• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Twenty Four

It had been a few days since Seth and his family received the invitation to Gene and Belle’s wedding at Canterlot Castle. The World Summit had started and most of the towns citizens were hard at work, making the whole city run like clockwork. Even Apple Fritter had pulled out all the stops with her business. She’d brought out a premium crop of Zap Apples that she’d been keeping in magical stasis for a few months and had been hard at work, creating dish after dish made from the delicious fruit.

Seth had tried to visit the castle a few times, but both the Princesses and Grissom had been far too busy to meet with him. It looked pretty hectic in there though, and Seth saw creatures he’d never seen before. Large Miltank’s walking on two legs, black-bug-like ponies and ponies that looked like Blitzles. And so many Pokémon...

Christine had been… well, it was touch and go a few times. The family had quickly learned to never mention Sam or anything to do with her past, talking about either caused her emotions to spike dramatically, one time she had almost gotten into an actual battle with Selena. Titania and Christine didn’t see eye to eye either, both refusing to be in the same room as the other.

And there was the wedding coming up tomorrow. Seth had spent the better part of two days, just trying to find a suitable wedding gift. Back on Earth, one would usually get household goods or if either of them was a Trainer, then expensive items like Max Revives and Custom Pokéballs were also accepted.

Well that wasn’t really an option now. Ponies didn’t have much in the ways of white goods and Trainer items didn’t exist anymore. But when Seth had paid a visit to the Carbinks in the Crystal Mines, they gave him something that was simply perfect.

Now, along with Pokémon and Humans, Arceus seemed to have brought… more. The Carbinks had discovered a small cavern in the mines that held a variety of Evolution Stones, along with a particularly lustrous Dawn Stone. Upon seeing it, Seth got the most wonderful idea and the Carbink had no problem in giving him the stone. He’d saved their lives and they were more than happy to assist the Luxray.

Seth took the stone to a jeweller, one that cut and set the stone into matching silver lockets. When placed together, they formed a heart and they bore an inscription on the back.

‘Together Forever, no matter how long

From Now until the end of Time’

He just hoped that they’d like them. A guy with his reputation didn’t get invited to many weddings, so he was pretty much making this stuff up as he went along. After showing the pendants to Rika and Fritter, the two had assured him that they were beautiful and that Gene and Belle would absolutely love them. Doubts still plagued Seth’s mind, but he at least hoped they would.

The next item on the agenda was outfits. Fritter and Rika had the ones they bought during their little shopping spree when Vincent was in town, but they decided that something new was in order for the wedding. Seth had pointed out that the dresses they had bought were new... but the girls insisted. Seth just didn’t get females sometimes. So while they discussed to go to Buttonbelle’s Boutique, Seth kept an eye on Christine and also had a lengthy conversation with Umbra, until a messenger Pegasus from the Castle arrived for him.

“I have a message from Princess Celestia, for a Mr. Seth Crescent?” the Pegasus asked and Seth offered a polite nod.

“That would be me, what can I do for you?”

“The message is as such,” the Pegasus cleared her throat. “I have located a suitable venue for your little project. It is located at the far end of the Theatre District, this messenger can take you there if you want. Once you have decided if it is suitable or not, let me know and we’ll start organising the event itself…” The Pegasus nodded, “I believe that was all, she was a little pre-occupied chasing somepony named Sev…”

Seth nodded, “Thank you for that message… one moment.” He disappeared and then came back a moment later, handing the mare a few Bit’s for her troubles. “Would you please mind showing me the building the Princess was referring to?”

“Of course!” The mare replied with a smile as Seth turned back to his two houseguests.

“Are you ladies up for a little walk?”

“I suppose,” Umbra replied with a yawn. “I was starting to get a little sleepy.”

“Well, I’d rather not be here if Flowers-for-brains shows up… I’d feel bad if I burned down your house,” Christine pointed out. “I’m somewhat curious as to what it is you have planned.”

Once Seth bid goodbye to his girlfriends, the three Pokémon followed the messenger into one of the largest Districts in Canterlot. Seth had been here a few times during his wanderings of the city but had never been inside any of the buildings before. He made a mental note to ask Fritter and Rika if they liked musicals…

“Well, here we are!” the messenger mare, who had identified herself as Swift Wind said, stopping in front of a fancy-looking hall. It reminded Seth of the old-style Musical Halls in Unova, before they were renovated into the newer ones. Personally, Seth preferred the older-style architecture, and if he could host his Contest here? That would be perfect!

