• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Twenty One

The morning sun peeked through the closed curtains, causing Seth to tilt his head slightly. He took a deep breath as the scent of apples and cotton candy filled his nostrils. Apple Fritter snuggled against his chest, sighing contently as the Sylveon laying on his side snored lightly.

“So here I am huh?” Seth thought to himself. Last night had been a whirlwind of emotion and he almost passed it off as a dream until he awoke with the two girls he was now in a relationship with. He opened one eye to look at his new family and smiled. “I hope we can make this work, but only time will tell I guess.”

Apple Fritter was the next one to wake up, she always woke up at the same time every day without fail. As she opened her eyes, a wall of soft black fur greeted her.

“So it wasn’t a dream, it really happened…” she murmured, burying her face into the plush fur.

“I thought the same thing,” Seth chuckled. “Are you really okay with this Fritter?”

Apple Fritter nodded, moving her forehooves up to rest in between them. “Ah’m the one that suggested it after all, so yeah…” It hadn’t been her first choice, but after seeing Rika pour her heart out yesterday, all that emotion and love that had to be held back... “Ah think we all deserve a little happiness.”

Seth smiled as he hugged her, but a small frown creased his brow. “Still, if this is going to work, something needs to be done about this.”

“About what?” Fritter asked.

Seth wiggled his back legs, which were hanging off of the end of the bed. Even with Fritter pressed up against his chest and Rika literally sleeping on top of him, the bed was still waaaay too small.

“We are so going to need a bigger bed…”

Fritter’s alarm clock suddenly began to ring loudly, but the Earth Pony just ignored it and hugged Seth, she wanted to stay like this a little longer.

Seth growled as the incessant ringing from Apple Fritter’s alarm clock refused to let up… until a large, black paw came down on it, smashing it into small pieces.

“…Was that really necessary?” The Earth Pony asked, still held against his chest like a teddy bear.

“Justice has been done,” a sleepy Sylveon said, perched across his side.

“I’ll buy a new one later, snuggle time now,” Seth yawned as his eyes closed once more, only to have his cuddlemare pull away and get up. She stretched not unlike a cat until several joints gave a satisfying crack.

“That’s all well and good, but ah still have work t’do,” Fritter smiled brightly, sounding rather chipper for someone awake at 6am. Seth and Rika groaned.

“Ahh, she’s one of those ‘cheery morning types’,” Rika shielded her eyes as Fritter flung the blinds open, letting the morning sun stream in.

Seth grumbled. “I prefer sleeeeeeep~”

“Sleeping Mon’s don’t get pancakes then~” Fritter sang as she headed for the shower. Seth and Rika wasted no time in getting up after that.

“Is it that late already? Seth exclaimed rather vigorously. He rolled off the bed and in the process, dumped Rika rather unceremoniously on the floor. The fairy grumbled, but at least she was awake now.

“Fine, I guess I’ll go and get the others up then,” she gave Seth a kiss on the cheek and headed out the door, a light skip in her step.


Selena woke up with a jolt, her breathing was heavy and her fur was damp with sweat. Groaning, she put a paw to her head, trying to forget the reason she had woken.

“That dream again…” she sighed. Ever since that night, her dreams had been plagued with nightmares… what if scenarios if Ignis hadn’t stepped in. Her friends and family lay lifeless on the floor as that stallion… he…

She suddenly flinched when she felt a paw on her shoulder and turned to face whomever it was that dared touch her, her sharp horn glowing with dark energy. Her face fell when she saw that it was only Ignis, and that she was aiming a Night Slash at him.

The dragon removed his claw and shrugged. “Not much of a morning mon, are you?”

“S-sorry,” Selena said. “I, I didn’t mean-” Any excuse she was about to make was cut off when her mate kissed her softly, holding her close.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. “It was the same yesterday too, and the day before. I think that poor nurse couldn’t run fast enough.”

“It’s… it’s just a stupid nightmare,” Selena dismissed, but melted into his embrace. “It’ll go away eventually.”

Ignis sighed, he knew something was bothering her. Selena was unfortunately the type to bottle these sorts of things up, and getting her to talk about it was nigh impossible. Maybe it was an Absol thing?

“Well, I’m here if you ever want to talk about it, okay?”

The barn door opened as Rika peeked in, her blinding smile caused Selena to hiss.

“Wakey-wakey, or are you two already up?” she giggled. When she saw Selena’s glare though, the fairy wisely backed off and ran back inside.

