• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,074 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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Light vs Dark Pt. 6

Everypony was gathered in the center of Bridlewood and Sunny was the only one pacing. She was nervous about the mission, but also everyone’s safety, especially Thunderbird’s who said he had to go to the old base to get a few things. She suddenly snaps out of her thoughts when she feels a gentle reassuring hand on her shoulder and she looks only to see that it belongs to Izzy, who has a loving smile on her face and Sunny smiles back. “So what exactly is your plan once you get to Maretime Bay? You can’t just rush in without a plan, we all know it’s suicide.” Alphabittle says and Sunny turns to him with a determined look. She then walks to the front of the group and begins explaining.

“Since Canterlogic is big enough to be a castle, and all castles have dungeons, that’s most likely where Midnight will be, where she’ll be holding Phyllis and the others prisoner, and where she’ll be making new weapons to throw at us. If we cut the power there, the factory will stop making weapons, mechs, and vehicles for her army. We’ll have to be stealthy about that part. Then once she’s distracted, whoever goes into the factory gives everypony else the signal to move in. With her army distracted, Midnight will be vulnerable, that’ll be the perfect chance to take her down.” Sunny explains and she looks around at everyone to see if they agree with the plan and they do until Twilight gives Sunny a look and Sunny goes wide eyed and looks nervous.

“Sunny.. it’s time. Tell them the truth.” she says and Sunny breathes in and out then turns to the confused looks on everypony's faces and sighs.

“During our battle with Midnight at the old base.. I touched the alicorn amulet and.. I saw Solaris.. she was so scared.. and she asked me for help but.. before I could do anything I was fighting Midnight again.” Sunny says, looking down, afraid to face the reactions that everyone would have.

“Why didn’t you just tell us that in the first place?” Zipp asks in a restrained, calm but firm voice and Sunny rubs her arm nervously.

“I.. I didn’t know how any of you would react, I mean how would YOU expect anypony to react at the news that a filly has been inside the same monster that’s been causing so much pain and suffering? How do you think that would go? How many ponies would want both Midnight AND Solaris dead because of that fact.” Sunny says and everyone seems to begin to understand. “Don’t you see? I didn’t tell you because I also wanted to protect Solaris from that kind of hatred. She’d been through enough.. do we really wanna add to it more than we already have?” she asks and everyone instantly sees where Sunny’s coming from.

Hitch stands up and looks at Sunny. “Well if we’re gonna be working together Sunny.. if this is gonna work.. no more secrets, no more lies, and no more half-truths. We’re all in this together.. Ok?” He asks and Sunny nods with a smile.

“I promise..” she says with teary eyes and her friends invite her into a hug and she instantly jumps into it, hugging them as tight as she can and even accidentally lifting them all up with alicorn strength but none of them seem to mind it. Everyone around them smiles and after the hug ends, lightning strikes by them and Thunderbird walks out of it with armor for the Mane 5. Each one matches their colors, has some sort of representation of their names and their powers, and has a weapon that they’ve proven best with. Sunny has a sword and a shield, Izzy has a sword that’s somewhat shaped like the moon, Pipp has blades that can be turned into rings blades that absorb kinetic energy, Zipp has a bigger sword than her last one that can still split into two using magic, and Hitch has pistols that are also tasers and a gauntlet that projects a shield.

“Armor and weapons fitting for heroes such as yourselves.” Thunderbird says and they all smile at him and go to get ready but not before thanking him.

When they come back they all have their armor on and their weapons attached. Brightburn flys to them and lands, looking exhausted. “How did it go with the Alicorns and the old kingdoms? Are they willing to help?” Sunny asks and Brightburn looks up at her with a frown and sighs, standing up straight.

“Sorry.. but the kingdoms.. they’ve all lost a lot to Midnight in the past.. they can’t afford to lose anymore.. they’re afraid to face her. And the Alicorns still aren’t completely sure they can trust you.. they wanna help but.. they’re scared too.. of both you and Midnight.” she says sadly and regretfully. “I’m sorry Sunny.. but they can feel a bit of darkness in you.. anger, rage, pain.. hatred. And I’ll be honest.. so can I.” Brightburn says and that causes Sunny to reflect on the countless nightmares she’d had in the past few months.

She frowns as she comes to the conclusion that the nightmares about her evil self weren’t just nightmares.. they were possible outcomes of the coming battle. This just caused Sunny to fear herself and fear for everyone’s safety more than she already did. She grew a determined look as she clinched her fists and looked up at everyone then focused her attention on Brightburn. “Either way, I won’t let it control me. I promise..” she says and Brightburn seems to hesitate before nodding, a clear sign that she trusts Sunny to keep that promise. At least to some degree. She looks around at everyone. “So uhhh.. who’s ready to go?” she asks and after quickly exchanged glances between them all, they all agree with determined looks and Sunny can’t help but smile as they start to head to the ship that’s waiting to take them to Maretime Bay.

