• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,085 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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Light vs Dark Pt. 5

While everypony else was out looking for the mystery mare Pipp brought up, Sunny was in Bridlewood, practicing magic with Twilight and Thunderbird. Right now she was struggling to hold up the connection between herself and a rune made from golden alicorn magic. “Focus Sunny. This won’t work if you’re distracted by anything. Anything at all. You need to hold the connection for this rune to be effective.” Twilight continues to urge Sunny which just adds to Sunny's rapidly increasing frustration. It wasn’t that Sunny wasn’t excited to be learning from her foalhood hero. It was just that she had been trying to master control of her magic for the past few months on her own and she hadn’t even gotten close. Even with as many books as she had read about old spells and everything that would be effective in combat. She had tried some and that’s what had lead to some of the scars on her body. Mainly when her magic started glitching did the spells go completely wrong.

On one occasion, she was practicing a spell that could be destructive if done wrong. She was doing it right, at least she thought she was, but then her magic glitched and the spell went berserk and blew up the entire area. Luckily no one else was around but Sunny was injured and momentarily crushed by tons of rocks. Had she not learned a healing spell, she would’ve been a sitting duck on multiple occasions. Regardless, a lot of spells she’s tried and failed, and this rune was no different. Sunny puts more focus and effort into it and it starts to become more solid.. but that doesn’t last long as it starts flickering and fading and Sunny groans in frustration, breaking the connection and punching right through a tree. “I can’t do it! I’ve been trying all morning and I can’t manage to do a single! Stupid! Rune! If I can’t even manage to do a teleportation spell, how could I possibly hope to beat Midnight?! Especially since you just barely managed to?!” Sunny yells, turning to Twilight, who isn’t even the least bit shocked but she does have a sorrowful look on her face.

Twilight walks to Sunny and puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder and smiles at her. “I understand your doubts Sunny. I too have had the same mindset.. do you wanna know how I overcame those doubts?” Twilight asks and Sunny looks up at her, tilting her head a bit to show her curiosity. Twilight chuckles before answering with “I realized that I didn’t need to learn every spell in the world just to overcome every obstacle that Midnight throws at me.. I realized I could count on my friends to be there by my side no matter what.. and you can do the same.. but you have to trust them. Trust that they can take care of themselves. Trust them.. trust yourself. Trust.. the magic of friendship.” Twilight says and that long dead spark that Sunny used to have.. that spark of hope and faith.. was reignited. She now knew that it was a terrible mistake to leave. So she turned around, thinking about everything that her departure had caused.. and decided to stay. To fight beside her friends from now on and never leave their sides again. It was obvious that Midnight was going to go after them or anyone close to them whether she was with them or not. Leaving wouldn’t save them.. but she was done running. She turned around to Twilight and Thunderbird with a determined look on her face.

“Alright.. I’m ready to try again. Thank you Princess Twilight.. I promise I will never turn my back on friendship again.” Sunny says and Twilight gives a proud smile.

“Anytime.. and I know you won’t.. Princess Starscout.” Twilight says, slightly bowing her head and Sunny’s heart and mind temporarily stopped working from shock. Princess Twilight Sparkle.. acknowledged her as a princess.. and bowed her head. Sunny felt like she was gonna pass out but she shook her head and tried to continue her training instead. She could freak out over it later.

Beside a nearby hidden pegasus city

“We’re here.” Pipp says as she excitedly hops off of Spike who was in his “rampage” form. They had landed just outside the city’s border on top of one of the small mountains that surrounds it so no one had noticed. Good thing too, because if any of the pegasi saw a dragon, or a giant one at least, they would instantly go into a panic and flee the city. Spike turned back to his normal size once everypony was off him and followed them into the city. Everypony looks around amazed, this city was very similar to Zephyr Heights but more advanced looking and more colorful. There were billboards advertising different products, like perfume, pizza, video games, new phones, and other things. Then there were some that were showing some of the mystery mare's music videos. She was a beautiful white pegasus with a brown mane that was dyed violet at the tips. Her wings had purple primary feathers while the rest were blue just like her eyes. Pipp instantly squealed when she saw them.

“I’m guessing that’s who we’re looking for?” Spike asks, earning a nod from Zipp who's smirking at her sister. When Pipp notices, she immediately tries to make herself seem calm even though she’s internally screaming in excitement on the inside.

“Sparkle time 88? Is that her real name?” Izzy asks and Pipp gives her a dumbfounded look before breathing in and explaining.

