• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 303 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...


Mist’s POV*

Aki, Nyriel, the Turtles and I were going throughout the on the rooftops in night, while Raph was in a hippo suit.

Midnight was flying after the Turtles while carrying the three ponykats and the Tri-Pies on his back.

Appleseed asks "Where are we goin'?"

Nyriel spoke "Come on, Midnight. Don’t you remember the news? There’s a mutant hippo magician on the loose that’s been stealing animals from other magicians."

Raph spoke "*Takes off headpiece* You sure that evil mutant hippo is around here? It’s a million degrees in this thing."

Mikey spoke "*Putting on headpiece* Um, I’d be happy to wear it, if you need a break."

Raph spoke "No, no. No, no, no, no. *takes back headpiece* I’m the leader. The leader wears the suit."

Leo spoke "Well, I mean, he’s got a point. Raph is the most hippo-like."

Snowfire spoke "I'm not one for fighting unless provoked."

Appleseed spoke "Ah'll flay that hippo!"

Snowfire's eyes shimmer, as did Nyriel's eyes.

Both hybrids spoke "We see him!"

Raph spoke "If I’m gonna attract him, I need more of that female hippo scent."

Donnie brought out a female hippo-shame cologne spray as he sprayed some female hippo scent on Raph.

Raph spoke "Jazzy fresh."

A voice spoke "Help!"

Raph spoke "Guys, that must be him."

the magician spoke "A hippo magician is trying to saw my magic worm in half."

We went into the park, only to find a cardboard standee of a mutant hippo magician with arrows pointing at a box with an odd worm and a saw in it.

Snowfire spoke "We need a magician to out-trick... Wait... I got it!"

The white furred ponykat pulls out phone before contacting Luster Dawn.

Snowfire spoke "Hey Luster, your parents around? I need their help."

Leo asks "Does anyone else find this whole thing a little-"

Donnie spoke "Odd? Just-"

Mikey asks "Magic worm?"

Raph spoke "Totally legit. *Jumps* Don’t worry, Raph will save you."

Raph landed on the ground, only for his feet to get stuck.

Raph spoke "Uh… ‘ey, ‘ey. Raph stuck."

Leo spoke "Not again."

Nyriel groans "Seriously?"

“What am I gonna do with you, Raph?” I sighed as we went down to help Raph get himself unstuck, only to find out that his feet were on a giant fly trap paper.

Cherry Pie tosses a can of cooking spray to Raph.

Cherry spoke "That stuff should neutralize sticky paper!"

A voice laughs "HAHAHAHA!!! Stepped right into my goop trap."

We looked at the source of the voice, which was the worm in the box.

Raph asks "*Lifts headpiece* Your what now?"

the creature spoke "Goop trap."

Mikey asks "*Going down slide* Talking magic worm?"

The worm spoke "That was all a ruse. *Takes of fake glasses, nose and mustache* For I am Warren Stone, your greatest foe, and-"

Leo put a finger on the worm’s pompadour, stopping him as the name didn’t ring any bells whatsoever to any of us.

Leo asks "I’m sorry, Warren who?"

The Worm snaps "*Swats finger away* Stop it. Stone. I’m your great-I’m your greatest fo-"

Leo asks "Ah, don’t tell me. What are you? Uh, Worm-Man?"

Worm spoke "No, no, no, I’m Wa-"

Raph asks "*Takes headpiece off* Can someone help me get unstuck?"

Leo spoke "Fine."

We went back to helping Raph get unstuck.

The can that Cherry Pie had thrown was now in Raph's hand.

The Worm spoke*As Raph poured the can, getting himself unstuck* Um, greatest nemesis, here. Stop."

Then the worm gave out a battle cry as he jumped onto Leo’s head.

Leo spoke "*Panicking* Ah, get it off of me. It’s gross."

The Worm spoke Classic mistake. I may be small, but I’m also very-Ah!"

Leo whacked the worm off his head into the air. “Huh?” Leo noticed before he sliced the worm as his upper half fell onto the ground with some of his suit shredded and a bone sticking out of where he was sliced like a dead crewmate on a spaceship.

Raph asks "Oh, what did you do?"

Leo spoke "He was on my head. I panicked. *Chewing fingernails*"

Mikey asks "Is he gonna be okay?"

Raph spoke "Is he gonna be okay? *As all of us noticed the worm’s twitching lower half fall onto the ground* He’s in two pieces."

A larger than normal crow was airlifting April with its talons.

