• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,085 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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Light vs Dark Pt. 2

In Zephyr Heights

The city is in absolute turmoil after one of Midnight’s most powerful and skilled allies came and activated the weather machine a few months ago, which was supercharged by whatever Askari did to it. Zipp and Pipp were still having trouble figuring out how to completely shut it down. They couldn’t destroy it because the explosion would destroy all of Zephyr Heights completely and they couldn’t get close to it because of the freakish storms it kept causing every time they tried. Right now, Pipp was doing a livestream to encourage her fans and anypony else who was left to hang in there and not give up hope. “I promise that before you know it, things will be back to normal. Ok guys, love you lots, don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe, and keep on smiling. Pipp-pipp hooray~” Pipp says before ending her stream and sighing, looking at her sister who was currently leaned against a wall with her arms crossed. Zipp was always so serious these days.. well.. more serious. “Could you at least try to smile too sis?” Pipp asks, genuinely concerned about her sister’s wellbeing and upset that she hasn’t seen her smile in quite some time. Zipp looks at her and sighs, walking to her and sitting next to her.

“How do you expect me to smile after everything that’s happened to us in the past few months sis? Midnight and a bunch of other ponies and creatures are after us, Sunny left us, and we don’t have a plan.” Zipp says, frustration evident in her voice as she sounds like she’s trying to refrain from yelling. “All that happened, yet you’re able to act like none of it has.. why? How?” Zipp asks, finally making eye contact with her sister and Pipp, for a few seconds at least, doesn’t know how to answer that but she eventually figures it out.

“I guess I just know not to give up now, if we don’t keep fighting, if we don’t keep defending our home, our subjects.. if lose our hope then.. what would all of this have been for? And I guess it helps when you learned not to give up from a sister who never stopped trying to find an answer as to why nopony could fly, but at the same time, never stopped caring about her family enough to find some time to hang out with her little sis.” Pipp says as she smiles up at Zipp who looks shocked then smiles back, wrapping her wing around her little sister and pulling her close. Pipp nuzzles into Zipp's shoulder and Zipp chuckles. ”There she is. There’s the happy Zipp.” Pipp says, earning an eye roll from her sister.

“Love you sis.. and thanks.” Zipp says and Pipp smiles up at her even more.

“Love you too and anytime. Consider it payback for all the times you were there for me whether you were saving my life or just spending time with me.” Pipp responds and Zipp chuckles and nuzzles her.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” She says and for a while, they just sit there until Zipp gets an idea. “I think I figured out how to stop the machine.. but it’s gonna be pretty risky.” Zipp says and Pipp nods, willing to consider any idea that comes to mind at this point. She and Zipp both get up and race outside, the wind instantly causing their manes to wave around madly.

“I already regret agreeing to this!!” Pipp yells, trying to protect her mane from getting ruined, earning an eyeroll from her sister.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be back inside before you know it, promise!” Zipp says as she grabs her sister and flys them to the top of the castle faster than Pipp can protest. They both stop right in front of the weather machine but don’t get too close, so as to avoid being electrocuted and fried. Or at least Zipp was trying to keep her sister from being harmed by it. Zipp’s electrical properties were not as limited as Pipp’s, therefore, she couldn’t really get hurt from electricity anymore.. unless it was a tremendously large amount of it. “Ok so my plan is, and this is gonna sound crazy, but I’m gonna try and see if I can absorb some of the energy from the machine, and you have to be ready to destroy it with your sonic scream. Meaning you’ll have to scream louder than you ever have, and maybe charge your scream with electricity to add a more destructive effect.” Zipp explains and Pipp looks at her like she has two heads.

“Have you gone insane?! That’s suicide, even if you take some of the energy, it’ll still explode and take half the palace with it! And if you take too much, it could.. you could.. please Zipp, we need to figure something else out!” Pipp says, hoping to save her sister and all the ponies who would die if they went through with it. Zipp shakes her head.

“Pipp, we’re out of time and options! Zephyr Heights shouldn’t have to suffer through this any longer.. maybe if I try taking the full energy of the machine, it won’t explode, then I’ll just.. fly up as high as I can and try to release it.. without blowing myself to atoms.” Zipp says but before Pipp can protest, they both get blasted from behind with dark magic. They both look to where it came from and see some sort of.. dragon-hippogriff hybrid that’s about three times their size with blue scales, yellow eyes, and large wings.

