• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 303 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Down with the Sickness

*Aki’s POV*

Later, Mist and I searched for the turtles and found their sewer home before seeing Raph playing a dancing game before Mist fainted from seeing Raph’s dance moves.

Raph spoke "Yeah, alright. Get ‘em."

Leo spoke "I don’t think he’s got this."

Mikey spoke "Hey! Leave him alone."

Leo spoke "What? I’m just saying he doesn’t have this."

Raph spoke "You’re just trying to get in my head."

Donnie spoke "Oh, my peaches and cream, he just doubled."

Danyelle arrived at the Turtle’s sewer home before she heard coughing and wheezing.

Raph spoke "Rag! Now!"

Mikey asks "*Using rag to wipe off Raph’s sweat on his forehead* Have I ever told you how big and beautiful you are?"

Raph spoke "No, but thank you."

Donnie spoke "Uh, he is about to set a new high score. I can’t watch, but I can’t not watch!"

Danyelle then heard labored breathing.

Leo asks "You know what they say about big-time moments?"

Raph spoke "Yes, I do. They say that in big-time moments, leaders make-"

A rat spoke "BRAIN!!!"

The six of us froze before looking behind us as the game said “Game Over,” before we saw a rat mutant known as Splinter holding his head in pain.

Splinter groans "Ow, my brain!"

Donnie gasps "No! Why?"

Splinter inhaled heavily, before he sneezed weakly.

Leo spoke "Gesundheit."

Mikey spoke "Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, Splinter’s a zombie!"

Donnie groans "Mikey, zombies are interested in other people’s brains."

Raph spoke "Rat Flu. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill, boys."

Danyelle soon caught up with us before the others showed up as well.

Danyelle hisses "I've dealt with this before though! There's seven stages total. Fever, Wild Rat Man, Captain Cuddle Cakes, Ninja Supreme, karaoke love songs, fan fiction and Must Say Yes."

Sakura asks "Rat Flu?"

Danyelle spoke "I'll explain it to you later Sakura."

Raph asks "So you went through that too?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

*A minute later…*

Splinter coughs "I feel terrible. Do I look terrible? Be honest."

Splinter looked terrible.

Leo spoke "Whoa!"

Donnie spoke "Okay!"

Raph spoke "You look great, not horribly sick at all."

We then left Splinter alone.

Raph: "He’s horribly sick."

Donnie spoke "Look, a flu this intense is going to affect all areas of his brain, I’m talking the full seven stages, *Showing six fingers as a robot arm showed one finger* before his body naturally heals itself."

Raph asks "You guys know what the full seven stages mean?"

Leo, Mikey and Donnie spoke "Mm-hmm."

Raph spoke "Another chance to get whatever we want!"

Turtles spoke "Yeah!"

Mikey spoke "But poor dad. He must feel terrible. But lucky us, he’ll say yes to whatever we ask for! Whoo-hoo!"

Donnie spoke "Only if we make it all the way to the end of the flu, the elusive stage seven. And we never get there."

Raph spoke "This year’s gonna be different. Nobody’s getting bit. Nobody’s getting infected."

Leo asks "When we do make it to the end, which I’m now calling the Must Say Yes stage, what are we gonna ask for?"

Turtles spoke "Hmm…"

Raph spoke "*His little brothers looking at him* Hmm? Well, this year, I was thinking we could ask for, uh, um, er-uh…"

Leo spoke "Aww, he’s got nothing. We’re dead."

Danyelle asks "How about a place that's better than the sewers? Think about it boys, would you want someone coming to a dirty sewer to visit?"

Raph spoke "Sorry, but I don’t think they’re ready for mutants yet. Hey, I got something, alright? Like a, uh-"

Donnie spoke "Uranium! Oh, we should absolutely ask for uranium. I mean, if I could finally get my hands on a little of that, we would be virtually unstoppa-"

Mikey asks "What about a brick oven for pizza?"

Leo spoke "Who’s gonna clean that? What we should ask for is matching unicorn onesies. Those are sick! Pun intended. And I nailed it."

The three brothers started fighting before Raph stopped them.

Raph spoke "Enough. I got this, alright? I’m gonna ask Splinter for something that benefits all of us."

Mikey spoke "This is so exciting! But terrible for dad."

But then Mikey gasped as he breathed out again, with all of us seeing his breath, same with Raph.

Raph spoke "Buckle up, everyone. It’s about to get weird."

The AC was cranked on full-blast as most of us were shivering under a giant heat lamp.

Mikey groans "I hate stage one. Think warm thoughts. Pizza ovens. Bricks from Italy. Wood chips roasting."

