• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Forty Three

All...was not well at Fritter’s house. While the group had been pleasantly surprised by the speedy renovations, and Fritter was glad that she hadn’t fallen too far behind on her farming.

A new issue had arisen.

And said issue was now sitting on the kitchen table.

“So uh...what do we do with it?” Fritter asked. While she had come to expect strange things could happen when a Pokemon was involved, this was...not something she expected.

“I have no idea,” Rika replied, equally as confused. “Where did it even come from?”

“Well it certainly wasn’t here before,” Umbra stated. “Someone or something has left it here within the last hour or so.”

Everyone turned and looked at the Absol in the room. An Absol who had a glare that threatened disembowelment if anyone even dared suggest it was hers. A flowery fairy seated on the couch mimicked that glare when they looked at her instead.

“Well someone has to own it!” Rika exclaimed, throwing her ribbons into the air in frustration.

Someone must have, but no-one was laying claim to it. Just who owed this freaking Egg!

Seth had sat in the park for a while now, after meeting his mother again after all this time, and hearing that his sister was here somewhere as well?

This night was absolutely perfect.

He’d been sitting there for about a half hour or so, just processing what had happened. Honestly, for a good long while now, he’d avoided putting too much thought into his actions. The last time he did that, he Thunderbolted God.

Right now though, he was just so damned happy that he could care less. All of the minor and major problems could just go suck it right now, nothing could possibly ruin his mood. With a small grunt as he got to his paws, he headed for home, humming a jaunty little tune.

He’d met up with Midnight on his way there and once they were home, Seth took a moment to sit outside and look at the drastically different home. It certainly looked larger on the outside, and it had all been done in a week?

“Even a Pokemon-team couldn’t have done it so fast,” Seth mused. “And our technology was far more advanced than anything Equestria currently possesses.”

“We ponies are kinda awesome like that,” Midnight giggled as they stepped up to the front door. “Plus, y’know...maaaaaagic~”

“I can’t wait for a Pokemon to come along and use magic,” Seth replied with a small huff. He personally prefered good old science. He nudged the door open and stepped inside, just as a little pink cannonball struck him, knocking him back outside.

“Ooh, that looked painful,” Midnight winced. “You okay boss?”

Seth just groaned as Rika nuzzled his fluffy chest fur, purring lightly. The Luxray slowly sat up, holding his overly affectionate Sylveon close as he frowned.

“You really need to dial down the love,” Seth sighed. “I don’t have the Defense stats to deal with that on a constant basis. And I swear you have a Same-type bonus to that move...”

“Well, Tackle is a Normal move and I do have Pixelate,” Rika giggled. Her cheerful mood turned sour as she frowned. “Also, you said you’d only be an hour or so, not all freaking day!!”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Seth said as he pulled the fairy close for a hug. “I had a little more to do that I thought. Oh! And you’ll never guess what happened?”

Rika hummed and then noticed Midnight standing there. “You found another herd member?”

“What? NO!” Seth blushed as Midnight smirked.

“Aw, c’mon boss, no need to be shy~” she purred as she stepped closer. “You said we need to get...better acquainted~”

“One, knock it off Officer Song,” Seth said with a low tone, his eyes narrowing slightly. “And two, that’s not it Rika...I’ll tell you all once I’m allowed inside. So if you wouldn’t mind dear?”

“Huh?” Rika looked down to see she was still perched on Seth’s chest. “Whoops, sorry Sethy.” She hopped down and smiled at him, using her ribbons to help him up. “There we go.”

“Whoa! Those things are prehensile?” Song snagged one of her ribbons with a hoof and looked at it. “How strong are they?”

“You’ll find out if you don’t let go,” Rika warned her and the batpony smiled and released the appendage. Rika nodded and turned back to Seth, her blue eyes dancing with mirth. “And you aren’t the only one with a surprise~”

“When you say it, I have deep dread more than anything else,” Seth muttered as he walked inside, his little Eeveeloution pouting as she followed.

“So mean,” she whined as Seth walked into the living room, as Fritter gave him a much more reserved hug and a soft kiss.

“See, this is how one should be greeted,’ Seth smiled, happily returning the affection. Fritter giggled, pulling Rika in for a hug as well.

“Ah, don’t mind her, she’s been antsy all day,” the mare sighed. “An’ on top o’that, we have that thing to deal with.”

Seth tilted his head at that statement. ‘Is that the surprise that Rika mentioned? I wonder what the heck happened while I wasn’t here.’

“You first though,” Rika piped up. “We have one surprise mostly, you seem to have a bunch though. Like who this Zubatpony is.”

“The correct term is Thestral,” Midnight replied. “Only my friends get to refer to me like that.”

In a flash, the Sylveon was in her face, staring into her emerald eyes. “Ooh. Ooh! Can I be your friend Miss...uhh?” It was around then that everyone realised that Seth hadn’t introduced her yet.

“This is Midnight Song,” The Luxray smiled. “She’s my new partner apparently, as well as my liaison to the Royal Guard.”

“Yup!” the batpony beamed. “Ever since you Pokemon showed up, life has been so much less boring. So this should be a ton of fun!” She looked back at Rika and smiled. “And yes, I would love to be your friend.”

