• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,074 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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Light vs Dark Pt. 1

Five Months Later

“Ok.. based on what I know so far.. one of the last bases should be.. somewhere around this mountain.” said Sunny, who was hardly managing to stay awake, while pointing at a location not too far from her on the map she was holding. It had been a tough couple of months, resulting in a high lack of sleep and relaxation. She was constantly being hunted, which meant she had to constantly move from place to place, hiding out from Midnight’s followers. She had her old armor again which was greatly damaged. She also had a torn red cloak covering her. The mask she had.. borrowed a while ago was damaged as well and Sunny’s twin swords were on the verge of breaking. Her hair was longer and thicker now and looked messy and out of all her features, the thing that drew the most attention was the scar on her left cheek and the one on her right eye.

The one on her eye wasn’t permanent but the one on her cheek was. Sunny would be lying if she said there wasn’t a single time where she almost regretted leaving instead of staying with her friends. She shook those feelings away, knowing that what she was doing was for their safety and she would continue doing it even if it killed her in the end, which-at the rate she was going, was a very real possibility.

She didn’t know whether she was gonna work herself to death or whether Midnight and her army were gonna kill her first. Regardless, she couldn’t bother to stop now, so close to her next mission. She got up, folded the map, put it in her bag then made her way down the mountain. “I promise I’ll make things right.. and if I survive.. maybe.. maybe we can all smile together again.” Sunny says, thinking of her friends.. thinking of Izzy.

She missed them all but she hides her pain from the world.. and from herself. Or at the very least she tries to. She sees the base and glares, about to fly in but as soon as she gets five feet off the ground, she’s tackled by a Deathbolt and slammed and dragged against the rough surface of the mountain as the Deathbolt continues flying while holding her. She quickly gets annoyed and kicks her in the face, breaking one of the lenses in her helmet, which causes her to fly up a bit, still holding Sunny.

Sunny sits up and grabs the Deathbolt by the neck before kicking her in the stomach so they flip and grinding the Deathbolt across the ground. Sunny jumps off her before grabbing her tail, swinging her around, and throwing her all the way to the base. She wasn’t far behind as she landed in the middle of the base hard enough to make a cloud of dust and dirt spread throughout the base. She sends a wave of magic out, knocking every enemy back into a wall or through one. One soldier starts shooting at her from above and she growls, running as fast as she can to avoid the bullets, jumping off a wall to where they were and kicking them off their vantage point. She fires her magic everywhere, destroying the base and knocking out a bunch of soldiers, using every spell that she’s learned so far to defeat them, shield or heal herself.

“So much for stealth, but it is what it is.” Sunny says as she walks around, looking for what or whoever this base was “protecting” from her. She finds prisoners and after freeing them, she senses powerful magic coming from a single room.

She teleported all of them to safety before hesitantly walking in and looking around. If something was sending off magical energy so powerful, she knew it couldn’t be left in Midnight’s clutches. Strange thing was it felt strangely familiar somehow. She sees a purple light coming from inside some sort of armored case. She opens it and just sees some sort of glass and metal container with purple magic inside and realizes it’s just some of Midnight's magic in the container, she’d been tricked. She hears ticking and instantly goes to run out and she makes it to the exit of the base and that’s when it explodes, knocking her through trees until she stops, tumbling into a rock. She takes a minute to recover and gets up, holding her right shoulder and coughing. She looks around and sees fire everywhere.. good thing it was raining as soon as she made it outside.

She sees the magic slowly going out of the fire and into the clouds and she gets ready to fight, knowing that Midnight was up there and she could come down at any moment. She hid under one of the trees while looking up just in case. She was exhausted and a little banged up but she wasn’t going down without a fight. She feels a presence behind her and instantly kicks back but Midnight blocks it and swings at her but Sunny dodges it and punches her, making her slide back a bit.

“Not bad, you’ve certainly gotten better since our last battle.” Midnight says but Sunny doesn’t respond, she just glares as they start to circle each other. “But as much as I would absolutely love to fight you, I’m having trouble keeping rhythm in my fights nowadays. So they’ll do it for me.” Midnight says before a few Deathbolts land around Sunny, the armored pony she met comes from behind a tree along with Nebula and Magma, and the ponies that Sunny had just saved come back but then reveal themselves to be changelings. Sunny, for the first time in a while feels betrayed.

She shakes her head slowly before letting her rage take over and magic comes out of her body, knocking them all back and she doesn’t give them the chance to recover, before they’re even on the ground, she attacks them faster than anyone can see. The armored pony tackles her and swings her into a tree, sending her straight through it. He kicks her as soon as she tries to get up and takes out a sword and attempts to stab her. She blocks it with one of her own swords though and instantly goes on offense. The armored pony quickly starts losing ground and soon loses his footing and Sunny knocks his feet from under him and raises her leg, bringing it down on his chest. She then grabs him by his shoulder and continuously punches him, breaking his mask more and more until it comes off and Sunny feels her blood run cold and her heart stop. The pony underneath, the pony she had almost killed just now.. it was her..

“D-Dad..?” Sunny asked with a shaky voice as she dropped him, backing up as she looked at the lifeless, bloodstained face of her father. She shook her head, unable to believe that what she was seeing was real.

“Neat trick huh? I will admit it was hard to find him, considering I didn’t see where he was buried but after a while of searching.. well.. you know the rest.” Midnight says but Sunny ignores her and goes closer to her father as he tries to get up.

