• Published 16th May 2014
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A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Twenty Two

It had been an amusing day for Apple Fritter. She had gone to the real estate offices to look into purchasing the land next to hers for the extension, and like the rest of Canterlot’s snooty elite, had looked down at her because of her rural origins.

“Didja see the look on their faces when ah flashed that check?” Fritter laughed. “Ah reckon their eyes dang near fell outta their heads.”

“It was pretty funny,” Rika giggled. “And I can’t believe you haggled a discount like that. You made it look so easy.”

“When y’all wanna ride the bull, ya gotta take the horns!” Fritter said. She’d dealt with their type before when she first moved to Canterlot and if it wasn’t for Applejack helping her out, those Diamond Dogs disguised as ponies would have taken the mare for every Bit she owned.

As the pair returned home a little around noon, Seth was already waiting for them. After an exchange of hugs, he’d explained how Heath and Diantha were doing as well as what happened with Titania and Miss Polomare. In return, he asked the pair how it had gone with the real estate agents.

“It went well,” Apple Fritter responded. “The paperwork will take a few days to draw up and then ah gotta sign them whatnot… Ah went through the same thing when ah bought this place.” She poured herself some tea and sat on the couch. “It should take about two or three weeks before we can actually do anything with the property.”

“Well that’s good, I think the next week or so will be pretty hectic,” Seth replied.

“And another thing,” Fritter added with a sip of her drink. “Ah added all of yer names to the deed, so we all own it… not jus’ me.”

Seth was shocked, “R-really!? You didn’t have to do that Fritter.”

“But ah did,” she said adamantly. “Ya’ll are mah family now-” She didn’t get to finish her sentence as Seth hugged her, pulling her into his fluffy embrace.

“Seriously, what did I ever do to deserve somepony like you,” he whispered.

“Ah could say the same,” Fritter smiled, leaning into the hug. “Both you and Rika… ah couldn’t ask fer anyone better.”

The two were suddenly tackled out of nowhere as Rika had walked into the room, saw her beloveds hugging and decided that she wanted in as well.

Selena walked in to see the cuddlefest and just shrugged, it was most likely going to be a daily occurrence around here from now on. Seth noted the Absol’s entrance and broke away from the hug.

“Selena? Good timing. I was actually about to go looking for you.”

“What for?” she responded. “You want to hug me as well?”

“Well hugs from my Pokémon are never unwanted,” Seth smiled. “But no, I was actually wondering if you wanted to come to the castle with me?”

Selena blinked, “Huh? Why do you want me to come?”

“Because moping around the house won’t do you any good, so quit complaining and get your butt in gear.” Seth gave Fritter and Rika peck on the cheek and dragged a protesting Selena out of the door. Rika tilted her head and looked at her marefriend.

“Um, what the heck was that about?”

“Ah have no idea,” Fritter replied, equally confused.


Selena marched behind Seth, a small scowl on her face. She knew that Ignis would have put him up to this and Seth was always happy to meddle in everyone else’s affairs. He really was sweet and caring, but it did get a little annoying when Selena just wanted to be left alone.

She suddenly yelped when the ground shook, a small earthquake rumbled throughout the city, causing quite a panic amongst its residents.

“Well, I’m guessing that an earthquake in a mountainside city isn’t a good thing.” Selena glanced at Seth, who was looking around himself.

“Well that was a tad unsettling,” Seth said. “What do you suppose that was?”

“I have no idea, could have been any number of Rock or Ground types in the mountain,” Selena replied, her previous frustrations taking a backseat in her mind. “Maybe a visit to the castle might not be such a bad idea?”

Seth nodded and the two Pokémon hastened their journey.

At the castle, Solar Guard were running about all over the place. It would seem that the earthquake was a serious event and Seth winced as a Unicorn mare ran straight into him, sending the papers she was levitating scattering over the hallway.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” she apologised as she tried to pick herself up. Seth offered a paw and she accepted. The mare had a pristine white coat and a chocolate-coloured mane and tail, both done up in a bun. She wore a pair of thick-framed black glasses and a white collar with a ruffled red ribbon.

