• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Forty Six

The Porygon hovered there as everyone just stared at her. Had… had they heard her right?

“Daddy Seth?” Dextra tried again, altering his designation.

“I believe your appearance has startled them dear,” Celestia moved up next to the newly born Pokemon. “Give them a moment, they’ll be right soon enough.”

Dextra turned and her head turned, ticking as she did. She was like some adorable wind-up toy. “Your designation?”

The alicorn chuckled. “I am Princess Celestia, one of the rulers of Equestria.”

Data confirmed. Equestria Region. Legendary Pokemon, Celestia confirmed, compiling data.

“Confirmed, designation Celestia added.” Dextra said as Selena and Ignis had entered the room as well, rather surprised over their new guest. Still…

Selena saw Seth’s stunned expression and sighed, “So?” Selena asked. “Spill. What’s going on?”

“Spill?” Dextra asked, turning her head to look at the new Pokemon. “I do not currently posses a liquid to spill.”

“Really?” Selena deadpanned.

“Do you see me in possession of one?” Dextra asked back.

“Figure of speech Dextra,” Seth said. The banter had snapped him back to reality and now he stared at the Porygon. “Please tell us how you came to be, and why you refer to me as Father.”

“Correction, I said ‘Daddy’ as the more adorable term could provide a more effective bond between us.” Dextra pointed out. “But I digress, would you like the technical version? Or the one easier to comprehend for lower lifeforms?”

“Please do not call us that,” Seth replied and then looked at Ignis. “Not when it only applies to a few.”


“Very well,” Dextra nodded. She gave the family a moment to get comfortable and then continued. “I was created from the data compiled inside your Pokedex. While even I am not completely aware of how this came to be, when Daddy Bit’s ‘spark’ came into contact, I obtained some level of self-awareness.”

“The random bursts of ‘helpful’ information?” Seth said with a dry tone.

“I was merely informing the uninformed,” Dextra stated. “As for my ‘birth’, it happened when your spark gave me the power I needed to create a physical form. Hence, you and Daddy Bit are my birth parents.”

“This... is going to awkward to explain to Bit,” Seth muttered. “But, how did this occur? I don’t understand why a spark of electricity could give birth to a Porygon.”

“I believe that the true reason lies in something more... esoteric, something that goes beyond a scientific explanation.” Dextra sounded disappointed. “I am... frustrated on the fact that I am not fully aware of the reasons behind my creation.”

“That’s normal,” Seth said, getting up and moving over to the Porygon. “No-one remembers the moment they were born... that would be really weird. So, I think you happen to be a perfectly normal Porygon, albeit, born from magic and lightning.”

“Your attempt to console me is noted,” Dextra said. “Where is Daddy Bit?”

“In another city,” Rika said. “But he might be visiting us in the next day or so.”

“You are.. Rika the Sylveon yes?” Dextra asked and looked at the others. “Ignis the Charizard, and Selena the Absol.” She looked around and ticked. “I do not know the equines, nor do I know where Drake the Golduck or Heath the Sandshrew is.”

“I haven’t seen Drake in a very long time,” Seth said. “And Heath is a Sandslash now, he’s staying with Diantha?”

Dextra ticked. “Sandslash, the Mouse Pokemon. Sandslash can roll up its body as if it were a ball covered with large spikes. In battle, this Pokémon will try to make the foe flinch by jabbing it with its spines. It then leaps at the stunned foe to tear wildly with its sharp claws. I also believe that Subject 29, A.K.A Mary is of this species...”

Dextra stopped and floated there. “My apologies, it appears that there is residual programming left over from the Pokedex, along with grafted data from Daddy Bit.”

“It’s alright,” Seth smiled. “Also, this is Apple Fritter, it’s her home we are living in right now, and she, along with Rika, are my girlfriends.”

“Information noted. Assigning new designations to subjects; Apple Fritter and Rika the Sylveon. New designations confirmed...” Dex ticked and smiled. “A pleasure to meet you. Fairy Mommy, Pony Mommy.”

Fritter blushed while Rika squealed and hugged the Porygon. “Ohmigosh! You are the cutest thing EVER!”

“I-I-I-I’m.... I’m a... Momma?” Fritter stammered. “B-but, ah’m not prepared fer this! Whut do ah do? Whut does she eat? Do I give her a bedtime? What stories does she like?” The poor mare ran around the room like a headless horse until Seth caught her.

“Whoa there! Calm down Fritter,” he chuckled. “We’ll figure this out okay?”

“But! Ah gotta be a responsible parent!” Fritter yelled. “She needs toys and ah gotta figure out which school she has t’go to and-”

“If I may interject Pony Mommy,” Dextra beeped. “While your concern about me is noted and appreciated, I will not be needing any of that.”

“W-wha?” Fritter’s head was swimming.

“One, I do not require food of the organic kind. A steady supply of electricity is all I require to function correctly. Two. An education is also irrelevant. My knowledge surpasses most organic beings, they cannot teach me what I already know. If there is something I do not know, I will learn it eventually. Three, Should you wish to enact a ‘bedtime’ for me, then I can allow that. I would like to experience the full family package.”

Fritter just blinked while Seth chuckled.

“Yeah... Porygon are... different,” Seth said. “And I get the feeling that Dex here is even more special.”

Celestia watched with rapt fascination. It was one thing to see a new Pokemon be born like this. But to hear that magic might have been involved with her creation?

‘Mental note. Do. Not. Tell. Bio Chem.’

“This is still quite weird,” Seth commented. He had never expected something like this to happen. And the Contest was right around the corner as well. “So… what the heck do I do now?”

“Well we gotta look after her,” Apple Fritter nodded. “But, ah reckon that’s not going t’be too difficult, right Dexxy?”

“No, caring for me will be a simple enough task for any of you,” the Porygon nodded. “I promise to be rather low maintenence…”

“It’s not about that,” Seth nodded and then pulled the surprised Porygon into a hug. “Well then I’ll be the first to say it. Welcome to the family Dextra.”

It might be impossible for a Porygon to blush. But be damned if Dextra hadn’t tried.

