• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,085 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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Ruins of a fallen city

As Zipp, Pipp, and Hitch all got to the castle, they heard fighting and when they go to check it out, Izzy is on the ground, struggling to get away while Sunny walks after her. “And where do you think you’re going?” she says before stomping on Izzy’s leg, causing her to scream in pain and look up at her with pleading eyes. “Next time you wanna fight somebody way stronger than you, maybe bring friends.. although to be fair, there won’t be a next time for you.” she says with a cruel edge to her voice as a retractable blade comes out of one of the gauntlets attached to her armor. Zipp quickly knocks Sunny away from Izzy full force, also sending a shock through her that sent her flying even further away than intended.

“Well you have a point, but there are just two things you got wrong,” Zipp says as she slowly helps Izzy up. She turns to Sunny and continues talking. “There will be a next time for her.. and she did bring friends.” she says and just as she does, Pipp lands by her on the right and Hitch walks up beside her on the other. “We’re not giving up on you Sunny, we’ll save you no matter what it takes.”

Sunny gets up and glares at them all and takes out both her swords. “Sure you will.. if that’s what you truly believe.. then come on and try.. but just a heads up, you’ll have to fight me to actually succeed.” she says as she gets in her stance and the others do the same.

“If that’s what it takes, then so be it.” Hitch says as he gets his newly acquired pistols ready and sets them to stun. Pipp takes out two ring-blades with a glowing golden outline. Izzy takes out a retractable scythe that’s in it's mini-scythe form right now. Zipp takes out a sword that is actually two swords that split and become two when a button is pressed on the bottom of the handle. None of their weapons are meant to kill Sunny but they are meant to hurt and wear her down quickly. Either of those or at the very least, they’re meant for breaking her armor, then the punching starts. Sunny charges at them and they all split up and surround her and attack her. She blocks and counters their hits or at least most of them. The others could see that pieces of Sunny’s armor were starting to come off, which prompted them to attack faster and harder.

Sunny just continues fighting but then she starts using tricks, like teleporting to make them mess each other up or to kick one into the other. She kicks Izzy away, almost knocking her off the castle grounds then she kicks Hitch into the castle, cracking the wall and possibly his spine. Zipp tries using her speed to attack Sunny at multiple angles so she wouldn’t get time to do anything and it worked.. for about two minutes but then Sunny caught one of her kicks and slammed her onto the ground and threw her into Pipp who was jumping at her to try and help her sister. They both went flying through the front door, knocking it down in the process. Zipp tries to get up but she just falls back down after feeling a sharp pain go through her back and wings. Pipp gets off her and tries helping her up as she sees Sunny slowly walking towards them, her swords ready.

“Zipp come on! You’re ok, get up!” she shouts as she tries to get her sister up but Zipp just groans in pain whenever she tries. After a few tries, Zipp claimed that it was hopeless and told Pipp to just leave her and get help. Sunny was getting closer and closer and Pipp was getting really scared. She knew that if she stayed and kept trying, Sunny would kill them both immediately but on the other hand, she could fight and try to give Zipp time to recover.. but then she realized it wouldn’t be enough.. she wasn’t going to leave Zipp behind though, no matter what. She stood up and turned to Sunny, her ring blades ready. Sunny stopped and laughed at her.

“Oh Pipp, I gotta say I’m kind of impressed. I hoped you would run away and leave Zipp to die but.. you’ve surprised me.. for the last time it seems!” she says and starts running at Pipp, scaring her but prompting her to do the same. As they charge at each other, Pipp jumps at Sunny while yelling. As soon as Sunny jumps at her, she’s knocked back by some sort of force that came from Pipp. Turns out it was a sonic scream. That much is clear when Sunny realizes that as she goes flying off the castle grounds, she can’t hear anything except the ringing in her ears. She can’t even hear whenever she crashes through a building or into the ground. As she gets up, she holds one of her ears and shakes her head, trying to get the pain and the ringing to stop. “Okayyyy.. apparently that wasn’t the last time she’d surprise me.. ow..” Sunny says as she waits for her ears to recover. After a few minutes they do and she walks through the alleyways of Zephyr Heights and is shocked to see one of her heroes actually here and helping to calm things down. “S-Sunset Shimmer..” she says quietly to avoid gaining her attention. “It’s really her.. wait.. if she’s here.. then..” she continues but before she can finish her sentence, she feels somebody grab her shoulder and quickly turns around, a magic blast ready to incinerate them but she sees it’s Askari, who was covered in a little more than a few burns and bruises.