“Look at all the posters,” Christine said, pointing at several posters lined with gold trimming on the front entrance. Upon closer inspection, Seth saw that they were advertisement posters for past and future events. A re-occurring one was of a beautiful grey mare named Octavia Melody.

“That’s Octavia, First Chair Cellist for the Canterlot Symphony Orchestra,” Swift informed them. She’s really famous and has played here many times. She also plays at the Grand Galloping Gala and other prestigious events.”

“Wow,” Seth said. He wished he could hear her play sometime. He liked classical music quite a bit.

The doors to the hall opened at a portly-Unicorn stepped outside.

“Welcome!” he said with a chipper tone. “I take it that you are the esteemed Mr. Crescent?”

“That’s right, and you are?”

“Oh, my name is Show Stopper. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Is it just me,” Christine whispered to Umbra. “Or do these ponies all have names that relate to their jobs?”

“Hmm, perhaps they have some sort of pre-cognitive abilities when naming their children?” Umbra agreed. “Or perhaps they simply change their name when they get their Cutie Mark?”

“Pony land is confusing,” Christine muttered.

Seth ignored the banter behind him and smiled at Show Stopper. “May I take a look inside?” he asked.

“Of course, of course!” Show said. Swift Wind gave the Luxray a small salute and flexed her wings.

“My job here is complete so I must return to the castle. Best of luck Mr. Crescent.”

“Thanks for the help Swift, and give the Princesses my regards.”

Swift Wind nodded and flew off, leaving the three Pokémon to look around the massive hall.

“Now, what are the specifics you are looking for for you event?” Show asked Seth.

“Well, most important is a large stage, and one that can support a lot of weight. Some Pokémon can weigh hundreds of pounds.”

“Well, no problem there,” Show beamed. “My stage once held the Neighlands River Dance Troupe. Imagine several dozen draft ponies all tap dancing across my stage. While we haven’t pushed her yet, she can hold at least 950 kilograms in a distributed area, and around 550 kilos in a concentrated area. Though we can temporarily reinforce it with magic. As for size… well, see for yourself.” The doors to the main theatre opened as Seth was greeted by a simply massive room.

“The stage dimensions are around 19.50 metres from wall to wall, and 21 metres from the front of the stage to the back of the wall. The orchestra pit in front can hold up to 70 musicians.”

Seth whistled, “Okay, that’s pretty impressive. What about seating arrangements?”

“We can hold precisely 1507 individuals,” Show boasted. “883, along with 4 disabled positions in the stalls. 466, plus 10 standing will fit in the upper level and 158 can be seated in the Boxes, including the Box reserved for the Princesses.”

“That’s a decent amount, not big enough for a Grand Festival, but I don’t expect a huge turnout for this first Contest, especially from Equus residents. So I believe that should be enough.”

“The acoustics are quite marvellous,” Show said. “You can hear a pin drop, even from the furthest seats. We have hosted enormous arias and more intimate concerts.”

“One last thing,” Seth said. “We’ll also need a spacious dressing room, how about that?”

“Hmm, while not as large as I’d like… it should tailor to your needs,” Show replied. “Also, in the event of an emergency, we have state-of-the-art fire extinguishers and a well-planned escape route. The happiness and safety of our patrons is one of our top priorities.”

While Seth and Show talked, Christine had made her way to the stage and once she stood on it, decided that it was a very bad idea. Just imagining all those faces staring at her made her want to run, or want to burn the whole place down… she couldn’t decide.

“Well, I’d say that this place is just about perfect,” Seth smiled, shaking Show’s hoof. “Send the necessary information to Princess Celestia and I’ll need a layout of the hall, so I can figure out what modifications are needed.”

“Of course, and I look forward to our future venture. This Contest of your sounds like an exciting event. One for the ages!”

“If all goes well, it won’t be the last one either,” Seth said. After an hour or so, the three Pokémon left and returned home, while Seth explained to Christine what a Contest actually was.

“And they enjoy that?” Christine said, bewildered. “I could not do that. Ever!”

“It’s not for everyone,” Seth said. “Though with your abilities, I bet you could be an amazing Contest star.”

“Pass, no way and no how am I ever getting on a stage!” Christine crossed her arms.

Seth chuckled and once they had returned home, Rika and Fritter had dragged him out the door and off to Buttonbelle's Boutique. They had to pick up their dresses for the wedding...