Nyriel spoke "Don't shoot! Toto's a friend."

Worm spoke "You fools."

That made all of us just back off, squealing and whimpering in shock and surprise.

Worm spoke "You’ve unleashed my ultimate power. Now I can-"

Mikey asks "You can clone yourself?"

Worm spoke "No, I regenerate. *Groans* It’s an amazing power, but it’s incredibly painful."

Donnie asks "Fascinating. How long does the regeneration process take?"

Worm: Several… days.

Mikey spoke "And you grow back with double the strength."

Worm spoke "No."

Raph spoke "But four times the size."

Worm spoke "If I don’t grow back twice as strong, why would I grow back four times as big? Ow."

Leo spoke "I don’t understand you."

Nyriel sighs "Come on everyone. You too, Toto. This guy’s too pathetic to even be bird food."

Rap spoke "*Putting on headpiece* Can we go get some pizza now? I’m hungry."

“Sure.” I answered

All of us started leaving.

Mikey asks "Are you sure he’s gonna be okay, guys?"

Worm groans "I’m fine, you swamp-stinking, county-fair-prize losers. Oof."

Toto chirp-sighed, agreeing with what Nyriel said as he followed us. Man, that wasn’t even an insult as none of us were angered by it.

Raph spoke "You heard him scream. He’s fine. Ugh, I had my fists set on bustin’ up a magic hippo. What a waste."

All of us then left as later that night, we met up with Trixie and Card.

Aki spoke "That worm was a weirdo..."

“You’re telling me. Hey, Trixie. Hey, Card.” I greeted.

Luster spoke "Hey Mist."

Trixie was reading a book.

Card spoke "We heard about what happened."

Luster spoke "Joke villains aren't meant to be taken seriously."

Donnie: *As Mikey put on the hippo suit* I listened in on the police and found out where the mutant hippo magician will strike next.

Danyelle appears via warp ring, back in her human form.

Danyelle spoke "Hey guys."

Leo asks "Here to help?"

Danyelle spoke "Eyup."

Leo spoke "Good."

Soon, we went to a TV news building.

Leo asks "Now, you’re sure the hippo’s in there?"

Nyriel spoke "We can’t make any mistakes this time."

Donnie spoke "Uh, yes, I picked it up on my scanner. A currant occupant called it in."

Raph asks "Now, explain it to me again, why can’t I wear the suit?"

All of us, except Luster, Trixie, Card and Danyelle, gave an exasperated sigh at that.

Leo spoke "Oh, we’ve been over this."

“You forgot already?” I deadpanned.

Donnie spoke "You ruined that woman’s 95th birthday."

Raph spoke "She’s fine."

Danyelle spoke "I doubt that... Older mortals tend to have heart attacks more often than younger mortals would..."

Mikey spoke "I’ll do you in the suit proud."

Raph spoke "Treat her with respect. And be careful."

Mikey jumped into the building and started dancing as the rest of us went into the building.

Leo asks "Uh, what is he doing?"

Donnie spoke "Some mating dance he saw on Nature Planet."

Mikey spoke "*female voice* Hippo, I’m right here."

Danyelle was listening for anything out of the ordinary.

Leo spoke "*On microphone* Hippo-Man. Your biggest fan is here. She loves magician’s animals. Bunnies, doves, tigers and was hoping you brought some."

Mikey spoke "I hope he likes me."

Leo spoke "*On microphone* He will. Of course he’ll like you. You’re adorable."

Mikey kept dancing towards a set before-

A person spoke "Breaking news."

Danyelle whispers "Hush Leo."

But the rest of us went to Mikey as the spotlights shined on a chair with its back towards us.

A voice spoke "*While clapping hands* You may have beaten me before, but I’m a little tougher this time. *As chair turn around* You see, I’ve enhanced myself. I’ve really grown into my role as your greatest nemesis. I’m really pumped for our little tete-a-tete."

We were really caught off guard by the unfamiliar mutant.

Raph gasps "Jumpin’ Jack Flash!"

A few seconds of silence passed by.

“Are you a hippo?” I asked as it angered the mutant.

The mutant spoke "No, I’m not a hippo. *Flexing muscles* Do I look like a hippo to-"

Donnie asks "*Measuring mutant* Maybe a baby hippo?"

The mutant spoke "I am not a hippo, and please stop interrupting me. I called in the hippo sighting."

Mikey spoke "*Lifts headpiece* Guys. He’s Current Occupant."

