• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 305 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Donnie's Gifts/ Wild Tiger

*Mist’s POV*

Nyriel, Aki and I were finding the turtles in New York with a chameleon Mobian called Espio.

Nyriel spoke "Good thing grandma asked Shadow to wake the chameleon up from stasis."

“We should probably tell them after we find the turtles.” I said before we heard screeching.

Nyriel asks "What the hell was that?"

A loud roar was heard but it wasn't from Ben, Finn, Twilight, Ralph or Astral.

We followed the screeching and found the turtles fighting a mutant silverfish with an underwear on its head.

Raph spoke "Okay, mutant silverfish, you’ve eaten people’s laundry for the last time!"

Raph attacked the silverfish, only for it to split in two smaller versions on impact, much to Raph’s and our shock.

Raph gasps "What the?"

Raph attacked the two silverfish, only to split them into four as they were trying to eat the underwear.

Donnie spoke" *On gyrocopter shell* Hey, Raph! Every time you smash them, they just split in two!"

Raph asks "I know. Isn’t it cool?"

Donnie spoke "Think, Raph, think."

Raph spoke "Oh… I guess it does double the problem. Which means double the smashing!"

Raph kept attack the silverfish mutants before he was overwhelmed by the smaller ones.

A feral Friend roars loud before leaping into the fray, ripping the silverfish apart with her claws.

Danyelle ran out of a portal with a few Friends following, they had special necklaces on which had been crafted from some sandstar rocks to hold the humanized forms.

Danyelle yowls "ATTACK!!!"

Lion and Moose charge into battle as Hippo punched a silverfish into the sky before Shoebill rips it apart.

Mikey spoke "I got you, Raph. *Flinging Kusari-Fundo* Oh! *Wraps up four silverfish before jumping into the air* This situation calls for a dose of my psycho-acrobatics!"

Mikey then crashed into an apartment staircase before falling into a garbage bin with the silverfish, then jumped out before they attacked Mikey.

Donnie spoke "*Facepalm* Oh boy."

Leo spoke "I got you, Mikey."

Leo sliced a fire hydrant, causing water to erupt and hit Mikey, getting the silverfish off him as all the silverfish laid on the ground.

Leo spoke "Looks like these fish are… *Chuckle* wait for it, you’re gonna love this… all washed up."

Aphmau was carried a weaponized chicken while making it fire high speed eggs from its butt at the silverfish, knocking them out.

Aphmau laughs "Yolk's on you!"

Everyone laughed at those jokes. Mikey and Raph, however, weren’t impressed.

Mikey spoke "Boo!"

“Okay, okay, okay, how ‘bout this: *As the silverfish mutants instantly got back up* Those bugs are so wet-“ Leo tried to say.

Donnie spoke "Uh, guys."

The silverfish lunged as they were overwhelming the group.

Donnie spoke "*Getting on the ground* Ugh, this is getting old."

Donnie turned his hi-tech staff into a tennis ball launcher as he shot tennis balls at the silverfish mutants, making them all run away in defeat as Nyriel, Aki, Espio and I jumped onto the ground.

Mikey spoke "Mission accomplished!"

Aki spoke "Quit being such a sourpuss Mikey."

Raph spoke "Whew. Nice hustle, Donnie. And thanks for the backup, guys. I knew we could deal with this as a team."

Donnie spoke "Actually, it was pretty much just me, but segue, I think I have a little something to kick our skills into high gear."

Donnie pressed a button, causing a drill to emerge from the ground.

Mikey asks "What the what?"

Raph gasps "Jumpin’ Jack Flash!"

Mikey spoke "*Hugging motionless drill* It’s beautiful."

Danyelle spoke "I brought back up when I saw Siberian Tiger run off through a stray portal."

But suddenly, Mikey was lodged in a wall since Siberian Tiger had kicked him hard.

Donnie spoke "*As Danyelle restrained Siberian Tiger* No, no, no. Not the drill."

Leo spoke "What do you mean not the drill? That should totally be the thing."

Donnie spoke "No, no, no, that’s just a little-it’s in beta. Don’t worry about it. The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful and I really hope my brothers like it, ‘cause if they don’t I will just be crushed!"

Danyelle got clawed by Siberian Tiger since the beastly Friend was savage.

Soon enough, the other three Turtles were stuck in the same wall as Mikey before Siberian Tiger ran off.

Kaban spoke "Oh great! Savage tiger on the loose!"

Danyelle pulled the four Turtles out of the wall.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that."

Raph spoke "No biggie, Danyelle. And Donnie, just show it to us. I’m sure we’ll all love it!"

As the Friends chased after Siberian Tiger, Donnie spoke Alright. Here it goes.

