• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,085 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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Light vs Dark Pt. 10

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter is so long but this IS the finale so I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I enjoyed making it.

As the fierce battle between Argyle, Alphabittle, Askari, Brightburn, Firestar, Magma, Nebula, Skylight, Sprout, Violet and Midnight continued on, so did the magical overload that would soon destroy the world. Midnight was fully confident that her plan would work. Without Sunny and her little friends, and without the elements of harmony, Equestria was doomed. Speaking of which, the same crystals that the elements had been used to make were currently also being used to carry out her plan, being supercharged and overloaded by the bell and the amulet. It seemed very fitting, seeing as in the past they were used to protect Equestria.

Now they would be the reason for it’s complete destruction. The attacks from the small team trying to stop her just continues to grow fierce but she wouldn’t be denied. She screams in frustration and anger, sending destructive magic everywhere in the room. It unfortunately doesn’t kill any of them but it does injure them enough that they don’t get back up, not that they could. “Now.. to enjoy some of the time that I have left, I’m going to kill you.. one. By. One. Hmmmm.. let’s start with you Argyle.” She says as she uses magic to pick him up and bring him towards herself. “I can’t help but wonder.. why betray me now? What could have possibly undone my spell and forced you to this?” She asks and he glares down at her before answering with a restrained angry voice.

“You. Killed. My. Daughter.” He says and Midnight chuckles before glaring back at him.

“She got what was coming to her since the moment we crossed paths.” Midnight says with a cold edge to her voice and Argyle yells in anger as a railgun forms on one of his arms and he blasts Midnight with it, sending her flying to the other side of the room and crashing into the wall. He lands on his feet and stands his ground as she slowly gets up and glares at him. “You’ll regret that!” She says as her eyes glow more. He shoots at her more and she blocks and dodges the blasts before picking him up by his throat and pinning him against the wall behind him so fast that it cracks. He tries shooting her again but she tears the railgun off before he can then disables his suit. “I gave you magic and this armor.. so I can take it away.” She says before making a blade come out of her own armor’s gauntlet and raising it up. Just as she brings it down. The wall beside them explodes, pushing debris in towards them and knocking Midnight away from Argyle. She looks up to see what caused it, only to receive a powerful magic punch to the face that sends her flying through the wall behind her, knocking her out of the structure.

Argyle looks surprised at what just happened and looks to see that it was none other than his daughter who saved him. She turns to look at him and he’s overfilled with joy and shock. “Sunny.. is it really you?” He asks and she smiles and nods before speaking.

“Not just me.. remember when I said one day I’d make friends with a unicorn or a pegasus? Well.. meet my friends.” She says as she gestures to her friends who all smile at him as soon as he sees them and Argyle looks amazed.

“Wow..” He says and Sunny introduces them all to him. She then tells him about her relationship with Izzy and he stays quiet for a bit.. before picking Sunny up in a hug and welcoming Izzy to the family. They all then hear something that breaks them out of the moment and see boulders crashing towards the field and the city and everyone running or flying for safety while also fighting Midnight’s army that is trying to stop them.

“They’re sitting ducks down there! We need to help them!” Violet says and Sunny nods in agreement.

“All of you go, we can handle Midnight.” She says and they all hesitate but nod. Argyle is more reluctant to go than the others though. He grabs Sunny’s arm and tries pulling her with them.

“No, you’re coming too, all of you! I won’t let you go up against that monster!” He says as he tries pulling Sunny but she doesn’t move an inch.

“Dad.. we can do this. Trust us.. trust me. We can do this.” Sunny says and Argyle hesitates before reluctantly nodding and letting her go. He then steps next to Nebula and the others and they teleport onto the ground and start helping everyone to safety.