That had led to a whole world of trouble. Checkmate-sized trouble, but that was a tale for another time. Sorting out that problem had taken the rest of the day and after Diantha had teleported them all home, there was little time left to get ready.

The Champion, as expected, had chewed him out quite thoroughly about running headlong into danger and Seth was exhausted by the time he walked inside, just in time to see Fritter and Rika in their dresses.

And all Seth could think was how beautiful they looked.

Fritter looked a little bashful, she’d never dressed up like this before, even at Princess Cadence’s wedding. And knowing that Seth’s piercing gaze was locked onto her? She felt her face heat up as she looked down at her hooves.

“Ah feel silly,” she said quietly.

“And like I said before,” Seth said as he crossed the room and pulled the mare into a deep kiss. “You look beautiful.” She let out a surprised squeak, but soon closed her eyes and kissed him back. All too soon, he broke the embrace and did the same with Rika, the little Fairy more than happy to reciprocate.

“Wow,” Seth said as he looked at them. “I can’t believe how amazing you two look.”

“We are pretty great huh?” Rika said, doing a little twirl. She wore a similar dress to the one she had bought a few days ago, but this one was a regal blue and the flower pins had been replaced with pink cubic zirconias.

Fritter on the other hand, her mane had been tied into a long, single braid, tied at the end with one of her trademark ribbons and her tail was puffed out a bit with some extensions added to it. The dress she wore was bottle green in colour with long sleeves that covered her front legs. It had a short lace train and had a white corset around the waist and to accentuate, it had a shining red apple brooch just below the neck.

“I must say, you two look divine,” Umbra cooed as she nuzzled her daughter. “I bet even the bride herself will be jealous of your beauty.”

“S’not bad I suppose,” Christine said, wondering if Sam would like her more if she dressed up like that.

“What about Selena?” Seth asked. “Is she wearing something?”

“Pft, like you could get that fusspot into a dress,” Rika sighed. “She gave me some crap about looking perfect the way she was. Ignis was no damned help either, he’s still sulking about Selly getting to Mega-Evolve.”

Yeah, the orange dragon had spent the better part of four days pouting, all because Selena had gotten to mega Evolve and fight a very rare Pokémon. Needless to say, the dragon was rather green with envy right now.

The large grandfather clock in Fritter’s living room chimed, signalling that it was nearly time to go. Every chime resonated in Seth’s heart as he felt his nerves kick in. What if he wasn’t welcome there? He was never able to help out Gene and others like him back on Earth, so what if-?

His trail of self-destructive thoughts disappeared as Rika’s ribbons emanated a gentle glow. She knew Seth was starting to freak out, the hyperventilating was a pretty obvious clue. Tapping into her unique power as a Sylveon, she sent out a soothing pulse from her ribbons and the panicking Luxray soon calmed down.

“Better?” Rika asked.

“Yeah… thanks” Seth sighed. Why did he keep having thoughts like that?

“Okay, what in the hay was that?” Fritter said. Seth acting like that had seriously freaked her out

“Sethy just had a little panic attack, so I used my fairy magic to calm him down” Rika explained.

“Oh?” Fritter moved next to Seth and hugged him. “What happened?”

“Just me being stupid,” Seth said, returning the hug. “I guess I’m still a bit concerned about the past, that’s all.”

“That, was more than a little concerned,” Fritter said. “If you ever feel like that again, Rika and I will be here for you, okay?”

Seth nodded, a weak smile on his face. “Okay. Let’s go! We really shouldn’t be late.”

“I’ll stay here, keep an eye on things if you want?” Umbra said. Seth nodded, he was still uneasy about leaving Christine by herself and suddenly put a paw on Rika’s tail, as she had tried to make her way over to the dragon, still intent on hugging her.

“Let’s get Selena and Ignis and go,” Seth said. Fritter left some Bits and arranged for some food to be delivered to the Pokémon remaining behind. She’d contacted the Griffin place they ate at before, remembering to add some meat to the order for Umbra and Christine. Once everyone was ready, they headed out.


Seth had expected a decent turnout at this wedding, but he no idea it would be this big.

Alongside a plethora of Pokémon he didn’t recognise, there were some ponies from Ponyville, he at least knew Princess Twilight and that crazy pink one. There was a fourth Alicorn he didn’t know, a light pink one standing near an Infernape and a Unicorn stallion. He saw a few of Gene’s Pokémon and a lot of Legendary Pokémon, including Arceus himself. The Alpha Pokémon saw Seth and his group enter and offered a polite nod. Seth spied Princess Celestia and Luna, alongside a Griffin female and what appeared to be a Bug-type male Alicorn.

