• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen

After meeting Vincent and his family, Seth and his own friends decided to spend the day with them. They’d met at Mocha Latte’s café and after lunch, their first stop was going to be the Canterlot Falls.

The sound of rushing water that had been steadily growing louder had a source placed to it. Canterlot Falls emerged into the line of sight for the party of Pokémon and one mare, an awe-inspiring, peaceful sight.

And immediately, Vincent’s eyes snapped to a set of nearby trees, picking out one to rest under.

“Eyes and ears open... remember,” Ignis whispered.

“My eyes won’t be open much longer if I have my way,” the Kadabra groused back. “I enjoy my naps. Perhaps a bit too much, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying them.”

Rika looked at the drowsy Kadabra, “That can’t be good, we need something to keep him awake.”

“Anyone know Wake-Up Slap?” Lucy questioned of the gathered ‘mon.

Seth shrugged, “I have Thunder and Discharge.”

Rika looked around and saw something that sparked some inspiration. There was a stallion offering to paint ponies’ portraits. “Hey Lucy, why don’t you and Vincent get a portrait? Commemorate your visit to Canterlot?”

Lucy grinned wickedly and grabbed a hold of Vincent’s left arm. “Not a bad idea.”

“Wait, I didn’t agree to this! Lucy, what’s gotten into you?” Vincent was a bit concerned that his ‘sister’ was acting odd and that his planned nap was being interrupted.

“Oh shush and let’s talk to the stallion,” she replied as they drew closer to him.

Rika couldn’t contain her manic glee as she watched the two of them. Seth walked over to her, a small frown on his face.

“Alright, just what are you up to?” he asked, causing the fairy to giggle. Yeah, she was definitely up to something.

“Oh nothing~” she sang. Seth frowned and looked at Vincent and Lucy, well, they seemed to be having fun.

At that point, Vincent got a slight bit of revenge and his voice rang out to Seth and Rika. “Well then, if it’s such a good thing, why don’t you join us? After all, we shouldn’t be the only ones with such a portrait…”

“That’s a brilliant idea!” Rika cried out. “Hey, ponyboy can you do us next?”

“For a few Bits, yes Ma’am,” the stallion nodded. Seth just sighed and nodded as well, “Well, I suppose it couldn’t hurt. Really wish I still had my camera though.”

Two challenges presented themselves to Vincent and Lucy. The first was Vincent finding a pose that he wouldn’t be tempted to nap in, as he doubted Lucy would want a picture with him featuring closed eyes. The second was Lucy finding a pose that wouldn’t broadcast all of her intentions right off the bat. She settled for hugging Vincent from the side, as she’d done that enough to snap him out of his darker memories when necessary, and Vincent shrugged before pulling out his Twisted Spoon and striking a stance himself.

“A Twisted Spoon?” Seth murmured. Where had he gotten that? And where could Seth get a Magnet? Or maybe his old inventory? The stallion motioned for the other pair to come over as he set up a second canvas, and levitated over some more paint.

“What kind of artist would I be if I couldn’t paint more than one picture at a time?” he chuckled. Rika grinned gleefully as she wrapped her ribbons around Seth, smiling broadly.

“You’d have to ask Sam where he found it,” Vincent replied. “And speaking of, Lucy found a Steel Coat while she was off training for ‘im, so I’m guessing Arceus brought quite a lot more than just us here.”

“Interesting, yet another question to add to the growing list I need to ask Arceus when I see him again.” Seth mused. “And Rika, watch those ribbons!”

“Eheheh,” she giggled, retracting the one that was making its way towards his flank.

“Ah, such wonderful muses!” the stallion sighed as he painted. “I think I shall find more Pokémon couples to paint after this!”

Vincent sighed, somehow, and replied to nobody in particular. “Why does everyone think we’re a couple? We’re brother and sister more than that. First Weiss, then you...and I get the nagging feeling that I’m forgetting something…”

Rika shot a quick glance at Lucy. That comment must have stung. “Oh dear, we really have a long way to go with this one.”

The stallion seemed to not notice the Kadabra’s comment, smiling happily.

“Oh shush and accept the compliment,” Lucy retorted while shooting a quick glance at the stallion and shaking her head. The more others pointed it out to Vincent, the more she feared he’d react negatively.

“Ah, well my mistake...” the stallion said.

“Well this was a bust,” Rika muttered. “This guy is gonna be a hard nut to crack.”

The others had decided to sit in the shade, Ignis was now snoring happily under a tree while Selena, Titania and Fritter just chatted amongst themselves.

Apple Fritter kept shooting glances at Seth and Rika, they did look cute together…

“What possible chance do ah have against years of being together. Ah’ve barely known ‘im fer a week or two…”

Her sigh didn’t go unnoticed as Titania frowned. It was no secret that Seth had caught the eye of his fairy and the Apple mare, and to be honest, she was rooting for Fritter… Titania shivered as she remembered her first encounter with Rika. That Sylveon scared the crap out of her.

“Fritter? I believe that the answer you seek is quite simple,” she said, causing the mare to jump when she realised that Titania was speaking. “Simply be yourself and victory is assured.”

“W-w-wha? I ah, what are y’all talking about?” Contrary to popular belief, Fritter had no idea that everyone knew about her feelings.

“In battle, life and love, if you know yourself and know your enemy, then victory will be yours!” Titania said. Apple Fritter blushed, but nodded anyway.

“So while we wait,” Vincent said while holding his pose, “Titania, what would you like to know first and foremost?”

Titania looked up, a little irritated that Vincent had interrupted her. But he had valuable information. “Well,” Titania pondered. “Where is Weiss right now? Where did they end up when we arrived in Equestria?”

“No clue about the where they are or where they were when they arrived, though by a phrase one of them said, I’m guessing he and a good portion of your fellow members arrived in Griffon lands.” The Kadabra was honest with what he knew and didn’t know. Better to have her angry about the truth than happy about a lie.

“Griffon lands?” Titania was confused until Fritter explained.

“Y’all might have seen one or two around Canterlot. Big fellas with wings and beaks. They come from a land known as Griffonia, across the sea.”

“Across the sea!?” Titania sighed. “Great... just, great. How the hell do I get there?”

“You failed to ask the right question, you know.” Vincent said with a hint of cheek to his voice.

“What do you mean by that?” Titania asked, a slight hint of irritation in her voice. His condescending tone was annoying.

“You asked where they are and where they were when they arrived. You failed to take into account that I ran into them, and we’re not across the sea now, are we? Nor have I been across one. So the right question is…”

“Well... I did ask where Weiss was right now,” Titania replied.

“And I did tell you I didn’t know. In order to know, I would have to have been with him yesterday when I decided to go to Ponyville, and he and the ones with him decided not to go. But once again...the correct question stares you in the face.”