Raph spoke "We’re four hours in. His fever’s gotta break soon."

Leo however was in a blue parka, wearing blue boots and gloves while drinking hot cocoa. “I told you guys to plan ahead. Now I’m sitting here all toasty.” Leo said as he took a sip of his hot cocoa.

Danyelle cloaked herself with a layer of fire that didn't burn her clothes.

Sakura and her family kept close to Danyelle to keep warm.

Sunny spoke "It's got to be something that can benefit all of you."

But then Splinter showed up, making Leo spit out his cocoa.

Leo coughs "What? Wha-Why?"

Splinter spoke "Had to air myself out."

Splinter fell flat on his face before he growled and screeched as we started running from him while putting hazmat suits on.

Mikey spoke "Don’t eat me! Raph’s tastier!"

Raph spoke "Suits on! Suits on! Donnie, get the device ready."

Donnie spoke "Uh, it’s ready. You know, my inspiration for this device was simplicity. Why dress something up with lots of bells and whistles when you can just let it speak for its-"

Leo spoke "No one has time for this!"

Donnie pushed a button as a ball popped out of a pipe, accidentally hitting Leo as they landed on the center of the bottom floor.

Raph spoke "Nice! Alright, let’s get him inside."

Leo opened a box full of pizza, luring in Splinter before tossing it onto the open hole of the ball as Splinter jumped onto it, getting inside the ball with the pizza before Donnie plugged the hole.

Donnie spoke "Okay, this should hold him for a while."

Leo asks "And you’re sure this isn’t cruel?"

Raph spoke "He loves pizza in confined spaces you can barely breathe in."

Danyelle spoke "Stage 2, Wild Rat Man!"

But then the ball started shaking.

Mikey asks "Donnie, is it gonna hold up?"

Donnie spoke "Most definitely!"

The ball then started rolling really fast as it went up and bounces around a few times before it split in half as Donnie fell from it before Splinter went into a pipe and started hiding.

Raph spoke "Mikey, Danyelle, Sunset, Aki, Mist, follow me, and be careful. We can’t afford to lose anyone before stage seven."

Leo spoke "I thought we all agreed it was now called the Must Say Yes stage."

Mikey spoke "It would be easier for me to be careful if I knew you were gonna ask for a pizza oven."

Raph spoke "I’m still thinking!"

“Quick question: is uranium still on the table?” Donnie asked.

Raph groans "Ugh!"

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I tagged Splinter with a tracking spell, I know where he's hiding so that we can find him."

Sunny spoke "I'll go with Sakura, Li, Ame, Donnie and Leo to find that crazy rat."

Soon, we were looking in a dark room.

Raph asks Where’s Splinter? Mikey, you smell him?"

Raph then looked under a bed, finding only a cockroaches before we saw something on him.

Raph spoke "He’s not under there."

Mikey: Uh…"

Raph: What?"

Raph turned around as we saw Splinter on his back, making Mikey shriek before Raph turned his back towards us.

Raph spoke "Use your words."

Mikey spoke "He’s… on… you."

Raph asks "What? Heats on stew?"

Mikey spoke "He’s on you."

Raph asks "He’s on me?"

Mikey spoke "Yes."

Raph sweated as Splinter snarled, making Raph scream before he threw Splinter off his back. But then Splinter got back up with hearts for eyes. “Oh, my favorite son.”

Mikey spoke "Favorite son? Run!"

All of us then started running away.

Danyelle shouts "Stage 3, Captain Cuddle Cakes!!!"

Sakura warns Donnie and Leo about what Danyelle had shouted.

Leo spoke "Oh, no."

We soon ran by the other group.

Splinter spoke "Oh, little baby blue, come to papa."

The other group then followed us.

Raph asks "Suits on! Suits on! Why weren’t you two in your suits?"

Donnie spoke *Putting helmet back on* It was Leo."

Leo groans *Struggling to put suit back on* No one forced you to, Donnie! *Trips but then gets back up with suit and helmet on* Ugh, what’s that smell?"

But then Splinter popped up in Leo’s suit.

Splinter spoke "I love you this much!"

Leo spoke "No, no, you don’t. *Splinter kissing him* I’m your least favorite!"

Donnie spoke "Uh, Leo’s infected. Quarantine him."

Soon, we got Leo into a quarantine bubble.

Leo asks "Hey, you need me to get to the Must Say Yes stage. We need to ask for the onesies-Whoa, it is really hot. Is there a fire? There’s a fire, right? The floor is made of lava?"

Leo screamed as he was sprayed water by the bubble.

Raph spoke "Down by one."

Danyelle casts an anti-bacterial spell on herself and the others.

