• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 303 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Return of King White?

*Leilani’s POV*

*Sigh…* White… I miss you, so much, every single moment…

Pibby skids to a stop in front of me.

Pibby spoke "The black hedgehog found something!"

“…What?” I asked.

Pibby spoke "You're not gonna believe it but the black hedgehog found an alicorn stallion that looks just like your deceased husband! I suspect that it's a clone though."

"…What?" I was rather confused about what Pibby said.

Whitetwo was lead into the throne room by Shadow.

Pibby spoke "Told you."

I… I couldn’t believe what I was seeing with my own eyes.

Whitetwo asks "Uh hi...?"

Next thing I knew, I hugged Whitetwo with all my strength while I was crying tsunamis.

Sonic spoke "Jeeze great grandma, watch where you aim those tsunamis... I hate water since I can't swim."

Pibby asks "Wait, what’s going on?"

Sonic's left ear twitches since he heard seven sets of hooves skid to a stop in the throne room.

Sonic spoke "Hi grandma Luna, grand-aunt Celestia, dad, aunties Light Breeze, Ivory Dawn, Moonlight Shadow, and Evening Tide."

But when my daughters saw Whitetwo, they completely freaked out.

Both of Celestia's daughters and all three of Luna's children spazz out.

Lance was speechless while Apple Core fainted.

A white furred Mobian alicorn female with a pink mane crashed into a wall, getting her horn stuck.

The female asks "Can someone help me out here?"

Sonic asks "Huh?"

Krystal's left ear twitches.

Krystal asks "That you brother?"

Sonic asks "What?"

Lightning spoke "Hi son."

Sonic asks "Hey dad. What’s going on here?"

Lightning spoke "Seems you met your twin sister, Krystal."

Sonic exclaims "Twin?!"

Maria pops up with Aleena.

Aleena was speechless.

Aleena asks "Krystal?"

Krystal spoke "Hey mom."

Aleena asks "I-Is that really you?"

Krystal spoke "*tears in eyes* Momma..."

Krystal burst into tears as she ran towards Aleena before hugging the hedgehog.

Aleena started crying too as she hugged Krystal back.

Sonata and Adagio show up with Manic and Sonia.

Sonia asks "Mother?"

Krystal pulls her younger siblings over to her with magic before hugging them.

Krystal gives Manic a noogie.

Krystal spoke "‘Sup, little bro."

Manic chuckles "That tickles sis!"

Sonic chuckles "TICKLE FIGHT!!!"

The four siblings were soon in a dust-cloud with all of them trying to tickle each other.

Ivory and her cousins had ganged up on the three hedgehogs and Mobian alicorn before tickling them.

Looking at me, Whitetwo spoke "I'm sorry but I'm not the White you knew long ago... I'm just a clone of him..."

I ask "Wh-what?"

Shadow spoke "It’s true."

Maria wingslaps her husband on the head.

Shadow grabs Maria but she had teleported out of his grip.

Maria giggles "Catch me if you can Shads!"

The hedgehog-eagle hybrid flew off with Shadow chasing her.

I hugged Whitetwo again.

Whitetwo asks "Even though I'm merely a clone of your dead husband, you still like me?"

“Like you?” I asked in surprise before kissing him on the lips as he was surprised before closing his eyes and kissed back. After a minute, the two of us ended that kiss with a wet smack. “Just like the original White, I love you with all my heart.”

Whitetwo spoke "I may have all of the original's memories but I'm not him."

Celestia faints.

Luna faints as well.

Sonic spoke "Grandma Luna, get off..."

Perci asks "Dad?"

Whitetwo asks "So what now?"

A loud boom was heard since Shadow had sent Ein flying with a Chaos Blast.

I smiled as I rubbed my head against his chin. “We could go somewhere nice and romantic.”

Whitetwo chuckles "Sure."

Courtesy of a warp ring from Sonic, Whitetwo and I head to the Chuddle Hotel.

Needless to say, Arcana was shocked to see White again after 8224 years.

“Hope you don’t mind my new appearance, sweetie.” I cooed as I was in my midform.

But unfortunately, Whitetwo didn't have a midform since he was a clone after all.

“One Galaxy Suite for Whitetwo and I, please.” I requested from Helia.

Arcana asks "Leilani, is that who I think it is?"

“Yes and no, Arcana. It is White, but not the original.” I answered.

Arcana spoke "I suppose Celly and Lulu fainted from shock."

“They did.” I confirmed.

Helia spoke "One Galaxy Suite all ready."

I spoke "Not to mention, clones don't have a midform."

Arcana spoke "Oh."

Vetur showed up, holding a necklace. “Maybe this could help give Whitetwo a midform.”

Whitetwo spoke "I'm only a few days old though..."

Vetur comically fell onto her back at that.

Whitetwo spoke "It's true."

Vetur spoke "I-I’m sure you’ll get used to it. Besides, you’ll only go into your midform in midform areas when you want to."

I spoke "Or I could go back to my natural form."

Vetur asks "Wait, that’s possible?"

Sumarda showed up, giggling a bit. “Oh, mom. You always were a bit forgetful. Even though being in an anthro form, being midforms, are preferred in my dimension, it’s possible for visitors to go back to their natural forms."

I spoke "Not counting natural born Mobians since they lack a midform."

Sumarda spoke "Since they already have two arms and two legs."

I giggle "Although with Lillian and Tempest... Those two take on hermaphrodite forms whenever they visit."

Sumarda giggles "Heehee! Yeah, because of their genders when they were human."

I giggle "Yeah though I am surprised that Katie's not a hermaphrodite."

Arcana spoke "That is rather odd."

Sumarda spoke "It actually makes sense since Katie’s been born a female Mobian all of her life."

I spoke "I do find it funny though, Cadence always seem to blow a gasket whenever Danyelle gets couples together... I heard her talking up a storm back when Danyelle pulled that prank on Ash."

Sumarda spoke "Wanna know what I think? I think Cadence is love rivals with Danyelle and Chrysalis."

A loud belch was heard from Danyelle before a scroll appears in Vetur's hand.

Vetur asks "Huh?"

Arcana spoke "Seems there's a new Smasher."

Vetur asks "That being?"

Arcana spoke "By the looks of it... It's Cadence..."

Sumarda asks "Grandma say what now?"

Danyelle pops up.

Danyelle spoke "It was Master Hand's decision."
