• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,074 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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The return of legends

A few days later, just outside of Ponyville

The journey had been long and exhausting but now it was almost over. The group had stopped at all the ancient kingdoms and cities and they had met the outstanding creatures that resides in them. After hearing that Sunny was the new alicorn, destined to uphold Twilight’s legacy, they were all very eager to help her out anyway they could and even took care of her while the others explored and looked for clues as to why the magic and the map led them to their homes. Surprisingly enough, what they had found at five of the cities were fragments of the elements of harmony. When they asked Ember where the mane 6's dragon friend was, she just told them she didn’t know. Ember had said that he’d been gone so long she’d have to assume he’s died by now or wasn’t unfrozen from time yet if he was in the first place. But either way, if the map was intentionally leading them to the elements or pieces of them, then maybe they had something to do with the crystals. So far they had found the elements of laughter, kindness, generosity, honesty, and loyalty. Which left just one.


Ponyville was the last place to look before they could go to the last city which, thankfully, wasn’t far from Ponyville. When they finally saw Ponyville for the first time, they were surprised by how beautiful it was, looking even better than it did back in the ancient times. New buildings, celebration decorations everywhere, probably to celebrate being back in the world, and there was a huge statue of all the mane 6 together right in the middle of the town. They all got out of the airship, Izzy carrying Sunny who hadn’t even moved for the entire journey but her condition has gotten worse and the area around her eyes was now darkened for quite a while. Everyone was increasingly worried about her but they knew they had to stay strong for her sake. Artemis led them through Ponyville, right to where Twilight’s old castle was.

A few ponies had seen them and welcomed Artemis back to Ponyville and when they heard about Sunny and what she was meant to do, they decided ti help spread the word which didn’t catch the group’s attention. When they walked inside the castle, Luster Dawn, the young 6, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Sunset, Sunburst, and Tempest were already in there. “Artemis! You’re back!” All of Twilight’s students say, embracing her in a group hug, even Luster Dawn had joined in. Artemis hugs them all back as best she can. After the hug ended, she was bombarded with a bunch of questions like where had she been or who the others are or what’s even going on.

“Guys.. guys!! Listen.. I’ll explain everything but right now we need to find Twilight’s element before it’s too late.. this young alicorn is dying and she needs the crystals that Twilight and the other’s elements can lead us to. So do you know where it is?” she asks hopefully but that hope dies when they all frown and shake their heads. She walks over the friendship map and sits in Twilight’s chair, sighing in defeat.

“Then.. Midnight’s won.. there’s no way to stop her.. I’m so sorry Twilight..” she says before taking the crystals out of her bag and looking at them. She looks confused when she sees them glowing a bit. She moves her hand around the room and notices that when she moves it further away from Sunny, they glow less so she points them towards Sunny and they glow a lot more. “Hmmm.. I wonder..” she says before walking towards Sunny, grabbing her hand, and placing it on the crystals and they glow as much as they can, creating a blinding multicolored light show. The fragments go to the thrones of their past bearer and illusions start to form as if the crystals are trying to show them what happened. The crystals continue to get brighter until an outburst of magic shakes the ground and the castle. Everyone looks confused and more than a little worried and even more so when they hear something. Suddenly a bright purple light forms in the room, blinding everyone even more.

When it calms down a little, they all look and see that it’s.. Twilight’s element, only slightly damaged with a few tips of the points missing and a crack in the middle. Everyone looks amazed when it goes to Twilight’s throne and floats just like the other elements and together, they complete the illusion and the mane 6 all form, transparent along with the whole, non-damaged versions of their elements. Twilight stands up in her throne and looks at the others, giving a nod as they all take off their elements which were part of their outfits/armor and the elements float to Twilight and she takes off her own and it starts floating with the others and they all spin so fast it would be impossible to focus on one. They float high above the table and soon, above the castle and everyone goes outside to see what happens and see that there are illusions of everyone else in Ponyville. They all close their eyes as Twilight uses a spell on them then on the elements and in a matter of moments, the crystals are formed.. and the elements fall out of the sky. Twilight frowns and catches them, frowning more as she sees that they’ve turned a dull grey now from the lack of magic inside them.