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I still have magic access or the rest of us would have gotten infected!"

Raph asks "Still, let’s be careful so the rest of us can get what we want. Who’s got eyes on the package?"

Mikey spoke "*Gasp!* I lost him."

Danyelle spoke "I've got his location, I tagged him with magic though but Stage 4 is a tricky one since he'll try to shred our hazmat suits... Clothes in my case and I'd rather not have an angry pseudo-alicorn yelling at me if my clothes got shredded."

But then a smoke bomb exploded.

Mikey spoke "Oh!"

Then Splinter appeared in a ninja outfit.

Splinter threw ninja stars as Raph blocked them with his tonfas before the rat charged. “Hot soup!”

Splinter was on the other side of us as our hazmat suits were shredded to ribbons while we tried to cover ourselves.

Mikey spoke "Oh!"

But then we realized all our clothes were still intact and not shredded as we sighed in relief.

Danyelle spoke "Next is karaoke songs!"

Raph: Wait, where’d Splinter go?"

But then the lights went off.

Mikey spoke "Guys! I think I felt him!"

Donnie spoke "Hey, that is my butt!"

Then we heard fighting.

Donnie asks "Ow! Would everyone please stop hitting me?"

Mikey spoke "Now I’ve really got him. Take that, itchy fuzzball."

Donnie spoke "Oh, not my lab!"

A few minutes later, Donnie came back with a x-shaped band-aid on his left lower arm.

Raph asks "Donnie, you hit?"

Donnie asks "No, no, I’m fine. I just cut myself on that janky old door. Everything’s okay. Raph, did you decide what we’re gonna ask for?"

Raph spoke "Yeah, I got it. I’m gonna ask for-"

Splinter spoke *Ahem!*"

Raph asks "Huh? What?"

Splinter showed up as he started singing horribly, with all of us covering our ears.

Roll used her healing skills to close the cut on Donnie's arm.

Mikey spoke "I can’t feel my ears! Nothing is worth this!"

Raph spoke "We’re so close. Only two stages left."

Donnie asks "*Booger hanging out of his nose* And a group of totally healthy beings. Man, why is it so hot in here?"

Donnie fell down as a few minutes later, we put Donnie in another quarantine bubble as it sprayed him.

Donnie spoke "Oh, you’re gonna get squat from Splinter without Donnie, not without ol’ Donnie! I’m the brains behind this operation! *Sneeze!*"

Mikey asks "Uh, what stage are we on now?"

Danyelle spoke "Stage 6, fanfiction! We're almost there!"

Soon, Splinter was talking about a crossover. “Okay, okay, okay. Listen, listen, listen. Okay, we open on noodle shop. It’s raining. Lou Jitsu, hot soups, two assassins, then wham, interdimensional doorway opens, and out walks… ~Dun-duh-duh~ Jupiter Jim, and we smash to titles!”

Mikey spoke "This is amazing. Keep going."

Raph spoke "We’re almost to stage seven. This is the closest I’ve been to success, uh, ever."

Raph and Mikey were about to high-five, but the youngest turtle sneezed as Raph dodged him before we put Mikey in a quarantine bubble.

Mikey spoke "We’re done. Raph is totally gonna blow this. He has no idea what to ask for, which means-Getting hot. It’s like I’m on the sun here."

Water sprayed Mikey.

Raph chuckles "I’m not gonna blow this."

Roll spoke "50 bits says he'll blow it."

Megaman chuckles "Double that on totally screwing up."

Danyelle spoke "Triple that on someone will interrupt."

Leo spoke "Raphael, I love you, my brother, but you do tend to fail in big moments. Pishposh. But that’s what makes you you. Now bring it in, buddy. I’m gonna hug you till a smile comes out."

Raph spoke "Enough! Raph’s got this, ‘cause in big-time moments, leaders make big-time shots, and I’m big-time!"

Donnie hisses "He must say yes. Make him say yes."

Raph spoke "Enough! Don’t mess this up, Raph. Don’t mess this up."

Leo spoke "Don’t forget we only get to ask for one thing, my little Raph-a-doodle."

Mist seemed a bit angered by that.

Raph spoke "I know exactly what I’m asking for."

Megaman, Roll and Danyelle snicker.

Tsuki and Bass both spoke "200 says something will go wrong."

Raph spoke "Master Splinter, I know you’ll say yes to whatever I ask for. I want you to give-"

Leo spoke "Raph-a-doodle a hug! *Slices his quarantine bubble, popping it as he ran in front of Raph* Everybody loves hugs! *Falls down*"

Raph spoke "What? No! Anything but that!"

Splinter laughed, “Come here!” As he jumped onto Raph and hugged him, knocking the turtle onto his back.

