• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Thirty Six

Seth trotted lightly out of the door, the passengers barely felt the large Luxray moving. “Okay Mrs. Jeanne, where are we headed?”

“Fredrick’s is five blocks west and two north of here,” she said, still hanging on and expecting the worst to happen at any moment.

“Alrighty then,” Seth turned and headed down the street with a brisk walk. If it were just Rika, then he could run, but he had a new passenger and decided it was best to take care.

“So tell me, how do you know Vincent?” Seth asked.

“She’s his mommy!” Rika answered and caused Seth to stumble slightly.

“Oh? Ah, okay then. Nice to meet you Mrs. Nurem.”

“Dear, I dropped that name when it became apparent that Rupert was well and truly gone. If you must give me a last name, my maiden name was Delaine. I’d prefer it if you simply called me Jeanne, though.”

“My apologies,” Seth replied. “I’m surprised Vincent chose to keep his name as well, but to each their own I suppose.”

Rika wrapped a ribbon around his waist and another around Jeanne. “How did your visit with the Guard go?”

Seth sighed, “Yeah... we’ll talk about that later. Once we find the others... and where’s Fritter?”

“Off helping someone named James buy some sprinklers for a rooftop garden,” Rika explained. “You should see it, it’s really pretty...” her mouth suddenly fell open, “And I ate a berry from that garden... Vinny’s gonna be mad.”

“Second growth, dear. Had you done it a little while ago, yes, he would. But we’ve already had one harvest, so he’ll just be peeved you didn’t ask first. I’d be more worried about James finding out, honestly. He puts so much effort into the garden, he’ll notice right off the bat.”

“Well, we still have to pay Vincent back as well,” Seth added, “Well... Rika does anyway.”

“But Lulu said I could,” she countered. “Serves Vinny right for ditching us like that! But yes, I do have his money,”

“Oh good,” Jeanne said, perking up a bit. “The budget was starting to get a little tight...though now I’m curious as to what you did that ended up with you owing him money…”

“Well, when we were trying to get Vinny to notice Lulu, we were gonna take him to a clothing store and have Lulu model for him... but he ditched us, teleported away and left us girls, oh, and Seth, all alone.”

“So,” Seth continued. “Lucy decided some revenge was in order in the form of a small shopping spree... Rika and Lucy may have gone a little crazy with their spending.”

Jeanne hummed for a moment before nodding. “Not saying I don’t understand, mind you, but if it got to the point where you owed him enough money to make a dent in his finances, perhaps you should tone it down next time?”

“Eheh, yeah... but I worked hard to make that money back... and that mare takes a lot of photos...” Rika shuddered. “But at least I can pay him back and get back into his good books.”

“Dear, as long as you can’t answer a few questions in the positive, I think it’s impossible to get into his bad ones, and I think you also know what they are.” Jeanne’s voice had turned sad again as she thought about them herself.

“I have a general idea,” Seth said, remembering his first conversation with the Kadabra. He rounded a corner and could see a sign in the distance, “Hm, I think we’re almost there.”

“Yep, that’s the place,” Jeanne said, pausing for a moment. “Oh, and by the way...try to not tell Sam unless he asks about Las Pegasus’ newest visitor?”

“Can do, unless Ignis is there and already told him,” Seth shuddered. “That will not end well...”

“Well if they’re here and they talked about it, then by all means, answer his questions. I’m predicting the first one already. ‘What in the hell were you thinking, bringing her here?!’” Jeanne leaned back and even made minor snapping motions with her arms to imitate Sam with a bit more accuracy. The imitation caused Rika to giggle and even Seth chuckled a bit.

“Well, cause your little brother told us to,” Seth replied to ‘Not-Sam’ as they walked inside, only to be greeted by the Scizor in question. Said Scizor looked up from the podium his forehead had been resting on and affixed the Luxray with a glare almost worthy of the move named as such.

“You brought. A mentally unbalanced. Mutated. Gabite. Who has a fixation on my Scyther form. Here. Why?

Seth blinked and then noticed Ignis and Selena in the corner, waving nervously. “...Um, cause Vincent told us to?”

