• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,085 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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Light vs Dark Pt. 7

Everypony was running and avoiding the blasts from the turrets, but Askari, Firestar, and Brightburn were already injured. They had no idea how they had discovered their location, the ship was still in stealth mode and Twilight had placed an invisibility spell on everyone. Violet flys up and avoids blasts for as long as she can but eventually has to block one with her sword which absorbs the energy from the blast but she’s sent flying back a bit and is stunned. Another blast heads towards her but Pipp moves her out of the way as fast as she can. Thankfully neither of them are hurt. Twilight and Thunderbird do their best to destroy some of the turrets but only end up disabling five of them which leaves 9 more. Things get worse when Deathbolts fly from behind the wall and start heading towards them.

Twilight wishes more than ever that her friends were here, Rainbow and Spike would easily take care of them all but right now it was just them and.. she could sense something. She could sense Sunny struggling.. she’s struggling to fight Midnight.. and she’s in distress. She uses alicorn empathy to see what’s happening with her and sees Sunny throwing everything she can at Midnight, fighting wildly and Midnight is blocking, countering, and dodging all of Sunny’s strikes and she immediately knows HOW she’s doing it: alicorn empathy. She secretly tells Sunny that they’re all ok and tells her how to block Midnight out of her head and after a while, Sunny tells her she’s got it figured out and Twilight sees that she’s actually starting to land hits on Midnight. She then refocuses on the fight. She knows Sunny will take down Midnight.. she has to.. for all their sakes.

While Sunny was taking on Midnight, Izzy was handling the Changelings with little difficulty. She was a bit confused as to why Sunny suddenly went from being rageful and fighting wildly to being calm and fighting stylishly. Seriously, the way Sunny was fighting, it could almost be mistaken for dancing with how smoothly she was moving. Sure Midnight got a few good hits in but most of them were blocked by Sunny’s shield or countered with magic or her sword. After taking down all the changelings and encasing them in ice, Izzy goes to help Sunny. “Izzy no! Stay back! You need to shut down the power!” Sunny yells and Izzy stops and gives her a hesitant and worried look. Sunny gives a reassuring smile as she blocks one of Midnights attacks. “Don’t worry.. I’ll catch up with you!” she says and Izzy nods and runs off, allowing Sunny to turn her attention back to Midnight, immediately receiving a kick to the face that sends her sliding back.

While Sunny is stunned, Midnight takes the chance to throw her newly formed bident at her and Sunny manages to block it, causing it to stab into the wall and get stuck. Sunny smirks at Midnight who smirks back and reaches her hand out towards Sunny and Sunny can tell something isn’t right. She hears something and when she looks behind her she barely dodges when she sees the bident coming straight at her and it flys back into Midnight’s hand. Sunny tries to get up but a magical tendril wraps around her and swings her around, slamming her into the floor, the walls, the roof and finally, right into a punch from Midnight. “It doesn’t matter if your little friend manages to shut off the power, I have more than enough weapons and tech to make my army unbeatable.” Midnight says as she walks towards a downed Sunny. She raises her bident and sends it downward straight towards her but Sunny uses her sword, which was charged with magic to block it and knock it out of her hand. Midnight growls and grabs Sunny, flying back, spinning around, and throwing her into a wall, cracking it and making a crater.

Sunny coughs and rolls out of the way just as Midnight slams down on the area where she had just been, a wave of destructive magic blasting out from her attack. They both glare at each other and suddenly the floor above them starts collapsing and melting and Magma suddenly drops through it and glares at Sunny. “You!” she says before taking out some lava claws and putting them on her hands. Midnight holds her hand towards her, telling her to stand down.

“No! You go after the unicorn, don’t let her turn the power off!” she says and as soon as Magma tries to object, she gives her a death glare, making her back down and start to go after Izzy and Sunny secretly warns her that she’s on her way. She then gets up and faces Midnight. “Now, where were we? Hmmm.. oh right, I was just trying to kill you.” Midnight says before disappearing and reappearing behind Sunny but this time Sunny was ready for her as she blocked her attack, the magic that she charged into her shield sending a shockwave towards her that knocks her into a wall. Sunny chuckles and looks at her weapons.

“Thank you Thunderbird.” she says before firing a beam of magic at Midnight, who does the same. Their magic clashes together and starts combining and becoming unstable.

Sunny stops firing and moves out of the way and the magic hits the wall behind her, causing a massive explosion that knocks both her and Midnight through the next wall and makes the entire building shake. Sunny shakes her head as she starts to get up and she sees Midnight doing the same but before she does anything, Sunny senses something as she sees the alicorn amulet glow: pain. The weird part is that Midnight doesn’t seem like she’s in pain so.. it must be coming from Solaris.. that would explain why she could barely sense her now. She had to confirm what she was thinking first. “What are you doing to Solaris, Midnight?!” she asks angrily and Midnight looks at her before breaking into fits of laughter.

“Oh you haven’t guessed it yet? Boy, you really are dumb. The amulet doesn’t just strengthen my magic it drains my soul, or in this case, Solaris’s soul since I don’t have one. This is the only way for me to get rid of her without dying in the process. I’m bonded to hers, and as long as she continues to live inside my mind and body, I’ll never reach my full potential.” she explains coldly and Sunny gives her a look of shock, which quickly turns to anger.

