• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen

Mocha hummed happily as her guests from yesterday returned. She had only just opened when they showed up and she wasn’t going to complain with early morning business.

“Okay, so we have a mocha latte for Seth, hot chocolate for Rika and Fire Brew for Ignis.” She set the mugs down in front of their owners while she brewed more behind the counter and wiped down the empty tables. She may not have been one for learning much magic, but her Telekinesis was quite powerful and extremely dexterous.

After a moment, a familiar form snuck its way in through the front door. The form of Vincent sans his top hat or spoons. He cast a quick glance around the room before nodding. “Excellent, they’re still not up…” The Kadabra caught sight of Mocha and attempted to gain her eye. “Miss Mocha, could I ask you for a favor?”

“Oh, good morning... um, Vincent right?” she asked, hoping she’d remembered his name correctly. “What can I do for you?”

Yes I am, and I would like to ask you for your finest cup of coffee, ma’am. It’d be my first.”

“Your first cup of coffee?” Mocha said, how could anyone have gone this long without drinking a cup? But, she’d overheard some of his conversation from yesterday, so it may have been understandable.

“It’s not his only first~” Rika giggled.

Indeed. I would appreciate a nice introduction to the drink I’ve not yet had.”

“Alright, we’ll start you off slow. No need to give a greenhorn a triple expresso.” She laughed as she prepared a standard flat white. “If you like it, I’ll make you some other types to go.”

My thanks. Luke said something about how I should take care around things that altered how the mind works...but I should at least try it once before forming an opinion.” Vincent had settled himself in at one of the tables and kept a wary eye on the front door.

After a minute or two, Mocha brought over a small cup with the liquid, as well as a separate jar of cream and sugar. “This particular type is usually served black, but if you find it too bitter, then add some of these okay?”

The psychic-type nodded and took a sip of the drink before making a face. “Goodness, that is bitter.” He then put a spoonful of sugar into the drink and stirring before trying again. This time, he nodded. “Ah, much better. And I don’t see why others have tried to stop me from having any before now...”

Seth watched with a bemused expression, this should be interesting…

The Kadabra polished off the cup before nodding once. “My thanks for the experience. Any others you would recommend?”

“Well, you could try my namesake, a mocha latte?” she suggested. “It’s topped with chocolate powder and is a lot sweeter than a standard coffee.”

That sounds quite delicious,” Vincent replied. “I wouldn’t say no to such a drink...though I could also do with something to eat…”

“Alrighty, one mocha and what would you like to eat? Any preferences?”

“You think he’s even noticed that we’re sitting here yet?” Seth asked out loud.

Something that would go with it,” he said with a hint of cheek before it vanished. “I trust your judgement.”

“Alrighty then!” she said chipperly and disappeared into her kitchen, delicious scents soon wafting out from it.

“Hey Vincent!” Seth finally called out. “Having a good morning thus far?”

Indeed I am,” the Kadabra said without turning. “And to answer your earlier question, I did notice, but in case you don’t remember yesterday when we first arrived, my family’s kept me from trying coffee ever since I had free access to it. This is one of the few times I’ve been up before them, so I am bound and determined to try it today. Thus, Mocha came before you. I would apologize, but I am still trying to keep watch as well. For all I know, Sam or Lucy will come in any second now and stop Mocha from giving me any more.”

“Never!” Mocha called out. “Discovering coffee for the first time is a magical experience and I will let nopony come in between that!”

“There’s your answer,” Seth chuckled. “So, how did you sleep?”

Wonderfully,” Vincent sighed as he recalled the night previous. “Though the hotel was curious as to why we no longer needed one of our rooms. Waking up with Lucy there was...I’d trade nothing for it.”

Rika’s eyes widened and sparkled like the stars. “You already did ‘that’? Ooh~” she giggled as she bounded across the room to hug him. “I’m so proud~”

...It was just us sharing a bed, and just that,” Vincent said as he tried to move against his captor. “While I may have an understanding as to the...mechanics...I’m not ready for something like...that, yet. So...why are you so huggy?”

“She’s always been like that!” Selena said, peeling the ribbons off of Vincent and shooing the Fairy away. “Sorry, personal space isn’t in her dictionary. But I do think a congrats is in order though. It sounds like you took a big step forward.”

From a know-nothing lab-rat, to a Kadabra needing context for the images in his head, to having a girlfriend I love and know like no other beside me? I think that’s more than one step,” the Kadabra in question chuckled. “But yes, my eyes are open, my heart is hers. And I thank you all for your ‘interference’,” he finished.

“So we ‘interfered’ huh?” Seth smirked. “Well I always did have a habit of sticking my nose into other peoples’ buisness.”

Mocha soon emerged, a slightly larger cup of coffee this time, along with a plate of sunny-side eggs, lettuce, tomatoes and some hash browns.

“There we are, a meal fit for a Princess,” she giggled. The psychic type nodded at her and began to dig into the breakfast.