“Vincent’s policy regarding the other Subjects is ‘live and let live.’ If they want to come after him, fine. If they want their solitude, fine. I find it highly unlikely that he did more than warn you about her and tell you how to best calm her down or subdue her. Why did you bring that ticking time bomb here?”

Did Vincent really only warn him about her? Seth couldn’t really remember properly. “Well, once she found out that we knew you, it was either bring her here or have her destroy Canterlot... What was I supposed to do?”

“Drag her in chains to the temple of Legends and have them fix her issues, from the things the Doctor did to her own brain?” Sam questioned with no small hint of sarcasm.

“Because...” Seth applied his paw to his face. “Because even though I was talking to Arceus yesterday, I appear to be the stupidest Pokemon alive.”

“Not debating that,” Sam replied. “Hell, at this point, I’d settle for Mewtwo taking notice of her, if only to hopefully cancel out one of them in the resulting explosion of egos.”

“I got enough of that when she met Ignis... that fight didn’t last long though.” Seth sighed, “Well, I’m not Dialga, so unless I suddenly evolve into one, there’s not a whole lot I can do about it.” His own snark was showing now.

“You could take her back. Please say you’ll take her back. I would love it if you took her with you when you left.” Sam had walked out from behind his podium at this point, probably to ready himself for begging and pleading with the Luxray.

“Okay, look. If Vincent can’t help her, then I’ll find someway to get her help from Arceus or something... though I think I’m tapped out on favours at this point.” Seth backed away from the pleading Scizor.

“Really, any sort of help to make her not a danger to others would be great,” Sam said. “Plus, I hear Mew is far more reasonable than most.”

“Like I said, if Vincent can’t do anything then I’ll try,” Seth replied honestly. He looked around the restaurant and his stomach rumbled. “Well seeing as how we’re here and I haven’t had lunch yet...”

“Sam! Are you chatting instead of seating the customers again?” A shout came from the kitchens at this point, and the Scizor groaned.

“I’m talking with the imbeciles who thought it’d be a good idea to bring Thirty-Four here, Mary!”

“Huh? Is that the Sandslash that you mentioned last time we met?” Seth asked.

At Seth’s question, the Shiny Sandslash walked out of the kitchen while running a cloth over her claws. “Oh, so these are the ones responsible for that fracas, eh? They’re just lucky I didn’t have a quiche in the oven, I’m certain it would have fallen if I did!”

“I tried to take her out as quickly as possible,” Selena spoke up. “Didn’t expect her to use Earthquake, she didn’t use that last time...”

“Not your fault, little one,” Mary said with a wave of her other paw. “The Doctor liked teaching that move to those of us that could learn it. Even I know it, but I don’t fight. I cook instead. His other ‘favored’ moves were Flamethrower and Dragon Pulse.”

“I don’t agree what that doctor did,” Ignis said, “But I can’t argue with his choice of moves.” Ignis knowing all three of those moves.

Seth took a position at their table, along with Jeanne and Rika. “So what’s good on the menu?” Seth asked.

Sam exchanged a look with Mary, and after she nodded once, the Bug rehearsed the usual spiel. “Well for appetizers, Mary does wonderful cheese breadsticks. And I’m sure you’ve already heard about her pizza. We have pony-friendly and non.”

All the Pokemon exchanged a look and nodded. “Pizza!” they said collectively. Sam chuckled and turned to the Sandslash, who smiled herself.

“Pizza is twenty minutes, breadsticks will be ready in five, and in the meanwhile, this overgrown suit of armor is going to get your drink orders...and a pillow for you, mister Luxray.”

“Just call me Seth, Miss Mary,” The Electric-type responded.

“Very well, Seth. But that doesn’t change the time at which your food will be ready,” the Sandslash said with a wink before darting back into her kitchen.

Sam had returned from a very brief sonjourn to a closet with a pillow in claw. He placed it near Seth so the Electric-type could position it how he wanted before standing at attention to take their drinks down.

Seth sat his butt on the cushion while everyone had ordered drinks. After all of Seth’s Pokemon had ordered a round of cider and Jeanne had ordered whatever it was she ordered, Seth finally got a turn.

“Hmm, actually, I think I’ll just take water,” he said.

“Got it, one water, one lemonade, and three ciders,” Sam said. “Be right back.”