“Thank you..” Twilight says sadly, then she teleports the elements away and brings the crystals down to herself then turns to everyone else. “These should be guarded in Canterlot.. I’ll take them there myself. Thank you so much everypony for your love, encouragement and cooperation, thanks to you, Equestria’s magic will not disappear.” she says to everypony, earning cheers from them and a smile on her own face. After that, the illusion disappears and the fragments reappear. Everyone was so shocked and excited to see the faces of their friends again, even if they weren’t real. Artemis was especially shocked because she just figured out what all of that meant.

“So Twilight didn’t just make the crystals.. she used the elements to do it.. and the love and friendship of the three races to do it.. and the crystals are in Canterlot.” she says before smiling and turning to Sunny. “Just hold on a little longer Sunny.. you’ll be better soon.” she says and she puts all the elements in her bag and looks at the others. “Let’s get her back to the airship so we can get to Canterlot.” she says and a purple flash of lightning startles everyone until they realize it’s just Scootaloo but she looks very worried.

“Scootaloo, what’s wrong?” asks Starlight, walking up to her and patting her on the back to help her calm down.

“M-Midnight.. she’s on her way.. but it’s JUST her, no army, no Deathbolts, no airship.. nothing.” she says, still out of breath and Artemis and the rest of the group all freeze up.

“Oh no.. she must know we’re looking for the crystals.” Hitch says.

“All of you go! We’ll keep her busy!” Tempest says and they all nod and run to the ship and get on it quickly and Thunderbird makes the ship lift off and drives it towards Canterlot.

Everypony else goes to the side of Ponyville that Scootaloo just came racing through. The Cutie-mark Crusaders join the crowd just as Midnight flys through a cloud and makes a hard landing in front of everyone, cracking the ground. She slowly stands up and looks at everyone with an evil smirk on her face. “Hello everyone, miss me?” she asks, earning unamused angry looks from everyone. “Good good, uh hey could you do me one favor? See I’m looking for a few ponies, one is unconscious, has orange fur, purple mane, transparent golden wings and horn? Rainbow stripe in her mane?” she asks and no pony answers and she gives an annoyed sigh. “One way or another..” she begins as she readies her magic and gets ready to fight. “-you will tell me what I want to know.” she continues.

“We’ll never tell you anything Midnight, nothing except that you’re not welcome here or anywhere else in Equestria.” says Starlight, her tone carrying a lot of venom. Midnight glares at her and as she gets ready to attack, Starlight whistles and Midnight is suddenly attacked by the Dazzlings and everyone else takes the chance to attack her as well.

As Thunderbird landed the ship just outside of Canterlot, everyone else got up and ready to get out. Their time was short now, soon Midnight would come after them and most likely capture and kill Sunny, then they would all be next. As soon as the blast doors opened, they all ran out and quickly explained to the guards what was happening and what they needed to do. Artemis lets the elements lead them all to the crystals, which were deep beneath Canterlot. They were right above a pit full of glowing water in a massive cave full of glowing gems. It was extremely beautiful but they had no time to stop and admire it.

They tried getting the crystals but they just would not budge no matter what they did. When they brought Sunny closer, the crystals, and the water started glowing more, so they hesitantly put Sunny in the water and let her float.. then she sinks as the water glows even brighter. When she sinks, the elements float out of Artemis’s bag and go to some sort of structure made of stone and they become attached to it in a specific order. Everypony quickly recognizes what it is when a multicolored wall of energy swirls and spins in the middle.. it’s a portal. The ground rumbles for a split second and everyone looks confused and takes out their weapons when it does it again. Pipp feels a warm gust of wind behind her but then realizes it’s not wind.. it’s breath.. dragon breath.

She slowly looks behind her and sees nothing but darkness.. until two eyes open and two green orbs look down at her with a piercing gaze. She screams and everypony quickly turns to her and look shocked, Zipp quickly moving Pipp out of harm’s way as the dragon breathes fire at them and they all dodge it. The dragon slowly gets up and glares at them all. They all stand their ground until he swings at them and they dodge it and Thunderbird blasts lightning at him while Artemis slashes him while flying around him, the mane 5, Brightburn and Sprout all attack him at once.