Stopping the others with a glare, Danyelle asks "Who are you?"

The mutant spoke "Yes, he gets it. I am Currant Occupant."

Mikey asks "And we’re here to save you from the hippo Magician. Where is he?"

The worm spoke "No, you green idiot. It was a ruse. There is no hippo. I’m Warren Stone, your greatest nemesis."

Danyelle spoke "…Doesn’t ring a bell."

The worm spoke "Prepare to meet your-"

Then an explosion went off, making us yelp as a hippo mutant magician emerged from the purple smoke.

Hippo mutant spoke "Ta-da! *Catching floating chakrams as the worm’s upper and lower half fell to the floor* Hypno-Potamus has arrived.

Raph spoke "*Shoving worm’s upper half away* Finally. It’s the thing we actually care about."

Danyelle spoke "Toto, sic im!"

The large crow chases after Warren, driving the worm mutant off.

Raph spoke "You’re up, Mikey."

The scent on Mikey’s hippo suit attracted Hypno-Potamus.

Hypno-Potamus spoke "Hello, future Mrs. Hypno-Potamus."

Mikey spoke "*Giggle* You tease. *As Hypno winked* Oh my."

Hypno-Potamus started kissing the suit’s headpiece before Mikey got to us without his said headpiece.

Mikey spoke "See? My hippo is more hippo-ey."

A sudden Battouga slices through Hypno-Potamus' neck, killing the mutant.

Haru spoke "And that's all she wrote!"

But a gust of wind had knocked Haru's battouga off course, causing the brown cat to crash into a wall.

Hypno-Potamus spoke "Didn’t count on air-bending, did ya? Wait…"

Hypno-Potamus then noticed the headpiece in his hands, making him yelp and panic before he noticed us.

Hypno-Potamus spoke "Pulled the ol’ false-Jenny on me. Ugh. I gotta say, this has been the worst mating season. *Readying chakrams* Ah, feel the power."

Leo spoke "That is one well-dressed evil mutant hippo."

Raph spoke "Fellas, let’s smash this guy."

Worm spoke "*Running from Toto* No, smash this guy. This one right here. Me. Oh, come on."

We started fighting the hippo mutant as he was defending himself perfectly with dozens of tricks up his sleeve.

Hypno-Potamus spoke "Sleight of hand."

But Trixie and Card were both able to out-trick the mutant hippo.

But then…

Hypno-Potamus spoke "Mesmer-roo!…"

His uvula started swinging as a sound wave emitted from his mouth before everything went black.

*Danyelle’s POV*

Everyone, even Haru, was hypnotized while I was frozen with them in midair.

Hypno-Potamus spoke "Now, which one should I take care of first, hmm? Big Red? Baby Blue? No. Haha. I think I’ll start with you, you lovely tricksters."

Worm scoffs "*As Toto was hypnotized as well* Tch. Some nemesis. He doesn’t even know their names."

But then I saw the worm notice a gold statuette of his head, but human, as Hypno-Potamus grabbed Mikey, Trixie and Card and held them down.

Hypno-Potamus spoke "This could get messy. Like me gumboots in a downy drenched."

The hippo tossed his chakram before the worm appeared in front of the hypnotized three. “Breaking news. *Stops chakram as it was stuck in his pompadour* If anyone’s going to end these guys, *Takes off chakram* it’s going to be me."

Hypno-Potamus asks "*Catches chakram before spinning it around his finger* Sorry, who-who-who are you?"

Worm spoke "I’m Warren… *Pompadour splits in half before he put it back together* I’m Warren “Bad Boy” Stone. I hate these hero punks more than anyone, that’s why I have to stop you."

Hypno-Potamus spoke "Ahahaha! I’m laughing. Prepare to be Mezmer-roo…"

The mutant sent out that hypnotic vibration again as the worm grabbed the jewel in his chest.

TheWorm spoke "This is really gonna hurt."

The worm ripped the jewel out of him before putting in the vibration’s line of fire, reflecting it back at Hypno-Potamus, hypnotizing him and knocking him out could as the Jewel disintegrated and the worm wasn’t buff anymore. “Hmm, heroes. Finally, we can-Ah!”

Leo fell onto him with the others and myself in midair falling to the ground as my friends snapped out of it.

Leo asks "What just happened?"

Raph spoke "I think we won."

Donnie spoke "My plan must’ve worked."

Raph spoke "And it was my plan to use your plan. You’re welcome everybody."

