• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,084 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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The road to recovery

It had been three weeks since Sunny had woken up and brought back the Mane 6, and to say the least, it hasn’t been easy. Sunny was still in a depressed state as she slowly but surely healed from her injuries, mental and physical. Every now and then, Sunny would wake up from a nightmare, screaming and crying. They only continued to get worse and so did the tests to get Sunny her strength back. For every step she takes forward, she ends up falling two steps behind but as much as she wanted to give up, nopony would let her. She and everypony else were at the HQ for the “Wings of Equestria” as Artemis and Thunderbird call their organization. Sunny found herself staring out a window from the wheelchair they had given her, just reflecting on everything, everything she’d heard, seen, felt. She still couldn’t believe the truth behind Midnight, she doubted anyone else could either. How could anyone have such a terrible start in life as that and live for 3,000 years as a murderer? She just couldn’t understand that.

Sunny didn’t want to admit that she was still scared but she figured that everypony already knew. They could see it on her face, they could see it from the hesitation she displayed whenever it was time for another test. It was almost like she didn’t want to get better. The sad part is.. that’s partially true. She didn’t want to recover because she knew that if she did, she’d have to go against Midnight again.. she’d have to go right back into the war. But.. she knew she couldn’t give up, otherwise that would mean the end for all of Equestria. Sunny sighs and holds her head, shaking it slightly and slowly. Obviously she hadn’t been sleeping well and that was taking quite a toll on her mental and physical health. Her nightmares had often been about Midnight.. killing all her friends and destroying everything she ever loved.. but sometimes they were about Sunny actually stopping Midnight.. then turning evil again soon after and destroying Equestria herself.

She didn’t want either of those things to happen but she didn’t know what to do. She looks up at the cloudy, grey sky and frowns. “I wish you were here dad.. here to.. comfort me.. to tell me what the right thing to do is.. just anything.. I just wanna see you again.” Sunny says, beginning to cry until she hears a voice behind her.

“Well.. I may not be him but.. I’m hoping I can still help.” says Izzy before the unicorn walks up beside Sunny and sits by her. Sunny smiles a bit and wipes the tears that had already started to slide down her cheeks.

“Maybe you can.. If not, thanks for trying.” Sunny said and Izzy smiles and scoots closer to Sunny before nuzzling her, prompting the young alicorn to nuzzle her back. “I’m still.. I’m still scared Izzy.. I don’t know what the right thing to do is anymore..” Sunny says and Izzy frowns and nods, looking down before sighing.

“I’m scared too.. I’ve been scared ever since Artemis and Thunderbird told us we would probably have to fight to protect Equestria, and I’m not.. or I wasn’t much of a fighter.. truth is I’m still learning to fight.. and to accept the fact that sometimes you need to fight to protect what you love.. so when Midnight turned you evil.. I knew there and then that I had to fight.. for you.. for everypony.” Izzy says, and Sunny could’ve sworn she saw the faintest hint of a blush on Izzy’s face. Sunny had a feeling where this was going and normally she would’ve been nervous.. but given what she’d gone through in just one week’s time, she didn’t really feel nervous about anything but seeing Midnight again now.

“Izzy.. about that.. in Zephyr Heights.. you said you loved me.. and I need to know if you meant as a friend or.. something more?” Sunny says and Izzy looks increasingly nervous as she turns away from Sunny, blushing even more, and that was a good enough answer for Sunny, but she needed to hear Izzy say it, so as to avoid assuming the wrong thing. “Izzy.. please.” Sunny pleads the unicorn and Izzy slowly turns back to her and nods. Sunny was now confused, was that a yes for something more or just as a friend. “Izzy, do you love me as more than a friend or not?” Sunny asked with a stern voice and Izzy can’t take it anymore as she stands up quickly.

“Yes!! I do!” Izzy yells, her blush increasing as she feels more embarrassed than anything. She looks like she’s on the verge of crying and Sunny can’t help but ask.

“For how long?” Sunny asks and Izzy hesitates before answering.

“Ummm.. well.. I guess I would say I started feeling differently around you ever since.. ummm.. well the feelings just came as we were fixing the lighthouse and I got to know you better. I don’t know why it happened so suddenly but.. I..” Izzy tries to finish her sentence but she feels Sunny place a finger on her lips to keep her from rambling on.

