• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Twenty Nine

The next morning, when Rika finally awoke with the sun shining in her tired eyes, she discovered that not only was Fritter not in bed, but Seth was gone as well, leaving the Sylveon alone in bed..

“Whaaa, where’d everyone gooo,” she whined as she looked around. She got up and after rubbing the sleep from her eyes and doing a quick stretch, she headed downstairs. Titania must have still been asleep and neither Selena nor Ignis were there as well. Christine was snoring peacefully on the couch. As much as she wanted, Rika resisted the urge to cuddle the cute dragon, opting to find her herdmates instead.

So when she took a look out the back, she finally found them. The two were covered in dirt and grass stains and dozens of small sprouts were emerging from the earth. There were several rows of them, all looked similar and Rika knew what they were almost instantly.

“Berries!” Rika giggled, startling Seth and Fritter.

“Whoa! Oh, hey there Rika,” Seth smiled. “Yeah, we kinda planted all the Berries that were in my bag. We should have a pretty decent crop in a week.”

“Ah can’t believe how low maintenance these things are,” Fritter said. “Heck, even apples need more attention than this, and they’re one of our main crops.”

“Berries are great, plus even if you don’t harvest them, they’ll just grow back...” Seth said. “It’s like they have the will to live.”

“So you two woke up before dawn, just to plant Berries?” Rika asked. “Well you better go get a shower, don’t we have to leave soon?”

“Rika being the responsible one? The world has gone mad!” Seth chuckled as the three went inside. As the pair headed upstairs, Rika looked at Christine... nothing was stopping her now~

She tiptoed closer to the sleeping dragon, she would get her hug or die trying! Though, it wouldn’t be fair if Rika didn’t give her a fighting chance.

“Chrissie~ Snore once if you want a hug,” Rika whispered.

In hindsight, the fact that she normally woke herself up, or was in another room when she did, should have been a big clue. The dragon’s eyes snapped open, and without even really thinking, she reacted to somemon being so close to her.


Rika squealed as she ducked at the last second, as Christine sailed straight through a wall.

“Whut in the hay was that!?” Fritter called out from upstairs.

“Um... nothing?” Rika shouted back. Okay, no problem, she just needed to repair a wall in less than a minute. “Uh, you okay Chrissie?”

“Anyone get the name of the Graveler that hit my head?” the dragon moaned from outside.

“You crash-tackled a wall and it may or may not have been partially my fault,” Rika said quickly.

“Startle reflex?” The dragon asked as she picked herself up and surveyed the damages.

“I tried to hug you in your sleep. Lesson learned,” Rika said as she stared at the hole. “Ah man, Fritter’s gonna be pissed.”

A chill went down the fairy’s spine as a voice from behind her spoke up. “Yer darn right ah’m pissed. What the hay Rika!?”

“Oh, ahh, hey Fritter...”

“Okay, look, blame her all you want,” Christine said, “But I’m fairly sure this hole is me-sized for a reason.”

“Y’all already made it perfectly clear ya ain’t the huggin’ type. Rika shoulda known better,” Fritter sighed. “Still, ah was planning on renovations anyway... ah guess ah can start with that wall...”

Selena and Ignis came in from their room in the barn, Selena took one look at the wall and gave Christine and Rika a stare.

“She tried to hug you again huh?”

“Oh Come on!!” Rika yelled.

“Nah, I decided to imitate a wrecking ball,” Christine replied with no small amount of sarcasm. “I figure I’ll save the kitchen for after breakfast.”

Ignis looked at another wall and Selena blinked, “Ignis? No!’

“She got to break something,” he pouted. “Not fair.”

“Oh grow up,” Selena sighed. “Seriously Christine, be glad you don’t deal with him on a regular basis. It’s like looking after a hatchling sometimes.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, should I ever decide to have any,” the landshark replied.

“Go get the spare wood Ignis,” Fritter said. “I’ll plug this hole and then we’ll get something to eat.”

“I didn’t know Seth was into females with wood,” Christine said with a small smile. There was a crash from upstairs and the sound of Seth cursing.

“All the females want is our wood,” Ignis grumbled, and earned a glare from Selena. “Fine, be back in a moment. Wanna help Christie?”

“I oughta, seeing as how it’s my hole,” the Gabite said with a snicker. “Though I’m starting to wonder if we’re having the same conversation here.”

“Just get it done,” Selena groaned. “I swear, you people...”

“You love me anyway,” Ignis grinned as he headed out to the barn.

“Sometimes I wonder,” Selena smiled. “I’ll go wake the other Fairy.”

“And I’ll help Fritter with breakfast,” Rika bounced into the kitchen, gravity not impeding her movements in the slightest.

“You really don’t have to wake her,” Christine muttered as she followed Ignis out. “So she wants us done quick, eh?” the landshark said, still not quite out of ‘lewd’ mode yet.

“Heh, sorry, but I like to take my time. Enjoy the journey.” Ignis laughed at his own joke. “Still... all jokes aside, I really am quite flattered you think that way. Sam really must be something to earn that affection of yours.”

“One of, if not the, first one to care about me back there. It’s sorta a jumble, it was either him or the kid, can’t quite remember. Guy raised me on stories of the outside world, and I learned lots from him and Bit...and Vincent deciphering Bit when I got fed up with ‘im.” By this point, they’d reached the spare wood pile in the barn. “Least I can do is return that attention.”

“Fair enough, and I mean this too, any mate you choose would be a lucky ‘mon indeed.” Ignis lifted up several planks as Christine fetched the toolbox once Ignis pointed it out. She also couldn’t help but notice several blankets strewn about the place and scorch marks on the roof. “Alrighty,” Ignis smiled. “Let’s go stuff this wood in your hole!”

“Looks like you did plenty of that already,” Christine said, softly whistling at the carnage in the barn. “Does...Fritter know about this?”

“Not yet and I intend to keep it that way,” Ignis chuckled. “Fire-type are... enthusiastic at times.” Ignis said with a rare blush. “Selly may be small, but she knows which buttons to press.” Ignis finally decided he’d said too much and headed back to the house with a little more haste than necessary.

“So I guess the bug was right. Size doesn’t have to be everything,” Christine mused. Then she snickered. “Bet Selena’s never said that to you though.”

“...I refuse to answer that question,” Ignis blushed harder. “Let’s just get this wall fixed already.”

From the house, Fritter and Rika watched the smaller dragon, as a smile crept its way onto their lips.

“You think she knows what’s coming?” Rika asked.

“Not a clue,” Fritter smirked.

Christine opened the toolbox and drew out the hammer, smirking all the more and not letting up on Ignis for a second. “So which of us is doing the hammering?” she questioned oh-so-innocently.

“Me,” Ignis replied without thinking... until his brain caught up. “Oh. Sweet. Arceus. Do you have an off switch?”

“Maybe,” she said with a smirk, before passing the hammer over to him and rooting around in the toolbox for the nails.

Selena decided to play as well, it wasn’t often Ignis would get so flustered and she had to admit... he was cute as hell when he was. She poked her head out of the hole and smirked.

“So Ignis, finished hammering and nailing yet?”

“OH NOT YOU TOO!” Ignis cried.

