• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,338 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty

So today had been… interesting.

That was about the best way to describe today’s events as far as Seth was concerned. It had started out innocently enough, wake up, go to café and eat breakfast…

Then the day jumped ship and it was a rollercoaster of emotion and surprises. Vincent had almost blown up the café from a caffeine-induced high. He gotten to perform a Contest routine for the first time in months, Vincent warned him of a temperamental, invisible Gabite! Oh and his Pokémon confessed her love to him and now her mother had shown up out of nowhere…

So yeah… interesting.

“Seth?” a voice called out. “Are you even listening?” The mentally exhausted Luxray looked up to see Rika’s bright blue eyes only a few scant inches from his own. He let out a surprised yelp and jump back, banging his head on a standing lamp next to the couch.

“I am now,” he groaned, rubbing his head. “What were you saying?”

Umbra, the Umbreon mother of Rika chuckled and shook her head. “I was merely commenting on what a fine job you did of raising my girl. It seems I chose well in allowing you to take care of her.”

“He did okay I guess,” Rika smirked, and Seth leaned over to noogie her until she squealed out a surrender.

“So have you mated with him yet?” Umbra asked casually and the room became deathly quiet. The Umbreon tilted her head and looked at the blushing Luxray. “What? It’s a simple question.”

“T-that’s… something rather private don’t you think?” Seth stuttered, trying to get his racing heart under control.

“When it comes to my daughter, nothing is private,” Umbra stated. “Her well being is second to none in my book and if she is being taken advantage of, then I shall eliminate the one responsible for hurting her.”

“E-eliminate!? Mom! I have enough people trying to kill Sethy, don’t you dare start!” Rika protested, her ribbons flailing around.

“Well, you seem to be treated well,” Umbra smiled, unfazed by Rika’s reaction. “And you’re being targeted? Shall I kill the ones responsible?”

“Nobody is killing anybody!” Seth yelled, slapping his forehead with a paw. “Can we please just have a civilised conversation for once!?”

“Very well, what would you like to discuss?” Umbra asked, her demeanour unchanged.
“How did you find us?” Selena asked.

“Well, your exploits from the other night caused quite a stir,” Umbra explained. “Quite a few Pokémon around the city spoke of a Luxray, Sylveon and Absol rescuing them from a nefarious stallion. It’s quite the tale really. Want to hear about the three-headed Mega Houndoom you supposedly fought?”

“Wow,” Seth deadpanned. “That escalated quickly.”

“No mention of me?” Ignis pouted, genuinely upset. “I beat a Champions Tyrantrum for crying out loud!”

“And you are?” Umbra lifted an eyebrow.

Ignis just snorted and folded his arms. “No respect, I seriously get no freaking respect!”

“Well I think you’re perfect~” Selena purred, causing the dragon’s mood to falter and eventually fade altogether.

The front door creaked open as Titania floated in, looking rather weary and more than a little irritated. She gave one look at Umbra and snorted.

“What, did we pick up another stray?” she said flatly. “Well I suppose I’m not really surprised at this point.”

Seth explained. “Titania, this is Umbra… Rika’s mother.” Titania’s face showed the slightest hint of emotion, though it was one that Seth couldn’t place. “Umbra, this is-“

“Titania, A member of the Queen’s Guild of Checkmate.” Umbra finished. “I am well aware of who she is.” Umbra hopped down from the couch and walked over to the fairy. “I’ve noticed you a few times, running about the city, looking for your missing comrades.” The Umbreon stepped closer, but Titania refused to budge. “I also know that you had threatened by daughter and her Trainer, something that I should by all rights, kill you for.”

Titania tensed up and prepared to attack, she wouldn’t let another Eeveeloution get the jump on her.

“M-Mom!?” Rika begun to protest, but Umbra raised a paw to silence her.

“Relax, both of you. I know that you were… persuaded otherwise, so that’s enough for me.” She reared up onto her hind legs and put her paws on the fairy’s chest. “You seem to be good friends with Rika, and that makes me quite happy.” Titania just remained silent as Umbra got back down and walked back over to the couch. “So tell me Miss Titania, have you found your companions yet?”

