• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Forty

Seth’s ears pricked up as he heard a muffled shout coming from one of the windows. “Hmm, that’s an ill omen,” he muttered. “We sure we want to go in there?”

“Unless you want me to drag Jessie out here,” Vincent said. “But that just screams romance.” The latter part of his reply was nearly dripping with sarcasm.

“Well then,” Seth grinned and opened the door. “Let’s get started already!”

The lack of a doormon was slightly unnerving, until Lala descended from upstairs, clearly shocked about something. Upon noticing the returning party of ‘mon, she nodded at them and took her seat, still not paying much attention to anything at all.

“Um, you okay there Miss Lala?” Seth asked a little unnerved about a member of Checkmate acting like that.

“Oh I’m fine. Just suffering a complete lack of any frame of reference for reality after your pink friend in there broke just about every one of them,” she idly commented while staring at a wall. “I don’t know what you trained her in, but it was very effective.”

“Yeah... I honestly don’t know where she learned that,” Seth admitted. “She made friends with somepony named Pinkie Pie... I think she taught her weird things...”

“Weird does not begin to describe what she did in there.” The Leavanny looked to Vincent and sighed. “If they’re staying any longer than a few days, then I need a raise.”

“Aheh...We can talk about that in the morning,” Vincent’s eyes quickly darted over to Seth, hoping the answer wasn’t ‘yes’ to the question of them staying too much longer.

“A day or so,” Seth replied. “We have a lot to do in Canterlot soon.”

“Perhaps we should see just what chaos little Rika has unleashed this time,” Ignis chuckled. “Plus I wanna tell them about Seth’s new girlfriend~”

“...My what!?”

“If it helps any, I promise to keep my mouth shut,” Vincent said, miming a zipper across his mouth.

I too shall not tell them, if that is your desire, Luke pitched in.

“Much more fun to watch chaos when you don’t have a hand in making it,” the Kadabra observed.

“I will Thunderbolt all of you,” Seth muttered as they ascended to stairs, finally getting to the room. Seth raised a paw and knocked on the door. “Anyone home?” he called out. “I’m here to deliver a group of sexy men!”

“Oh good, send ‘em in!” Christine replied from beyond the door. “Where’d you get them, the red-light district?”

“Nope, these boys are homegrown,” Seth chuckled. “Care to let us in ladies?”

“I dunno, girls. Should we?”

There was a muttering as the girls beyond the door convened as to whether or not the menfolk would be allowed in, before the door was grudgingly opened. Mage floated back to the main room afterwards, snickering as she did. Jeanne sat in the living room with a small smile on her face, and Christine and Selena blocked the door to the master bedroom. Of Jessie or Rika, there was no sign.

“I don’t like this,” Seth muttered. “Just what are you girls up to anyhow?”

“Rika wanted a few more minutes before she felt Jessie was ready,” Christine explained, not budging from the doorway.

“That... I think I know what’s going on here,” Seth smiled. “Alright, we can wait I suppose.” He walked over to Fritter and nuzzled her, “I missed you and Rika though.”

“Phew,” Fritter gasped. “Y’all smell like a brewery, didja go drinkin? Without me?”

“That wasn’t our intention at the start,” Vincent clarified. “Apparently if you don’t specify that you want your cider to be non-alcoholic, they give you the alcoholic version. Guess who slipped?”

“Seth, did you do something silly?” she smiled, nuzzling her Luxray.

“He hit on a Gryphon,” Ignis replied and winced as Fritter slugged Seth in the shoulder.

“Y’all did what!?” She exclaimed and then sighed and calmed down. Cider could do silly things to ponies. “Was she at least cute?”

“A little,” Seth replied.

“Well... that’s alright then.” Fritter nodded.

“To be fair, she started it,” James pointed out. “Even slipped him her address.”

“Not. Helping. James... wait, she did what?” Seth blinked. “And you all planned on telling me this when?”

“When the right time for comedy gold could occur,” Ignis answered. “Like now for instance. And again when Rika gets out here.”

“Or we could just let her find the card you slipped under your collar there,” Vincent commented. “Should make for a very fun moment.”

Seth sparked and then sighed. “I give up... Fritter, I need a hug~”

The mare obliged and embraced her Luxray again, making sure that the card in his collar was crushed under her hoof. Fortunately, at that particular moment, Rika decided to announce her latest work to the men.

The Pyroar looked quite stunning, her mane and coat had been brushed and shone in the light as a light amount of eyeshadow had also been applied. A small red ribbon was tied to the end of her tail and though it was simple, the effect was quite striking.

“I feel ridiculous,” she muttered under her breath so only Rika could hear.

“You look fine,” she whispered back. “And from the looks of it, James thinks so too~”

While the other men had silently appraised the Pyroar’s changed look, James had dropped his jaw and gone nearly slack at the sight of Jessie’s changed appearance for a second time. The first, of course, being when they’d awoken as Pokemon.

“I...thank you, girls. I think I can do this now.” Jessie walked up to James and waved a paw in front of his face to get his attention. It worked, snapping him out of his daze.

“James, I think we should talk.”

James nodded, then looked at the audience they’d acquired. “Perhaps somewhere more private, like the roof?”

Jessie smiled slightly and jerked her head to the front door before heading that way herself.