“Get your mouth outta my hole, he’s gotta fill it!” Christine said in mock-anger.

“Oh, but my mouth is ever so skilled,” Selena said with a half-lidded gaze. “I’m sure Ignis can attest to that, can’t you... dear?”

“I-uh... wha?” Ignis’s higher motor skills and cognitive thought processes just failed, the dragon was nothing more than a sexy statue at this point.

“Aww, you broke him. Now how am I supposed to get my hole filled in?” Christine pouted. “Plus now he can’t agree with you about your mouth being skilled.” Here she paused for a moment before giving Selena a gaze of her own. “Maybe you could show me personally?”

Christine was playing with fire now as Selena leant forward, so her lips lightly brushed the dragon’s for a brief second. “Hmm, perhaps later~ We really should get this hole repaired though.”

The mental images running through the dragon’s mind were well beyond the rating limits, that said...

“This is really hot,” he murmured.

“Ah, uh, yeah,” Christine said, slowly turning pink. “Hey, are you implying my hole needs repairs? I’ll have you know it’s as hale as ever!”

“Hmhm,” Selena chuckled. “I’m sure it is, and after giving it some thought last night, you really aren’t that bad, so later...” She slowly ran a claw down the dragon’s scales on her chest. “I’m going to show you how I ‘Play Rough’, but until then, we have work to do.”

Christine just turned more pink as her cheeks took on a hint of red, joining Ignis in his non-functioning state.

“Is that wall getting fixed?” Fritter called out from the kitchen.

“I broke the repairmon,” Selena said, her voice had a triumphant tone. “Seth and I will fix it in a moment.” ‘And I finally win one of these bloody things!’

Ignis just gave a small, broken chuckle.


Christine turned to him and managed one last observation before her brain really gave up. “Okay, new observation. You’re the lucky ‘mon for having her.”

After the wall had been repaired and a Discharge got Ignis and Christine moving again, the family was ready to go. Titania agreed to watch the house and Elesan and Diantha agreed to stop by every now and then to keep the fairy company.

Then came time for Seth to introduce Christine to their mode of transport, a very pink, candy-themed train called the Friendship Express!

“Behold,” Seth said, with sarcasm so thick you’d need a chainsaw to cut it. “The most masculine train to ever exist.”

“...That’s it, I’m done,” Christine said, pulling a 180 and walking back towards Canterlot, but she was halted by Seth.

“Unfortunately, if you want to see Sam, then you gotta ride this abomination. I hate it as much as you do, looking at this thing makes me physically ill, let alone riding it... But it’s sacrifice we have to make. For the ones we love, this is just a challenge we overcome!”

“I would rather walk,” Christine said, pausing for a moment. “Scratch that, I would rather have that Garchomp...Saph-something….Sapphire, Sapphria? I’d rather see if she can teach me to fly, or if she’d be willing to carry me there.”

“I don’t even know where she is,” Seth said and Ignis coughed.

“A Garchomp named Sapphira... yeah, ahh... she isn’t going anywhere for a while.”

“You beat the ever-loving tar out of her, didn’t you Ignis?” Seth deadpanned.

“Something along those lines,” Ignis nodded.

“Look, time to suck it up Christine!” Seth said, walking towards her. “Are you gonna let some pussy-looking train beat you!?”

The Gabite turned back to Seth and half-lidded her eyes. “I’m gonna give you two seconds to think about your phrasing…” she stated, trailing off deliberately.

“I could, or I could keep you distracted like this so you won’t notice we’re already on the train.”

Christine blinked and looked around, shocked slightly by the sudden scene shift. “Okay, point. What’d you use, Extreme Speed?”

Seth waved out of the window at the two Gardevoir on the platform, both smiling suspiciously.

“Teleport, a ‘mon’s best friend.”

Elsewhere, a Kadabra wondered why his ears were burning…

The Dragoness sighed and looked around, noticeably on edge from the cramped conditions...and the fact that they were the only ones there. “Okay, there’s like...space for twenty of those ponies, easy,” she pointed out. “So what’d you do to get us our own compartment, puffball?”

“Perks of working for the Princess,” Seth smiled. “I figured that you’d have... concerns about the cramped space. So I asked Celestia if I could use the Royal Carriage.”

“That’s... really sweet actually,” Rika smiled. “I think I love you all over again.”

“Admittedly, ah’d have to agree,” Fritter smiled. “Y’all got a heart of gold Seth.”

“Not really,” Seth nodded. “I also did it so I could snuggle with you in peace. So I did have some ulterior motives.”

“For all the crap flower-head and I have put you through, you deserve it,” Christine said, looking for a good spot to claim as ‘hers’ for the trip...if anything in a moving, rattling box travelling at high speeds could really be called ‘good’.

“I wouldn’t thank me just yet,” Seth replied cryptically. “Your trials have just begun...”

“...Okay, if this morning was any indication, Seth, then I don’t handle surprises well. And you’re helping one happen?” the dragon asked with a raised brow.

“Last night,” Seth simply replied as he pulled out a newspaper.

“What abou-” Christine was about to finish her question when she caught sight of Rika and Fritter’s faces.

“Y’all prepared fer this?” Fritter smiled, a rather unsettling one.

“Yup,” Rika giggled slowly and with a monotone pitch. The Gabite slowly took one step back, suddenly not thankful for the cramped spaces at all.

“This is a time honoured amongst girls,” Rika explained as she waved some ribbons around. “Makeovers are something every girl should experience.”

“Ah must agree Miss Rika,” Fritter said, pulling out a makeup kit and some glitter. “Y’all are gonna make such a purdy dragon~”

“Oh no you don’t,” Christine said, taking another step back and mentally reaching for her invisibility. “Either put that stuff down right now, or I’m not going to be held responsible for my reactions.”

“Play nice you lot,” Seth said without looking up from his paper.

“We will~” Rika sang. “Now hold still Chrissie, this won’t hurt a bit...”

“Like hell!” Christine said, vanishing as much as she could and darting away from the crazies as quickly as she dared.

It was a futile attempt. In the pale colours that decorated the carriage, her stripe stood out more than Celestia’s wingboner. What followed was a cacophony of shouts, crashes, cursing and mad giggling that bordered on insane.

And in the end?

“Such a pretty princess dragon~” Rika giggled, looking over her handiwork. They had applied some makeup, like eyeshadow and lipstick. Several sparkly ribbons and bows were also attached. She looked like the end result of one of the godawful Contests from Sinnoh.

“Your deaths will be long and painful,” Christine vowed. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“Then y’all have learned yer lesson about teasing a mare about their coltfriend cheating on them?” Fritter said. There was something behind those words, like a hint of annoyance.

“Considering he’s seeing both of you, I didn’t think hinting at him seeing a third would be that bad,” the dragon replied. “Wild ‘mon do it a lot...but if you insist, I’ll stop teasing Seth and you two... at least about that.”

“Ah’ll take it,” Fritter nodded as a soft ‘click’ could be heard as Rika put away Seth’s Holocaster.

“And now I will too,” Rika smiled. Christine looked at the device slipping back into Seth’s bags and turned on the Sylveon.

