• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Forty Four

Author's Note:

Hey, a new chapter, how about that. Also, this chapter contains copious amounts of Abby...

You have been warned.

I'm looking at you Glitchhunter.

It was bright and early when Seth Crescent all but sauntered into Canterlot Palace, he was feeling gooooood. Admittedly, he’d been just a little apprehensive about the whole thing. And several rumours that used to follow him were now definitely true… BUt, he loved his girls a lot, and that night had been… He was so lost within his own euphoric memories, that he walked headfirst into a rather familiar Ninetales and her partner.

“Gah!” Seth stumbled back and shook his head. “What the-? Oh! Abs? And Sensei? What’s up!”

“I’m Abs now?” Abby asked with a giggle before leaning forwards and giving his neck a nuzzle. “And hey Seth, not much, I need something to distract me from the fact that Belle mind-raped my mentor figure.” There was quite a lot of pain hiding there in the undertone of her ‘upbeat’ voice. “So, I figured I’d come find you and see if you can’t help teach me how to fight in this body.”

“Uh,” Seth’s elated mood suddenly jumped ship while wearing concrete shoes. “Well, yeah... Ponyville was rough. How is Albert doing? Since that...incident.”

“They finally figured out a way to keep him from trying to commit suicide out of self loathing and despair…” Abby looked away and Kasai moved his head down to nuzzle her.

“They’re getting him therapy,” Kasai added, glancing up at Seth. “From ‘Dr. Mind if I remember right.” He licked Abby’s cheek. “And my little vixen here is getting some help finally too, so that’s good.”

Abby rolled her eyes and leaned away from him to look at Seth. “So, mind giving me some training, Kitty Sensei?”

Seth’s breath hitched slightly when he heard that. Had things really been that bad here? No wonder Celestia was looking stressed lately. Still... Kitty Sensei? “Well, who am I to turn down the request of such a beautiful lady. I don’t know what I can really teach you, but I can give it a shot.”

“It’ll give her someone good to spar against because you’re both on basically the same level,” Kasai said with a chuckle, leaning over and giving Seth’s cheek a sloppy lick. “And I can give you both pointers simultaneously so we save a lot of time.”

Abby smiled and gave Seth’s neck a nuzzle. “Yep, lead the way Mr. Guard Captain.”

Seth shrugged and chuckled, leading the way. Had he bothered looking back, he might have noticed Kasai’s nose twitch as a familiar scent hit his nostrils. His little student was finally a man...uh, bigger cat? Whatever. He’d finally gotten some!

Kasai grinned. “Well, it smells like a certain mare finally let the earth open up for you,” the dog called to Seth with a smirk. “And, is that a Sylveon I smell too?”

Seth paused as his tail gave a swish. “Heh, maaaaybe?” A devious thought crossed his mind, or maybe he was just feeling playful. “First step to training Abby, you wanna know? You gotta catch me!” And with that, he raced through the halls, heading for the courtyard he often used.

Abby’s eyes widened before she let out a playful yip and took off in pursuit! “I’m coming to get you kitten!” she called at his retreating backside, her legs pumping hard. “Someone remembered his cardio!”

“Every day is leg day,” Seth called back as he pulled ahead, though his frame was larger, he had the advantages of knowing the palace layout and more powerful leg muscles. “Not long now, better hurry Vous renard de feu~” he called out in Kalosian

“You know it!” Abby called back at him with a big grin as she put her many years of Rangering into moving her body forwards, catching up with him and licking his cheek once as they continued running. “The most fiery fox of all!”

“Fiery,” Seth agreed, before returning the lick and bolting ahead. “But slow. Later foxxy!”

By the time Abby reached the courtyard, Seth was already waiting, though he was panting a little from running at full tilt for so long. Abby came to a stop in front of him and smiled, panting as well.

“Heheh, you’ve definitely gotten better since our training session,” she told him with a grin as she leaned slightly against him. “Or I’ve gotten worse... not sure which really.”

“Nope, I’ve gotten better,” Seth grinned, catching his breath.

“If you say so,” Abby said, leaning off of him and letting out a breath as she shook her fur out. “Right, so, Kitten Sensei, what would you like to do first?”

“Hmm, well you’re still pretty quick and you didn’t fall over like I used to… still do sometimes,” Seth blushed slightly.

“Well, you are kinda uncoordinated,” Abby pointed out, smirking. “Not to mention that you weren’t a Ranger before you became a Pokemon.”

“Well no,” he replied. “Could have been one, passed the exam and everything… just,” he sighed as he recalled the report he read. “Guess it wasn’t for me.”

“Hey, hey, don’t get all mopey,” Abby said, slapping his rear with one of her tails. “We’re doing this to have fun alright? Keep it positive!”

“Right, sorry,” Seth laughed. She didn’t need to hear about his issues, she had enough of her own. So how to approach this? Well, might as well take a Trainer’s response. “Okay Abby, what attacks do you know?”

“Well…” Abby blinked. “I know how to breath fire and I think I use Quick Attack without thinking about it.”

“Okay, that right there. Breathing fire isn’t an attack, just a skill that can cause serious harm to someone. Attacks are a little different, they could still cause harm to an Equestrian, but Pokemon would be more defensive.” He tapped his chin as he thought about what attacks Abby would need as a Ranger.

“It’ll be hard, but perhaps Extrasensory would be a good move to learn.”

Abby frowned and nodded. “Hmm, that sounds right… though… how?” she looked up at him with a confused look.

“Flamethrower is always useful,” Kasai added with a small chuckle as he strolled into the Courtyard. “As is Protect.”

“Heh, Protect is quite useful, but having it fail when you need it most can be a real downer of a day. So it’s best not rely on it too heavily.”

Abby nodded. “Yeah, I always kept Kasai using it at most once a minute or two if there was a serious attack coming our way,” she said. “Never spammed it like some idiots I can think of.”