Mmm...okay, point to you. You’re good at this breakfast thing. I’m not sure if Mary knows any such recipies.”

“I’m very glad to hear that!” Mocha beamed. “If you need anything else, just give me a shout,” she said before returning to her cleaning.

Will do,” Vincent noted. “Mmm...so how about you lot? How goes your recovery, Seth? Any better today?”

Seth showed his lack of bandages. “Yup, I’m doing a lot better now. Just needed a good night’s sleep.”

“Yeah,” Rika muttered. “In Apple Fritter’s bed.”

“And she took the couch,” Seth replied. “You heard her, she wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Sounds like you either need to hash out who shares what bed,” Vincent pitched in, “Or you need more of them. I’m not sure which option would hurt less.”

“I’m fine with the couch, just as I have been.” Seth replied. “My fur is so plush, I think I could sleep comfortably anywhere. But Fritter said I needed a proper bed last night and ordered me to use hers.”

“We sleep in the guest room, Selena, Titania and I.” Rika explained. “We got a reward for helping return the Crown Jewels, and we’re gonna add an extension to the house.” She sipped her hot chocolate before continuing. “We were originally going to get our own place, but then Fritter would have been all alone... and none of us wanted that. So in the end, we moved in with her.”

By now, the psychic had polished off his meal and moved on to the coffee, sipping slowly and savoring the taste. “Oh that’s good coffee...And your explanation gives me some ideas for what to do back at Las Pegasus...plus it explains how you intend to house Ignis, for when he decides to stop looking for a fight for a few days at a time.”

Ignis not looking for a fight? Seth and Selena burst out laughing. “Oh, that’s never gonna happen. But he has promised to stay in Canterlot with us.”

...Why do I suddenly get the feeling that switching my ideal career from ‘detective’ or ‘private eye’ to ‘insurance salesman’ would be a more lucrative move?”

Seth thought about the warehouse they destroyed, and the mansion.. and a shipping yard. “You want a partner? That sounds like a solid plan,” Seth mused. “So how long do you think until your buzz is killed by some siblings of yours hmm?”

“Well, I never took down my communications link with them, so I can still passively obser- oh dear. Lucy just woke up. Aaaand I think I’m in trouble.”

Ignis paled, “You... you snuck off...?”

“Without telling your new girlfriend?” Rika concluded. “Well... while we have the time. What would you like on your tombstone?”

Yes, I snuck off. She and Sam have kept me from having any coffee since we got here, and I still don’t...see…” At that moment, the Kadabra’s eyes widened slightly. “Oh...dear. What is...is this what coffee does?”

“You think Mocha has good insurance?” Selena wondered as she watched the caffeine kick in.

“And I just got out of the hospital,” Seth muttered. “Now I’m gonna go back, from either a pissed off Lucario, a caffeine crazed Kadabra or a furious, yet adorable Unicorn...”

Sparks of eldritch blue energy buzzed around Vincent’s form, and for a moment, the Kadabra merely watched the spectacle. “I feel...so awake, so alive now. Though, the extra energy could be a problem…as well as Lucy coming here in the next two minutes...”

“So what should we do?” Seth asked, watching the light show.

“This may have been a bad idea,” Ignis said.

“Maybe Lucy will save us?” Rika asked hopefully.

“You’re all a bunch of friggen idiots,” Selena muttered, going back to her coffee.

While I don’t agree with the strength of the statement, Selena has the gist of it. Just...one moment...have to do this right.” With that, the Kadabra summoned his Twisted Spoon and held it to his head, his eyes shut. “Strengthening psychic seal.”

With those simple words, the lightshow vanished. Vincent shook his head a few times to clear the sudden feeling of dizziness, but then smiled and set his Spoon down. “And that’s another trick I have to thank Xavier for,” he said as he leaned back in his chair.

“Impressive,” Seth whistled as his ears twitched, hearing some irritated muttering that was growing closer. “But I believe that you still might be screwed.”

Indeed, an irritated female Lucario burst into the shop, her eyes landing on Vincent’s form near-instantly. “YOU!” She shouted. “Do you have any IDEA the panic I felt when I woke up to you MISSING?!”

She’d rapidly closed the gap and was now shaking the Kadabra back and forth as she continued to berate him. “You don’t just wake up and walk off! You never do that! I was worried for you! Why would you do that to me?!”

Seth stood up, he considered Vincent a friend now and bros stood up for bros. “I’m sure Vincent is very sorry Lucy. He is new to the whole relationship thing and I’m sure that it won’t happen again... will it Vincent!!

Indeed not. I am sorry Lucy. I merely awoke first and took this chance to finally try something that I have been denied for far too long.”

The Lucario took in those words, realized where she was standing, and slowly let go of the Kadabra before taking a few steps back. “You didn’t.”

I did.”

She then turned to Seth and his friends and said, in a very even tone, “And why did none of you stop him from having any?”

