• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,085 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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Broken hearts and shattered bonds Pt. 4

Back in Zephyr Heights

Zipp was currently sitting on top of a building, looking over the streets of Zephyr Heights for a new certain pegasus that had decided to cause trouble about an hour ago. She then heard the sound of something going at an incredibly fast speed and assumed it must’ve been her, so she stood up and looked around. She pressed down on the comm in her ear and spoke into it. “Talk to me Pipp, is it picking up her energy signature?” she asked her sister through the device, having planted a tracker on the mysterious masked pegasus the first time they fought. After a few seconds, her sister responds.

“Yeah, she’s about two miles away from you, head towards the jewelry store.. or what’s left of it.” Pipp says and Zipp instantly flys there and lands outside, looking around.

She sees the pegasus walking inside and she still has the same blue outfit with silver armor, a white lightning bolt going from her right shoulder to her left hip, a lightning shaped belt there for it to connect to. “I don’t think I have to tell you how low it is that you’re trying to steal from a damaged, barely recovering kingdom. Do I?” she asks, gaining the attention of the pegasus who jumps in surprise then sighs realizing it’s just Zipp.. again.

“Look Princess, I know you probably wouldn’t know or care about this, but there are ponies who need the money this stuff makes more than the pegasi here who have had it SO easy for too long, now that they finally got what was coming to them, you mean to tell me they can’t survive without it? Yeah right, now you can either stay the hell out of my way or I can kick your ass again.” she says before going back to looting the store for anything valuable she can find. Zipp zooms up to her and grabs her but she just kicks her off, right through one of the glass doors.

Zipp coughs and holds her stomach as she gets up. “Geez that’s quite a mean kick you have there.. ow..” Zipp says, looking at the pegasus who looks ready to defend herself in case Zipp tries anything else.

“Gee thanks, I work out a lot. In case that wasn’t clear even though I literally threw you through a wall.. you sure you still wanna fight me without armor Princess?” the pegasus asks, rolling her neck then her shoulder and getting in her fighting stance. Zipp does the same before responding.

“Positive..” and with that they charge at each other and begin fighting. Or at least they would’ve if the Deathbolts hadn’t landed out of nowhere, surrounding the store. Zipp sighs and gets ready to fight them instead but the greatest thing happens: the original Wonderbolts show up and defend the city as more of the Deathbolts show up and attack Zephyr Heights.

Zipp is so frozen in shock that she doesn’t even notice the pegasus slip away, but when she does, she groans in frustration and flys up, seeing her flying towards the castle which is also being attacked. “Pipp, she’s heading there, probably planning to steal out of the vault, be ready. I’ll handle the Deathbolts!” Zipp says before flying to the castle and keeping them from attacking it any further.

Back in the Crystal Empire

Artemis, Brightburn, Hitch and Izzy were all exhausted but they continued fighting and saving ponies even with everything going on between the shadow ponies, the snowstorm that was starting to engulf the kingdom in ice and snow, and the giant dragon that Sombra had recently summoned, it was black with red markings and eyes just like his. Not only that but it was attacking Flurry Heart who was trying her best not to get eaten, crushed, or burnt to a crisp. The dragon swings at her but she flys in between it’s claws and blasts him in his face. He roars, stumbling a bit and wraps his tail around her, proceeded to squeeze her as tightly as he can. She can’t even scream as her lungs are being crushed as well. A giant bug-like creature rams into his face and makes him drop Flurry Heart and Cozy Glow catches her.

“Nice one Chrysalis!” Cozy yells before turning to Flurry Heart as she lands on a building and gently places her down. “You ok Princess?” she asks, her voice full of concern and Flurry Heart takes a moment to gather herself before nodding and trying to stand up. Cozy Glow stops her. “Whoa whoa whoa, take it easy Flurry, you could have broken bones for all we know.” she says.

Chrysalis lands by them and uses a scanning spell on her and sighs. “14 actually. She has 14 broken bones.” Chrysalis says and Cozy glow looks shocked but through some sort of willpower, Flurry Heart manages to stand up and responds.

“Which means I have 191 non broken ones.” she says and Chrysalis rolls her eyes while smiling a bit.

“Smartass.” She says and Flurry Heart giggles a bit but winces in pain and holds her sides. She uses a healing spell on herself and looks towards where she last saw her mother, a worried look on her face. Cozy Glow puts a hand on her shoulder and nuzzles her.

“I’m sure your mom's fine, she’s with three of the most powerful beings in Equestria, they can’t lose.” she says and Flurry Heart smiles and nuzzles her back. Chrysalis smiles at them both, the tiniest hint of a smirk in that half-hearted smile.

“Young love.. you two are adorable.” she says smugly and the two young teenagers blush and look away, backing up from each other and Chrysalis chuckles. Flurry Heart looks at the dragon and sees that Tirek, even with the magic from the gems in his armor fueling him, is having trouble dealing with him so she gets an idea and whistles as loud as she can.

“I didn’t wanna have to wake the little guy up but we have no choice now. Come on out Fang!” she yells and she sees a baby dragon with dark green scales and orange spikes jump from the balcony and burst into an explosion of orange flames. Once the flames stop, he’s the same size as Sombra's dragon.

“Whoaaaa didn’t Spike have that same ability?” Cozy Glow asks and Flurry Heart nods before responding.