“And I believe that you have something to say to these two?” Ignis mentioned, pointing at Rika and Fritter.

“Yeah, I guess I do,” he replied... and then looked at everyone else. “I don’t suppose we could have a little privacy please?”

“Lucy will be waking up soon,” Vincent said with a sigh. “So I suppose I can go.”

And my angel and I shall leave you to your own devices, Luke said as Mage wrapped him in a light hug.

“I can wander off as well, dear,” Jeanne said, following in Vincent’s wake as he held the
door open for the rest.

“I have a den to make mine,” Christine tacked on as she pulled herself to her feet and stretched before heading out herself.

Once they left, Rika let out a little squeal. “Eeeee! I feel like a goddess of love~” she giggled.

Cresselia and Cadence twitched, sensing the emergence of a powerful new rival...

“We do seem to have a habit of doing this everytime we meet Vincent’s family,” Seth mentioned. “So should we try Sam? Or maybe Christine next time?” he chuckled as he snuggled down in between the two. “So I guess we have a few things to talk about huh?”

“Do we?” Fritter asked. “I thought we were just fine. Unless...?”

“You’re not breaking up with us are you!?” Rika cried.

“What? NO!?” Seth retorted. “Why the hell would you think that?”

“We need to talk?” Fritter replied, having been on the end of that line before. “Breaking up with somepony always starts with those lines.”

“I don’t want to break up with you, either of you,” Seth facepawed. “I was going to discuss why I hadn’t said that I loved either of you yet? Well, not properly anyway.”

Fritter and Rika both fell rather silent, as a fierce blush crept its way onto their cheeks. Seth blinked and realised what he’d said... and that he hadn’t meant to say it quite like that.

“Uh, yeah... so...” He groaned and sighed. “And I completely killed that moment...”

“I thought you did fine,” Fritter said. “An’ it doesn’t matter if you say it out loud or not. I know how you feel, and to be perfectly honest, I’ve know the two of you fer what? Two weeks?” She smiled softly as she leaned against Seth. “That aint enough time t’fall in love, unles y’all believe in that ‘love at first sight’ hooey.” Fritter shook her head and smiled warmly. “It takes time to get to know a pony... er, Pokemon in this case. And ya can’t be expected to say ‘I love you’ right away.”

Rika moved around so Fritter was in the middle now as both Pokemon snuggled their mare. Fritter sighed contently and continued. “So don’t worry yer head none. Ah’m plenty willing to wait until we can all say those words with pure honesty behind them.”

“I don’t have to wait,” Rika giggled. “I love Sethy and Fritt’s with all my heart. No doubts here!”

“We know you do,” Seth chuckled. “I want to be able to say it, I really do... but-”

“You need time,” Fritter finished his sentence. “And like ah said, we understand. Take yer time and we’ll be right here. Heck, we could make our little herd bigger iffn’ y’all want? Go get that cute little bird you were hittin’ on.”

“Uh... what?” Seth blinked. “Yeah, real funny Fritter.”

Fritter looked quite calm, while Rika moved in front of Seth, her eyes filled with either unbridled rage or furious vengeance. He couldn’t tell.

“Oh really?” Rika cooed, her sadistic tone made his fur stand on end. “And who might this ‘cute little bird’ be?”

“A Gryphon waitress he met at a bar,” Fritter said, simply adding fuel to the blaze. “Our Sethy here got drunk on cider and accidently hit on a waitress.”

“I... I don’t know if I’m supposed to be proud, impressed or mad.” Rika replied. “Can I be Proumadpressed?”

“And what made you think I was kidding?” Fritter asked. Seth looked at the confused Sylveon, over to the serious Earth Pony and then sighed.

“Yeah... I got nothing. Wanna snuggle?”

“Sounds good,” the two girls giggled. As they got comfortable, Rika got a most wonderful idea that caused her to giggle.

“We need to find Bitty a girl~”

“Or a guy,” Seth replied with his eyes closed. “He is genderless.”

Fritter just blinked, looking adorably confused. Genderless? What? Pokemon were confusing as all hay sometimes.

“Whatever,” Seth shrugged as he snuggled closer. “All I want is right here, as long as you two are by my side, Arceus could bring the apocalypse for all I care.”

“I think once in a lifetime is enough,” Rika giggled as she lay her head on Fritter’s shoulder.

“Agreed,” Seth said, laying his head on her other shoulder. Fritter giggled and petted the both of them.

“Whut am I? Yer personal pillow?” she asked, earning a smile from her Pokemon.

“Yep, nice and comfy~’ Rika giggled.

“And you smell nice,” Seth purred, nuzzling her mane and humming. Fritter blushed, but made no comment to argue.

“We should take some alone time once we get back to Canterlot,” Seth said quietly as they lay there. “Just the three of us. Maybe get a hotel room for the night. Enjoy a little sightseeing in our home city.”

“That...sounds nice actually,” Fritter nodded. “Ah reckon ah’d have to sort mah farm first. Nut a nice little vacation sounds wonderful. No fighting, no dealing with crazy...jus’ the three of us.”

“Agreed,” Rika said. “We still have a lot to work out in this relationship. So some personal time would be awesome.”

“So that’s a plan,” Seth nodded. “We go home, sort out our work. Have the Contest then it’s vacation time!”

