• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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December 21 [Animal Kingdom]

December 21

Gusty got up before me again. She was already standing at the balcony window when I opened my eyes, so I got out of bed and joined her at the window.

It was just starting to get light out and the early sunlight was painting the walls of the Magic Kingdom castle in orange and pink and it was really pretty. And when I opened the balcony door to stretch out my wings a little bit, the air was fresh and new and that woke me right up.

I hadn't even noticed that Miss Russi was in the shower until she opened the door and came out, and that was Gusty's opportunity to take a shower and get dressed before all of us ponies were out of bed, so she took a pile of clean clothes that she'd set out and went into the bathroom.

Miss Russi ordered coffee and then woke up Miss Parker, and I woke up Aquamarine and then the two of us together woke Cayenne up after the coffee had arrived. And she took a cup right off the tray without even getting out of bed and drank most of it, then she kind of slid off the edge of the bed and landed on the floor.

Me and Aquamarine could both see her wince when she put her weight on her loose shoe and then she pulled her hoof up a little bit so it wasn't carrying any weight and that might have been okay for standing around but she was never going to be able to enjoy the park like that, especially 'cause she might break her hoof if her shoe tore the rest of the way out. Miss Parker had written down the telephone number of the farrier so she called him and he couldn't come out right away but he said he'd be out in an hour or so and could at least get the old one off and bandage her hoof and then she could have a proper shoe put back on when she got home, or he could do all four.

Cayenne thought she'd rather have one off than four new ones for walking around all day, and Gusty came out when we were still talking about it and her ears fell when she realized that we might have to wait for Cayenne. But then Cayenne said that we should go to the park and she'd meet us there, and we all gave her a big hug 'cause that was really nice of her. I bet it's scary to visit a farrier that you don't know, 'cause you don't know what they're going to do to your hooves, and I'm glad I don't wear shoes.

Me and Aquamarine had packed all our things, 'cause we were going to be leaving right from the park to get to the train station, but Gusty and Cayenne were going to stay until tomorrow because that was when their airplane left.

Mister Barrow said that if there were things that the unicorns wanted to pack up and have us take back we could so they wouldn't have to try and get it on an airplane but Gusty was too frazzled to manage and so she pushed some things that she'd bought as gifts over in a pile for us to take, but that was all. Cayenne did a little bit better and gave us a whole suitcase to take back, and we loaded that into the Suburban.

Once we were all ready, we went to the Contempo Cafe for a quick breakfast again, and then Cayenne went back up to our room with Mister Wayne and Miss Russi, who had been with Gusty when she'd been shod a couple of times so they knew what to watch out for. And Mister Salvatore was a little bit grumpy that he had to give them the keys to the Jeep, but we wouldn’t all fit in it unless everyone but him had a pony on their lap.

After we'd had our magic bands read, we had to wait for a train to go by, and it was different than the one in the Magic Kingdom—the locomotive had a flat front with bumpers on it and portholes in the front of the cab, and the sides were completely open. All the cars had wood-slat sides, and there was lots of luggage up on the roof, and I was kind of curious where it had come from if people had that much luggage with them.

We didn’t want to do anything too fun before Cayenne got to the park, so we went to the Boneyard and played around some. There was a sign saying it was for children ten and under but there were lots of adults in there, so we thought that it would be okay for us. And it was neat because there were fake dinosaur bones and little slides which you could go down but I didn’t because they were small and went through rocks. And they had some dinosaur footprints in the sidewalk around it.

Our helpers had stayed outside but Mister Barrow came in and told us that Cayenne was on her way, and she showed up a little bit later. She was wearing a pair of Mickey Mouse socks on her hind legs and had hoof boots on, ‘cause she said that she didn’t want to go around the park with just a diaper and duct-tape bandage on that hoof. And I didn’t believe that she was really wearing a diaper on her hoof and she said that the vet used them because they were a little more padded and easier to use than just bandage wrap and it was kind of embarrassing but her hoof felt a lot better already.

Then we went to the Kilimanjaro Tour, and we got to ride around in a big truck and look at the animals and they were all real instead of the pretend ones we'd seen on the boat. There were different kinds of antelopes with weird horns and weird names like bontebok, oryx, addax, kudu, and waterbuck, and a giraffe that we had to stop for, 'cause it was on the road. And there were some Earth zebras that were grazing around a little ways back from the road.

When we passed by the elephants, Calaso, our tour guide, told us that they liked to eat red clay for the minerals and Aquamarine said that it was pretty tasty. And we all snickered at her but then I was thinking about how Rebekka liked to taste her art supplies and maybe there was something to that.

They had black rhinos and white rhinos, and real hippos bathing in a pond and we also saw a little nest with big eggs in it and Calaso said that they were ostrich eggs. Cayenne said that she'd thought they were pegasus eggs and I said that if pegasuses laid eggs we'd put them in clouds to incubate, not leave them on the ground where somepony might steal them.