Seth checked his invitation, but it didn’t say where they should sit. After a brief moment, he saw that there were some spare seats next to a green Unicorn mare, who introduced herself as Holly Heart as they sat down. The Infernape that was conversing with the pink Alicorn took the aisle seat next to her.

There was something that Seth was also thinking about, aside the wedding. Apparently Cynthia, the Sinnoh Champion was going to officiate the occasion, and given the Shiny Milotic that was perched up on the podium next to Gene and two of his Pokémon, Seth guessed that the Milotic was the former Champion.

As for the groom, well he looked pretty nervous, as was to be expected. This was pretty much history in the making, the first official marriage between a human and a Pokémon for a very, very long time and probably the first marriage between two Pokémon ever in Equus history. Seth couldn’t help but have a wide smile on his face

Seth noticed Cynthia give Gene a small nod and then music started to play. The doors opened and a Delphox and Vaporeon walked down the aisle, wearing beautiful flower wreaths and spreading rose petals along the ground. Not long after, a Houndoom trotted down the aisle, a pillow in his mouth holding two beautiful rings and his tail wagged happily.

Then, just as the music begun to repeat, the bride entered the room. Even Seth had to admit that the Gardevoir was absolutely stunning. The wedding dress she wore complimented her normal gown quite nicely. And apparently Gene thought so as well, the Gallade’s eyes were glued to his soon-to-be wife and Seth got the feeling that they currently saw no one else but each other in that moment.

That moment was utterly shattered however, when a pompous-looking Unicorn stallion burst into the room, threatening his way past the Guards at the door and standing in the aisle with a look of utter contempt in his eyes. Belle had dropped her bouquet and looked like she was about to cry, but the stallion didn’t seem to care one bit.

“You!” He snapped, pointing at Gene. “It’s about time I gave you a piece of my mind.”

While Blueblood marched up the aisle, he failed to notice that several beings, including Twilight, Luna, Cadence and Carapace had lit up their horns, while Arceus and Mage’s eyes had begun to glow menacingly. Seth’s eyes were already glowing a golden yellow, Gene and Belle did not deserve this and he would be damned if he didn’t do something about it.

But somepony beat him to the punch as a white Unicorn with an elegantly-styled indigo mane stepped into the aisle, blocking his path to the altar.

“Oh,” he said. “It’s you,” he grunted in annoyance.

Rarity never lost her calm appearance. “Yes it is,” she said. “And just what do you think you’re doing?”

Blueblood scoffed. “That beast humiliated me and this... wedding is the perfect opportunity to put those two in their proper place.”

Rarity glared at Blueblood, and through gritted teeth said. “Surely you’re not serious. You can’t possibly be that... petty.”

The Prince glared at Rarity. “Petty?” He asked. “Ever since these creatures showed up, I haven’t been able to go an hour without seeing one of these things running around, making a mess of things, acting as if they belong here!” As he spoke, everyone in the room glared daggers at the arrogant stallion, especially Arceus, who at this point was contemplating in what way he was going to destroy the arrogant bug. Seth’s body gave a sharp crackle with lightning as the green mare next to him flinched. Rika and Fritter put their arms around him to try and keep him calm.

Throughout all of this, Rarity’s smile had never left her face. Instead it had become colder, more... sadistic. Rika suddenly felt a kindred spirit with this mare. “Well Blueblood,” she began. “I don’t think anyone here cares how you feel, and there is no way in Tartarus I’m letting you ruin this wedding.”

Blueblood scoffed. “You’re going to stop me?” He asked with a laugh. “And just how do you plan on doing that? Going to sick one of your monsters on me?”

“No,” Rarity said, surprising everyone. “I’m just going to do this.”

Rarity’s horn lit up and Blueblood rolled his eyes. “Oh please, what are you-”


And just like that, he was gone. Seth’s x-ray vision picked up that he’d been teleported outside, and several feet above the ground, before plummeting all the way into a sewer… what happened to him after that was a scene that Seth could not ever unsee, but felt that it was justified all the same.

Belle had given up on trying to be strong and sobbed quietly from the aisle, Gene wasting no time in rushing to her side to comfort her.

“Why?” She whimpered as Gene pulled his bride into a gentle embrace. “Why does this keep happening?”