“Oh no you did not,” she stated as though it were a law of the land.

“I did and it will be blackmail for the rest of time,” Rika giggled.

“Assuming you live that long,” the Gabite said, her expression now truly murderous even through the makeup and sparkly glitter.

“Alright, that may be a bit too far,” Rika pulled the device out and deleted the image. “But I’ll still remember.”

“Now that you’re done,” Seth said, still reading. “Go and help Christine clean off so she can plot her inevitable revenge.”

“Yes Seth,” Rika and Fritter droned.

“...Is this stuff supposed to itch?” the dragon asked, idly scratching at the new coat she’d been given.

“No...?” Fritter looked at the makeup kit. It was one for ponies though. “Hmm, maybe this ain’t suppos’d to be used on Pokemon?”

“So she might be allergic to something in it?” Selena asked.

“If this gets much worse, only Ignis will survive once I recover,” Christine vowed. “I’ll goddamn Evolve if I have to. Gah, I feel like I need to find sandpaper and rub it on my back already!”

“There’s a bathroom in the back,” Ignis said. “C’mon Selly, we’ll help her. While Seth and his girls repent and pray their deaths are swift and painless.”

Selena nodded as she led the very pretty dragon away. Once they were gone, Seth sighed and looked at the two females.

“Really?” he sighed. “I think all my work to get her to be our friend just went down the toilet.”

“We’re sorry,” Fritter and Rika said quietly.

In the bathroom, Selena scrubbed the makeup away, cursing under her breath. “What were those idiots thinking, using you to test if the makeup was Pokemon-safe?”

“Sorry about this Christine,” Ignis said. “I’ll go and give them a talking to. You have this handled Selly?”

“Yeah,” Selena nodded. “I got this.”

“Alright” Ignis stepped out of the room as Selena continued her cleaning.

“I’d be doing more, but these claws of mine,” Christine said while waving one, “Aren’t good for much in the way of cleaning, and I can only reach so far around myself. I’m better at making a mess than picking one up.”

“I’ll bet,” Selena replied as she scratched the dragon’s back at a spot she couldn’t reach by herself. “I hope you aren’t too angry with them, and I doubt Seth was made aware of all the.. details...” Selena sighed. “I’m sure they didn’t mean anything malicious by it, and hey! Now we know that pony makeup is not good for Pokemon.”

“And the only thing that was lost was a portion of my dignity,” the dragon snarked. “At least Rika deleted that picture...she, did delete that picture, right?”

“I hope so,” Selena sighed as she got the last of the makeup off and washed her scales with a wet cloth. “There! Back to your pretty, purple self~”

Christine blushed a little bit at being called pretty, before nodding. “Wanna help me come up with ways to torment those other two while we’re here?” she asked.

“I can do that,” Selena nodded. “But answer something for me first... you’re good at dishing out the talk, but why do you get all shy when someone compliments you?”

“Because I’m a freak, a mutant?” the dragon idly responded, raising one arm and making it vanish. “No normal Gabite can do this, and I’ve looked at myself in a lake. Face it, compared to the rest of my kind, I’m a hideous aberration.”

Selena frowned as she suddenly reared up and pushed Christine against the wall. “That is utter bullshit!” she snapped. “I happen to think you’re quite pretty... for a girl. And maybe enough that I’m a little jealous... I know Ignis has snuck a peek or two and honestly, I don’t blame him.”

“Someone finding me attractive?” Christine replied with an eye-roll. “Yeah, and Magikarp can use a move besides Splash.”

“They also learn Tackle and Flail,” Selena informed her. “And someday, you are going to find a ‘mon that will truly love you, for you!” Selena smiled. “But Ignis is mine okay?”

“Fine, flame-brain is yours,” Christine commented. “And I already have eyes on one ‘mon, remember?”

“I know, your dashing knight in shining chitin,” Selena smiled as she dropped back down to all fours. “Hmm, I know,” Selena purred. “How about I tell you a few tricks that will make even that perverted bug bend backwards?”

“...Why do I feel like I need an adult?” the Gabite asked.

“We’re both adults here~” Selena smiled as she locked the door with her hind leg.

“I wonder what’s taking so long in there?” Seth asked idly as he looked at the back of the carriage.

“You don’t have scales,” Ignis said. “These things are a bitch to clean sometimes.”

“You have Xray vision,” Rika mused. “Just use that!”

Seth pondered on that thought. He’d learned that abuse of his superpower could lead to very bad things.

“Yeah... no.”

“What’s the harm?” Fritter asked, “They might need help.”

“If being friends with Checkmate, Vincent and general experience has taught me anything. I would regret doing that with every fibre of my being.”

Meanwhile, Ignis was listening in through the door, but couldn’t hear a thing. Were the walls soundproofed? “They’re just cleaning the makeup off of her, it shouldn’t be an issue, bro...and I think these walls are soundproof, I can’t hear a thing in there,” the dragon said.

Seth turned to the room as his eyes flashed gold... and then chuckled lightly. The look on Christine’s face was absolutely priceless.

“Yeah... they’re fine...”

Much to Fritter and Rika’s surprise, Christine seemed to be in a much better mood afterwards. She even said she wouldn’t set them on fire... yet. Seth smiled, she seemed to be getting along pretty well with everyone. He had no idea why Vincent sounded so concerned when he mentioned her.

Eventually, the train pulled up and once their luggage had been retrieved, the family stepped out onto the platform and into Ponyville.

“Welcome to Ponyville Christine,” Seth smiled. “Possibly the friendliest town I have ever come across.”

The dragon breathed in the air and sighed. “Man, even the air is different here...no pollution, no smoke, none of the smells you’d associate with a town of humans. It was a little sweeter out in the wilds, but to have it stay the same even here? Unreal.”

“I think pollution is pretty much non-existent here,” Seth nodded. “Wait til you see the farm we’ll be staying at... Oh, and I’ll warn you now, there may be quite a few ponies and Pokemon there. None of them will mean you any harm though. You have my word on that.”

“Yeah...I can believe you...but maybe so we don’t have another ‘hole in the wall’ incident, have them announce their presence before they get too close?” the Gabite said, rubbing the back of her head with one claw and smiling sheepishly.

“I’ll make sure of it,” Seth nodded. Fritter meanwhile, was going through her bag to make sure she had all the Berries she needed. While she and Seth and planted most of them, she kept a few to show Applejack. One of the spare Oran Berries rolled out of her grasp and bounced along the ground, coming to a stop at Christine’s foot.

The dragon carefully picked it up with one claw and salivated. “Is...this is an Oran Berry. How?” While she wanted, oh how she wanted, to eat it right now, she didn’t really need to, so she could control herself. Somewhat.

“Huh? Didn’t you notice all the berry sprouts Fritter and I planted this morning?” Seth inquired.

“Little busy with a wall,” Christine replied. “That and the trauma afterwards.”

“Oh, right!” Seth chuckled. “Well, I got a lot of my stuff back from Arceus, and that included all my berries... but I think he put extra in there.” He looked at the hungry gleam in her eyes and smiled. “You really want that berry huh?”

“Understatement of the year,” the Gabite responded...before giving it back to Fritter. “Still, want is not need. You probably brought it along for a reason, and it probably wasn’t to feed me.”