“Well well well, nice to see you again princesses. I wasn’t sure you were finally gonna show your faces instead of hiding. Yet here you both are. Trying to mess up my handiwork no less.” He says before landing by them and taking out a two bladed axe. “Don’t you know it’s rude to try and mess up someone else’s hard work?!” he asks angrily before throwing the axe and it hovers around them, spinning and they keep dodging but don’t see him making his move.

His tail comes out of nowhere and hits Zipp, knocking her to the edge of the roof. Pipp sees this and tries jump kicking him but he sidesteps, grabs her leg and slams her onto the ground before throwing her into the air, flying up, grabbing her and slamming her back down hard enough to send her through the roof.. aaand several floors below it. He flys back up but as soon as he gets to the roof, Zipp lightning punches him across the face and sends him flying right off the roof and crashing into the ground, making a huge crater. Zipp flys down to check on Pipp and sees she’s unconscious and her head is bleeding, along with the numerous scratches she suffered while falling through several floors. Seeing that, Zipp’s anger reached incredible heights and she swore to fry him from the inside out.

“Just sit tight sis, I’ll handle this..” Zipp says before suddenly getting grabbed by the hybrid's tail and being swung back up through the roof and slammed down, the spikes on his tail stabbing into Zipp, causing her to let out a pained scream. He just smiles when he hears it and throws Zipp into the machine, causing her to get electrocuted before falling. He walks to her, his axe ready.

“Any last words from you, princess Zipp Storm?” he asks as he positions the axe right above her head.

“Just these last words to you..” Zipp says before she grabs the axe and slowly looks at him, her eyes glowing green and pink, her mane and wings sparking with electricity of the same color. “Thanks for the charge..!” she says before delivering a very powerful lightning uppercut that sends him flying and she causes lightning to strike him from the clouds and keep striking him until she decides that he’s had enough of being fried, but not enough of being beaten to a bloody lifeless pulp. She jumps on him and keeps lightning punching him until some of his scales start to come off and he starts losing teeth. She feels something stab into her back, making her scream and it was one of his tail spikes. While she’s distracted, dark magic surrounds his clawed fist and he punches her off him and gets up.

“Now that’s the spirit.. but if you really wanna beat me.. make sure you’re not too distracted.” he says as he walks towards her, continuously blasting her with dark magic. He gets blasted from behind with silver lightning and thrown into the machine and Zipp, while slowly getting up, sees it came from her mother. Zipp looks shocked and she doesn’t even know what to say.

“Mom..?” Zipp asks, still utterly shocked.

“Yes yes, I know, this is amazing and shocking, I see why you like these powers so much. But there’s no time to really go into detail, buy me some time and be ready to do your part sweetie.” Haven says before helping Zipp up. Pipp lands by them, holding her shoulder before taking out her ring blades. “Pipp, you and your sister distract him, give me time to make my move.” Haven says and they both nod and rush at him, proceeding to attack him while Haven frowns, going to the machine and starting to absorb its energy, like Zipp had originally planned. Neither Zipp or Pipp notice what she’s doing until the machine is already almost fully drained. They also notice that the energy is starting to tear Haven apart.

“MOM!!” They both yell as they rush to her but she tells them to stay back and they do rather reluctantly. Haven continues to drain the machine of its power and when it’s completely empty, she backs up from it and falls to her knees, weakly looking at her daughters. “Do it..” she says and both Pipp and Zipp target the machine with their powers, combining them and destroying it.

They both run to Haven but as soon as they touch her, the energy she absorbed knocks them back. “I’m so.. sorry.. I can’t move.. but I need to release all this energy..” Haven says as she tries to stand up and fly but she can’t move her legs or her wings. Zipp gets an idea as she sees the hybrid getting up and she looks at Haven.

“Then try to direct it! At him!” she says and Haven looks hesitant but then closes her eyes and tries to focus. He roars and runs towards them and jumps at them with the intention to kill them all. Haven opens them and blasts him with all the energy and power in her body. It knocks him back but after a few seconds of screaming, he looks up at them and smirks. They all can instantly tell that something’s off. Haven tries to stop blasting but realizes she can’t and eventually, she does stop but doesn’t feel any power in her body anymore.. at all. They all look at him and it’s all radiating off him. He suddenly takes one of his claws from behind his back and he’s wearing a gauntlet with a glowing gem inside it.