“It seems that the tremor has everyone a bit startled,” Seth pointed out as the mare nodded.

“In all my years, I’ve never felt an earthquake here in Canterlot,” she replied. Her horn lit up with a pink hue as he gathered her papers, sorting them back into a neat stack. “My apologies for running into you Mr…”

“Seth Crescent,” the Luxray introduced himself. “And this is my partner Selena.”

“A pleasure, my name is Raven, personal aide to Princess Celestia…” her eyes widened as she realised who Seth was. “Oh! You’re that Seth Crescent, the one who helped apprehend that terrible criminal.”

“That’s me,” Seth confirmed. “Might you know where Mr. Grissom is? I have to talk to him about something.”

“Hmm, he may be hiding in his office or meeting with the Princess,” she replied. With all the delegates due to arrive in two days… The arrival of the Pokémon, a criminal mastermind and the first Royal Summit in years all happening within two weeks, well it would have done in a regular pony. But having been Celestia’s trusted aide for so long, Raven was far from a normal mare and today was just another stress-filled day.

“I am headed to the throne room myself, why don’t you and Miss Selena come with me?” Raven offered, Seth gladly accepting. He had only been to the Castle a few times and still didn’t know his way around.

During their walk, Raven asked few questions about what Seth had actually done during the whole ‘Control Incident’ is it had been dubbed. It would seem that a significant portion of the details had been quashed, as bad publicity would have been exactly that.

Once the trio had arrived, the two Solar Guard standing at the massive throne room doors opened them. And once they were inside, Seth found that Grissom was indeed there, talking with both Princess Celestia and another Alicorn. She was slightly smaller than Celestia and had a dark blue coat. Her mane shimmered like the night sky as her teal eyes instantly fell on the large Luxray as he drew closer to the three.

“Ah, I wasn’t expecting you so soon,” Grissom said. “And I take it that you felt that little rumble earlier as well?”

“A bit hard not to,” Seth replied. He turned to the solar Alicorn and bowed his head respectfully. “Good afternoon Princess Celestia.”

“A good afternoon to you as well Mr. Crescent,” Celestia smiled. “Oh and might I introduce my little sister? This is Princess Luna. Luna, this is Seth Crescent, the Pokémon we were just discussing.”

The Alicorn stepped forward, her steely gaze never leaving Seth’s. “GOOD DAY TO YOU LORD CRESCENT!” Her voice shook the room as Seth yelped, covering his sensitive hearing as his ears rung. Even Selena had backed away, thanking Arceus that fur covered her own ears.

Luna gasped and put a hoof to her mouth, “Oh! We art terribly sorry about Our outburst. We hath gone to great lengths to not use the Royal Canterlot Voice like that, but t’would appear that old habits die hard.”

“Aahh, it’s no problem,” Seth winced, rubbing his ringing ears. A small smile crossed his face when Luna spoke, her accent and way of talking was really cute.

“My sister is rather stuck in her ways, but she is learning,” Celestia giggled. “And as I said, we were just discussing you Seth, or rather, the offer made by Captain Grissom here.”

“About joining the Guard?” Selena interjected. “Why do you want him to do that?”

“Not just him,” Celestia said. “I would like his precious partners to assist him as well. From what I hear, the four of you make quite the team.”

“Well,” Selena blushed slightly at the compliment. “We’ve been together for a long time, so that’s to be expected.”

“So have you given it some thought?” Grissom asked.

“I have,” Seth nodded. “Honestly, I’m still wondering why you chose me. I’m not really qualified for this sort of thing and I’m sure recruiting an Officer Jenny or a former Ranger would be a much better choice…”

“Allow me to interrupt,” Celestia spoke. “I am aware of the Pokemon Rangers, as well as members of your worlds law enforcement. I have yet to be approached by them, but that will probably happen sooner or later. As for recruiting an officer from your world, while they have law enforcement experience, they do not know the laws of Equus. They would have to unlearn what they have learned so to speak… but you…”

“I have no such training, so learning the laws here would be easier for me,” Seth finished and Celestia smiled and nodded.