Leo asks "*As Donnie pushed a button, causing the drill to spin* Okay, so we’re just moving past the drill?"

The drill then stopped spinning and opened up, before it revealed an orange suit, a blue collar and a red helmet.

Mikey spoke "*Eyes sparkling on the suit* You even got my life colors right!"

Leo spoke "*Eyeing the collar* Oh-ho-ho, wow! I don’t know what this is, but it’s got a lot of blinkity-blinks."

Raph spoke "Whoa, jazzy headgear!"

The three then got their respective gifts on and posed heroically.

Danyelle spoke "Now's not the time to be posing!"

Kaban spoke "We got a Wild Tiger on the loose!"

But then Siberian Tiger was pinned down completely by a 10,000 pound chubby Sumarda, who just dropped in on her. “Everything’s all good."

Donnie spoke "Oh, I’m so glad you three like ‘em! Now let me show you how they work."

But then we heard silverfish screeches.

Raph asks "Huh? What was that?"

But suddenly, Sumarda was yeeted into the water since Siberian Tiger was rather strong.

Siberian Tiger roars loud, shredding all of the silverfish to ribbons.

But then something was shot at Siberian Tiger’s arm, before she suddenly fell asleep. But then we noticed that all of the silver fish were gone.

Kaban facepalms.

Lion spoke "Whatever that was, it angered Siberian Tiger more!"

But Siberian Tiger was snoring, telling us that she was out cold, completely asleep.

Suddenly, Siberian Tiger jolts awake and she looked even MORE mad than before!

Kaban spoke "Beast-class Friends are immune to tranq darts!"

But then a portal opened, revealing Chameleo before Siberian Tiger charged at him. When she lunged, Chameleo delivered a quick neck chop before she fell face-first on the ground, completely unconscious. “Just three ounces of pressure to the vagus nerve and then, look at your girl. Sleepy night-night.”

Kaban spoke "None of us have the guts to even go near Siberian Tiger due to how aggressive she is."

Chameleo spoke "Don’t worry. I’ll stay here while you guys investigate what’s going on."

Lion spoke "Moose and I will help you out."

Kaban and the other Friends head off with Danyelle and the Turtles.

While we followed the sound from earlier, Mikey noticed a sign, making Aki stop.

Mikey spoke "Chateau Pretenche? I think I’ve heard of this place."

Kaban and the other Friends were confused.

The three cubs were also confused.

Aki whispers "Shh."

We stayed silent as we saw someone grabbing silverfish mutants and stuffing them in a bag.

Leo whispers "Another mutant? What’s his deal?"

We then saw that it was a pig mutant with prosthetic hands.

Raph spoke "You know what, that guy looks like the Meat Sweats!"

That made Raph and all of us, except Donnie and Espio, to softly laugh at that joke as the pig mutant sealed the bag and went down into the sewers.

Danyelle whacks Raph on the head.

Soon, we followed the pig mutant into the subway, as we saw him putting the silverfish mutant copies into a cauldron with bubbling hot water while he licked his teeth. “Mmm! *Grabbing salt and lemon slices* A little salt. A pinch savory. Lemon for the tang. Unleash the flavor!”

Mikey spoke "Unleash the flavor? Omigosh. It’s Rupert Swaggart!"

Aki gasps "THE Rupert Swaggart?"

Raph asks "Oh, yeah! Uh, who’s that?"

Mikey spoke "The celebrity chef. Host of “Kondescending Kitchen”? The show where he screams at chefs until they give up their dreams? I love that guy!"

Danyelle’s eyes flashed white as she and all of us spying on the pig mutant saw a glimpse of the past, seeing Mikey watching Kondescending Kitchen.

Rupert spoke "That’s not how you make a pork risotto!"

Rupert began slapping a chef with a wooden meat tenderizer panel.

Rupert spoke "You’ve got to pound it to unleash the flavor!"

But then one of Draxum’s mosquitoes appeared and stabbed its nose into Rupert’s neck as it injected the mutagen, mutating him into a pig mutant in front of a live audience as they screamed before we found ourselves back to the present.

Donnie asks "You saw a celebrity chef transform into a pig mutant and you didn’t tell anyone?"

Danyelle spoke "I can't control when my Dimensional Scream kicks in."

Mikey spoke "No biggie. I didn’t wanna burn my risotto, Donnie! Chateau Pretenche is Rupert’s restaurant. No wonder he’s here!"

We then saw Rupert open the cauldron, revealing the mutant silverfish, now one and whole again, in the boiling pot.

Serval asks "Wait, he’s not gonna eat that bug, right?"

Rupert took his left prosthetic hand off as his left arm split into tendrils before he attached them to the mutant, absorbing the silverfish’s energy, much to our disgust.