With that, the large red form was gone again, almost too quickly for one of his size or weight.

“So who’s the lady?” Selena asked. “Don’t tell me Seth got another girlfriend?”

“While that would depend on the two he has being willing to share him,” Jeanne said, “I’m afraid that I’m not interested in him like that, if only because I was probably old enough to be his mother back on Earth. My name’s Jeanne dear, what’s yours?”

“Heh, I was just teasing. My name is Selena and this is my mate, Ignis.”

The Charizard gave a small nod, “Nice to meet you Ma’am.”

“Ah, so you’re the one I was told to talk to regarding reclaiming my ability to use double-entendres!” Jeanne brightened up a notch instantly and walked over to sit next to the Absol, though not between her and the Charizard.

Selena just blinked looked at Seth. “Must you constantly find the strangest Pokemon to become friends with?” She gave an exasperated sigh, “I get the feeling that there is a long story behind this. Abridged version please?”

“I’m competing with Luke and Sam as to who can make Vincent flustered with words alone during Lucy’s first Heat and losing horribly,” the Bellossom stated bluntly.

“Hmm, teasing Vincent? A noble cause I suppose,” Selena smirked. “Okay little Bell, what do you want to know?”

“I’ve been out of the dating scene for fifteen years,” Jeanne stated dryly. “Anything would be good at this point.”

“Fifteen? That’s almost as old as I am!” Selena gasped. “Well, okay... uhh, where do I start?”

At that particular moment, Sam came out from the kitchen with a load of fresh hot cheesy breadsticks and their drinks. He fumbled for a second, but caught himself before anything spilled. “Darn exoskeleton,” he muttered. “I bring breadsticks and beverages for you all!” he proclaimed while setting them in the middle of the table.

Seth chuckled, “I may have something to help you out with that actually, but we should wait until you finish first.”

“I bet he’s used to finishing first!” Selena chuckled. Jeanne blinked before joining in with the laugh.

“Oh you’re good,” the plant said.

“Very good,” Sam joined in. “The old man woulda loved you, if he could have understood you.”

“It’s a gift,” Selena replied. “But thanks Sam, you’ve been great! But I’m here now and that means your reign of terror is over.”

“Reign of?...oh. Are you still upset that I stopped helping you directly and started to compete with Luke instead?”

“Yes,” Jeanne huffed. “So I’m getting re-educated. It’s only a little embarrassing.”

“You mean in the same vein that realizing your son is probably going to get more sexual experience than you is a little embarrassing?” Sam innocently questioned.

“Oh, someone’s jealous~” Selena cooed. “Careful Sam, red armour looks better than green.”

“Just because Lala hasn’t returned a line of mine without a swipe from her arm-blades doesn’t mean I’m jealous of Vincent. I’m actually happy for the pair of them, means I get to be an uncle. Means the pair of them might finally start acting normal,” the Scizor reliped.

“Hmm, well... I got nothing for that one,” Selena shrugged and took a bite of her cheesy bread. Sam shrugged as well and walked off, leaving the party of Pokemon to their food.

Jeanne gently took the smallest breadstick there and nibbled on it, savoring the taste. “Mmm, soft and fluffy on the inside, cheesy core, a small coat of herbs on the crust…” she muttered out loud. “Mary is very good, I’m quite happy we came here.”

“I’ll admit, this is pretty tasty,” Seth agreed. “Too bad Fritter isn’t here.”

“We could probably take some home if we asked,” Jeanne said with a wave. “Assuming they don’t vanish en route.”

“No promises,” Ignis swallowed a whole roll. “These are pretty good, my compliments to the chef.” He called loud enough for Mary to hear.

“Oh you think that’s good? Give the pizza another ten minutes, and we’ll see what you think of me then!” was Mary’s reply.

“Meat~” Ignis drooled. Selena just shook her head and sighed.

“Well I suppose I can’t fault you,” a small smirk crossed her lips as she spoke loud enough for Jeanne to hear. “Even I crave a little meat every now and then~”

The Bellossom smirked and nodded slightly, making a small note to herself. “So while we wait, care to tell me your impressions of my son? I’d like as many second opinions as possible, considering his past...and present.”