“No silly, her real name is Violet. Violet Sparkles. She lets her friends call her Sparks for short. And since you’re all friends with me and Zipp, you might get that privilege.” Pipp says, and to her mild annoyance, Sprout, Spike, Rainbow dash, and Applejack all laugh. “Uhhh is something funny?” Pipp asks.

“Sparks? Seriously?” Sprout asks while laughing, earning a punch in the shoulder from Brightburn. “Ow! What?! It’s a funny nickname.” he says and she glares at him, growling. He instantly falls silent and she crosses her arms.

“Honestly, I don’t know why I expected better from a former racist egotistical tyrant.” Brightburn says and Sprout frowns and pouts. Before anyone can call her out for that comment or agree with her, tons of ponies start running past them in excitement, confusing them as they try to follow them and find the source. Pipp’s shocked expression, followed by an excited squeal gives away what or who it is.

Everyone looks shocked when they see Violet walking through the crowd and she looks even more beautiful in person than she does in the videos. When some kids run up to her, asking for her autograph, and one has his wing in a cast she searches for something to write with but then shrugs and pulls out one of her feathers and uses it to sign the colt’s cast and sign the filly’s photo of her. They both squeal excitement and the filly looks as if she almost faints when Violet puts her feather behind her ear for her to take as a gift. She then walks off and stops in her tracks when she sees Pipp and Zipp. She then smiles and flys to them. “Pipp! Zipp!” she yells and they fly to her and meet her halfway, Pipp embracing her in a hug that’s immediately returned. Violet hugs Zipp gently as soon as she’s done with Pipp. “Wow, it’s been a while. I’ve been trying to contact you after your mission-stream. You didn’t respond to any of my messages or calls.” she says, turning to Pipp who has a sheepish smile on her face.

“Yeahhh about that.. my phone was damaged, the screen was cracked badly and it messes with my texts and I couldn’t call you because the weather machine in Zephyr Heights was scrambling communications so I got no service and I couldn’t leave the city at the time.” Pipp explained and Violet gave her an understanding look and put a wing around her, pulling her into a hug.

“I understand Pipp, you had a lot going on and you still do.. which brings me to ask why you’re here.” Violet says and Pipp perks up, remembering why they came here.

“Oh right, we need your help. You’ve been recording everything bad that Midnight’s done right?” Pipp asks and Violet nods. “We thought maybe you could expose her actions and her lies. You can prove Sunny’s innocence and save her life, along with the lives of the mane six.. of everyone in Equestria.” Pipp continues and Violet seems to think about it as she looks around at the city and everypony in it. She looks down, shaking her head.

“I don’t know Pipp.. that wouldn’t just put me in danger. It would put my home and everyone in it in danger as well.. and as much as I wanna help you.. I have to put their safety first.” Violet says much to everyone’s shock and disappointment.

“Violet, hiding the truth from the world isn’t gonna protect them, if you want them to survive and be safe, Sunny Starscout is your best bet, but she’s not at her best right now because all the negative energy in Equestria, it’s killing her. I.. Pipp and I already lost our mother and our home.. we can’t lose anyone else.. do you really want anyone else to go through the same thing?” Zipp asks, looking at her with pleading eyes and Violet looks shocked at the news of Queen Haven's demise and Zephyr Height's destruction. She slowly pulls Zipp and Pipp into a hug and they both accept it sadly.

“I’m.. I’m so sorry for your loss..” she says before sighing and backing up. “I’ll help you.. just not here. If you can get me somewhere secure, I can help Sunny clear her name. We can fix the world.. unite everypony together again.” Violet says, her voice full of hope and determination and everyone smiles. Spike feels like something isn’t right. He looks up at the sky and he could’ve sworn he momentarily saw a small scorpion tail. He sees another one and silently warns Rainbow Dash by tapping her and gesturing for her to look up.

As soon as she does, she sees one too and throws a lightning bolt into the clouds above them and it lights up, revealing silhouettes of at least a dozen Deathbolts. Everyone notices and gets ready to fight except the civilians who start to panic. The Deathbolts fly down out of the clouds and start attacking the city. “No no NO!” Violet yells as she looks around at all the ponies running away in a panic then looks at the Deathbolts and frowns. “I’ll be right back. Keep them busy and away from the civilians!” she says before running off and the others go to protect everyone. Zipp taking out some of her built up aggression on them, but the others are too busy to notice or care. After two minutes of fighting, one of the Deathbolts sneak attack Pipp. She tries to defend herself but with one strong attack, her ring blades shattered. She looks at them in shock and horror before the Deathbolt scratches her arm with its tail, making her cry out in pain and fall and hold her arm. Zipp notices and tries to help her but a Deathbolt tackles her and she struggles to get free.