“He does learn quickly,” Luna noted and looked at Grissom. “I second the vote for this request, Captain.”

“So Seth Crescent?” Celestia asked. “What do you say?”

“Ever since I arrived here in Equus, I’ve been at a loss as to what I should do with my life.” Seth’s brow creased a little as he frowned. “While things keep happening, I still don’t know what I’ll do… but this? Working for the Royal Guard? Well, that certainly wasn’t on my agenda.”

Grissom’s expression turned to one of disappointment. “So that means you won’t-” Seth raised a paw to cut off the stallion.

“While it was something I never considered, it’s a rather enticing offer.” Seth smiled broadly. “So yes, I’ll gladly accept. I may not succeed, but I’ll certainly try my best.”

Grissom put a hoof to his chest, “Just cut the theatrics next time,” he sighed. He let out a whistle as a skinny Pegasus zipped into the room and in one swift motion, measured Seth up and down with a tape measure before leaving just as quickly.

“Okay… that was strange,” Seth said, bewildered.

“Just getting you fitted for your uniform,” Grissom said. “I’d say this is quite the occasion, the first in Equus to have Pokémon in their Guards ranks.”

“Actually…” Celestia said. “Both the Crystal Empire and Griffin Empire have Pokémon in their military. Mostly the Griffins anyway, my niece has one as an advisor.”

“Well…” Grissom deflated somewhat. “It’s still something that should warrant celebration, but it’ll have to wait I’m afraid.”

Raven, who had been rather quiet the whole time, stepped forward with the stack of paperwork she held in her magical grip.

“This report indicate that the tremor we felt definitely came from the Crystal Caves, and if they continue to happen…”

“The Canterlot could face irreparable damage,” Celestia finished.

“Selena and I think that a Pokémon may be involved,” Seth spoke up. “There are quite a few that tunnel underground and could quite easily cause an earthquake…”

Selena suddenly shuddered, “Everyone hold on to something!” she shouted and a few seconds later, the room shook with a tremor, one more powerful than last time. Luna took to the air as everypony else grabbed the nearest objects, Celestia grabbed her throne as everyone else grabbed Celestia!

After a moment or two, the shaking stopped as everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Celestia blinked as her eyes narrowed.

“Who’s touching my flank?”

Raven, Seth, Selena and Grissom all let go at the same time, blushing profusely as Luna let a small giggle escape her lips.

“This appears to be getting worse, and we can’t have delegate turn up to a city no longer attached to the mountain.” Celestia looked to Grissom, “I want you to contact Captain Adamant Shield and Captain Swift Strike immediately. If the worst comes to pass, then we’ll need to evacuate Canterlot as quickly possible.”

“Yes Highness!” Grissom saluted and ran from the room, Celestia turned to Seth and nodded.

“I hate to ask this of you so suddenly, but if a Pokémon is truly behind this, then you are the closest one we can turn to right now.”

Seth frowned, “What about Mewtwo? Isn’t he still at the castle…?” Seth trailed off as Celestia fell rather silent and she shook her head.

“I’m afraid that something has come up, and Mewtwo won’t be available for a while. Do you have anyone else you can ask for assistance? I will provide whatever you need.”

“If it really is the actions of a Ground or Rock type Pokémon, a Water or Grass would be useful, wish I had Drake still…” Seth though for a moment, none of his Pokémon even knew Grass moves aside from Ignis, and he’d be no good inside a cave.

“Fighting in tight spaces is my specialty,” Selena said. “And though I don’t have moves that are effective against Rock-types, I can penetrate their defences more easily with my Special Ability. We should be plenty to deal with this.”

“Are you sure?” Seth asked worriedly. “Especially since you’ve been-”

“It’ll be fine!” Selena snapped suddenly. She knew it, that stupid, loud-mouthed dragon had blabbed about her nightmares. “Let’s just get done before the city decides to take the express elevator down.”

“Are you certain you will be fine?” Luna spoke. “We shall lend you any aid you require.”

