• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,074 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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Too close for comfort

Sunny stared wide-eyed, both terrified and shocked. The same alicorn that caused magic to disappear along with her idols.. was responsible for the death of her father. Even worse, Artemis and Thunderbird, two ponies she trusted to teach her how to protect Equestria, possibly knew about it. This alicorn took her father away from her.. and now she was gonna take her away from her friends.

Or atleast she would’ve if Thunderbird hadn’t blasted her off her and proceeded to attack her while Artemis helped her up. Sunny reluctantly accepted her help and was about to attack Midnight but Artemis held her back. “Sunny, no, you’re needed elsewhere.” she said but Sunny didn’t listen. No, she did the exact opposite and to Artemis's surprise, Sunny yanked her arm away from Artemis's and slapped her hand away. When she turned, Artemis was surprised to see anger and sadness in her eyes.. but at the same time she wasn’t surprised.

“Now I see why you didn’t want me or the others to come.. you didn’t want me to find out the truth.. well now I know.” she said, the betrayal evident in her voice. She looked like she was close to breaking into tears and Artemis felt more regret than she ever had in her entire life. She was about to apologize but Sunny continued. “After this, you are gonna tell me everything you know and why you lied to me.”

Artemis hesitated at first but then nodded. “I will, I-I promise but please.. we’ll deal with her, but your friends are about to need your help! Look!” Artemis says as she points towards Canterlogic which has a bunch of villains attacking it and blowing parts of it up. This just angers Sunny more and she reluctantly takes off flying towards the building and starts attacking the villains and protecting Canterlogic. As she does, she looks for her friends, worried for their safety and the safety of Phyllis, the workers, and Sprout if he was even in there. She sees one about to throw a bomb through one of the windows and another about to kill a worker.

Sunny readies her magic and blasts the one attacking the worker and punches the one about to bomb the building, knocking him out instantly and she grabs the bomb and throws it at the airship. It takes a little damage but not enough to make it start to go down surprisingly. Sunny hears an explosion and hears all her friends scream and she instantly flys inside and searches for them frantically. “Guys?! Where are you?!” she calls out and for a while she gets no response and she calls out again. “Guys!! Can anypony hear me?!” she yells and this time she gets a response and hears Hitch's voice.

“Sunny! Is that you?! We’re down here!!” he says and Sunny follows the echo and ends up knocking down a metal door and seeing a giant hole that must’ve been caused by the bomb. She sees Hitch and Zipp and a few workers and goes down, her legs instantly becoming absorbed in water. “Oh thank goodness you’re ok. We need help getting these injured workers out of here safely.” he explains and Sunny nods and lifts them out of the hole then lifts Hitch and Zipp. She notices that her other two friends were nowhere to be found.

“Where are Pipp and Izzy? They were with you weren’t they?” Sunny asks and the two nod and Hitch explains that just as they were about to leave, a bomb was thrown in and the explosion separated them all. Sunny felt dread fill her and she instantly stood up and called out, hoping to get a response. “Izzy! Pipp! Where are you?!” she yelled but her friends shushed her and Zipp's ears twitched.

“I think I hear Pipp, she’s through-“ she tried to finish but Sunny instantly took off running, not even bothering to listen to the rest of what her friend had to say. “There..” Zipp finished, sighing. “Typical Sunny, right?” she asks Hitch who just sighs and shakes his head before chuckling after. Meanwhile, Sunny was on her own mission at this point, she knows that Pipp was heard but not Izzy and she was scared that her most joyful friend had been injured or.. no, she shouldn’t think like that. She wouldn’t. Izzy was fine, she was sure of it, she just had to confirm it.

She heard Pipp right before she passed a damaged door. She didn’t sound injured but she did sound scared and frantic. Sunny knocked down what was left of the door and found Pipp but one of her wings were trapped under debris and so were her legs. As soon as she saw Sunny, a look of relief formed on her face. “Sunny!” she said and she tried to move but she winced in pain. Sunny saw this and used her magic to lift the debris off her friend and heal her wing and legs. “Thanks. Is everypony else ok?” she asks and Sunny was about to nod but then she remembered that she hadn’t found her unicorn friend.

“Hitch and Zipp are, but I can’t find Izzy. Do you have any idea where she could be?” she asked hopefully and Pipp nodded.