“You. Are. Pure. Evil. You’re destroying the good part of you just so you can become more cruel! You’re killing Solaris!” Sunny yells in anger, her eyes glowing gold and Midnight chuckles evilly, her own eyes glowing red.

Exactly.” she says before both she and Sunny charge at each other and clash, once again making the building shake.

Izzy was so worried about Sunny but she knows she can handle herself. She just has to hurry and cut the power so the others can get past the defenses. While she was running and looking for a generator or whatever powered the place, she found something even better. She found the rest of the Mane 6 and Spike and they were in some sort of specialized cage. The room it was in was massive and it was hanging right above a pit, and Izzy doubted she wanted to know where it led to. “You’re all okay!” she yelled in excitement and they all smile when they notice her.

“We said we would be, didn’t we?” Rainbow asks with a smug look on her face and Izzy giggles before searching for some way to get them out of there.

“Does anypony know how to open it?” she asks and all of them shake their heads, and Spike explains that whenever they try using their powers, the cage shocks them with electricity that not even Rainbow Dash can absorb. That gives Izzy an idea.

“Hmmm maybe it only shocks those who are IN the cage trying to use their powers. All of you stand back, it’s about to get a little cold in there.” Izzy says and they all get ready before Izzy attacks the cage with an unending blast of ice magic. She hears footsteps behind her and feels the room heat up. “Oh no..” she says before turning around to see Magma who’s smirking at her.

“Well look who we have here.” she says before slamming her fists on the ground, making lava come out of it and continue straight to where Izzy is. Izzy quickly makes a mountain of ice below herself by stomping but she continues to try and freeze the cage but with Magma here, it’s way more difficult. Especially since she has to keep the mountain from melting as well. Magma sends lava boulders up at her and she dodges them both but just barely. She then starts attacking the mountain, making it melt.

“No no no no! I’ve almost got it!” Izzy yells but Rarity steps up to where she’s blasting and has a determined look on her face.

“Rarity don’t-!” Pinkie tries to say but Rarity starts freezing the cage as well and the cage shocks her but she continues to do it, despite the pain. Suddenly Applejack and Spike start trying to break the cage and she smiles at them both. Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy all start helping as well and Izzy smiles at them. No wonder Sunny admired them so much.. they always stick together and they never give up. So she wasn’t going to give up either.

Suddenly she feels the mountain shake and she slips and starts to slide right to where the lava is. She screams and tries to stop but it’s no use. “IZZY!!!” the Mane 6 yells and she closes her eyes, preparing herself for the slow and painful death that awaits right below her.. but it didn’t happen. She opens her eyes and sees she’s enveloped in dark purple magic. Magma growls and turns to see her ex-best friends, Nebula and Firestar standing right next to Askari. Nebula levitates Izzy over to them before walking forward.

“Shade please.. this has to stop.” Nebula says but Magma just growls and her hands glow and so do her eyes.

“I’ll never stop! Why can’t you see that Midnight is who’s side you should be on?! You’re helping the very pony who destroyed our home and killed so many of our friends!!”

“Because the only reason Sunny did it was because of Midnight! She was controlling her! Don’t you see?! Midnight has been lying to you!” Firestar says and Nebula stomps making lava rise up but stop right in front of them.

“You’re the ones lying to me! I was about to spend the rest of my life burnt. Scarred. I probably would’ve died. But Midnight.. she healed me. Hell, she made me better than I was before. So excuse me if I would rather side with her than the pony who almost ended my life. Just like you two are doing now.” Magma says as she gestures to Askari, who looks guilty as soon as she does. “She shot me in the legs and I couldn’t run away when the volcano erupted. She shot you too Neb!” she says, causing Askari to look down.

“Look, I get it, I’ve made mistakes and so has Sunny but Midnight.. she manipulated both of us. She promised me revenge too but when I finally got it.. it didn’t feel right.. I don’t know why, maybe it was because I realized that everything I did.. all the ponies I’ve hurt or killed.. was just so I could kill one more.. that it was all meaningless. I also realized, after seeing the damage and pain that I caused, that my parents wouldn’t have wanted all that for me.. so I left.. now I know what the right thing to do is, and it’s time you did too.” Askari says and Magma seems to think about it before she glares at them all.

She yells in anger, sending a wave of lava at them all but Nebula teleports them past it to the other side of the giant room. She and Izzy blast Magma, sending her through the door. “Izzy, get them out of that cage! Now!!” Nebula yells and Izzy nods and continues to blast the cage. Magma blasts the door in and starts fighting with the others as they give Izzy time to free the rest of the Mane 6.

After Twilight sent Nebula, Firestar, and Askari into Canterlogic, everyone thought the power would’ve been off already but something was wrong, the plan was going wrong. Twilight prepares to send a powerful magical blast towards the wall but before she can, an explosion knocks her and everyone else far back and wounds them all. Twilight shakes her head and looks around to see if everyone else was fine and also to find out what caused that explosion. After confirming that everyone’s alive, she sees that it was the same hybrid who she had faced in the past, the same one who had hurt her parents.. and the same one who killed Zipp and Pipp’s mother. “Ragnar..” she says and he smirks down at her.