The rest of the evening was spent introducing everyone to the Porygon and vice-versa. Seth also sat to one side to discuss Contest-related plans with Princess Celestia. Though the alicorn had to leave shortly after, since she couldn’t skip out on work for too long…

In the end, most of them had crashed in the living room to sleep, even Midnight curled up with the rest of them into one big cuddlepile.

“Boss! We’re late!”

Seth groaned as something shook him awake and he lifted his head to see a batpony mare staring at him. He found himself wondering why Midnight was here, before the events of last night came rushing back and he groaned. he glanced at the clock on the wall and yup, running late.

“Urgh,” he sighed and rolled over, squashing Rika under him. The Sylveon squeaked, trying to shove the heavy Luxray off as he slowly got to his paws.

“Not a fun way to wake up,” she complained. Fritter rolled over and wordlessly got to her hooves before trotting off to the bathroom. There was a small ‘beep’ as Dextra’s eyes flickered and she pulled herself together, literally, and hovered into the air.

“Startup sequence complete. Greetings family,” she chirped.

“Urgh,” Seth moaned again. “You’re a morning ‘mon?”

“I do not suffer any lag upon my startup sequence. Perhaps once I reach my maximum memory capacity, you will see some performance issues,” Dextra pinged. “Is this winged equine correct Daddy-Seth? Are you running late for an appointment?”

“Yeah… gotta get to work,” he muttered. “Alright… need shower…”

“I'll fetch you some coffee,” Rika said. “Wanna help Dexxy?”

“I do not know, do I?” Dextra pinged again.

“Yes, help your mother,” Seth mumbled, still half-asleep as he trudged upstairs. Rika realised where he was going and smirked.

“And what’s that smile for?” Midnight asked, stretching her wings.

“Oh, just that Sethy’s shower maaaaay take longer than he thought,” Rika giggled as she hugged Dextra and checked on Aster. “Fritter’s up there after all~”

“Fritter?” It took far longer than Midnight cared to admit for her to get that. “Oooohhhh…”

“I’m afraid I do not understand,” Dextra asked. “Why would Pony-Mommy cause Daddy-Seth to take a longer shower? Does he not bathe properly unsupervised?”

Rika paused as a slight blush graced her cheeks. “Um, yes. Let’s go with that Dexxy.”

Dextra nodded and beeped twice, filing away the information.

“Well, seems I’m on breakfast duty,” Rika nodded. “Wanna give me a hand Middy?”

“If I had them,” Midnight chuckled. “But sure, that sounds like fun. I don’t get to cook often…”

Seth sighed contently as he leaned back in the tub, holding Fritter close to his chest.

“Somepony’s sure enjoin’ himself,” Fritter chuckled as Seth ran a claw through her mane.

“Why wouldn’t I?” he said softly. “I’m relaxing in a warm bath, holding a lady I love very much close to me,” he gave her a small squeeze and smiled. “Yeah, life doesn't get much better than this.”

Fritter blushed and leaned into his embrace. She had to admit that she couldn’t be happier right now. You never really realised how lonely you were, until you weren’t. “Too bad y’all gotta work. Ah reckon ah could stay like this all day.”

“Mmm, but then you’d be a pruny little pony,” Seth chuckled, nibbling her neck. “Yeah, we haven’t spent a lot of time together lately. And now our relationship has gone that one step further…”

“Ah still can’t believe that happened,” Fritter blushed. “And…” She trailed off, too embarrassed to continue her train of thought.

“You’re so cute,” Seth smiled, nuzzling her. He groaned as he heard a bell chime in the distance, telling him he was already running rather late. “Hold that thought til later?”

“Will do,” Fritter smiled. The Luxray gave her one last kiss as he got out of the tub, shaking himself and causing the mare to yelp in surprise.

“Really?” she deadpanned.

“What, you were already wet,” Seth shrugged. He got a face full of water for that one. His nose twitched as he sniffed the air. “You smell that?” he asked. “Smells like… smoke?”

Fritter frowned and her eyes widened as she realised that she could smell smoke… and it seemed to be coming from her kitchen!!

She leapt out of the bath and raced downstairs, leaving a trail of water behind her as she did. A few seconds later, Seth heard her shouting at someone.

“Oh dear,” he said to himself as he followed her, scrunching his face up as the burnt smell got stronger the closer he got. Once he got down there, he saw why.

Several sections of the kitchen were rather… black, and Fritter was busy yelling at Midnight.

“B-But… kitchens shouldn’t be so flammable,” she wailed as Rika shook her head.

“You set fire to water,” the Sylveon sighed. “I… just… How!?”

“Seth, please take her to work, befer ah tan her hide!” Fritter growled as she went back into her kitchen to clean up. The thestral gulped, she’d heard that Fritter was crazy strong and the bat rather liked her bones unpowderized.

“Yeahhhh, let’s get me to work,” Midnight nodded and backed towards the door. Seth sighed and rolled his eyes. Well, he’d hate to explain to Grissom why Fritter turned his daughter inside out.

“Yeap,” he said. Rika gave him his bag, filled with his lunch and his usual gear.

“I’m gonna take Aster to the park a bit later kay?” she said. “I think she’s been a bit bored sitting here at home.”

“I would like to accompany Daddy-Seth,” Dextra pinged. “It has come to my attention that Canterlot Castle has a wealth of information that I must add to my memory.”

“Alright, but only if you’re good,” Seth nodded as the now-a-trio left the house and made their way to the castle. “I wonder how busy I’m going to be today?”

“Mmm, I hope for a lazy day,” Midnight said, stretching her wings again. “I don’t feel like working today.”

“I hear that,” Seth nodded. “And what happened back there? Aren’t you Midnight Song? The ‘I’m good at what I do’ mare?”

Midnight snorted and shook her head. “Fritter’s kitchen is too flammable. It’s not my fault that water spontaneously combusts sometimes.”

Yeah… Seth wasn’t even going to touch that. And he just barely managed to stop Dextra speaking up about it as well.

By the time they reached the palace, two of the door guards saw Seth walking up with Midnight and his sensitive hearing caught what they were saying under their breath.

“Looks like she had another ‘late night’ huh?” one said.

“Yeah, and he looks like she really put him through the ringer,” the other replied. Seth frowned and went to step towards them, but Midnight placed a hoof against his chest and shook her head.