Raph spoke "Oh! Ow!"

Splinter smooched Raph as the turtle then sneezed, before Splinter was then cured. “Ooh, flu. Papa wants a new bike.”

Danyelle pulls a bike and helmet out of her hammerspace since she had no use for the bike.

Danyelle spoke "Here Master Splinter, you can have this. Don't ask why I had a bike stored away."

Master Splinter happily spoke "*Jumping onto bike and putting helmet on* Hot soup!"

Master Splinter then took off, like a boss!

Sunny spoke "That was very generous of you Dany."

Danyelle spoke "*Blush* Thanks, Sunny."

Danyelle accidentally dropped a warp ring as Rarity came out of it.

Rarity asks "Oh hello, Danyelle. Where are we?"

Danyelle spoke "New York City sewers, Mobius. Please don't freak the cuss out."

Rarity’s jaw dropped in shock and horror, before she fainted.

Sakura spoke "Still the same Rarity I know..."

Danyelle spoke "Hmm…"

Sunny spoke "You know boys, there's all kinds of crazy in Maretime Bay though. Ranging from Abyssinians to zebras and everything in between. And I'm no grand auntie Cadence but I can tell Mist has it bad for Raph while Aki has it bad for Donnie despite her being 226 years older..."

I slapped the back of Sunny’s head. “No! It’s Mikey!”

Sunny spoke "Girl, he's only 15! You're 225!"

I spoke "You think I care about that? I don’t care about that. Mikey’s just… *Swoon*"

Sakura bops her daughter on the head.

Sakura spoke "Not only that, the Showrons are immortal since I had interacted with Rarity and Fluttershy the most."

That shattered me before I looked a bit down in the dumps.

Ame threw his twin sister at Mikey, causing the two to kiss.

Sakura giggles "Ame, you little daredevil, you."

I started kissing Mikey, before he started kissing back.

Ame spoke "It worked out though!"

Danyelle spoke "I think we should give those two pizza lovers some privacy."

Danyelle teleported the two straight to the Chuddle Hotel.

Sakura spoke "I miss the others though."

Danyelle asks "Well, when the other three turtles’ bodies naturally heal themselves, since I think Mikey will be instantly cured at the Chuddle Hotel, why don’t we show them Equestria?"

Sunny spoke "Uh Danyelle, tonight's the night of the full moon..."

*Meanwhile at the Chuddle Hotel*

I soon noticed that fur had appeared on Mikey's body.

Mikey asks "Huh? Why do I have this necklace? And why am I feeling all better?"

Vetur spoke "Like the little transformation trinket I made for nights with full moons? I already put it on you when you two arrived."

I spoke "But it halted the transformation just after the fur appeared."

Vetur spoke "Huh. Weird, must be the mutation affects. Not that there’s anything wrong with that."

I spoke "Or he got bit by a werewolf... Either way, he's fluffy!"

Helia asks "So, you two newly-made lovebirds checking in?"

I spoke "I blame my twin brother for this mess. But yes, we are. And I have a feeling that hippogriff girl will be showing up soon with her boy."

Helia: Oh? You mean Silverstream and Gallus?

I spoke "Wrong hippogriff, I meant to say horned hippogriff."

Helia asks "Really? Who?"

Mist soon pops up with Raph.

Mist spoke "Uh… Hi."

Raph spoke "Whoa! Jazzy decor!"

Mikey spoke "Raph! Check me out!"

Raph asks "Jumpin’ Jack Flash! D’you get bit by a werewolf or somethin’? Wait a minute, why’s my shell itchin’?"

I spoke "My guess that you were also bit by a werewolf... But the only known werehog is Sonic though..."

But then something started emerging from Raph’s back as I noticed a necklace around his neck, shaped differently than the one on Mikey’s. Then bat wings emerged from his back.

Raph gasps "Jumpin’ Jack Flash! Since when did I get bat wings?!"

Ame was soon pinned down by Perci and a catwolf hybrid boy.

Raph took off the necklace and the bat wings vanished.

I spoke "That was unusual..."

Vetur spoke "Yeah, sorry about that."

Raph spoke "*Pocketing necklace* Better hold onto it for safe-keeping."

Helia asks "I’m guessing those two are checking in as well?"

I ask "you talking about my brother?"

Helia spoke "Uh… No. I meant Raph and Mist."

Mist had her tail tucked.

I spoke "Guess that answers your question."

A loud sneeze was heard.

Helia spoke "Gesundheit."

To Helia's surprise, it was the very Arceus that Danyelle had befriended who had sneezed.

Helia spoke "...Whoa."

Arceus asks "What?"