Fritter smiled and held it out, “Seth had a bunch of this particular berry, so ah brought a few with me. Go ahead, take it as an apology fer earlier.”

“Ah, well then!” The berry vanished instantly into her maw, the only thing remaining to signifiy it existed at all a small squirt of juice as she chomped down. “Mmm. Okay, like, ten more of these later, and you’re forgiven,” she muttered around the fruit.

“Tell you what, when you come visit next, ah make you a whole buffet of Oran deserts an’ stuff. Sound good?”

“Sounds delicious,” the dragon said, drooling slightly at the thought, before closing her mouth and swallowing her victim. “...I’d ask for another, but that’d be greedy.”

“Maybe later,” Fritter chuckled. Selena poked them and pointed to the others, “Um, shouldn’t we be catching up to them?”

You need to catch up, maybe,” Christine said with a smirk as she all but bolted down the road. “See you later, grandma!” she taunted.

Selena shot off like a bullet, easily passing the Gabite. “Like you stand a chance... or even know where we’re going.”

Christine put on another burst herself. “Oh give up already! My ability to run is only second to my ability to attack!”

Selena and Seth shared a nod as he tapped his Mega Stone, and Selena Mega-evolved, before racing towards Sweet Apple Acres at tremendous speeds, leaving the rest of the group in the dust.

“Well at least I know where I’m going,” Christine mused. “Buuut I’d be stupid to think I can keep up with her like that.”

“Interesting indeed...” Seth chuckled.

By the time they got there, Selena was already waiting for them.

“About time you slowpokes got here,” Selena said. “I thought I’d be waiting around forever.”

“Yeah, yeah...” Seth replied and turned to Apple Fritter. “So you sure Applejack won’t mind us staying here?”

“Ah don’t think so,” Fritter said. “lemme go and see.” The mare trotted up to the farmhouse and knocked on the door, right before she was accosted by an orange Earth Pony. There was some animated talking before she waved the group over.

“Ah don’t mind iffn y’all stay fer a while.” Applejack said. “So long as ya’ll don’t make a mess of the place.”

“We’ll be on our best behaviour Miss Applejack,” Seth nodded. “We’ll even take separate rooms if that’s what you prefer.”

“Separate rooms?” AJ tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

“NOTHING!” Fritter said quite suddenly. “Ah, it’s just... Ignis and Selena are mates.. and well...”

“Ah understand,” AJ smiled. “Ah wouldn’t break up a couple, just ah, do y’all mind keeping ‘those’ activities on the old backburner? Ah don’t want Apple Bloom seein’ stuff like that.”

“You have our word,” Ignis smiled. Seth on the other hand, gave Fritter a curious look. What was wrong? Did she not want Applejack to know about their relationship?

“Thank you kindly,” Applejack smiled. “Now let’s go get y’all settled in.”

“I need to head off to the Hall of Legends,” Seth said. “If I go now, I can be back a little after lunch.” He gave a look to Christine, “How about you? Wanna meet some Legendary Pokemon? Like God?”

“Walking into the den of a Legendary,” Christine deadpanned. “That sounds like a fine idea! Like the time any trainer walked into my latest lair without knowing just what the hell they were getting into! Pass.

“You’d be perfectly safe,” Seth sighed. “Alright, I’ll be back soon. Be good okay?”

The rest nodded and Seth left, and only then did they realise that he didn’t say why he was going...

“That puffball is doing something stupid again, isn’t he?” the Gabite said flatly.

“Well, I did beat up Moltres a while back... and tried to fight Reshiram,” Ignis pointed out. “And last time Seth met Arceus, he Thunder’ed him in the face... he may not be coming back at all.”

“You think he’d do Fritter and Rika if he weren’t planning on coming back,” Christine commented.

AJ spun on her hooves, “Y’all should get a translation spell while yer here,” she said. “Ah can’t understand a darn thing y’all are saying.”

Fritter and Rika were blushing like nothing else though.

“Ah’m so glad she didn’t hear that,” Fritter said quietly. “Can, y’all not mention my current, relationship status?”

Selena and Ignis nodded, while Rika pouted. Restraining herself would be difficult.

“Thank you,” Fritter smiled.

Seth ran through the Everfree, taking in the sights, scents and sounds. It was something else to observe a forest with senses like these.

And before he knew it, the massive Temple was in sight, and Seth hoped the Pokemon he wished to speak to was actually here. He saw the Regi Trio guarding the door, just like last time. Seth chuckled as he wondered if they’d even moved since then.

“Hello,” Seth greeted once he was close enough. “My name is Seth Crescent, I come seeking an audience with Lord Arceus and Princess Diancie!”

The trio blinked in succession, and slowly the doors to the temple slid open. Seth thanked them and walked inside. The architecture of this temple always impressed him and more than a few times he ‘oohh’d’ & ‘aahh’d’ at a piece of art or painting.

Admittedly, he took a little longer to reach the central room than needed, but... cool stuff!

“Hello?” Seth called out once he reached the room. “Is anybody home?”

“Someone’s always here,” Arceus said, appearing in the center of the room. “Problem is, this place is huge.” The Alpha Pokemon smiled. “Hello Seth, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Well, I’d like to thank you for the return of my Pokedex and such, I don’t remember doing so properly at the Gala, and it really means a lot to me.” Seth smiled and scratched the back of his head. “So uh, yeah. Thank you very much Arceus.”

Arceus chuckled and landed in front of Seth. “After all the trouble I cause you... and a lot of other people, it really is the least I could do.”

“Still, I mean it,” Seth replied. “My ‘Dex in particular has the diary of my journey in it, so having that alone back means a lot to me. The other reason I called by was to see Princess Diancie, I have some news for her especially.”

Arceus shut his eyes for a moment, and the next, there was a pink, crystal doorway in the middle of the room. “One moment,” he walked up to the door and knocked, producing a high pitched ringing sound as the crystals reverberated.

A few seconds later, Diancie peeked out. “Hi dad!” She looked around and spotted Seth. “Hi... um... I know I saw you at the wedding.”

“Hello princess,” Seth bowed his head. “My name is Seth Crescent, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Diancie smiled and floated out of her room. “Likewise Mr. Crescent,” she giggled. “Sorry, most people don’t call me Princess outside of my kingdom.”

“A lady as beautiful as you?” Seth replied with a smile. “You shouldn’t be called anything less.”

Diancie smiled and blushed pinker. “Ooh, I like you,” she played with her gem hair. “So what are you doing here cutie?”

Seth blushed a little, “Well, I have some good news for you actually. The reason I know your title? It’s because I’ve found the Carbink from your kingdom.”

Diancie gasped. “Really?” She asked in disbelief. “Where are they?”

“Inside the gem mines in Mount Canterlot.” Seth replied, wondering why Arceus was looking at him like that. “I came across them after an incident involving a Crystal Onix. Don’t worry, no-one was hurt. But Dace hopes that you might visit them soon. They miss you a great deal.”

Diancie smiled at Seth before she rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Seth. "Thank you so much!" She said happily. "I've been wondering where they got off to and... thank you."