“Gotcha.” he says before he aims it at them and a giant ball of energy and power head straight for them. Haven, without thinking, pushes Zipp and Pipp out of the way to protect them and an explosion destroys the roof or what’s left of it.

When Zipp and Pipp wake up, they’re inside the castle but dust and smoke are everywhere and some areas are on fire. They look around and see Haven but she’s crushed by debris and she’s not moving. Zipp instantly rushed over and starts lifting the debris off her and Pipp helps. After a few seconds some of the guards pitch in and help them. After they get enough of it off, they carefully try to move Haven from under it. “Mom! Mom, can you hear us?!” Pipp asks frantically, to which she gets no response. Zipp tries to see if Haven’s breathing and finds that she is but just barely. She and Pipp perk up when she coughs and looks at them both.

“My little fillies..” she says weakly and they both are relieved that she’s alive but when she starts coughing, Zipp realizes that.. that may not be the case for very long.

“Mom.. you’re gonna be ok.. we can still fix this..” Pipp says in a shaky voice but Haven just frowns, earning a confused look from her. She then smiles and places one hand on Pipp’s cheek and the other on Zipp’s.

“I know you will.. as for me.. I’m sorry.. I wish I had more time to prepare you both for something like this.. but.. *cough* I know you two will be alright without me..” Haven says with a weak smile.

Pipp frantically shakes her head, starting to cry. “No.. no.. you can’t.. you can’t leave like this.. we need you..” Pipp says and Zipp hesitantly agrees.

“Besides I.. I don’t think I’m ready to be Queen Mom.. I can’t.. not yet.. Pipp’s right, we do need you.. we’re not ready for you to.. to..” Zipp struggles to say and Haven wipes off the stray tear that had started to slide down her cheek.

“You don’t need me.. not anymore.. all you really need.. is each other.. I love you my little fillies.. and *cough* ..I know.. you’ll make things right..” Haven says, her eyes slowly starting to close and her hands slowly starting to fall from both her daughter’s faces. “Take care.. of each other..” she says before finally letting out her last breath and closing her eyes.

“No.. no.. no no no mom please! Please wake up!! Please..!!” Pipp says, trying everything she can to make Heaven open her eyes and admit that this was all some twisted joke.. but she never did.. she was gone. Both she and Zipp start to cry, Zipp actually trying to restrain her tears. Cloudpuff walks up to Haven, whimpering and nuzzles her. Zipp holds her head trying to block out the guilt, sadness, anger and hatred. The hatred for the hybrid that had killed her mother. Anger at herself for not being able to save her. Sadness that she was now gone. And guilt.. that she wasn’t the one who had passed away instead. She was supposed to be the one to absorb that energy, not her mother. But because she didn’t, Haven lost her powers and still wanted to protect her daughters.. so she sacrificed herself and got injured. Now she was dead..

“It’s my fault.. I’m so sorry.. it’s all my fault..” Zipp mumbles over and over again until eventually she feels a hand on her shoulder and turns around to see Pipp, tears in her eyes but a reassuring smile on her face.

“Come on now sis.. *sniffle* she wouldn’t want us to sit here crying when we could be doing our damndest to make this all right. Come on.. we need to *sniffle* get back to Bridlewood..” Pipp says, obviously still devastated and scared but trying to put on a brave face. They both look at one of the guards when they point something out.

“You might wanna do that fast cause it looks like we’re about to have company.” he says and they look out the window and see more Deathbolts than they could ever hope to take on by themselves and the hybrid and Zipp feels anger surge up inside her as soon as she sees him. She wants to kill him, to rip him apart, to fry him from the inside out, but before she can decide to do any of that, Pipp snaps her out of it, saying they need to go. She has Cloudpuff in her arms who seems to bark in agreement and Zipp nods but sees something on the ground. She picks it up and realizes it’s Haven’s crown. Zipp looks sad at the sigh of it but then gives Pipp the all clear and they both fly out of Zephyr Heights quickly and land on a cloud.

They both frown at the signs of a fight coming from the city and Pipp falls to her knees, crying more. Zipp looks at the crown and a single tear falls from her face and onto the crystal attached to it. “Goodbye mom.. we’ll make you proud.” Zipp says as a sort of final goodbye to her mother.. and a promise to kill the hybrid the next time she gets a chance.