“We didn’t think there was any harm,” Rika shrugged. “Unless he’s allergic to coffee... are you allergic to coffee Vincent?”

Allergic to coffee!? Mocha almost fainted when she heard that. That would be the most horrible thing imaginable…

No. Sam and Bit merely took my mentor Luke’s, a Gallade, advice far too seriously when I mentioned it once. He said I should avoid adding such a thing to my system until I was used to how my new form worked. They then told Lucy, and together have kept me from trying any.”

“Ah, is that all?” Seth said. “I wouldn’t worry Lucy, he seems to be perfectly fine, despite having two cups already.”

Lucy took another, closer look at Vincent, and nodded slowly. “Very well...but if anything happens to make me think otherwise, while I’ll blame him first, I’ll blame all of you second.” She then took a seat and looked at the Kadabra’s empty plate. “So, what do you recommend for breakfast?”

Already having prepared in advance, Mocha floated out four plates of the same dish she served Vincent. “I have one for your buggy friend when he arrives too,” she tittered.

“Wow, thanks Mocha!” Seth grinned before digging in.

Another point in your favor: customer service. Mary is an excellent chef, but if you aren’t a friend of hers and try to enter ‘her’ kitchen? She doesn’t take kindly to that…”

“A kitchen to a chef is like their home,” Mocha said. “Intruding uninvited is often considered a great insult.”

“Cilan said the same thing to me once,” Seth replied. He wondered if that trio of brothers were in Equestria somewhere. “Well, thank you for the food though. It’s delicious.”

A fair point,” Vincent said with a slight laugh. “After all, we all have those little places where we like to consider ourselves safe. Those places that are truly ours. Now that I find myself in possession of such places, I find myself eager to return to them…”

“That’s a nice answer,” Rika said. “All these little ‘hiccups’ aside, Equestria really is a nice place huh?”

Far nicer than anything I’ve experienced,” Vincent said, which caused a slight wave of wincing throughout the room as Rika remembered who she’d been talking to. “But in all fairness, yes. What little information I have regarding Earth places it as second to Equestria.”

Lucy nodded and talked, her food already gone. “If this is a place without your father and anyone like him likely to have come with us, then yes, this world is already better for it.”

...Did you even taste your food?”

“I like this girl,” Ignis grinned, patting Lucy on the back. “Platonically of course,” he added when Selena and Vincent glared at him.

“So is there anything else you’d like to do today?” Seth asked. “Canterlot is a big city, there’s probably still a lot to see.”

In which case, we can make a return trip,” the Kadabra said while smirking. “And while I would like to see the Museum, if it’s still likely to be closed, then a quick trip through... Artist’s Alley, was it? Will have to do for today. I already miss Las Pegasus, and we’ve only been gone five days.”

“Actually, I got word that the museum re-opened today,” Seth grinned. “They still hadn’t fixed the windows, saying they’d take months to repair...”

“But then Sethy got the brilliant idea of asking Dialga to help.” Rika exclaimed. “He simply wond time back on the museum to before the attack. And hey presto! All is well.”

Vincent blinked a few times before turning to Lucy. “Note: do not mess with time or those that control it. That’s scary powerful right there.”

Lucy nodded her agreement as Sam calmly walked into the room. He eyed Lucy and Vincent, Vincent’s empty cups, and Seth’s group before saying anything. “...And how is there still a building?”

“Because it seems you were concerned over nothing,” Seth replied. “Vincent here is cool, aside from a small light show earlier and possible enlightenment...”

It wasn’t like I could see forever,” the psychic said with a wave of his hand. “Though I was definitely picking up on more minds than usual. Had it gone on any longer, yeah, I would have been concerned.”

“So…” The Scizor began. “All that worrying and keeping you away from caffeine?”

Oh don’t get me wrong, before it was probably a good idea, especially when I was an Abra. But now that I can handle it properly, I may take a cup in the morning to aid my brain in starting up.”

Right on cue, Mocha came back over to the table and passed Vincent a piece of parchment with some instructions on it.

“Theses are recipes for three of my personal blends,” Mocha said. “Flat White, Mocha Latte and Mint blend, most of my others are a bit of a secret and would require me to personally teach you. Oh, and I also wrote down decaf variants~” The list contained specific brands and types of coffee beans to use, as well as preparation instructions. The psychic picked the list up and scanned it a few times before nodding at the mare.

My thanks. How much do I owe you for this fine morning?” At those words, Vincent picked up his Twisted Spoon again in preparation to summon what he needed.

“Hmm, 25 bits should cover the cost of the meals,” Mocha said. “The coffee’s on the house today, well for you anyway.”

Seth looked at the spoon, “Why don’t you just carry around a small pouch?” he asked. “It must be easier than having to Teleport money all the time.”