The two females nodded and they shared a kiss, the first of many for the evening.

The next morning, the sun was only barely peeking over the horizon by the time Seth was leaving the apartment. He was sorely tempted to stay in bed with Rika and Fritter... but then Ace would probably be pretty pissed. So after a kiss goodbye, he left the sleeping girls to their dreams and headed out.

It was a short run to the Guard Station, but the earlier Seth got there the better. Captain Ace struck him as the type to not like being kept waiting. It was about a quarter to six by the time he arrived, and the stoic mare was already waiting.

“I hope...I’m on time,” he panted lightly as he ran up to her.

“Just about,” Ace said with a nod. “Come on, we have a city to patrol.” She gave him a look over. “How was your first night here?”

“It was...interesting,” Seth mused, reflecting on the night's proceedings. “Then again, when the Nurem family is involved, they usually are.”

“Interesting, yeah, I’d use that word,” she agreed. “Or explosive.”

“Plus, I seem to get someone romantically involved with another... once is an accident, twice is a coincidence...if it happens again...” Seth sighed. “So, aside from my wonderful hangover, how are you Captain?”

“Could be worse,” she replied as they started out of the main station and down the street. “My husband bought a bottle of wine and we split it. Other than that, not much happened that you need to hear about.”

The Luxray nodded, keep it professional then. “Well then, Seth Alexi Crescent reporting for duty Ma’am!” he gave her a salute.

She smiled. “Welcome aboard Crescent, this is going to be a fairly safe trip I think but if we run into trouble use some of your electricity to stun. No killing, period,” she instructed him.

“I would never!” Seth said with a small amount of shock. “I have received a little training from Abby and Sensei Kasai Trombley. So I may not even use my lightning at all.”

“Good,” Ace said, giving him a nod. “Now, tell me Cresent, what do you know about being an officer of the law here in Equestria?”

“Well, I understand that almost all of your laws are similar, if not identical to the ones we had on Earth. Things like theft, murder, assault etc. I’m still learning magic-based ones though, like dark magic and something called necromancy? I think?”

“Ah, Necromancy,” Ace said with a dark frown. “It has to do with the reanimating of the dead or the binding of souls to bodies. Foul stuff and not at all the sort of magic you want to fight without a dozen flame wielding unicorns.”

“I have a fire-breathing dragon,” Seth nodded. “So I think I have it covered for that.” He paused as he thought some more. “What I’d like to learn is how you deal with lawbreakers. Methods of arrest, what level of force is deemed necessary, etcetera.”

“Well, in my book, the best way to do it is to ensure that you only use the amount of force that’s needed. For example, if someone has a knife, disarm them and cuff them. If someone has access to magic, knock them unconscious or disable the horn. If it’s something non-violent keep a cool head and talk them down,” Ace explained as they continued walking through the city. “Sometimes even if it does get violent try and talk them down, especially if they’re obviously drunk or otherwise not in control of their senses.”

“Or brainwash a variety of Pokemon and using them as living weapons,” Seth muttered, before shaking his head and giving Ace a wry smile. “Well, so even the methods of arrest are similar. I think I should be able to get the hang of this pretty easily. Just gotta watch my own strength around ponies.”

“Yes, and you have to remember that ponies are a bit more creative with their powers than you’d expect,” Ace replied and suddenly Seth was walking up a set of invisible stairs, each one vanishing once he stepped off. “We’re rather innovative so don’t underestimate a criminal unicorn because he or she looks meek.”

“Trust me, I won’t make that mistake again,” Seth nodded. “So I assume a weak point for a Pegasus is their wings, and the legs or eyes on an Earth Pony?”

“That would be right,” Ace said with a nod of her head as she lowered the stairs for him to walk back to the ground seamlessly. “And Crescent, remember that not every unicorn is a battle trained Mage who graduated from Canterlot Academy. A lot of spell work is fast, dirty, and improvised so you always have to have your eyes open.”

“No worries there,” he smiled. “X-ray vision. I can see even if my eyes are closed.” Okay, that was a terrible joke. He thought it was funny though.

“Oh, good, we can give you to the mayor as a door guard to check for weapons,” Ace said, a note of snark leaking into her voice.

“Cute,” Seth deadpanned, before blinking. “Ah, no disrespect Ma’am.” Yeah, don’t dis a superior officer. Which he just did...good job.

“None taken, this time,” she said, her voice like solid steel. “So, what else would you like to know Crescent?”

“Well, I think that about covers it for now.” Seth replied, swallowing the lump in his throat. For a little pony, she was pretty intimidating. “I think some hands-on experience would be best. I learn fast, so no need to hold back on my account.”

“Good, I don’t have room for desk jockeys,” Ace said with a small smile. “I do enough of that all by myself.” She picked up the pace and they started off at a light pony trot. “We’re going to see if we can’t find any muggers out looking for easy prey so keep your eyes peeled.”

Seth nodded as he fell into step next to her, only a little slower due to his much longer strides. His eyes flickered gold occasionally, scanning any clothed ponies for concealed weapons or anything that seemed suspicious. His ear gave a flick, and he turned his head towards one alleyway. Was that...? His pace quickened and he entered the alley to see a bulky Pegasus pressing a petite mare against one wall, a small blade in his wing.