“Whoo! New friend!” Rika cheered as she pulled the bat into a bone-crushing hug. Midnight let out a groan as she could almost hear her ribs crack.

“Whelp, you’re doomed to that forever now,’ Seth chuckled as he sat on the couch next to Titania. “And how have you been Lady Titania?”

“Just Titania will be fine, at least in your case,” the noble fairy responded as she placed her teacup down. “And I have been well actually. I finished a few new designs and shipped some presents off to Roll and Shredder, you remember them yes?”

“...” Seth’s right eye gave a slight twitch and Titania smiled.

“Yes, you remember them more fondly than most then.” Titania smiled as she raised the teacup to her lips once more. “These new additions to the house are quite satisfactory. I even have an empty room to house some dressmaking equipment in.”

“That’s cool,” Seth smiled. “Maybe I should get you to make me an outfit sometime... I miss clothes.”

“Aw, and I thought you liked being a nudist~” Rika giggled and Seth facepawed.

“Well, I shall pencil up a few designs tonight then,” Titania stifled a giggle, but she still smiled at the Luxray’s embarrassment. Another little pink puffball made itself known, as Aster woke up from her nap.

“Ohhh, hey Unca Seth, you’re home?”

“Sure am,” Seth smiled, moving to pet the little Whismur. “Have you been a good girl for everyone?”

“Yuh-huh!” Aster nodded and giggled. “Have you found Mommy yet?”

Seth winced slightly. He’d been so busy since he got back, he’d forgotten to look for this ‘Zinnia’ person.

“No, not yet Aster, but do you wanna come with me tomorrow and we’ll keep looking?”

Aster’s smiled widened and she nodded. “Yeah! That sounds super awesome!”

“Okay, it’s a deal then,” Seth chuckled, giving the little Pokemon a hug. He looked up at Rika and smiled. “So what’s your surprise?” he asked the Sylveon. The fairy giggled and vanished from the room, but returned soon enough with a Pokemon Egg.

“Whoa! That’s a honkin’ big egg!” Midnight said as she looked at the blue and pink egg.

Seth on the other hand?

His fur had turned a significant shade whiter as he looked at it. And the striking colour resemblance that held to the one carrying it. But, they hadn’t...he never did...

“W-what?” he croaked out. “Rika...is that...?”

A sudden dilemma presented itself to the Fairy. One, she could roll with this, and say it was hers. Watch her beloved trainer and mate freak right the heck out. It would be hilarious.


“Don’t worry Sethy,” Rika re-assured him. “This isn’t my Egg. We haven’t even done that sort of thing yet. This one just appeared out of thin air. None of us know where it came from.”

Seth blinked as she let out a deep, long held breath. “Don’t...scare me like that,” he replied. “While the thought has crossed my mind. I don’t think I’m quite ready for that step.”

Well, be damned if that didn’t make Rika and Fritter’s hearts skip a beat. Seth had actually considered the idea of children?

“Still,” the Luxray said as he stepped closer to it. “I wonder where it came from?” His eyes flashed gold, wondering if he could see inside of it. But...

“Hmm, that’s odd. I can’t see through the shell for some reason. It just glows brightly for some reason.” Now that was interesting and he made a note to write that down later. He suddenly had another idea and looked at Fritter.

“Where did you put my bags?”

“In our bedroom,” Fritter replied and the Luxray ran upstairs, returning a few moments later with his Pokedex in his mouth. He sat back down in front of the Egg and opened the device. It pinged a few times before responding.

‘No data. Unable to scan’

“That’s odd, it normally identifies Eggs pretty easily.” Seth said with a small frown. But, his Pokedex had also been on the fritz lately. Especially in his trip to Las Pegasus. He had learned more than he needed to know on that trip.

“Well, guess we’ll just have to see when it hatches,” Rika said, keeping the Egg close to her to keep it warm. “I wonder what’s inside?”

Seth just shrugged as Fritter disappeared into the kitchen. She still had dinner to prepare, and Umbra moved to help her. The Luxray looked around and noticed that two of his teammates were missing. “Where’s Ignis and Selena?”

“Selly ran out a while ago,” Rika sat as she curled up on the run in front of their new fireplace. “Dunno where Iggy went. Probably to train or something.”

“Sounds like him,” Seth replied as he looked at his new partner. “Oh, Selena and Ignis are two more of my Pokemon. An Absol and a Charizard.” He opened his Pokedex again to show the Thestral the pokemon in question.

“Oh, cool,” Midnight said as she saw the pictures. “The dragon one, Charizard? He looks pretty tough.”

“Ignis prides himself on his strength,” Seth said as he closed the device. “My team consists of three Pokemon. First is Ignis, the vanguard. He’s the strongest member of my team and is trained to hit with overwhelming power. Selena is the rear guard. My teams can fight knowing that she’ll always have their backs.”

“And I’m the shield,” Rika chirped. “No-one will hurt my friends and my wall is unbreakable.”

“Really?” Midnight blinked. She was trained enough to never underestimate an opponent's strength, especially with these Pokemon. But still...”

“You think I can’t defend?” Rika said, surprisingly unfazed by the doubt. “Don’t worry, it’s rare that I get taken seriously. I play that to my strength as well.”