Everyone paused as a painful silence filled the room. Selena placed her forelegs on the table and shrugged. “Well? Who wants to take this one?”

Seth sighed and nodded, “I’ll go first.” He stopped for a second to gather his thoughts before continuing. “Vincent has suffered quite a bit in his life, that should go without saying... but he’s making the most of his new life here, just as all of us are... though, I do have one small complaint...”

“I can pass it on to Luke if it’s serious enough, though I’m willing to guess it has something to do with a lack of restraint on Vincent’s part.”

“In a way,” Seth nodded. “I’m not sure he realises that he’s doing it, but his past is somewhat of an uncomfortable subject, and yet he never fails to bring it up in casual conversation. A lot.”

“Not to mention that he seems to use the Nurem name to get his own way, and I fear that one day he’s going to get in over his head.” Selena sighed. “I’m going to flat out admit that Vincent Nurem is not my favourite person in the world, I can tolerate him and I’ll do nothing to hurt him. Should someone attack him, then I’ll help defend him... But should he threaten my mate or my family...” Selena’s horn begun to glow slightly with deep purple hue, “He will learn why Psychic’s fear the Dark!”

Jeanne pulled herself up onto the table and walked over to stand in front of Selena, pouting and crossing her arms. At that moment, everymon at the table realized that despite her short stature, despite the fact that she wasn’t there for the majority of his life, Jeanne was still a mother. And there was one thing a good mother didn’t tolerate, even in idle: threats to her family.

“Stun spore,” she said, aiming it directly at the Absol.

A soft ringing sound filled the room, filling the inhabitants with a gentle warmth as Rika activated her Heal Bell move. “Jeannie,” she said shortly, “You wanted our opinion and you got it, no-one is threatening your son, and I’m sure Selly is very sorry about being just a little scary.” The Sylveon turned to her sister, hoping the Absol would just back down.

Selena sighed as the Paralysis was cured, “Fine, you know what. I don’t care anymore. All I meant was that you can’t threaten someone when you don’t get your own way.” The Absol stood up and shook herself of the tingling remains of the Stun Spore before heading for the door. “I need to cool down, later...”

“Well there goes that chance,” Jeanne said, frowning, before looking at the other occupants of the table. “And as Rika can testify, I wouldn’t, couldn’t, have hurt her. I just wanted her to sit still and listen while I talked. Paralysis would have kept her here. Now I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t matter if I explained.”

The Bellossom suddenly jumped as Selena put a paw on her shoulder. “Then simply ask next time,” She had overheard that last part, but the real reason she hadn’t left was one of Rika’s powerful ribbons wrapped around her bloody leg. “Honestly, now I know where your son gets it from.”

After taking a few breaths to calm herself down, Jeanne turned back to the Absol and smirked. “Fine, maybe I will. And at least he takes after me in some respect...now, where to start?” After a short hum, Jeanne shrugged and started at the beginning.

“From what I can tell, from the way he’s focused on doing things his way constantly, and by the stories he’s told me, he’s both enjoying the feeling of being able to do whatever he pleases, and is trying to take back his father’s last name. I prefer to distance myself from it...as much as possible.” Here she winced, recalling the rooftop incident not too long ago, before recomposing herself and continuing. “Add in the fact that he keeps running into highly skilled trainers for his newfound powers, along with how he seems to have been raised by those he associated with in the facility...and quite frankly, I’m not sure how he’s not stark raving mad with power. I’m willing to take what I can get, considering I haven’t seen him in fifteen years, and leave the discipline to Luke, because at least Vincent listens to him.”

Seth nodded, “It seems I have quite a few things to talk to this Luke Trombley about.” He took sip of his water and hummed happily. “That said, Vincent is also quite kind and caring when he wants to be and will go to outstanding lengths to protect those close to him. While I fear some repercussions for bringing Christine here, I think Vincent is happy to help another Pokemon that shares his experiences.”

“Plus Vincent and Lucy together is just the most adorable thing ever!” Rika cooed happily as Selena took her seat again, placing a paw on Ignis when she noticed that his tail-flame had flared when Jeanne used her attack.