“Yeah, still Kasai is right, learning Flamethrower is prolly the best way to kick things off. Still, if I train you, it’ll be just like how I train my other Pokemon. Is that okay with you?”

“Well, that depends, are you as much of a hard ass as I am when I train mine?” she asked with a raised eyebrow and a grin.

“I can be,” Seth said with a wink. “Ignis and the others aren’t as strong as they are because I took it easy on them. But still, all you have to do is tell me if I’m being too hard and I’ll ease back a little.”

“Oh, you can ride me as hard as you want,” Abby said with a smirk. “I can take all of you Sethy.”

Seth nodded, then realised what she was getting at and blushed a deep crimson under his black fur. “Oh for the love of— You’re as bad as Midnight.” He sighed as he saw Kasai laughing at him and just shrugged. “Whatever, nothing can ruin this day for me. Okay Abby, let’s see some flames!”

Abby nodded and pointed her head skywards, unleashing a long stream of flames into the air above her. Seth could feel the heat off of them already, not nearly as hot as Ignis’ or Kasai’s, but certainly well developed.

“Well, that was hot,” he chuckled. “That was actually pretty close to a Flamethrower, but the way the flames dance all over the place? It shows you lack direction and control.” He pointed at some targets near the far wall, about twenty feet away or so. “Let’s see if you can hit one of those from here.”

“Right,” Abby turned and faced at the targets near the wall. She aimed her head and let out the same stream of fire, flowing over and around the targets, well, she hit them, just not precisely.

“Not bad.” Seth nodded, praising her. “Again!”

Abby nodded and returned fire. Her flames were still wide.

“She mostly learned that during our passion,” Kasai informed Seth as he watched. “She doesn’t really know what she’s doing.”

“Well, I don’t think screwing her will improve her aim,” Seth chuckled. “So. Again!”

“You never know Sethy~” Abby said, shaking her rear playfully at him before she launched another of the flame trails at the targets, this time, scoring a direct hit for a moment before the flames faltered and spread a bit. “Dang! I had it!”

“Hmm, so close,” Seth noted, wisely choosing not to stare at her. “Keep practicing, I have to go and fetch something and then I’ll be right back.” He gave them a nod and darted off, leaving the two alone for now.

“You’re doing well,” Kasai said, moving up and giving Abby a nuzzle. “Just keep practicing while I let kitten run things. I’ll comment if you need it.”

“Thanks Kasai,” Abby said with a grin, wrapping a tail around his as she continued to aim and fire at the targets.

Seth had run off to his office, to fetch a bag filled with something that will help for later, but as he headed back, a certain thestral landed on his back, giggling lightly.

“Ohh, somepony’s in a rush,” Midnight smiled. “Got a hot date?”

“Something like that,” Seth replied with a smirk as he exited back out into the courtyard. The continuous use of her fire attacks was taking it’s toll. The flames were already looking a little weaker.

“I’m back, with a small gift as well,” he said.

Abby let out a tired pant and looked over at him. “What is it Seth?” she asked, shaking her head. The Luxray looked at her and decided to have a little fun at her expense. He held something in his paw, it looked a little like a treat of some kind.

“Say ‘ahh’,” he grinned.

Abby blinked before opening her mouth for him. Kasai chuckled. “Heheh, a rare honor Seth, putting something in her mouth.”

“Ohh, so this is your ‘hot date’ huh?” Midnight giggled from her perch on his back as the Luxray rolled his eyes. He flicked his paw and the piece of charcoal landed in her waiting maw.

“It might taste gross, but it’ll help your fire recover quicker,” he said. “At least... it does with Ignis.”

Abby blinked and then started to chew, grinding down the charcoal and starting to swallow it. It took her a few long moments before she’d finished it all. “Ewww... that was gross Seth. I’m never letting you put something in my mouth again.” She wrinkled her nose at him.

“You say that now,” he winked as he produced something else, a beautifully made Poffin. “Well, I was going to offer you this to wash the taste down with...buuuut, I guess I’ll eat it myself,” he chuckled as he opened his mouth and slowly had the treat head towards it.

It suddenly began to float out of his paw and hovered in front of Abby’s smirking face. “Oh, I think I can make an exception in this case Sethy,” she replied with a smirk, taking a chomp out of it. “Mmm, this is good. Who made this? Oh, and who is the bat pony on your head?”

Seth just blinked. “Ah, well Rika made it...and this is Midnight Song...and you do realise you just used Extrasensory right?”

“Err, no, I used an inbuilt Psychic energy and lifted the poffin up and to my mouth,” she said with a frown. “That’s not an attack Seth.”

“Hrm, looked like it to me,” he said as he went over some moves in his head. While he had most of the Pokedex memorised, it would have been useful if her remembered to bring it. “Well, whatever.”

Abby shrugged and smiled. “So, Kitten Sensei, what do you want me to try next?” She asked, looking at Seth expectantly. “Or is it time for me to trounce you?” She smirked playfully at him.

“Well, we could try a mock battle. Might force some moves to activate like it did when I fought Sensei.” Midnight Song hopped off of Seth and then flittered over, landing on Kasai’s back instead.

“Ooh, aren’t you a fluffy one?” she giggled, nuzzling the fur on his back.

Kasai smiled, leaning up and licking her neck and her face a few times. “Hi there, and yes, I may have heard that once or twice, along with being a ‘warm one’,” he said with a smile, leaning his head up to rest against hers while Abby started to face off against Seth.

“Mmm, I bet you are,” she cooed. “Maybe you and I should see how warm you can get~?”

“Well, I can melt through solid steel,” Kasai said, leaning his head against her, his fur starting to warm up around her. “So, I don’t know if you want to try that little bat.” He licked her playfully with his large pink tongue. “But I’m always up for some cuddling~”

“Hmm, I like cuddles,” she replied, her long forked tongue snaking out and returning the lick. She looked over to Abby and Seth and chuckled. “Seems like the Boss is having fun over there. Is that another of his herd I haven’t met yet?”