“I’m so sorry love,” Gene said, kissing Belle on the forehead. “I wish I knew, but I don’t.” He pulled away slightly and smiled at her. “But I still want to marry you, no matter how many times the wedding doesn’t work out, I will always be willing to try again. So Belle,” He got down on one knee and, still holding her hands, asked something he’d asked two times before and would ask as many times as it took. “Will you marry me?”

Despite what had just transpired, Belle smiled. “Gene,” She said. “You know I’ll always say yes.”

“Awww,” Cresselia and the pink Princess cooed at the same time. Rika nearly vibrated out of her seat, her grin beamed across her face.

Gene smiled and pointed to the band, and the music started up again.

Arms interlocked, Belle and Gene walked down the aisle together, Belle leaning her head on Gene’s shoulder. Her eyes still watery, but a smile on her face.

Upon reaching the altar, the couple separated and the music stopped. Gene nodded to Cynthia, and the Champion began. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to play witness to the union of Gene, and Belle,” She paused for a moment. “I think I’ll skip over asking if anyone objects to be safe.” This brought forth a few laughs from the gathered beings. “I know you two have been waiting a long time for this,” Cynthia continued. “Your vows?”

“I’ll start,” Gene said.

“Belle,” He began, reciting from memory. “I’ve known you for a long time now. When I first met you, my intention was to become a trainer, but I could never stand to see you hurt, even before I fell in love with you. And as time passed, and as we grew, our bond started to grow. And when you confessed your love to me, I knew right then and there that I was in love with you too. I had been for some time now, I just didn’t realize it.”

“Belle…” Gene took Belle’s hand in his. “Meeting you was the best thing that could ever have happened to me. Spending time with you each and every day, made me happier and happier. Seeing you smile, even when I’m feeling down, puts a smile on my face. And… in this new world, we can finally live our lives in a new way. The way we always wanted. I love you Belle, and no matter what happens, I will always love you. Through life and death, nothing will ever change that, not even Arceus can change that. So thank you, Belle. Thank you for being the love of my life. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for loving me, and for all that you have done for me. Belle… I love you.” Tears started to fall all throughout the room.

Belle smiled. “Gene…” She began. “When you asked me to join you on your adventure, I was taken back... I didn’t know what to think, even though you were being truthful when you said it was up to me whether to go with you or not. And when I answered yes, I didn’t know that it was going to be the best decision I ever made. I didn’t know that I was going to fall in love with you. I didn’t know that I was going to marry you. All I knew was that you seemed different.”

“And as time moved on, and as I grew closer to you, my feelings for you grew. You were kind, gentle, you never yelled, or blamed me for anything I did wrong. You were my best friend, and soon you became something more. When I first told you that I loved you, I expected you to hate me. To think it was wrong. To think… the love I felt for you was wrong. But I was wrong. You loved me too. You always did. And when you accepted my love, I knew I was going to be happy. I was going to be happy that I found my place in the world. Beside you. And no matter what happens, you will always be my mate. You will always be my love.”

Seth hadn’t realised, but tears had formed in the corners of his eyes, as Fritter and Rika placed their paws and hooves over his own.

Cynthia used her tail to wipe the tears from her eyes. “Fang,” She said. “The rings.”

The Houndoom stepped forward and held the pillow out to Gene and Belle. “Are these...?” Gene asked, eyes wide as he picked up the ring with the green and red gem.

“Courtesy of Lord Arceus and Lady Diancie,” Fang said with a smile.

Cynthia cleared her throat and continued. “Do you, Gene, take Belle to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?”

“I do,” Gene answered immediately, slipping Belle’s Mega Stone onto her ring finger

“And do you Belle, take Gene to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?”

“I do,” Belle answered, sliding the Mega Ring onto Gene’s finger.

“Then by the power vested in me by the sovereign nation of Equestria, with Arceus as my witness,” Cynthia smiled. “I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the-”

Cynthia didn’t get to finish her sentence before Gene and Belle had thrown their arms around each other and locked lips.

The applause from the audience, despite its small size, was tremendous, but Gene and Belle didn’t hear any of it. Off in their own little world, where the only thing they knew was each other. They didn’t even notice the light spark from their wedding rings. Or the fact that, for an instant, Belle’s dress split and expanded, and her chest split into two. Or that Gene’s blades expanded while his spike shrunk and a cape unfurled from his shoulders.