“Now be a sweetheart and hand over that pretty necklace of yers,” he leered at her. Seth paused, wondering what to do. If he made a sudden move, that mare could get hurt. Ace frowned, following his line of sight.

“I’ll take the knife,” she whispered to him as she began to subtly walk closer towards the alleyway. “The second it’s out of his feathers, take him down without harming the mare.”

Seth gave a small nod. He had an idea, and hoped that it would work. “Ready,” he whispered.

Ace nodded and Seth saw the slightest tinge of her magic touch the knife before it was jerked out of the feathers of the pegasus.

“Huh?” the pegasus said in surprise.

Seth then jumped forward, one massive paw slamming the Pegasus away from the mare and holding him against the wall in a turnabout play. His body sparked and the Stallion gave a slight twitch before crumpling over.

“Huh? I actually managed to use Thunder Wave correctly,” Seth mused. “Cool.”

“Ahhh!” the mare shouted in absolute surprise at the giant electric lion flattening her attacker out of nowhere.

“Relax Ma’am, Las Pegasus Guard,” Ace said with a smile as she walked forwards, a note-pad out. “I’m just going to ask you a few questions...”

Once the patrol had ended, the sun was already beginning to set. In the end, the duo had stopped another two muggings and a casino robbery, which Seth halted with intimidation alone. One lost the will to run when faced with a giant black lion shooting electricity.

“And that’s the first quarter of what you need to know to be an officer in the Las Pegasus Guard,” Ace said as they walked into her office. “Now we’re going to start the next quarter. Learning the paperwork system.” She had a particularly evil smile on her lips. “Oh, and no cheating by using Bit to do it for you.”

“Dang,” Seth snorted. That actually hadn’t occurred to him but it had already been shot down. “Oh, I’ve also given some thought to whether this city could use a Pokemon division of it’s own. And should you request one, I’ll-”

“Yes please,” Ace said, cutting him off. “My husband and I have already been looking into it but if you can get some official funding and some Pokemon who are actually trained for the work then it would be much appreciated.”

“Then I’ll let the Princess know it should be considered top priority. We can look for valid candidates in Canterlot, but you could ask around here as well. Who knows, it may even give some of the Nurems something to focus on.”

“I don’t know if I’d go that far,” she said with a slim smile. “I’m currently employing a Tyranitar and an Agaron who used to be ‘wild’. I think I’d trust them to be less destructive than the Nurems. I’d say no offense but they know it’s true.”

Elsewhere, a Kadabra finally felt his ears only burning, but no actual smoke came from them. Success!

Seth chuckled, so the mare did have a sense of humor. “Well, thank you for the informative day Captain Ace. I have learned a great deal and I will be sure to put it to good use.”

“Good, try and add some order to the Canterlot Guard, last I heard they were crumbling,” Ace told him before a small smirk of a smile crossed her face. “Something about a batpony mare going around offering herself to everyone, or something.”

“Huh? First I’ve heard of it,” Seth shrugged. Maybe that’d be something to ask Grissom about. “And I’ll try. I have Ex-Captain Ironside working for me now. He still has a lot of pull despite that incident. So my job should be a little easier.”

“Great.” She gave him a nod. “Dismissed Crescent, go fill out the paperwork.”

“Yes Ma’am...” He said in a dead tone as he trudged off into the office. This day just went from fun to flat out boring...

About an hour or so after Seth had left, Rika finally awoke to the scent of pancakes... apple pancakes.

“Mmmm~” she all but floated out of the room and into the dining room to see Fritter hard at work over the stovetop, preparing a breakfast feast. Fruit, vegetables, waffles, pancakes, coffee and tea were spread out on the table.

“Wow Apples,” Rika whistled as she gave her marefriend a deep kiss. “I appreciate the effort, but can the two of us eat all this? That is a buttload of food.”

“Heh, t’aint just fer us,” Fritter smiled. “Ah figured we could get the others in here as well. Have a big ol’ Apple Family style breakfast!”

“That is just so sweet,” Rika hummed. She placed an ear against Selena and Ignis’s room, and the sound of a snoring dragon was heard pretty well. “Heh, I guess they won’t be up for a bit.” She looked back to Fritter, “Should I ask the others?”

“Honestly, ah half expect Vincent to already know, with his fancy powers n’all...” Fritter said as she flipped the pancakes. “But if you wanna go and get ‘em, be mah guest Rika.”

Rika nodded, but going to every apartment would be such a hassle. Oh! She had a great idea. She ran to the door and out into the hallway. After taking in a deep breath, she activated her Hyper Voice.

“SOUP’S ON EVERYBODY!!” The walls rattled with the force of the call and several dogs a few blocks away began to howl. That paled in comparison to the reaction the others had, though.

A few startled psychic ‘voices’ made themselves known with simple exclamations, and the other members of Vincent’s little family had their own, muffled responses. Christine, though…

From the doorway to her room, a lance of fire rushed out and hit the opposite wall. It would appear she still had a few startle reflexes that weren’t ‘turn invisible’.

“Nice to see you’re as hot as always,” Rika giggled. “Come and get some breakfast!”

“Once you help me put this out!” the dragon said, pointing at the on-fire wall. The end result was quite simple. The two girls simply ran around like Farfetch’d with their heads cut off until Fritter emerged with a fire extinguisher.

“Really?” she replied as she put out the blaze.