Titania blinked and frowned. These. Fucking. People... “I see Xavier taught you how not to get to the point either,” she snarked.

Lucy sighed before explaining. “Actually, he picked that up from interacting with Bit when he was less than sane. And allow me to decipher it for you. We don’t know where he was when he arrived, though we have a pretty good guess as to the general region. We don’t know where he is, because we didn’t ask about his future plans. And the reason we still met him and haven’t crossed an ocean to do so is because we met him, here in Equestria. Therefore, the correct question is: Where did you meet Weiss? Or perhaps: How do you know him?”

Vincent nodded slightly as Lucy explained the reason behind his cryptic words. “I do try to encourage others to ask the right questions. Whether or not they get the answer they sought is up to them.”

“And that’s pure Bit right there,” Lucy said with a deadpan in her voice.

“You have my deepest sympathies,” Titania nodded, life with two Pokémon like that must have been a constant source of headaches. “Well then I shall ask, where and how did you meet my Guild Master.”

“Manehatten,” Vincent replied. “I sent out a ‘ping’ to find things to do on our second day there, and Xavier picked up on it and decided to say hello. Out of curiosity, is your guild’s reaction to strange things always ‘punch it in the face’?”

“In our line of work, if we don’t hit first then the enemy will... and we have a lot of enemies.” Titania nodded. “I am sorry about their foolish actions though.”

“Huh. Well, this is a new world. One with, if Arceus is to be believed, far fewer foes. Possibly. Perhaps we can find a therapist for our issues. But frankly...I’m not sure anyone would know where to start with them…”

“We are alike in some ways,” Titania said. “We are accustomed to a way of life that is less than pleasant, and adjusting to a more peaceful one is... difficult.” She knew that her life as a mercenary was over... but she had no idea what she should do now.

“Easy enough for me, really,” Vincent replied. “All it took was a visit to Arceus and being assured that none of the Doctor’s staff or he himself came with, and I could finally learn to relax. Right up until everyone decided to pick up on my Pings, that is.”

“Maybe y’all need a more subtle way of getting info,” Fritter laughed. “Like reading a notice board or simply askin’ somepony.”

“That’s one way of doing things,” Vincent replied. “And were I still an Abra, I certainly would. But unless a Kadabra either exercises strict control, or keeps burning off their excess power...it...doesn’t end well.”

“I’m kinda glad I didn’t pick Espeon as my evolution choice,” Rika said. “Being Psychic sounds... difficult.”

“He had some training in it,” Lucy said. “He only got headaches and heard voices when he was human, but it did prep him for the sudden...shift.”

“Indeed, and I’ve had a series of good teachers in getting acquainted with my power.”

“Sorry I can’t assist,” Seth said. “I barely know how to control my own form, let alone teach someone else.” He sighed as he looked at his paws, “It took me two days to learn how to even walk without falling over my own feet.”

Lucy snickered at the thought. “I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t, but for some reason, I find the idea of a load of humans going from biped to quadruped...or more, or less, highly entertaining to think of.”

“Yeah, laugh it up,” Seth pouted, but he had a small smile on his face too. Gods he had the deepest sympathies for any human that became an Ariados or an Ekans...

“Aaand done,” the stallion beamed. “I think they turned out wonderfully!”

Vincent and Lucy’s portrait was lovely. The two of them standing together, the roaring falls behind them and the sweetest smile on Lucy’s face. Vincent looked quite dapper in his hat and holding his Spoon up.

“Wow, they look great!” Rika beamed. “You’re really good Mister.”

“Indeed, quite a nice portrait, my good stallion. How much is owed for this?”

“Hmm? Well I’ve never painted a Pokémon before, and I think that I may just turn this into a new opportunity for me. Why don’t you take these as my thanks!”

Seth smiled graciously, but still dropped a pawful of Bits into the stallion’s bag. “We shall happily accept. Best of luck with your new venture.”

Vincent carefully took a hold of the picture and nodded before five coins appeared in his other hand. “Indeed, you should be paid for the materials if nothing else. And take care.”

He then turned to the others and nodded once. “If there are no objections, I’ll pop off to the hotel room to drop this off carefully. Back in a moment.”

“Ah, wait!” Rika said. “If it’s not too much trouble, can I go with you and drop this off at home? I can show you where it is.”

“Not a problem, and I should have offered. Just grab ahold…” The Kadabra proffered a glowing blue hand to the Sylveon.

“Such a gentlemon,” she giggled, taking his hand with one of her ribbons. “Let’s go!” The duo flashed out of the park, leaving Lucy and Seth behind.

“Well,” Seth said as they stood there. “You seem to be getting along well with Rika, Miss Lucy.”
Lucy smiled softly while picking her words carefully. “I think we’re kindred spirits, of a sort. Sisters to those who had no other. Helps that we understand one another about certain female things as well.”

“I’ll admit that I don’t know the female mind all too well,” Seth said with a smile. “And it certainly beats the constant bickering she gets into with Selena.” He sat down on the cool grass, sighing at having to stand up so long.

“But I couldn’t ask for a better sister, as lively as she is.”

“Those closest to us are ever thus,” she responded. “They may have their flaws, but we’d not trade them for the world. Vincent’s seems to be his obliviousness to anything of an adult nature…” Here she grinned and winked at Seth. “Something you share with him, if someone is to be believed.”

Seth blushed and looked away, “I... I’ve had my share of ‘adult situations’,” he replied. “It’s... a little complicated.”

Meanwhile, Vincent and Rika had appeared at Apple Fritter’s house, with Rika ducking inside to drop off the painting. She took a moment to look at it, a small smile on her face. If it wasn’t for Arceus bringing them all here, then she wouldn’t have a chance at all with her beloved Trainer. Despite what he stood for, he had never found Pokémon as a potential romantic partner, and now he was a Pokémon himself, well his mind wouldn’t be changed so easily.

But no humans existed anymore, his only choices were Pokémon, Ponies or one of the other sentient species of Equus… She frowned when that thought crossed her mind, it was human nature to seek companionship and Seth’s preferred choice didn’t exist anymore. It wasn’t fair to him and she didn’t want to be with him, simply because he had no other choice.

“Why can’t things ever be simple for once?” Rika muttered as she walked back outside where Vincent was waiting patiently.

Lucy sighed and nodded at Seth’s comment. “It always is,” she muttered. At that moment, the Sylveon and Kadabra flashed back to the park, a little dizzy, but none the worse off.

“I really need to practice Teleporting with others long distances. It shouldn’t be this disorienting.”

“Maybe Gardy could help you?” Rika felt a little bad now, she didn’t mean to make him sick. “She and Diantha teleport all over the place.”