“Dad.. come on.. it’s me, Sunny.. your daughter.. your family.” Sunny says softly, keeping her distance from him but still trying to talk him down. He looks up at her and tilts his head but he just glares, not recognizing her.

“I have no family.. I live to serve Midnight.” he says and Sunny feels her sadness grow.. and so does her anger. She turns to Midnight and stands up, glaring her scariest glare. She starts walking to her, then running.

“LET HIM GO!!” she yells as she jumps at Midnight but Nebula blasts her away from Midnight and Magma lava punches her into a tree. Sunny gets up to fight but the Deathbolts surround her, shooting harpoons and hooks at her. The hooks actually going around her body with ropes attached but the harpoons go into her shoulders and legs. She screams in pain and tries to break free but it’s no use and she starts getting electrocuted from the hooks and harpoons. The changelings all take turns repeatedly punching her. She falls and slowly looks up, seeing Midnight walk up to her.

“Well done. All of you. As for you Sunny, I’m afraid this is goodbye, I don’t really need your magic anymore.. I think? Either way I’ve been wanting to kill you for a long time, so what better chance than now?” she says as she takes out her own sword and aims it at Sunny's heart. “Any last words? Any regrets? Anything at all?” Midnight asks and for a few seconds Sunny doesn’t answer.. but then she looks at her dad.

“Dad.. I know you can’t remember me because of.. whatever she did to you but no matter what, I want you to know that I never forgot what you taught me.. I managed to bring the three tribes together.. I managed to make friends.. amazing ones.. an amazing marefriend.. and I couldn’t have done any of it.. without you.. I love you..” Sunny says but the fact that she can’t see his reaction because of his newly repaired nanotech mask made it hard to accept that she was gonna die in the middle of a forest without even seeing if her words got a reaction out of him at all.

Nebula and Magma look at each other then back at her, starting to question if Sunny really was who Midnight said she was. They then remembered everything that she had done to them and continue to watch. Midnight raises her sword and brings it down but right before it hits Sunny, a wall of ice forms in front of her and traps Midnight’s sword. She looks confused and so does everyone else. Even more so when a purple glow comes from the ice and it explodes and Izzy jumps out and magic punches Midnight into a tree, clearly pissed off.

“STAY AWAY FROM MY MAREFRIEND!!” she yells, her eyes glowing white and a bit of purple and Sunny couldn’t help but smile a bit, happy to see a friendly face in what felt like years. Well.. not exactly friendly at the moment but still. Magma and Nebula were about to attack Izzy but Skylight and Askari stop them, blasting them with their magic.

“Grab Sunny and let’s go!” yelled Hitch as he shot the ropes keeping Sunny still, allowing Sunny to fall only to be caught by Izzy. Argyle tries to tackle them but Izzy teleports herself and the others to the edge of the mountain. They see them almost immediately and Izzy gives Sunny to Hitch then focuses, making a spell in the shape of a white glyph that forms into a snowflake and she slams it down, making a blizzard cover the area and they use that to slip away. “Well.. that went better than I thought it would.” Hitch said as he ran with the others while still carrying Sunny.

After a while of running, Sunny, who was secretly healing herself the whole time, pushes Hitch away from her and sits on her knees. “What the hell are you all doing here?!” she asks in a commanding tone, earning shocked looks from everyone.

“Saving you, silly filly, what does it look like?!” Izzy says but Sunny just frowns and looks away from her, her arms crossed.

“I don’t need.. or want your help. You all should’ve just stayed away.. as long as you’re all near me, you’re in danger.” Sunny says, looking down. The last thing she wanted was for her friends to be in harm’s way but they were too damn stubborn to care.

“Sunny, you may not wanna hear this but you need to get it through your thick skull that not everything is in your control!! Whatever happens to us is not your fault! You’re not responsible for hurting anyone.. but you are responsible for fixing things. You’re responsible for making sure nobody else gets hurt.” Izzy says with a surprisingly firm tone that clearly stated that there would be no room for discussion.

“That’s what I was trying to do!!! I was trying to keep you all safe from me and the pain I bring with me everywhere I go!! But nooo.. none of you learned your lesson after what happened to..!! To..” Sunny struggles to say as she thinks of her deceased mentor and friend. The pain and guilt she feels starts to show even more as a few stray tears roll down her cheeks and her ears flatten against her head in sadness. Izzy goes to Sunny, crouches down next to her and hesitantly puts a comforting hand on her shoulder and Sunny finally lets the tears fall, crying into Izzy’s shoulder. Hitch hugs her too and Askari smiles a bit along with Skylight who smirks at Askari for finally softening up, prompting her to roll her eyes and look away.

Sunny suddenly stands up and backs away from the group. She puts on the hood of her cloak and everyone gets confused and nervous. “I told you not to look for me..” Sunny said, referring to the last letter she sent to her friends, warning them not to look for her. “Pleaded for you to stay. Away. But no.. you just had to be your normal, stubborn selves.” Sunny continues, grabbing her mask which was attached to her hip. “So this is your final warning..” Sunny says, putting on the mask, storm clouds rolling in. She looks up at them and her eyes are glowing a darker gold than they used to. “Get the hell out of my way..” Sunny says forcefully but her friends instead of agreeing, stood their ground and reluctantly took their weapons out.

“Sorry Sunny but.. one way or another.. we will bring you home.. pinkie promise..” Izzy says with a determined look on her face to match the ones the others had. Sunny hesitated but after assuring herself that this was the only way to keep them out of it.. she lunged at them.. and the fighting began.