“I see you get along as well as ever,” Ignis chuckled. “And she seemed awfully chipper, you think things went well last night?”

Oh, right, there was that too. “Well, I suppose there’s only one way to find out. Though Titania owes me fifty Bits if he chose Rika.”


Once Fritter had finished her shower, Seth was next in line. He gave the large tub a wary look as he walked in. This abomination had been nothing but trouble ever since he arrived. You think slipping in a tub was bad as a human? Well try having two extra feet and limbs that bend opposite to what you spend years getting used to.

Yeah, he had fallen in this bloody thing every. Single. Time! But not today, oooh no!

He had a weapon to fight against this great evil.

He had a sticky mat!!

Once Apple Fritter had heard that he fell in the tub, she’d gone out and bought a safety mat to stand on. Honestly, he had no idea how something with hooves stood in a bathtub without falling.

He felt for any poor sap that became an equine Pokémon.

He turned the lever and stood there as the warm water washed over him, flattening his fur and the sound of residual electricity crackled loudly. Once that died down, he looked around for the soap and sighed.

Apple-scented soap.

Apple-scented body wash

Apple-scented shampoo

The shower curtain had an apple print on it, the taps the bath had looked like apples, a green glass one for cold water and a red one for the hot.

“So. Many. Apples.” Seth groaned. Even though he’d bought the sticky mat for the bath, it still had apples on it. He’d been living with Fritter for two weeks and he was already Apple-mad.

“Ah well, I’m even dating an apple,” he chuckled at his own joke. “I wonder what would happen if I bought an orange or a pear home?”

Down in the kitchen, Apple Fritter shuddered as she chopped an apple with a heavy thud from her large knife. Somepony was playing with dark forces…


It always amused him when he stepped out of the shower. In Fritter’s bathroom was a full length mirror and a wet Seth resembled a drowned Meowth, he looked half his size due to his fur being held down by water. Now, he could have spent the next hour towelling himself down, like he did when he first bathed in this new form… or he had option number two, one that Selena showed him.

He wrapped a towel around his waist, so he wouldn’t drip too much in the house and headed downstairs. As he made his way through the living room and out into the backyard, Fritter had just placed a plate of pancakes on the dining table. She gave her new special somepony a strange look and turned to Rika.

“Uh, what the heck is he doin’?”

Rika paused, and a malicious smile crossed her face. “Well, why don’t you go find out? I have no idea what he’s up to.”

Apple Fritter nodded and followed Seth outside. Rika only had to wait a few seconds before she heard a surprised yelp and she burst out laughing.

Selena looked up from her spot on the couch and frowned. “That was mean Rika, just because you lost…”

Rika turned and looked at her sister. “Oh? I didn’t lose.”

“Then, what?” Selena blinked. The sliding door slammed open and Apple Fritter waked back in, soaked with all the water that Seth had gone outside to shake off.

“That… wasn’t very nice dear,” Fritter said, her expression was blank for a moment before she smiled wickedly. “Ah believe ah should share the love.” Rika’s eyes widened as Fritter closed the gap and pulled the Sylveon into a sopping wet embrace, smothering the top of her head with small kisses.

“Ahh, nuuu! Stahp!” Rika giggled under the merciless assault. Selena just stared from the couch, her mouth open slightly, but no sound came out.

There was a loud buzzing sound outside that lasted a moment or two, before Seth walked back in. Best way to dry off ever! Just shake off the water and then use electricity to evaporate what was left. It left him nice and fluffy afterwards too~

Selena growled as the scene played out. Just what the hell had happened last night?

“Okay, spill it!!” she said as a sleepy Titania floated downstairs. “What happened?”

Seth, Rika and Fritter shared a knowing smile and it only served to frustrate the Dark-type even more.

“Oh, for the love of-” Titania sighed as she poured herself a cup of tea. “All three of them are together, because somehow, that insufferable Luxray is that that fucking lucky.”

Selena just gaped as she stared at them. “Is… is she telling the truth?”

“Yeah,” Seth replied. “It was Fritter’s idea actually, and we’re not sure if it will work… but we’re gonna try, at the very least.”

Selena took a moment to process this. So her trainer had bagged two females? That sounds about right.

Wait, that means she lost the bet… sonofabit-!

There was a knock at the door and Seth opened it to reveal Grissom on the other side.

“Ah, so I was able to catch you here,” he said with a sigh. “I must say, you’ve been quite difficult to get a hold of in the last few days.”