“Fritter saves the day!” Rika cheered.

“Hey, when I get woken up by loud noises, it has never meant anything good in the past,” the dragon defended herself. “Plus I don’t have any moves to put out a fire I’ve started.”

Fritter stared at the destroyed wall. “Whelp, Vinny’s gonna be mad... again.” She sighed as she went back inside to finish cooking. “Two walls in two days, y’all trying to set a record or something?”

“So far it’s one apiece,” Rika giggled as she huggled her dragon friend. “But I win cause I’m cute~”

I’m actually not mad, Vincent’s voice rang out. Exasperated, sure. But I understand how this happened. Plus it gives me a chance to replace that wall with something fireproof, like ceramic...especially if this is going to be a regular thing.

“See?” Rika said to Christine. “You have friends that understand you.”

The dragon sighed, but smiled as well. “It’s Vincent. He understands us all, really. Kinda the selling point back on Earth…”

“As long as he came with a gift receipt,” Rika giggled. “Or at least an extended warranty.”

“Just go and get Ignis and Selena,” Fritter sighed as she put on another batch of pancakes. The Fairy saluted and barged into the couple’s room, soon earning a shout and muffled curses.

“And to think this is before I give her sugar,” Fritter smiled.

Vincent and Luke walked out of their shared apartment, closely followed by Mage carrying Jeanne, along with Sam. “We heard something about breakfast?” Sam asked. After Fritter let them inside, the group laid eyes on the veritable feast that lay before them.

This looks quite good, Luke commented. Vincent nodded, too afraid to open his mouth at the moment, for fear of getting the floor soaked with his drool. Jeanne sniffed a few times and sighed before turning to Fritter. “You and I must exchange recipes, dear. Perhaps even ingredients, seeing as we have some saved Berries.”

“We have our own Berry garden at home,” Fritter explained. “Titania and Miss Umbra is currently looking after it while we’re on this trip. But ah’m more than happy to exchange recipes with you Miss Jeanne.” She motioned at the table and smiled. “Well, dig in everypony, there’s plenty there. Ah got coffee, tea an’ juice here as well.”

Vincent helped himself to a cup of coffee and finally managed to work his mouth properly. “This is quite the spread...you didn’t have to do this, you know.”

“But ah wanted to,” Fritter said. “And y’all ain’t eaten till you’ve had an Apple Family Feast!”

“Willing to believe th-” The rest of Sam’s sentence got cut off as he put a forkful of pancake in his mouth and moaned. Turning to Jeanne, he said around his mouthful, “Sorry, got a new favorite food.”

Luke sat down as well, helping himself to a small amount of the breakfast food. Surely it cannot be that- Once the pancake was eaten, though, the adult psychic changed his tune. ...Abby could learn a thing or three from you…

Mage was then intrigued and ate a bite before joining her boyfriend in praising the mare. Jeanne quirked an eyebrow and looked at the Earth Pony with half a look of suspicion, the other half curiosity. “What...did you put in these pancakes to make them like them so much?”

“A little Apple Family secret,” Fritter winked. “So unless you wanna join the family, then ah’m afraid ah can’t tell y’all that. But I’ll be more than happy to make as many as you want.”

Ignis and Selena finally emerged, the former carrying the latter bridal-style. But when Selena saw that everyone else was here, she shrieked and ran back into the bedroom, blushing like mad.

“Well,” Ignis chuckled. “Morning everyone.”

Everyone else responded, mostly through mouths full of the delicious food. Vincent nodded at the dragon, too busy eyeing his pancake warily after its effects on the others. Christine had utterly destroyed her plateful, to almost include the plate, once she had some.

“I feel like I should be worried,” the Kadabra said.

“You’d better eat it before someone else does,” Rika said as she hopped into the room, her paws tied up with her own ribbons.

Ignis sat down next to the table and piled some food onto his place. “Ah, I’m starving!”

Vincent took the smallest portion of pancake that could still reasonably be called ‘a piece’ and ate it slowly. After a minute or two, he swallowed his food, looking at nothing in particular as the taste washed over him.

Fritter watched him curiously. She was wondering just what was going through his large head at the moment. While she wouldn’t mind if he disliked her food, everypony had their own tastes after all, he was being oddly quiet.

“If you don’t like it, ah could try and make something you do,” she offered after a moment. The words seemed to snap Vincent out of his trance...and he nearly stuffed the rest of the pancake in his mouth.

MINE! Was all he offered in response.

“Uh... alright then?” Fritter replied, not expecting that reaction. Not that she wasn’t glad though. “Ah guess ah should make some more then.”

Selena emerged a few moments later, her face was still red and she refused to make eye contact with anyone. She gave a quiet ‘good morning’ to anyone within earshot as she sat next to Ignis, hiding under one of his wings.

I was actually about to ask you that. Think you could make up a plate for Lucy as well? I’ll take them to her afterwards. The Kadabra swallowed his mouthful with a little bit of work before continuing. “Be a shame to miss this cooking.”

“Ah was already doing that Vince,” Fritter smiled as she filled a container with an assortment of the food. She also had a bottle filled with a juice made from Berries that Seth said could boost energy and stamina. “Here you go, one breakfast, fit for a Princess.”