“Nope, that’s my mate and the mother of my eggs,” Kasai replied, nuzzling her. “So this is all just friendly nuzzling and licking here.”

“Ahh, why are all the good ones always taken?’ she sighed. “Oh well, you’re fine with hugs, so that’s all good an...oohhh!” she winced as Seth pinned Abby to the ground, a Thunder Fang inches from her. “That looks like it’d hurt.”

Kasai winced as well in sympathy for Abby before she leaned under his fangs and snipped his neck with her teeth. “Oh, that looked painful too,” he said. “And all the good ones are always taken because you’re looking in the open.”

“Nah, I’m never short of a bedwarmer,” she smiled. “But I don’t go after taken ones. I don’t wanna be ‘that mare’. That said, I have helped a few couples… spice up their relationship~” She continued to watch the fight as Seth recovered from the Bite and countered with Discharge, bolts of lightning flying just inches past the pair of Pokemon and Thestral.

“Hey! Play it don’t spray it Seth!” Kasai said, stepping back a foot or so. “And ah, that’s good to know. I don’t take kindly to that sort of thing unless your name starts with a G and ends with an E.”

Song tilted her head but shrugged, not getting the reference. “Still, it’s been fun since you Pokemon showed up, life is never boring now!” She yelped as a gout of flames shot past her.

“Yipe, I like my ladies hot, but she takes the cake huh?”

“Oh yes, yes she does,” Kasai said, smiling softly. “The best is when we’re together beneath the stars and she unleashes her fire when we climax together... so beautiful.” Abby managed to get a direct hit on Seth with a Quick Attack.

“Well, that’s something,” Song replied, perhaps it was a good thing she wasn’t taking this powerful beast to bed, her fur was quite flammable. She watched the battle as Seth charged at Abby, his body enveloped with bright lightning. “Hmm, that looks like it might hurt. What move is that?”

“Oh, that was a Wild Charge,” Kasai said with a raised eyebrow. “Someone got stronger, Kitten~” he called out to Seth. “And keep up the good work darling, you can get him!” Abby struggled to her paws and let out a wider swath of flames at Seth. “Good girl.”

Seth decided it was time to show what he’d been working on, as he slammed his paws into the ground with a powerful roar. The area took on a golden hue as bolts of electricity arced from the ground as his Electric Terrain took effect. The fluffier beings around him felt their fur stand on end and crackle from all the static in the air.

Abby’s fur was fluffed out completely and she gave him an annoyed look. “Do you KNOW how long this will take to fix?!” she shouted at him in annoyance.

“I’d be more concerned about dodging,” Seth warned her as he powered up a Thunder attack, the move getting far more powerful due to the electric field. “Fair warning, this might hurt a little!”

Abby smirked and charged straight at him, leaping beneath Seth as the giant bolt of lightning came down. She then chomped down on something sensitive.

Seth just froze as his eyes went wide, before he gave a mighty yelp and leapt straight up.

“Ohh, that has got to be cheating,” Midnight winced.

“Not really,” Kasai replied with a smirk, chuckling. “We’re Rangers Midnight, I’ve bitten many a man in the crotch.”

“Still feels a little below the belt...oh, and heads up foxxy!” she called out as Seth returned, his body blazing with a powered up Wild Charge!

Abby’s eyes widened by about three sizes as she stared at the oncoming Luxray. Then she closed her eyes and focused herself, sending a psychic bolt at his front leg, aiming for a trip.

And trip he did...but it just meant he couldn’t hold back as the tumbling ball of fur and lightning collided with the fox, a loud explosion resulting as Midnight batted her wings and coughed.

“Ahh, who won?” she asked, hacking at the smoke.

“Not sure,” Kasai said which was when Midnight noticed that a golden forcefield was in front of them, protecting them from any of the attack.

Abby lay on her back, looking up at Seth who was standing tall on her chest. “Ehehehe... hi Seth.”

“Hello Abby,” he smiled back before his body crackled as the recoil from Wild Charge took effect. He groaned and fell on top of her, pinning the Ninetales to the floor.

“Heheh, what’s wrong Seth, did you get tired halfway through?” Abby asked, giving his head a playful nuzzle.

“Recoil sucks,” he groaned as he pulled himself back up.

“Yeah, that’s why Kasai doesn't use Takedown much,” Abby said as she returned to her feet too. She licked his muzzle. “Are your balls okay?”

“They’ll live,” Seth winced. “Nice Feint Attack by the way. I didn’t even see you move when you dodged that Thunder attack.”

“Huh.” Abby blinked. “I did that without meaning too then. I was just trying to throw you off of your groove.”

“That’s pretty much what Feint Attack does, though...it’s usually only learned as a Vulpix, so I’m surprised you could use it.” Humanmon movesets were weird, so he just blamed Mew for that.

“Also, I have another idea for a good combination, but it does require using your cursing powers in a way.”

There was a long moment of silence before Abby nodded. “Okay. What do you need me to do Seth?” she asked, trusting him as she looked into his eyes with her brilliant ruby eyes.

“Okay, so I want you to focus on that power. No curse in particular, no want to cause a particular of specific effect. Just, see if you can feel the power itself.” He wasn’t too sure how to explain it.

Abby frowned. “Okay… I’ll try.” She closed her eyes and began to focus on the power. She found it waiting there for her beneath the surface, eager to be used. “Okay… I have it… it wants to do something.”

“Now, direct that power at me,’ he commanded. “Again, don’t focus on a particular effect. Just... attack me with the energy you feel.”

She kept her eyes closed and looked over at him, clearly conflicted about it. “…I don’t want to hurt you…”

“It’s fine, I’m a big boy and can handle myself. If this works, it will give you a much safer outlet for this power. Now do it!”