Titania gritted her teeth and shook her head ever so slightly. “No, but I see Seth doesn’t seem to have that problem…” she glanced around the room and mentally sighed. “If you’ll excuse me, I have things to attend to.” With that, the Florges turned and left their home, disappearing into the dark streets.

“Is she okay?” Rika asked, “She looked… a little sad.”

Seth watched the door and then nodded to himself. “I’ll go after her, be back soon okay.”

“Try not to have a repeat performance of last time,” Selena said dryly. Seth just chuckled and nodded, following the fairy out into the cool night air.


Titania grumbled to herself as she floated down the street. In fact, she was so preoccupied that it took a full three minutes before she even noticed the Luxray walking next to her.

“What do you want?” she said sharply, refusing to meet his gaze.

“I want to know what’s bothering you,” he replied. “Despite appearances Titania, I consider you a friend, and I care for my friends.”

“Oh, we’re friends now?” she replied with a forced laugh. “When did that happen?”

“When you offered to assist us with that incident.” Seth replied truthfully. “Plus, Rika seems to like you.”

“Whatever, you’re not my friend, no-one is. Now buzz off!” she snapped again and floated a bit faster, but Seth merely kept pace with her.

“Something is bothering you, now tell me, maybe I can help?”

“It’s none of your business!” Titania said forcefully.

“C’mon, don’t be like that, tell me.”

“No!” Titania moved faster again, but Seth still hounded her.

“Tell me.”

“No!!” She growled, this Luxray was starting to piss her off.

“Tell me?” Seth said inquisitively.

“No!!!” she yelled, moving towards the Sundial, they had come this far already?

“C’mon, tell meeee~” Seth sang. That was it, Titania snapped. She whirled around, a pink light building up in her hands.

“Say it… just one more time,” she warned, levelling the Moonblast straight at him.

Seth paused as Titania smirked, he’d finally given up… And then he smirked back.

“Tell m-” he didn’t get to finish as the Moonblast collided with him, exploding on contact and sending him flying. By the time he hit the ground, Titania gasped as she realised what she’d done… and that Rika was going to do so much worse that simply kill her. She rushed over to the fallen Luxray.

“Please, oh please tell me you’re not dead!” she murmured as she checked him for a pulse. She suddenly pulled back as Seth opened his eyes and chuckled.

“Oh, that stung quite a bit. But I get the feeling that you were holding back,” he pointed out, a toothy grin on his face.

She frowned, raised a hand and swatted him on the nose. “Hate! So. Much. HATE!”
“Feel better now?” he asked and he sat up, wincing as he did. That Moonblast had hurt, a lot. But he wasn’t going to tell her that… or Rika.

“…A little,” Titania admitted. “Wait! Did you do that on purpose?”

“Maybe,” Seth said.

“You’re crazy,” Titania smiled, a real one this time. “I’m glad you’re not dead though, then I’d be dead.”

“Yeah… most likely,” Seth agreed. “So, you gonna tell me now?”

“You do not give up, do you?” Titania sighed. Seeing Seth shake his head, she decided that it would be best to just say it, and then maybe he’d leave her alone.

“A few days ago, I sent a message to every major city in Equestria, in the hopes that my teammates would read it and come find me. But it seems that it was in vain, I have yet to hear anything and then, just yesterday, that annoying little Kadabra tells me that he met Weiss, my Trainer and leader… and he doesn’t even realise that I’m missing!” The fairy screamed that last part, scaring away a few ponies that had come to see the giant crystal.

“Well, you did only send the message a few days ago,” Seth argued. “Maybe they just haven’t seen it yet?”

“It has been twelve days since we arrived, and if Vincent is to be believed, then Weiss has seemed to have found everyone… everyone except me…” Titania’s anger was spent as she fell to the ground. “They, they just forgot about me… they don’t care about a huffy little fairy who just holds them all back. Why would they-” She was cut off and yelped in surprise as Seth embraced her. The fairy turned a deep crimson as she tried to shove him off. “W-w-w-what the hell!?”

“It’ll be fine,” Seth replied, eventually letting go. “They’re still your family right? I’m sure they’re out looking for you. Maybe that’s why they came to Equestria in the first place.”

“…Maybe…” Titania said softly. “But what if it’s not? What if they really have forgotten me?” She grabbed Seth by the shoulders and shook him, tears streaming down her cheeks. “What am I supposed to do!?”