Mikey spoke "Ugh! The bacteria!"

Aki groans "I think I’m gonna hurl!"

Donnie spoke "Oh, that’s so much worse!"

Rupert spoke "Ah ha! I feel the rush of your delicious energy. The herbs du provence, a nice touch. Hm? *Sniff sniff! Snort!* Am I picking up the delightful aroma of mutant with an after-stench of turtle, accompanied by a side of elements, chaos and magic? I’m thinking… like turtle tenderloin over a bed of chaotic elemental magic saffron rice."

Mikey spoke "Ooh, that sounds good!"

Donnie closed Mikey’s mouth as he and the rest of us glared at him. “He’s talking about eating us!”

Mikey spoke "Excuse me for wanting to be eaten in style!"

Danyelle alerts Chameleo via telepathy.

Danyelle spoke "{RELEASE THE TIGER!!}"

Rupert started flattening barrels as Raph jumped up. “Yeah! Ha! It’s time to mash this pig’s potatoes! Hot soup!”

Raph charged at Rupert while the silverfish escaped before he stopped as Nyriel's ears twitched.

Raph spoke "What the? Hey, this thing talks? *Trips before getting back up.* Uh, Donnie, the helmet’s talking to me!"

Donnie spoke "*As Raph fights Rupert* Oh, goodie! It’s working!"

“You! Hey! Stop! Hey! Whoa! *Tossed around by Rupert before getting back up* How’s this for options: Smash, and bash!” Raph shouted as he attacked Rupert, only for the pig mutant to split into many mini versions as they overwhelmed him.

Mini Ruperts spoke in unison "Time to unleash the flavor!"

Raph yelps "Ow! Hey, stop it! Ow!"

“What just happened?!” I asked in shock.

Donnie spoke "Fascinating. He must have absorbed the silverfish’s powers. This represents a new level of mutant abilities!"

A roar rang loud, distracting Rupert.

Siberian Tiger roars "YOU'RE A DEAD PIG!!"

The savage tiger charged at Meat Sweats, ripping him to shreds.

We managed to get away thanks to Siberian Tiger, but some of his split mini versions caught up with us.

Mikey jumped off a beam as was about to attack the mini Meat Sweats before…

A voice spoke "Impact imminent."

Mikey’s suit suddenly inflated into a giant bouncy ball. “What the? *Bouncing* This totally messed up my steez!”

Leo spoke "*Fighting minis* You’ll beat me… *Knocks away three minis* when pigs fly!"

But the Leo was suddenly shocked.

Leo asks "What was that? *Fighting minis before knocking them away* These little piggies are gonna cry wee-wee-wee- *Shocked again* GAH! This thing doesn’t like my one-liners?"

Mikey soon bounced onto Leo, sending the two of them to us as the minis went back.

Leo asks "Dude, Mikey, what did you do?"

Mikey spoke "I don’t know! It’s this suit! Every time I do some razzmatazz, this thing inflates and throws me off my game! I need my razz and my tazz!"

Leo spoke "And every time I drop a killer joke bomb, this stupid collar zaps me!"

Raph spoke "Well, my gift just keeps nagging me. I don’t need to be told how to think!"

Mikey asks "Does Donnie really think I’m a crazy kangaroo who needs to wear a padded suit so I don’t hurt myself?"

Raph asks "Yeah, does he really think I need to be told what to do all the time?"

Leo asks "Right? And who doesn’t love my one-liners? They fire up the team, right, guys?"

Nyriel spoke "Yeah!"

The rest of us were silent at that.

Leo spoke "Anyway, we need to tell Donnie that he doesn’t get to tell us what to be."

Raph spoke "Yeah, I know. But he’s got such a soft shell."

Leo asks "But it’s like he’s trying to fix us. What are we, broken?"

“No.” Aki, Mikey, Nyriel, Raph and I answered.

Mikey asks "So what are you gonna do about it, leader? Huh? You gonna stand up and tell him his gifts stink?"

Raph spoke "Yeah! Yeah, I think I am! *Brings out phone that’s ringing while saying Donnie* It’s him."

Mikey spoke "Oh, he’s so gonna get it."

Raph answered the call before saying softly, “Ooh, hey buddy! Hey, um. Really loving the gifts you got us. *As I facepalmed* *Laughs* Yeah, we-we know how long it took you to make ‘em and it was so thoughtful. But, uh. Uh, what’s that? Hang on, hang on. I’m gonna put you on speaker.”

Donnie screams "Where did you guys go? They’re all over me and they captured Siberian Tiger for real! They’re gonna cook us alive! Ah!"

We were shocked to hear this.

Kaban had screamed.