“You’re very welcome Princess,” Seth said as he returned the hug. They stayed that way for a moment, before Seth coughed as Diancie didn’t let go. “Uh, Princess? I think your father is going to kill me if you don’t let go...”

"Oh... sorry," Diancie said sheepishly, pulling away from the Luxray and turning towards her father. "I'm just gonna get some stuff, then can you send me to Canterlot dad?"

"Sure thing sweetie," Arceus watched as Diancie went back to her room, then turned to Seth and smirked. "You're quite a lady's 'mon aren't you Seth?'

“Maybe a little,” Seth smiled sheepishly. “Don’t worry, I’m quite happy with the two girls I have. I’m just glad Diancie gets to see her family again.”

"She is quite fond of those little Carbinks," Arceus said with a sigh. "It'll be nice to see them moving out I suppose, really see them come into their own here."

“The legendary Pokemon?” Seth asked. “Since they had to hide away from humans all the time... sorry about that by the way. Even I’m a little guilty of wishing I had a Legendary Pokemon partner.”

"Mmm... I don't think I would've minded you all that much actually," he admitted. "I know you wouldn't have tried to brainwash or abduct them or-" Arceus stopped and shook his head. "Sorry, old habits, I'm... still getting over everything that happened."

“I can imagine,” Seth nodded, having gone through a brainwashing situation himself. “At least they have a chance at a better life here. We all do really. So despite what anyone says... or what I said in the past. I think you made the right decision.”

Arceus chuckled. "Thank you Seth... that's all I wanted to do. Give everyone a fresh start."

The Luxray gave a single nod. “Well, I have to return to my own family, lest Chrissie tries to burn down Sweet Apple Acres. You take care my friend.”

"And you as well," Arceus nodded.

Seth nodded and headed off. His promise to Dace was complete and now he had a Ranger Union to check on. That was going to be an adventure in and of itself. He passed a few more Legendary Pokemon on the way out, and smiled when he realised how jaded he was to seeing them now. He treated Arceus himself like an old friend, hugged cute, little Diancie and was now high-fiving Groudon, very carefully.

“My life is weird,” Seth mused.

“So, yer sure y’all don’t mind sleeping in the barn?” Applejack asked the small group of Pokemon. Apple Fritter had been given the guest room, but the Pokemon would have to stay in the family’s massive barn.

“We don’t mind,” Igins said, having flown into town to get a translation spell from somepony. “Thank you for putting up with us again Ms. Applejack.”

“Ah, t’aint no trouble,” AJ smiled. “The more the merrier, that’s the Apple Family way!”

“Fritter seems to be taking that quite literally,” Christine smirked, causing Rika to squeak and blush.

“Christine,” Selena sighed as Ignis laughed. AJ looked quite confused.

“Did she say sumthin’ funny?”

“Yeah, she’s quite the practical joker,” Ignis chuckled. Then a devious idea popped into his head. “You know, I think I have an idea. I bet Christine would love to hang out with your little sister and her friends~”

“Bloom? Well, ah can’t see the harm,” AJ smiled. “Ah’ll let ‘em know that they have a new friend to play with.” Applejack headed off to find her sister while Selena broke down into ritorious laughter.

“Nice knowing you Chrissie,” Selena smiled.

From outside, a deafening cheer could be heard. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, DRAGON CATCHERS! YAY!!”

“Oh c’mon,” Christine said with an eye-roll. “D’you seriously think any kids are gonna be able to do to me what all those trainers failed to do back on Earth?”

“Imagine Rika, smaller, Ponyta-shaped and ten times more hyper... Oh, and there’s three of them,” Selena informed the dragon.

“...And on that note, see ya!” the Gabite said, instinctively vanishing and running into the orchard.

“Godspeed, purple dragon!” Ignis saluted.

It was late afternoon by the time Seth returned, limping slightly. Christine, still trying to avoid three extremely persistent fillies was the first to encounter the Luxray.

“Ah, hey Chrissie,” Seth waved with his good paw. “How’s it going?”

“You fool,” she hissed. “You just gave away my position!” With that, she was invisible and off again, hoping it wasn’t too late to continue avoiding the trio of terror.

“That was... new,” Seth blinked. He limped over to the barn, as he could smell Ignis and Selena’s scents. The couple were rearranging some large haybales. Since AJ was letting them stay for free, they decided to help out around the place.

“Hey you two,” Seth said.

“Hey yourself, you took your sweet time-” Ignis saw the way Seth limped. “What happened to you?”

“High-fived Groudon... he’s just as strong as he looks,” Seth smiled and Selena facepawed.

“Aw man, I wanna high-five Groudon,” Ignis pouted. “So did you do whatever it was you went there to do?”

“Yeah, and Diancie is kinda awkward to hug,” he replied. “She’s cute, but, well... she’s a rock.”

“So now you’re hitting on Diancie?” Selena asked. “And I bet you didn’t even realise you were doing it too.”

“I didn’t hit on Diancie,” Seth confirmed her theory.

“Case and point,” Selena shrugged. “I wonder about you sometimes. I swear you have the Oblivious Ability.”

“Jokes aside,” Seth deadpanned. “I wonder what Ability I do have? It either has to be Intimidate, Rivalry or Guts.”

“It’s not Intimidate, I’d have felt it if it was,” Ignis confirmed. “Well, I could use Inferno, burn you and see if you have Guts?”

“I don’t like that idea,” Seth replied. “Not one bit.”

“I figured as much,” Ignis nodded. “I could flirt with Fritter, see if you have Rivalry?”

“You wanna die!?” Selena and Seth echoed.

“Okay, scratch that idea as well,” Ignis grinned. “Well, all those Abilities kinda suck anyway. So does it really matter?”

“Why can’t I have something awesome...” Seth pouted, “Like Wonder Guard?”

“Why are we even talking about this?” Selena asked. “Are we seriously that bored?” It suddenly occurred to the trio, that without Christine or Rika around... it really was boring.

“Oh. My. Arceus,” Selena facepawed. “I actually miss the crazy ones!”

“Not to mention the vow of celibacy we had to take for the duration of our visit,” Ignis groaned. “And I’ll bet every bit I own that Christine is just gonna rub that in.”

“Better than you rubbing one out and the little ones catching you,” Christine’s voice came from above.

All three looked up to see the purple dragon hiding in the rafters of the barn. Seth blinked and was the first to speak up.

“Um, Chrissie... what the hell are you doing?”

“Hiding,” she replied. “I ran in one direction, used Double Team, went invisible, and came here. All three of those little monsters and their Pokemon friends are chasing illusions of me.”

“Clever,” Ignis nodded. “At least that’ll keep ‘em off your tail... until I call them~”

“Considering that they’re currently trying to catch a ‘dragon’ and you’re more like the local ones than myself,” Christine pointed out, “That would not be the wisest move on your part.”

Ignis processed this information for about two seconds, before spreading his wings and took off into the afternoon sky. He figured that a distant mountaintop needed to be visited.

“Great...” Selena muttered. “Thanks Christine.”

“Think about it like this,” she said. “Now you won’t be tempted to jump his bones.”