“We’ll be just grand!” Selena replied and stormed out of the room. Seth watched her leave and then looked at his paw, wishing he had fingers to count.

“Three, two… one,” Selena came back into the room, but refused to meet anyone’s gaze.

“Well? I have no idea where this bloody cave is!”

“And there we have it,” Seth chuckled. “I think we should be alright, but send a message to our home for Ignis and Rika. If we run into trouble, then their help would not go unwanted.”

“I’ll send our fastest Pegasus,” Celestia nodded. “You’ll find an entrance to the mines near Canterlot Falls… Luck be with you, Seth and Selena.”

“I have Super Luck, should be a cake-walk,” Selena huffed. “Now let’s go.”


The walk to the cave was painfully silent. Seth tried asking what that was all about back at the castle, but Selena refused to answer.

“Did you really need to snap at the Princess like that?” Seth sighed.

“Well then maybe she shouldn’t have said that we couldn’t do a simple job like this!?” Selena finally snapped. “Ignis, me and Rika. It only took the three of us to reach the Pokémon League Championships and if it wasn’t for those pinheaded idiots in charge kicking us out, we would’ve won the whole fucking thing!”

Seth’s eyes went wide. He had a feeling that his Pokémon had been upset about that, and it was all his fault too… but he never knew just how mad they were.

“I’m sorry Selena, I-I know that I let you all down…” Selena swore internally and put her paw to her face.

“No, that came out wrong… look. I don’t understand all this magic nonsense, Unicorns, Pegasi, everything about this world seems to revolve around it and I just don’t get it. But this here is a Pokémon problem, and those high and mighty princesses don’t trust us to deal with it… It just pisses me off you know.”

“Were here aren’t we?” Seth argued. “They would not have told us where to go if they didn’t trust us to deal with the problem right?” Seth walked next to her, nuzzling her lightly. “What really going on Selly?”

Selena swore under her breath, why her trainer had to be so damned perceptive was beyond her.

“It’s… look, just don’t worry about it alright. Let’s just get this done and go home already!” Her tone had some bite, but not as much as before. Seth just sighed and followed his Pokémon, wishing she would just tell him what’s wrong.

The inside of the cave was stunningly beautiful. Massive, shining crystals jutted out of the walls, and some were covered in sheets of a reflective glass-like substance. It reminded Seth a lot of Reflection Cave in the Kalos region. The tunnel they were currently in was narrow and Seth often had to duck and weave through the crystals to avoid hitting his head.

“Do you sense anything?” Seth asked his Absol, who shook her head in response.

“No, nothing that smells like a Pokémon anyway… however…” Selena shuddered as her skin crawled. It was a huge mistake to come in here, but there was no way she could bail on her trainer now.

“However?” Seth repeated. “What do you feel?”

“…Magic,” Selena replied quietly. “It’s everywhere in here.”

Seth saw her shake once more, looking like she’d swallowed something awful. It didn’t take long for him to put two and two together. She been having nightmares since the Control Incident, the nasty look she’d given the Princesses and now that he thought about it, she’d given that same look to several Unicorns that they’d walked past today. And then there was the outburst in front of the cave and now this?

“Selena…?” Seth spoke cautiously, hoping he wouldn’t upset her anymore then she already was. “Are you afraid of magic?”

Selena froze, a reaction that told Seth he was right on the money. She snorted and shook her head, “What? No! I am not afraid of magic! Don’t be stupid.”


“I SAID DROP IT!” she yelled, her voice echoing throughout the narrow tunnels. “I don’t care if Ignis put you up to this, but I am done talking about it!” She stormed off further into the cave, Seth just watched, wondering if he could do anything to help her…


“Stupid Equestria, stupid trainers, stupid, bullshit, FUCKING MAGIC!!” Selena’s muttering increased in volume as she walked aimlessly through the tunnels. She didn’t even notice when the cramped, enclosed space opened up into a massive cavern… one filled with Carbink.

She only stopped when she bumped into one of the little rock fairies, said Fairy was sent tumbling across the ground while Selena rubbed the spot on her head where it had struck.