“Dear, you don’t need to tell me any of that, I know it quite well,” the Bellossom dismissed with a wave. “Kudos to those of you that got them together...even if I did almost say the P-word in front of them…” she muttered the last part, then spoke up. “There is nobody that Vincent would not think of harming if someone dear to him was harmed as well...especially Lucy or Luke.”

Ignis looked back at the kitchen, his round stomach rumbling loudly. “I wonder where our pizza could be?” he sang.

“Nearly done, you arrogant Snorlax!” was the reply. “Just a few finishing touches left now that it’s out of the oven!” Mary sang back to the Charizard. Indeed, just a moment later, Sam’s form came out from the kitchen, carrying a tray with the creation on it. Jeanne quickly hopped back into her place off the table, and once it was laid out before them...

“Oohhh~” Ignis wasted no time in helping himself to a large slice and wolfing it down. Seth just facepawed at the cheesy-faced Charizard as Rika dished out portions to everyone else.

“So, any idea how long Vinny’s gonna be... occupied?” Rika asked. “We can’t stay in town for more than a few days.”

“If you had any hope of seeing him not stained or smelling like various things, forget it,” Jeanne said before taking another bite. After swallowing, she continued. “This is only the second day of Lucy’s first Heat, and while she has ways to be entertained besides him, she still prefers it au natural. Like as not, it’ll go for near a full week.”

“Mother of Mew,” Seth sighed. “Well, my main reasons for coming have already been accomplished for the most part. I’ll be meeting with Captain Ace again tomorrow and Christine is taken care of. Honestly, we could leave right now but I prefer to get things done in person.”

“What did you talk about with the Captain?” Ignis asked.

“Well, mostly it was about various laws in Equus and about the current state of things here in Las Pegasus. Our little team that’s going to be set up in Canterlot is just the first. My mission here was to determine how badly the city needs their own division, and from the sounds of it... they need it a lot.” Seth paused for a moment, “I’m also getting some training tomorrow, so that should be an interesting learning experience.”

“It’s hardly Vincent’s fault that all the interesting things seem to happen around him,” Jeanne said. “It just seems that way because he’s one of the few ‘trouble magnets,’” and here the Bellossom gave a wink to Rika, letting her know who’d she’d stolen the phrase from, thanks to Vincent’s stories, “that stuck around here.”

Seth nodded, “The hard part will be find willing and capable recruits. Captain Ace will have the final say on who gets in, but I can offer suggestions...” He gave Jeanne a look that screamed ‘Any ideas?’

“Well,” the plant hummed while making sure her face was clean of any errant sauce, “Lucy was an instructor, however briefly, at a dojo where ponies were learning self-defence before her Heat hit. Three guesses why the ponies were there. I’d suggest starting there, either with the ponies, or their tutors.”

“That could work, I’ll let Ace know.” Seth scratched at his chin and hummed thoughtfully. “I was actually thinking of suggesting Lucy.”

“Well,” Jeanne snickered, “Not in her current state, I’d hope! Nor at any time in the near future either, considering what’s to come!” She hugged herself and cooed slightly. “Oooh, I almost can’t wait!”

“I’m kind of curious actually,” Selena said, felling in a much better mood now she had some food. “Do you think they’ll have Abra’s that can read the Aura? Or Riolu’s that can use Psychic abilities?”

Jeanne blinked and hummed at that. “Not sure, myself. It’s not like this is something anyone’s tried before or is well known, thanks to the fact that they barely share an Egg Group and no Egg Moves...All I really know is that I’m certain I’ll be thankful for Bit looking into steel plating soon enough.”

“And after this... we head for the Crystal Empire,” Seth mused. He pulled out his Holocaster and booted up a map of Equus he had scanned into it. “It’s pretty far too, couple of days at least.”

At that point, Sam came back and looked at the demolished pizza before chuckling. “Well, guess it was silly thinking there would be any left. Did you enjoy it at least?”

“Immensely,” Ignis replied happily.

“And now for dessert~” Rika giggled. “I’ll have everything with sugar in it!”

Sam did his best impression of quirking an eyebrow that he didn’t have as he looked over to Seth, clearly asking if her selection was right, sane, or possible. Or any combination of the three.