“Now I’m just tempted to break yours,” She muttered. “I’m gonna go see what Rika’s doing, I think she’s helping cook or something.” Selena brushed some fur from her eyes and left the barn, leaving Seth and Christine to their own devices.

“Provided nothing major happens, we should be outta here in a day or two,” Seth mentioned. “Still, Ponyville seems like a peaceful little town, I bet it’s boring as all heck here most of the time.”

Christine just face-clawed. “Have. You. Learned. Nothing?” she asked. “I’m gonna go see if there are any bomb shelters in the vicinity. I might need one now that you’ve called the wrath of Murphy’s Law down from on high upon us.”

“Seriously?” Seth deadpanned. “I’m all for Murphy jokes, but I hardly doubt that every time I say it, something will happen.”

“...That forest looks wonderful,” Christine said. “I’m just gonna go hide in it until the apocalypse stops being tempted by your words.” With that, the dragon was off at a remarkable clip towards the treeline.

“Aw, but I have so many more!” Seth called out. “Like, I bet nothing could go wrong. Sure hope these peaceful days will last. I’m positive that everything will be just fine. What’s the worst that could happen? I bet no matter what I say, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN!”

WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP ALREADY?!” the Gabite roared as the Luxray’s words kept spilling forth. Unfortunately, the volume along with the fact that without a translation spell, it sounded like “GABITE GAB GABITE!” got the attention of three small little ponies.

“Ah found it girls!” Apple Bloom cried, carrying a large net.

“Oh hell no, not again!” Christine moaned as she went mostly invisible and began the chase all over again. Seth’s response? He just laughed as he watched the fierce dragon flee in the face of cuteness.

“Oh, how bad could it be?” he called out.

“YOU’RE NOT HELPING!” she screamed. “Either shut up or go away! I don’t need fate to be tempted any more!”

“Ah well, I can’t think of any more anyway,” Seth chuckled. “That was kinda fun though.”

Inside the farmhouse, Apple Fritter and Rika were preparing dinner. While Granny Smith and AJ usually did that, Fritter insisted on helping out, and the rest of the family didn’t complain. The meal of choice? A slow-cooked vegetable stew.

“Mmm, that smells amazing!” Applejack whistled. “Ah must say cuz, yer cookin’ skills are somethin’ else!”

“Thanks,” Fritter blushed. “Ah still can’t get Granny’s Apple Pie recipe right though.”

“Aw, I bet your pie’s plenty tasty~” Rika cooed as Fritter dropped her spoon and blushed redder than Big Macintosh. Applejack tilted her head and blinked.

“Uh, y’all okay there Fritter?”

“F-fine,” Fritter replied quietly. “And that’s enough outta you!” she whispered at Rika, who just giggled in response.

“Oh, kay?” Applejack said hesitantly. “Well, if y’all need help, jus hollar alright?”

“Will do,” Fritter nodded, trying to get her red face under control, and failing miserably. Her current train of mental images wasn’t helping either...

Applejack’s ears pricked up as she heard Apple Bloom yell something about setting a trap. “Consarn it! Ah told that girl not t’bother the Pokemon. Ah’ll be right back.” She headed outside to wrangle her sister and her friends, and save Christine from their incessant chasing.

“Rika!” Fritter swatted at her with a spoon. “Ah can’t believe you! Don’t y’all have an ‘off’ switch?”

“Yes, but you’ll have to hit it with your tongue~” she giggled and Fritter looked like she was about to die from the blood rushing to her face. “And what’s the harm in AJ finding out? I highly doubt that she’d be upset or anything. Isn’t herding a pony thing anyway?”

“W-well...” Fritter replied. “It is... but...”

“There’s a but?” Rika was getting a little worried now. “It’s not illegal is it?”

“No, nothing like that,” Fritter waved a hoof. “It’s just... not quite as common as ah said it was...?”

Rika’s mouth made a little ‘o’ shape. “Well, still... AJ doesn't strike me as the type to be mean or anything. I think we can tell her.”

“An’ ah will,” Fritter said. “Jus’... when ah’m ready is all.”

Applejack came back inside, dragging three protesting fillies with her. “Ah can’t believe you had a net like that! And where in the hay did you get a catapult!?”

“We built it!” Applebloom said with more than a hint of pride.

“You built it...?” Applejack sighed. “Ah outta tan yer hide fer tryin’ to use that on a Pokemon, or any critter fer that matter.”


“No buts!” Applejack said. “Now go an’ wash up fer supper. Ah hafta find that dragon and try an’ apologise to ‘er. Just as you three will as well. Got it!?”

“Yes Applejack,” the trio echoed and trudged upstairs.

“Family...” Applejack sighed again. She turned to the duo cooking, “Y’all know how ta find that dragon?”

“An invisible dragon?” Fritter said, spying a red stripe right behind Applejack. “Eenope!”

“You ponies really need to work on your perception,” Christine’s voice came from behind the local Apple mare.

“LANDSAKES!” Applejack jumped a foot into the air as she whirled around. “Don’t sneak up me like that, y’all will give me a heart attack.”

“Considering that you,” the Gabite said, pointing at Applejack, “Set them,” here she pointed at the stairs where the trio of terror had gone, “On me in the first place? Be glad all you’re getting is a scare.” Christine’s eyes were half lidded in irritation as she finished.

“R-right, lesson learned then,” AJ gulped. “Ah didn’t think they’d get so... excited.”

“Really?” a deep voice came from the doorway as Big Macintosh Apple stood there.

“Well, ah hoped that they wouldn’t,” Applejack smiled sheepishly. Big Mac’s brow furrowed as AJ sighed. “Alright, ah’m sorry Ms. Dragon.”

Christine considered for a moment before turning to Apple Fritter. “Just checking, but you’d be pretty upset if any of them even slightly caught on fire, right?”

“Ah reckon ah might be,” Apple Fritter nodded. “Don’t set mah family on fire please.”

“You being upset means no Oran desserts for me, so no, they won’t be set on fire. She’d better get used to me pranking her, though,” the dragon clarified. “Cause that little one has earned it, but this orange one will be paying for it.”

“Ah don’t like the sound of that tone,” AJ gulped, “Should ah be worried?”

“Prolly a little,” Apple Fritter nodded. “She said she’s gonna prank you.”

“Wonderful,” AJ grimaced. “As if Pinkie and Rainbow ain’t enough...”

“DId somepony call me?” A chipper voice replied from atop Christine’s head.

“...Fritter, please tell me what’s on my head before I set it on fire,” the dragon said, eerily calm. Though there was a trickle of smoke coming from her mouth even now...

“That’s cousin Pinkie Pie,” Fritter explained while Rika waved.

“Hey bestie!” Rika giggled.

“Back at you!” Pinkie giggled back and looked down at Christine. “Who’s Smokey the Dragon here?”

“Chrissie!” Rika giggled. “And... you may wanna move.”

“...Is she actual family? One you’d be upset about me hurting?” the dragon asked.

“She’s family,” Fritter replied. “But uh... ah don’t think you could hurt her.”

Pinkie was now standing right in front of Christine. “Hi! My name’s Pinkie Pie. You’re new in Ponyville right? Do you know what that means?”

“I’m guessing she’s the welcome wagon,” Christine said, slowly getting her heart and breathing under control.