“Don’t worry about it,” she said as they walked in. “It’s usually true anyway. Just one of the times it isn’t,” She smirked and bat her eyes at him. “Unless you wanna swing by your office and put a little truth in the rumours~”

“Pass,” Seth deadpanned. “Actually, I want to go to the Hall of Legends—”

“OH! Can I come!?” Midnight bounced. “I’ve only ever seen Mewtwo and Arceus from a distance. And I’ve heard that there are some really cute Legendary Pokemon.”

“I have the distinct feeling that we have two entirely different contexts for cute,” he snarked and shrugged. “Well, as long as you behave yourself, I don’t mind.” He wandered through the halls until he found the door that led to the Temple. “I swear this things moves,” he said as he placed a paw against it.

“What is that place Daddy-Seth?” Dextra pinged. She’d been so silent that Seth had forgotten she was there.

“Gah!” he yelped and sighed. “Gods Dexxy, I need to put a bell on you or something.” He snorted and shook his head. “This is a gateway to the Hall of Legends. Where most of the Pokemon we classified as ‘Legendary’ are living. The Hall itself is in a forest near Ponyville, a town a few hours from here.”

“Interesting, a door linked by space/time. I am detecting power that matches the Pokemon known as Dialga and Palkia… though, I am detecting something… more.”

“Probably Arceus,” Seth said as he pushed against the door. It opened and he felt a small tingle as it connected. Midnight and Dextra didn’t react, so maybe they didn’t feel it? Hmm, ah well.

He stepped through into the Hall and took a moment to get over the dizzying effect of the portal. After a moment, he proceeded, though his pace was slower as he let Midnight take it all in. The artworks and statues. And she yelped when Giratina floated through one wall and into another.

“W-W-What was that?” she said, moving up next to him.

Dextra pinged as a recording in a voice not quite her own played.

‘Giratina, the Renegade Pokemon.
This Pokémon is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours, where common knowledge is distorted and strange. It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World.’

“Well,” Midnight replied, still sticking to Seth’s side. “That was… informative.”

“So you’re still a Pokedex then?” Seth asked as they started walking again.

“Yes, that played out against my will, so it seems that residual programming remains,” Dextra replied. She sounded… annoyed?

“What happened to my Pokedex anyway?” Seth asked. “Was it destroyed when you were born?”

“No, it fell behind the bed,” Dextra nodded. “My data and programming was copied, so your Pokedex and its contents should still be in one piece.”

“Well, that’s good,” Seth said. He’d have hated to lose the data from his diary. He needed to find a way to back it up somehow. “And I’ll take a look at your code later. Maybe I can remove or at least turn off the autoplay feature.”

“I… thank you, Daddy-Seth,” Dextra said softly. Seth smiled and rubbed her head.

“No need to thank me,” Seth said. “It’s a father’s job to help out their kids. Now, let’s find us a god.” He headed further into the temple until he reached a door that held Registeel as a guard.

“Hmm, this is new, though I seemed to interrupt dessert last time,” Seth said to his companions. he approached the Steel-type and saluted. “I would like to request an audience with Lord Arceus if that is alright,” Seth said in a clear voice.

Registeel beeped a few times and then opened the door, allowing them passage.

“Thank you,” Seth bowed his head and walked in, hoping the god wouldn’t be too annoyed with him this time. He seemed to not like the Luxray speaking with Lady Mew or Princess Diancie for some reason, though he never voiced it aloud, Seth caught the look he got in his eye.

He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the change in light, as did Midnight. Once his vision cleared, he looked around and saw Arceus in his usual seat, with Mew hovering over his shoulder.

"Hey," the Luxray waved. "How's it been going?"

“Hi Sethy!” Mew waved happily.

Arceus rolled his eyes. “Hello Seth, what brings you by?”

“Not that much, I have something you might find interesting, well, more like someone really,” Seth said. “And I was also hoping I could meet with Raikou if he… she? is available.”

“Raikou’s a boy,” Mew answered. “And I’m sure he’s around somewhere, I’ll go get him!” Mew teleported out to search for Raikou, and Arceus turned back to Seth.

“So... who are your friends?”

Midnight smiled and bat her eyes at him. “I’m Midnight Song, Seth’s new partner, Thestral and overall sexiest pony.” She looked him over and nodded. “So you’re a god huh? Are you godly in the sack as well?”

“I apologise for everything that comes from her mouth,” Seth groaned.

Arceus shrugged. “It’s alright Seth, while it has been... quite a while, I did use to draw quite a bit of attention back in my day,” he turned to Midnight. “And as for your question, Miss Song, I’d rather keep that to myself for the time being.”

“Aww, oh well,” Midnight shrugged. And just like that, Arceus had a Porygon floating in his face.

“Arceus, the Alpha Pokemon. According to Sinnoh legends, this Pokemon emerged from an egg when there was nothing and shaped the universe with it’s one thousand arms…”

She looked at the god and blinked. “I only count four. Their math is flawed.”

“It’s more metaphorical than it is literal,” he replied nonchalantly. “And who might you be little one?”

“I am Dextra. Daddy-Seth has brought me to work today so I may acquire knowledge from the Castle archives.”

“This is the other reason I came here today,” Seth said. “Dexxy here was… well, she hatched from an Egg that came out of my Pokedex.” He let that sink in for a second before continuing. “She claims she came to be through a combination of the data in my Dex, Bit’s programming. Oh, he’s a Porygon-Z by the way… and believe it or not, magic.”

“Claim? That is how I came to be,” Dextra huffed, sounding insulted.

Arceus considered that. “I... suppose that’s possible... I’m am truly terrible at understanding technology to be honest... hang on,” Arceus closed his eyes, and a few seconds later a new Pokemon was teleported into the center of the room. “Seth, Midnight Song, Dextra, meet Lord Genesect.”

“Greetings,” The cyborg said. “Lord Arceus asked me to run a diagnostic on young Dextra... would that be acceptable?”

Seth looked at Dextra. “Well, it’s your call Dexxy. I’m not going to force you into anything you don’t want to do.”

Dextra floated there as she ticked, processing the idea.

“I… do not see the harm in a scan,” she finally said. “As long as Genesect promises not to alter my program without my permission.”

