• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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August 12 [Pancakes]

August 12

I woke up when the sad bird started singing outside Meghan's window, and it was light enough that I thought her alarm would sound pretty soon, and since now I knew that she wanted to snuggle in the morning I didn't think she'd be mad if I woke her up. So I reached over and nuzzled her cheek and then brushed her bangs back and she opened her eyes and I kissed her.

She rolled on her side and pulled me against her and kissed me back, then she started stroking my mane and we were all cuddled up when her alarm went off for the first time.

Meghan twisted onto her back to turn it off and I snuggled up against her breast and she scratched behind my ears until her alarm went off again, and we had to get out of bed.

I got out clothes for her and then went downstairs to set out breakfast and I saw that she had a box of Bisquick just like mine and for a minute I actually considered cooking pancakes for breakfast but it would take too long and I'd probably mess them up anyway, so I just got out the cereal and bowls so that we could have what we usually ate.

Then I got back upstairs just in time to brush her hair before she got dressed. She said that it was nice to have me do it in the morning because she could put on her makeup while I was doing it.

We had breakfast and washed the dishes, then her friend came to pick her up and I flew off to home. I was already thinking what I might do for the morning, 'cause I hadn't decided yet. If the farmer's market had been open, I would have gone there, but it wasn't open today.

It had been a little while since I'd just flown around Kalamazoo, and I thought that the airplane directors would be happy if I stayed low and didn't bother them, so I got on my flight gear and filled my camelback and flew around about a hundred feet above the streets, all the way around the downtown and then moving a little bit further.

Because it was fun, I raced some cars when I was downtown, but only for short stretches because I didn't want to tire myself out too much this early in the morning. I was still a little bit stiff from my long flight over Lake Michigan, and so I didn't want to push myself too hard.

When I got back to my apartment, I thought that maybe I'd try to make pancakes, 'cause I wanted to make them for Meghan tomorrow. And I know that she'd want to help, but I'd feel pretty proud if I could make them on my own.

I got out my ingredients and ran into problems right away. I didn't have any measuring cups, so I put on my saddlebags and put the Bisquick box in them and flew over to Aric's house and knocked on the door.

Angela was nice enough to loan me everything that I needed, as long as I promised to bring it back clean, and I said that I would, and she said that if I wanted to we could make them right here or she could come over and help me. But I really wanted to do it on my own, even though it was super-nice of her to offer.

So when I was back home I got out the box of Bisquick and measuring cups and spoons and then all the other ingredients that I needed, and I started mixing everything up in my bowl. Making pancakes was a lot like making waffles, really. Although the pancake recipe on the box was more complicated than the waffle recipe.

I wasn't sure exactly what medium-low heat was, but I figured that meant not too big a flame, so I stood on the counter and turned on the stove, making sure that I was away from the ring where the flames came out. And then once it was burning nicely, I turned the knob until it was just a short little flame and put the pan over it.

Once the pan got hot I sprayed it with butter and poured in my first pancake. A few would have fit in the pan at the same time, but I wanted to be sure I had figured out what I was doing before I wasted all my batter.

I took a bite out of each one when I was finished with it, just to see how it tasted. I cooked the first one too long, and then I didn't cook the second one long enough, 'cause it was still a bit raw inside. But after that I started to figure it out, and pretty soon they were all tasty pancakes.

My cooking experiment had left me with a dozen pancakes, each of which had one bite out of it. I couldn't eat them all, so I picked the worst two—the first two—and put some Nutella on them to make them taste better, and put the rest in the electric icebox so that they'd stay fresh for later.

I flew up after I was done eating and took a look at the sky. I didn't like the way it was looking and feeling—it was hot and the air was really saturated, but I couldn't see any stormclouds as far as I looked. And when I went back inside and turned on my computer and looked at the weather on it, there weren't any storms near Michigan, but the weather forecast still said that there were going to be evening thunderstorms, which meant that they might just start popping up.

I didn't like those at all—with a normal stormfront you could set up a good counterstorm if you had enough time, or at the very least work along the front to help break it up, but with weather like this you just had to deal with them as they showed up. You needed spotters stretched kinda thin across the sky, and you had to rely on them to give you an accurate assessment of how bad the storm was gonna be, because you didn't want to have your team fly off to deal with one and then be in the wrong place when a worse one came through.

And no matter what, somepony always complained about the one you did let through.

I left my computer on so that I could check on the weather later in the day and see what it was doing, and then I went and started cleaning up the hay that was scattered around the bedroom. I had to push it along with a hoof, 'cause I didn't have a broom. I knew that Meghan did, and I thought about sending her a telephone telegram so that she'd bring it when she came over tonight, but I didn't.

The one problem with haybales is once you start to pull them apart, they keep falling apart on their own. Someponies in town had baleboxes, but I didn't have one and I'd never seen one at Meijer, so if I wanted to have one made I'd have to find a carpenter.

Maybe the makers could build me one.

But I wasn't going to be in this apartment all that much longer, so it probably wasn't worth the hassle.

When Meghan came over, she told me that there was a storm coming, and I said that I knew because I'd looked at the weather forecast and seen it there.

She said that she hoped the weatherpeople were wrong about the storm coming tonight and I said that I didn't think that they were because every time I went outside it felt more and more like it was going to rain. And she took out her portable telephone and turned on her weather program which showed a map that didn't have much activity on it. But then she changed the map so that it showed what was going to come, and at first the map didn't change, but then it got some blotchy spots on it.