“Ow, the hell?” Selena finally took a look at her surroundings, “Where am I?”

“You just happen to be in the New Diamond Kingdom!” the Carbink that she’d bowled over picked himself up and bounced over to her. The first thing she noticed was a large fluffy beard that covered most of the Carbink’s body. “My name is Dace, and I am the one in charge around here until her Highness returns to us.”

Selena nodded, “Yeah, sorry about that… I guess I got a little lost in thought and in body.” She looked around as dozens upon dozens of Carbinks worked to place massive crystal spires against the walls of the room. “What are you all doing down here? Wait! Are you the ones causing the earthquakes!?”

Dace looked down, his pompous attitude deflating almost instantly. “Yes and no… while we are not causing the earthquakes directly, they are in a way… our fault.”

“What do you mean?” Selena asked, forgetting about her anger and her expression softened. “What happened here?”

“It’s quite the tale,” Dace sighed. “The short version is that we awakened here almost two weeks ago. After we heard Lord Arceus’ tale, I sent three scouts out into the world to discover if there was truth to those words. They say that strange creatures inhabit a city attached to the side of this mountain?”

“That’s right,” Selena confirmed. “It goes by the name Canterlot.”

“I see,” Dace replied. “Our Princess Diancie is missing and now a Pokémon that was helping us has gone mad… he is the one responsible for the tremors.”

“So it is a Pokémon?” Selena asked, she knew she was right.

“Yes, an Onix that helped extend out tunnels in exchange for a place to live and rocks to eat.” Dace sighed wearily as he looked out at his little Carbink. “Yesterday, he ate a crystal that was rich with a strange power… and it drove him mad. He has been on a constant rampage ever since.”

“Magic,” Selena muttered, “Yet another problem it’s caused, rather than solved. Okay Dace, what can we do to help that Onix?”

“Simply defeating him in battle should suffice,” Dace replied. “We Carbink could use our Fairy power to cure him, but that would take time…”

“Seems simple enough,” Selena said, as a shout rang out through the cavern. Selena looked around to see Carbink running everywhere, panicking and crying. “What’s going on?”

Her answer came soon enough as the ground underneath her erupted as she barely dodged to one side as a massive Onix burst out from the earth, roaring loudly.

His appearance was something unusual however, an Onix normally had a slate grey body, or a rusty gold in the case of a colour variant. This Onix however, was comprised entirely of crystal.

“What the?” Selena shouted, dodging some rocks falling from the ceiling. “Did eating the crystal turn him into one!?”

“He’s always looked like that,” Dace said, throwing up a Protect to deflect some falling rubble.

Selena nodded, that was a bit weird, but he was still just an Onix right? Albeit a crazy, enraged Onix hopped up on magical power. Selena guessed that would explain the green glow coming from Onix’s body…

She launched herself forward, one Night Slash would end this fight. The attack went to strike a critical point on the rock snakes body, except something deflected the attack and Selena found herself on the receiving end of a painful recoil. She hit the ground hard and Onix lashed out with its tail, intending to flatten the one that dared attack him, but Selena suddenly found being tackled out of the way by something quite soft instead. Her pillow grunted from the blow and Selena realised that it was Seth who had caught her.

“You seem to be having fun,” he groaned as he fell back, Selena on top of him.

“Define fun,” she replied with a groan of her own.

Anything that doesn’t involve a Crystal Onix kicking your ass,” Seth chuckled before frowning. “Why did you run off like that? If I hadn’t gotten here when I did…”

“I would have been fine!” Selena snapped. “You could have gotten yourself killed doing that!”

Seth suddenly rolled to the side as the Onix slammed his tail down, almost crushing the two Pokémon. It roared and opened its maw, charging up a Flash Cannon.

“We’ll talk about that later, what’s going on?”

“Magic Onix, need to stop it!” Selena gave the abridged version as she threw up a Protect shield. “See, magic is nothing but goddam trouble!”

“I do see what you mean,” Onix fired his attack, but Selena’s Protect held on… barely. “So how do we stop it?”