“After Midnight showed up, all the dragons did, at least the young ones did.. except him. It was a good way for them to protect themselves but he got jealous because he couldn’t do that so he asked my “aunt” Starlight to help.” she hears them roar at each other and start fighting and decided to save that story for later. “I’ll tell ya later, right now we should get back to it.” she says and they both nod them split up. Things were still looking bad though, they had managed to save the civilians but they were being backed into a corner.. if this kept up it wouldn’t be long before there would be nothing left. “I really hope you and the others can stop him mom.. for all our sakes..”

On the Lone Island

Sunny and Askari were currently on the island causing so much chaos and destruction. Sunny was hitting and blasting the volcano, causing it to become more and more unstable, meanwhile Askari was defending her from anypony who tried to stop her. For some reason unknown to Sunny, she could still feel the heat and even got burned from one little spot of lava and she could feel herself getting weaker with every minute that goes by and counted it off as nothing. Meanwhile Midnight was still on the airship, slowly but surely stealing Sunny's magic and the armored pony that Sunny had run into was keeping track of the amount that Sunny had left.

Askari saw one unicorn with a black coat and orange eyes about to blast Sunny but she shoots her in the legs and her friend shows up, this unicorn looking a bit like Twilight sparkle, same mane and coat color and everything. Her mane hung low though, past her shoulders and she had blue eyes. The unicorn attacked her and she dodges, shooting at her. The unicorn blocks it and sends magical glowing knives at her, one managing to stab into her leg. She knows she can’t falter though.

She gets up, dodges more knives and shoots the unicorn in the stomach, causing her to pass out from the shock. More show up and grab them both but the volcano erupts and the black one is suddenly buried in lava along with the unicorn who had went to save her. Askari runs off to try and escape the lava that was falling out of the sky and manages to get on one of the boats that were now sailing away, hanging off the side. “Alright ma’am.. it’s done.. how much magic does she have left?” Askari whispers to Midnight through the comm.

“Hardly any, I’m 80 percent done.” she says but something happens that makes Midnight confused and extremely angry. “Wait what?! What. Just. Happened?! It stopped!!!” Midnight yells and Askari looks around for Sunny, wondering if something happened to her or the device. She sees Sunny fly from behind the volcano but notices that the device is no longer on her.

“She’s lost the device, it’s most likely destroyed.” Askari says and Midnight lets out a scream, obvious rage behind it.

“New plan Askari.. kill her. I have most of her magic.. now we just have to make sure she can’t use the REST.” she says and Askari hesitates. She wanted to get her revenge on her own terms.. but not like this. She takes out a sniper with a silencer on it and sneaks onboard without anyone seeing her then she grabs a black cloak and places it over herself and aims the sniper at Sunny who was looking around for her. She hesitates even more when she sees the guilty, distraught look on Sunny’s face. Whether it was from thinking that she had killed Askari or from seeing what’s she’s done, Askari didn’t know.. all she knew was that she had orders.. and that she needed to follow them.

She breathed in, exhaled out, then pulled the trigger. As she saw Sunny hold her stomach, a confused and betrayed look on her face, she started to feel bad.. then Sunny fell all the way down and landed on the island before tumbling off a cliff and into the ocean. That was it.. Sunny was dead.. and so many other ponies were either dead or suffering because of her.. because of what they had did. As she put the sniper and all her weapons into a bag and went onto the deck, she saw so many ponies with distraught looks on their faces, so many children crying and it reminded her of how she last saw her village. “What have I done..?” she asked herself as she started to feel all the guilt come crashing down on her. …She thought about what her parents would’ve wanted for her.. and this definitely wasn’t it…

The unicorn who was buried in lava had somehow survived but was so injured that they had to wrap up her entire body. Somepony had gone back for her, noticing that she had just barely made it out of the lava and had passed out from all that pain, most likely only surviving by using a spell that temporarily protected her. They laid her next to her injured friend, who’s mouth had been burned by the lava and was now scarred and wrapped up along with the gunshot wound. A pegasus who was friends with them was so sad as she looked at her injured, barely living friends. She saw another pegasus dragging something onboard and realized it was a pony but this one was armored and had been shot just like her friend. Once she saw her face and the armor she realizes that it was the alicorn who made the volcano explode.

“Sunny Starscout.. I’ve heard about her, she’s from Maretime Bay. She brought magic and Friendship back to Equestria.. so why would she do this to us? To our home?!” One of the earth ponies ask, yelling from anger and confusion. They all agree and look at her with angry looks.

“Whoa whoa whoa everypony calm down.. do you really believe that the mare who saved Equestria would just do this without there being some sort of reason behind it? She’s from Maretime Bay and that’s the closest place to us with a hospital.. so while we’re there we’ll ask if anyone knows why or how she turned into.. this.” the young female pegasus says while staying next to her friends.

“OR.. we put it to a vote.. either we take her back to her home like IDIOTS and wait for her to recover and possibly finish us off.. or we be smart and leave her out here to die.. we don’t have to vote right now but maybe in about 20 minutes.. we all need time.” the same Earth pony says before walking off angrily and everyone sits down while two ponies work on covering Sunny's wounds, the gunshot and a wound on her head that she gained from falling after Askari shot her. The pegasus definitely hopes she’s making the right choice by giving Sunny the benefit of the doubt.. because if she wasn’t.. it was over for everyone. She tells some of the other pegasi to go and signal the rest of the ships to plot a course for Maretime Bay.

Author's Note:

Hope you all like this chapter, also feel free to correct me on any grammar errors, from any chapter, I don’t wanna look like a fool.