“I can attest to that,” Titania nodded grimly. That memory would never leave her. Gods, King would never let her live it down if he ever found out.

“Hmm, maybe we should spar sometime?” Midnight hummed thoughtfully. Then she sniffed and hummed a little more. “Ohh, something smells good~”

“That would be Fritter’s amazing cooking,” Seth said with a warm smile. “Any other food is forever ruined for me. Nothing compares to a Fritter Feast!”

“Darn tootin’!” Fritter called out, thankful she was in the kitchen where nopony could see her blush from all the praise. “It’ll be a few more minutes though.”

Rika had moved to the couch where she was nuzzling the egg in her ribbons. She looked up at her Luxray with a big smile. “So what’s your surprise? You haven’t stopped grinning since you got home...” She paused and pondered. “Did the Princess finally give you an airship?”

Seth turned his head and pouted. “No...” He really, really wanted one though. “But it’s just as good. I... found Mom, well, more like she found me but...”

Rika would’ve leapt off of the couch if she wasn’t caring for the egg. So she settled on beaming brighter than the sun and a mental promise to hug him later. “Really!? You found Kimmy?”

“Like I said, she found me when I was on my way home. She’s...not here right now. She went to find Becky. But, she said she’d be back.” Honestly, Seth was pretty damned happy tonight. He still wondered where Ignis and Selena were though.

“I can’t wait til they come back,” Rika giggled happily. “One big happy family right?”

“That would be pretty awesome,” Seth sighed as Fritter started bringing out dinner, Umbra floated out the rest using Psychic. Midnight Song looked at the food and she may or may not have started to drool slightly.

“Oh sweet Celestia that looks and smells amazing~” Midnight all but floated over. “Oh my dear Apple mare, you should forget Seth and marry me instead!”

“Ah, no.” Fritter deadpanned, but smiled at the batpony’s antics none-the-less. Seth sighed as he sat down at the table, next to his mare. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and lay her head on his shoulder. “So, y’all found yer Momma huh? She’s the one that gave you that scarf right?”

“Yeah,” he replied, looking at the garment tied around his leg. “I knew she’d be on Equus somewhere. I’m glad she found us though.” He took a deep breath as he breathed in Fritter’s scent. She smelled of apples, naturally. But other things as well. he couldn’t name them all, but he liked it all the same.

“You okay there Boss?” Midnight smirked from across the table. “Looking a little lost there.”

The Luxray and the mare blushed and looked away. “M’fine,” he muttered as he ate his pasta. Rika and Midnight giggled They were so hopelessly cute.

The moonlight bathed over the foals playground. Selena sat atop a large construct made for climbing on as she stared at the stars. She preferred the night lately, less Unicorns out and about after dark.

Unknown to her, she wasn’t alone, as out of sight, another figure was watching her from afar, a pair of piercing eyes watching with interest. The owner had seen this particular Absol around town lately, and each time the owner noticed, she seemed...troubled as hell for some reason.

Selena sighed as she looked back down. “What the hell am I even doing?” she muttered. “I’m better than this, stronger... so why?” Her claws bit into the steel frame of the play equipment. She suddenly flinched as she glared at the darkness that surrounded the park.

“Who’s there!?’ she called out. “Pick a fight with me and you’ll regret it!”

No answer came, as the eyes simply narrowed, before retreating slightly, yet still allowing the owner to see. Focusing a little, the owner remembered his Master’s training, allowing him to suppress his presence.

“Yeah. Thought so!” Selena smirked, before applying her paw to her face. “Yelling at shadows. Yep, way to prove you’re not going nuts Selly...”

The figure blinked a little in surprise. This ‘Selly’ was certainly unusual. A little different than most, but he decided he’d continue watching and see if she was actually going to go anywhere with this.

Selena frowned as she stared back up at the sky. She was still a little miffed over what Jeanne had said to her, plus all the other crap she was going through. It was hard.

“Idiot humans just don’t get it. How do they know what we Pokemon go through?” She flexed her limbs and leapt gracefully from one piece of equipment to the other, her limbs leaving a trail of sparkling pink light as she did. Well, she had promised Seth that she’d practice. At least now she wasn’t lying.

The figure’s eyes narrowed again. ‘Humans just don’t get it’? He’d heard that line too often for his taste, and he had to physically suppress a growl to keep his presence hidden.

“At least when they were still human, they hid their presumptuousness a little better,” Selena sighed. “Sometimes I wonder if Seth is the only one with a little common sense. Well, him and a few others...” She sighed again as she held the conversation with herself. “Jumping at shadows and talking with myself. Yep, I’m nuts. I’m going home, rutting my dragon and going to bed.”

The figure was...uncertain now. On one hand, he prefered not to pry, but on the other hand...he was...curious about this odd Absol. That and he wanted to get to the bottom of her statement, and if needs be, nip the problem in the bud. He’d seen enough going off that slope, and he’d be damned if he let another slip off. “You know, normally when people realize talking to themselves makes them sound crazy, they stop,” he said as he stepped out of his hiding spot. “But on the other hand, it sometimes can be therapeutic.”

She flinched and nearly fell from her perch. She glared at the intruder, but her expression softened somewhat. It was another Absol, a Pokemon she didn’t meet often at all.