“Much appreciated,” Vincent said, floating both container and bottle over. Taking a more sane and reasonable bite of the next bit of food on his plate, the Kadabra tilted his head to the side as he regarded the bottle. And this?

“A juice fer Pokemon,” Fritter said. “Seth showed me how to make it a few days ago. He isn’t a morning ‘mon, so he showed me this to help him get going.”

Sam chuckled lewdly as he took in the situation. “Oh, Vincent, I think I know why she made that for you,” the Scizor said. “She thinks you need a little help keeping up with Lucy.”

Fritter dropped her spatula as she glared at the Scizor. “A-a-ah said no such thang!” she stammered, her southern drawl much more prominent. “That there drink was fer Lucy, not...” she petered out and turned back to her stovetop silently, wondering if she should put chilli powder in Sam’s pancakes.

“At least he’s getting some,” Selena commented as she ate. “You just get Cut.”

“The process of wooing a member of Checkmate is apparently full of pain,” Sam said as he sipped some of his juice. “But what can I say? I set my sights high and never give up when I find something worth fighting for.”

“Much like all of us,” Jeanne said after finishing her latest bite. “I’m glad you all got that at least.”

The rest of the Nurem family nodded at Jeanne’s sentiment, as she considered more than just Vincent her ‘son;’ since he considered the others his family, so would she.

“A nice sentiment,” Ignis nodded as he ninja’d one of Sam’s pancakes.

Rika sat on a chair, then to her bound paws. “How am I supposed to eat?” she asked.

“Should’ve thought about that before you woke me with that Arceus-awful racket,” Selena muttered.

“Family,” Fritter sighed as she sat down to the table herself. Vincent raised a glowing blue hand, carefully teasing the knots that Rika had been bound with undone. They were tied with her own ribbons, after all.

“A word to the wise. More than just us survivors dislike being startled, Rika.” Vincent warned, before looking at his clean plate and smiling. “Well...with this, I must be off to feed and take care of Lucy...before ‘taking care’ of Lucy.” The Kadabra vanished in a flash of blue light.

“An’ with that mental image, mah hunger teleports outta here as well,” Fritter mumbled, but took a bite of her toast regardless.

“D’you think he’s on to us?” Sam questioned.

It would be foolish to assume he wasn’t, Luke replied.

“Just what have you two started?” Selena sighed.

“Something that was fun until just now,” Jeanne responded. “What with Vincent entering the fray, it’s all the more important that all parties are properly armed and fortified...and only a few of us can claim that.”

“Sucks to be you then,” Selena shrugged. “Though I bet Lucy’s doing a lot more sucking right now.”

With the gag in her mouth, she actually-

Sam shook his head at the Gallade. “They did not need to know that,” the Scizor cut Luke off. “Hell, I did not need to know the particulars.”

“You know that there are innocent ladies present right?” Rika replied as she finally ate her breakfast with some sense of refinement. She would definitely have to remember her ribbons could be used like that though~

“You? Innocent?” Christine snorted a few times. “Let’s have Vincent have a look at your head and answer that question once and for all. Probably the only thing innocent about you besides your looks is your ‘purity.’”

“What make you say that Christine?” Fritter asked.

“The things she says, the way she acts,” the dragon ticked off on her claws. “I mean, now that I look over the past week a bit more, I’m willing to bet that she knows exactly the effect she has on others. She just chooses to be innocent most of the time.”

“Effect on others?” Rika blinked. “I have no idea what you mean Chrissy.” The Sylveon smiled sweetly as she lapped at her milk, the creamy substance dripping down her chin.

“Yeah, buying that when hell freezes over,” Christine said, looking away after a moment.

“I’ll go and round up some ice-types then,” Rika grinned, licking her lips.

“Rika...” Selena warned

“What?” the fairy replied.

“Ah have no idea what’s going on,” Fritter replied as she drank her tea. “And something tell me ah don’t want to know either.” It still didn’t stop the small blush from gracing the mare’s cheek over Rika’s antics.

“There’s more to Rika than meets the eye, apparently,” Jeanne commented before cleaning her place completely.

“And that’s what makes her so dangerous,” Selena muttered, still taking refuge under Ignis’ wing.

“Best of luck Fritter,” Ignis nodded. “You’re gonna need it.”

“I have the distinct feeling I am being picked on,” Rika pouted.

“Probably shouldn’t make it so easy for the rest of us,” Sam said as he stacked his and Jeanne’s plates together. “C’mon, I’ll carry you back up before I go.”

“Thank you, dear,” Jeanne replied before being carried off by the Scizor.

“So what are we gonna do today?” Rika asked as she finished up her food. “Sethy’s gonna be out all day...”

“I don’t know,” Fritter replied as she filled the sink and started the dishes. “I don’t have any plans.”

“We’re just gonna take it easy for a while,” Selena said. “I’m kinda done with excitement, drama and whatnot for a while.”

“I have to go through my room still. I think there’s a closet I have yet to tackle,” Christine said, placing her dishes near the sink and nodding at the mare. “Thank you for the breakfast.”

“It was no trouble,” Fritter replied, hooves deep in water as Rika moved the help the mare. “Ah’m glad y’all enjoyed it.”

Enjoy is an understatement, Luke thought as he floated his and Mage’s plates over. Many could learn from you.

“Yeah, that’s one of the better meals I ever had,” the ghost chipped in.