We rushed as Nyriel used a spell to make us invisible and hide our scent as we saw the mini Meat Sweats come back into one, completely unharmed. “I’ll deal with the tiger later. Mmm. A delicate soft shell. A sprinkle of paprika should unleash the flavor!”

Raph spoke "Okay. Now according to Donnie’s condescending hat, I need to make a plan."

“Which is?” I asked.

Raph spoke "I'm not good at thinking plans!"

Leo groaned at that.

Mikey spoke "Of course you’re not! And I’m not good at fighting if I can’t razzmatazz!"

Donnie screams "I’m still on speaker!"

As Raph ended the call, Leo said, “And I’m not good at suppressing my lightning wit. The point is: who are we? We are who we are.”

Raph spoke "Yeah. And the only way we’re gonna save Donnie and Siberian Tiger is by being ourselves."

We all agreed with that, since we only needed to be ourselves.

Eurasian Eagle-Owl and Northern White-faced Owl had taken off the necklaces they were wearing, reverting to normal animal forms before flying at Meat Sweats thus clawing at the guy's face with their talons.

Both owls screech as they attacked Meat Sweats thus buying the others time to get Donnie, Kaban and Siberian Tiger away from the crazy guy.

Meat Sweats soon threw the birds off him before he found Donnie, Kaban and Siberian Tiger gone as he saw them being carried away by the others. “Come back! I used three entire pounds of butter on them!”

We got away as Leo snuck up behind Meat Sweats. “Hey Meat Sweats… *Puts collar into Meat Sweats’ pants* Looks like you’re about to get some shocking news! *Collar shocks Meat Sweats* Oh-ho-ho. I love the smell of frying bacon in the morning. *Collar shocks Meat Sweats again* No offense, Kaban."

Kaban groans "I feel sticky..."

Serval and two other Friends had covered the eyes of the three cubs.

Danyelle spoke "Well, yolk's on him then!"

Meat Sweats spoke "*Weakly and dazedly* I must admit, I do smell delicious."

Donnie asks "Huh? Wait, what are you doing?"

Leo spoke "I’m getting the most out of your gift, Donnie! Check it out! Hey Meat Sweats. I hear baloney is full of you!"

Meat Sweats screamed as he was shocked again.

Donnie spoke "Hey, no, that’s not how-"

Leo spoke "He’s getting a little hot under his-"

Meat Sweats punched Leo as Mikey was on a beam.

Mikey asks "Chef Swaggart! Oh! Big fan. I was wondering, um, how do you get your meat so tender?"

Meat Sweats asks "You’ve got to pound it! Huh?"

Computer spoke "Impact imminent."

Mikey spoke "*Jump* Whoo! *Suit inflates* Ah, yeah!"

Mikey bounced around all over the place, pulverizing Meat Sweats as he was sent flying into a standstill abandoned subway train, sending it off the rails and onto its sides. Mikey landed before he and Leo fist-bumped.

Donnie spoke "Hey, hey, hey, that is not how you were supposed to use those! I spent a lot of time on-"

Then we heard a thud from the train.

Mikey spoke "Oh snap!"

Meat Sweats broke out of the train as a subway train passed by, but vanished after the subway train did that.

Mikey spoke "Uh-oh!"

Both Eurasian Eagle-Owl and Northern White-faced Owl wingslap Mikey on the face.

Meat Sweats jumped down, about to pull a surprise attack on us.

Mikey spoke "Oh my gosh!"

But then Raph blocked the attack and delivered a flurry of punches, pushing Meat Sweats back. “Whoo!” But then he was grabbed in the face and tossed around by Meat Sweats before he pushed the pig mutant back. Meat Sweats charged as Raph put the helmet onto his right fist before charging at him. “Hot soup!” Raph punched Meat Sweats, cracking the helmet and sending the pig mutant flying in defeat before he was shoved by a subway train passing by, being dragged along for the ride.

Meat Sweats screams "Rubbish!"

Soon the train left with Meat Sweats, telling us we defeated him.

Raph spoke "Donnie, your gifts really brought out the best in us."

Leo spoke "I’m funnier!"

Mikey spoke "I’m bouncier!"

Raph spoke "And I’m smash-ier! Your gifts are the stuff!"

“Yeah!” Nyriel, Aki and I agreed.

Donnie spoke "But you were supposed to-Ah, forget it. You guys are great the way you are. Bring it in! Group hug!"

The turtles hugged each other before…

Computer spoke "Impact imminent."

Kaban asks "I'm still sticky! wait... Why is Serval looking at me like that?"

Donnie spoke "Don’t worry, Micheal."

Donnie deactivated the suit.

Serval had pounced on Kaban before the two tumble through a portal to the Chuddle Hotel.