“Pipp!!” Zipp yells, fearing for her sister’s life. She already lost her mother, Pipp was the only family she had now, she didn’t want to lose her too. As Pipp closed her eyes, pinned between a wall and the Deathbolt and prepared herself for her own demise, she became confused when she heard it’s tail move towards her at lightning fast speed.. but she felt nothing. No pain, no metal piercing flesh. So she opened her eyes and saw that it’s tail was cut off. Violet suddenly kicks it into a building, knocking it out. She helps Pipp up and she has her “combat outfit” on which consisted of a silver jacket, black pants with blue stripes and black boots with purple straps. She also had a sword that was slightly glowing blue and it looked amazing.

Pipp stood there at a loss for words and Violet notices and blushes. “Is.. it a bit much?” she asks, tucking her hair behind her ear in embarrassment. Pipp quickly shakes her head.

“No not at all, you look amazing.” Pipp says and Violet smiles at her and giggles, making her heart rate increase rapidly.

“Hey lovebirds! Once you two are done fangirling for each other, mind helping out?!” Brightburn shouts as she’s being chased by three Deathbolts. They both nod and go back to helping everyone but it’s a losing battle when more show up. Violet sees one drop a bomb near a family and she quickly goes to move them but ends up getting hurt herself and being knocked unconscious. Pipp quickly goes to get her and goes back to the others. Spike frowns and looks at everyone else.

“All of you go, get her back to Bridlewood.” He says and everyone instantly objects but he growls at them. “Go! I’ll be fine! Even if these guys catch me, I can buy the rest of you time! I’ve got this.. trust me..” he says as he starts walking forward and Rarity smiles and goes with him.

“We do.. but we need you to trust us as well..” she says and the rest of the mane six that are present step forward as well and get ready. Fluttershy turns to everyone else.

“Tell Twilight that we’ll be ok.” she says with a smile and they all agree before running off and starting to make their way back to Bridlewood as the mane 6 stay behind and fight till the end, having faith that they’ll end this madness.

Back in Bridlewood

“So.. when I sensed that Midnight was attacking Maretime Bay.. that was an alicorn ability?” Sunny asks Twilight who nods.

“Alicorn empathy.. every alicorn possesses it. It’s what connects us all. If you can feel how scared the rest of the Alicorns are, that’s because It allows us to sense danger, each other’s emotions, read minds, etc.” Twilight explains before continuing. “And that must be why you sensed Solaris when you touched the alicorn amulet.. she’s still in there Sunny, fighting to get out.. I just wish.. nevermind. That is a story for another day. Ok let’s try this again.” Twilight says, getting in her stance and Sunny does the same but before they can commence their training, the others show up in a hurry and Twilight notices that her friends aren’t with them.

“You’re back, what happened?!” Sunny asks, noticing their injuries. After catching her breath, Izzy steps forward and answers.

“We.. we found her but then the Deathbolts attacked the city.. Spike, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all stayed behind to fight them.. I’m sorry Twilight.. they wanted you to know they’ll be ok.” she explains and Twilight doesn’t even know what to say.. but as the weight of the situation started to make itself known to her, she started to feel so many emotions piling up inside her mind but there was one that was strongest among them.. anger.

“They will.. because we’re done wasting time.. tonight.. we take the fight to Midnight.” Twilight says, clenching her fists and Sunny would be lying if she said the thought didn’t almost scare her but she pushes that fear away and grows a determined look.

“She’s right.. Midnight has hurt WAY too many ponies and other creatures.. it’s time she answers for every single one.. tonight we end this.. once and for all.” Sunny says, her eyes slightly glowing.

In Maretime Bay

Midnight, sensing the decision the two princesses have just made, smirks as she opens her eyes. “Took them long enough.” she says as she stands up off of her throne and walks outside, looking around at the new and improved, heavily fortified “Darktime Bay”. “They have no idea what they’re heading into.. they’ll be responsible for the destruction of every single creature who attempts to oppress me.. on this world.. or the next.” she says as her eyes glow red and so does the alicorn amulet which was currently around her neck. Yes, Sunny and Twilight would come and attempt to stop her.. but they would fail.. then they would finally meet their ends. “And once I’m done, no one will ever be able to resist me again.. not even you.. Solaris.” she says. Solaris hears every word but she still tries to hold out hope that everything will be alright..

“You’re wrong.. please.. Sunny.. make things right.” Solaris says weakly before she screams in pain and becomes surrounded once again by nothing.. but darkness.