Midnight bursts back through the wall, pushing the Mane 5 back with magic. She then quickly grabs Sunny, swinging her around and throwing her. “I just don’t get it!! I saw your life end. I saw you die! Why. Won’t. You. DIE?!?!” She screams as she swings at Sunny, getting her punch blocked then countered by Sunny’s shield. The bash she receives from it knocks her back quite a bit and Sunny takes the chance to blasts her again and again and Izzy makes the floor icy below her and Pipp yanks her legs out from under her. Zipp and Hitch take the chance to jump up and bring their firsts down on Midnight, making a crater in the floor.

Midnight quickly recovers and uses magic tendrils to send them up into the roof before slamming them together. She senses Pipp and Izzy coming at her and throws Zipp and Hitch into them. Sunny jumps on her, wrapping her legs and arms around her and flips her, using the maneuver to throw her. After that she throws her shield and it hits Midnight in the face, scratching her cheek and bloodying her nose. It then flys back to her and just in time as Midnight throws her bident at Sunny. Sunny blocks it and every attack after that comes from different weapons belonging to Midnight. Midnight’s attacks become more and more relentless until Sunny dodges one but is instantly dragged around by a magic tendril and slammed from wall into wall into the floor, into the roof and it just continues on. She eventually pins Sunny against one of the walls and and blasts magic at her that’s meant to kill her but it’s countered by Izzy’s own magic. Midnight charges at Izzy who slides under her attack before jumping up, sending her sword towards her and it stabs into her back. That doesn’t do anything but anger Midnight even more though.

Suddenly the sword shoots out of her back and straight towards Izzy. Izzy dodges it but can’t dodge when Midnight tackles her and slammed her against the wall behind her. Midnight chuckles as she attacks Izzy over and over again before stopping. “It was a nice try Izzy but you forget.. it takes an alicorn to kill another alicorn.” Midnight says as she smirks down at Izzy before choking her and slowly lifting her up. Izzy struggles to say something but Midnight doesn’t care what it is.. until she gets stabbed in the back and it actually.. hurts. She yells in pain and drops Izzy before slowly turning around to see it was Sunny who stabbed her using her sword. She then hears Izzy say what she was trying to say a few seconds prior.

“I didn’t forget..” She says with a smirk of her own and Midnight is actually impressed. They had outsmarted her in the best way possible.. but she wasn’t done.. not yet. She chuckles evilly before sending Sunny’s sword back at her and the handle hits her in the stomach and knocks her back, knocking the air out of her. She then picks up Izzy and slams her onto Sunny.

“Clever.. but still not enough.” She says as the stab wound heals terrifyingly fast.

As soon as Sunny gets up she blasts her back down and continues blasting her, making her scream in pain. “You just don’t understand, do you?! You can’t beat me! You never could, all of your efforts have been for nothing! Every life you’ve tried to save was always going to end! So tell me Sunny..” Midnight says as she stops blasting her and stands over her, sneering down at her. “How does it feel.. to know that no matter what you do, you will always be a weakling.. a coward.. a failure?” Midnight asks as she raises her own sword and prepares to finally take Sunny’s life. Sunny can’t think of an answer so.. she just closes her eyes and lowers her head.

“You’re wrong!” She hears Izzy yell and they both look at her. “Sunny’s strong.. one of the strongest.. bravest ponies I’ve ever met.. she hasn’t failed yet and she’s not gonna start now!” She says and Sunny can’t help but smile, receiving a smile in return and Midnight shakes her head with disappointment.

“Love.. a dreadful bond.. and yet..” Midnight says as a magic tendril slowly forms out of her back. “So easily severed.” Midnight says before sending the tendril straight into Izzy’s stomach and Sunny feels like her whole world is crumbling right before her eyes.

IZZY!!!” Sunny screams in terror and Midnight chuckles as she twists and turns the tendril to torture Izzy and make her groan and grunt in pain before retracting the tendril and Sunny runs over to her.