Abby closed her eyes tighter and sent the energy flowing over his body. Seth’s entire coat stood on end as the otherworldly power submerged him. There was a lot of it. It was cold and seemed to move over him like half-congealed jelly. He shuddered as the power manifested itself as a dark energy and he gave a yelp as the attack formed and hit him, sending him sprawling across the ground.

The Ninetales’ eyes widened in surprise and she ran up to him, starting to lick his face rapidly. “SETH! SETH ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! SETH!”

Kasai was there as well, licking at his face, though, not as noisily.

“Ergh, gah! Stop licking me,” he groaned as he pushed the nosy noses back, wiping the slobber off of his face. “Urrr, ow?” He winced as he rolled over, though opted to stay on the ground. “Well, that felt… uncomfortable. Still, a pretty good attempt at a Hex attack.”

“A what?” Abby asked in confusion.

“Hex,” Seth’s eyes gleamed suddenly as he saw the opportunity to educate. “It’s a Ghost-type move, Special Attack. While it normally just deals damage, it doubles in power if the target has a Status condition. Hex and Curse are similar moves, so I figured with your power…” he coughed and winced again. Seems he’d taken more damage than he thought. “Yeah, a pretty good attempt indeed.”

Abby smiled at the praise before her stomach growled. “Sensei, can we go to your house and see your family and eat lunch? I have a therapy session in a few hours and I want to eat before I get there.”

Kasai growled happily at the thought. “I’d enjoy it too Kitten.”

Seth groaned as he got up, “Sure, I think I’m done for the day anyhow.” He looked at Midnight and smiled. “You on duty today?”

“Yuppers, just procrastinating for now,” Still, somepony needed to do some actual work around here. “Have fun with your girlfriends Boss. Don’t do anyone I wouldn’t do.”

“Goddammit Midnight,” Seth facepawed as the Thestral giggled and flew off. “Ladies and gentlemen, my partner.”

“Well, I didn’t smell her on you, but I can see it,” Kasai said with a smile. “That inner lion of you is telling you to make a ‘Pride’ isn’t it Sethy?”

“Oh, I bet it is,” Abby said with a giggle. “He wants someone else to hunt for him~”

“Oh give me a freaking break,” Seth groaned, realised he needed all four paws to walk. “Can we just go and get something to eat, before I put a gag in those muzzles of your instead.”

“Promises promises,” Abby sing songed at him. “Besides… only Gene and Belle know our muzzle size that well and I’m not talking to one of them until she realizes how irresponsible she was.”

“You two are impossible,” Seth sighed. Still, it was odd hearing her talk about Gene and Belle like that. He knew that they were friends… Well, maybe that’s why it hurt the Ninetales so much?

“Oh? Speaking of family, I saw Luke when I was in Las Pegasus the day before. He says hi, and that he’s doing well.”

“Oh, that’s great!” Abby said, smiling. “Are he and Mage doing okay together?”

“Yeah, they seemed to be,” he replied as they exited the Palace and headed for Fritter Farms.

“That’s good,” Kasai said, smiling big. “Luke deserves some love after all he’s been through. I’m just glad that Mewtwo has been avoiding us. If I see that bastard I’m Crunching down through his tail.”

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t,” Seth said with a tired sigh. “I know Mewtwo screwed up, Vincent told me all about it. But really, who doesn’t make a mistake every once in a while? And, I would have been crushed in a burning building if it wasn’t for him saving me. So I owe him for that.”

Abby harumphed and shook her head. “Fine. I won’t let Kasai chomp through his tail… but I WILL give him a very pointed lecture. Better?”

“Better,” Seth grinned as he nudged the fox with his head. “Thanks Abby.”

Abby nuzzled him. “You’re welcome Seth.” She pressed herself against him as they walked. “Mmm, you smell like fizzles.”

“Fizzles?” Seth blinked. What the heck was that?

“Like… the smell that a spark plug makes,” Abby said with a giggle. “Heheh, fizzles.”

“She’s silly right now,” Kasai said with a long suffering expression as he nuzzled Abby’s cheek. “Oh, and I have a question Seth.”

“Shoot,” he replied.

“How well recognized are Herds here in Equestria? Gene, Belle, Abby, and I might want to make ourselves official once this spat is over,” Kasai said with a casual smile. Seth paused mid step. Did he… hear that right?

“Well, I haven’t researched it much,” Seth admitted. “But Fritter said while they were more common a century or two ago, it’s still in practice. At the very least, it’s legal and I haven’t met anyone who’s had a problem with it… even amongst former humans, which is really surprising.” They didn’t have a problem with polygamy or homosexuality… but throw in Pokephilia… Okay, not getting into that right now.

“Oh, good,” Abby said with a smile. “I don’t want THAT to be a problem for us.”

“Pft, like you’d care about what others think anyway,” Seth replied, bumping her hip with his. “Otherwise you wouldn’t love that big mutt of yours so much.”

“That’s true,” Abby said, giggling and bumping his hip in return. “Mostly, I just don’t want to have to be doing it undercover again. That got old real quick.”

“I kinda enjoyed the pressure to perform,” Kasai said, chuckling. “If I groaned too loud someone might hear~”

“Or if I moaned too loudly,” Abby put in with a small chuckle of her own.

“Meeting you two back on Earth would have been an experience,” Seth chuckled as he walked with a small bounce in his step.

“Technically you did,” Abby pointed out. “Though, only partially, hah.”

“True,” Seth nodded. “So, is it just the two of you here, or is that Haxorus of yours wrecking part of my city somewhere?”

“He’s wooing Iris,” Abby said, smiling. “So right now he’s in Ponyville.”

“Iris? As in… the Champion of Unova, Iris?” Seth facepawed again, stumbling when he realised he was still walking. “Unbelievable.”