“Myself, fine. Inanimate objects, no problem. But it’s when you add another living being to the mix that I start having troubles. Edge is just damn lucky I was aiming for the beach…”

Titania perked up at hearing a teammates name. “What was that about Edge?”

Vincent turned to Titania and gulped a few times to settle his stomach. “Edge, somehow, showed up in the hotel where we were staying, and the best solution at the time was my Teleport. I’m thankful I aimed for the beach, because we appeared upside-down over it. Distance played a part, but only a minor one. I really need to figure out multiple-people Teleportation…”

“Heh,” Titania laughed airily at that thought. “I wish I’d seen that.” The idea of Edge with her head stuck in the sand like a Dodrio was highly amusing and perfect blackmail material.
Selena poked at Ignis to wake him up. “C’mon sleepymon, let’s go.”

“Geh, five more minutes!” he grumbled. He hadn’t had much rest recently, so any naps were quite welcome.

Vincent blinked as the irony of the situation sunk in before smiling. “Oh well, I was going to tell Titania about my little tussle with Xavier, but if you really don’t want to get up…”

Selena frowned and then raised a paw and slapped Ignis right on the thigh. The dragon yelped and got to his feet. “Alright, alright. I’m up!”

“You were saying?” Titania asked sweetly.

Vincent grumbled a bit before acquising. “Guy is a fortress. Seriously. He managed to make it seem like half an hour had passed in the span of a few seconds. I thought Luke had exaggerated how powerful Metagross were... he proved me wrong. And I’m pretty sure there’s not a whole lot outside of a Legendary that could stand up to him. Anyways... where next?”

“It’s still a bit until sunset, but the Sundial is a fair walk from here.” Fritter looked at the map she got from Mocha. “Let’s just take our time and enjoy the sights while we walk.”

“I can agree to that,” Vincent said. “After all, part of taking a tour of a city is to see it. I trust in your judgement, Miss Fritter.”

“Well then, let’s go!” Fritter beamed. Ignis grumbled about not getting enough sleep, but followed anyway. Seth winced as he got back up, his body was still feeling tender and having to stand still for so long really cramped him up. He should have chosen a laying position…

“You alright?” Fritter asked, letting the Pokémon lean against her. Given his massive frame, Fritter and Ignis were the only ones strong enough to support his weight.

“Yeah, just a little sore is all.” Seth smiled. “I’m still good to go.”

“Pokémon bodies can take a surprising amount of punishment if you aren’t used to them,” Lucy commented absently. “Weiss, even in the form of a Bisharp, took two Aura Spheres and was able to drag himself upright and enjoy the rest of the day.” It was only after she said it that she realized that their company might not enjoy such an observation.

“Comparing Weiss to a normal human isn’t really fair,” Titania chuckled, “Not when you have a Pokémon like Shredder training you.”

“And Control didn’t really let me hold back against him either,” Selena said quietly. “Running back into a burning building to save our last family member was probably the tipping point though.”

It was a unanimous decision that the night before last sucked. Completely and utterly.

“...Y’know, we keep slipping back into stories that shouldn’t have happened,” Vincent observed.
“And here I thought we were here to enjoy ourselves...Sheesh. If Simon were here, he’d say something to get us back on track while laughing, I’m sure. I...yeah, all those guys were okay once I got to know them.”

“Is it weird to be missing a mercenary band?” Lucy mused.

“I would have yes, before coming to Equestria,” Seth chuckled. “But now... weird is the new normal for us I think.”

“I’ll take weird over normal any day, thank you,” Vincent said. “Especially our normal.”

“So what’s Las Pegasus like?” Rika asked, wanting a change of subject. “Is it different to Canterlot or Ponyville?”

“Bright lights, gambling, and gangs everywhere,” Lucy said. “Seriously, you either watch yourself or you end up offending a criminal of some degree.”

“As Bit will attest to,” Vincent chuckled. “Good news is, there’s one less mob boss in the world thanks to our bumbling. We’re hoping some of the anti-Pokémon sentiment that had been brewing thanks to them dies down before we return. And if not, that’s their problem.”

“Well that’s... something.” Rika replied. “Seriously, are we just trouble magnets or what?”

As they walked, Rika eyed a clothing Boutique, and Seth recognized it as the one that was burgled earlier. They had already re-opened?

“Idea~” Rika sang out. “Us girls need to look good, how about a small stop for some shopping therapy?” She looked at the boys and smirked, “Well, it’s not like you get a say in the matter anyhow.”

“...Seth, we’re outnumbered, aren’t we? Even if it was only one of them, we’d be outnumbered, I feel.”

“Hopelessly and utterly,” Seth replied. “We have little chance of survival and I just want you to know that I consider you a friend...” Seth swallowed and looked at the store, as Ignis booked it for parts unknown... bloody traitor.

“Aaaactually…” Vincent laid a glowing blue hand on Seth’s back and smirked. “Please hold onto your lunch.”

“Vincent, don’t you-”

Lucy’s statement was cut off by a bright flash of light as both the Luxray and Kadabra vanished in a Teleport to somewhere that was not here.


“Well how do ya like them apples?” Fritter pouted.

“But... but, I wanted to put Lucy in cute outfits for Vincent,” Rika teared up. “So that’s how it’s gonna be, well two can play at this game Mister!”

She closed her eyes and after a moment, a loud ‘pop’ filled the air as Gardevoir teleported in, a sickly-looking Luxray and a disorientated Kadabra behind her.

“Welcome back boys~” Rika smiled all-too-cheerfully.

Vincent looked at the girls as his eyes swam a bit before blinking and shaking his head. “Mmnope! Sorry Seth, but the feeling of dread hasn’t vanished, and I doubt I could take you with and still get away from Gardevoir, so...Take care!”

With that, the Kadabra closed his eyes and said a few words before Teleporting again, this time creating dozens of ‘false’ trails over the city, leaving Seth to his fate.

“Seriously!?” Rika shouted. “Wha- I just... GAH!!”

“I think. I’m gonna… hurl,” Seth blanched and lay down on the sidewalk.

“He did warn you before he tried to take you away,” Lucy commented before turning to Gardevoir and raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

“I merely wished to assist in this endeavour,” Gardevoir replied. She used a Heal Pulse on Seth, ridding him of the nauseating feeling. “But it seems that Mr. Vincent is much more stubborn than I expected.”

“We’re just lucky we found something for him to do besides nap at the park, otherwise I swear he would have,” Lucy said. “And once he is napping, good luck getting him up.”

“I wonder where he went?” Rika pondered. “Or Ignis for that matter.”

“Ignis will get his later,” Selena growled. “One simply does not ditch his mate like that...” She shot a glance at Lucy, “Ah, well... sorry.”