And we saw flamingos which are pinkish and storks and whistling ducks who didn't whistle for us. And there was another pool with crocodiles which are like alligators but they have pointier noses. And a ways back we saw a lion who was looking at us and I got kind of nervous because I didn't see any fences between him and the truck and I hoped it could go faster than he could run.

After we'd finished our truck tour, we went to the Kali River Rapids and we had a round boat and had to wear seat belts so we wouldn’t fall out and drown. And Gusty was a little upset when she got splashed with water at the entrance and we all said that proper adventurers got wet all the time. Daring Do had fallen in plenty of rivers. And the sun was out so she'd dry off pretty quick anyway.

It went around by log jams and then down some rapids and between a cliff and me and Aquamarine were on the front so we got pretty wet but I didn't mind. And then we went through a little cave and under some elephant statues spraying water and we waved at a bunch of people who were watching us from a bridge. Gusty said that they had buttons that they could push to get us wet which was probably why they were watching, and Cayenne said that they were just jealous of us because we were having fun.

We hadn't seen any wild animals, which was a little bit disappointing, but it was still lots of fun.

Then we walked through the Maharaja Jungle and got to see a giant lizard who was sunning himself and giant bats that were all hanging upside-down from ropes 'cause they were mostly trying to sleep. One of them had decided that he wanted to eat breakfast while all of his friends were sleeping, and he was sticking his face into a bucket and getting food out of it.

And we saw some tigers and a couple of them were just dozing but there was one that was patrolling around the wall and she kept looking up at us like she was waiting for the glass to suddenly break and for us to fall in. And we were a little bit nervous around her but she couldn't get us and I could fly away if she tried.

We also saw some deer and antelopes that could maybe outrun a tiger if they had to, 'cause the sign said that some of them could go fifty miles an hour which was almost as fast as Winston could go.

Being outside had gotten us dried off, so we went to the theatre to watch the Festival of the Lion King, because Gusty said that it was a really good play and we'd all like it.

There were four different sections that we could sit in and each of them had a different name. There weren't any equines but giraffe was kind of close, so we sat there. And there were four people who came out and introduced themselves and told us that we were supposed to greet the performers like animals and we were supposed to bleat like sheep 'cause that was what giraffes sounded like so we did but I think we should have whinnied instead.

Cayenne pointed to a dancer who was striped like a zebra and had a hat with a bushy mane and when she circled around to our side we waved at her just to be friendly. And then they had a bunch of acrobats dancing around and swinging from trapezes that they bounced up to from a trampoline.

They filled the theatre with fake clouds and a man started spinning around fire on the stage while everyone sang, and then two more acrobats came out and one of them was wearing a pretty blue costume and she was supposed to be a bird so she flew around on a rope and she was really good at it. If I hadn't been able to see the rope I might have thought that she was really flying.

People who wanted to could come out and circle around the stage and it was supposed to be just for children but we weren't any taller than them and the dancer dressed as a zebra gestured for us to follow her, so we did and I flew just a little bit 'cause there weren't gonna be any airplanes inside and I only had my hooves a foot or so off the floor.

And then after it was over we got to meet the cast outside and Gusty was really excited about meeting Timon but the ones I was really looking forward to seeing were the dancer in the zebra costume and the bird-lady.

The dancer was really excited to see us and she crouched down and gave each of us a hug and I asked if she knew Zenith and she said that she did and they hung out sometimes at night but she didn't wear her costume then. And she said that equines had to stick together and we all agreed that that was true, even if she was really a human.

I had to wait a little bit to meet the bird-lady, 'cause there were a bunch of other people who also wanted to shake her hand, and I told her that she flew the best of any human I'd ever seen and she was really flattered by that. And I got a picture with her and I spread my wings out, 'cause hers were out, too, and then I decided that I'd give her a feather for luck. Unfortunately, I didn't have any loose ones, so I had to nip a secondary off which meant she didn't have much of a calamus with it.

She told me that she was going to have it put on her costume, 'cause it was almost the same color, and she carefully tucked it into her costume to keep it safe. Then she gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Me and Aquamarine had to leave after that to get on our train, so we hugged and nuzzled and told Cayenne to not lose any more of her shoes and Gusty wanted to get a picture of all of us together before we left, so we lined up with our helpers in the back and one of the stilt-walkers took our picture, then we walked out to the parking lot and got in the Suburban. It was really hot inside 'cause it was black and it had just been building up heat and they should have left the windows down some and that would have helped let the heat out. It cooled down pretty quickly when he started it up, though.

The seats stayed hot the longest, and I wondered why they didn't have some kind of butt-cooler that they could put in cars for hot summer days.

Mister Salvatore had agreed to drive us to Orlando 'cause he liked driving so much, and if Mister Barrow or Miss Parker had driven, then the Suburban would be stranded at the train station.