Mist asks "Really, Raph?"

Mikey spoke "I think by rejecting him I broke his heart. *Taking off hippo suit* Ooh, sheesh. This suit has too much power."

The worm spoke "No."

Everyone else asks "Huh?"

The worm was stuck in the behind of Leo’s shell.

Worm spoke "I saved you loser heroes by hypnotizing that beast and saving your lives."

Leo grabbed the worm and pulled him out as the turtle and everyone else found that hard to believe.

Leo asks "And you are?"

I was glowing bright red since my anger had gone off the deep end as I grab the hippo mutant by the neck, strangling him.

I snarl "How dare you hypnotize my friends, my adopted granddaughter AND ME?"

Raph spoke "Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down, Dany! We beat him!"

Ben spoke "Danyelle… SIT GIRL!!!"

I was too blinded by rage to hear my husband's voice.

Raph spoke "Guys! We need to stop her!"

Everyone then started to pry me off Hypno-Potamus.

Shadow pops up.

Shadow spoke "That won't work guys, she's too blinded by anger. And unless you want to be in the radius for when she fires off that Chaos Blast, I suggest you guys all run."

Ben spoke "We won’t just let her go on a rampage!"

Raph spoke "Yeah! She’s our friend!"

Shadow spoke "It's been about 224 years since Danyelle last used Chaos Blast outside of Smash tournaments.... So yeah... She's got a LOT of anger built up."

Leo: We don’t care about that! We can’t let Dany lose herself!

The others agreed.

Shadow phones Chameleo.

Shadow spoke "We got a problem!"

Chameleo then showed up through a portal that just opened. “Say no more! Everyone get out and away from the building, even the unconscious or villainous people, while I take care of Danyelle!” Chameleo said before he whispered to Shadow and Ben, “To help get some steam out of her system that is.”

Ben spoke "But 224 years worth of anger can lead to an explosive end of someone's life!"

Chameleo: *Smirk* Then…

Chameleo made a familiar symbol out of water before it glowed.

I shot high heat fire at Chameleo, my anger aimed at him now.

Chameleo spoke "Now now, cool off. Chilling Water!"

Chameleo fired sub-zero cold water at my flames, causing them both to vanish from the clash.


Chameleo spoke "How about some Hydro Vortex!"

The two Z-Move attacks canceled each other out.

But a sudden Gigavolt Havoc had struck Chameleo.

I snarl "Too bad! You can only use a Z-move once!"

But when the smoke cleared, Chameleo was glowing brown as his skin was somehow crystallized with him wearing a crown jewel shaped and colored like a cut-through model of the Earth, completely unaffected by the attack. “Surprised?”


I send Chameleo flying far with my attack.

But then Chameleo vanished in a puff of smoke.

ChameYou cool now?"

I looked to my right to see another Chameleo, realizing what I hit was a shadow clone.


Chameleo spoke "Guess not. But when you’re a ninja, you gotta use with what ya got."

Suddenly, I had used Accelero to boost my speed 50-fold thus making it impossible for Chameleo to track my movements.

I was as fast as lightning, striking the back of Chameleo's neck with a roundhouse kick thus sending him into a wall.

But then he poofed again, revealed to be another shadow clone before the another Chameleon grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. “I’ve been training my instincts.”

I grab Chameleo by the tail before spinning around fast, making him dizzy to the point he couldn't focus before throwing him far away with a Goofy Yell.

Chameleo spoke "Wow, you just threw me like Bowser."

I looked to my left and saw another Chameleo. “How long are you gonna keep this up?!”

Chameleo spoke "Until you calm down, Dany."

I spoke "CHAOS.... BLAST!!!!"

I sent Chameleo flying with a Chaos Blast, just like I had done to Galleji one time.

A voice spoke "GAME!"

I sat down while panting.

Not noticing the inhibitor rings I now wore, I spoke "*sigh* That felt good..."

Then Master Hand showed up, carrying Chameleo.

Chameleo asks "Feeling better?"

I spoke "I needed let off some steam before my own Chaos powers destroyed my body."

My dimensional scream kicks in, showing me a vision of a raging Mira against Freed.

Chameleo also saw what I had seen.

Chameleo spoke "Sheesh. Future wrath incoming."

I spoke "Not only that... Laxus is planning to TAKE OVER the Maretime Bay Fairy Tail guild!"

Chameleo spoke "Here we go again..."

I growl "That damn wyvern's gone too far!"
