• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,074 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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No more sunny days

Back in Maretime Bay

Everypony in Maretime Bay saw the entire battle, meaning they saw Sunny lose and the destruction she and Midnight caused to the village. Phyllis, Sprout, Artemis, Thunderbird, and the rest of the Mane 5 were currently trying to keep the peace. Everypony was panicking even worse than they were the first day Izzy came to Maretime Bay. After a very intimidating lightning strike caused by Thunderbird, everypony settled down somewhat mostly. That’s when Hitch spoke. “Alright everyone! Calm down, and we’ll sort all this out!” he shouts, trying to keep things under control.

Meanwhile, Izzy was losing it and Pipp was trying to comfort her while Zipp was trying to think of something, anything that would help them track Sunny before Midnight does whatever she plans to do with her. “It’s ok Izzy, it’s ok.. Sunny’s strong and she’s smart. She’ll figure out something.” Zipp heard her sister say and she smiles a bit.

“B-But what if.. what if she can’t? Or what if Midnight.. kills her before we get there to help her? I don’t want anything bad to happen to Sunny, I’m scared.. we need to help her. W-We just have to.” Izzy says with a shaky voice. It was honestly scary and surprising to see Izzy so.. worried and freaked out. Then again, it’s understandable since one of her friends is at stake.

“We don’t even know where they are, Sunny was able to find them by using magic but we can’t do that.. but maybe her armor can be tracked by Artemis and Thunderbird? When we get a chance, we should ask them.” Zipp says and both ponies agree. After everything seems to be calming down, the rest of the Mane 5 talk about everything with Artemis and Thunderbird and try to think of a plan in private. “So you can’t track Sunny’s armor?” Zipp asked the two elder ponies and they shook their heads, frowning, causing the others to frown too.

“Well.. any chance we could help?” a voice says behind them and when they turn to see a unicorn with an orange coat and a red and yellow mane and green eyes and another creature with the head of a pony, the right arm of a bear, the left arm of an eagle's leg, the tail of a dragon or a snake and the leg of one while it's other leg was of a goat. Zipp, Artemis, and Thunderbird's eyes all go wide as they realize who the two figures before them are- Sunset Shimmer and Discord.

Back on the airship

As Sunny came to, the first thing she noticed was that her entire body hurt and the next thing she noticed was that she couldn’t move her arms or legs. She looked around and realized that she was being held up by four magical glowing tendrils. She tried breaking free but found that her strength hadn’t returned and also anytime she tried, the tendrils shocked her, causing her to scream in pain. She heard footsteps and became anxious. That feeling increased when Midnight rounded the corner with.. the young female zebra. Sunny frowned and looked down, not able to face her after what she did to her parents. “Well well well, look who finally decided to wake up. Just in time to experience the most intense pain you’ll ever feel in your life.” said Midnight, to which the zebra smirked at the idea and Sunny couldn’t blame her.

“I deserve it.. do your worst.” Sunny says but she hears the zebra scoff when she does, prompting Sunny to look up at her.

“Pretending to be sorry for what you did.. have you no shame at all?” she says, anger present in her voice as she glares at Sunny.

“I’m not pretending, I really am sorry, I didn’t mean for any of that to happen.. I didn’t mean to take your parents away from you.. If I could make it so that never happened, I would.” Sunny says, but it’s obvious that the zebra wasn’t buying it. Midnight smirks then turns to her.

“You know what? How about you do the honors Askari?” She asks the young zebra who nods and walks to a console and looks at Sunny.

“Say goodbye to your old self, Sunny Starscout, hope you said goodbye to your friends last time you saw them too.” she says before pressing a button and suddenly the tendrils start shocking Sunny nonstop and she screams in pain the whole time. As the magic from the tendrils starts to take hold of her, her memories of her friends, her father, everyone and everything she’s ever known.. started to fade away. Her magic started turning purple and so did her eyes. The rainbow strands of hair in her mane started to become black and purple. Sunny tried to resist it but there was nothing she could do.. she was losing everything that made her who she was.

Right as she started to lose consciousness, the tendrils released her and she fell to the floor on her hands and knees. Midnight and Askari both walk to her and Midnight gets down on one knee and uses her hand to lift Sunny's chin until she was looking up at her. She could see that it had worked but she just needed to test it. “How do you feel Sunny?” she asks, removing her hand from under Sunny's chin.

Sunny slowly stands up and looks at herself. “I feel.. I feel.. stronger.. even better than I did before.” she says. When she was going to say something else, her eyes glowed purple and the dark magic inside her made her say those words instead. Midnight noticed and chuckled evilly.

“Good, and your old friends Sunny.. these friends,” she says as she hands a picture of Sunny with her friends to her before continuing. “What do you think of them? How do you feel about them?”

Sunny stares at it for a bit before answering. “They.. are no friends of mine.. they are my enemies. And they must be destroyed.” She says as she crushes the picture and uses her magic to incinerate it.

Midnight smirks and signals Sunny and Askari to follow her as she walks to the control room for the airship. “Good, very good. I have a plan to draw their attention.. and tear them apart from the inside..” she says as she points to a spot on the map that’s on the planning table. That spot is Zephyr Heights. “This would be a good place to start..” she says before turning to Sunny and Askari and continuing. “Go raise some hell.”

In Zephyr Heights

Some royal guards were now knocking down the doors to an abandoned building after tracking Askari there after she destroyed a building. How: they have no idea. There was no trace of a bomb anywhere. However she did it, they would interrogate her about it once they catch her. They knocked down the doors and moved in, their spears and shields ready. Three of them pulled out flashlights and used them to see ahead of them and look around.

They heard a loud bang of something against metal and turned in the direction of the sound, shocked looks forming on their faces when they saw nothing. They continued searching, continuing to hear noises. Suddenly, some of the lights come on and a smoke grenade goes off. They all cough but then notices that some guards are missing and they can hear fighting and running footsteps all around them. Suddenly, the smoke clears from one area and they see Sunny and look shocked and confused. Sunny has black and purple armor now and her appearance seems a bit off.

“Starscout? You’re alive? We thought that other alicorn killed you, what are you doi-“ Thunder says but Sunny starts attacking and downs him instantly and proceeds to attack the others along with Askari. They kill a few guards but just majorly injure the rest. More guards show up but there’s nopony there except the dead or injured guards. The guard pony that Thunder is always with, Zoom goes to check on him. “Thunder, what happened?!” she asks and he coughs a bit and looks up at her.

“S-Starscout.. she’s alive.. but she and the zebra we chased.. they did all this..” he says weakly before passing out. Zoom looks shocked then grows a stern look and turns to the others.

“Someone inform Queen Haven! Tell her Sunny Starscout is alive and dangerous! And that she’s HERE with a terrorist!” she commands and with that, two guards fly to the castle to tell Queen Haven what had just happened. Unknown to them, Sunny and Askari were watching and following them, planning to attack the castle next.