The transformation was quick and lasted only for an instant before they returned to normal, most of the attendees didn’t even notice, but Seth? His eyes told a different story, a story that said that this wedding was just one surprise after another.

“Was that? I know that Gardevoir could, but Gallade? Hmm... Interesting…”

The two broke the kiss after a moment and turned to the crowd, both of them smiling. Belle noticed her bouquet still on the ground and floated it back over to her. They still had their reception after all.


The reception was quite lively, and it didn’t take long for his group to separate and find some others to talk with. Fritter had gone to look for Applejack, eager to catch up with her favourite cousin. Ignis had gone off to see if he could challenge any Legendary Pokémon and Selena had gone to put a quick stop to those shenanigans.

Rika had stayed behind, still worried about her beloved and the fact that he might freak out again. But ever since the wedding, he’d had an odd feeling about him, one the Sylveon couldn’t quite place her paw on.

“So how come you haven’t said hello?” Rika said. “I’m sure that they’d like to see you.”

“I don’t know. I just feel like I’d be interrupting them,” Seth replied. Rika frowned and the wrapped a ribbon around his waist.

“Nonsense, they liked you enough to invite you, so come on!” Seth had no room to refuse as the surprisingly strong Fairy led his across the room and over to Gene and Belle.

The couple had just finished talking to the Infernape from earlier when Seth and Rika approached.

“Hey there lovebirds~” Rika grinned, “Congratulations!”

“Thank you,” Belle smiled. “And thank you for coming.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Seth said. “You guys really deserve this!” He reached into his bag and pulled out a small present. “Sorry it’s not much, I’ve been laid up for the last few days and didn’t have a lot of time to get everything organised.”

Gene thanked him as he took it and noted the bandages on the Luxray. “What happened?”

“Ah, I wouldn’t worry about it.” Seth didn’t want to ruin their day with what he’d just gone through. “It’s all been sorted anyway.”

Gene just nodded before opening the gift, revealing a pair of silver lockets with blue gemstones set in them, placed together so that they looked like a heart.

"Seth, these are beautiful," Belle said, smiling at the Luxray.

"I had a jeweller custom set a Dawn Stone in them," he said with a sheepish grin. "There's an engraving on the back too."

Gene looked at the lockets for a moment more before pulling them out of the box and turning them over and reading the inscription and smiling. “It’s perfect, thank you so much!” Gene said happily. “So what have you been up to since we saw you last? Anything interesting?”

“Well…” Seth smiled coyly. “After talking with Princess Celestia, I’m going to host a Pokémon Contest here in Canterlot.”

“You’re bringing back Contests?” Belle asked, but Seth quickly glanced around to see if anyone heard.

“That’s right, but I’m keeping it a surprise for the moment. I’m going to make an announcement about it once it’s all set up.”

“Well, best of luck then Seth!” Gene said, shaking his paw. “I hope it goes well.”

Seth nodded and bid the couple another round of congratulations before leaving them to other guests that were waiting to talk to them.

“See?” Rika said once they were out of earshot. “I told you everything would be fine.”

“Yeah,” Seth said with a smile as he kissed his little Pokémon. “Thanks Rika.”

“Eheh~” Rika giggled as she sneaked in her own little kiss. “Ooh, have you met with Cynthia yet?”

“No, honestly, I have no idea what I’m supposed to say even if I did,” Seth replied. “Hey there Cynthia, let’s discuss a law that doesn’t exist anymore.”

“Wouldn’t it be funny if she was right behind you?” Rika joked.

“So are you laughing yet?” A voice asked, causing Rika to whirl around and come face-to-face with the Milotic-shaped Champion.

“Cynthia?” Rika asked, and the Shiny Milotic gave her a small nod. She looked at the Luxray, who looked like he’d seen a ghost.

“And you must be the infamous Seth Crescent, we finally meet after all this time.”

“Y-yeah,” Seth said quietly. He was here, he was finally meeting Cynthia... and he had no idea what to say.

“Well, I guess that our main point of meeting is invalid,” the Champion said, looking at the married couple. “I’m so glad to see them happy.”

“Yeah, me too,” Seth agreed. “Though I bet the Rangers would have been a bit more hesitant the last time if Arceus was present.”

“The ones I know?” Cynthia chuckled. “Hmm, they would have tried anyway. They can be stubborn like that.” She slid over next to Seth and looked down at him. “And what about you hmm? What will you do now?”