First, it helps me burn off power. A Gallade helped me when I was an Abra to refine all that I had been into someone who could come to terms with what had happened. Just recently, Xavier and I exchanged notes, and I learned quite a bit from that Metagross. And secondly,” at this moment the required bits flashed onto the table, “We happen to have quite a bit of bits. I might tell you the story later, but carrying them all around everywhere would be cumbersome.”

“Fair enough,” Seth replied, fishing around in his bag for his own money. “I wish I could levitate things... would make life so much easier.”

Tell me, what do you recall of a Kadabra’s power...and what happens if they don’t watch themselves?” Vincent’s ‘voice’ had gone sickly sweet again.

“I know, I know,” Seth responded. “But until you find out, you Psychic’s and Unicorns still make it look easy.” Seth looked at Mocha, who was cleaning a small stage at the back of the cafe. Several large instruments floated around her, including a cello and a small piano while she hummed happily, sweeping up the dust with a levitating broom and dustpan.

Powers of the mind are not to be taken lightly. How do you think I feel knowing that if I don’t watch myself, my family will be in pain because of me? And thus I ‘talk’ constantly, I Teleport our money in when we need it. I do half a dozen things to burn off the power I have...to keep those I hold dear safe from me. You should be thankful you are not a Psychic type.”

“I wonder if Gardy has to do the same stuff?” Rika wondered.

“In a way,” aforementioned Pokémon teleported into the cafe. “We Gardevoir also manipulate gravity, but most of my excess power goes into telepathy and floating.” She raised the hem of her skirt slightly, showing that her pointed feet weren’t actually touching the ground. “I am surprised you do not do it also Mr. Vincent. A good deal of power can be burnt off with self-levitation.”

Vincent smiled at that. “I would, but I know that the less physically active I am, the worse it will be for me. While I have power, to rely on it to even move, much less hold up my head as Alakazam are said to need to do, is a terrible place to find ones’ self. I’d like to be able to walk around without needing to propel myself with my mind, thank you kindly. I didn’t need to do so in the facility while I was human, and I’ll try my hardest to thwart that from ever happening. Besides which, what if I encounter a particularly physically-minded foe? I’d like to be able to move and run fast enough to get away or deal with them. Cover all my bases, as it were.”

Gardy nodded and she seemed to stumble for a second as she switched on her personal gravity, allowing herself to stand under her own strength. “I too can stand just fine, but...”

“Ten bits says she does it to look all mystical,” Rika giggled, but Gardevoir remained silent as Rika’s eyes widened. “Uh, I wasn’t actually being serious...”

Gardy cleared her throat and spoke verbally. “Regardless, I have come to inform you that the last of the victims have been cured and most of them are awake or have even been discharged by now.”

“And Heath?” Seth asked, his tone filled with concern.

“Also doing fine,” Gardy responded. “He was awake for a while, but has resumed sleep again. Injuries aside, he suffered severe smoke inhalation, it will still take a few days for him to recover.”

“Alright, thanks Gardevoir,” Seth said and with a nod, the Psychic vanished as quickly as she arrived.

“Well that’s good news,” Selena said. “We should go and see him later.” Seth simply nodded in response.

A steadily growing ticking noise could be heard, and Vincent merely rolled his eyes and pointed one hand at the door. “Bit, we’re in here, cut out the cheesy noises.”

Indeed, the Porygon-Z floated into the room and dinged a few times. “Apologies. Some sounds are simply associated with certain actions. Though why the action of searching for you causes this unit to play a ticking noise is unknown at this time.”

Fair enough, perhaps you’ll untangle the reason with time. Now... someone said something about the museum possibly being open again?”

“A ticking when you search?” Seth pondered. “Maybe it works like the Itemfinder device? Well, whatever... onwards to adventure and whatnot!”

“I think all of our lives could do with a little less adventure thank you,” Selena muttered.

A chorus of “Agreed!” came from Vincent’s table. “Besides which, didn’t you just get done with an adventure at the museum?” Lucy questioned.

“Yeah, let’s use the museum for what it’s actually for: teaching life-forms that aren’t Bit about things. I’m sure he already knows a good deal about what’s in there.” Sam pitched in as he pushed his empty plate a few inches forward.

Bit ticked for a moment before letting out a beep. “Incorrect. While a good deal of information was filed and cross-referenced, I do not currently possess up-to-date information on what lies within the local museum.”

Fancy that, Bit not knowing something.”

“Ooh, oooh!!” Rika bounced up and down in a very Pinkie-esque manner. “I have an idea on something we could do as well~”

“First, sit down, you’re giving me motion sickness,” Selena said. “And second, I know I’m going to regret this but what is your idea?”

“We could show them our routine!” Rika exclaimed. “We need to practise it anyway.”

“Urgh, I knew I was going to regret it,” Selena sighed. “Fine... I suppose we could do that.”

“She protests, but she really does enjoy it,” Ignis laughed. “She’s really adorable when she gets all tsundere like that.”

“W-what the hell, moron!” Selena blushed. “Don’t go spouting stuff like that!”