“No, just inconceivable,” Abby replied with a giggle. “And they’re really cute together actually.”

“Yes, yes they are,” Kasai agreed with a smirk.

“And if I know your dragon, very loud as well,” Seth chuckled as the scent of apples caught his nose. Seems they were finally home. A small smirk crossed his muzzle as he looked at Abby.

“Ladies first,” he bowed, showing her the door. He just knew a little pink cannonball was waiting on the other side.

Abby opened the door and walked forwards, only to be tackled by a pink and cream coloured blur. The Ninetales was sent sprawling across the ground as the excited Sylveon nuzzled her.

“Sethy!” she giggled and planted a kiss on the Ninetales… until she realized that this muzzle did not belong to a Luxray.

“Huh…? Abby!” she beamed and kissed her again, this time on the cheek.

Abby’s eyes widened but she grinned and nuzzled little Rika. “Heheheh, hey there love ball, how are you doing?” she asked, giving Rika’s face a massive lick.

“I’m doing great!’ she giggled as Seth plucked her off the Ninetales by the scruff of her neck. “Well, better than great!”

Seth placed her down and looked at her with a head tilt. “So where’s my kiss?” he inquired as the Sylveon happily reciprocated, the two lovers enjoying a brief moment of bliss.

After she broke it, Rika giggled. “And now you have indirectly kissed Abby as well~”

“…Goddammit Rika,” Seth sighed as he shook his head.

“Heheh, how’d I taste?” Abby asked playfully, getting to her feet and giving Rika’s head a lick.

“Like fine whisky,” Kasai said with a smirk. “Smokey and burning, but delicious.”

“I dunno, Rika’s sweetness overpowers it, so, more like a sugary cocktail,” Seth laughed as he walked inside, only to be tackled by his mare.

“Whoof!” the Luxray grunted as the mare tackled him to the ground and gave him a light kiss. “Rika’s been teaching you too well,” he muttered.

“Ah try to please,” Apple Fritter smiled, then blushed when she saw they had company. “Oh, ah… y’all didn’t say you’d be bringing friends.”

“Hey Fritter, remember us?” Abby asked with a hopeful grin. “Seth invited us to lunch.”

“Yes, yes he did,” Kasai said, moving up and giving her face a lick. “I hope you don’t mind.” He gave her his BEST puppydog eyes.

“Like ah’d turn away friends,” Fritter smiled, glad they didn’t make a comment on her foalish display. “Ah always make a lot anyhow, and we already have a guest so one or two more isn’t a big deal.”

Seth blinked as his hopes were raised. “Oh, who else is here?”

“That would be me,” came the voice of the shiny Gardevoir, and Seth’s hopes jumped off of Canterlot’s walls. Diantha chuckled as she patted his head. “Not who you were expecting?”

“Sorry Dia, just… kinda wished it was her.”

“Understandable,” the Psychic nodded. “So, who are your friends here?”

“Abby Trombley and her mate Kasai,” Abby said with a smile. “Top Equestrian Rangers.”

The Gardevoir nodded and returned the smile. “And I am Grand Duchess Diantha. Former Champion of Kalos, and now the Champion of Canterlot I guess.” She wondered how that was going to work in the future, but as it stood, she’d been in this city longer than any of the other Champions, so she was claiming dibs. “Nice to meet you Miss Abby, Lord Kasai.”

“Why does Kasai get the title?” Seth asked idly, trying to pry Rika off of him.

“He has a regal air about him,” Diantha nodded. “Such a handsome puppy deserves the title yes?”

“She’s not wrong,” Kasai said, preening beneath the attention and grinning at the Champion.

“No, she’s really not,” Abby agreed, moving forwards and offering the ‘Grand Duchess’ her paw. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

“And you Miss Trombley,” Diantha smiled, chuckling lightly. “You have quite the reputation amongst the Rangers, and so much more from what Seth has told me about you.”

“Oh I do, do I?” Abby asked, smiling before she leaned up and licked Diantha’s cheek. “What kinda reputation?”

“That you’re rash, hot-headed and impulsive,” she smiled warmly. “But you’re also determined, loyal and very good at what you do.” She petted the Ninetales on the head and smiled. “Your parents were also wonderful people. The world is far less without them.”

Abby blinked before she leaned into the petting hand and closed her eyes. “Yeah, yeah it is,” she said quietly before tilting her head up towards the champion, eyes still closed. “Did you know them or just hear about them?”

“No, I met them a few times.” Diantha responded.

“Ah, that makes sense, considering where my mother was from,” Abby said, her voice dropping into a perfect Kalosian accent, a smile gracing her muzzle as she looked up at Diantha. “Though, I must say, and no offense my dear Grand Duchess, but I’ve always been more of a Cynthia fan personally~”

“Most are,” Diantha nodded and smiled. She leaned in close and her smile turned into a smirk. “To be honest, so am I,” she whispered.

“Cynthia is pretty hot,” Seth noted absently, earning raised eyebrows from his loves. “What, just calling it how I see it. I love you girls, but I can still window shop.”

“She was like a bigger chested Abby,” Kasai agreed, moving up and nuzzling Seth’s neck. “I don’t know why I liked breasts really, they don’t make sense, but I do like them.”

Abby sighed and pouted. “So do I…” Then she glanced at Diantha. “Pardon me for being completely inappropriate 85% of the time. I’ve spent too much of my life caring about rules like that to spend any more than strictly necessary, heh.”

“It’s fine,” Diantha nodded as the group headed further into the house. Rika disappeared, returning momentarily with an Egg cradled in her ribbons.

“How’s it doing?” Seth asked her, walking over to her to take a look. Rika glanced down at it and smiled.

“Well, it’s moving around sometimes, I’d say it’s getting close to hatching.”

Kasai’s eyes widened as he moved over and sniffed the Egg very gently. “You guys are having a pup/kitten too?” he asked curiously.