“Thank ya kindly,” Apple Fritter blushed from the praise. “But my cookin’ t’aint nuthin compared to Granny Smith or my Momma,” her embarrassment caused her accent to increase again, though she didn’t seem aware.

Believe what you wish, Luke thought as he stood. But I tell you now that yours is the best cooking I’ve had in two worlds.

“And he doesn’t say things just to say them,” Mage tacked on before the both of them made their egress.

The mare just hid into her mane and nodded.

“Ah! Cute Fritter is cuuuuute~” Rika giggled as she hugged the mare.

“You two lovebirds enjoy yourselves, but not too much,” Christine commented before she left. “We’ve already got Vincent and Lucy upstairs. If I have to leave in order to get some fresh air and peace of mind, I’m blaming all of you.”

“Amen to that,” Selena muttered as she followed Ignis towards their room. “Good night all.”

“Really now,” Fritter sighed as she continued to wash. “Just what kinda mare do y’all take me for?”

“It’s not YOU I have doubts about!” the dragon shouted before she was fully upstairs.

I suppose she has a point,” Rika replied. “But I am a pure maiden that has the upmost respect for her beloved ones.”

“Laying on a little thick ain’t ya?” Fritter giggled.

Rika looked around the empty room. “Well now what?”

“I have some food saved for Bit, Lala and the rest,” Fritter said, patting the large container. “Let’s head down to the front desk, see if anypony’s there.”

“Alrighty,” Rika sighed. There goes her plans for a day inside... doing things. Apple-related things. She instead placed the last of the dried dishes away and followed her mare downstairs.

“Hello?” Fritter called as she got to the ground floor. “Anypony home?”

From beyond the sole door on the ground floor, a familiar Levanny walked out with a book in one of her claws. “Ah, miss Fritter, hello,” Lala greeted with a nod.

“Mornin’ Lady Lala,” Fritter smiled. “Ah made some breakfast for everypony today, thought you and Bitty could use some as well.” She placed the large container on Lala’s desk, the warm food gave off an enticing scent.

“That...was unexpected, but it is not unappreciated,” the doormon said, a slight smile on her lips. “Thank you. Bit is currently downstairs, but I doubt you will meet with success should you try to get him to eat.”

“We’ll see,” Rika giggled. “Fritter’s food is irresistible, much like it’s chef!”

“Are you trying t’kill me with embarrassment today?” Fritter waved a hoof and realised that she hadn’t tied her mane up yet. Ah well…

“No, then I wouldn’t have a cute marefriend,” Rika replied. “Still, Bitty’s already hard at work this early?”

“You forget what he is,” Lala replied as she opened the container a bit more and inhaling the scent. “Mmm...I may require a plate...and silverware.”

“Ah shoot, ah knew ah forgot something,” Fritter muttered. “One sec, ah’ll be right back!” She yelled as she galloped up the stairs.

Rika on the other hand, headed down, curious as to what Bit was up to. By the time she reached the basement, she could hear sounds coming from within.

“Knock, knock!” she called, remembering the advice of not entering his lab without permission. “You home Bitty?”

“One moment,” Bit called back. “Currently performing an arc welding technique to fuse two components together. Will be done in approximately fifteen seconds.”

“Kay,” Rika rocked on her paws, humming a cute little tune. Meanwhile, Fritter had returned with plates and whatnot for Lala and then brought some down to Bit.

“Is he here?” she asked Rika.

“Doing sciency stuff,” she explained. “I think he should be done soon.”

“Welding finished, biological units may enter, but refrain from touching anything, please,” Bit’s voice called out again.

The walked inside and both girls gasped at what had been done. Rika took a moment to look around in quiet awe.

“Wow Bitty, just what have you been doing?”

“Working,” he said, hovering over his mostly-finished computer. “Thanks to the Xtranciever, I know where I went wrong and corrected my mistakes. All that remains is to attempt to turn this on and see if I can interface with it.” True, it looked a little...rough around the edges, but he was concerned more with function than form.

“You did all this in one night?” Fritter forgot about the food as she looked at the alien contraption. “This is pretty impressive. Even though ah have no idea what it is!”

“A computer,” Rika answered. “I think?”

“Most of one,” Bit said with a nod. “There is not yet anything resembling our Internet of home, so that function and all that depends on it are not installed or built. I will attempt to remedy this problem by utilizing the local phenomena known as ‘magic’...once I understand it.”

“MagiNet huh?” Rika asked. “Hee, I like the sound of that.”

Fritter was once again adorably confused. What the heck was an ‘Internet’? She knew computers were used in those arcade game-thingamajigs, but that was about it.

“Well uh, I have breakfast?” she offered.

“You brought Seth down to charge the generator?” Bit questioned.

“No, ah have pancakes and…” then she realised that Bit didn’t even have a mouth. “Well... horseapples. Maybe ah should’ve asked first.”

“To be honest, I’ve never really met a Porygon before Bit, so I had no idea,” Rika said.

“This unit consumes electricity to continue its functions,” Bit explained. “Though I have been asked to not siphon any from the city anymore to the point where street lights explode.”

“Well, ah guess Sethy could cook something up later?” Rika giggled.

“Ah guess so,” Fritter agreed. “Ah hope Jessie, James and their friends are hungry.”