Vincent looked at Ignis, then at Selena, and then at Lucy. She herself had done something similar, starting at Selena, then going to Ignis, and then ending with Vincent. “I’m going to put it down to ‘love is blind,’” Lucy said.

I was going to put it down as ‘different strokes for different folks’,” Vincent countered.

“And I’m going to say you two couples are perfect for each other, and I don’t care what we do, so long as it’s no longer here,” Sam chipped in. “No offense to you, Mocha.”

“None taken,” Mocha smiled. The couples were quite cute, but she couldn’t help but feel a slight pang of jealousy. Well, that was in the past and that’s where it would stay.

“Well let’s get going then,” Seth said. “First stop, the museum!”


The museum had been interesting, especially seeing Vincent’s face when they hit the weather section. Physics in Equestria were seriously nerfed.

They ended up meeting with Fritter and then they all headed back to the Sundial one last time; it was also a nice spot for Rika and Selena to do their routine.

“Okay, you guys ready for a treat?” she asked. “You’ll be the first ones in Equestria to see this!”

A quick shared glance amongst the family brought on a wave of slight nods between them. “Ready,” Lucy said.

Do show us,” Vincent added.

Seth had retrieved a gramophone from Fritter’s place and put a record on it. A jaunty little classical tune began to play, specifically, a song titled ‘Dance of the Sugarplum Breezie’. He was quite surprised to find an Equestrian variant of the song he would use in Contests.

“Alright, Rika use Misty Terrain. Selena, Razor Wind!”

Rika hummed as the ground around her with a blanket of pale, pink mist. Selena then used a weak Razor Wind, causing the mist to swirl and ripple like the sea.

“Now use Will-o-Wisp, and Rika, you use Swift!

Selena let out a haunting low howl as ethereal wisps of flames danced around her and then shot towards Rika. The fairy activated her Swift, and Pixelate turned it into a Fairy Type move as golden stars rained down on the wisps, shattering them into sparkling embers, which then fell into the mist, causing it to take on an azure hue. The mist swirled and then enshrouded Selena.

“This part is where i would Mega-evolve her, but I can’t do that right now.” Seth explained. “Rika, use Moonblast!

The Sylveon nodded as she aimed into the sky and fired several of the attacks, the orbs of lunar light hanging in the air like lanterns.

“And for the finale, Selena, Play Rough!” The mist burst as Selena leapt from it, her legs sparkling with a pink light as she leapt from one orb to the other, her movements were precise and stunningly beautiful, like she was dancing in midair. She finally landed near Rika, and both Pokémon took a bow as the Moonblasts shattered, raining down like countless tiny stars.

“Well?” Selena panted. “What did you think?”

Bit was, for once, speechless and not making any sounds. Sam likewise just stood there, his jaw slightly agape at the spectacle he’d just been witness to. Vincent blinked a few times and smiled softly while putting a hand on his chest. Lucy’s reaction was the most telling, however.

She merely turned to Vincent and said a simple phrase. “We need to come up with one.”

He turned to Lucy and stared for a moment before replying. “I’m fairly certain a routine like that isn’t something you just ‘come up with’. And while I agree that was a splendid performance, it would likely take us quite some time to do anything near their level.”

“Sooner started…” Lucy led, which prompted Vincent to sigh before he finished it.

Sooner finished. Fine, it’ll go on my list of things to do.”

“It took a really long time to perfect, I wish we could have done it properly though.” Rika sighed.

“The hardest part was that last bit, where I dance on the Moonblasts,” Selena explained. “Being weak to Fairy type moves, just one missed step resulted in a lot of pain.” She spoke from experience and a lot of time spent in the Pokémon Center. “But I think it was totally worth- Yip!” She yelped as Ignis scooped up the Absol and placed a deep kiss on her lips.

“You are my beautiful Dark Fairy Queen,” he smiled. “I think I fall even more in love with you every time I see it.”

Seth chuckled at her protests as Ignis lavished her with kisses. “Well I’m glad you guys liked it, something unique for your vacation huh?”

Indeed, something that I will hold dear for quite some time. I’ve precious few good memories, but each one added is a beauty.”

Lucy nodded at Vincent’s words and hugged the Kadabra from behind. “Thank you all for a lovely time in Canterlot,” the Lucario said. “But I think it’s high time we caught a ride home.”

“Indeed, one will be leaving within the hour. We should just about catch it if we were to leave within the next few minutes.”

Seth nodded, he was quite sad to see them leave actually. Rika just teared up and leapt at Lucy, hugging her tightly. Selena and Ignis were a little more reserved, but they still looked a little upset.

“Alright, but you four better believe that we’ll come and visit as soon as possible!” Seth said adamantly. The Kadabra chuckled and pointed at the Sylveon hugging Lucy.

Was already counting on it. Or perhaps you’d like to come with right now? It certainly seems one of you wants to.”