“Come on, we have somewhere else we need to be.” Askari says with a hoarse voice, gesturing to the castle and Sunny nods and teleports them back up there. “You cover me while I get to the weather machine at the top of it.” she says once they get there and once again, Sunny nods before Askari runs up to the castle and jumps on the side of it, making quite a distance with her new magic and using it to make tendrils come out of her arms and pull her up between jumps and sprints. Sunny sees Hitch about to shoot at her and quickly uses her magic to take the gun away from him and hit him on the back of the head with it. Once he’s down, she does a massive leap into the air and comes down straight on top of him. He rolls out of the way before she lands on him though, so she just ends up severely cracking the ground with her immense alicorn strength then standing up and getting in her stance as he does the same. He feels the pain in his back getting worse from when Sunny kicked him but tries not to show how much pain he’s actually in.

“Sunny, this is your last chance.. stop this now or.. or else.” Hitch says, earning a scoff from Sunny.

“Or else what, Hitch? You wouldn’t hurt your best friend would you? We both know that you look at me and still see the old Sunny inside me. Well maybe you shouldn’t.. then again that makes it easier for me to end you and the others.” Sunny says and Hitch cringes and shakes his head.

“You’re not what Midnight made you! You’re better than this! I know you are, we all know you are.. even you know you are!” Hitch shouts. He really was hoping that his words would get through to his friend.. he honestly didn’t know what he would do without Sunny, she was his best friend.. she was like the little sister he never had.

She sighs and gives him a serious look. “Sorry to disappoint you Hitch, but your efforts.. your words.. they’re all falling on deaf ears, let me tell you something “H-bomb” and I want you to hear me loud. And. Clear. The old Sunny.. who I used to be is gone and she is never coming back. I’m all that’s left.. you mean nothing to me.. neither does anypony else.” she says before one of her retractable blades come out and she aims right at his heart. Her words really hit him hard and he was so close to giving up. Was Sunny really gone? Was there really no way to save the Sunny that he knew? He grew an angry look and decided that there was only one way to find out as he grabbed his guns and aimed at her. She was about to charge at him but then she hears a booming voice from above her.

“I’m afraid the only one who will be disappointed any further is you!” the voice said and when Sunny turned to the source, she was shocked to see two alicorn princesses, one white, one blue, both looking very unhappy. The white one had a multicolored, flowing mane and tail that consisted of green and pink while the blue one had a mane that was blue, flowing, had a darker outline, and sparkled as if it contained stars.

“P-Princess Celestia.. and.. Princess Luna.. you’re both back.. how?” Sunny asks, still shocked that the princesses of the Sun and the Moon have returned and were now right before her eyes. Part of her wanted to give up and bow to them and apologize for everything.. but that part of her was weak. She glares at them both as her eyes glow purple more than the other times they have. “Actually you know what? It doesn’t matter, you’re both too late to stop us.” She says before blasting her magic at both of the original princesses but they block it then combine their own magic before blasting it at Sunny and at first it seems like it hits her but it turns out that she’s holding it back and adding her own magic to it to make it stronger. She then yells and sends the giant ball of magic back at them and they attempt to dodge it but don’t get out of the way in time. They both get sent flying miles away, even going through mountains. Sunny laughs at them both but then hears another voice.