While Pipp is distracted, she gets hit by his tail and tumbles for a bit before stopping. She tries to get up and sees him about to step on her from backing up. She grunts in pain as she tries to get up but seeing that she isn’t gonna be able to, she closes her eyes and braces herself and for a few seconds nothing happens so she opens her eyes and sees Hitch.. keeping the dragon's foot from crushing them, his eyes and veins glowing green and yellow a bit. He looks at Pipp with concern in his eyes. “You.. ok?” He asks with a grunt to a still shocked Pipp who has to pick up her own jaw.

“Y-Yeah, I’m ok.. how are you even..?” she starts to ask but he tells her to hold on a second as he pulls one arm back to make a fist and unknown to him, a transparent bear claw surrounding his fist. He uppercuts the dragon's foot, scratching it and knocking the dragon off balance. Everypony is absolutely stunned by Hitch's newfound strength and Artemis smiles.

“Looks like we know who got Applejack's ability.” she says but before Hitch can respond, the dragon roars and breathes fire at them.

“NO!!!” Zipp yells as the fire reaches them both, the last thing she sees being Hitch covering Pipp to try and protect her but she knows it wasn’t enough. They were both fried now.. at least she thinks so until she sees the fire going around them and when she looks to see how, she sees that a wall of ice is protecting them, for now at least. She grabs them and gets them out of the area in less than a second. They all look around and see Izzy’s eyes are glowing a blue-ish white and she touches the ground and a mountain of ice surrounds the dragon. Izzy sighs as she calms down. “Where are these powers even coming from?!” Zipp asks, completely lost about that, most likely just as much as everyone else. Artemis shrugs and the dragon's head breaks free and he roars at all of them, breathing fire everywhere.

“Ok ok everyone I have an idea. Izzy, I need you to make a small ice mountain to bounce me up while Zipp and the others keep the dragon distracted and get it's head in position. And Pipp, remember that new ability you got.. yesterday I think? You can make a lightning lasso and swing me around until I go fast enough, then on my signal, I want you to make it disappear. And Izzy, once the dragon is knocked out, I need you to trap it in ice.” he says and after explaining, everyone nods and goes to do their parts. Hitch runs out while the dragon is distracted and Izzy makes a mountain of ice form fast enough to launch him into the air and Pipp makes her lasso made of purple and yellow lightning and he grabs it and as soon as he does, she swings him around really fast, Zipp helping them so he goes fast enough pretty quick.

Soon Hitch gives her the signal and the lasso disappears and when it does, he goes flying towards the dragon’s face and makes the bear claw again and punches it, causing a shockwave from how hard he hit it. The dragon is knocked out instantly and Izzy once again traps it in ice. They all take a few minutes to relax and enjoy the victory. It doesn’t last long when Midnight smashes through the roof of the cave and lands in front of them all. She smiles at them all.

“Oh thank you so much for making this easy for me. I’m so grateful that I just might spare your lives. But.. I wouldn’t get my hopes up.” she says and everyone gets ready to fight. One way or another, Midnight wouldn’t get anywhere near Sunny, even if it meant they would die in the end. Suddenly the cave started to rumble and the portal starts glowing more and getting bigger. The pool starts glowing gold and everyone looks confused, even Midnight. Rainbow colored magic shoots out of the portal towards Midnight, knocking her out of the castle and all the way back to Ponyville and the magic goes into the sky, opening a bigger portal.

Everyone looks shocked and even more so when they look behind them and see Sunny floating, her hair flowing and her eyes, wings, and horn glowing more than they ever have. She had a golden aura surrounding her body like she was on fire. She flew outside and shot a beam of magic into the portal and after about one minute, a beam of rainbow magic crashes into the center of Ponyville and Midnight gets up, shaking her head as she looks at the magic and looks a bit terrified as she realizes what was coming out of that portal.. or should I say who? When the magic stopped, everyone gasped as they saw 6 familiar faces. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash.. and Twilight Sparkle herself. They all slowly open their eyes and look around, and Sunny smiles a bit.

“Welcome home..” she says.. before her magic disappears and she passes out, starting to plummet to her own doom.

Author's Note:

Ok so remember, the powers are from my version of the Mane 6, they didn’t get them until after Midnight showed up and messed with reality but hopefully that won’t be a problem.