Lucy merely shrugged and turned to Rika before looking back at the store. “We’re going to need to get back at him in the worst way possible. And fortunately, I know where our bits are. If Gardevoir can pull off a similar trick that Vincent does, we’ve got access to a small fund to use for our revenge…”

“You... I like that plan~” Rika smirked. “Okay Gardy, reckon you can retrieve their funds?”

Gardevoir paused, looking into Lucy’s mind to determine the location and her eyes glowed, a piece of the luggage from the family popping into existence a moment later. “I believe this is what you are looking for?”

Lucy smirked and nodded. “Indeed. Care to help me, girls?”

“Shopping spree~” Rika cheered, dragging the Lucario inside the Boutique. “We’re going to have fun.”

Seth sat outside alone, wondering if it was safe to make a run for it. Probably not… he just shrugged and headed inside.

The owner of the Boutique, a light pink Earth Pony with a purple mane and tail greeted them. She wore a checker-pattern neckerchief and had three buttons for a Cutie Mark.

“Welcome to Button Boutique, I am the owner, Buttonbelle!” she said with a business-like tone.
Seth recognised her, she was the mare yelling at the Guard when they were investigating. “Hello Miss Belle!” he greeted, but all she heard was “Lux-Luxray!”

Lucy saw the confused expression on her face and smiled. “Ah, it would seem that Vincent’s psychic link only extends to me, sorry Seth.”

“I can translate,” Fritter said, resuming her Canterlot accent in front of Buttonbelle. “He just greeted you Miss Belle,” she listened to Seth for a moment, “And he says he hopes that you have recovered from that robbery.”

Buttonbelle frowned but nodded, “I thought I recognised that Pokémon. But yes, my insurance came through and I was able to make my orders, if a little late.” She brushed a hoof through her mane. “I am still in business this time, so I am thankful for that.” She looked over the group, “So are we just browsing today?”

“Oh, no.” Lucy replied with a mischievous grin. “We are here to shop and spend quite a significant amount of money.”

“Music to my ears,” Buttonbelle smiled all too happily. “Now let’s see what we have in stock for all of you!”


Ignis sat near the massive Sundial, the sunlight sparkling off of its crystalline surface. He was glad to have escaped that fate. “But Selena’s gonna be pretty mad at me,” he muttered. “Well damn, way to think that one through Ignis.”


With a flash, Vincent popped into existence a good foot above the Sundial, falling and stumbling as gravity reasserted itself. “Ugh. When I find a way to get back at Rika for dragging Gardevoir into this…”

Ignis gave a lazy flap and caught Vincent. “Whoa there, that’s a good way to get hurt,” he advised. “You okay there?”

The Kadabra nodded and made sure his feet were stable before replying. “Had... had to pick at the seal to even have a chance against a Gardevoir. Especially after I tried that Teleport with Seth. Still feeling a bit... woozy. Just...gimme a moment.”

“Gardevoir? Seth?” Just what the hell happened after he left. “You ah, you didn’t leave those girls behind... did you?”

“Tried to take Seth with me to anywhere but there after we saw you running for it. Rika pulled Gardevoir into it, she pulled us back. I couldn’t save him and shake off Gardevoir at the same time, so I went with the selfish option.”

Ignis stared for a moment, before letting loose a full belly laugh. “Boy, you have no fear! But I fear that was probably the worst decision you have ever made. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned as they say.”

Vincent tilted his head and said, quite innocently, “Then why did you run?”

“Because I also have no fear!” Ignis roared proudly. “And Selena’s cute when she’s angry.”

“If what you just said is true, I’m pretty sure she won’t see it that way,” Vincent mused. “And while I do care for Lucy, she’s a sister to me more than anything else. Plus I don’t know the females that Seth seems to have surrounded himself with. So... why would I be afraid?”

“Hah! I like you,” Ignis said, thumping him on the back. “But we will pay for our actions... mark my words...” He looked up at the great Sundial, “This here is pretty impressive huh?”

The little Psychic seemed to just now take notice of where he was and quietly whistle. “Goodness...and this used to be on Earth?”

“Yeah, in the Kalos region. Anistar City if I’m not mistaken.” Ignis touched the surface of the stone and sighed. “Supposedly it’s tied to Mega Evolution, so I came here wondering if there was a way to get my Mega Stone back... but I found nothing.”

“Nothing but a nice view. That’s something I can appreciate. Though... Methinks all of those who are looking for their Mega Evolutions here are barking up the wrong tree with this thing,” Vincent said as he sat down and just looked at the Sundial.

“Well it didn’t hurt to try.” The dragon sat down next to him. “You need a powerful bond with your Trainer to Mega Evolve, one that joins the hearts of Trainer and Pokémon. Now that we’ve lost that ability, Selena and I, it’s like we lost a piece of ourselves.”

“...You know, I just went through this with Titania. You’re not asking the right questions. Think about it,” Vincent said while patting the Sundial next to him. “I’m sure it’ll come to you.”

“Yeah, I got it.” Ignis chuckled. “So tell me little fox, how is it that you know that the Sundial isn’t the answer?”

“Simple. It, like us, was brought here. You should be asking the one who did the bringing if what you seek lies with him, or even in this world.” If there were a way to sound more smug, passerby would be able to cut chunks of it with a butter knife.

“So Arceus then?” Ignis mused. Seems he’d have to pay God a visit sometime. “Speaking of, how did your meeting with the Great One go?”

“He put answers to my questions, which is all I ever wanted in life, really. Especially answers to questions I didn’t know I had once Xerneas showed up. I’ve...I’ve got a lot to be thankful for with her.” Vincent trailed off and stared at nothing as he considered what could have been before shuddering. “A lot indeed.”

“Sounds like it was quite the experience,” Ignis said. “Treasure every moment...” There was a voice in his head and his eyes widened. Selena was using Gardy’s telepathic link to talk to him.

“Ignis?” she sounded… irked. “Where are you right now?”

“Oh boy... uh, yeah... we’re at the Sundial...” Ignis replied.

“We?” Irked had now evolved into annoyance and irritation.

“We, as in Vincent and I, who do you think I meant?”

“Well considering you just left your pretty mate, who wished to dazzle you with adorable outfits!” Selena growled as her irritation mega-evolved into flat out anger. “Well we shall see you two in shortly.” Lucy chose this moment to chime in as well,

“I hope Vincent is prepared, as you are not the only one in trouble and I have been, busy…” She said with a dangerous chuckle. The link disconnected as Ignis chuckled nervously.

He shifted his wings and sighed. “Yup, an ill omen indeed.”

“She’s found us, hasn’t she.” Vincent deadpanned.

“Yeah, they’re gonna meet us here later. It seems that they’re... busy with something as Lucy put it.”

“Isn’t the reason we fled because we didn’t want to know? I almost feel sorry for Seth.”