“Now to take back what is mine.” Midnight says before blasting a spell into the sky and it goes to the Deathbolts, Ragnar, Magma, Askari, Argyle, Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow and anyone else who was given magic by Midnight. She starts draining it back into herself, taking it from them and also draining the life out of them. Sunny senses this and tries to stop her but before she can do anything Midnight blasts her into a wall. Midnight laughs evilly as she starts glowing more and radiating with raw magical energy. She then flys to the crystals that are floating in the middle of the room, being held up by magic coming from the bell and the amulet and starts charging them up more. Suddenly she’s blasted away from them and it was because of Solaris, who somehow summoned the strength to make it up here. “Ah, my lesser half.” She says and Solaris just glares at Midnight.

“Give up Midnight! You’ve caused enough pain! For everyone!” Solaris yells but Midnight laughs and smirks at her.

“I know, and it was fun while it lasted!” Midnight yells back and Solaris growls in annoyance. She sees Sunny trying her best to heal Izzy but whenever Midnight injures someone herself, the injuries are very hard to heal.

She then makes a risky decision and charges at Midnight who charges back and she slides between her legs all the way to Sunny and makes a shield that keeps Midnight out. She notices Sunny crying and sees Izzy not breathing anymore. “Oh no.. I’m so sorry Sunny.. this is my fault..” Solaris says and Sunny doesn’t say anything until she looks and sees her friends fighting Midnight. They get some good hits in but that doesn’t last long. Hitch goes to power punch Midnight but she catches his fist and breaks his arm and tossing him to the side. After that Zipp flys around her, blasting lightning and Midnight eventually blasts one of Zipp’s wings, making her crash into Hitch. Pipp steps up and tries using her sonic scream on Midnight and it seems to bother her.. until she suddenly sends it back towards Pipp, making her fly back into a wall.. and Sunny can see her ears are bleeding from that.

She then looks back at Izzy with a frown. She sees all this.. and yet she’s sitting here, mourning.. she’s lost her mom, she’s lost her dad, twice now, and now.. she’s lost Izzy. Maybe Midnight was right.. maybe she is a failure.. she then remembers what Izzy said and grows a determined look before standing up and looking at Solaris, holding out her hand. “Come on.. we’re not done yet.” She says and Solaris smiles and takes her hand and Sunny puts her on her back like she did when they were in Midnight’s mind. She then picks Izzy up sadly and Solaris angles the shield so it separates Midnight from them and Sunny’s friends. They ignore Midnight trying to break through and walk to Sunny’s friends who slowly get up. “Get out of here.. and take her with you.” Sunny says and they all hesitate but nod. Zipp carries Izzy and after Sunny backs up, Solaris teleports them onto the ground. Sunny turns to face Midnight and she and Solaris glare at her. “Ready?” Sunny asks Solaris and gets a nod in response.


After the confirmation that they both were ready, Sunny charges at Midnight faster than ever, breaking through the shield and sending them both out of the structure. Sunny throws Midnight into the swirling, flying boulders surrounding the lighthouse. Sunny then flys above it and starts diving towards it, planning to destroy it and the relics. “No!!!” Midnight says before blasting Sunny away from it and to the other side of the surrounding boulders. “I’m not gonna make it easy for you Starscout!!!” Midnight yells as she flys above it and charges towards Sunny and Sunny charges back. Right before they clash, Sunny turns at the last second and blasts Midnight then makes tons of boulders start crushing her from all sides. After that she tries destroying the lighthouse again but something else happens.. it starts glowing red and the crystals fly out and knock Sunny off balance and they’re all red too. They fly to Midnight just as she breaks free and they start floating around her, confusing all three of them, Midnight even more so.

“What’s this..?” She asks before the crystals start spinning even faster and they all connect to each other.. before connecting to her. She screams when they do, feeling much more power than she ever has before. Sunny and Solaris start to get nervous and when Midnight suddenly turns into a much bigger, much scarier shadow version of herself, that seals the deal. She then laughs and looks down at Sunny and Solaris. “And so it ends.. betrayed by the very thing that you thought would keep Equestria balanced..friendship.. how pathetic. Now.. TIME TO DIE!!!” Midnight yells before attacking Sunny and she dodges it, flying around Midnight and blasting her with as much magic as she can muster but it barely fazes her.