“Hey.. I’m not judging, I.. I actually feel the same way.. I have for quite a while. So yeah, I’m a fillyfooler too.. well kinda.” Sunny says and Izzy can’t help but smile and hug her as tightly as she can.

“Well in that case.. Sunny.. do you wanna be my marefriend?” Izzy asks, her voice raising in pitch with every word and Sunny chuckles at the adorable voice crack that came from the unicorn and nods.

“Yes.. yes I do.” Sunny says and Izzy hugs her even tighter, nearly choking the life out of her. “Owowowow! Izzy.. Izzy need to breathe!” Sunny says with a strained voice and she notices something.. one of her legs.. it kicked.. and she could feel it. Her leg.. kicked.. and she feels her leg again.. both of her legs! Sunny laughs with joy and tells Izzy she can feel her legs again. They then go to tell the others, both of their new relationship and that Sunny can feel her legs again. Immediately, Artemis and Thunderbird put down the metal supports to help her walk. She slowly stands up out of her wheelchair with Izzy and Hitch’s help and tries using the supports to walk all the way to the end, slowly but surely making her way there. After taking at least five steps, Sunny gets a flashback to the torture and the killing and nearly falls, breathing in and out too fast to calm down. She nearly does fall until she hears Twilight’s voice.

“That’s all in the past Sunny.. you’re safe now.. but you must get over your fears if you wanna help keep others safe.. right now your mind and body think you’re still in danger.. remember that you’re not.” Twilight says and Sunny nods and breathes in and out slowly this time, continuing to go forward, no matter how much pain she’s starting to feel, no matter what she sees or hears. She made a promise to her dad that she would do her part, hoof to heart, and that’s just what she planned to do. After struggling for a bit, Sunny made it to the end.. and was actually standing up by herself.. even if her legs were a little shaky. Everypony ran to her and hugged her, congratulating her on how much progress she just made and she responded by telling them she couldn’t have done it without Izzy.. or any of them.. aaaand then she fell.

At Canterlogic, Inside the new throne room

As Midnight sat on her throne, she contemplated the life she used to have.. or should I say Solaris who was locked away inside Midnight and has been the entire time. Either way she used to have a great family, great friends and a great life.. and it was all taken from her.. mainly by herself. She noticed that something wet was sliding down her cheek and she wiped it off with a finger, realizing it was a tear.. seeing this and knowing it was from her weaker side.. it angered Midnight. She was about to have an outrage about this until.. she sensed something.. joy. Determination.. it was all coming from Sunny and she knew this could only mean one thing.. she had recovered or started to recover. All Midnight did.. was smirk. “About time..” she said as she stood up and started to walk out of the throne room. Just as she opened the door, someone was about to knock and ask permission to enter but they ended up accidentally knocking on her stomach.

As soon as they noticed, they started to panic and apologized nonstop and Midnight just rolled her eyes. “State your business.” she says sternly and with an annoyed tone. As they walked, the pony explained that someone had been breaking into their camps and freeing prisoners who were arrested for supporting Sunny. She teleported them to one of them and instantly recognized the markings of black and white magic left on some structures. “Askari..” Midnight says with a growl and the pony backs up in fear. Two guards walk up and say that she wasn’t alone, about five Alicorns and two hippogriffs were with her, along with a fiery looking pegasus and a unicorn who greatly resembled Twilight but looked different and had her mouth wrapped up.

“And one more thing, Magma said she knew the pegasus and the unicorn but didn’t understand why they were helping Askari.” one of the guards says and Midnight sighs, turning to the three ponies by her.

She looks at the most shy one and walks up to her. “Send a few ponies out into the sea, we need help from.. an old friend of mine. He’s going to go to Zephyr Heights to turn on the weather machine. And after that.. we are going to watch it all burn. I’ll send you his most recent location.” Midnight says and the unicorn nods quickly before teleporting back to Maretime Bay. She then turns the guards with a glare. “Both of you will go to a different camp and hopefully, for your sakes, not fail me again. Ok? I may be kind and forgiving now but I have a very low tolerance for ponies who fail me more than once.” she says with a threatening but tender tone and the ponies nod quickly and begin to pack and Midnight walks off and remembers what they said. “So there are more alicorns.. hm.. good. I was kinda hoping for a bit more of a challenge.” Midnight says while smiling a bit.. this was gonna be fun.