“S-s-stop-p-p, S-shaking-g-g, m-meee for a start!” Seth replied. Once she let him go, he smoothed some of his fur down and breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, for starters… you aren’t alone on this city. You have Rika, me and everyone else. Don’t give up on this Weiss fellow either, if he’s any sort of person that you would call family, I’m positive that he’s searching for you.” Titania just nodded meekly as Seth continued. And I’m sure there’s something you’re good at, other than being a mercenary.”

Titania just shrugged, “I don’t know…”

“Do you have any hobbies?” Seth asked, “What sort of things do you like to do?”

Titania blushed again and mumbled something under her breath, so quiet that even Seth’s enhanced hearing didn’t catch it.

“What was that?” he asked, causing Titania to flinch. She mumbled it again and Seth made out a word or two, but not enough to make sense. “Come again?”

“I SAID I LIKE TO DRESS UP!” she shouted, causing the Luxray to backpedal, holding his ears.

“Ah, no need to yell,” he said with a pained hiss. “So, dressing up huh?” He sat on his rump and thought for a moment. “Hmm, okay. I think I have an idea!”

“Oh? Care to share?” Titania asked, but Seth just shook his head and grinned.

“Nope, but it’ll be fun~”

“Tease,” Titania giggled. “Have it your way then. I look forward to your little surprise.” She glanced up at the shimmering crystal and sighed. “I’ll come back… home, soon okay? Do you mind if I stay here for a bit. I need to think.”

Seth nodded and got up. “Alright, but don’t stay out too late young lady.”

“Yes Dad,” Titania giggled again. “I’ll be home soon.”

Seth smiled and left the fairy to think in peace. Once he was gone, she turned her attention back to the Sundial and closed her eyes. Could she really do this? Could she start a new life outside of mercenary work? It had been all that she had known for so long. And what would Weiss say? Would he just let her leave like that?

For a moment, she remembered her life back on Earth, how she became the team’s ‘bodyguard’ alongside Alice, how she had been through countless exercises from perhaps the more extravagant characters such a wrecked world had ever seen, how she had been so close to death countless times, and yet she wouldn’t change such past for anything in the world. As she too remember how she joined the mercenary guild by her own free will.

After all, it was them who gave her life a purpose.

But now, now she was on her own, they seemed to be casually strolling around this new world and didn’t seem to bother about coming back to pick her up. “If they had forgotten me then, so be it, I can go and make a guild of my own!” She proclaimed, “I am sure I can use this bunch if I can convince Lady Rika to join me, with her in we would be unstoppable” she began to think, but quickly give up on such endeavour. “No, I couldn’t do such a thing to them, but what do I do now?”

“Do I even want to leave?” she asked herself as she stared at the great crystal. “Oh Arceus… what should I do?”


Meanwhile, Umbra was enjoying herself immensely. The food and drink that Apple Fritter had prepared was amazing, arguably the best thing she had ever eaten.

“Rika has been eating like this for the last two weeks? I must say, I’m quite jealous.”

“Thank you kindly,” Fritter said, clearing away the empty plates and mugs. “Ah’m glad you liked it.”

“So what have you been doing since I left?” Rika asked. “Are you still looking for father?”

“Yes and no,” Umbra replied. “I don’t honestly know how I still feel about him… or even if he still remembers me.” The Umbreon closed her eyes as she remembered the night of passion that led to Rika’s creation. “I wonder if a Pokémon like him even made it to this world?”

“A Pokémon like him?” Rika tilted her head. Her mother had told her very little about her father, other than his type and that he was quite eccentric. “What do you mean?”

“Your father… wasn’t the most…” Umbra paused as she tried to find the right words. “Stable of Pokémon.”

“That explains sooo much,” Selena chuckled, earning a glare from Rika.

“Oh?” Umbra raised an eyebrow.

Rika hung her head, her ribbons falling to the floor. “I um, tend to get… carried away sometimes.”

“That’s putting it lightly,” Selena laughed. But Umbra wasn’t laughing.

“Ah… let me guess, you like to make your enemies… suffer a bit?” Okay, how the hell did she know that?

Rika just blinked, “Um… yes? I guess?” She looked at Selena and pouted. “Selena calls me Sadisteon!”