“What are we gonna do Sunny?! With her like that, beating her will be impossible!!” Solaris says and Sunny tries her best to think of something.

Surely there must be a weak spot, she just had to find it. She’s so distracted looking that she doesn’t see giant shadow magic tendrils coming at her until Solaris warns her and she just barely dodges them only to get grabbed by Midnight and brought to where she can see her. She then starts using both her hands to crush Sunny as she uses her magic on her. Sunny and Solaris both scream in pain. At this rate, they’ll both be taken out in the most painful way together. Wait.. that gives Sunny an idea. “Solaris! Your magic! Use it on me! A LOT of it!!” Sunny yells and Solaris instantly starts channeling her magic into Sunny like she did before and it doesn’t seem to do anything as everything just gets darker and darker..

Midnight chuckles before looking down at everyone else. Now that Sunny was gone.. the rest of Equestria would follow suite. She aims at the sky and prepares to fire the spell that would would end everything and everyone. “It is over Equestria! I conquered you!! And now.. I shall destroy you!!!” She yells as she charges up the spell and just when she’s ready to fire it.. she feels her hands starting to open and separate. She looks at them, more than a little confused and sees a blinding golden light before it’s revealed that Sunny has opened her hands. Her mane was flowing, her eyes were golden, her wings and horn were glowing more than ever before along with her entire body. At this, anyone could say she was truly as bright as the sun. She glares at Midnight, Solaris still on her back.

“You talk too much.” Sunny says before she blasts Midnight’s hands, nearly destroying them and Midnight screams in pain and glares at her. Sunny smirks and flys down and around her legs, blasting them with magic and slicing through one. Midnight loses balance and falls hard and Sunny takes the chance to punch her in the face, knocking a few giant teeth out. She then does it again and again until Midnight uses tendrils to keep her back then slam and drag her across the ground before throwing her up and blasting her into the ocean. She then gets up, her leg growing back and waits for Sunny to come out of the water.. but she doesn’t. This confuses Midnight and sets her on edge.

The ground suddenly shakes and as soon as she looks down, Sunny flys out of it and straight into her chest, taking her into the sky.. and all the way into space. She then turns Midnight’s back to Equestria and glares at her. “Now Midnight.. this is for my dad.” Sunny says before flying straight into Midnight’s stomach, punching her and knocking all the air out of her. She then teleports onto Midnight’s chest and raises her fist. “This is for Artemis!” Sunny says before unleashing a flurry of quick but powerful magic fueled punches at her face. She then pushes off Midnight, knocking her onto the ground, the now destroyed lighthouse underneath her. “That was for Izzy!!! And this..” She says before flying up into space.. then suddenly blasting off towards Midnight faster than even Rainbow Dash could ever hope to go. “This. Is! For!! EVERYTHING!!!” Sunny yells as she reaches Midnight and delivers her most powerful punch ever.

“NOOOOOO!!!!!” Midnight screams as the magic of friendship and love inside that punch spreads further and further until the blinding light that comes from it covers all of Equestria.

When the light clears and everyone uncovers their eyes, they all cheer when they see that Midnight is gone and all that’s left is a massive crater that Sunny had made with that magic. Twilight smiles proudly and sighs in relief at the fact that Midnight is finally gone.. she wouldn’t hurt anyone ever again. She then sees something in the distance and realizes it’s a portal of some sorts. Suddenly multicolored streams of magic come out of it and go in all directions. She wonders why until she sees one go towards Izzy’s body and she suddenly jumps up, gasping for air. Hitch and the others all hug her. She hugs them back and then suddenly Phyllis, the rest of the ponies Midnight killed, and the ponies who had died from everything that had just transpired come back to life and Sprout runs to his mom and hugs her as tight as he can. Firestar and Nebula do the same to Magma when she jumps up and Skylight helps Askari up when she comes back. Zipp and Pipp hear thunder and look up at the clouds.. seeing silver lightning. They looked shocked when it strikes the ground and Haven comes running out of it, clearly looking for them.