“No…” Seth replied. “This showed up out of nowhere, and the girls wouldn’t let me turn it into an omelette~” He winced when Rika slugged him in the shoulder with one of her ribbons.

“Huh, smells mechanical,” Kasai said with a frown. “Maybe a Magnemite or something… do they even lay eggs?”

“I dunno, and for some reason, my eyes can’t see through the shell either,” Seth noted... until the Egg gave a small shake. Oh, was it getting close? Rika decided to take the Egg back up to their room for now, in the little nest of blankets she’d made for it.

“Lunch is almost done!” Fritter called out as she placed some plates on the table. She looked at Seth and Abby, “And you two are gonna take a shower or somethin; first. Ah ain’t havin’ you sittin’ at the dinner table smellin’ like that!”

Abby blinked. “Huh, I didn’t think I even smelled that bad…” she looked at Kasai. “Kasai, how do I smell?”

Kasai smiled, leaning down and giving her a lick. “Like someone set a field of strawberries on fire love,” he said with a smile, he knew the golden rule about women.

“Heh, like you’d dare say otherwise,” Seth chuckled. Rika slided up next to him and smiled.

“Ohh, what about me?”

“Like a ball of cotton candy that took a bath in caramel and then dried off in a bowl of sugar,” he replied, licking her nose. That was when he felt a weight on his head and looked up to see a Whismur perched there.

“Oh, heya Aster!” he smiled. “You doin’ okay?”

“Ya-huh!” she smiled and looked at Abby. “Who’s that?” She hopped down before he could respond and waddled over to her. She looked at Rika, then in Fritter’s direction. “Are you one of Unca Sethy’s as well Miss?” Seth didn’t think he could turn so white…

“Oh yes,” Abby said with a grin. “I’m one of Unca Sethy’s very best. In fact, I’m rumored to be the best~” She winked playfully at Rika and Fritter.

Fritter was in the kitchen, thusly she didn’t hear nor see it. Rika just rolled her eyes and sighed.

Seth was looking at Kasai and wondered if he could outrun the large dog when he would inevitably try and eat him.

“Ooh, okay!” Aster giggled. “I’m Aster! Who’a you?”

“I’m Abby, nice to metcha Aster,” Abby said with a smile, leaning down and giving the little one a nuzzle.

“And I’m Kasai,” Kasai added with a grin before he looked over at Seth and the grin turned shockingly seductive. “And Seth is one of mine, just like Abby.” Then he leaned in to Aster’s ear and stage whispered. “He just doesn’t like to admit it out loud because of how much it makes him blush~”

“Heeey Aster~” Seth sang as he picked up the little Whismur. “You wanna see what happens when I zap these hilarious Pokemon with a few thousand volts?”

“Ohh?” she giggled, taking a seat on his back.

“I use Protect and it dissolves into nothing?” Kasai asked, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as he pulled Abby close to him and began to lick along her, cleaning her with his wet tongue.

Fritter walked out and sighed. “Ah should have seen that coming, but ah have a shower fer a reason...”

“Oh but Fritter darling,” Seth replied with an accent that would make him fit in quite well with the noble class. “You should know that these plebeians are above common manners.”

“It’s true,” Abby agreed with a smirk, Kasai’s large, wet, pink tongue rolling over her head. “We’re used to going weeks without bathing when we’re in the field.”

“Eewww,” Rika grimaced, making a face.

“Hey, I washed at least once a day,” Kasai protested, placing a big paw on his chest.

Seth just chuckled as he handed Aster to Rika and headed towards the stairs. “I’ll grab a shower first. Be back soon guys.”

“Aww, I wanna come,” Rika pouted, Egg in one ribbon, Aster in the other. It was a lot of pink in one place, kinda like if the Easter Lopunny had come early. “Oh well.”

Abby nuzzled Kasai and then took a step away, glancing over at Diantha. “So, out of curiosity, is there going to be a new Pokemon Leauge? I’d like to give it a shot in my free time… in a couple of decades.”

“Honestly, I have no idea,” Diantha sighed. It was something that had been weighing on her mind recently. “We’d need to work out how it would actually work, given that we’re all Pokemon now. Would former humans be allowed to fight? Would we still use Gyms and the like? Plus, I have no idea where my friends are. The Kalosian Elite Four are still missing… but…” Here she sighed again and looked out the window. “I suppose I should say Elite Three.”

“Elite three?” Abby inquired, looking up at her with a bit of confusion. “Does this have something to do with that rumor in the Rangers about… err… Malna? being a member of Team Flare?”

“Malva, and… yes,” Diantha said sadly. “I… knew about her activities. And it wasn’t like she actively participated, she just, helped keep them out of the public eye. In a sense, it did stop the general public from panicking, but I guess even that level of help voided her from Arceus’ selection.” An aura of psychic energy surrounded her hand as she stared at it. “I hope she’s okay…”

Abby was quiet for a moment before she leaned in and gave the Gardevoir a nuzzle and then silently licked her cheek while pressing herself against the Elite Four Champion.

“Thank you,” she said, petting the Ninetales’ head. “I haven’t told Seth about my concerns, so I’d appreciate it if you could keep from doing so as well. But, I am toying with an idea.”

“You’re welcome, and don’t worry, I know a little bit about hiding things,” Abby said with a bittersweet smile. “And what’s your idea?”

“Should the League revive,” she teased. “I’m thinking of offering the chance to a certain Luxray…”

“Huh…” Abby mused for a moment before shrugging. “He’d make a good one, though it would probably make him have to give up his position in the Guard. Conflict of interest and all that bureaucratic shit.”

“As I said, it’s just an idea,” she mused as Seth came back down and walked outside. One Thunder later, he walked back in, his fur nice and spiky and he smelled like a thunderstorm.

“Ahh, now that’s how you wake up in the morning,” he smiled.