“So I’m not crazy, someone was watching me!” she said cautiously, her claws were drawn as she continued to watch his movements. “Who are you?”

“I’ll admit it was sloppy of me to give myself away, even for a moment. My master has trained me better than that,” he chuckled. “As for a name...I was called a few things in the past...but nowadays I’m simply called Forte.”

The female Absol nodded, “Selena,” she replied. He had introduced himself, it was only good manners to respond in kind. “Well, nice to meet you. I think I’ll be going now.”

“Oh don’t be in such a hurry,” Forte mused, his eyes closed. “After all, I was just listening to you...moping I suppose,” his eyes opened, but were slightly narrowed. “I don’t care much for seeing another Dark-type do that.”

“Opinionated huh?” Selena scoffed, her own eyes narrowing. “And really, I could care less about my Type and how others think I should act. As it’s really none of your business is it?”

“Of course not. And normally I prefer to let others sort out their issues themselves,” he nodded, with a pleasant smile...then the glare returned. “I just dislike how defeatists our kind can be. Honestly, had you not said one line, just one line really, I would have let you leave no issues. Heck, you wouldn’t have even known I was here.”

This guy was already grating on her nerves. “What line was that?” she asked. Curiosity killed the Meowth after all.

“Idiot humans just don’t get it,” Forte simply said. “Oh how often I’d heard something along that lines when I was little. And I hated it every time,” he spat. “Honestly, I wonder if our kind ever considered that MAYBE that’s cause they don’t understand, and WE don’t make it any easier.”

Selena paused as she put the pieces together. Was he referring to her ‘Disaster Sense’? The precognitive ability all Absols were born with?

“I’m afraid you’re missing the context, but my opinion stands none-the-less,” Selena said. “Even on Earth, when I did try to help, I was always blamed because humans are frightened, close-minded things. Well, most of them anyway.”

“And what did you try to do to help? Now excuse me for speaking based on experience alone, but half of the blame for our...reputation, lays on our own shoulders. Humans are both stupid and smart. Absols generally appear before a disaster happens. Always just that. They stand there, staring at the places that will be hit by disasters, and nothing else. What else were humans supposed to think with that? What would you think if you kept seeing the same pony staring at you right before something bad happens, and you have no idea why those things happen?” Forte stamped his foot.

“One, I’d be smart enough to put two and two together,” Selena said. “But, I also see your point as well. And perhaps, just maybe I’d be a little more inclined to save the village I was near. If they hadn’t—” She paused, almost saying something she’d know she’d regret.

“Doesn’t matter, it’s the past and it’ll stay there.” Selena said quietly. “Besides, my ‘Sense’ was never that good anyhow. Could only predict it by a few minutes, maybe half an hour if it was a good day.”

“Even that would have made a difference. Even a few moments could have changed things, and on top of that, it's also important what you do AFTER the disaster hit. If an Earthquake was happening, I helped the people in that town. I can proudly say I personally saved a few lives myself. Sure some idiots still tried to pin the blame on me, but others defended me. Sure they still thought I might have heralded it happening, but actions spoke louder than words,” Forte stated.

“Of course they would, our words made no sense to humans,’ Selena said. “But as I said, that’s in the past now. I don’t predict disaster now, trying to keep my own Trainer from falling into them constantly is work enough.”

“Oh I know that much. My master is...was quite a handful in his youth. Him having a child was one of the best things that happened for my nerves,” Forte chuckled. “My problem is the past is clearly not what’s eating at you. My master taught me many things, and one such thing was how to read people, humans or mon,” Forte pressed on. “And I can tell when someone is letting something get to them. You don’t monologue, say you’re going crazy, then monologue again if something is not eating away at you,” he chuckled slightly at that one. That was amusing.

“Oh great, you heard that?” Selena blushed slightly. She wished she was crazy now, just so she had an excuse. “Whatever, like I said, it’s none of your business and you couldn’t help even if it was.”

“Heh. That kind of attitude is why I left my pack...after I slapped the Elder with an Iron Tail,” Forte mused, his voice hardening, and before she could react, he was suddenly in her face. “One thing I absolutely loath about our kind is that defeatist attitude. You shut out possibilities and dismiss chances to help. Well here’s one thing I learned. When you think that way, you make it so that it's the world against you. Guess who always wins, and who ends up a mental wreck later. Keep this up and you’ll be no better than the pack I left. Merely existing, and not living.”

“I live just fine!” Selena snapped. This guy was no better than the nosy Bellossom. Fine, he wanted to play? Then let’s play!

“So then tell me,” she said, stepping closer until her horn locked with his. “How would you handle waking in a strange new world, getting brainwashed by a Unicorn that had a creepy, perverse interest in you, having same Unicorn make you attack and try to kill your own family! Then, after all is said and done, find out your brother figure has a crush on you, start dating him and oh, what am I forgetting? Ah, yes, the crippling fear of magic I now have!?!”

Forte blinked. So that was the problem. Certainly, she had good reason, but he didn’t once waver. “Rise above it.”

Selena paused, stepped back like he’d grown a second head and blinked. “What?” she said in a low tone. “Say that again...”