I asked her what that was and she said it was the futurecast, and that was kind of neat. So she showed me how to get it for my portable telephone, and after it had been put on I tried it.

So it was nice because it showed that there weren't going to be any storms for a couple of hours, which meant that we could have dinner with Jeff.

We walked to Tiffany's together to get some beer for the dinner, so that we'd have something to share, and I thought that we ought to get something that we hadn't had before. So we looked at everything that they had and so we got some Milkshake Stout and some Pine Knob Pilsner. Neither Meghan nor I had ever tried either, but the man at the counter said that they were good.

When we were going back, I thought that maybe we could invite David and Angela, too, but we'd have to ask Jeff first because it was really rude to invite your friends to someone else's party.

He said that it was okay, and so I said that I'd invite them next week.

I gave Trinity a ponyback ride around the backyard and Lindy asked me where I'd been because they hadn't seen me as much and they'd wanted to go hunting for Pokemons with me, so I said that I'd been in Canada. Lindy said that she'd been to Canada, too, and Trinity wanted to know when, and she said it was when Trinity was really small and she probably didn't remember it but they'd gone to Tobermory and looked at shipwrecks and they'd camped in the woods and that was all that she remembered.

I didn't think that I'd want to see that. It was sad seeing shipwrecks, even when you knew that everypony had survived. About an hour's flight from home, there was one that was a little ways out to sea but you could see the masts sticking up from the shore. It had scraped open its bottom and sank in a storm, and all the crew had held onto the rigging until the storm was over and somepony spotted their ship; now the seabirds liked to sit on it.

So I guess it made a good home for them, but it would have been better if it stayed a ship.

When we got home, Meghan checked her weather map again and it was showing more storms popping up as the evening went on.

Mel came to get me at nine, and Meghan came along, too. We weren't rushing this time, which was nice, and when we got to our watching spot I flew up and told him that I was seeing some storms off in the distance but there wasn't anything close. That also gave us plenty of time to test the radios and for me to set my watch so that it would remember where I was and give me directions back if I went off-course.

We set up a schedule where I went up every fifteen minutes to look around, and then came back down. And I kept that up for an hour and a half, and Meghan said that maybe it wasn't going to storm after all but I said that it was—each time I'd looked there were more storms.

It started to rain before eleven—by then it was too dark to clearly see the clouds off in the distance—and I went up and west a few miles, so that I could give Mel a warning in case something really bad was coming his way.

I got caught in heavy rain with almost no warning. I felt a little bit more of a chill in the air and then I heard the storm get louder and then it just poured on me. I had to yell into the radio to tell him that it was getting heavy, and I hope he heard me because if he said anything back I didn't hear him at all.

The storm kept on changing in intensity, and the winds were a bit confused, which made flying even more fun. I couldn't hold position very well, which I probably wouldn’t have known about since I couldn't always see the ground. Luckily, my watch knew, and I could see by my changing bearings and distances back to Mel's truck which way the storm was blowing me. I really wish that I'd had this watch all summer.

Right around midnight the storm calmed down and at first I thought that maybe it was ending, but as the rain lightened up and let me see further, I could see off in the distance another part of it coming that was just full of lightning.

Well, the second round of the storm was a whole lot worse than the first round. The wind picked back up and started blowing me off-course, and the rain was just pouring down, and when I watched my altimeter reading it was constantly going up and down. I went almost a hundred meters up and down from the very top to the very bottom altitudes.

I lost the ground again, and just rode out the storm as best as I could.

I was so happy when it had finally passed on. I could have made my watch show me the time, but I really didn't want to know.

It had calmed down at the end, and when I saw that it was clearing I didn't try to get back to my forward position at all, but instead flew back until I was near Mel and Meghan, and then I sort of circled around there until I was sure that it was clear around us.

The moon was getting full, and as the clouds thinned some I could see it through them, but they were still much too thick for me to see any stars.

The ground looked different to me and I thought that maybe my watch had gotten confused in the storm and given me bad directions, but as I got lower I could see what looked like Mel's truck—it had the blinking light on top like his. And I realized that the electricity had gone off, so the gas station sign wasn't lighted any more, and none of the big lights in the parking lot were either.

That meant that I had to be more careful, because even though they weren't giving off light, they were still poking up and I could crash into them. So when I got down to two hundred feet according to my watch, I hovered for three blinks from my light, which reflected off them and let me know how close I was.

I didn't think it would matter now if I sparked off on one of them, so once I had it clearly in view I flew over it and dragged my hind hoof across the top, then circled down and landed next to Mel's truck.

Meghan helped me up and inside and turned off my blinking light and stripped my gear off, then she bundled me up in towels. The inside of the truck was already pretty warm, which was nice, and I fell asleep on her lap as we were driving back.

She woke me up when we got home and I stumbled out of the truck and to the front door, and I asked her what time it was because I'd forgotten to look at the clock in Mel's truck after all. She told me that it was three a.m.

I stumbled up the stairs to my apartment and Meghan and I helped unfold the futon. I flopped down on my side thinking that I was going to regret it in the morning but I was completely exhausted, and I tried to stay awake until Meghan came out of the bathroom but I couldn’t.

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