“Parameters set,” Genesect responded before turning to Dextra, a red dot shone from the canon on his back and settled in the center of Dextra’s forehead. “Scanning...” A few computer like noises could be heard from within Genesect as he scanned Dextra’s coding and processed the data. “Scanning complete,” He turned to Arceus. “Her coding does some to be an amalgam of Pokedex coding and Porygon-Z AI... along with trace amount of energy identical to what the inhabitants of Equus refer to as ‘magic’.”

“Thank you Genesect, you may return to your lab,” as the cyborg wandered off, Arceus turned back to Seth. “Well, there you have it I suppose... not entirely sure how it happened but it did.”

“So some answers still elude me,” Dextra replied in a disappointing tone. She beeped when Seth pulled her in for a hug.

“Hey, like I said yesterday. No one remembers the moment they were born,” He looked up at Arceus, “Present company excluded most likely. But still, it’s not the circumstances of one’s birth, but what you do with the gift of life that truly matters.” He smiled and rubbed her head. “I wasn’t expecting to be a father quite like this. But, I’ll do my best okay?”

“...Okay… and, it appears that moisture is gathering in my ocular regions. I think I am defective,” Dextra said quietly.

Seth chuckled and rubbed her head again. “No, that’s normal… I think. Don’t worry Dexxy.”

“I found them!” Mew cried happily as she flew back into the room, followed by Entei, Suicune, and Raikou. “Suicune was...” Mew saw Dextra crying and floated over to the Porygon. “Don’t be sad,” she said, wiping a tear away with her tail. “Everything’s gonna be okay.”

“I am not sad, base emotion is for lower lifeforms,” Dextra said with a small nod.

Seth looked at the Legendary Pokemon that had walked in with Mew. This was the first time he’d seen them and they had such an aura about them. It reminded him a lot of Virizion and Cobalion, the only Legendary Pokemon he’d seen before coming to Equus.

“So... this the thundercat who wanted to meet us?” Raikou asked, looking Seth over.

Suicune sighed. “Raikou...” she smiled at Seth. “A pleasure to meet you, Seth Crescent, several of our fellow Legendaries have spoken rather highly of you.”

“Especially Diancie,” Raikou added with a smirk that earned him a glare from his brother and sister. “What? I’m just saying.”

“Please, feel free to ignore him,” Entei added. “Arceus knows I try to.”

“Actually,” Seth said with a smile. “I was hoping to meet with him specifically. I... “ he took a breath and went for it. “I’d like to request some training from you Lord Raikou.”

“Ohh, so that’s why you’re here?” Midnight said as she looked at the trio. “Hmm, I wonder if they’re more amicable than that god over there?” She stared them down like a predator would it’s prey and licked her lips. “They look yummy~”

Suicune huffed and turned away, while Entei looked visibly confused. Raikou, however, flashed a toothy grin and winked at her.

“You are absolutely incorrigible,” Suicune said with a sigh.

“Least I’m not a complete prude,” Raikou shot back.

“What is he talking about?” Entei asked aloud.

Ignoring him, Raikou walked over to Midnight and smiled again. “Lord Raikou, guardian of lightning, at your service... Miss?”

“Midnight Song, Solar Guard and sexiest mare alive at yours… and of course, I’m always willing to service~” she purred, right before she was squashed under one of Seth’s paws.

“And that’s enough of that,” he deadpanned. “Honestly Midnight…” He shot an apologetic glance at the Pokemon.

“Curious,” Dextra pinged. “Shall I endeavour to act more like her?”

“NO!” Seth almost shouted and groaned. “Midnight is not a good role model.”

“Harsh… but also true,” Midnight agreed. “And I didn’t take you for the dominating type Boss. Not that I’m complaining~”

Seth got off of her and groaned. “Can we please get back to normal here?”

Arceus sighed. “Sadly this is normal when it comes to my family... Raikou, help Seth train... and at least TRY not to do anything that might result in another Legendary being born?”

Raikou rolled his eyes. “Fine gramps, I’ll play nice.”

“Spoilsports,” Midnight pouted, but still made bedroom eyes at the lightning Pokemon.

“Well, this went better than I thought it would,” Seth smiled as he approached Entei and Suicune. “Sorry about all that. My name is Seth Crescent by the way.” He offered a polite nod and also took Suicune’s paw, kissing it. “It’s an honour to meet the three of you.”

Suicune smiled gently. “It’s nice to meet you too Seth Crescent, you’ve been the talk of the temple these past few days.”

“More like you’re just hearing about him now,” Entei corrected. “She just got back today, ever since we arrived she’s been up north, hunting down ice spirits.”

“At least I was keeping myself occupied and making use of my time,” Suicune replied with a smirk.

Seth nodded and he caught that look in Arceus’s eye again. Why was that?

“Wow, who knew the Boss was so smooth?” Midnight whistled to herself.

“Ice spirits?” Seth questioned. “Wouldn’t a Fire type be more effective for that? or a Ghost or Dark?”

“Aurora Beam works well enough in destroying them,” Suicune explained. “They don’t exactly follow the same rules as beings from our world Seth.”

“Hmm, that’s interesting,” Seth said. He saw her waving mane and kind eyes, and couldn’t help but be reminded of Celestia or Luna. “And wait, talk of the temple? What did I do?” he asked. “Ignis isn’t in trouble for defeating Moltres is he?”

Entei laughed. “Not at all, any Pokemon who can defeat a Legendary in honest combat is welcome in my book... no, Princess Diancie has been talking about you, and Mewtwo told several other about how you defeated that evil pony in Canterlot... news travels fast within these walls.”

“Ah, well… I hope the Princess is doing well,” Seth said, blushing lightly.

“Wow, does he ever turn that swag off?” Midnight asked Raikou.

“Not according to Diancie or Mew,” he replied. “Does he realize he’s doing it even?”

“Doesn’t look like it,” she said as she watched Seth flatter Suicune again, complimenting her ribbons. Mind you, he was doing it because it reminded him of Rika…

“Daddy-Seth is… kind of unintelligent,” Dextra said, simulating a sigh.

Seth turned and looked at them. “What?” he asked.