“Oh, well that has nothing to do with your father… you get that from dear old mommy dearest~” Umbra cooed, sending a look to Selena that made her fur stand on end. “You father was just plain nuts. He was adorably sweet and protective to a fault, but nuts all the same.” To be honest, it was why she fell for him in the first place. She liked a male with a lot of personality.

“So who is my father anyway?” Rika asked. “You never even told me his name!”

“I didn’t?” Umbra asked, honestly surprised. “I could have sworn I told you all about him. Well, whatever. His name is-”

At that moment, Seth returned home. It was a little after midnight, but everyone was still up waiting for him. Rika pounced on the Luxray the second he stepped through the door, the previous conversation already forgotten.

“How did it go? Are you brainwashed again? Why is your fur so messy?”

“I’m fine,” Seth responded, putting the excitable fairy back down. “We had a talk and there’s something I need to do to help her out. She just misses her family, that’s all.”

“Oh, I see…” Rika had no idea that Titania felt that way. And when she saw that Seth had found his whole family… That Florges was getting a big hug when she got home. Then that idea pinged in the Sylveon’s mind. “She is coming back… right?”

“Yeah, she just wanted to think for a bit.” Seth informed her. “And I believe that we have something to discuss as well?”

Rika almost squealed with delight. So he hadn’t forgotten after all?

Umbra pricked her ears up when she heard that. What was the topic that would get Rika so excited like that?

“Yeah, we do… And Fritter too!” Rika said, as she turned to the Apple mare and beckoned for her to come over, but the stubborn mare refused.

“Nu-uh, ‘taint mah place to get involved…” she muttered, she had no chance against the history that Rika had built with Seth, besides, the mare wasn’t even sure of her feelings yet… But Rika was having none of that and decided that drastic measures needed to be taken. She was going to win Seth’s heart and she was going to do it fairly.

“Didn’t I say that it wasn’t a sure thing?” she said, reminding Fritter of an earlier conversation.

“Don’t ignore your feelings just because I’ve known him longer. Aren’t you Earth Ponies supposed to be stubborn?”

“W-what?” Fritter blushed. Was that crazy fairy going to spill the beans in front of everyone?
“Y-Y’all can’t just say nonsense like that!”

“Nonsense?” Rika was about to blurt everything when her brain caught up with her heart. The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass poor Fritter in front of everyone. “I think we should take this upstairs… okay?”

Seth just tilted his head, what the hell was going on?

“A-alright,” Fritter said quietly, and headed up to her room. Rika gave an apologetic glance to the other Pokémon and followed her. Tonight was going to be a loooong night.

Umbra frowned as she watched her daughter lead her Trainer upstairs. “Alright, will somemon tell me what in blue blazes is going on!” She turned her glare to the last remaining Pokémon, Selena and Ignis.

“There’s just some private stuff they need to work out,” Ignis replied. “And I’m sure they’ll tell us in good time.” He looked at the small barn out back that held Fritter’s farming equipment. “Why don’t we head out back for a drink, let them talk in peace?”

“Seriously?” Selena said. She wanted some alone time with her snuggle-dragon. But Rika’s mother just had to show up… “Fine, I’m not tired anyway.”

“We’ll have plenty of alone time later,” Ignis whispered. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten what you’ve promised.”

Selena just blushed under her fur and nodded.

Umbra watched the proceedings and nodded. “Well, I believe that I’ve outstayed my welcome for this evening.” She got up and smoothed some fur down. “Please give Rika my love. And that I’ll be back tomorrow.”

Before Selena could protest, the Umbreon disappeared through the front door, only to have Titania come through a few seconds later.

“Everyone’s gone already?” she asked as she walked in. “Nice to see I’m so loved.”

“It is getting late,” Selena replied. “Oh, and don’t go upstairs, Seth, Rika and Fritter are having a private conversation.”

“Oh, are they finally getting that love triangle sorted out?” Titania asked, relaxing on the couch. “It’s about time.”

“Tell me about it,” Selena said, leaving Ignis’ side and sat next to the fairy. The dragon just blinked and realised that he was not going to get any tonight. He snorted and headed out to the barn to sleep.

“So?” Titania asked as she poured herself a drink of spiced apple wine. “Which one do you think he’ll pick?”