“I said, rise above it,” Forte glared. “So bad things happen? Well welcome to life. You don’t think I haven’t had bad things happen? Here’s a little secret. I’m NOT like most Absols. I don’t just predict the future. I SEE it. When I left my pack, I didn’t immediately find my master. No, I traveled by myself, doing what I felt was right...and got plenty of trouble for it too,” he growled. “You have any idea how many humans either wanted to see how they could use my abilities for profit, or how many immoral scientists wanted to cut me open and see why I was different? Too many to count!” he growled, his fur standing up...then he calmed down. “But I didn’t let it bog me down. There’s this nice little human saying I like. ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. Instead of bemoaning what already happened, I made the best of what I got. I continued to help people where I could, and continued to evade the bad humans as much as possible. And above all, I never lost hope or faith in what I was doing.”

“So life sucked for both of us,” Selena said, her outburst had calmed her a little. And he had a precognitive ability like a Gardevoir, or maybe a Xatu? Yeah, she could picture humans wanting a piece of that. “But ‘rise above it’? Easier said than done. Perhaps when I’m not exhausted from the constant nightmares, or running all over the damned country dealing with petty human problems and maybe if someone would leave me be for five damned minutes!”

Great, now she was pissed off again.

“Or you could think of it another way instead of with that Arceus-damned pessimism,” Forte snorted. “Nightmares? Been there, done that. I didn’t evade forever ya know. I DID get caught eventually, and I near damn well ended up a lab Rattata if it weren’t for my master. Who he is, I will not say, but after that incident, I had nightmares of the kind of things that might have happened to me...still have nightmares of being cut open alive too…” he shuddered at that one. “But here’s something else my master taught me. He simply asked me, ‘What was I going to do about it?’” he smiled. “He taught me that you can’t change what already has happened, but you CAN prepare for in case it happens again,” he stated, before walking around her.

“So you’re afraid of being controlled? Well what are you going to do if you run into someone with those abilities again? Here’s a hint. Cowering from that fear and bemoaning it is not going to help. So you’re afraid of magic now? Well how are you gonna FACE that fear? Here’s another hint. Blaming it on ponies who had nothing to do with it won’t do you any good either. In this world, Magic is EVERYWHERE,” Forte stated.

“I am aware of that,” she said through gritted teeth. “DO you have any idea how hard it is just to step out of the door each day? I am thankful Seth fell for an Earth Pony instead of a Unicorn.” She looked back at the sky and her body shuddered. “I don’t blame other ponies, simply because they can use magic. My fear is irrational and I know that. But I also can’t help how I feel. The world isn’t so black and white, not everything has such a clear label.” She looked back at him, her crimson eyes staring at him.

Forte for his part was trying to hold back his laughter at the irony of her statement. “Oh I know alright. The world most definitely ISN’T black and white,” Forte said, holding back a chuckle. “My master was easily one of the largest gray areas there ever was. However, the thing about fears and phobias. You don’t cure them by running away. Like I said before, what are you going to do if you ever met that Unicorn, or even someone like him again?” he prodded.

That was the question wasn’t it? What would she do? Would she run away as far as she could? Or would she simply remove his head from his shoulders?

She closed her eyes, and a curious image came to her. It wasn’t either scenario that was laid out before her. Her friends, her precious family was there as well. Not cowering away, but standing strong next to her.

Perhaps it was a trick of the moonlight, perhaps something else. But for a moment that even an eyeblink would consider short, her white coat seemed to shine.

“Maybe... I do have an answer...” She shook her head and the moment vanished. Opening her eyes, she looked at the male Absol.

“Heh, you make a pretty decent pep talker. Thanks... I guess.”

“My pleasure. But before I go, here is one last thing my Master taught me. You can’t change what you are, or how you are born...but you can change your destiny. Destiny is your choice, and you have the power to decide how you will view your life. I left my pack because I couldn’t stomach them bemoaning the ‘fate’ of all Absols,” he actually spat to the side at that last part. “What I do with my life and how I go from here are my choice. Even when things are hard, you have the choice to decide if you will let them affect you or not. The only true losers in this world, are those who give up on that choice,” Forte finished, before he jumped up and disappeared into the night. “Don’t forget that, Selena.”

“Perhaps you have a point after all,” she said with a smile as he vanished. Well, enough of sitting around here talking with Absols that may or may not have been imaginary. She had to have a little chat with her family...

Ignis was bored. He’d been just flying aimlessly around the city after Selena had demanded some alone time. He let out a deep sigh as he took roost near the Sundial. He just wished that she’d open up and talk to him.

“Well this is an unusual sight,” a voice said, an old and very familiar voice. Ignis turned his head and looked up, to see a figure sitting atop the crystal sundial. “Never seen you so mopey before. What happened, lose a fight?”

“Haven’t seen you in years and that’s how you greet someone?” he chuckled as the Golduck jumped from the dial, landing near the Charizard. The two shared a fistbump as he sat next to Ignis.

“You haven’t seen me, but I’ve been watching you little brother,” the Golduck said with a wink. “That was an impressive fight with Diantha’s Tyrantrum. Though he was hardly firing on all cylinders.”

“Yeah, that was a pretty hollow victory. Just glad he’s doing better now,” Ignis sighed. “So what about you Drake? I can’t imagine this move has been good for your movie career.”