“Nothing,” Raikou lied. “Now come on, you said you wanted to train right?”

“Actually, I just wanted to find out if you could,” Seth said. “I’m a little busy with the upcoming Contest and my work. Is a week from now still a good time?”

Raikou shrugged. “Works for me,” he smiled at Midnight. “Guess I’ll be seeing you around then? Huh sweet-cheeks?”

“Mhmm,” she said and whipped him with her tail.

“Oh for crying out loud,” Seth groaned. “Please don’t send her to another dimension Lord Arceus. Despite her… quirks, she really is a skilled guard and a nice pony.”

“I can also be very, very bad~” she purred, looking at Raikou.

“...I retract my request,” Seth deadpanned.

Arceus briefly considered dropping her into the Distortion Realm, then realized she’d probably just hit on Giratina. “Just... go, before I change my mind.”

Seth nodded and grabbed the mare by the scruff of the neck, dragging her off as she just winked and waved at Raikou, her foot-long tongue flickering out for just a moment. Raikou wondered just what else she could do with that tongue...

“Well, now I see what Diancie meant,” Suicune mused, looking at her paw.

“Every… time…” Arceus groaned as Mew giggled.

Seth paused on his way out and looked at Midnight and Dextra. “Could you two wait for me outside? I’d like to speak with Lady Mew privately for a moment.” He looked up at the little pink cat and smiled. “Well, provided that’s alright with her however.”

Mew smiled. “Sure thing Sethy~”

Once Midnight, Dextra and the other Pokemon left, Seth stood there silently for a moment. It was clear he wanted to talk about something, but now that he was alone with the little pink cat, his face flushed red and he stammered.

“W-Well… that is… um,” Dammit, why was this so hard to spit out.

“Come on Seth, don’t be shy,” Mew said with a smile. “You can tell me anything.”

The Luxray rubbed his leg awkwardly. He put a paw to his chest and took a deep breath. “BABIES!” he said and gasped, not realizing that he’d activated his torc. He blushed harder and smacked the charm, his face redder than a Tamato Berry.

Mew blushed. “Oh Seth, I had no idea you felt that way about me.”

That only served to deepen his embarrassment. “I wonder how high Mt. Canterlot is?” he muttered to himself. Jumping off a cliff seemed like an idea right now. He took another breath and shook his head.

“Um, no… not quite,” he replied. He was pretty sure that wouldn’t even work. “It’s um, well… you know that I’m dating a pony yeah?”

“Yeah, I know about Apple Fritter,” Mew answered. “And Rika.”

“Well, Rika’s not the problem, I’m in the same egg group,” Seth said and blushed when he said that. “But uh, say that… somewhere in the future, that Fritter might want to, well, you know… Is-is that possible?”

Mew blinked. “Oooh, you want to have kids... yeah, I can do that.”

Seth smiled and then his eyes widened. “Wait, seriously?”

Mew smiled. “Seth, I literally created your earliest ancestors out of nothingness, I’m basically the physical embodiment of life, of course I can warp genetics....” Mew’s body was engulfed in a flash of white, and once it faded Seth was standing face to face with a light pink Alicorn. “See?”

Seth was never going to admit out loud that she looked really cute. “Uh, okay?” he said, even as his eyes wandered over her form. “So, you’d turn me into a pony?”

“Or Fritter into a Pokemon,” Mew answered, shifting forms into a Luxray. “Or I could just mess with a few genes so you can have a kid that’s half pony, half Pokemon,” she turned back into herself. “It’s up to you guys really.”

Seth hated his life, seeing her as a cute Luxray. He totally blamed Rika for his new way of thinking. “Well, that’s good to know then,” he said, looking away shyly. “I’ll have to discuss it with her first. And, we’d probably get married before we even think about doing something like this…”

“Yay! I love weddings!” Mew cheered, clapping. Seth smiled at her exuberance. Such a child-like persona, it was hard to imagine that she was almost as old as Time itself.

No, he wasn’t talking about you Dialga.

“Well, I’ll be sure to send you an invite when we do,” Seth nodded. “And, thanks a lot for this Lady Mew. It’s… given me a lot to think about.”

“Anytime Seth,” Mew said with a smile, floating over to him and hugging him. “You take care, okay?”

“Always,” Seth said, returning the hug with a paw. He soon let go and walked off. “Oh, and say ‘Hi’ to Princess Diancie for me?”

“Sure thing Seth!” Mew said, waving before she flew off into the temple. Seth whistled a small tune as he left. With that information safely tucked away, it was time to get on with his work day.

Titania looked at the massive pile of orders sitting on her workbench. This was… a difficult position to be in. She hadn’t really expected to be this busy.

After doing those custom orders for Vapora and Roll, she’d fallen a little behind and even Suri was having trouble.

“I think we need help,” the Single Bloom Pokemon finally admitted. “At this rate, we will have cancelations and that will allow competitors to sneak in and steal our clients.”

“I agree,” Suri said with a small smile. “That is why I’ve been out and about, looking for such help.” Titania blinked at that, so, she hadn’t been slacking off?

Huh, who knew?

But the question remained… “Did you actually find someone?” the regal pokemon asked her. “I mean, someone useful? I will not train a total greenhorn.”

“I believe I did,” Suri continued to smile and looked at the clock. She should be here any second now. “She has quite the reputation, and any boutique she has worked at has received overnight success!”

Titania sighed and put a hand to her head. “Suri, we need an assistant, not a PR rep. If she cannot stitch, I am throwing her out on her butt.” On that threat, the door opened and a tall, slender unicorn strode in confidently.

“So this is the famous ‘Button Belle Boutique’?” the mare asked. Titania raised an eyebrow at her… interesting outfit, but, to each their own.

“Ah, welcome,” Suri trotted over. “I am Button Belle, the owner of this establishment. And this is Lady Titania, the best seamstress for Pokemon fashion in Canterlot, possibally all of Equestria.”

“Very flattering, even if it is true,” Titania nodded. “And who might you be?”

“You… have you not heard of me?” the mare gasped in shock.

“No, it’s why I asked for your name, which I have yet to receive.” Did it just get colder in here?