“I am really tempted to take you up on that offer,” Seth replied as they walked, Rika having switched to hugging Sam and Bit. “But there’s still a lot of loose ends to tie up here in Canterlot.”

And you lot have given me an idea of something to try in Las Pegasus, one that might be necessary depending on the local’s stance on certain issues. But hopefully when the time comes that we do meet again, my schedule will be clear.”

“I gave you ideas?” Seth replied inquisitively. He wondered what he meant by that. “I get the feeling that my life is not going to be quiet anytime soon, but I can’t wait regardless.” He pried his overly affectionate Sylveon away from a grateful Scizor and placed her on his back.

Sometimes it’s not about whether or not you can take the time, but whether or not you can make the time,” the Kadabra replied, looking first Seth, then Rika in the eyes, hoping that they both took to heart his advice regarding certain matters.

His subtlety wasn’t over-looked by Rika and she hopped down and stood in front of Seth. “I want to make something clear,” she said. “And while my new best friend Lucy is here as a witness, I’m going to say it.” She took a deep breath, held it for a moment and released it as her face flushed a deep crimson hue.

“I’m not going to lose to Apple Fritter, understand! I will fight, not actual fighting, but you get my drift, to win your heart!”

Seth sat down very quickly as he blushed. Well this was certainly sudden.

“I think I have a few things to discuss later, with both you and Fritter,” Seth replied. He regained his composure and nodded, “I owe you two at least that much.”

Lucy, meanwhile, drew up next to Rika and laid a paw on her head. “While you didn’t hear our confessions,” the Lucario whispered, “There are three words that are the most important that you haven’t said to him in this context. They’re scary and will change quite a lot of things once said, but you should at least make the effort if you mean it.”

Rika nodded, a huge grin on her face. She told Seth all the time that she loved him... when he was a human and couldn’t understand her... oh? She opened and closed her mouth a few times, but no sound came out. Why? Why couldn’t she say it?

She looked at Lucy and Vincent, two that once considered the other a dear sibling, and now they were lovers. Selena and Ignis were in the same boat, and now they too were together. She swallowed and after a reassuring nod from Lucy, she spoke.

“I-I...” She looked at the Luxray that sat before her, waiting patiently for her to speak. If he refused her, surely he would have cut her off by now, or changed the subject. Was he? Could he?

“It’s because you care that they’re so hard to say,” Lucy mused. “Vincent and I had some similar problems... but then we realized the important thing. The other one cared just as much as we did and would never hurt us, intentional or otherwise. Then the words came free and clear.

Rika nodded, “With all my heart, I couldn’t feel this way about anyone else...” She looked at Seth, tears stinging the corners of her eyes. “I love you, so, so much!”

Seth nodded, taking a step forward and holding his precious Sylveon tightly against his chest. “I know, I think I might have always known... but-”

“I know, you don’t feel that way about Pokémon,” Rika whispered. “But, I can’t change how I feel and I know I’m being a little selfish... but all I want is a chance.”

Seth nodded, holding her and closing his eyes. “I’ll give you that chance, with our new friends, our new family as my witnesses. I promise you that much. We’ll start over okay?”

“Thank you,” Rika whispered. “I’ll do my best~”

Apple Fritter just watched silently, when Rika had said soon, she didn’t think the very next day. She felt a tightness in her chest as she sat there, watching the confession. What was this feeling?
“Out of respect for both of you,” Sam stated, “I’ll not pass on any of the advice the old man would have given me. Though you can be sure I’m going to ask plenty of questions when we next see one another.”

Bit beeped a few times before chipping in his two bits as well. “Suggestion: Relationship is already founded on trust. While a gradual attitude re-adjustment may be necessary for Seth to see Rika in a romantic light, she must not over-exert herself in trying to hurry the process along. That is doomed to fail. She must simply be herself.”

And when did you get so world-wise about romance?”

“Canterlot Archives have quite the selection of romance novels. Reasons unknown,” the Porygon-Z responded.

“Yeah, thanks you guys,” Rika sniffed, pulling away from Seth. “I’ll do my best and bag my sexy kitty~”

Seth just groaned and shook his head. At least she was in high spirits. “Well we still have a lot to discuss, but our friends have a train to catch and we’re holding them up.”

“Alright,” Rika waved a ribbon dismissively. “It’s not the end of the world if they miss it anyway.”

“Rika... are you holding us up so they’ll stay longer?” Seth asked dubiously.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Rika said, whistling innocently.

...Okay, didn’t work on Luke, isn’t gonna work on me. That’s one of the go-to phrases for trying to fib. Not only am I a Psychic and could therefore simply know if you’re lying, I know Teleport as well. The only reason we haven’t flashed away is because we enjoy your company.”

“Aw, I love you guys too~” Rika cooed, hugging them again.

“C’mon, let’s go,” Seth chuckled, dragging her off of them and resuming their walk to the station. It felt no time had passed at all once they arrived, the absurdly feminine-looking train already at the station.