“Honestly, I don’t really know.” Selena said, having not even noticed Ignis’ departure. “Rika is a safe bet since she’s known Seth longer…”

“And yet he seems to open up to Apple Fritter quite easily,” Titania pointed out. “And here I was told that he doesn’t often talk about himself.”

“He doesn’t,” Selena confirmed. “So yes, that’s why I can’t rule her out either.” The dark Pokémon stared up at the ceiling, and the three individuals that were in the room above them. “I really wish I knew what they were talking about…”

Selena got up and headed towards the backdoor. “Well, I think Ignis is pouting now, so I need to rectify the situation. G’night Lady Titania.”

Titania blinked in surprise, that was the first time that Selena had called her that. “Yes, good night, Miss Selena.”


Once the three had entered Fritter’s room, Rika closed the door and Fritter let out a small, surprised ‘meep’. Seth merely sat near the bed with an expression that seemed to sit between bemusement and worry. Yeah, he had said that he would talk about this, but now the time had actually come… and why did Fritter need to be present… oh…

“Well, we’re alone now and I think this has been put off for long enough,” Rika said. “Do you remember our conversation in the restaurant Fritter? You promised to try your best. Are you gonna deny that!?”

“Ah know what ah said!” Fritter shouted back. “But sayin’ that ah think ah’m in love with Seth just like that…” She suddenly put a hoof to her mouth, only now realising that Seth was present in the room. “Oh mah stars, did ah jus’ say that out loud?”

“You did,” Seth finally said something. “And I take it that Rika has been aware of this for a while now?”

“Well, we have been kinda obvious about it,” Rika sighed. She couldn’t believe that Seth was so dense. “It’s not our fault your blind.”

“Not blind… just a coward.” Seth’s comment caused both girls to suddenly look at him.

“W-what do you mean by that?” Rika asked cautiously.

“Ah’d like to know that too!” Fritter agreed.

Seth looked at the floor, unable to meet their gaze. “It’s exactly how it sounds. I’ve had an… inkling, of what you both have been feeling. I’m not one of those stereotypical anime protagonists. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure, but I had a basic idea of what you both felt… yet I still…”

“You ignored it!?” Rika screeched. “You mean my confession, our being here is all for nothing because you don’t fucking CARE!?”

“NO!” Seth yelled over her. He took a breath to calm down, this was supposed to be a talk about love, not a shouting match. “It’s just… I don’t know. I-I just can’t…”

“You don’t have feelings for us, do you?” Fritter asked. It was an outcome she hadn’t completely ruled out, but it still hurt a bit.

“The opposite actually,” Seth said quietly. Rika blinked, then frowned and shook her head.

“What? What the heck does that mean?”

“It means… that,” Seth paused as his throat tightened up and the words refused to come. “C’mon, both of them had the courage, why can’t you say it?”

“Whatever you have to say,” Fritter suddenly said. “Ah won’t hold it against you. You can only feel what yer heart tells you after all.” She smiled softly and then winked, “Though ah wouldn’t mind if yer heart tells you that y’all like me~”

“Ah, you beat me to it dammit!” Rika giggled. “She’s right though Sethy. I love you a whole bunch, but even if you say no, I’ll still stay with you.”

Seth nodded and sighed, “Thanks… but that’s the problem.”

“Us liking you is a problem?” Okay, Apple Fritter was a very confused pony now.

“Yeah, cause it doesn’t make my decision any easier.” Seth let out a much longer sigh now. “The thing is… I, I like both of you.” He squeezed his eyes shut as Rika gasped in surprise.

“Yeah, I know it’s stupid.” Seth continued. “But you’re both great and I can’t stomach the thought of hurting either of you. I know I’m being selfish and a coward… but I-”

He was cut off when Rika and Fritter hugged him. “It’s alright,” Rika said. “There’s no rush, so you can take your time with it.”

Fritter suddenly pulled away. “Well ah… Ah do have a suggestion that might make the decision easier…” she said

“Oh no, you are out backing out of this!” Rika said adamantly. “We’ve gone over this already.”

Fritter shook her head, “N-no, that’s not what ah was gonna suggest.” Her face erupted with a fierce blush as she pawed at the floorboards with a hoof. “Y-you see, can ah… ask you a question Rika?”