“Well, I am Sassy Saddles, and every boutique i have worked for has become the greatest in the city—”

“Okay, stop right here,” Titania cut her off. “You said you’ve worked for several boutiques, and yet here you are on our doorstep. Why?”

“Humph! While I raised them to be a success, I cannot be blamed for they way they were managed in the long run. They burnt out all too soon—”

“So you became jobless, again and again and yet you seem to be unable to grasp at the pattern. For a mare of the fashion industry, that does not bode well…”

“Titania, she’s the most talented applicant to apply—”

“And I do not want her driving this business into the ground!” Titania snapped. “She said so herself, that she raises boutiques to stardom, only to have them crash and burn. Allow me to provide a translation and a little insight.” She narrowed her eyes at the unicorn as Sassy gulped. Why was this walking bouquet so imposing? Why was she too scared to so much as lift a hoof.

“Sassy Saddles here most likely follows this pattern. She arrives at a boutique and dazzles the owner with golden words and promises of fame and fortune. And, she seems to be able to deliver on them as well.”

“Well of course I—” Sassy started but Titania glared at her.

“Do not speak unless spoken to!” the royal Pokemon snapped before clearing her throat. “However, the flame that burns brightest, burns quicker. The owners of said boutiques most likely couldn’t keep up with the demand and stress of running at such a pace.” She looked at the mare and clicked her tongue. “Tell me, how many of those boutiques closed their doors, because demands couldn’t be kept?”

Sassy remained silent for a moment as Suri’s eyes widened just a little.

“We’re waiting Miss Saddles,” Titania replied. “Otherwise the door is there…”

“Almost all of them,” the mare replied quietly. She stared at the ground and frowned. “I...I only wanted them to be the best. To stand at the pinnacle of this competitive city…”

She suddenly flinched when Titania put a hand on her shoulder. “And you were far too proud to admit such a defeat?” she said. The mare nodded and Titania smiled a little. “I come from a world where being the best isn’t a goal, but a way of life. You have ambition and drive, and I am curious to hear your ideas…” The Pokemon pulled her and back and nodded. “But you will understand one thing. This is Belle’s boutique first and foremost. You will be taking orders from her and I. But, should you have any ideas of your own, then speak up and we will discuss them. Alright?”

“So.. you mean I can…?”

“I see no harm in it, and we do need the help.” She turned and looked at Suri. “But this is your boutique, so it is her decision in the end.”

“As you said, we need the assistance,” Suri smiled. “Just fair warning now Miss Saddles. Titania is utterly brutal. Do you still want to join this veritable madhouse?”

“I…” Sassy paused. Had she, really been going about this all wrong? Well, she supposed she could at least try. “Yes, I would like to work here. Should you have me.”

“Then we have an accord!” Titania nodded. She turned and headed for her sewing room. “Get your flank in gear Saddles. We have work to do!”

“Psst! I’d hurry if I were you,” Suri chuckled and Sassy nodded, following the flower Pokemon. Just what had she gotten herself into?

Outside the room, Seth dropped the bat and frowned. “You know, I brought you along to learn something, not get laid.”

“Hey, I did both,” Midnight nodded. “We learned that Beam type attacks work well on spirits, like Wraiths and Windigo’s,” Midnight said. “Earth art is rather interesting and Raikou is one smexy Pokemon~”

Seth just groaned again. Between that and sighing, they were quickly becoming his default reactions to most things. “Well, let’s go and get some actual work done now… not that I have all that much to do really.” He turned and headed for his office, Midnight shrugging and falling into step next to him.

“Daddy-Seth?” Dextra pinged next to him.

“Gah!” the Luxray flinched and looked at her. “A bell, I swear to god I am getting you a bell to wear.”

“Were we not heading to the archives?” she asked, ignoring his aggravation. “I would like to go as soon as possible.”

“We will soon,” Seth said. “But first Daddy needs to see if there’s a mountain of paperwork for him. Too bad there isn’t a spell for that.”

“A Paperwork Spell?” Midnight giggled. “Yeah right, it’d be the most popular spell on the planet if it actually existed.” The three entered Seth’s office, only for the Luxray to walk straight into someone.

When he recovered, he saw four Pokemon waiting in his office. A Pyroar, a Chandelure a Talonflame and a Houndoom. All female too, if Seth’s nose was right.

“So, he asked as he moved around them and took a seat. “Can I help you ladies with something?”

“Perhaps,” the Pyroar spoke. Seth could feel that she was the leader of this little group. But, something bothered him about them.

It was… well, their aura for lack of a better term. he could tell right off the bat that these Pokemon were both well trained and extremely powerful. It was the same feeling he got from Diantha’s Pokemon.

“You don’t know us,” the Houndoom said.

“But, we most definitely know of you,” the Talonflame said.

“Our Mistress often spoke of you,” Pyroar continued. “I believe she called you ‘Diantha’s little pet’, or something along those lines.”

Fire type Pokemon. Powerful. Knew Diantha.

It didn’t take long for Seth to figure this out.

“You’re Malva’s Pokemon,” he said.

“Ohh, give the kitty a treat~” Pyroar chuckled. “You are most correct, our former Trainer was Malva of the Flame. But, it seems our most benevolent god didn’t seem fit to include her in this little adventure!’ Flames licked at the edges of her mouth and Seth’s eyes twitched, preparing to strike if he needed to. However, the Pokemon stood down right after.

"She had made mistakes regarding your human laws," Talonflame said, her feathers ruffled in indignation. "But honestly, is anyone perfect?

"No, it's impossible to be perfect," Seth said. "And I truly am sorry about Malva. But..."

"You wish to know why we came to see you," Pyroar said. "One of us has left, Torkoal retired from the battling scene. I believe she now lives in the forest near the Temple." The Pokemon sighed and flicked her long mane. "But we four? Battling is all we know. And with Malva gone, we require someone of suitable strength to take over."

“So, you want to ask me if I know of any strong trainers?” Seth asked and Pyroar chuckled.

“Ohh, so close,” she giggled. “Something like that. We had heard that Diantha is in town, so perhaps we shall go and see her first.” She looked the Luxray over and nodded. “Well, it was nice meeting you Mr. Crescent.”