“I wouldn’t be, that boy has the luck of a four-leaf clover and a Ponyta shoe put together,” Ignis replied. “If anything, he’s probably the best off out of all of us…”


Seth sneezed as the girls showed off yet another outfit... This time, Apple Fritter was wearing a cream-coloured dress that had long, wide cuffed sleeves on the forelegs that ended with detailed lace, while the back hugged the curve of her flanks and her tail poked through, being neatly braided.

“Ah look like a fool,” she said quietly, but Seth disagreed. She looked absolutely beautiful… wait, what? He pondered on that for a moment. He had thought beautiful, not cute or adorable… but beautiful, and he had no problem with that. He just shook his head and smiled.

“You look lovely Fritter, it suits you well.”

Apple Fritter just turned a deep shade of red and mumbled something. She was definitely going to buy this dress!

Rika also looked cute, she wore a dress that was designed for smaller ponies, but it fit her all the same. It was a baby blue, with matching flower pins that clipped to both of her bows. The dress itself left her forelegs bare, but had a small train that covered her lower half.

“You look cute too Rika,” Seth smiled. “Very pretty.” The Sylveon squealed in happiness and wasted no time to paying for the garment. Selena had purchased something, but decided not to show off the particular garment. Ignis would enjoy it once he redeemed himself though~

Once the shopping spree was complete, they loaded their baggage onto Seth and headed for the Sundial...


Vincent looked at the crystalline structure beneath him and sighed. “Well... seeing as how you’re the ‘elder brother’ of your group, I have a... nah, you probably don’t want to hear me ask. Forget it…”

“Hey now, none of that!” Ignis lightly scolded. “What do you want to know?”

“Well…” here the tone of the Kadabra’s voice seemed to turn towards ‘embarrassed’ before continuing. “While in the lab, I never did get information about anything of an... adult nature. But on our first day here in Equestria, I ran into so many minds in Las Pegasus with things like… that ...in the forefront of their brains. Plus on our last day there, I sent out a Ping...I’ve got an understanding as to the mechanics, essentially. One I never asked for. I could do with context, and Sam is probably working out a plan still. But... the images. I need context.”

Ignis flinched, Oh... he hadn’t ever... oh dear. “W-well, it sounds like you need help. So I’ll do my best okay? What exactly do you need context with?” Arceus above, what was he getting himself into?

Vincent closed his eyes and asked the question on his mind. “Why? Why in the world would two beings choose to...do that? I just don’t understand the reasons…”

Ignis took a breath. “Okay, so when you say ‘that’ I’m going to assume you mean, mating?” He paused to collect his thoughts before giving an answer. “Well, there are a lot of reasons, especially for humans. For Pokémon, the base desire to reproduce is the most common one. But others like companionship and love are there too.” He cleared his throat as he tried to word this so the young Kadabra would understand.

“For one, it feels really good, if it’s done properly. The euphoria of being that intimate with the one you love is second to none. Others do it just because it feels good, love isn’t really a factor there.” he put a claw on Vincent’s shoulder and smiled. “It’s not something you should rush into either, when you find someone, somepony, whoever makes you feel that special, and you’re comfortable with them... just let your instincts guide you. The heart isn’t something you can fight against. The hearts wants what the heart wants. That’s all there is to it.”

The Kadabra nodded a few times as the words sunk in. “Okay...but how do you know? I mean, how did you know with Selena, how is anyone supposed to know? It’d...help, I suppose, in organizing these images.”

“How did I know Selena liked me?” Ignis laughed. “When I arrived at the hospital, she pinned me to the ground and kissed me. That was a pretty good indicator. But for others? Well it depends on the individual I suppose. Seth for example, used to date a Gym Leader named Elesa. They started out with Seth simply asking if she wanted to go to dinner with him. Like I said before, a potential partner could be a total stranger at first, or your best friend.”

He had an idea, “Alright, how are you with mental exercises?”

“Pretty decent, I used to play all sorts of logic games with Bit. Might take it up again.”

“Okay, so we’ll try two scenarios then. First... uh, wait. This will sound awkward but, what are your preferences?” He had no problem with Pokémon that preferred same-gender relationships but he needed to know in order to continue.

Vincent hummed at that before shrugging. “I... have no idea. I only recently found out this was a Thing, after all. I would need to...how does one typically find out?”

“Well I suppose one simply knows... but not all the time. Let’s try and simplify it, would you be more comfortable with a male or a female?”

Vincent pictured himself with one of each before wincing and nodding. “I think female.”

“Alright, that’s a good start!” Ignis beamed. “Now, I want you to picture a female you don’t know very well. Pony, Pokémon, the choice is yours. But try and picture yourself... hmm, let’s try sitting in the park, holding hands.”

The Kadabra’s mind ran through a short list of plausible scenarios before he shook his head. “Nothing. Every time I go for it, I end up drawing away. I don’t know them well enough for that.”

“Well okay, we’re making progress. That means you’d probably prefer a relationship of trust over love at this stage. Now picture the same scenario, only with someone more familiar.”

Only one face, one form found its way into Vincent’s mind, and he blushed and stammered at the very idea of something like that. “I...what...but that...okay that can’t be right.”

Well that was interesting. “Okay, you need to be truthful. Who was it you pictured? And how did you feel? Describe the emotion if you can.”

“It was Lucy,” Vincent said bluntly. “And I managed to get as far as us hugging on the bench, but in this context it just feels wrong to think of her like that. I’ve...never thought of her like that. She’s always been like a sister to me.”

“Okay, I’ll stop you there. Now you used to be human, so unless she was too, no actual blood bond ties you together. And before you ask, I know better than anyone that Family is more than just blood, I called Selena and Rika my sister’s for a reason you know.” Unlike humans, genetic mishaps born from incestuous relationships didn’t happen with Pokémon, quite the opposite actually. Pairings involving family members was quite common.

He paused for a moment before continuing. “That aside, how did you feel? Uneasy, Nervous, Nauseous?”

“A bit of all of that,” Vincent replied. “But I don’t understand it at all. I trust her. I always have. Why would I feel that around her?”

“Because you care for her,” Ignis said. “The heart is never wrong, it’s simply a matter of listening to it.” Ignis looked Vincent square in the eye, “What you feel isn’t wrong, and it shouldn’t be considered wrong. Lucy has always been by your side right? And you’d do anything for her?” He chuckled and put a wing around him. “That... that’s love.”

There was silence for a moment before the Psychic would speak up again. “Well, I feel like a moron for only now learning about one of life’s lessons.”

“Don’t be, your... situation, is a pretty understandable excuse.” Ignis looked up again, “Ah, they should be here soon... and apparently you’re in for a surprise.”

“...I dislike surprises. It’s going to take a while before I start associating the term ‘surprise’ with anything positive. Lucy would know this. Why is she letting this happen?