Seth blinked, “Why didn’t you ask Diantha or Gardevoir to contact me telepathically?”

Grissom blinked twice, frowned and then facehooved. “Because that would have been easy and I am not a clever pony.”

“Ah don’t sweat it,” Seth invited the stallion in. “So what’s up?”

“Quite a bit actually,” Grissom thanked Fritter as she poured him some coffee. “I thought you might like to be caught up with a few things.”

Seth nodded, he had been wondering about a few things, namely, what was to become of Total Control.

“Well, let’s get to the nitty-gritty end of things.” Grissom wore a serious expression. “The punishment of Total Control.”

Selena suddenly stiffened at the mention of the name, while a low growl emanated from Seth’s throat, though he didn’t realise he was actually doing it.

Grissom reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a thick folder. “The official report is that the Unicorn known as Total Control, has been charged with multiple counts of abuse, theft, assault on civilians, assault on members of the Royal Guard, resisting arrest, destruction of public and private property, arson, kidnapping and abuse of dark magic.” Grissom read the report he held in his hooves. “For the heinous crimes against Equestria and its citizens, he will receive a total of one hundred and seventy five years imprisonment as well as the removal of his ability to cast magic... permanently.”

“Removal of his magic?” Seth asked.

Grissom nodded, “It is the most severe form of punishment for a Unicorn, one that has not been delivered for over three hundred years. It means that his horn will be surgically removed, and sealed with a spell that will prevent any attempts at regrowth, via magical or other means.”

Grissom sighed as Seth took the folder to give it a read. “In a way, Control got his wish. He wanted to be known around the world… and now he will, as the first Unicorn in recorded history since King Sombra to receive such a harsh punishment.”

“He deserves it,” Selena spat. “I don’t see why he simply isn’t executed.”

“Because execution was outlawed two hundred years ago,” Grissom replied. “Still, he will be a powerless Unicorn for the rest of his days… we are essentially taking away the very thing that makes him… him.” He thought for a moment for a comparison, “It would be like taking away your dragon friends’ fire.”

Ignis growled, but let it slide. “Well, enough of this, do you have something cheerier to tell us.” Seth gave a small nod as he looked at a report on the stolen goods that were recovered and being sorted to be returned to their rightful owners. Including a certain fashionista... well now, that was certainly interesting.

Grissom smiled broadly, more than eager to change the subject. “Indeed I do, Miss Fritter?”

“Yes?” the Apple mare replied.

“None of you were aware, but there was a hefty Bounty on Control’s head. And for assisting in his capture and successful arrest, as well as services to the Crown and Equestria… a reward has been granted to all of you.” Grissom pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to Fritter. “Now, as the recognised caretaker of these Pokémon, and the only individual with a bank account, the reward was deposited into it, but you may divide it as you see fit.”

Apple Fritter said nothing, as her mouth refused to work as she stared at the number on the bank slip. Seth peered over her shoulder and blinked.

“Ah… is that right?” He asked the officer. “That’s… that’s a lot of zeroes…”

“Yes, well the Princess was highly grateful and there’s also a little incentive to keep this whole incident on the quiet side... at least for now. We can’t have anything disrupt the World Summit, not while tensions are so high.”

“B-b-but, Ah… ah can’t accept…” Fritter suddenly sat down very hard. “W-w-what are we gonna do with one million Bits?!”

“One million!?” Rika exclaimed. “What?”

Grissom shrugged. “The Princesses were quite adamant about it. I may have a suggestion or two though?”

Fritter just looked at him, Grissom taking that as his cue to continue. “Well, you seem to have quite a full house here, and there is a vacant block of land next door…”

“We could buy it and extend the house and mah orchards!” Fritter finished.

“Perhaps we could also donate some into helping out the Pokémon that still have no place to go?” Seth suggested.

“That might work,” Rika said… “And we could use the leftovers for the Contest, we still have that to plan as well.”

Seth nodded. “Okay, so renovations, donations and Contest funds. That sounds like a solid plan.”

“Ah still can’t believe all this,” Fritter said.

“I still have other news as well,” Grissom said, grabbing their attention.

“Well, okay then,” Seth replied.

“First, the remaining Pokémon that were admitted to the hospital are doing fine. Even that Malamar character has made quite the recovery. And your friend Heath? I believe he is getting discharged today.”

“That’s good to hear,” Seth breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ll head to the hospital shortly.”