“Sounds about normal,” Seth chuckled. He glanced at the menu and decided, “We’ll have apple pie with ice cream. Let’s see how it stacks up to Fritter’s.”

“Oh that’s not fair,” Selena said. “Yeah the pizza was nice, but that Sandslash stands no chance with an apple dish.”

“Good thing she’s mostly on appetizers and main courses, then,” Sam retorted. “It’s Fredrick who’s better at the desserts, and it’s a division they agree on. So am I getting one of everything, or just a round of apple pie?”

“Everythinggggg~” Rika moaned like a zombie before being squished under one of Seth’s massive paws.

“Just the pie will suffice please Sam, or would you like to unleash a sugar-crazed Rika upon the city?”

Arceus bless, but the Scizor actually seemed to consider it for a moment before shaking his head. “Another day, perhaps. I’ll tell Fredrick apple pie with ice cream for five, then.”

With that, he was off to the kitchen again, where the sounds of work were immediately resumed.

“Aww, you never let me have any fun,” Rika pouted from under his paw.

“I wonder how ticklish those pawpads of his are,” Jeanne mused not-so-innocently from her seat.

Seth’s eyes went wide and he moved his paw... Rika was faster. Her ribbons shot forward and tickled the sensitive paws mercilessly, the normally stoic Luxray bursting into fits of laughter.

“I’ll... get you... for this!” he said in between laughs.

“Rika...” Selena warned.

“Hahah! Take this!” the Sylveon didn’t let up. She had finally discovered a weakness.

“You really shouldn’t do that,” Selena continued.

There was a final burst of laughter from Seth and then a bright flash of light and a loud ‘crack!’ as he accidentally unleashed a Discharge attack, shocking the poor Sylveon until she was left standing with charred patches or fur and her ribbons twitched with residual lightning.

“Shocking...” she rasped before falling over.

“Told you so,” Selena said calmly.

“Oh dear,” Jeanne said with a small smile. “Well, at least you know one weak spot, mister Seth, and I’m sure Rika’s learned a valuable lesson. Now all you have to do is keep her from telling anyone else.”

Selena just groaned at the antics and turned to her mate, only to see the Charizard on the floor as well, it would seem that sitting next to Seth had not been a good idea for the half Flying type.

“And this is why we can never go anywhere nice,” Selena sighed. “Well these three will be out for a minute or two. Anything else you’d like to learn Lady Jeanne?”

“Actually, there’s something I think you need to know,” the Bellossom said, her voice ice-cold. She hadn’t quite forgotten Selena’s little stunt earlier. “Vincent went back to Canterlot a few days ago. Remember when I said he would stop at nothing should someone harm someone he cares about?”

“What did he do?” Selena asked. A few days ago? That would have been around the time they’d tackled that Onix…

“Mewtwo mistook Vincent’s newest father-figure, Luke, for someone he needed to investigate. Luke’s a Gallade, by the way, with the mental defences of a Metagross, or so Vincent says. Mewtwo tore his walls to shreds.” The Bellossom took a sip of her drink, so that the Absol could process what had just been stated.

“And if I know Vincent, I’ll bet he tried to tear Mewtwo a new one,” Selena said dryly. “And that would also explain Abby’s disliking of the mention of Mewtwo.”

“Mm, not tried, dear. Did. Though I get the feeling one of them was holding back, Vincent used something he calls Total Recall on that curious cat.” Jeanne locked eyes with the Dark-type then. “While Luke is properly teaching him and reprimanding him for going so out of line, I want you to think very carefully. He does care. He would never fire the first shot. But start something with him or his family, and I get the feeling I know who’ll fire the last.”

“I fear you still misunderstand,” Selena sighed, more irritably this time. “I do not want to start anything with Vincent, I merely pointed out that he seemed to enjoy bringing up his past with a ‘poor me’ speech every time we spoke. Seth considers Vincent a friend and I will extend the same courtesy, That is all.”

The plant’s expression got even angrier then. “Put yourself in Vincent’s shoes...or Lucy’s, or Sam’s, or Bit’s, or even Luke’s! Their past is such a large part of them! They can’t just get over it! It’s not like moving a box, where you carry it for so long and then just put it down when you’re done! They will be haunted for the rest of their days! I expect all of them to develop an aversion to needles, medical equipment, even hospitals and doctors in general! The least you could do is understand that!