“I know my family and they wouldn’t do anything to hurt you and yours.” Ignis chuckled, “Just think of it as a part of growing up boy.”

“...Fine. So what’s the big I-” Vincent’s words were cut off as he caught sight of Lucy. Perfectly understandable, all things considered.

The Lucario wore a pale yellow sundress, with her usual hat on her head, but it now had a ribbon tied around it that matched the dress. Her fur had been combed and a light amount of makeup applied to her features. Even her spikes had been polished and shone.

“So, how does she look?” Rika asked. Vincent’s jaw hung open as he tried to formulate a reply, but no words could be found. He was instead immersed in the moment, and he wasn’t exactly complaining.

“Um, Vincent?” Rika looked at him. This. Was. Perfect! Lucy was already cute, but now she was all prettied up? “Gods, I am so good!” she purred to herself.

Ignis nudged the stunned Psychic. “Go on,” he hissed under his breath. “It’s rude to keep a lady waiting.”

Eventually Vincent closed his mouth and coughed a bit before replying. “I feel underdressed just being nearby. You know you didn’t have to do this for me, right?”

Rika could have screamed. “Okay Luce, you just need to lay on a little charm. Not much, just enough to get him focused on you and only you.”

Lucy nodded before replying with the first thing that came to mind. “I didn’t have to, true. But I wanted to. Besides, don’t we deserve a little happiness now?”

Vincent smiled at the thought and nodded. “Well... thank you, then. And sunset approaches...I suppose there was a reason you wanted us to be here, Rika?”

Rika beamed from ear to ear, her timing was freaking perfect! Just as the sun lowered ever so slowly towards the horizon, it’s rays caught the Sundial and a brilliant, stunningly beautiful light erupted from it. Lucy and Vincent looked at one another and both seemed to draw a breath at the same moment.

Somewhere far away, a Princess of Love and a Pokémon of the Moon felt the stirrings of a powerful ally being born…

“Vincent, I-”

“Lucy, there’s some-“

They seemed to realize that they were talking over one another and stopped at the same moment before laughing. Vincent then lit up an arm and quirked an eyebrow. Lucy nodded, and a glow surrounded both their heads while they conversed telepathically.

Rika suddenly released a breath she didn’t realise she’d been holding. “What...? Are they?” Were they seriously going to confess inside their minds like that? OH C’MON!!

“Calm down,” Seth finally caught up, his back laden with numerous bags. “Just watch.”
After a moment more, the two of them snapped their eyes open and walked towards one another. “Well. So long?”

Lucy nodded. “Frankly, I’m a bit peeved it took you so long to notice. Who talked to you about…” Her eyes trailed over to Ignis as she tilted her head in contemplation. “Did you talk to him about ‘things’?” Lucy asked of the Charizard.

Ignis scratched the back of his head. “Well, I may have said a thing or two. He did ask, so I helped... is that, okay?”

Lucy shrugged at the question. “Fine by me. Sam’s probably going to be ticked that you stole his thunder or whatever. Frankly, someone needed to tell him. And Vincent?”

The Kadabra looked back at the Lucario as she grabbed him by the shoulders and smiled. “Thanks for accepting.”

And with that, the two finally kissed.

Rika cheered with all her heart, this day had been totally perfect!! Even Seth had a smile on his face while Selena looked up at her Charizard.

“So you had a hand in this then?” She smiled.

“Yes?” Ignis replied doubtfully.

“Prepare yourself,” she said as she leaned up against him. Her voice dropped to a husky whisper, “You aren’t sleeping tonight.”

“Y-Yes Ma’am!” Ignis said. Life was wonderful~

At that particular moment, in what had to be the worst case of timing, Sam walked up onto the top of the Sundial, dragging the form of Bit behind him, and catching sight of his two younger ‘siblings’ kissing in full view of anyone who cared to look. He groaned before speaking up.

“Okay, who’s the wise guy who told Vincent what everyone else saw?”

Everyone just pointed at Ignis, and Sam shot a glare at him before looking at Bit. “Note: get back at Ignis later when a proper plan has been devised.”

Bit beeped once before replying with as much cheek as he could manage. “Of course. Once we find a way to make sure you wouldn’t get roasted in a single hit, we can get right on that.”

“Ah, just enjoy the moment.” Ignis said, waving a hand dismissively. “But seriously, don’t fight me, I don’t like picking on kids.”

“They’re so cute~” Rika squealed.

“Ah have to agree,” Fritter added. “They make a fine couple.”

Vincent disconnected from Lucy before shooting a glare at the kibitzers. “If you all are quite done? Unless you want me to see to it that someone else knows of the affection directed their way, that is. I could do that.”

Rika suddenly fell very quiet. “okay...”

Lucy then gave Vincent a smack upside the head. “Don’t you dare. Let’s just savor this and stop threatening others. Now get back over here.”

Another kiss was exchanged between the two at that statement. Only Vincent’s sullen Yes, Lucy was left to ring out atop the Sundial to signify the psychic’s compliance.

Ignis shot a glance at his brother and sighed. If only his issue could be solved so easily.

Eventually the two parted again and Lucy turned to Rika before smiling. “Thank you for your help. I only hope your own love life turns out as well. And don’t you worry, I’ll keep this thickhead on a short leash; he’ll not be threatening to reveal any secrets others don’t want in the near future.”

“Oh, is that how it is? We share our hearts and exchange confessions and kisses, and suddenly you own me?”

“Oh yeah, forgot to mention that part,” Ignis chuckled. “Once you’re in a relationship, the female is always right. No exceptions.”

Seth put down his massive burden of bags. “I still can’t believe you spent all that money,” he wheezed. Vincent looked at the bags and then to Lucy with wide eyes.

“You didn’t, he said desperately.

“Nope, not all of it, and it wasn’t all me.” At his relieved sigh, she continued. “Just one of them.
And why don’t you ask the others what they got as well? I’m sure they’d be happy to tell you.”

The Kadabra turned to look at the other females atop the sundial platform and tilted his head to one side. “...Okay, we still have plenty to live on, though we’re going to need jobs to keep it that way when we arrive. What...possessed you?”

Ignis actually answered that one. “I told you that decision would come back to bite you.”

“So. Many. Outfits!” Seth gasped. “I dated a supermodel and even I didn’t think a girl would need that much.”

“And suddenly, I don’t want to know. I’m not going to like this whole ‘I own you’ shtick, am I?”

Lucy drew close to Vincent and hugged him before replying. “I own you in the sense that I reign in your impulses to lash out at others. And you...you own me, in the sense that you reign in my protective nature when it gets out of control. We own one another.”

“...I am totally okay with that.”

Seth took a moment to glance at Rika and Fritter. What was he going to do? A decision had to be made eventually, and someone was going to get hurt.