“Well well well.. Princess. Twilight. Sparkle. Should’ve known I’d eventually see you on the frontlines again. Shame your little friends couldn’t join us though, but I guess they were too busy being tortured by Midnight to join us so I guess we can’t really blame them.” He says, smirking evilly at the mention of Twilight’s friends being tortured. Seeing that just makes Twilight even angrier but she breathes in and out to calm down. She senses a huge amount of rage from behind her and instantly realizes it’s coming from Zipp, who’s shaking with anger and radiating with electricity.

“You.. take away my home.. my mother.. and yet you’re still. Smiling.. like it’s something to be proud of!!” She yells, startling everyone, especially Pipp and Hitch. She then points a shaky finger at him aggressively. “So now.. I’m gonna be proud when I make you pay for all of it! I’m gonna kill you myself!” she says earning a stunned look from him before he suddenly breaks out into fits of laughter. This just serves to annoy and anger Zipp even more if that was even possible. He then glares at her.

“Come and try it, you’ll be the next Haven.” he says and Zipp is about to attack him but suddenly the doors to the wall opens and most of Midnight’s army comes out through them and stand in front of the wall.

“This is not good..” Hitch says but he still gets ready to fight and so does everyone else. As the army starts getting closer, dread starts to fill everyone’s hearts until they remember the plan. Twilight looks at Violet and nods, giving her the signal that it’s time. Violet flys up as high as she can and uses a new feature on her upgraded phone that makes a giant holographic screen in front of her army.

“Hello to all of those in Midnight's army and to every creature everywhere. My name is Violet and it’s about time you knew something.. in case you didn’t know already.. Midnight is not who you think she is.”

Sunny and Midnight both go flying out of Canterlogic, spinning and locked in a clash, magic radiating off of them both. Both of them were injured, Sunny even more so, but they continued to fight each other. Midnight suddenly drags Sunny down and slams her onto the roof and uses her bident to pin her down and start strangling her. She teleports away from her but glitches as soon as she reappears a few feet away from her. She grunts in pain and holds her side as she falls on one knee. Midnight seems to get stronger as Sunny gets weaker. She walks to Sunny and uses her bident to lift her chin up. “Any last words Sunny Starscout?” She asks and Sunny sees the screen appear where her friends are and she smirks.

“Yeah.. we’ve already won..” Sunny says and Midnight raises an eyebrow, looking confused.

“How so?” she asks and Sunny gestures behind her.

“Turn around.” she says and Midnight turns her head to face the direction Sunny gestured to and goes wide-eyed as the screen replays all the terrible things she’s done. She can sense that it’s being broadcasted across the entire world and she could feel that the more Violet said, the more ponies and other creatures started to turn against Midnight. She could also sense that she was starting to get weaker and she sees Sunny starting to.. glow. Her mane also began flowing and the rainbow strands of hair in her mane got brighter than the rest of her.

“No.. NO!! Impossible! You’re ruining EVERYTHING!!!” Midnight yells as she swings her bident at Sunny but it bouncer right off the fire-like aura surrounding her. Sunny smirks as she walks to Midnight.

“Here’s what you need to understand Midnight. It doesn’t matter how much you try and try to divide us forever. It doesn’t matter what challenges you throw at us! It doesn’t matter how many times you knock us down! We will always get back up and rise against you! It happened once, you should’ve known it would happen again! You may be strong.. but together.. united.. we’re stronger.” Sunny says as she stops right in front of Midnight and raises her fist in the air. Suddenly a beam of multicolored magic shoots from it and into the clouds, lighting up the sky and returning hope to Equestria and every creature in it.

“NOOOO!!!” Midnight yells and as soon as she’s about to attack Sunny again, they both feel the ground shaking a bit and sense a lot of creatures coming. Twilight senses them too and turns to where they’re coming from. After a few seconds, they all see creatures of all kinds coming towards Darktime Bay, past and present. Suddenly Canterlogic radiates with multicolored lightning which shuts all the power in the building off and, after a few seconds, shoots into the clouds to slowly form into Rainbow Dash who lands by Twilight and helps her up. Their both soon joined by the rest of the Mane 6 and Spike. Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Flurry Heart all fly out of the clouds and they’re followed by all the other Alicorns. Sunny smiles at them all. “You have got to be kidding me..” Midnight says as she sees the so-called army in front of her. Past heroes, villains, all kinds of figures from the past. She growls and while she’s distracted, Sunny teleports to the others as soon as she sees Izzy teleport back with Askari, Firestar, and Nebula next to her. She looks at Zipp, Pipp, and Hitch, then at Izzy then back to Midnight with a smirk.

“Everyone! Together!” She yells, making good use of the old royal voice. Together everyone yells what they’re all thinking at the same time before charging towards the so-called kingdom.


Author's Note:

It’s almost over guys, then comes the prequel. Honestly I’ve enjoyed working on this story and I can’t wait to give it a grand ending. Thanks for all the love and support towards this story. Can’t wait to see how it goes for future projects.