She mellowed for a moment before continuing. “While they’re broken, they’re not irreparably broken. We’re working on it, slowly. Healing takes time for wounds of the mind and heart. Thank the powers that be that they have each other...otherwise they might well have gone truly mad.”

Selena took a sharp breath, she could have mentioned how back on Earth, she would be attacked for being an Absol, a ‘Bringer of Calamity’. She could mention that her very existence was considered a crime punishable by death from the ignorant masses. She could mention how a deranged Unicorn took control of her body and she was forced to almost kill everyone she loved. She could mention how because of that, she developed a fear of magic she was too proud or embarrassed to talk about. She could mention that because of a stupid Type, she couldn’t even give her own beloved mate a child!!

She was so lost in the thoughts of what she could say, she didn’t even notice the streams of tears running down her face...or the hug that Jeanne had suddenly wrapped her in.

“Poor dear...I didn’t know. You’ve had your own past of darkness, darker than your own typing, haven’t you? I’m sorry...and don’t worry, I at least am educated on what an Absol actually is. I don’t hate you for what you are. Now what you’ve said, that might need a bit of polishing…”

A weak smile crossed Selena’s face as she hiccuped, “I bet... Vincent’s enjoying a good polishing now...”

“Mmm...while I appreciate the joke, it’s unlikely. He’s working to fix the one you brought in. Now dear, make me a promise?”

“I promise to at least try,” Selena suddenly felt very tired.

“Whatever brought this,” and here Jeanne wiped away the Absol’s tears, “on? Tell someone. Not necessarily me, not necessarily now. But keeping it all bottled up like this is very, very unhealthy. Trust someone with your sadness. It’ll be a lot lighter that way.”

“Mhmm,” Selena nodded ever-so-slightly. She glanced down at the Absolite around her neck. She knew she had others she could trust... just not yet, she wasn’t quite brave enough for that. The Bellossom was not convinced, however.

“Say it,” she said. “Say your promise out loud.”

Selena tensed up, a long forgotten memory bubbling to the surface...


A little Absol hugged her mother, as her shallow breaths became slower.

“Say it to me little one,” the Absol rasped to her daughter. “Promise me that you’ll... find someone...”

“No! All I need is you Momma,” a young Selena cried. “I don’t need anyone else!”

“Everyone needs someone,” the Absol coughed. Her time drawing nearer. “Don’t let your heart be marred by darkness, even a Dark type can... live in the light.” A vicious cough racked her body one more time as the Absol fell silent.

“Momma? MOMMA!?” Selena cried. “I promise, please? Just wake up! I promise... I promise...”


“I promise Momma,” Selena whispered as she held the Bellossom tightly. “I promise...”

“That’s very flattering, Selena, but I think you’ve got the wrong mother,” Jeanne said, wondering how long she could hold her breath.

Selena’s eyes shot open as she suddenly dropped the Grass-type unceremoniously on the floor in shock. “Wha? Ah... I ah,” she suddenly turned a nice shade of red before bolting from the restaurant.

Seth groaned as he finally got back up, Note to self, never shock someone who has a hold of you at the time. Feedback hurts like a bitch.

“Urgh... where’d Selly go?”

“She seems to have come down with a serious case of red-face,” Jeanne said before looking over at the Luxray. “Who wants to go get her before the pie comes out and Rika steals Selena’s slice?”

“I’ll keep it safe,” Seth said, looking at the still-stunned Sylveon. Ignis was also getting to his feet and the Pokemon noticed how empty the restaurant had suddenly become. Between shouting, random bolts of lightning and crying, the ponies had booked it for a quieter place.

“Well I’m not running any marathons when I’m a foot tall,” the Bellossom retorted, looking both at Seth and Ignis. “So if it’s not you going after her, then…”

“Ahh, I’ll goooo~ Rika picked herself up off of the floor. “What’d she run off for anyhow?”

“It’s her story to tell,” Jeanne said softly, hoping the tone would convey the meaning behind the words.

“Alright,” Rika nodded. “I’m her big sister, so I’ll handle it. Save me some pie though?”