“The last thing… well, it’s about you Seth.” Grissom cleared his throat and then drained the rest of his coffee cup. “I have a job offer for you.”

“A job?”

“Yes, you have a lot of knowledge about Pokémon and your leadership skills are quite impressive. Not to mention that those eyes, ears and nose of yours can sniff out a crime-scene like nopony’s business.”

“So what’s the job then?” Seth was interested.

“I want to put together a task force, one that specifically deals with Pokémon-related crimes…” he had to stop as Seth and his Pokémon were all busting a gut laughing. Grissom frowned and even Fritter looked a bit confused at the reaction. Titania tilted her head, until the joke became apparent to her and even she chuckled a little.

“Well, I’m glad to see you’re all in high spirits,” Grissom said tersely. “But perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing the joke?”

It took a moment before Seth calmed down enough to actually speak. “Hahahaa, ohh… My stomach hurts now. Ahh, sorry about that, but what you just suggested sounds an awful lot like something we already had back on Earth. They were called Pokémon Rangers and well, they and I weren’t exactly on… the best of terms. The irony of me becoming one was a bit too much.”

“I… see…?” Grissom was still a tad confused. “So, the answer is no then?”

“Hmm, well…” Seth thought about it. It was a good chance to make a fresh start and the idea didn’t sound too bad. “Can I think about it and get back to you?”

Grissom nodded, “That will be fine, but don’t wait too long. I’d like to get things organised as soon as possible.”

Seth nodded and after an exchange of thanks and farewells, Grissom headed off.

Once he’d left, Selena gave her trainer the widest grin he’d ever seen. “So?” she began. “You’re gonna take him up on that offer? Mr. Pokémon *snerk* Ranger… Pftt, hahahahaa!”

“Oh shut it,” Seth said, but he laughed as well. Fritter didn’t really get it, so she just decided to clear the table. Her mind was still on the ridiculous amount of cash she now possessed.

“Well, I’ll think about it. But right now I wanna head to the hospital to see Heath and then…” he looked at Titania. “I’ll need you to come with me today.”

That caused everyone to stop laughing. Selena in particular looked really confused.
“What the hell do you want with her?” she asked.

“As loathing as I am to do so,” Titania said. “I must agree with her. Why do you want me to accompany you for?”

“I promised you something remember?” Seth said. “And I’ll need you to come with me so I can make good on that promise.”

Titania squeaked and put a hand to her mouth in surprise. Was he really going to help her? Was she even ready to say goodbye to the mercenary life?

Seth walked over to her and stood next to her. “Look, even if you’re still undecided, what I have planned… You could always just consider it a hobby until you do decide.”

Titania sighed and nodded. “Alright, I’ll trust you… let me down though or I’ll put you down!”

“Just try it!” Selena growled, her eyes flashing with a dangerous glint. “You touch one hair on him and I will end your life myself, Fairy!”

“Selena!” Seth snapped. “It’s fine okay. What’s the matter, you seem… snappy today.”

Selena’s eyes widened, she hadn’t meant to say that out loud. “It’s nothing… didn’t get enough sleep.” She hopped off of the couch and headed out back to the barn, leaving Seth to wonder what was bugging her.

Plans were made, with Fritter and Rika going off to start dividing the money up and organise the purchase of the block next door. A bigger bed was also on the agenda.

But as Seth left, Ignis stopped him, a concerned look on his face. “Seth? Can we talk for a second?”

Seth nodded and Titania went on ahead to give them some space. Once she was out of earshot, Ignis continued.

“So, you noticed Selena’s little… episode back there huh?” Ignis sighed.

“And I take it that you know something about that?”

“She’s… ever since that night, Selly’s been having nightmares. I don’t know what has her mind so troubled, she refuses to tell me. But it has me worried, I’ve never seen her so jumpy before.”

Seth thought for a moment, ever since the move to Canterlot, things had been so hectic, and he felt that no-one really had time to just sit back and adjust. He needed to fix that somehow.

“Maybe I should spend a little time with her. We haven’t done that since the move… just, spend time as a family.”

“Considering I’m mated to her now, and you to Rika… are we still a family?” Ignis laughed.

Seth paused, he hadn’t really thought of that until now. “Not the way we used to be… but we’ll always be together, no matter what.”

Ignis nodded, “Yeah, we haven’t seen Drake in a while either huh? You think he’s here somewhere?”