I just need to defeat it… and my attacks seem to bounce off…” Selena powered up a Psycho Cut and launched the attack, only to have it fizzle out against the Onixs’ crystal body. “Dammit! How do I stop this blasted thing!?”

Seth leapt forward and fired a Discharge attack, wondering if its crystal body meant a different typing, but the attack had no effect.

“Well that was a bust,” Seth muttered but Selena’s eyes widened and she shook her head.

“No, your attack actually hit it, whereas mine bounced off…” And was it just her, or did the green glow coming from that Onix look a fraction weaker? “Hit it again.”

Seth nodded, laughing mentally at the fact that he was being ordered around by him Pokémon. He fired Discharge once more, but this time the Onix erected a magical barrier to protect himself.

“Oh! C’mon!!” Seth yelled. “That’s cheating!” he ducked as another Flash Cannon swept above him and collided with a crystal wall, dispersing and multiplying the attack, causing dozens of smaller beams to rain down like a disco of death. The Carbink screamed as they tried to avoid the beams, several of them using Protect, but many were hit.

Selena tried to attack again, this time with Play Rough, but it was the same as before, with her attack being cancelled and redirected back at her. She tumbled back as Seth caught her and ran back from the Onix to give them some breathing space.

“Stop doing that!” Selena said, pushing herself away. “You’re not a Pokémon, stop acting like one!”

Seth paused, and then frowned as he stood over her. “What. The. Hell? What do you mean I’m not a Pokémon? Last time I checked, I have fur and shoot fucking lightning!”

“You’ve been one for two weeks!” Selena retorted. “What makes you think you can handle a fight like this?”

“I’m trying to keep you safe!” Seth yelled back.

“I’M THE ONE SUPPOSED TO KEEP YOU SAFE!” Selena screamed over all the noise. “I’m… I’m supposed to protect you…”

Seth stopped as he suddenly realised what Selena was so upset about, why magic was now such an issue for her.

“This world is all wrong,” she said more quietly. “I took a vow, to matter what happens, I was supposed to protect you from harm. Ignis and Rika feel the same, and yet I…”


I almost killed you! I took a vow and then nearly ended your life myself!!” Tears streamed down Selena’s face. “What if Ignis hadn’t shown up? What if he couldn’t stop me… what if I had stopped him instead?”

Seth reached out and pulled the Absol into a hug. “Hey now… none of that happened, okay? I’m alright, Ignis is alright and so are you.”

“But, *sniff* but I-”

“I love all of you okay? And we’ll always be there for each other… but you know me, I’m a real trouble magnet and you know what? No matter what happens, I never have to worry.”

*hic* “Why’s that?”

“Because I know that I’ve always got you three watching my back. Arceus himself could come at me, and I know that we’d somehow come out on top.” Seth delicately ran his claws through her fur, brushing down some loose strands. “So don’t worry so much, okay?”

Selena nodded and leaned in to hug him. “I just wish things would be a little less hectic.”

“You and me both, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon,” Seth chuckled. “So can this idiot count on you to watch my back some more?”

“I suppose,” Selena smiled back. “At least your flanks are nicer to look at now~”

“You need to stop hanging out with Rika so much,” Seth deadpanned. “And another thing? I know we’re having a nice little moment here… but why aren’t we being attacked?”

“That’s… a good point.” Selena replied and both Pokémon looked up to see a wall of Carbinks had formed in front of them, creating a massive, single Protect to shield them against Onix’s attacks.

Dace stepped forward, along with three other Carbink. “The others will try their best to buy us some time, but I am not certain this will work… we are not as strong as Princess Diancie.”

“What?” Selene questioned. Just what were these little fairies up to? “What might not work?”

“I have sensed the bond the two of you share, it is powerful and unwavering.” Dace said with a sage-like tone. “But you currently lack the ability to bring that power forth. Myself, along with Merrick, Knight and Joke here, we will attempt to unlock that power for you, even if it is for a brief moment.”