“Well, movies still exist, so I figure I can make my debut here soon enough.” Drake smiled as he fist-pumped the air. “Equestria has yet to behold the greatness of Darklight Duck!”

“Well, I’ll look forward to it then,” Ignis said, his smile was genuine, but was hardly wide. Drake frowned as he looked at him.

“Okay, so what’s eating you?” he asked. “You’d have normally challenged me to a fight by now. Getting mellow in your old age little brother?”

“No,” Ignis said, slumping his shoulders. “Just...worried about Selena is all. She hasn’t been herself lately.”


“Oh yeah, you left Seth’s team before she showed up.” Ignis smiled fondly as he thought about his mate. “She’s a cute little Absol that joined up with Seth a few years back. She’s also my mate.”

“Oh? You finally got a mate?” Drake quirked an eyebrow, well, if he had them anyway. “And here I thought you’d wind up with Rika. Seems I’m a little behind on the times. Anything else happen? Is Seth still with Elesa?”

Ignis shook his head. “No, they broke that off a while ago. It was mutual...but Seth took it pretty hard. We stopped our journey for over a month actually. They’re better now, still friends. And Seth has someone else...well, someones.” He smirked at that last part, and that smirk grew when he saw Drake’s expression.


“Let’s just say Rika finally got her wish,” he grinned. “And Seth went local to boot. He’s in a relationship with both Rika and a pony named Apple Fritter.”

“Well now, isn’t that interesting.” Drake tapped his chin and hummed. “Who would have thought that Seth had it in him.”

“Yeah, I think he’s still getting used to the idea.” Ignis replied as he stood up. “And you’re right, I think I will challenge you. Ready to be beat?”

Drake chuckled as he got up. “Well, first time for everything I suppose.” He clicked fingers as clouds gathered and the rain started to pour. Ignis had no time to react as Drake was in front of him almost instantly, his webbed hands against the Charizard’s chest.

“Water Sphere!” Rather than the usual, a ball of water that could confuse a foe, this variant exploded from his hands, sending the Charizard tumbling across the ground. Drake sighed as he watched the Charizard get back to his feet.

“Come now Ignis, not even thirty seconds in and you're losing?”

The rain stopped as the sun started to shine brighter. Drake smirked, seems he had a new trick or two.

“Solar Beam!” Ignis roared and fired it at Drake, the Golduck narrow diving to one side to avoid the searing blast of solar energy.

“Not bad, though your aim could use a little work,” Drake got to his feet as the rain started again. This was becoming a battle of weather as he closed the gap once more, his Swift Swim ability boosting him to ridiculous levels. He extended one hand as a faint mist begun to pour from it.

“Freezing fist of Justice!” he called out dramatically as the Ice Punch slammed into Ignis’ chest. The dragon winced as the attack begun to freeze him up, until the whole dragon was encased in ice.

“And so it is done,” Drake nodded as he turned and started to walk away. Only as the ice sculpture hissed and melted away, flames roaring from Ignis’ mouth. Drake quirked an eyebrow again and grinned. Oh, he’d gotten a little better.

“I am nowhere near done!” Ignis said, his wings flaring as Drake prepped another Water Pulse. This fight should prove to be a little interesting...

After dinner, Seth had talked a little more with Midnight before the Thestral had to leave. It was starting to get late and she was stuck on the dawn shift. Aster was being looked after by Umbra and Titania, and the Luxray was content to curl up on the rug by their new fireplace. His tail flicked lazily as Fritter lay across him, giggling lightly as she buried her muzzle in his thick fur.

“Hee, you smell nice,” she murmured. Seth chuckled as she nuzzled him and he returned the affection. Umbra had agreed to watch the egg, so Rika was free to pounce on her kitty, giggling madly as she did. Seth let out a winded gasp as the Sylveon landed on him, but quickly recovered and hugged the Fairy tightly.

“Two more days,” Rika smiled, burying herself into his fur as well. “Then we’ll finally get to go to another Contest! Eeeeeeee! I’m so excited!”

“My eardrums,” Seth winced, rubbing an ear from the aftereffects of the sudden squeal. “Not so much. But yeah, it’ll be fun to participate again.” he took a deep breath and exhaled. “I just hope it goes alright.”

“Course it will,” Rika nodded. “A lot of people and Pokemon are prolly really excited for this. So I think it’s gonna turn out awesome!”

Seth was about to respond, when the front door opened and Selena and Ignis walked in, the latter covered in minor injuries. Seth raised an eyebrow at Ignis as the dragon sat nearby and used Roost to heal up.

“Do I even have to ask?” the Luxray mused and Ignis shook his head.

“No, you really shouldn’t,” he replied, the last thing Seth needed to know that that Ignis got his ass kicked. “So what’s got you so happy? Aside from being covered in pretty girls?”

“Well, that,” Seth chuckled as Fritter and Rika blushed. “But I also bumped into Mom, she’s gone for now, but she should be back in a few days.”

Selena and Ignis looked at one another in surprise. Now that was a good piece of news. The Absol took a breath and decided that now was as good a time as any...

“Can... I ask you guys something?” she said quietly, so quiet that only Seth and Ignis actually heard her.