“So, shall we take a small break to return these items home and then go to dinner?”

“Easily done. I’ll take what the ladies decree to your home first, and then whatever Lucy got will go to the hotel room. This’ll also give me the chance to see who spent the most of my money,” he growled slightly.

“Relax, ah bought mah items with mah own money,” Fritter giggled. “Rika and Lucy on the other hand...”

“Alright, I get it... I’ll pay him back once I can afford it.” Rika groaned. She hadn’t gotten too much, seeing as how she couldn’t find much that fit her body type. “Sorry Vincent.”

“I get along much better with those that ask first,” he commented. “Buuuut seeing as how this is a Thing that is Happening because of you, you get one pass. One. And you just used it. You won’t have to hurry to pay me back, but I would appreciate it someday, sooner or later. Now... I can do the Teleport thing, and be back in a moment. Can I trust Lucy to your care for that long?”

“She’ll be fine,” Seth smiled. “Don’t tire yourself out though, the night hasn’t even begun yet.”

Vincent smirked before picking at his mental seal slightly, letting the sense of power fill the air as he coated the items in his power. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” he proclaimed before he and the items vanished in a flare of light that left spots behind in the vision of others.

“A little warning would have been nice,” Seth said, rubbing his very sensitive eyes. “That really stings!”

“So?” Rika asked once Vincent was gone. “Are you happy Lucy?”

Lucy sighed and hugged Rika with nearly all her strength, which wasn’t inconsequential. “Yes! I couldn’t be happier, and it’s thanks to you!” She then looked over to Ignis and amended her statement. “Both of you. Hold still, you’re next.”

“I... can’t... breathe...” Rika squeaked, turning a pale blue colour. Ignis was now understandably concerned.

Eventually, Lucy relented on hugging the Sylveon and turned to Ignis. “You finally opened his eyes, and I thank you for that. Come here, you deserve a hug for that.”

Rika inhaled a massive gulp of air as Ignis shrugged and surrendered to the Lucario’s iron grip. He could swear he heard a rib crack when she hugged him though...

All too soon, Vincent flashed back to the top of the Sundial, startling Lucy into releasing Ignis. Once she realized who it was that had reappeared, the Kadabra was subject to the overly-affectionate Lucario’s hug as well.

“Guys... guys... guys, I can feel bones shifting. Guys?”

Ignis and Rika chose to wisely ignore his pleas, they weren’t going back for seconds anytime soon. Seth just chuckled and walked over to him. “Um, Lady Lucy, we do need our friends conscious if we are to go to dinner this evening.”

She sighed, but released Vincent from her embrace for the time being, though the Kadabra did notice that he’d apparently lost the use of his left hand. Mainly because Lucy’s right paw was already in it. Not that he was complaining.

“So, do we have a restaurant picked out?”

“Ah... well,” Seth hadn’t thought to book one, or even if a fancy restaurant would serve Pokémon. “I think we may have a problem there.”

Vincent and Lucy winced at the thought, but Sam chuckled. “Um, Vincent, there’s this thing attached to your neck, you may want to use it and see if there’s a restaurant nearby that’ll serve us.”

“The snark is strong with this one,” Selena smirked.

The Kadabra chuckled a bit at the point the Scizor had made. “Fair enough, and assuming Gardevoir doesn’t interfere again, it should be easy to find a restaurant.” A mass of blue light coalesced on Vincent’s cranium before he simply stated “Ping”, sending the energy outwards in search of a good place to eat that would serve them.

“You actually say ‘Ping’?” Seth asked. “So do we have a winner?”

The light bounced back after a moment, and Vincent closed his eyes to sort through the images before nodding. “Yes we do...and yes, I do. It seemed the most appropriate name to give this little trick of mine. No use in combat, but wonderfully useful in situations like this one.” The psychic began to walk down the sundial, Lucy walking with him. “This way,” he said.

Seth just shrugged and his group followed their new friends, curious as to where they were leading them. It was a merry path down quite a few streets until they reached an establishment that seemed to border two distinct ‘sections’, one of ‘Pony’ and one of ‘Griffon’. The building in question had a sign out front labelling the building as ‘The Gilded Feather’, and the smell of something quite familiar trickled its way past Seth’s nose.

He inhaled deeply and moaned happily, “Meat... I smell wondrous meat!” Ignis and Selena tilted their heads and also sniffed.

“Well I’ll be a Mankey’s uncle, it is meat!” Ignis beamed.

“It’s a Griffin place,” Fritter said. “Ah wouldn't be surprised.”

“And fortunately enough, the ones running the show don’t mind who walks in the door; as long as you have bits and can indicate what you want, they’ll serve you.” Vincent then placed a hand on his throat and cleared it a few times before actually speaking. “Now then, shall we?”

“Oh wow, so you can actually talk too?” Rika giggled. “I thought you may have forgotten.”

“Rika... be nice!” Seth warned. “Now I agree with Vincent, let’s go see what this place has to offer.”

“Quite a bit, but act surprised,” Vincent said. “I figured my habit of not talking might get on their nerves. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s to not get on the nerves of strangers if at all avoidable.”

Bit took this chance to nod and make his silent escape. He’d made a promise to not return to the Archives to Sam while being dragged from them, true. But he still had to sort through all the data, so he’d get a start on that while the others refuelled themselves.

“Fair enough, to be perfectly honest, I am starting to get a slight headache.” Seth said. “But that could also be me just overexerting myself today.”

“Y’know, I never was much of a meat lover,” Rika admitted. “How about we go to the pony side Fritter?”

“Yeah, sounds good.” the Apple mare agreed. “Sorry y’all, don’t let us ruin yer meal though.”

The pony and Pokémon went through the main door and headed left, sitting in a large open room that was filled mostly with other Ponies and a few herbivorous Pokémon. After taking their seat, a slender Griffoness brought them out a menu.

“Welcome to the Gilded Feather. My name is Frimelda and I’ll be your waitress for this evening!”

“Thank you,” Apple Fritter replied. “Could we start with something light please?” Fritter scanned the menu and motioned to one item. “These cheese breadsticks look good.”

“Of course, would you like any drinks?”

“Two Apple ciders please, ask to use the Fritter Specials.”

Frimelda nodded and darted out into the kitchen. Rika watched her leave and then tilted her head. “Uh, Fritter Specials?”

“Yup, grew ‘em for making cider, they’re a tad sour to eat on their own, but they give the drink a real kick!” Fritter beamed proudly. “Ah sell ‘em to a lot of the restaurants around Canterlot and export the rest to Appleloosa an’ Ponyville.”

“That is so cool!” Rika exclaimed. She only thought that Fritter cooked up treats to sell at her little stand.

“Yeah, it’s what brings in most of mah profits, but the last few weeks haven’t been that productive…”

“Because of us Pokémon?” Rika asked.