Seth let out a short laugh. “Ironically enough, I have a job with the Royal Guard here in Canterlot actually. I spend a quarter of my life against the law, and now I work for them...”

“Life can be funny like that,” Cynthia said. “You seem adaptable though, I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”

“Thank you,” Seth smiled. “And how about you? How have you been after the transfer?”

“I’ve been well thank you,” Cynthia replied. “I awoke in an underwater city named Marelantis... And while I have Milotic by my side, the rest of my precious partners have proven to be elusive...” The sea serpent sighed, and for the first time in a while, her confident look faltered. “Not having legs has also been... difficult.”

“I can relate in a way,” Seth said. “I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve tripped, fallen or just stumbled around like I’m drunk. I really am envious of those humans that got a bipedal form.”

“I will certainly have to agree with you Mr. Crescent,” Cynthia nodded. “Also, I heard a rumour about you and Elesa... are you...?”

Seth shook his head, “That ended some time ago actually... amicably though. We’re still friends however.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Cynthia said softly.

“My... pursuits,” Seth closed his eyes as he remembered the day he broke it off with her. “It caused her so much trouble, I couldn’t let her career be destroyed, all because of my reputation.”

“A touchy subject I see, sorry to bring it up.”

“It’s fine,” Seth smiled. “Like I said, we’re still good friends. I actually met her not long after we arrived here.”

“And how’s she doing?” Cynthia asked. She really did miss a lot of her friends. What she wouldn’t give for those days spent at her Undella beach house. Shauntal, Iris, Elesa and Skyla...

“Well, she’s currently off pursuing her career as a DJ,” Seth smiled. “Along with Skyla and a stallion named... hm, I can’t quite remember. Shining Star or something.”

“Sky’s with her as well?” Cynthia perked up. Now she really wished she could have seen them again. “And what Pokémon did they wind up as?”

“Elly was a Flaaffy, but evolved into Ampharos not long before she left. And Skyla’s a Swellow.”

Cynthia laughed arily, “Suitable forms for the both of them, I bet Skyla loves having wings of her own now.”

“Yep!” Seth said as he looked over her form. “I hope they come back soon though, I do miss them.”

“As do I,” Cynthia replied with a sigh. Seth looked at her, and he expected to see an indomitable Champion, one that even the end of the world was just another day. But what he saw was a completely different story. Cynthia was just as lost as everyone else...

“I think... It’ll be a good long while before anyone can adjust to this place.” Seth said, looking over the room filled with Pokémon and Equus residents. “It won’t happen overnight and it certainly won’t be easy... but it’ll happen. We humans and Pokémon are stubborn like that.”

“I believe so too,” Cynthia nodded. “And... it’s a pity that our meeting never happened back on Earth, we could have changed much I believe.”

“As do I,” Seth agreed. “But what’s done is done. So let’s do our best in this world okay?”

“Indeed,” she held out her tail fin and smiled. “Friends?”

Seth’s eyes widened, before he too smiled. He took her fin gently with his paw and nodded. “Friends.”

The two parted and Seth sat down on the floor, taking a deep breath. Rika looked at him and smiled.

“See? That wasn’t so bad was it?”

“Yeah, I guess not...” he turned to his head towards his Pokémon and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks Rika.”

“Hm, well,” Rika cooed. “I’m not complaining, but for what?”

“For being there for me, all of you really. Selly, Ignis, Fritter all of my friends.”

“We have made quite a few since coming here huh?” Rika noted. She spotted Pinkie Pie near the buffet table and after excusing herself from Seth, ran over to the pink mare.

Seth just sat there, listening to the music and just relaxing. Rika was off raiding the sweets table with Pinkie, and Selena and Ignis were dancing. The two looked a little awkward, with Selena having to stand on her hind legs as the two rocked back and forth.

“You ain't much of a dancer huh?” The voice caused Seth’s head to snap up as he saw Apple Fritter standing in front of him. He couldn’t believe how lovely she looked, and as she looked at him with those big, bright eyes, it brought a smile to his face.

“What?” she asked him, wondering if her mane was messed up or something.

“Nothing, just admiring how beautiful you are,” he smiled.

Apple Fritter blushed deeply and looked away. “Y-y’all shouldn’t say stuff like that!”

“If it gets a cute reaction like that, then I’ll say it more often.” Seth laughed and answered her original question. “As for dancing, well I still trip on occasion. Can you imagine the disaster if I tried to dance?”