“I have no doubt he’s here somewhere, being as fabulous as always.” Seth thought about the one member of his family that had left a long time ago. “And I’ll bring back Heath too, so there’ll be that.”

Ignis nodded as an impatient Titania called out to Seth and the dragon motioned for him to go. Selena was his mate, and Ignis would do his best to help her.


Once Seth and Titania reached the hospital, Diantha, Gardevoir and Heath were already waiting outside for them, as well as Tyra, the Champion’s Tyrantrum. But when Seth approached the Sandslash, the spiky Pokémon shied away from him, a remorseful look in his eyes.

“Hello again Seth,” Diantha greeted him with a brief hug. “How have you been?”

“Busy,” Seth replied. “A lot has happened in the last few days.” Titania snorted and suppressed a laugh.

“That’s putting it lightly,” she scoffed.

“Oh my, is something wrong?” Diantha asked, concerned that something bad happened. All she knew about was that Vincent fellow, a Pokémon that had had her Gardevoir deeply concerned.

“Just the usual,” Seth shrugged it off. “And how about you Heath? Are you feeling better now?”

The Ground-type just nodded slightly, but refused to meet the Luxray’s gaze.

“He’s been… feeling bad about what he did while under Control’s influence,” Diantha explained.

“I have tried to tell him that it wasn’t his fault, but he still shoulders the blame.”

Heath shot a glare at the woman who spilt his secret, but quickly turned his gaze back downwards again.

“I wish I could just dig a hole and bury myself in it,” he sighed, earning a deadpan stare from Titania.

“Um, you’re a Ground type you moron, you can Dig a hole!”

“Titania… Be nice,” Seth sighed. “Look Heath, I-” Seth paused. What should he say?

“It’s all my fault, I’m the reason you all got hurt,” Heath said. “I’ll… I’ll just go somewhere… I don’t know where, just somewhere other than here.”

“It’s not your fault Heath,” Seth said quietly. “Look, I’m not gonna lie… I have no idea how I’m supposed to talk to you. We’ve barely been a family for two weeks before all this mess happened, and to be honest, I’m still getting used to the fact we can even have a conversation…”

“Wow, some pep talk there,” Titania said.

“If you feel guilty, then what would it take to make you feel better?” Seth asked.

“I-I don’t know,” Heath replied.

“Well,” Seth said with a smile. “I know that the Guards recovered quite a bit of what was stolen by Control… I’m sure that being as overworked as they are right now… a little help in returning said goods might be appreciated.”

Heath’s eyes widened and he nodded. “Yeah… okay, that might work.”

“Look Heath, I have no right to tell you what to do, no-one does. But… you’re still family, regardless of how much time you’ve been a part of it, okay?”

“Thanks,” Heath teared up slightly. “Huh? Oh, uh, I have sand in my eye…”

“Yeah, it’s pretty dusty out here huh?” Seth agreed, his own eyes stinging a bit. Titania just rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

“Are we done here?” she asked impatiently.

Seth just shook his head, “Yes Titania, I believe we are.” He turned to the former Champion, “So what about you? Any plans?”

“I’ll take Heath here to the palace, and then I must find a place for my dear Tyra here.” She looked over at her beloved dragon, to see that he was taking a nap in the bright sun. She giggled and placed a hand on Heath’s shoulder.

“Thanks again Diantha,” Seth replied, giving the Champion a quick hug. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“You’d be lost, I’m sure,” she giggled as Seth frowned in mock annoyance.

“Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence.” He glanced over at Heath, “Would you mind showing him home once you’re done?”

Diantha nodded and Seth bid them farewell, as Titania paced irritably.

“Can we go now?” she asked. “I’m getting tired of all this dilly dallying.”

“Of course, you have my apologies Lady Titania,” Seth bowed and Titania clicked her tongue in annoyance.

“Hmph, now you’re just being sarcastic. I swear, at this rate I think I’d rather try holding an intelligent conversation with Scylla... which is utterly impossible I assure you.”

Seth just shrugged and beckoned for her to follow him. After about a half hour of silent walking, she saw that he had led her to some pony clothing store, Belle’s Button Boutique.

“Okay, so why are we here?” Titania asked.

“Well, you said that you liked to dress up right? Well I have a plan... just follow my lead.” He strode inside and Titania was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Seth kind of reminded her of Weiss in a way, always looking to help others at the drop of a hat. She followed him in as the proprietor of the business, Miss Button Belle, greeted them.