“I feel my masculinity slipping away just looking that thing,” Seth said dryly.

“We dislike it for other reasons,” Sam said simply.

Lucy nodded as they approached the ticket booth. “While it’s a comfortable moving box, it’s still a box which we can’t safely leave for hours at a time.”

“Something to look forward to when Vincent here becomes an Alakazam then,” Seth replied. “I’ll bet he’ll be powerful enough to simply teleport to another city.” he knew that Diantha’s Gardevoir was at least strong enough to get to Ponyville from here.

I’ll be happy when I learn how to Teleport another without causing motion sickness in either of us,” the Kadabra replied as he came back with four tickets in his grasp. He gave one to each of his family members and nodded once. “A moment more while I give our luggage to the stallion in charge of such things.”

Seth had also bought them a few trinkets, like a replica of the Sundial. Considering what happened there, it made for a very sentimental gift. “So what’s the plan once you get home?” he asked Sam.

“I’m going to ask the griffon who owns the restaurant Mary works in if I can become a waiter there. She’s good when she’s in the kitchen, but she’s not the easiest ‘mon to get along with. Her spiky exterior is more than physical,” the Scizor replied.

“Sounds like a good plan,” Seth nodded. “And if you guys ever need any help, were only a letter away.” What he wouldn’t give for somepony to invent the Holocaster... he missed technology.

Bit dinged a few times before replying. “While the letter is an effective means of communication in Equestria, I still contain information. I am hoping to get a rudimentary computer functioning within the next year for my own useage. I predict an even fifty-fifty odds of success to failure.”

Seth looked at his large and fluffy paws. “I used to dabble in basic programming, but I can’t type with these anymore. Ah well.”

The Porygon-Z looked Seth over and ticked while he considered the situation. “Plausible solution to former humans dilemma, for those that lack hands: Voice commands.”

“That might work, but one would need to program a voice command system and construct an interface first.” His body sparked momentarily, “Plus I run the risk of blowing a computer up until I have control of this first.”

At that moment, Vincent returned and sighed. “The second issue, I cannot help with...though, were you to arrive in Las Pegasus and still be having issues, I could look up Luke. As to the first, well...father solved that one, didn’t he, Bit?”

“Indeed he did. And as per societal interaction protocols this unit has observed: you get three guesses as to what he used it for, and the first two don’t count.”

A guessing game huh? Bit really was a funny little Pokémon. “Hmm, I’m guessing it involves you in some way Bit?”

The program dinged once. “Correct so far.”

“Well I’m guessing you must have voice command systems installed, you could copy those. All you would need is a microphone as an interface.”

There would be a grave weakness in any voice command system based on the one embedded in Bit. All I would have to do is say one line…” the Kadabra trailed off there and let the sentence hang.

“Do you know what the Doctor used those commands for now, Mister Seth?” The Porygon-Z actually hung his head at that question.

Seth’s eyes widened, “Oh crap, I-I didn’t think... I’m so sorry,” he apologised.

Not your fault,” Vincent said, brushing off the Luxray’s concerns. “You didn’t know, couldn’t have known. And we’ve already exploited the system to do some good for Bit. But he trusts me with such power over him, and I keep hoping to prove myself worthy of that trust.”

Seth nodded, they certainly were an interesting bunch. “I’m sure you’ll do just fine. You have family and a lot of new friends to pick you back up should you fall.”

Lucy nodded and hugged Vincent again, this time pecking him on the cheek. “Yup. He’s here for us, and we’re here for him. I just wish we could be there for the other survivors... or even knew where they were…”

Sam waved one claw. “Eh, they preferred their isolation, and I can’t blame ‘em. The only ones who might know them well enough to identify them are Vincent and Bit. If they seek us out, I’ll change my tune, but as is, I think we should let them be, wherever they are.”

“Besides,” Seth said. “You and I, we’re magnets for trouble so they’ll probably find you at some point. And if I come across any who are looking for guidance, I’ll do what I can to help.”

Quite frankly, that’s all I could ask, and I’m grateful. But for now, I think we should board.” As if on cue, a stallion shouted “All aboard” at that moment.

Seth stopped Vincent as the rest boarded, “If you’re not adverse to it, can I offer one last piece of advice?”

I promise to listen until I have to get on,” the Kadabra replied.

“It’ll be brief,” Seth replied. “Just this, The past is what shapes you, it made you who you are... but you are the one who shapes your future. If you keep that in mind, I have no doubts that you’ll be just fine.”

Just because I saw what I did and bear his name, it does not mean I am my predecessor, or that I will act in such a manner. He ruined the name of Nurem to those that knew. I intend to take it back. I heard every one of their screams, you know. That’s more than enough to motivate me. Eight hundred and fourteen. Someone must atone for the ones that passed. If not me, who?”