“What’s up?” Seth asked his Pokemon. Selena paused, flinching when Ignis placed a hand on her back, stroking her fur gently. She took another deep breath and exhaled.

“For...a while now, I’ve...had this fear, of magic,” she said slowly. Seth and Ignis shared a look, but remained silent, letting her speak.

“It’s been getting worse, I can’t sleep, I don’t feel like eating much. It’s making me feel violent, irritable. I know that I’ve been taking it out on you guys, and that’s not fair to you.”

That was when she found herself in the centre of a group hug, as Seth, Rika and Ignis cuddled the Absol.

“Don’t worry about any of that,” Seth said, petting her head. “And we’ll always be right here to help you okay, Just ask us what you want us to do.”

“I...don’t know,” Selena said. She’d finally admitted that she had a problem...but she had no idea on how to fix it.

“Well, not to worry, we can do this!” Rika giggled, hugging her sister. Selena nodded, returning the embrace.

Eventually the time to go to bed rolled around, and Seth finally got a decent look at his new bedroom. It was absolutely massive. It was larger than the living room and the bed could have fit around five of him on it easy. His herd wouldn’t have to worry about cramped sleeping spaces now.

“Ohh, this is gonna be sweet,” Rika giggled as she bounced on the bed. “Is it wrong to be excited to sleep?”

“Yer a funny little thing sometimes,” Fritter chuckled as she stepped into the adjoined bathroom to wash her face. “But ah can see yer point.”

Seth nodded as he stretched his legs. It was nice to be home again after so long. And so much had happened during those days, he could finally relax a spell.

Fritter returned and climbed up onto the bed as well, snuggling Rika and giggling. Seth rolled his eyes, he probably wouldn’t get much sleep tonight if these two kept it up.

Actually, there was a thought. His two girls looked up as he closed the door and twisted the small knob, locking it.

“Sethy? What are you doing?” Rika pondered as the Luxray turned, and the look in his eye sent a pleasurable shiver up her spine.

“Oh, not much,” he said, stepping closer to them. “Just thinking. We have this nice, new bed that can easily fit all of us yeah?”

“Ah reckon it might,” Apple Fritter chuckled, wondering where this silly cat was going with this.

“Well,” the Luxray purred as he stepped up onto the bed, “Why don’t we...break it in?”

“S-Sethy,” Rika blushed. “Do you...realise how that sounds?”

“Mhmm,” Seth said as he nuzzled the little fairy, only serving to deepen her blush. “I know exactly how it sounds.”

“You mean...you wanna—?” Fritter was fighting her own blush, and failing spectacularly.

“I’ve already said how much I love you girls,” Seth said, pulling the mare close to him. “But, that’s only if you want to of course.”

Fritter and Rika looked at one another, as a small smile crossed their muzzles. The fairy extinguished the lights as the mare pounced on him~

The night sky was barely visible above the bright lights of Las Pegasus. Even so, a lithe Dragonite stared at the apartment building that some pony had said they’d seen Aster. The front of the building had a security camera, so she flew up to the roof, surprised to see it completely unguarded.

“Hmm, seems they’re not so bright after all,” Zinnia mused. Though, the door seemed to be a little too small for her form. So with a flash of blue light, a smiling human girl stood in her place, her tattered green cloak hiding most of her form.

“Okay, now let’s see,” she mused as she picked the lock and opened the door carefully. The halls were darkened, lit mostly by low-level lights. She crept slowly along, listening for anyone or anything.

“Wobbuffet,” She heard from in front of her.

“Honestly, why you continue to not talk confuses me,” a male voice said. “But if you mean to say that I should check the roof—”


“—Then I will proceed with all haste. Don’t want another swarm of insects getting too uppity.”

Zinnia flinched, that voice sounded...familiar somehow. She glowed again, and an inconspicuous Goomy was now stuck in a corner of the ceiling. Could they possibly be here of all places? A Roserade walked by beneath her before heading for the stairs, muttering something about Ledyba. Zinnia breathed a sigh of relief as she reverted to her human form and dropped back down to the floor.

“Well that was close...not,” she gigged as she turned...and tried not to scream in surprise.

“Wob. Buf. Fet!” The blue form in front of her said, emanating an aura of anger unusual to his species.

She blinked before breathing a sigh of relief. “Oh, it’s just a Wobbuffet, and here I thought it’d be an actual threat... strange that you cannot talk though. Are you broken?”

I am a psychic for a reason, you scoundrel. And visiting hours are well and truly over! Begone lest I eject you! The psychic voice from in front of her channelled all of the anger that boneless blue blob felt.

“Cute, but Wobbuffet have no offensive moves, so unless I attack you, you’re little better than a decoration,” Zinnia smirked, folding her arms. “Besides, I’m not here to start a fight. I’m just here to find someone.”

You would be better served coming back in the morning and inquiring with the Nurem family; they’re the co-owners and the ones that deal with the Pokemon side of things. The Wobbuffet had calmed down considerably, though he still looked ready to shuffle into her way to try and block her.

“Just tell me if a Whismur by the name of Aster is here,” Zinnia said, her crimson eyes staring into the Psychic’s. He seemed to let out a hum before shaking his whole form.