“Mostly,” Fritter replied. “There’s still a lot of confusion about y’all and what yer role will be in Equestria.”

“It’s getting better, I think,” Rika said as Frimelda returned with their order. “I still wonder what I can do though…”

“Ah’m sure you’ll find something soon,” Fritter giggled. Rika was acting like a foal searching for her Cutie Mark. It was pretty cute~

“Mmm~ this cheesy bread is delicious!” Rika purred happily. “And the cider is simply perfect!”
“It is good,” Fritter agreed, taking a sip of her own drink.

Rika nodded and put her glass down. “Hey uh, can-can we talk?”

“Aren’t we already talking?” Fritter giggled, but Rika just frowned.

“C’mon, I’m being serious here. It’s about Seth.” Fritter suddenly stopped and her ears flattened against her head.

“Ah, well… what did y’all want to talk about?” She had a feeling that she knew exactly what the fairy wanted to discuss.

“Look, it’s probably gonna come up soon, and I want to air a few things out. Seeing Vincent and Lucy today, well… I guess that they showed me that being with Seth wouldn’t be completely impossible.” She sighed and nudged at her bread with a ribbon. “I’ve liked him for a really long time, but I never had a chance, Seth just wasn’t that type of person, he stood up for those that loved and were loved by their Pokémon, but he just wasn’t attracted to them personally.” The sadness in Rika’s voice was undeniable, even Fritter could tell how much Rika wanted this.
The Fairy paused, taking a sip of her drink and continued. “And then we were whisked away to Equestria and now Seth’s a Pokémon, but his mind is still human, so the idea of being with a Pokémon still hasn’t really sunk in…”

“And there aren’t any humans here,” Fritter finished. “He must be really confused right now.”

“In the end, you and I have that in common too, we’re not human, we never have been.” Rika hung her head and sighed again. “I don’t… I can’t pursue this if Seth is uncomfortable with the idea of being with me…” A small smile crossed her face and she looked up, “But you know what?”

Fritter shook her head, “Ah have no idea.”

Rika chuckled as she leaned across the table, “I saw the way Seth was staring at your flank in the dress shop earlier~”

Fritter turned bright red and hid behind her hooves. “W-w-what!?” she managed to squeak out.

“And it made me realise that I shouldn’t give up!” Rika nodded and then drained her glass of cider. “I’m going to confess to him soon! And I want you to confess as well!”

“But, but I-” Fritter just burned brighter. “I don’t want to get in your way…”

No! Nuh-uh!” Rika shook her head and took Fritter’s hooves into her paws. “If I don’t succeed, then I need someone that can make Seth happy. And for some reason, he seems to open up to you. If I can trust anyone with my Trainer, then it’s you Apple Fritter!”

“I…uh,” Fritter’s eyes watered a bit, she could feel the honesty in Rika’s statement, and it really moved her. “Ah’ll try my best.”

“You’d better!” Rika nodded. “Now that we have that out of the way, I’m hungry so let’s eat!”

“Alright,” Fritter smiled, waving Frimelda over. “But we still hafta talk to Seth about this.”

“And that’ll be the hard part,” Rika moaned. “The guy is a freaking genius, unless it comes to matters of the heart, then he’s as thick as a Golem shell.”

“Ah’ve noticed,” Apple Fritter laughed. “But that’s what makes him so cute.”

“True that,” Rika nodded. There was a sudden commotion from the door as several Griffons and Ponies begun to whisper.

“Did you see that?”

“Such a brazen display.”

“I think it’s beautiful~”

Rika and Fritter exchanged confused glances until Frimelda returned with their order.
“What’s going on in there?” Rika asked as Frimelda turned a light pink under her feathers.

“Um, well it seems that two Pokémon next door, a yellow one and a blue one, decided to… groom one another after their meal.”

Rika suppressed a delighted squeal. Lucy and Vincent were so adorably awkward. Frimelda left them to their meal and the two continued to chat and make small-talk until it was time to leave.

Soon, the small party of Pokémon made their way out of the restaurant to re-encounter Rika and Fritter just outside, waiting for them.

“So uh, we heard a small rumour while we were eating,” Rika said with a smug grin. “About a certain couple’s... affection towards one another?”

“Don’t... just, don’t go there.” Seth warned. “It was an honest mistake. Now, where would we like to go?”

Bit also re-joined the party and dinged to make his presence known. “Suggestion: both families retire for the night, meet up again at Mocha’s the next morning. It is quite late.”

As if on cue, Apple Fritter yawned. “Yeah... I gotta work in th’ mornin’...”

“That sounds good,” Seth agreed. “Today sure has been something though.”

“Yeah,” Lucy said while grabbing a hold of Sam’s right arm. “And we’ll make sure the societal missteps don’t happen again. Right, ‘brother’?”

Sam gulped nervously before replying. “R-Right…”

Vincent put a hand to his head to warn the others before switching his speaking modes. “Until the morning, then?”

“Yup, until then.” Seth nodded. “We have to help Fritter set up, so let’s say... around tenish?”

“Easily done.”

“Assuming you don’t sleep in,” Lucy tacked on. “See you at Mocha’s, then. Take care!”

“You as well,” Seth echoed.

“Have fun~” Rika giggled. “Don’t keep him up all night~”

“Goddammit Rika,” Seth groaned, smushing her head with a paw. “Just... ignore her.”

And so the two families parted ways for the night


Once they returned home, Seth made a beeline for the couch, only to be stopped by Fritter putting a hoof on his chest.

“Oh no you don’t, y’all need proper rest tonight, so yer sleepin’ in my bed,” she ordered. Rika jaw nearly hit the floor, she’d meant for Fritter to confess her love, not drag him straight to her bedroom!

Fritter grabbed a pillow and blanket. “Ah’ll take the couch fer tonight, so y’all get some rest alright!”

Rika let out a sigh of relief, causing Selena to chuckle. Seth still protested though.

“But you have to work tomorrow.”

“But nuthin, y’all need to recover, so tonight get some sleep okay?” She shoved him towards the stairs and grinned. “Good night Seth!”

“Yeah…” the Luxray sighed in defeat and headed upstairs to Fritter’s room The Apple mare turned to see Rika glaring at her and Selena burst out laughing.


“That… that… GAH!” Rika forgot where she was going with her rant and decided that going to bed was the best idea. Selena chuckled and headed outside to where Ignis was going to sleep, well at least he thought he was going to be sleeping, Selena had other ideas.

“And to think that I was alone up until recently,” Fritter said to herself. “Now ah wouldn’t trade this fer the world.”

Author's Note:

tdnpony - Nice chapter, though nothing really special since I already saw the other version of it.

I added a few new scenes, like the restaurant. *Sniff* oh well...

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