“What I simply meant was that infinite futures lay open to you. I know you are not your father, but shouldering that burden alone, I don’t think anyone could bear such a weight.” He looked at Sam, Bit and Lucy, watching them through a window. “They are as much a part of it as you, and I know that they won’t let you go at it alone. Neither will I.” Seth placed a paw on his shoulder and nodded. “I promise you that I won’t forget what you told me. I’ll remember them and I promise you that I won’t let something like that happen again. Not now and not ever!”

Vincent actually smiled at that and placed a hand on the paw. “I...thank you. I needed that. Just...be on the lookout for subject thirty-four, also known as the final escapee. She was a Gible, but once she Evolved into a Gabite, she managed to break free of the containment systems. And she always was angry before, but after her operation…” here Vincent shuddered. “It took me to calm her down even a touch. For some reason, she only liked me. Probably because I was still a kid then. Her name was Christine, at least, I called her that. NEVER call her by her number. You’ll know it’s her if she’s not only constantly angry, but also if her colors have been...altered. Father dabbled in genetic manipulation with her, and it sort of worked…”

The stallion called “All aboard” again, and Vincent hopped on the train, but turned to look at Seth. “Just be very very careful! She was spliced with another pokemon’s DNA, and this time, it worked to an extent!”

“Wait, what Pokémon?” Seth called out, but his voice was drowned out by the whistle. The group waved their goodbyes as the train pulled away from the station as Seth sighed.

“Just great, and seeing as how fate hates me, that dragon will show up too...” He smiled though, having made some wonderful new friends. “See you guys on the flip side then.”

After that, two final words eked their way into his head. Apparently, Vincent either thought Seth really needed to know, or was trying this for the first time. “Kecleon...ability…”

Seth turned pale under his dark fur. “Oh... fuck me...”

“Gladly~” Rika called out, utterly derailing his train of thought.

“Goddamnit Rika!” Seth frowned as he watched the train leave. Ah well, Equus was a big place, what were the odds of that Gabite actually showing up? He looked at his group, and noticed that Apple Fritter had been pretty quiet for a while now.

“Hey,” he said, causing her to flinch when he spoke to her. “Is everything alright?”

“Wha, ah. Yes!” Fritter said a little too quickly. “Everything’s perfectly okay! What wouldn’t it be?” she chuckled nervously.

Rika just shook her head, she knew what the mare was stressing about, but in the end, it had to be her decision to move forward. “What do you say we head home for the rest of the day?” she said. “It’s been a busy day and I’m feeling a little tired.”

Seth nodded, recalling what he had said earlier. “Alright, let’s go then.”

Apple Fritter just nodded and the group headed back. They spent the time talking about the new friends they had made.

“Well I thought they were alright,” Selena said. “Though they seriously need to lighten up a bit. For having such a tragic life, Vincent really did seem to bring it up an awful lot.”

“Some people are like that,” Seth replied. “It’s a coping mechanism, but one they must overcome. Some people won’t take well to having the subject being brought up that frequently... I just hope that Vincent doesn't do anything rash. He doesn’t strike me as the type to lash out without reason, and he sees to have his power in check... perhaps we should pay them a visit sooner, rather than later.”

“So what’s our plan for the days to come?” Ignis asked. “Just taking it easy?”

Seth shook his head, “I honestly wish I could, but there’s still the aftermath of that Control problem to deal with, and Grissom wants to discuss something important, but said he wanted me to rest up first.” He paused as he thought for a moment. “There’s also this ‘Royal Summit’ that will have the city guard on edge, and we can’t rule out the possibility of one of the delegates doing something reckless... I doubt it, but it doesn’t hurt to be careful.”

“And here I thought Equestria was supposed to be peaceful,” Rika moaned. “Can’t we go back to doing normal, family things?”

“That would be nice,” Seth replied. “Well hopefully life is done throwing surprises at us.”

“Y’all might wanna hold that thought,” Fritter said as they got closer to her home. “Ah think life is only just getting started.”

Seth wondered what she meant by that, until he followed her gaze and saw an Umbreon sitting on Fritter’s front porch. She was a slender, female one. Her rings glowed gently in the moonlight as her piercing red eyes locked onto the group walking towards her.

While the group seemed a little curious as to their new guest, it was Seth and Rika who recognised her.

“Wait... is that-?” Seth started, causing Rika to nod slowly.

“It is, but... how?” The Sylveon stammered as the Umbreon got up and headed towards them.

“Who is that?” Selena said, preparing to attack at a moments notice. “Trouble?”

“Mommy!” Rika cried out, causing Selena to falter and stumble as the Sylveon ran straight at the Umbreon, tackling her into a bonecrushing hug. “Mommy, it really is you!”

“Of course it is,” Umbra said, returning her daughters embrace. “I finally found you.”

Author's Note:

Editor’s Notes:
tdnpony - Well, nice end to the crossover, and nice plot twist at the end. Also, considering that bonus thing you and the other authors were working on, I can see the implications.

Oh yes... things will happen... and it will be GLORIOUS!!

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