And just like that, the Fire-types left. Wait… that was it? Seth watched them leave and blinked in confusion. If they had come here to see Diantha, then what the heck did they want with him?

Those thoughts stuck with him, even as a panicked pegasus guard flew into the room to relay an urgent matter...

Rika sat in the park, just watching Aster run around and doing… well, whatever it was that little Pokemon did. She was taking a break after they played jump rope using her ribbons, and a riveting session of making flower crowns.

It was a nice, warm afternoon and Seth wouldn’t be home again for a little while. Honestly, the Sylveon was just a little bored.

Her ribbons twitched, and her ear gave a flick. Something was off. She stood up and moved over to where Aster was, only for that feeling to get stronger.

It was malicious intent, and it seemed to be aimed at the Sylveon.

She didn’t even have time to react to the slender human striking the back of her head. With a small groan, the fairy Pokemon whited out.

By the time Seth reached the park, he started sniffing the air. While the note that the pegasi guard had given him moments ago said to head to the Sundial, he wanted to see if a few clues could give him an idea of whom he was dealing with.

He picked up Rika’s sugary sweet scent, as well as Aster’s also sweet, but more muted one. There was another as well, one he couldn’t quite pinpoint. But it was a scent that he hadn’t come across before.

Another too, one that vaguely reminded him of Axel or Christine. A Dragon-type maybe?

He turned and looked at the Sundial, he’d sent Midnight on a scouting mission, but she had yet to return.

“This totally blows,” Midnight muttered as she struggled against the Psychic bindings on her. A large thestral-like dragon was perched on top of the Sundial.

“Honestly,” the Noivern chuckled. “I could hear you coming a mile away.”

“It was a good effort?” Rika helped, having woken up. She was laying face down, her ribbons tied against her body so she couldn’t use any of her moves. Midnight was right, this totally blew.

“Gah! You wait until Sethy gets here!” she yelled. “He’s gonna kick your cheating butt!”

“Oh my little dragon-slayer,” the Noivern purred. “I’m counting on your hero in fuzzy armour to turn up. You’d make pretty lousy bait otherwise.”

“Bait?” Rika struggled against her bindings, but they were too tough. How was her Psychic getting stronger?

The answer came when Latias landed in front of them, poking the Fairy with a claw. “That’s right. And when he gets here, he’s going to trade his Keystone for the both of you. Pretty good deal for him right?”

“Nrgh! Why do you want his Keystone?” Midnight asked. And how did she transform like that?

“That’s a secret~” the now Latias purred and she turned around. “Oh goody, the show’s about to start. Now, don’t move kay?”

When Seth reached the dial, he wasn’t quite sure what to expect.

Freaking Latias holding his girlfriend and his partner hostage.

“Yeah… okay,” he said as he stepped closer. “Latias, I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing here. But this isn’t funny!”

“Oh? Ah, right!” Latias shimmered and Seth’s eyes widened. Standing right there, was a human woman. But, that was impossible! Wait, couldn’t Latias bend light or something?

His eyes flashed gold and he gasped. There was no Latia under that guise. A human skeleton, organs… But…

“That’s impossible,” he said to himself.

“What can I say?” she chuckled. “I guess Arceus forgot little old me~”

Oh he was having freaking words with that god later!

“Alright, but still, what is it that your want?”

The woman laughed again as a large Salamence landed, a heavy claw on each bound female. “It’s quite simple really. Two things are going to happen today.” She pointed at the Whismur sitting atop the Salamence. “First I’ll be taking my beloved Aster back.” She then motioned towards the girls. “Then, you’ll give me your Keystone in exchange for these two. Simple no?”

Seth was assessing the situation. She seemed to be after Aster, and the little Pokemon wasn’t struggling or fighting back. Were they related or connected somehow? And second, he spied the brace around her leg, one that had a half-dozen Keystones already set in it.

“Seems you have quite enough already,” he said. “Why don’t you let those two go? And then we can talk.”

“Mmm… nope!” Zinnia giggled and pointed at him. “I’ve already told you how this is going down. And I do not compromise.”

Seth let a small growl build in his throat. He couldn’t attack, not with the three girls there. “Alright then,” he replied and put a paw to his chest. “We’ll do it your way.” He mentally apologised to Rika and Midnight, at least Aster had her Soundproof ability…

“What are you—?”

“RRRRRAAAAARRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!” Seth’s roar shook the ground as Midnight and Rika yelped from the sudden noise. The woman stumbled, her hands going to her ears as Seth shot forward, remembering Kasai’s training.

Roar, then rush in for the strike. The woman gasped as one of his large paws slammed down on her, pinning her to the ground. Seth then looked up and glared at the Salamence.

“Let them go,” he snarled.

“Or what?” the Salamence chuckled.

Seth’s body sparked. “We see how well my Thunderbolt works,” he said. The Salamence paused, then chuckled.

“Hah! Like that would work against Mistress Zinnia.”

“Zinnia?” Wait, wasn’t that the name of Aster’s— He glanced down as the womans arm shifted into a Hydreigon’s and it’s maw opened , blasting him at point blank with a Dark Pulse. Seth was pushed back, landing on the ground a few feet away as Zinnia slowly got to her feet and walked towards him.

“Interesting trick you pulled there,” she said. “But perhaps I should remove that Keystone for you hmm~?”

“Rika?” Seth grunted from his position. “Moonblast.”

Zinnia spun as she saw that the earlier roar had caused Salamence to shift, and allowed her to turn her head… and aim right at his belly. She opened her mouth as the fairy power built up. Salamence barely had time to jump back as the blast of white light seared his wingtip, causing him to roar in pain.

Midnight used the distraction to pull Rika away, giving a few quick flaps and landing near Seth, depositing the Sylveon next to him.

“You girls okay?” he asked as Zinnia had moved next to her dragon. Rika nodded and winced.

“Why are people always hitting me in the head?” she groaned. “Seriously. Every. Single. Time!”

Seth chuckled and kissed the back of her head. “I’ll treat you later okay?” he turned his attention back to Zinnia and frowned. “Now, explain yourself! Why did you kidnap Aster and Rika?”

“Your concern for my safety is overwhelming,” Midnight said flatly.

“Like you couldn’t have just escaped whenever you felt like it,” Seth retorted.