Nebula, Firestar, Askari, and Skylight all exchange nervous looks and Nebula goes to walk beside Sunny. “You know if this goes wrong, we’re all done for right?” she asks and Sunny continues walking for a bit before looking at her and answering.

“This is gonna work.. it has too.”

Just outside of Darktime Bay

Sunny would be lying if she said she wasn’t scared out of her mind. She was sweating, her heart was racing, her breathing became rapid and her thoughts were filled with dark possibilities of what could happen to them all. She breathes in and out repeatedly and slowly to try and calm down but it barely helps. Twilight and Brightburn sense her fear and they both send their own calming thoughts to her through alicorn empathy and Sunny starts to calm down. She smiles and thanks them both, earning smiles and nods from them. They would be fine, she knows it. They would make things right and everything will go back to normal.. or as normal as it can get, considering everything that’s happened. She sees Maretime Bay through one of the ship's windows and goes wide eyed from shock and horror at the state of it. Instead of a beautiful town full of ponies who were just casually walking through it, it looked more like a fortress, an armored wall around it with mounted turrets and everything was black and had something about it that was red.

It added a sinister look to the town. The buildings were different, more scary looking. Canterlogic was more of a castle than a factory now and Sunny’s lighthouse wasn’t safe from these changes either, it was bigger, scarier, and looked nothing like how it used to.. Midnight had ruined it. She ruined everything. It was one thing to go after Sunny’s friends but it was another to take over her home and change it to her liking and have her own dad help her with all this. It was already personal when Sunny found out that Midnight had brainwashed Argyle, but this? This was taking things to a whole new level. At this point Midnight has taken almost everything from her.. and she refused to let her take anything or anypony else.

After discussing that she and Izzy would go into Canterlogic and shut everything down, everyone agrees and Thunderbird opens the back of the ship. Before both Sunny and Izzy jump out, Hitch stops them and looks at Sunny. “Try not to get killed in there alright?” He asks and Sunny smiles and nods.

“We’ll add it to the plan.” She says playfully before she and Izzy run and jump out when they’re right over Canterlogic, cheering and having a little fun. Sunny then wraps her arms around Izzy and teleports them both onto the roof. When they find the vent they both smirk at each other and speak at the same time. “Maximum sneaky, engaged.” They say and after that, they waste no more time in getting to the ventilation system and making their way into Canterlogic through there.

Meanwhile, Thunderbird lands the ships just outside the range of the turrets on the wall while it’s in stealth mode. Everyone exits and looks around. Twilight puts an invisibility spell on everyone as they start moving towards the wall and try to find an opening. After a few minutes of searching they run into something they weren’t expecting.. a graveyard.

Sunny and Izzy were both nervous and trying their best to stay quiet while they moved through the ventilation system. There were ponies, Deathbolts, and Sentries everywhere. So if they were spotted, they would have to fight their way through them, and they could probably handle that, but if Midnight showed up and intervened, they were both doomed, and so was Equestria. They kept wandering until they found the elevator and they pressed the button that would take them to the underground factory then got out and got on top of the elevator, Izzy using an invisibility spell on them both. Once it gets there, they’re shocked by the state of it but have no time to react as two of the Deathbolts down there look to see who’s coming down and go to the elevator when they see no one in it and search it. Sunny and Izzy quickly get in it then walk out of it and look around quietly. After a few minutes of looking around, they find the dungeon and find Phyllis and everyone else who was captured. They didn’t look too injured but they were scared and they were shackled up. Sunny released them and asked if they were ok and they all said yes but Sunny could tell something was.. off.

Sunny calls Zipp and tells her what’s going on. “Zipp, you’ll never guess who we found in the dungeons. Phyllis and everypony else.” she says but the gasps that comes from the other end of the comm confuses and worries her.

“Sunny.. that’s impossible.. we just found graves for all of them.. including Phyllis.” Zipp says and Sunny freezes up and looks at Izzy, then at everyone else.

“So that means..” Sunny begins to say and they both come to the same conclusion at the same time.

“It’s a trap!” They both yell and “Phyllis” suddenly tackles Sunny then reveals herself to be a changeling.. along with everyone else. She kicks her off and Izzy helps her up but they both end up backing up into Midnight, who’s smirking.

“Hello again Sunny, I see you brought one of your friends this time.. or should I say all of them.” She says as she presses on the comm in her ear. “You found their location? ..Good.. take them out.” she says and they all hear the turrets outside firing and Sunny’s heart instantly fills with dread and anger and.. hatred.

“I’ll kill you!!!” Sunny yells as she charges towards Midnight and she does the same, both of them ready for what would be.. their final confrontation.