Seriously, at least Fritter and Seth had that in common, they never got to the freaking point.
“Alright, I’ll bite. What do you want to know Fritter?”

“What, do you think of mares?” she asked in a voice that could be called a whisper at best. Seth’s hearing barely caught it. Rika’s confused look told Fritter she needed to explain further. “Well, what ah mean is. Are you… attracted to females?”

“Are you trying to get me interested in girls so you’d have Seth all to yourself?” Rika asked with a cheeky smirk.

“W-what? NO!?” Fritter replied, her blush deepening. “Can you just answer the question? It’s important.”

“Alright, alright.” Rika said, waving a ribbon. “Well, if we’re all gonna be perfectly honest, and I wanna hear something embarrassing from the two of you, well… Me and Selena may have… experimented, at one point.” This time it was the Sylveon’s turn to blush. “It was nice, I still prefer guys… but I didn’t exactly hate what she and I did.”

Apple Fritter listened patiently and nodded. “Well alright then, that should make what ah’m going to say a little easier to swallow.” She nodded and looked at the fairy, “Y’all could say that ah don’t particularly dislike the idea of being with a mare…”

Seth’s brain just shut down at the addition of this new information.

“W-what are you saying Fritter?” Rika stammered, her red face refusing to look up and meet the apple mare’s gaze. “”A-are you suggesting that we… that you and I… ahhh~” her poor brain couldn’t handle it.

“Well ah, something like that, but not quite.” Fritter said. “You see, there’s a certain rule here in Equestria, when multiple ponies want to form a family.”

Seth suddenly blinked and shook his head. He thought back to his time here in Equestria and a sudden realisation dawned on him. “Fritter? Can I ask, why do I see a lot more mares around than stallions?”

Apple Fritter smiled, he sure was a smart cookie. “Y’all catch on quick. Yeah, there’s a bout four or five mares fer every stallion. It’s always been that way.”

“Herds,” Rika snapped out of her frazzled stupor. “Like Ponyta or Blitzle, you guys form herds to make up for the gender ratio.” She stopped as what Fritter suggested dawned on her. “Wait! Are you saying… that you, Seth and myself… should form a herd?”

Apple Fritter nodded and lowered her ears. “Y-yeah, ah know it’s stupid and not a whole lotta ponies do it anymore, but, in a way, we all get what we want. Ah know that it might not work and that I’m a stupid pony fer even thinking about it-”

Fritter squeaked mid-sentence as Rika hugged her. “Hey, you’re not stupid! You’re thinking of all of our feelings and I think it’s really sweet.”

Seth smiled and nodded. “Well… I guess it can’t hurt to try.”

Rika and Apple Fritter stopped, put each other down and turned slowly to stare at him.


Seth nodded once more. “I can’t promise that it will work, and that this is probably a really bad idea. But, I really like you both and if this is a way that I can make both of you happy, then I’m willing to give it a shot.”

Rika looked like she was about to cry, nope, scratch that. The fairy bawled her eyes out as she hugged her trainer. She didn’t care about the finer details, all that mattered was that Seth was giving her a chance at romance, something she’d been waiting for a very long time.

Fritter could help but have tears sting the corners of her eyes too. She wasn’t alone anymore and she would try her damned hardest to make sure it stayed that way. Her family was in for one heck of a surprise though~

“So, where do you suppose we go from here?” Seth asked as the three of them shared a hug.
“I’ve never been in a situation quite like this before.”

“Well,” Fritter said. “Ah think it’s clear as crystal that you and Rika get along, and you and I haven’t had any troubles so far… so ah propose that Rika and I go out on a date tomorrow. If we can’t find a way fer this to work, then the whole thing will jus’ fall apart.”

“That, makes sense I suppose,” Rika agreed. “W-well, okay then. I guess you and I go out on a date tomorrow…” Okay, that was really weird to say out loud. “But there’s something we have to do, something to commemorate the step we’ve taken tonight.”

“And what’s that?” Seth asked as Rika blushed and smiled bashfully.

“Well, we should kiss.”

Seth and Fritter just stared at one another. Well, okay. That was… something.

“W-well, y’all confessed first, so y’all can go first then,” Fritter stammered. Honestly, she needed time to dig deep and find the courage to do this. Talking about it was one thing, but actually doing it? Hoo boy!