“Aw fiddlesticks, ah bet you’d pick it up in no time!” Fritter smiled as she grabbed his paw. “Now c’mon!”

Seth just sighed as he was dragged out onto the dance floor, just in time for a slow song to start. He noticed a lot of other couple getting closer, like a Zoroark and a Lucario, and a Blaziken with a Delphox. he also spied two familiar Lucario, wait... was that Korrina?”

“Hey, eyes down here Mister!” Fritter bopped him on the nose. “Now, we’ll take it nice and slow alright? Put yer head over my shoulder like this.” Seth nodded, leaning forward and placing his head over her right shoulder.

“Alright, now ah’m gonna start moving like so. Just mover yer hooves... er, paws like so.” she motioned with her hooves on what to do and Seth followed her lead. Soon, the pair was swaying from side to side in a slow rhythm.

“That’s it, pretty easy right?” Fritter smiled. “Yer a natural.”

“I’m a natural at dancing on four legs? Never thought I’d hear someone say that,” Seth laughed. Though he had to admit, it felt nice. Apple Fritter wore a light perfume, which was of course, apple scented. He just closed his eyes and let the music control his movements.

Fritter hummed along with the music, she was so happy right now. The only dancing she’d done up until now was at the hoedowns at the family reunions. Well... except for that one time with him, but we don’t talk about him, it would just ruin her mood. She never thought that she could like a non-pony, well, maybe except for a Griffin, they were kinda cute, especially that one that visited Appleloosa that one time...

The two barely even noticed the song ending, or Rika watching from the sidelines, feeling both happy, and a little jealous.


The Dj soon announced the final dance, the bride and groom’s waltz. Everyone took a position around the dance floor as Vinyl placed the specially selected song on the turntable. As it started to play, Seth’s ears perked up. he knew this song.

The dance was flawless, both Gene and Belle were stepping perfectly in time with one another, though Seth figured that a little psychic power was in play for that. What happened next was something totally unexpected.

As the two danced, a pale glow began to surround their bodies, glowing brighter and brighter, but the two Pokémon didn’t even seem to notice.

“It can’t be,” Seth whispered to himself as Gene and Belle begun to transform, and when the two paused in a dip, the transformation was complete.

“Mega evolution?” Seth wondered, “So I wasn’t mistaken during the wedding, Gene really did Mega evolve.”

Ignis was rather jealous, first Selena got to, and now this? But one desire overpowered that as he laid eyes on the Mega Gallade.

“I totally want to fight the Gallade,” he said in an excited whisper, his mate just applying her paw to her face.

The dance started again, with renewed vigour. The two Mega Pokémon provided and stunning and amazing show and once the dance ended, they were showered with thunderous applause.

The time had come for the tossing of the bouquet. Rika happily lined up amongst the plethora of females, while Selena and Fritter opted not to. Some of those girls had a rather crazy look in their eyes and Selly and Fritter wanted no part of that.

Once the flowers were tossed, Rika tried to subtly trip most of her competitors, but wound up underneath Rarity as the bouquet was intercepted by a Dragonair.

“Mwne!” the Dragon mumbled and smiled, looking at a Flygon standing on the sidelines.

“Awwahh...” Rika groaned from under the pile...


Christine opened an eye lazily as the group walked inside, exhausted, but happy.

“So, you all had a good time I take it?” she asked, before sidestepping a hug from Rika.

“It was perfect,” Seth smiled. “I’m sorry you couldn't come, but you can go to the Gala with us tomorrow if you’d like?”

“With all those unfamiliar faces?” Christine deadpanned. “Yeah, sounds like a blast. Not.”

Ignis gave a powerful yawn and headed to his and Selena’s little place in the barn. “Man, and I still didn’t get to fight that Gallade... I’m goin’ to bed.”

“Fight a Gallade?” Christine questioned.

“A Gallade at the wedding, the groom actually,” Selena muttered.

“He wanted to fight the groom?... At his own wedding?"

“It’s Ignis,” Selena replied dryly, like it was the most obvious answer in the world. “I’m off too, though I won’t be sleeping~”

“To much info Selly,” Seth muttered. Fritter and Rika had already disappeared upstairs, but the Luxray wasn’t all that tired yet. He fetched a pot of coffee, pouring some for himself and for the dragon on the couch, enjoying some idle conversation before bed...

Author's Note:

Well, this chapter was fun to write.

tdn - Nice rendition of the wedding. Also, Christine is funny awkward.

The Gala's next... oooh boy.

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