“I saw her getting ready to help me but then some type of.. creatures with armor, wings, and.. scorpion tails? Yeah they showed up and I told her to run and she did.. I thought they would stay and finish me off- which I’m thankful they didn’t but they chased her instead!” she said, suddenly becoming worried. Sunny was about to run off but an explosion shook the building but it sounded and felt like it might’ve come from the factory underground.

Sunny told Pipp to go help Hitch and Zipp and to hurry before the building collapsed. After that she ran to the elevator that would take her down there and pressed the button. Once she got far down enough, she noticed that the factory was flooded but ponies were still fighting and she saw the creatures that Pipp was talking about and realized that they weren’t just random scary creatures.. they were pegasi in terrifying mechanical suits of armor. She ran out as soon as the doors opened and helped the worker ponies and the defense team but as she did, she noticed somepony struggling under the water and realized it was Izzy. She was trapped under debris.

She quickly rushed over and was about to help her but a harpoon went past her face and she got tackled by one of the armored pegasi, who instantly started trying to drown her. She tried pushing them off and managed to throw them back into a wall, hard enough to crack it which knocked them out. She noticed that Izzy wasn’t struggling anymore and got really scared, just as she was about to help her a blast hits the roof above her, causing debris and a bunch more water to come crashing down into the factory. Great. Now Sunny was trapped too. She looked at Izzy and noticed that she had gone limp and she began to panic even more. “No.. No! Izzy!!” she thought and tried her best to lift the debris off herself.

After she couldn’t because of the debris and the water crushing down on her, she decided that if she couldn’t save herself, she would at least save Izzy. She used what magical strength she had left to teleport Izzy outside to the rest of their friends. She slightly smiled, glad Izzy was safe.. well, as safe as possible, all things considered. As she started to pass out, she began to accept her fate. To her surprise though, one of the mechs that were left lifted the debris off her and picked her up. It was bigger than the others so it had room for her and the other ponies. After grabbing everypony, it flew out of the factory and made it outside before malfunctioning and crashing.

Sunny and everypony else were unharmed by the crash. Phyllis ran over to check on them all as the defense team helped the weakened alicorn climb down and she caught her and gently set her down before turning to everypony else. “Is everypony alright?!” she asked and to her relief, everypony nodded. Suddenly, the mechasuit's chest opened and to everyone’s shock, Sprout climbed out and swayed a bit as he did. “Sprout?!” Phyllis screamed in shock and worry before running to him and checking him for injuries.

“I’m fine mommy.. also sorry about the new mech.” he says, smiling sheepishly and Phyllis just hugs him, more relieved than anything else. Sunny smiled, both at the scene and how much Sprout just stepped up, before remembering Izzy and the rest of her friends and suddenly getting up and walking around weakly and looking for them. She saw them and became relieved but then worried again when she saw Izzy was still unconscious if not.. ya know. She rushed over and checked to see if she was breathing and to her horror, she wasn’t. She tried everything she knew between magic and CPR. Izzy still wouldn’t wake up or at least breathe.

“Nonononono.. Izzy please.. wake up.. wake up, breathe, do something!! Please..!!” Sunny yelled, hoping more than anything for her friend to give her a sign that she was still alive. “Please don’t do this.. I can’t lose you too.. I can’t..” Sunny continued, tears running down her cheeks. She sadly hugged Izzy's body close to her's not willing to give up on her.

To everypony's surprise and happiness, Izzy started coughing up water and Sunny helped her before hugging her tightly, overjoyed that she wouldn’t lose her best friend. Izzy hugged back and looked up at Sunny, smiling. “Don’t worry.. I’m not going anywhere.” she said weakly and Sunny smiled even more than she already was.. until she and everypony else heard a boom and looked up in the sky as they saw Midnight returning to her ship with both the artifacts and all the villains she had brought with her decided to do the same and after all of them did, the airship left.

“Till next time.. Sunny Starscout.” Sunny heard Midnight's voice say in her head. She grunted in frustration and shook her head aggressively.

Thunderbird and Artemis landed next to them, both injured and having regretful looks on their faces. Sunny helped Izzy up then glared at the two. “We know, we know.. we have a lot of explaining to do.. and answers will be given to you.. all of you,” Thunderbird said, looking around and after surveying the damage, Artemis continues for him.

“But first, we should get this place at least somewhat cleaned up and after that, we’ll explain everything.. deal?” she asked, looking hopefully at Sunny. Sunny disregarded the look but reluctantly nodded her head, and with that, everypony got to work, obviously annoyed at how much damage they have to fix.