasu form and then fusing with Twirama, becoming Divine Danyterama.

Divine Danyterama spoke "IT'S OVER SHREDDER!!!"

Super Shredder and Danyterama clashed, but Shredder sent Danyterama flying.

Mikey asks "Uh, can he actually do that? Isn’t that against the rules?"

Super Shredder spoke "I make the rules, reptile!"

Claude spoke "Well, looks like we’ll have to fight with everything we’ve got."

But a double barreled Chaos Blast hits Shredder hard.

Hyper Shadic spoke "Nice try dipwad!"

Divine Danyterama howls loud, bringing down the wrath of the gods on Super Shredder.

Nyriel was in her ultimate form as she clashed swords with Caroline.

Claude shot a Failnaught arrow at Super Shredder as Edelgard, Dimitri and Byleth attacked with Aymr, Areadbhar and the Sword of the Creator slashed the Super Shredder.

Those who weren't fighting sent their prayers to Divine Danyterama, boosting her strength and speed a thousand-fold!

Divine Danyterama spoke "I can feel everyone's powers! Their hopes! Their dreams!!"

Divine Danyterama attacks Shredder at cosmic speed, leaving zero chance of a counter attack.

Faust event sent her heavenly powers to Divine Danyterama, making the 13 tailed wolftaur even stronger!

Super Shredder suddenly gained a red color and aura, becoming even stronger.

Arcee and Arceus both sent their powers to Divine Danyterama, making the wolftaur as powerful as a god.

Iris, Nyx, Gallus, Akari and everyone else sent their powers to Divine Danyterama.

Caspar threw an axe as Super Scourge, only for the evil hedgehog to dodge it.

Super Shredder and Danyterama clashed, with her barely winning it as Super Shredder was reverted back to Shredder and pushed to the edge of the platform. But then Caroline attacked Danyterama.

Divine Danyterama Chaos Blasted Caroline far away, causing the evil human to land on a rock spike set by Holo.

Caroline coughed out blood as Shredder got up.

Shredder spoke "Enjoy this victory while you still can, fools. Your imminent destruction awaits. The controls have been disabled. And you are all… *Leans back* DOOOOOOooooooommmmed…"

Shredder then willingly fell from the platform, much to our surprise.

Mikey spoke "Hold on! He might have a sweet jetpack!"

Nothing happened.

Donnie spoke "I do not think so, Michael."

Mikey asks "Parachute?"

Leo spoke "Doesn’t look like it."

Raph s[poke "Good riddance."

Divine Danyterama shot Shredder with a well timed Chaos Bullet, killing the male.

Caroline spoke "Hehe. That idiot was already dead when he fell of that platform. *Cough!* You only shot a dead corpse of four timelines."

Divine Danyterama spoke "You shut up."

Caroline chuckled before she brought something out and typed in some kind of code. “Hope you like fireworks, because these ones are to die for. Hehehe…”

Divine Danyterama used Chaos Blackhole to get rid of the fireworks.

Divine Danyterama spoke "You don't EVER cuss with a god-level wolftaur!"

Caroline still chuckled before Zoey paled in horror.

Divine Danyterama teleported everyone else back to Zephyr Heights before the floating stage blew up.

The portal then went back to normal as the four timelines were back to being split in four.

Divine Danyterama sighs "The portal blew up, but we managed to keep it from destroying anything."

Huntverse Rarity spoke "So true."

Tails: If that was a tactical nuke, it would’ve been trouble."

Divine Danyterama spoke "Even if it was, I would have destroyed it with a Chaos Blackhole."

Ash came in with Pikachu, both being a bit out of breath.

Divine Danyterama splits back into Danyterasu and Twirama.

Twirama spoke "That was a close call..."

Ash pants "Guys… *Wheeze* you won’t… *Wheeze* believe… *Wheeze* what happened…"

Danyterasu spoke "Leaflymon, use Healing Breath!"

Leaflymon heals Ash and his Pikachu back to full strength.

Danyterasu asks "What happened?"

Ash explained everything.