Selena was confused, she was still feeling emotional and could make heads or tails out of what the old Carbink was saying. “What power? Why are we trying this?”

“We need to beat that Onix,” Seth said, staring at the wall of Carbink. It wouldn’t be long before they fell. “This will make us more powerful right? Let’s get it done then!”

Dace nodded and the four Carbink took a position around Selena and Seth, their crystals glowing with fairy light. Selena was understandably worried about this situation.

“Wait a minute! I’m a Dark-type, just what the hell are you guys doing!?” The world suddenly melted away as she stared into a deep void, as well as Seth’s determined gaze. “W-where are we?”

“I have no idea,” Seth said. “It’s pretty dark though, you feeling okay?”

“I’m a Dark type, I’m not afraid of the Dark,” Selena muttered, only to be hugged by Seth again.


“Do you know why I wanted you to learn a Fairy-type move?”

Selena blinked, “Uh, so I had an advantage against other Dark-types?”

Seth smiled, “Partly… but because I also wanted to prove something to you.”

“Prove? Prove what?” Selena was really confused now.

“That even the darkness can walk in the light,” Seth said as the void vanished in a flash of white light and Selena found herself back in the cavern, her body emanating a warm glow. The light she felt was familiar somehow and it wasn’t until Seth uttered his next words that she understood.

“Dance in the Light, my Fairy of Darkness! Selena, MEGA SHINKA!”

A brilliant light erupted from Seth’s body, along with Selena’s and met, filling the dark Pokémon with overwhelming warmth and power. A small smile crossed her face as that light grew brighter, a light that could create miracles…

Smash them all! That’s the single, simple thought that ran through Onix’s mind. He was brimming with such power, so he should smash them all. Once he smashed them… well… then this day would be just perfect. That thought still ran, even as a massive blade of darkness slammed into him, causing the crystal snake to crash into a wall, the cavern shaking from the impact.

It was the white one, the one he wanted to smash… but it was different somehow, and a new feeling welled up inside the berserk beast…


Selena let out a breath she didn’t realise she’d been holding. Somehow, she’d managed to Mega Evolve without a mega stone and keystone. Was that what Dace and the others did? Allowed them to Mega Evolve?

Well, the details didn’t matter… she had an Onix to beat.

“Selena, it looks like every time you hit it, some of the magic surrounding him fades,” Seth pointed out. So he had noticed it as well, even as a Luxray, he was still an exemplary Trainer. “It might be best to forget powerful attacks and just hit him as fast as you can and as often as you can. Use your Quick Attack!”

Selena nodded, her body erupted with white light and she used her wings to propel herself forward, unleashing her Quick Attack. The Onix had barely had time to recover from the Night Slash before Selena slammed him again, his magical shields doing nothing to repel the move. He roared as Selena hit him again and again, until the snake slammed the ground causing a Rock Slide.

Selena stopped her assault as she dodged and weaved through the move. Just one false move would give Onix the chance to counterattack. Unfortunately, she wasn’t fast enough as a stone clipped her wingtip, causing her to stumble and then take the full brunt of a Flash Cannon.

…Or she would have if Seth hadn’t jumped in the way, taking the attack instead.

“Seth!?” Selena ran over to her fallen trainer, who coughed and held his side.

“Oww, that smarts… good thing I resist Steel huh?” he winced as Selena hit him with her paw.

“You idiot!” she said, “We just talked about this didn’t we?”

“Yeah, so don’t worry about me. Just help get that Onix back to normal, okay?” Seth smiled.

“You’re impossible,” Selena sighed. She turned and launched into another Quick Attack, but the Onix countered with Rock Tomb, causing huge slabs of stone and crystal to ran down. “Tch, I can’t dodge and attack at the same time. I’m just not fast enough.”

She gritted her teeth and glared at the Onix, “Why can’t you just calm down already!?”

“RRRAAARRGGHHHHH!” Onix fired another Flash Cannon, aiming for the crystals on the walls again, but a group of Carbink intercepted it, but they didn’t fare as well as Seth did, being much weaker to the Steel attack.