“Hello... oh?” she saw Seth and recognised him right away. “Are you the same one from before?”

Seth nodded, he’d gotten a top up of a translation spell on the walk here, so he could respond to her. “That’s right Miss Belle, or.. do you prefer Miss Suri Polomare?”

Suri flinched at the mention of that name. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. My name is Button Belle...”

Seth just smiled. “It’s alright, I saw the report regarding the Bits and materials that were stolen from here a few nights ago.. oh, and they’ll be returned to you in the next few days as well.”

“I see, you’re with the Guard then?” Button Belle questioned him.

“As of today, yes.” Seth nodded. Titania blinked, she didn’t recall him accepting the job... wait, was he lying?

“That doesn’t explain why you know that name,” the mare said angrily.

“As I said, I saw it in a report, but if you prefer Button Belle, then I’ll honour that wish. Your private life is none of my concern after all.”

“No, it isn’t!” Button replied. “Now, what do you want here?”

“I have a... proposition actually.” Seth beamed. “My friend here, her name is Titania and she requires a job.”

“That’s rather straight to the point.” Button said as she looked Titania up and down. “But why would I hire her? I barely make enough to keep this store.”

“Ah, now that’s the interesting part,” Seth said. “One, an entirely new world of business opportunities has opened up to you, and you could be the very first to pioneer it... all you have to do is try.”

“Explain,” Button Belle snapped.

“Pokemon. You think ponies are the only ones that wear attire? A plethora of Pokemon wear clothing as well, especially ones involved in Contests and ones that used to be human, like myself.” He pointed out the window at a group of Pokemon walking down the street, the one in front wearing a tattered vest. “And it so happens that my friend Titania here is quite gifted with fashion-related work.”

Titania blinked, all she had said was that she liked to dress up, not make clothes. He was talking out of his ass here and this mare was eating it up. No wonder he was a public speaker back on Earth.

“So what you’re saying is, I should hire this walking flowerbed to make clothes for Pokemon?” Button scoffed, her old personality flaring up. Titania narrowed her eyes. Seth wanted her to work for this mare? She’d kill her by the days end.

“And make a fortune in the process, not to mention fame and a positive reputation amongst the social elite.” Seth put a paw on her shoulder and stared off into the distance. “Imagine this, Pokemon coming to you in droves, for the fashion you design for them. And after that, well... I’m sure that the nobles would want a piece of that. They wouldn’t want the common riffraff outshining them. Pokemon-themed fashion for ponies?” Seth smiled, and went for the kill. “Why, you would become the most famous and respected fashionista in the world.”

Button Belle’s mind wandered. She could get her reputation back, the one she herself destroyed in the first place. She’d lost her business, her home and her best friend, the one she had treated like dirt. Suri Polomare had fled to Canterlot and assumed a new name and business, hoping for a fresh start, and now that chance had just walked through the door with the offer of a lifetime.

She smiled as she took Seth’s paw and shook on it. “I’ll take you up on that offer... uh?”

“Crescent, Seth Crescent.” the Luxray replied. “And thank you Miss Belle, this means a lot to me.”

“We'll, be here first thing in the morning Miss Titania,” Button said. “You start then.”

“O-of course,” Titania replied, shocked at what had just transpired. The two Pokemon left as Titania’s head was still swimming. “I can’t believe that,” she said once they were a few blocks away. “Just how the hell did you know all that?”

“I didn’t,” Seth laughed. “All I saw was that the business owner was named Suri Polomare. Her body language and reactions told me the rest.” He’d just bluffed his way through that entire thing.

“Unbelieveable,” Titania laughed. “There may be hope for you yet Mr. Crescent.”

“Hey, we’re friends now,” Seth replied. “Just call me Seth, okay?”

Author's Note:

Editor's Notes

ZeusDemiGod - Quite a gruesome punishment but not one Control didn’t deserve, very interesting bit with Suri/Button, can’t wait to see what’s next.

TDNPony - A fitting punishment. I look forward to what happens next. Also Zeus, what happened to Control barely counts as gruesome to me, since it was SURGICALLY removed. Gruesome would have been if someone yanked to horn out forcefully.

Bubba - I have no idea what I am doing here.

Aus - Agreed, the next chapter should be a lot of fun. Seth and Selena investigate some tremors coming from the Crystal Caves of Canterlot... But something's up with Selena, can she get her head in the game in time to protect her Trainer, or will disaster strike?

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