Helia spoke "I-I really wasn’t expecting you, Lady Arceus."

Danyelle pops up via magic, shifting to a midform.

Danyelle spoke "Even though Arceus here is technically genderless, she sounds female."

Arceus had that sad look in her eyes while in thought about a different Danyelle, one that had lived during the feudal era.

And for some strange reason, Sui had gone into heat.

Helia asks "Uh… Is Suicune around here?"

Danyelle spoke "If you're talking about the proto-Suicune, then yeah. I think I saw it headed towards the Ocean Blue suite."

But then another Suicune showed up.

Helia spoke "Talk about perfect timing."

Danyelle spoke "This might help Sui and..."

Both Raiju and Enkai pop out of their balls before heading to two different suites. Raiju had picked the Raging Thunder suite while Enkai had taken the Volcanic Fire suite.

Danyelle spoke "*facepalm* It seems Raiju and Enkai are also in heat... Figures... The three prototypes are all female..."

Raikou and Entei showed up.

Danyelle pointed to where the three prototypes had headed off to the three Legendaries.

The three legendaries then went in the pointed directions.

Danyelle spoke "This is gonna be intense."

Arceus spoke "Don't remind me... I'm the only Arceus there is though."

Danyelle spoke "Arceus, please calm down."

But then a portal from Chameleo’s universe opened before Aggrock exited it before another Arceus accompanied him as the Alpha Pokemon spoke with a male voice, “I really appreciate what you’re trying to do for me, but the only one of my kind, even if this is a different universe.”

Aggrock spoke "I’m sure it’ll work out, Lord Arceus."

Then Danyelle’s Arceus suddenly rushed into the Big Bang Suite.

Danyelle laughs "Talk about timing!"

The other Arceus was curious about what that white blur, being Danyelle’s Arceus, was before entering the Big Bang Suite as well.

Danyelle giggles "Ya know something Aggrock, this will probably unite our worlds together."

Aggrock spoke "If so, then a permanent gateway might get created by itself in both of our universes."

Danyelle checked Maretime Bay and saw a blue/yellow/red colored gateway with a swirling portal in it.

Danyelle spoke "Eyup."

Twilight asks "Danyelle, what’s that?"

Sunny spoke "I'm just as clueless as you grandma!"

But then an earth pony with an huge sword emerged from it.

Danyelle asks "Who are you?"

The stallion scoffs "Tch. Ragna, Ragna the Bloodedge."

A blonde unicorn mare came out of the portal. “Ragna! Please don’t run off like that!”

But then Danyelle noticed Ragna’s right eye being red.

A resounding thud was heard from the Big Bang suite.

Helia spoke "I’d better…"

Helia placed a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the Big Bang Suite.

Danyelle spoke "I'll have to deal with Arcee's moodiness for a while until she has eggs."

Unicorn mare spoke "Oh! I’m Noel Vermillion, Ragna’s wife.

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, co-leader of the first generation Mobian Guard."

Mira leaps out of Danyelle's shadow.

Mira spoke "I'm Mirajane Strauss, but I go by Mira though."

Ragna scoffs "Tch. Guess you’re the Mira from this universe."

Looking at Noel, Mira asks "Does the name Mavis Vermillion ring any bells to you?"

Noel nervously chuckled. “Yeah. She’s a bit of an ancestor of mine, and I’ve been living in Ragna’s world my whole life. My parents are Edgar and Claire Vermillion, and I have a bit of an alter ego.”

Mira spoke "The Mavis I knew of was the first guild master of Fairy Tail."

Danyelle spoke "Plus Lillian's mother's name is Mavis."

Ragna scoffs "Tch. There’s also a Mavis Vermillion in our universe, but she was in the Fairy Tail world."

Mira and Danyelle both growl at Ragna.

Backing off, Twilight spoke "I'm out!"

Twilight teleported away.

But then Ragna sent a glare at Mira and Danyelle, making them freeze stiff as they sensed a lot of dark power in him, but they could tell that he was one of the good guys.

Megaman sighs "Sorry about my sister, she can be such an idiot at times."

Danyelle spoke "Shut up Vincent!"

Ragna chuckles "Hehe. I’m sorry, Vincent?”

Megaman spoke "Long story short, I'm a NetNavi-Mobian hybrid with the soul of a human."

Ragna spoke "Not the strangest thing I heard."

Danyelle spoke "My mother had a miscarriage long ago, Vincent didn't survive but his soul was reborn on the internet. It took him 30 years to find me again."

*Meanwhile, back at the Chuddle Hotel…*

Helia asks "I’m guessing you four would like the Pizza Party Suite?"

I spoke "You bet!"