“Mom!!” They both yell in happiness and relief as they run to her and hug her as tight as they can. Thunderbird smiles then frowns until a flash of yellow magic occurs behind him and when he turns around, he’s shocked and relieved to see Artemis who smiles at him before running and jumping on him, tackling him into a hug. Izzy and Hitch smile until they notice that.. Argyle hasn’t come back.. and Sunny is nowhere to be found.

“Wait.. where’s Sunny?” Izzy asks, and to her dismay, no one knows. They had just gotten Sunny back, they couldn’t lose her again.. they couldn’t.

Sunny opens her eyes and is surprised to see her mother right in front of her.. along with her father. She jumps up and hugs them both and they hug back. She hears laughing and crying and she turns around to see Solaris with her own family, apologizing to them for everything, especially her father and siblings. They tell her that there’s nothing to forgive and she finds it hard to accept that but Sunny walks over and helps her. “We’ll both have to learn to accept that what happened.. what we did was out of our control.. but we can both do it.. together.” Sunny says and Solaris smiles before looking at her family and Sunny’s parents.

“But what about them..?” She asks and Sunny looks at her parents who have sad smiles on their faces. Sunny frowns and her father steps up to her and lifts her chin up.

“Come on now.. it’s no reason to be sad.. we’ll always be there for you both every step of the way..” He says and Sunny smiles at him and her mother when she steps up as well.

“We just wanted to bring you here to tell you how proud we all are of you.. both of you. You finally stopped Midnight.. you saved Equestria.” She says and Sunny and Solaris smile at them then each other but look shocked as they start to disappear. “We love you Sunny bunny, never forget that.” Both Sunny’s parents say and Solaris’s family all talk after them.

“We’ll miss you Solaris.. keep living, if not for yourself then do it for us.” They say and Solaris nods sadly before she and Sunny completely disappear, glad to have at least gotten even a few moments more to spend with their families.

As everyone searches and calls for Sunny and Solaris, they slowly start to lose hope.. that is until the portal gets brighter and turns golden and everyone looks shocked. They notice someone walking out of it and recognize as Sunny. She survived. Her friends are the first ones to run to her and tackle her in a group hug. Solaris goes flying from the impact but Sunny catches her and smiles at her before hugging her friends back. Twilight walks up to them along with her own friends and smiles at Sunny. “You did it Sunny. You stopped Midnight.. you did what I failed to do. And for that I’m proud.. and we are all in your debt.” Twilight says before using her magic to form a crown that’s perfect for Sunny and Sunny understands what she wants her to do as she stands up and walks closer to her only to kneel before her. “By the right of all Alicorns past, present and future. By the power invested in me.. for your bravery and heroic exploits, I now crown you.. Princess Sunny Starscout.” Twilight says and Sunny stands up and Twilight slowly places the crown on her head and as soon as she does, everyone cheers and all the Alicorns shoot their magic into the sky, making fireworks and Sunny smiles, all her friends standing beside her, Solaris on her back. Midnight may be gone but there was still a lot of work to be done.. but that’s ok.. because she knew that with her friends by her side, she could do anything.

Four years later

“Sunny! Come on! We’re gonna be late!” Sunny hears Izzy call from downstairs in their new “Unity Brighthouse” as it had been called for two years now. Sunny chuckled as she remembered the first day she, Izzy, Hitch, Zipp, and Pipp had moved into it. It had just appeared out of nowhere, formed by the unity crystals and they had absolutely no idea what to do after except.. decorate it. It had been a disaster of course but they worked it out. They had worked out everything. Solaris had now gotten used to school and making real friends who wouldn’t judge her. Zipp was now a detective and working with Hitch on Ragnar's case, the evidence they found against him had been enough to land him a execution sentence that would take place in three days. They had also started dating a year ago. All the Alicorns, including Brightburn were now traveling Equestria with Artemis, Thunderbird, and “The Wings of Equestria” just in case of any new threats. Violet had started dating Pipp and they had become partners in the music industry. Their name needed some work to a lot of ponies but to them, “The Vi-Pippstars” wasn’t that bad. Plus the music they made totally made up for the name. They were pretty much the “Queens of Music”. Askari, Skylight, Magma, Firestar, and Nebula had all returned home but would often visit and spend a lot of time together.