“You could say that...” Fritter said, but Pinkie drowned her out.

“A PARTY!” Pinkie cheered, throwing confetti everywhere. “It’s a little short notice, can I borrow the barn AJ?”


“Thanks, be riiiight back!” Pinkie bounced out of the door, humming a little tune.

Christine looked from the door to Rika, back to the door, and back to Rika. “...I’m not sure which of you came first,” The dragon finally commented, “But I’m not hanging around both of you.”

The door opened as Pinkie bounced back in... backwards. It was like someone had just hit rewind on her. “Let’s go!” she giggled and the next thing Christine knew, she was in the barn, which was decorated with streamers, balloons and a giant cake.

“This is only a small one,” Pinkie said sadly as she put a party hat on the dragon’s head. “So I could only get this much set up. I’ll totally throw a much bigger one next time!”

“GAH! What the-” The dragon looked around, bemused and confused. “How in the…” She then turned back towards the pink pony and if you listened, you could actually hear her mind breaking. “Okay, you’re not a ‘mon, you don’t know Teleport, and yet somehow you got this all set up and got me here within a few seconds...I...I need a minute.”

“The hell?” Seth looked around the barn as he came in. “Where did...? What?”

“Awesome!” Rika cheered. “You’re the best, Bestie!”

“I am pretty good,” Pinkie giggled. “And your Gabite friend is pretty gabby huh?”

Rika and Pinkie shared another giggle as Seth’s eyes widened. Was this the mare that Rika said she made friends with at the wedding?

“Sweet Arceus, there’s two of them!” he gasped. “I... I was only kidding when I taunted Murphy! I-I didn’t know!”

“Oh I get gabby when I encounter things I don’t understand,” Christine commented. “Helps me analyze them a bit more. And...wait, did she just understand you, Rika?” The Gabite turned to the Sylveon, eyes wide. “Oh please tell me that someone besides Fritter can understand us.”

“I dunno what you’re saying,” Pinkie giggled. “Buuut, I get the feeling that you said, ‘I want some of that delicious cake!’”

“Don’t... just, don’t try to understand Pinkie Pie,” Fritter said. “Just accept it and move on.”

“I highly doubt that cake has any Oran Berries in it anywhere, considering they’re native to Earth,” Christine said with a smirk while crossing her arms. “Which would be the only way I would eat it.”

“This Oran cake is delicious!” Rika giggled as she stuffed her face.

“It’s your favourite right?” Pinkie said. “Eat up alrighty!”

Christine’s jaw just dropped as her mind gave up the ghost. “How...what...when…” she muttered.

Pinkie suddenly vibrated across the floor and her jaw dropped. “I gotta go see Abby, like now! Enjoy the party guys. Later!” and just like that, the mare vanished in a cloud of dust.

“What the fuck just happened?” Selena said, not really knowing how she got here.

“A Pink Pony Rika happened,” Christine replied, her brain replying automatically.

“There’s two of them, there’s two them, there’s two of them,” Seth just rocked back and forth. Rika just giggled and hugged her broken Luxray.

Applejack just chuckled as she replaced her party hat with her Stetson. “Well, ah guess we could have dinner in here tonight. Big Mac, y’all wanna get everypony else?”

“Eeyup,” the stallion rumbled as Rika and Selena swooned at his voice. Seth’s eyes snapped back into focus as she glared at Mac’s retreating form. He had placed a paw around Rika and a low growl was in his throat.

“Mine,” he stated.

Dinner was something else. With quite a few Pokemon, like Korrina and Lucario, Seth’s group and the Apple family. Once the barn filled up, Christine took to the rafters, avoiding all the new faces that suddenly showed up. Seth beckoned for her to come back, but there was no way the dragon was gonna have that many eyes on her.

Night had fallen and most ponies and Pokemon had retreated to bed. Fritter had sighed more than once, knowing her herdmates would be in the barn, whilst she was inside the house all by herself. Sleep would not come easy to the mare tonight.

Ignis was sitting on the roof of the barn, staring up at the bright night sky. He wasn’t really tired yet, despite the fact Selena was already snoozing peacefully, at least for now.

He held a Mega stone up in front of him, it’s dark colourations of the Charizardite shining all the more in the pale moonlight.

“Still no good,” he muttered. “I’m still not strong enough...”

“What’s eatin’ you, flame-brain?” Christine called from across the roof. She hated it when others snuck up on her, so she’d extend the same courtesy...to those that had earned it.

Ignis was so deep in thought, the voice still caught him off-guard as he fumbled with the stone. “Huh? Oh, ah... nothing much really. What’s up? Can’t sleep?”

“I caught a nap on the train,” the dragon said with a wave. “I’m good for a few hours yet. ‘sides, I didn’t have the most regular sleep cycle in the wilds. So spill,” she finished by prodding him in the ribs with one claw.

“Heh,” Ignis chuckled as she struck his ticklish spot. “Yeah... well,” he held up the Mega stone so she could see. “Just this old thing.”

“Huh,” she said, giving it a look. “That your Mega stone?”

Ignis motioned to the one in his neckpiece. “No, this is my other one... and my curse.” The stone he held was Charizardite X. “The one I can’t control...”

“Okay, stupid question time. If you know you can’t control it, then why are you keeping it around?” the Gabite asked.

“Because I want to control it!” Ignis replied. “With my current stone, my type doesn’t change, I just become a stronger, faster version of me... But this one?” he glared at the stone like it was an old enemy, hell, it might as well have been. “With this, I become a Dragon-type, and it’s because of that type change that I can’t control it.”

Christine sighed and drew a little closer to the Charizard. “Let me ask you another silly question then, Ignis.” She raised an arm and willed it to become invisible. “Do you think I was BORN this way?”

“I get the general idea of your story,” Ignis nodded. “Vincent brought it up... a lot. Where are you going with it?”

“Do you think I got the manual as to how to control my invisibility overnight?” she deadpanned. “I had to learn how to understand how my startle reflex affected my new powers, and then I had to learn how to reach for it willingly. And even then, doing tricks like this, just one part at a time? Lots of focus and willpower.”

“I’ve had this stone for over five years,” Ignis said. “And in that five years, I’ve tried to use it a total of three times... and in all three of those cases?” Ignis paused as he tried to remember, the problem was that he couldn’t. All he had to go by was what his Trainer and friends would tell him.

“Did you know that last time I used it, I almost killed Seth. I almost killed my brother!”

“Okay, yeah, going to admit that that sounds bad,” Christine said with a nod. “Still, correct me if I go off-course, yeah? You can’t control it, right?”

“More like I can’t control my Dragon half,” Ignis admitted. “All that power, that energy? It consumes me. I can’t even remember what I do when I’m in that form.”

“And if I understand how a Mega stone works, it does so by unlocking all of a ‘mon’s hidden potential,” Christine commented. “Right so far?”

“Yes,” Ignis responded. “I can use Dragon-type moves in my current state, but for some reason... I don’t know.”

“Well then,” the dragon commented. “Options as I see them. One, you throw the stone away. Likely?”

“I’ve thought about it,” Ignis replied. “But honestly, do you think I’d stand for losing against an inanimate rock?”