I picked up on that mental signature not long ago, but she left just as soon as she arrived. With Mr. Crescent, I believe.

“Crescent?” she tilted her head and blinked. “Who the hell is that?”

A good friend of Vincent, the blob replied, before smiling. Someone you should meet in the morning. You can ask him then as to who took Aster and where. He’s a kind boy, for all he’s been through. He’ll likely tell you for the asking.

“I do not have to time for that!” Zinnia yelled, slamming her fist into the wall. “Tell me where this Crescent is. NOW!”

“Temper,” the Wobbuffet chided her. “You don’t want to wake the tenants. One of them is a Gabite with more anger issues than you, miss. The others are similarly strong, and they won’t take well to you damaging their property...or being here in the first place. I would merely escort you off...they would eject you. Forcibly.”

Zinnia clenched her fists as she glared at the Pokemon. “Please. The longer I wait, the more she’ll worry. Tell me where my Aster is.”

“...For all that I wish I could, I cannot. I am not the strongest psychic, nor did I scan Mr. Crescent when he was here. And the ones that do know? Vincent shields them subconsciously, to ensure his excess of power never builds to harmful levels. He will not permit his family to be...used against him, ever again. I am sorry, but please, return in the morning. They will be up and willing to talk to you.” The psychic blob looked suitably sad at his inability to aid her.

Zinnia scowled, but this Pokemon appeared to be telling the truth. “I will return at first light and this ‘Vincent’ will tell me what I need to know. Be sure to tell him I’ll be coming.” With a twirl of her cape, the human vanished from sight, leaving the Wobbuffet alone in the hall.

The sun was barely peeking over the horizon when a sound coming from Vincent Nurem’s kitchen alerted that someone was already up and about. The Kadabra leaned over to kiss Lucy before he yawned, stretched, and made his way to the kitchen for his morning cup of coffee.

Only to find a sight he never expected to see in this world.

A human girl sat at the kitchen table, her cloak draped over the chair as her tight clothing showed off her slender, but well-proportioned form. She sipped at the drink and sighed contently until she noticed the Kadabra standing there.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” she replied with a cheeky wink.

“You’re not my type, nor did I think there were any humans left,” the psychic replied before ambling over to the pot. “Oh, thanks for leaving some. Saves me the wait.”

“So,” she mused as he poured the drink. “Are you Vincent?”

“I am indeed,” he replied before adding the cream and sugar. “Who’s asking?”

The girl placed her mug on the table and folded her arms. “My name is Zinnia. And I want to know where my Aster and this ‘Crescent’ individual are.”

“...By now, they’re in Canterlot,” the Kadabra replied sadly. “We looked for you, but you weren’t here. I am ever so sorry, if I knew you would be here so soon, I would have asked to watch over the little dear until you arrived.”

Zinnia frowned. She stood up and gave the Kadabra a curt nod. “Thank you for the information, perhaps if that Wobbuffet had said so last night, I could be there already.” She grabbed her cloak and headed for the door.

“Miss, do take care. They’re all good friends of mine, and I would rather they not take your rather...direct attitude the wrong way. I at least know the story, but Seth’s friends and partners might not.” Vincent sipped at his coffee and sighed at the taste.

“If he has hurt my Aster, then I’ll see to it that he ceases to exist!” Zinnia said with a fierce glare. “But...so long as she is safe.”

“If I know Seth, she’ll be having a fine time while waiting for you. And do try not to threaten him again. I consider him a friend, and I fight for my friends.” The Kadabra suddenly seemed a lot less friendly.

“We’ll see,” she replied as she turned to face him, and the Kadabra noticed the brace wrapped around her leg, filled with about a half-dozen Keystones.

“My word. If I didn’t have my own already, I might be tempted to ask you for one,” the Psychic ‘mon commented. “Which reminds me, I still need to get that stone cut and set...”

Zinnia paused, “You...have a keystone?”

“Seth gave me one, along with a Lucarionite. Lucy and I have yet to use them, our lives have been so hectic lately.”

Zinna gave him a hard stare. So she’d located another one. Still, he’d given her valuable information, so she’d let him keep it. For now anyway...

“I’ll be going now, but you and I will meet again Mr. Vincent.”

“Perhaps. Life is strange. Who knows when two drifters down the river may meet again?” He finally emptied his cup and floated it over to the sink without turning his head. “Do take care, Miss Zinnia. I hope you find Aster and the rest of your partners safely.”

Zinnia nodded as she opened the window, the one she’d used to break in in the first place. “You as well, you’ll need it Mr. Vincent.” And with that, she fell backwards out of the window and vanished from sight, before a Dragonite wearing her cloak could been seen flying off in the distance.

Vincent sighed as he went back towards his bedroom. Seems he’d met yet another troublesome person...

Author's Note:

Whoo! An update!

Not too much happens, but look. Loook at all the characters!!! And before I ask, Forte isn't mine, he belongs to someone else who has opted to remain anonymous for now~

And Zinnia, she seems to have a few neat tricks huh? I'm having fun writing her. Anyway, the next chapter is about half done, so it won't be too far away. But I will warn you know, it has Abby and Kasai in it. So expect the sex jokes to come hard and fast...


....I'll be going now.

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