“Getting your balls chomped on by my mate and then taking a shower to ‘cool off’?” Kasai asked with a smirk.

“Oh, thanks for reminding me,” he grinned as he walked past the Ninetales, and leaned over, nipping one of her tails lightly. Just enough for a light pinch. The other eight responded by slapping him in the face, simultaneously.

“Ooooh, don’t do that,” Abby said, her voice half growl, half moan. “Do that too many times and I may lay a curse on you~”

“He might like that,” Rika giggled at her.

Seth just rubbed his cheeks with his paws as Fritter served lunch. Sandwiches, fritters, pies, you name it, she made it.

“And mah patented Fritter Feast is served!” she declared.

“Yay!” Kasai exclaimed, rushing forwards, but instead of heading for the feast, headed for Fritter and began to lick her repeatedly to say thank you for the wondrous feast! He loved feasts!

“Gah! Gerrof!” she chuckled, pushing the large dog away and holding him back with a single hoof. “Ah reckon ah don’t need a bath… well, ah guess ah do now. Thanks.”

Kasai pouted at her. “I was just saying thanks,” he said with a little whine as the others filed past them. She rolled her eyes and patted his overly fluffy chest.

“Ah, yer a good dog. Now go and get something before Rika eats us outta house and home.” For such a little thing, that fairy could really pack away a ridiculous amount of food. Seth already had his plate piled high and was inhaling it at record speed.

Kasai charged forwards up to the table, burying his muzzle in food, beginning a war with Seth over who could inhale food the fastest. Abby for her part just focused on eating her own food, turning to look at Rika.

“So, Rika, would you and Seth like to get in on a game that Kasai and I play with Belle and Gene?” she asked with a smile. “At least… when I admit that I’m going to talk to Belle again.”

Rika tilted her head and looked at them.

“When you mention ‘games’ I get more than a little concerned,” Seth said with a small smile.

“It’s a great game,” Abby said with a smirk at him. “We get each other ‘couple’s gifts’, the more interesting the better. Whoever can get the most interesting gift wins the round.”

“…That, was not what I was expecting,” Seth said with a mild blush. And he was never going to say what it was he was thinking either. “But, that actually sounds kinda fun.”

“So you’re in?” Abby asked with half-lidded eyes.

“Sure, that sound interesting,” Seth nodded. “So, is there some sort of day we have for this? Like birthdays or something?”

“We haven’t decided just yet… and it probably won’t be decided until I can stand to talk to Belle again,” Abby said with a shrewd frown. “But just to let you know, that is the reason why Gene owned a Kalosian maid’s outfit that’s perfectly sized for him.”

“Sethy in a maid outfit!?” Fritter and Rika liked the sound of that. They liked the sound of that a lot.

“Don’t you dare,” Seth replied.

“Oh, don’t worry darling,” Abby cooed to him, her accent strong. “I like to think of new things, and Equestria is a land of new things.”

Seth shuddered and looked at his pile of food. “Yep, interesting indeed.”

“I hope you can patch things up with Belle soon,” Rika said, leaning into Abby’s fluff. “I don’t like it when friends fight.”

Abby leaned back into her and nuzzled the little Sylveon. “I’ll clear things up with her as soon as she apologizes for being an arrogant, self conceited, bitch…” she muttered. “Or at least apologises in the first place and admits that it was wrong to go stomping through Hasting’s mind.” She was quiet for a moment before muttering. “I hate watching people make my mistakes.”

“Still, if no-one ever made mistakes, no-one would ever learn,” Seth replied after swallowing.

“I know that,” Abby said before shaking her head. “Anyways, the rules of the game are simple. No repeats, though, I won’t hold it against you if you choose something from one of our past rounds. Nothing that will cripple or purposefully maim, such as spray to make the other couple more attractive to let’s say, Rhydon. Anything with any drug or other properties must be completely legal and obviously labeled. Finally, anything to be inserted into someone else must be of a reasonable size. Nothing approaching Rapidash size.”

“Right, so no fake Wailord ph—” Seth cut Rika off as he clamped a paw over her maw and pointed at Aster.

“Let’s keep it PG around the kids eh?” he replied and Rika nodded, smiling bashfully.

“Besides, you’re not a Skitty,” Kasai said, winking at Rika. “You’re much cuter~”

Rika tilted her head. What did being a Skitty have to do with anything? Oh well. Seth knew the reference and cringed as he pushed the remainder of his food away, his appetite well and truly dead. Kasai grinned, leaning over and snapping up Seth’s food and then giving the Luxray’s face a lick.

“Shoulda seen that coming,” the Luxray groused. Well, whatever. He glanced at the clock and sighed. It was nearly time to head back to work.

Abby smiled before leaning over to lick Seth’s neck. “Well, we should probably get going and check on the eggs. Thanks for this Seth, Fritter, it was a great lunch.”

“Yeah, yeah it was,” Kasai agreed, a happy grin on his lips.

“Yer welcome,” Fritter smiled. “Stop by again if y’all get the chance. Yer always welcome here.”

"Well, ah don't rightly know how to play this game. Ah reckon Rika has a few ideas though."

Rika looked at Kasai like a piece of fresh meat, licking her lips and chuckling.

"Oh, I have a few ideas~" He'd look sooo precious in a frilly dress.

Abby just smirked. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t Rika. Just know that it goes both ways~”

“If you want to put me in a dress, I have to say, you’re a little late,” Kasai said, glancing at Rika with a smirk. “Belle did that a while ago, and I looked amazing.”

"We'll see," Rika hummed. She was nothing if not unpredictable.

“Good, I can’t wait,” Abby said, giving Rika a smirk.

"Is Unca Kazzy a fairy princess?" Aster asked inquisitively. Seth couldn’t help it as he laughed at that mental image.

Kasai grinned down at her. “Kid, I’m the Fairy Queen!” he proclaimed with a goofy smile.