Rika nodded and positioned herself in front of Seth, the Luxray towering over her. Now that she was here, she realised just how big he was, almost twice her height. It was a little intimidating.

“W-well... here we are huh?” she giggled nervously.

“Yup... here we are,” Seth echoed. To be honest, he was nervous as well. This would be the first time he’d kissed a Pokémon for romantic reasons. Okay, nothing to it, she’s just a girl and he’d kissed girls before… nothing to it right?

Then why would the heart in his chest not stop beating like a war drum?

Rika inched closer, her eyes were closed and her face was bright red. This was it, was it really going to happen?

Sudden warmth filled her body as she dared to open one eye and squeaked when she was and felt, Seth’s lips pressed against hers. It was such a simple kiss, just two sets of lips pressed lightly together, but it was the most wonderful thing Rika had ever experienced. She sighed happily as the kiss deepened a little and soon broke apart, much to the Sylveon’s disappointment.

“That was…” Rika could think of a word that described how magical that felt, to finally feel the love of someone she loved with all of her heart.

“It was… nice?” Seth said faintly, his brain still trying to wrap around the fact that he’d kissed his Pokémon.

“It was nice,” Rika agreed. She looked at Apple Fritter, who was attempting to hide behind her mane. The mare had taken her hairbands out and let her mane down.

“Wow, you look really cute like that,” Rika commented, causing the mare to retreat further.

“T-taint nuthin special,” Fritter whispered. She was getting embarrassed now and the sound of blood rushing to her face and her heart pounding in her ears meant that she hadn’t heard Seth approach.

He placed a paw on her cheek, causing the mare to flinch in surprise.

“I think you look pretty cute also,” he smiled. Fritter opened and closed her mouth a few times, but no sound came out.

Only the smallest of contented sighs escaped when Seth kissed her, the mare pressing against him and snuggling into his embrace. She’d only ever been this close to him once before, when she’d fallen asleep with him on their first day. Even now, the soft texture of his fur had never left her mind and she hummed happily.

Seth eventually broke the kiss, and smacked his lips together a few times, like he’d sampled a fine wine. “Mm, appley~” he grinned.

“Really?” Rika giggled. “The Apple mare tastes like apples? Who would have thought?”

“Oh hush you,” Fritter giggled also and soon the three were sharing a good laugh, until Fritter yawned loudly.

“Oh mah stars, what time is it?” she asked, lazily glancing at her clock. The face said that it was a little after one in the morning. ‘An’ ah gotta work tomorrow…” she groaned.

“You can’t take the day off?” Rika asked. “Surely, current circumstances would allow…”

“And that’s the problem with dating a farmer,” Fritter said. “T’aint no such thing as a ‘day off’. The crops won’t wait to be harvested during their prime and the buyers won’t wait either. Don’t worry though, we’ll still have our date tomorrow night.”

“Well, I guess this will just have to do for a start,” Rika smiled salaciously as she kissed Apple Fritter, the mare’s eyes widened as she did so, but soon closed as she leaned into this kiss.

Seth just watched and a small smile crossed his face. He was so going to need a cold shower tomorrow.

The two girls finally parted, panting slightly as they caught their breath. “W-well, ah suppose that’s one way of doing it.” Fritter commented.

“That it is, but we should get some sleep…” Rika yawned and the three decided that snuggling together tonight was a fine idea.

A short while later, Seth lay awake as the two girls, the ones that had stolen his heart lay either side of him, sleeping peacefully.

“Will this even work?” he thought to himself. “No! No matter what, I’ll make it work. These girls deserve to be happy and by Arceus, I’ll make sure of it… I just hope I don’t screw this up…” His thoughts trailed off as he too, drifted into Luna’s realm.


Titania lay on the couch, several wine glasses lay on the floor next to her.

“When will they be done talking? I wanna go to bed…”

Author's Note:

Editors and Pre-readers Notes -

Zeus - Hurray for Polygamous solutions!
TDN- This was a cute little chapter. Also, anyone who has a much access as me can already tell who Rika’s father is.
Bubba - Bubba was here.

Well, this is it, time to see if that chapter gets me some followers and loses you all. I hope for the former personally...

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