“Night Slash!” Selena cried, as her horn turned into a massive blade of dark energy, but one again, a Rock Tomb attack caused her to fall back. “This is getting ridiculous!” she used Quick Attack again, this time she charged headlong onto the attack, taking few hits even as the move scored one on the Onix.

“At this rate, I won’t win this battle. I need speed, I need to attack faster than him!” She repeated the mantra in her head over and over as she attacked with Quick Attack again and again. “Faster, faster, I have to move faster!” She was so focused on attacking Onix, that she didn’t even notice as time itself seemed to slow down. Water droplets hung in the air, along with the stones dropped by Onix. She used the rocks like she did in her Contests with Rika, jumping from stone to stone as she struck Onix.

To Seth, his beloved Pokémon had become a blur, a shadow that seemed to strike from anywhere and everywhere. Selena was moving impossible fast.

“Unreal,” he whispered, even as Selena struck the Onix body, the massive snake unable to keep up with the ferocious shadow. The magic within him was draining, trying to defend against attacks that were relentless was a losing battle and soon the Onix fell, the angry green glow dissipating from his body, returning it to it’s beautiful clear crystal state.

Everything seemed to happen at one as Selena stopped attacking. Stones fell and the noise that had disappeared into the background resumed. To her, it was like starting a paused video. She collapsed to the ground, her Mega form wearing off and she suddenly felt incredibly tired.

“Urgh, what happened?” she moaned as Seth limped over to her.

“I’m not sure,” he replied, as the remaining Carbink moved to Onix, using their power to purge the last of the dark magic from its body. “But I think you created a new attack.”

“A new move?” Selena asked. “What move did I learn?”

“Not learn,” Seth corrected her. “Create. I have never seen an attack like that. I think you may have created an entirely new attack.”

“Oh,” Selena simply said as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. “That’s cool…”


By the time Selena awoke, she noticed that the sun was setting on the horizon and the she was currently laying across Seth’s back. She flushed a bright red and in the scramble, she fell to the ground with a solid thump.

“Ow, that hurt,” she hissed as Seth laughed.

“Morning sleepy head. Enjoy your nap?”

“How long was I out?” Selena asked, brushing some dust from her fur and blushing from embarrassment.

“About an hour or two,” Seth replied. “I already spoke with Princess Celestia, told her what happened in the caves.”

“And the Carbink and Onix?” Selena asked, “Are they alright?”

“Yeah, they made me promise that if I saw Diancie, to tell her where they are. And Onix is fine now. He says sorry and he won’t eat weird, glowing rocks anymore.” Princess Celestia had investigated the caves and found a batch of crystals contaminated by a familiar dark magic.
Said crystals were teleported to the sun.

“And the Carbink have even offered to help keep the Crystal Mines running,” Seth continued.

“So it’s pretty much a win-win for everyone.”

Selena nodded, and leaned against Seth, sighing lightly. “I can’t believe we got to Mega Evolve again… Ignis is gonna be so jealous.”

“You were awesome Selly,” Seth hugged her. “And whatever is troubling you, you know you can count on me right?”

“Yeah I-” Selena stopped as a strange sight caught her attention. It was a Gabite, only with was a rich purple colour and its markings were different. It kinda reminded her of a Keckleon… Oh no!

“Is that?” Seth searched his memories, “One of Nurem’s experiments?”

Seth instantly regretted his words as the Gabite suddenly turned towards them, it seem that it had heard him…

And it looked pissed.

Author's Note:

Well this one was fun to write. After a scene I did the other for my upcoming Xover with Thadius again, Selena is pretty much my favourite character. I just want to hug her so damn much.

On the next episode; Our heroes fight an outraged, invisible Dragon who can change it's type... Should be fun.

Edtor’s Notes -

Zeus - Awesome battle, and I’m really glad to see the Crystal Onyx again. Oh and one more thing... aw shit.

TDN - Interesting interlude, and nice use of elements from the Cocoon of Destruction movie. Also, I hope Canterlot has lots of insurance, cause shit just hit the fan...again.

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