We were hungry 'cause we hadn't had time to eat lunch at Animal Kingdom, and since we weren't sure if there was going to be lunch on the train since it was after lunchtime already, we got some food from a taco truck that was in the parking lot.

Our train was a little bit late and we looked around the station and there was a poster that said Amtrak Silver Service and Mister Salvatore took a picture of me standing next to the poster. I had to stand on Aquamarine’s back to get high enough but she didn’t mind.

Mister Salvatore stayed around until the train came so he could help load our bags. We couldn’t get a big room on the bottom ‘cause the train was only one story high, so we had a little roomette like when I went to South Carolina. And Mister Barrow and Miss Parker had one just like it that was next to ours if we needed them.

We were both really tired and worn out from all the fun that we'd had and the train rocking put us to sleep, and if we'd been smarter we would have had the conductor fold our seats down into a bed but I don't think that either of us were expecting it. I know I wasn't, 'cause I woke up with my head kind of jammed up against the window and my ear pinned and it was a little bit sore. And I was completely disoriented and at first I didn't know where we were and looking out the window didn't give me any clues.

I could have gone and found the conductor and asked, or knocked on the door to the other room, but maybe Mister Barrow and Miss Parker were also sleeping, so I just got out my journal and started writing all the things I'd done in Florida, which was a lot.

I must have written ten pages by the time Aquamarine woke back up, and she kind of jerked her head up and looked out the window and then asked me where we were and I said that we'd left Jacksonville a little while ago and I didn't know where we were now.

We sat and looked out the window for a little bit. Aquamarine said she thought that we were still in Florida, 'cause it looked sort of the same as it had around Orlando, and she said that almost all the cars had Florida license plates on them which was pretty smart of her to notice.

Both of us were hungry, and we couldn't decide if we should see if her helpers wanted to eat dinner with us or just go ourselves. If they were sleeping, we didn't want to disturb them, but it might be rude to let them sleep through dinner. So we went to their room and knocked softly on the door and Miss Parker answered and she said that they'd gone to dinner a while ago but she'd come with us if we wanted her company. And we thought it would be nice to have her but kind of rude to be eating while she wasn't, so we said we'd go to the dining car on our own.

‘Cause it was kinda late for dinner, we didn't have to wait for a table. And our waiter was fun to watch—he was really graceful and when he cleaned off the table across from ours he took off the tablecloth first by yanking it really quick and the dishes stayed where they were, rather than slide off and crash all over the floor.

We both got salads and shared a plate of vegetarian shell pasta and then we decided that we'd get dessert, too, 'cause there was a New York Cheesecake on the menu that sounded really tasty and it was.

We'd just finished eating when the train slowed down to stop in Savannah, which is in Georgia. It’s near the ocean, too, ‘cause I could faintly smell that over the train smell and the city smells.

The train was going to stay there for a little bit, so we got up and trotted up and down the platform to stretch out our legs some. And at the end of the platform there was a little food cart selling slices of pies made out of Georgia pecans and Georgia peaches and we got a slice of pecan pie to share and it was really good. I felt kinda guilty for having two desserts, though.

Mister Barrow saw us and came down the platform and he saw the pie-cart and got tempted, too, so he bought himself a piece of pie and another one to give to Miss Parker who was still on the train. And then he walked up and down the platform with us until the conductor announced that it was time to get back on the train.

So we got back aboard and went back to our room. This train didn't have a Viewliner on it or even a domed car which was disappointing because we really liked the view from the top of the train. They'd tried to make up for it by putting two windows in our sleeping room, which was nice, and you could see out from the top one when you were in your bunk which you couldn't do in the Superliner, 'cause their windows were lower.

I missed having windows on both sides of the train, too. Unless we went out and blocked the aisle, we could only see what was happening on our side.

Georgia was really pretty, and we saw lots of trees and fields and it was all green. And the sun was going down when the train stopped in South Carolina, but we stayed at the window and watched outside ‘cause the sky was clear and when we turned off the lights in our room and got used to the dark, we could see hundreds of stars, and sometimes when we went around curves, we could see the front of the train, too, and that was really neat.

We were still awake when the train stopped in Charleston, and I told Aquamarine about the day I’d gotten to see Boeing Dreamliners that were being built. And I would have liked to get out there for a little bit but the train didn’t stay in the station for very long before it started up again.

When we were ready for bed, Aquamarine didn't want to bother our conductor, in case he was trying to sleep, so she figured out how to put the bed down herself. It wasn't too complicated but the latches weren't made for ponies, either, so she had to improvise a little bit.

We looked around our room but there weren't any sheets or blankets, 'cause the conductor had them all. We didn't mind too much, though, since we both had our winter coats, so we were pretty cozy without them

Author's Note:

Once again, a huge thanks to ClosetBrony! Seriously, if you've got a Disney question, he's the man to ask. Also he knows other things about that part of Florida, too--he's not just a one trick pony.

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