"Care to reiterate that statement, you walking rug," Titania snapped as she floated through the door. She grabbed a cup of coffee, gave the pair of Fire types a look of... well, like she was above them, before floating off to her room to work.

Kasai glanced in the direction she’d gone. “I look better in a dress then you,” he said, a big smirk on his face.

Abby took one look at him and burst into laughter.

"And that's Titania," Seth sighed.

“A bit high strung,” Abby observed with a raised eyebrow. Seth chuckled and gave her a small nod.

“Yeah, you learn to live with it,” he replied. “She’s a good girl, just… used to a far different life than the one she has now.”

“Gotcha,” Abby said, nodding slowly. “Give her my regards then.” She gave Seth and everyone else a final nuzzle and a lick goodbye, Kasai doing likewise, before the pair started away, tails casually intertwining as they walked.

“Such a cute couple,” Fritter smiled as they watched them go. Seth nodded as Rika went off to play with Aster.

After bidding a farewell to Abby and Kasai, Seth had barely gotten to take a few steps, when Midnight came running up to him.

“Boss, we got a problem!” she said. “Some big rock lizard is making trouble at the airship docks. It’s threatening a bunch of other dock workers!”

Seth clicked his tongue and started walking briskly towards the castle entrance. “Alright Midnight. Details.”

“Well, it’s tall, nearly seven feet. Green, bipedal, has a large armoured belly.”

Seth nodded, it sounded like a Tyranitar. If so, this was not going to be fun in the slightest. “Do we know why it’s attacking?”

“Nope, that’s all I was told,” Midnight Song nodded, the two breaking out into a run the moment they were outside the castle. “It hasn’t actually attacked anypony yet. But it sounds like it’s really pissed off.”

So it was angry about something, but hadn’t resorted to violence just yet. It could still be reasoned with. “Alright,: Seth nodded. “I’m going on ahead, see if I can’t resolve this peacefully. Think you can go and grab Ignis for me? Just in case this all goes to hell?”

“You want to go alone?” Midnight paused and shook her head. “That’s amazingly stupid. I won’t allow that!”

“And if it really is a Tyranitar, it could bring the whole city off of the mountain in it’s rage. We need to solve this peacefully, or defeat it very quickly,” Seth said sternly. “I can at least buy time, which is why I want you to hurry.”

Midnight frowned, but nodded and took wing towards Fritter’s place while Seth continued to the docks. The Luxray steeled himself, shaking his mind clear of the events that had just occurred.

“Time to get to work,” he said to himself and took off into a run.

Well, the docks seemed to be in one piece at least, well aside from a broken container or two. But the Luxrays main focus wasn’t the wrecked shipping containers…

It was the one that caused it, a rather large Tyranitar.

A Tyranitar that currently held a struggling pegasus up by the scruff of his neck and roared in his face.

“You think you’re better then me!?” she screamed at him. “You’re just a freaking snack! Oh, and look at that, I’m feeling pretty hungry~”

Seth kicked a can on the ground, making enough noise to get her attention. The Tyranitar turned her head and saw the large Luxray standing about a dozen or so feet away.

“And who the fuck are you!?” she spat, not dropping her hostage.

“Just someone that’s concerned,” Seth replied, keeping his voice calm and even. “Why don’t you put the pony down, and we can talk about this hmm?”

“I don’t think so!” she roared. “How about I rip of his fucking wings and toss him off the edge of the city huh?”

“Y-You wouldn’t,” he stammered.

“She would, but that won’t solve the problem here,” Seth said, taking a step closer. The Tyranitar placed a claw on the pony’s left wing and the electric lion paused.

“Okay, now let’s not be hasty.” he gave her a small smile. “Why don’t we start with what happened. You seem just a bit upset.”

“Well wow, I had no fucking idea a Luxray could use Psychic!” she snapped with a small amount of sarcasm. “Maybe these Arceus-damned ponies will think twice about saying I don’t belong here, calling me a stupid monster!”

“And this violence is proving them wrong how?” Seth countered, taking another step. “Why don’t you come with me? We can get something to eat, calm down and if you want, I can find you a new place to work at.”

“Or maybe I can aim a well-placed Earthquake and bring make this whole fucking city gravity’s bitch!” she roared, her grip on the pony tightening.

“And hurt thousands of Pokemon and ponies that have done nothing to you?” Seth took another step closer. “Look, I know dealing with ponies can be immensely difficult—”

“Hey!” the pegasus started…

“—And if they want to keep breathing, they’ll shut the hell up,” Seth warned, the pegasus suddenly zipping his lip. “But look at him? Is he really worth the effort?”

“No, but it’ll make me feel a whole lot better~” she smiled, baring her fangs at the now whimpering pegasus.

“And so would a big bowl of ice-cream and some hot tea. Maybe a few choice gems on the side?” Seth offered. His ear flicked as he heard Midnight Song approach, but held up a paw to stop her advancing.

The Tyranitar paused, her grip weakening ever-so-slightly.

“Look,” Seth said. “I’m sure they said some stupid stuff. And you’ve probably ensured that he’ll be sleeping with a nightling for at least a month or two. You’re the biggest mon here, literally. Now show me you can be just that and let him go.”

The Tyranitar looked at the pegasus, then to Seth and after taking a breath, dropped her captive on his rump. he wasted no time in scrambling to his hooves and getting the flapping feather out of there.

“Midnight, please follow him and take him into custody,” Seth said. “He’s in need of some education on how to not piss off the big scary Pokemon.”

The Thestral nodded and took wing, chasing after the scared pony as Seth sighed and held out a paw. “Okay then. Shall we go?”

The Armor Pokemon nodded walked alongside the Luxray.

“I wasn’t gonna eat him,” she muttered. “Ponies prolly taste like crap anyway.”

“Heh, probably,” Seth chuckled. “Now, let’s go get that ice-cream…”

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