“True as that may be, a little concern is all I ask for Boss. I mean, that was just cold.”

“Alright, I was worried. Happy?”

“Treat me to ice-cream later?”


“Whoo!” Midnight cheered.

“HEY!” Zinnia yelled. “If you’re done flirting, can we get back to business here?”

“Oh, almost forgot about you,” Seth replied and took a few steps forward. “Now, you’re Zinnia, Aster’s mother right?”

“Mother?” Zinnia looked at her precious Aster and her expression softened. “Heh… so that’s how she feels huh?”

“Look, just explain. You could have simply come to us and explain yourself. We’ve been looking for you actually.”

“I know, your cute little Kadabra friend told me,” Zinnia replied with a small giggle. “The look on his face when he saw me was priceless.”

She wasn’t human, humans couldn’t morph parts of their bodies like that… not unless Mew seriously screwed something up. He paused and blinked. Oh, there was always that option, maybe she was a—

“Uh, hello?” Zinna waved a hand in front of his face. You check out or something?”

“Give him a minute,” Rika offered, already over the fact that she was kidnapped. She was cute and pink, it came with the territory. “That’s Sethy’s thinking face.”

“I see,” Zinnia said as she reached for his Keystone. Hey, when opportunity knocks…

She yelped when his body sparked and she pulled her hand back.

“I’m waiting,” Seth replied. “Why didn’t you just ask us for Aster? We’d have gladly reunited you with her. But with these methods… I have to wonder what sort of parent could be so… And why do you want my Keystone?”

“Because humans will destroy the world!” she spat, her sudden harshness causing him to take a step back. “Three times! That’s how many times humans almost destroyed our world using the power of Mega Evolution. I cannot, I will not let it happen to this world. I will find every Keystone, then, I’ll destroy them once and for all.”

So, that’s what all this was about? He wondered if one of those Keystone’s was the one he gave to Vincent.

“So, you think humans will just repeat the same mistakes?” he said.

“Of course, humans have proven time and time again that they can and will do just that,” she said. “Look at the fool Hastings. He brought nothing but pain because of his narrow-sighted ideals. I’ve seen Pokemon being tortured and abused all across this nation. Hell, there’s a city near some rainbow waterfalls that are full of them!”

Interesting, Seth would have to look into that. But for now…

“I can understand your concerns,” he said gently. “But stealing the Keystones? Will that truly solve the problem at large. Take something away, something else will take it’s place.” He gestured towards the Sundial. “If you truly wanted your wish. Why not simply ask Arceus? he could remove all the Key and Mega stones in the world with just a thought.” He took a small breath and looked at her. “Or this more about you? Did you perhaps fail back on Earth? Something you couldn’t complete before we were moved?”

A slight eye twitch was all he needed to get his answer.

“Look Ms. Zinnia,” Seth relaxed and sat on his haunches. Rika was watching the Salamence with a fierce intent, in case he tried attacking the Luxray. “I understand how you feel, more than you might know. But, is this truly the answer? Making more enemies? Bringing up old grievances? If you are here in Equestria, then I know that this can’t be what you want.”

Zinnia frowned as she looked at Salamence. The silent dragon simply looking back as the two shared some sort of private conversation with looks alone. After a moment, she turned back to Seth and gave a small nod.

“It… it is as you say,” she said slowly. She took Aster from the dragon's back and held her close, the Whismur looking up at her.

“Have you stopped fighting with Unca Sethy Mommy?”

“Uncle Sethy?” she giggled, raising an eyebrow. “Well, yes little one. I have for now.” She looked at the Luxray and nodde. “You took care of my Aster, even though you didn’t know her, or nor was it any of your business, yet you did it anyway. That act alone speaks far more to me and any silvery words you spin.” She placed Aster back on Sala’s back and winked at Seth.

“I have some things to think about, but do not assume that our business is concluded. We will meet again soon.”

“So, gonna stop stealing then?” he asked and the woman shrugged.

“Who knows. You at least get this respite since you cared for Aster. But as I said, once I’m done thinking, I’ll be back. As a friend or an enemy… I guess we’ll see.” She looked at Aster and nodded.

“A small favour though.” She picked up Aster and hugged her. “Can you continue to care for this one? At least until I return…” At least until I can become one worthy of being called Mommy.

“Are you sure?” Seth asked.

“Mommy?” Aster blinked and Zinnia kissed her forehead.

“Mommy’s gotta do a thing. Do you think you can stay with ‘Uncle Sethy’ for a few more days?”

Aster looked at her and then nodded. She didn’t really understand, but it sounded like her Mommy had to do something important. “Okay Mommy. I can do that.”

“Such a good girl,” Zinna smiled as she handed the Pokemon to Seth. “Any harm comes to her though…”

“I swear on my life that no harm will come to anyone under my care,” Seth replied. And for some reason, Zinnia just knew she could trust him.

She had faith…

“Well then, I’ll be back,” she said and mounted Salamence as the dragon gave a last look at Seth and then took off into the sky. Once they left, Seth turned to Rika and Midnight, both looking utterly confused.

“Seriously… what the buck just happened?” Midnight asked. “First that Tyranitar, now the crazy lady. Is there any encounter you can’t talk your way out of?”

“Lots,” Seth replied. “I’ve just been getting really lucky lately. Woulda been nice to talk Koga out of it. That fight sucked all kinds of—” He stopped as he realised that he had a rather young and impressionable passenger. “You know what, today has been crazy. Let’s get some ice-cream and go home. We have a Contest tomorrow to run after all.”

“WHOOHOO!” Rika cheered and Seth checked to see if that Audio assault hadn’t cracked the Sundial. “The Contest is gonna be AMAZING!”

“Yeah, should be a blast,” Midnight said. “Also, got a few Guards to run shift that day. Had to pull a few strings, cash some promises, suck some—”

“Aaaaand we’re done!” Seth spoke over her as the headed for Joe’s place. “Thanks for getting help Middy. As… unconventional as your methods are.”

“No probs Boss,” Midnight nodded. Mmm, she could already taste that mango ice-cream.

Seth looked up as Celestia’s sun made way for the moon. At least the Contest should be fun… what’s the worst that could happen?

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