“Fair enough,” Christine said with a nod. “Option two, you find a Psychic that can help you with this little...dispute your Dragon side and you seem to be having.”

“Tried that too,” Ignis sighed. “Diantha’s Gardevoir attempted that, since as a Fairy, she could try while I was Evolved... that... didn’t go well for either of us.” He wondered if they’d fixed the section of the Battle Mansion they’d obliterated.

“And then we have option three,” here Christine looked over at Ignis. “We get you used to your Dragon side.”

Ignis snorted, “Oh, and pray tell, how do we do that?”

“Well,” she said, thinking for a minute. “I know you don’t seem the meditating type, but that’s the first thing that comes to mind.”

“I can be pretty chill if I need to be,” Ignis laughed.

“Fair enough,” the Gabite said with a shrug. “It’s just...being chill with your own self is going to be hard. After all,” she swung her tail around and made it vanish. “This is a part of me. I can’t run from it, hide it, or cut it out of myself. It’s me, and I’m it. And in a similar way, your Dragon side is a part of you. You both have something in common, anyways.”

“That we can appreciate cute dragon-butt?” he chuckled, getting a full view now that her tail was invisible.

“You both hate to lose,” she replied, bopping him on the nose with a claw. “He just hates to lose to anyone or anything, from the sound of it. You need to strike a middle ground. He brings the power, you bring the restraint. Otherwise that little stone there might as well be an Everstone.”

Ignis nodded, he wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of such insightful advice. “You’re pretty wise for someone so young. Thanks Christine.”

“Yeah, well, when I start following that advice, you can call me that,” she said with a scowl before turning around and making to leave.

“What’s the rush?” Ignis said, pulling her back down. “Stay and enjoy the stars with me for a while...” he paused and then added, “As friends.”

“Yeah, was about to say,” Christine commented with an eye-roll. “Selena’s made it quite clear I’m not to make a move on you. Plus even if I were, there’s that whole ‘not on the farm’ rule in play.”

“Funny thing is, I’m the one that prefers one mate only,” Ignis chuckled. “Did you know that Rika and Selena were together for a while?”

“That’d explain her comments at the house,” the Gabite said, putting a few things together. “Bet those ribbons were pretty useful.”

“Didn’t ask for details,” Ignis replied. “But I guess so?”

“Though one would think the horn would also be quite stimulating,” the dragon commented idly. “That is, if it were used right.”

“That horn is razor sharp, I doubt that,” Ignis winced. “Ouch...”

“Eh, they could probably just cover it with something thick enough if they wanted to use it,” Christine observed. “Plus it’d leave her mouth open.”

“Why are we discussing this?” Ignis blushed slightly. “You really need to get a mate.”

“Got a ‘mon in mind and until then, I’m pretty pent up,” the dragon observed with a huff. “Not allowed to touch anyone cause of your views on how it all should work. Not the best of times for me, especially with the rules in place on the farm preventing me from relieving myself.”

“Too bad you can’t fly, there’s a nice secluded mountaintop near here,” Ignis trailed off.

“Why Ignis, are you offering me a rendezvous?” the younger dragon asked shamelessly.

“Hardly,” Ignis snorted in amusement. “You couldn’t handle me anyway kid.”

“Oh please,” the Gabite said with a wave. “One Rock Slide and you’d be mine to deal with as I saw fit.”

“One Dragon Bullet and you’d spend the rest of our trip dreaming about it instead,” Ignis said with a light chuckle.

“That would be assuming you could find me,” she replied with an invisible nose-swat. “I’m pretty good at hiding until the last moment, which is usually when I pounce with a super-effective move.”

Ignis gave his wings a slight twitch. “Gotta fly if you wanna dance with this dragon, little lady,” Ignis retorted. “Selena’s the only ‘mon to ever keep me grounded.”

“Aww,” she pouted as she let her claw fade back in as it trailed up his ribs. “You’re no fun. All look and no touch.”

“Sorry,” Ignis replied. He did feel a little bad, Christine was awfully cute. “You’ll find someone soon, and they’ll treat you the way you should be treated, like something rare and precious.” Ignis placed a claw on her shoulder and smiled. “Who knows if Sam is that ‘mon or not, love is a fickle thing after all. But you can bet if they don’t treat you right, I’ll have something to say about it.”

“You’re sweet,” Christine said with only a light blush. “And really, I wouldn’t mind getting a little actual experience about the more physical aspects...especially if it were you doing it.”

“And I’m flattered,” Ignis replied. “But, I can’t... I’m sorry.”

“Figures,” the Gabite sighed. “The one male that’s actually tempted me away from my Sam, and you have to be the forbidden fruit.”

“That’s the way the Poffin crumbles,” Ignis nodded. “Sorry I’m so irresistibly sexy.”

“Oh no you’re not,” Christine said with a wicked smile. “After all, the teasing has only just begun. And since you think my butt is cute, why don’t you get a good eyeful?”

With that, she jumped down from the roof, but on the way, Ignis swore he could see more than a decent ‘mon should be able to.

“That girl is going to be the death of me,” he sighed. And then jumped when Selena leapt up onto the roof from the other side. “Oh, ah... how long have you been there?”

“Somewhere around the time you mentioned your Mega stone,” she replied. “And... her butt is kinda cute I suppose.” She sighed as she sat next to her mate and nuzzled him. “I wouldn't blame you, you know... after all... she can give you what I can’t.”

A lump formed in Ignis’s throat. “It’s... that’s really bothering you isn’t it?”

“That I can’t give you a child?” Selena snorted. “What gave you that idea?” She frowned as she flexed her claws. “It’s not fair...”

“Life sucks sometimes,” Ignis nodded, holding her close. “And don’t worry about things like that. I don’t love you any less because of it.”

“Yeah, just go to sleep,” Selena said, shoving her mate. “I’ll be down in a minute. Night is kinda my thing after all.”

“The nightmares again?” Ignis asked, and Selena paused.

“...No, just... don’t worry alright. Go to bed Ignis. You know what you’re like if you don’t get enough sleep.”

“Yeah, fine.” Ignis yawned. “Don’t be too long alright?”

Selena nodded and watched him leave. Once he was gone, she stared back up at the moon as she curled up, sighing gently at the night sky.

“I don’t deserve someone like you,” she whispered.

Author's Note:

Author’s notes -

Bubba- I made three edits. That’s about it. I also just helped by giving company… Sweet, sweet company. Oh, wait, I made the “Fritter’s got wood joke.” And now that’s about it...

Thadius0 - The original version of this chapter was WAY more raunchy.  Aus toned it down.  Forcibly.  I might keep the original scenes hanging around in my memory to taunt Aus with.~

Aus - You would too. And... I fear for Fritter’s future sanity with what you threatened.

Thad - Hey, I’m just the little imp on your shoulder.  The fact that what I suggest happens to wind up coming out of somemon’s mouth is all you.

tdnpony - Oh dear, I smell trouble.

Zeus- I’m honestly wondering how the CMC’s are still alive at this point... great chapter as usual

Thad - Christine wouldn’t hurt a kid, no matter how annoying they are!  She has some limits.

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