“It is likely,” Bit said. “Commencing test.”

The screen for the computer he’d assembled came on and flashed a few times…

...Before smoke started to come out of the back.

“Is it supposed to do that?” Fritter asked, backing away slowly.

“...No, I don’t believe it is,” Rika replied. Fritter then decided a mad dash to the fire extinguisher was necessary. However, before she got there, Bit turned, saw the problem, and sighed.

“Ice Beam,” He stated, and a lance of pure cold and ice erupted from his beak, putting the computer project under a fine sheen. The screen went black as the whole thing died.

“Well, that... could have gone better,” Rika pointed out. She noticed the dejected look on Bit’s face and offered a hug. “It’ll be okay Bitty, you’ll get this solved in no time. I bet on it.”

“She’s right,” Fritter added. “You built this in one night, ah can’t imagine what you’d have done in a week, or a month?”

“I will have to revisit several components,” Bit said, before smiling softly. “Though with actual computers to work with, it won’t be hard. Thank you.” He then pointed at the still-warm food nearby with one arm. “I believe you had somewhere to take that?”

“Right,” Fritter nodded. “Good luck Bit.”

“Yeah!” Rika cheered, throwing a pawful of confetti. “You can do it!”

Fritter looked at her little Pokemon and blinked. “Rika? Where... where did you get the confetti?”

Rika looked around and shrugged. “I dunno.”

Bit seemed to pause for a few moments before sighing. “Some Pokemon seem more easily adaptable to the magic phenomena than others. Whether it is the individual or something relating to typing is yet to be discovered…”

“Bitty’s using big words,” Rika moaned.

“C’mon, let’s leave him to his work and go find the others,” Fritter said. “Have a good day Bit.”

“You as well,” Bit replied before turning to his ruined project. “Maybe the power distributor?...”

“Well, that was informative... and confusing,” Fritter said. Yeah, she was a country bumpkin. What of it?

“Yeah, but it’ll be cool if Bitty does get a computer working,” Rika said. “I miss TV so much~”

“TV?” Fritter asked, “What’s that?”

“Moving pictures in a small box with a screen,” Rika explained.

“We have something like that,” Fritter responded. “Movie cinema’s, though I haven’t been to one in ages.”

“You have movies!?” Rika beamed. “I know what we’re going to do today!”

“After we’re done here,” Fritter chuckled. She knocked on the door of Jessie and James’ apartment, hoping she wasn’t disturbing them. After a moment, James opened the door and blinked at who was on the other side.

“Oh, Rika, Fritter, hello again,” he said politely.

“Morning Jimmy!” Rika greeted chipperly. “Room service!”

“She means that I have some breakfast if y’all want some,” Fritter explained. “Ahm not interrupting anything... am I?”

“Maybe Jessie’s beauty sleep,” The Roserade said. “And...thank you. Normally Meowth and I go down to see Jeanne about having breakfast, it’s never been brought up to us.”

“Well it is this morning,” Fritter said, handing him the container. “Everyone else has eaten, so it’s all yours.”

“My thanks,” the Roserade said with a small bow. “First Seth, then you two...you truly are a giving family, aren’t you?”

“It’s the Apple Family way,” Fritter smiled. “But really, we were allowed to stay here free of charge and have caused some minor problems since arriving. So ah really don’t mind at all.”

“It’s just breakfast,” Rika giggled. She gave the Roserade a once over and smiled. “So how’d it go last night?”

“Rika?” Fritter chided her. “Y’all just can’t ask something like that. T’aint proper.”

“Sorry,” Rika replied. “I’m trying not to be such a nosy fairy...”

“I don’t mind,” James said with a sigh. “She’s...willing to give us a shot. But she made it quite clear that I’d best try my hardest.”

“Well then, I’m rooting for you~” Rika giggled.

“As am I,” Fritter smiled.

“Thank you, for both your wishes and the meal,” James said. “Was there anything else?”

“That about covers it,” Fritter smiled. He seemed eager to get back to whatever it was he was doing. “Y’all have a good day Mr. James.”

“And good luck with your lioness,” Rika giggled.

“And good luck with your lion,” James said with a wink before closing the door.

“So now what?” Fritter asked as they headed back down to their room.

“We have a shower, and then see if this city has a movie cinema,” Rika replied. “I think it’ll make for a nice date don’t you think?”

The mare paused for a second and then nodded. That sounded nice.

Meanwhile, as a tired Seth returned home, the sound of crying caught his attention. he poked his head around into a narrow alley and the source of the wailing was discovered. The Luxray smiled as he leaned down, slowly as to not scare it.

"Hello little one, what's your name?"

The movie had been wonderful, despite Rika nitpicking every single plot hole. Though, her commentary had earned more laughs than the film itself. And once the pair returned to their temporary home, their bodies were already dripping in sweat from the afternoon sun.

"I need a shower," she sighed. "Cute ladies like ourselves cannot go around reeking of sweat."

"While it normally doesn't bother me," Fritter said as she fetched a few towels. "Ah don't mind sweat earned from hard work, but when it's hooter than the sun, ah am more inclined to agree with ya."

"Well, the shower's pretty big, so let's go!" Rika giggled, dragging her mare along. Fritter spluttered out a few feeble responses, but in the end the snugglefairy won...

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