“Hey!! Pick on someone your own size, from your own generation!!” she hears before she gets a hard kick to the back which sends her through one of the castle’s walls. She’s about to get up but then a new alicorn stomps on her chest, this one having a bright yellow coat with a grey mane that has a line of pink hair going down the middle before curving to the left. She has blue eyes and her wings and horn aren’t transparent like Sunny's. “It’s sad really, to see a pony my age like you be turned into such a monster.. this has to be made right and I promise, I will help your friends make it right.” she says before Sunny kicks her off with her right leg and gets up.

“Who the hell are you?” Sunny asks the new alicorn. They circle each other for a bit before she gets an answer.

“Figures that I’ve heard of you but you haven’t really heard a single thing about me. My name is Brightburn Suntamer, and I’m here to save you.. so you can save everypony else.. Sunny Starscout.” the new alicorn says and Sunny growls before attacking her, starting their battle but Sunny quickly starts losing, as it turns out this new alicorn is much more skilled than her. She’s soon on the ground, weakened, both her swords and her armor broken.

“Ok I’ve done it, get us out of here!” Askari shouts through the earpiece that allows her to talk to Sunny.

“I can’t.. I don’t have much strength left..” Sunny responds and Askari lets out a groan of frustration, trying to think of a way for them to escape until Zipp knocks her into a kick from Pipp which ends up with Askari leaning against a wall. It looks like they’re about to lose until a missile is fired at the castle and explodes, causing Zipp and Pipp to stumble a bit and Askari takes the chance to jump off the top of the castle and use a tendril of her magic to swing down right to where Sunny is and kick the alicorn away from her. She grabs Sunny and helps her up and tries helping her limp to where they’re right under the airship. Artemis and Thunderbird both jump out of the smoke that had formed from everything that just happened and chase after them. “Oh no..” Sunny says weakly and Askari grabs a grenade, pulls the pin, then throws it at them. Thunderbird blocks it so Artemis could get to them. She continues chasing them, determined to at least catch Sunny so they could save her. She jumps after them when she’s close enough and after blasting Askari, she tries grabbing Sunny but a magic blast knocks her away but that blast quickly turns into a tendril that drags her along the ground then throws her into the castle.

Sunny and Askari both look at where the magic came from and sure enough, Midnight was right there, floating above them. “Might I say, you two have done a fantastic job. I’m proud of you both. Just look at what you’ve done with the place.” she says as she looks around, taking in the beauty of the amount of destruction that these two have managed to cause to Zephyr Heights along with the Deathbolts. She sees Artemis, Celestia, Luna, and Brightburn all coming together and combining their magic and waiting till it’s strong enough before sending it at Midnight and she just smirks and lets it hit her. It seems to hurt at first but she slowly gets used to it and looks at them, still smirking. “You never learn do you.. and now.. you lose.” she says before curling up into a ball as she starts to glow more. Everyone’s eyes go wide as they realize what she’s about to do.

“Get back and find cover!!” Artemis shouts to everypony but it’s too late. Midnight uncurls and when she does, all the magic she absorbed goes everywhere in a giant wave of purple dark magic, destroying most of what’s left of Zephyr Heights and harming anyone who was caught in the blast, even killing many civilians just from flying debris or overexposure. Discord managed to save who he could including everyone at the castle but not everyone was as lucky. Once the wave of dark magic stopped.. everyone’s hearts felt like they had stopped, even Sunny’s. Zephyr Heights.. was almost completely destroyed, almost every building damaged or just nonexistent anymore, fire everywhere.. injured or dead pegasi strewn throughout the city. Sunny was on the brink from seeing all this.. she was actually starting to cry from how much guilt she felt on the inside.

“Let’s go you two, our work here is done. The rest of our plan will come to fruition later.” Midnight says before flying higher and calling all the Deathbolts back to the airship. She teleports them onto it when they’re close enough then teleports Askari too. Sunny looks at all the destruction and death before looking to her friends who were all unconscious.

The real her comes out and luckily Midnight doesn’t notice as she speaks. “I’m so sorry..” she says before Midnight teleports her onto the ship and gets on it herself afterwards. After she’s certain everyone’s accounted for, the airship departs the fallen city.. leaving it in ruins.