“Yeah, it’s not like our marefriend can’t whip one up at anytime or anything,” Seth deadpanned. Rika just shrugged and ran out of the room, wondering where Selena might have gotten too.

Selena ran through the streets of Las Pegasus. How dare she, how dare that stuck-up, self-righteous bitch think that she knew the Absol. She was a human, she had no idea what Selena had been through, and on top of that? She’d relived that memory in front of her.

Before she knew it, the Absol had wound up near some deserted warehouse. She was alone, she was irritated and frustrated so she’d do what she did best to get rid of those feelings.

She’d train.

Rika had been a little lost at first, but after asking some locals, she was able to pick up on Selena’s scent and it eventually led to a section of town filled with boarded up buildings and seemed to be home to a selection of Poison and Normal Type Pokemon.

A curious noise caused her ear to flick as she headed further down the road. She eventually found the object of her search.

...And she was throwing herself at barrels?

Again and again, the Absol would charge at a large metal barrel, and for the briefest of moments, she vanish, only to slam into the barrel or shoot past it completely, winding up face-down in the dirt.

Rika just stopped and watched, it was clear that she was trying to use a Move of some kind, but the Eeveelution couldn’t figure out for the life of her what it could be. After a few more minutes, it became painful to watch the proud Absol assault herself again and again.

Selena panted as she glared at her troublesome opponent. It just sat there, taunting her, mocking her. This was a barrel of great evil and she would be the one to smite it!

“What did that innocent barrel ever do to you?” a voice called out, causing Selena to flick and spin around, baring her fangs at the intruder. Her expression softened when she saw that it was just Rika, but still glared at her older sister.

“What do you want?” she snapped, looking back at her silent opponent. “Can’t you see I’m busy here?”

“Yeah, I’ve seen hopelessly confused Pokemon inflict less damage on themselves,” Rika deadpanned as she walked closer. “So what are you doing? Aside from eating more dirt than a Diglett.”

“One, bite me!” Selena said curtly. “And two, I’m training, so leave me alone.”

“Pft, like Sethy taught us to train like this,” Rika said, prodding at the barrel with a ribbon. “And neither did Elly and Lady Diantha. What good come from an inanimate opponent?”

“Well, it’s not like we have the Super Training Program anymore,” Selena replied, her irritation deflating, if only a little. “And I can’t fight the local Pokemon with a move I can’t control. It’d be too dangerous.”

Rika hummed, but found that it was a pretty solid argument. Still, it only raised another question.

“What are you trying to learn anyhow?” she asked. “It didn’t look like Quick Attack or Faint Attack. And I know Absol’s can’t learn Extreme Speed.”

Selena sighed, “It’s a new move, one I created myself. When Seth and I fought in the crystal caves, I used a move I’d never seen before on the Crystal Onix. I’m trying to master it...” She looked at the barrel and sighed. “But it’s not going well...”

“A new move?” Rika pondered on that. She remembered that Ignis had also learned a new move against Arceus. That massive tornado of flame had been super awesome. And now Selly was learning one as well?

“Aww, I want a new move as well,” she pouted. “Well, until I learn one, I can help you with yours.”

“Yeah, right.’ Selena scoffed at the idea. She wanted to be alone right now and her idiot sister wasn’t taking a damned hint.

“What?” Rika said, walking closer. “I can heal myself with Wish and Heal Bell, plus my defense powers are the best of all Sethy’s Pokemon.” A wide smirk crossed her muzzle as she leaned in to whisper in Selena’s ear.

“Or are you just scared that you can’t take me... like always~”

“Fuck you and fuck your Typing!” Selena shouted back. “I can take you anywhere and anytime! I’ll wipe the floor with that goddamn smile and I’ll enjoy every damned second of it!!”

Rika jumped back and flexed her ribbons. It had been a long while since she and Selena really sparred. “Now that’s more like it! Let’s see if you can back up that talk though~?”

Selena didn’t need to be told twice as she rushed the Sylveon. Time to make that Fairy eat her words. Then the dirt!

Author's Note:

I had fun with this chapter, mostly for the character dev that Selena gets.

It's not hard to tell that she's becoming one of my favourite characters. I do hope everyone enjoys this chapter also.

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