The ponies, creatures and kingdoms of the past had all worked with the ponies of new Equestria to make things better, rebuilding old towns and cities and building new ones. There was now a train system that could get anypony anywhere they wanted. Everything was perfect now and Sunny doesn’t think she can be happier. “Coming!” She yells as she summons her magic to fly down to the first floor. She sees Izzy and Solaris waiting for her and walks out with them towards the new and improved Maretime Bay. As they walk through the city, they’re greeted by tons of ponies and other creatures and Solaris even runs into some of her school friends. They eventually get to the center of Maretime Bay where everyone is heading to and the decorations, the activities, the stage. It all looked amazing and fun. They see Zipp and Hitch and go to join them. Suddenly one of the intercoms tells everybody to look towards the stage.

Everyone does so with interest and they cheer when Pipp and Violet fly out from behind the curtains and do a few maneuvers in the air that look like they’re dancing, causing everyone to cheer louder. Zipp cheers louder than she ever has, which was rarely, so she looks embarrassed when her friends give her knowing looks and she blushes, looking away. “As you all know, today is a very special day! Today is the anniversary of Sunny’s coronation and her amazing defeat of Midnight!” Violet says and everyone claps in Sunny’s direction, causing her to shift nervously. Pipp then steps up and continues.

“So we took the liberty of throwing all this together and inviting everyone from every kingdom. So thank you lots to those of you who could make it! Give it up for yourselves!” Pipp says, prompting everyone else to clap.

“And now without further ado..!” Violet says before she looks at Pipp, earning a nod and they both turn to the crowd at the same time. “Let’s get this party started~!” They both shout in unison in their best singsong voices.

And with that the party begins and goes on for quite a while. Sunny eventually steps away and sits on top of Canterlogic. She’s deep in her thoughts until Izzy snaps her out of it. “Hey.. you ok?” Izzy asks and Sunny nods but she’s lying and Izzy can tell and she glares at Sunny. Sunny sighs and breathes in before answering.

“Pipp and Violet threw this party for me but.. I don’t feel like I truly deserve it.. I couldn’t save my parents.. Solaris’s family.. I at least wish I could’ve saved YOUR mother..” Sunny says and before she could continue, Izzy cut over her.

“Sunny.. I wouldn’t change a thing.. Ok? At least I still have you and besides, You, me and Solaris are a family now, us and our friends. I wouldn’t give that up for anything.” Izzy says and Sunny looks shocked before kissing Izzy and leaning her head against hers.

“I love you Izzy.” She says and Izzy smiles before leaning against her.

“I love you too.” She says before they both go back to the party and enjoy the peace that would last for generations to come..

Or would it..?

Sunny's inner monologue

So Midnight is finally gone and life continues on in Equestria.. a job well done.. but my story is just beginning.. while another remains unanswered. I’ve learned so much.. most importantly that as long as you’re with friends and family.. you can do anything you put your mind too. But from here on out, whenever there is danger or new threats, no matter how small.. my friends and I will be there.. all you have to do.. is look for the light.

To be continued in My Little Pony: Harmony and Chaos..

Comments ( 1 )

But it makes no sense to say he has no actual connection despite he was part of firing the rainbow laser too.
He was able to when literally no one in the crowd done so

That is like a earth pony casting a actual spell but them saying he has no magic despite literally shown the ability to use that type of magic

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