• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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June 4 [Taco Bell and Finals Party]

June 4

When we finally got out of bed, Aric asked me what my plans for the day were, and I told him that I was going to go flying and then review my notes from math class so that I would be ready for the final on Monday (I was pretty sure that I knew it all, but it was still wise to review it) and that there was going to be a party in Christine's room tonight.

I also told him about my new apartment, and said that I wanted to have a housewarming party there but the more I thought about it, by the time I moved in almost all of my friends would be gone.

He said that if I needed help moving, he had a truck.

We had breakfast at Nina's and talked for a little bit, and I decided that we could leave on the trip after Peggy went back to Colorado. I felt bad that I hadn't spent as much time with her as I should have, so I didn't want to be the one to leave first and leave her all alone in the dorm room. Especially if she needed some help with math before her final.

The two of us took a little detour back to his house, so that he could see my new apartment. I didn't have a key yet so we couldn't go inside, and since it was on the second floor, he couldn't look through the windows. That was too bad: I thought about lifting him up to the balcony so that he could see—I know I'm not supposed to fly carrying people but I don't think it counts if I only fly up one story.

He said that wasn't a good idea and he reminded me how much trouble I'd had flying in his window, which I said was only because he hadn't opened it far enough and there was nothing above the balcony, so it would be no problem to put him on it. But he wasn't convinced, so we walked back to his house, and I got dressed in my flight gear and flew out his window, and this time I didn't steal any sunflower seeds, 'cause I was full and also because there were a bunch of birds on the feeder and I didn't want to bother them.

I could tell that there was rain coming: the pressure was dropping and the wind speed was picking up, and off to the west I could see distant clouds.

I flew west, all the way over the 131 Highway and then to the Kal-Haven trail. Then I told Dori where I was and that I was going to go down low, so that if there were any airplanes waiting they could fly in my area.

There were a lot of cars in the parking lot, probably 'cause it was a nice day, although I didn't see anyone there. Now that the trees had leafed out, you couldn't really see much of the trail from the air, although it was still obvious where it went because there was a long line of trees that cut through farms.

I followed it all the way to Kendall, then I did a few victory loops in the air—not so high that I would get in the way of an airplane—and turned around to go back.

The wind was starting to pick up, which made my flight even easier, since it was on my tail, so even though I was more tired than I had been when I started, I made better speed.

I thought about flying higher over town, but decided not to bother Dori again. So I kept sort of low, and followed along the road, and in front of a bank I saw a sign that said it was twelve-thirty, which meant by the time I got back to campus and took a shower, I would have missed lunch.

(Banks have lots of different names, but you can always tell that they're banks because they have signs that tell you the time and temperature.)

So I decided to get lunch at Taco Bell. As I was landing in their parking lot, I felt a little nervous because I'd never gone in one by myself, but I'd had their food before so I knew what I liked.

The doors opened towards me, and they were heavy glass, and try as I might I just couldn't find a way to grab onto their handles and get them open. But then a mother and her children came out and the taller girl pushed open the door for me and when I came in the younger one wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug even though I was all sweaty and I was too surprised to do anything. And the taller girl let the door close and started petting my mane, and then their mother yelled at them and I said that I didn't mind because they were kind of cute, but I think she was mad that I was all sweaty and her kids had gotten a bunch on themselves.

And then after she got her kids away from me she started trying to shoo me out the door, and I told her that I was going inside because I wanted a burrito and she started to talk more loudly and more slowly and put her hands on her hips.

Then the taller girl said that she was scaring me and ran over to hug me again and her mother grabbed her by the collar and her other daughter by the wrist and pulled them out the other door and trotted across the parking lot so fast that a car had to swerve to avoid them.

So then I got a little bit more nervous about getting food, because maybe I wasn't supposed to be inside, and I couldn't open the door anyway so I ought to leave but then I decided that I wasn't going to leave without a burrito, so I managed to hook a hoof on the door handle and tug it open far enough that I could get my head between the door and frame, and I pushed it open that way.

I had to stand on my hind hooves to order and the man at the counter just stared at me like he couldn't hear and then he called for a manager to come to the front, and while I was waiting I was thinking about how much more efficient it was to order Taco Bell food from inside a car.

When the manager finally came to the front, he asked the man at the counter what the problem was, and he just pointed in my direction and then the manager asked what I'd done, and he said that I was trying to order a burrito, and the manager asked if that was it, and he nodded and then said that I was a pony.

Then the manager rolled his eyes and looked at me and asked what I wanted and so I told him a burrito and he put that in the computer and then asked if I wanted it for here or to go. I didn't really want to eat inside alone, so I said that I'd have it to go, and when I paid he gave me a slip of paper that said my order number was 238, and told me that I could wait at the other end of the counter until it was ready. So I went down there and waited and all the while the man at the counter just kept staring at me. It was kind of uncomfortable.

The woman who brought it up front was a lot nicer, though. She had a big smile on her face and set it on the counter and asked what my name was and I told her and she said that her name was Lakisha which was a very pretty name. Then she asked if I wanted any sauce or napkins, and I did, so she put a couple of little packets of mild sauce and some napkins in the bag for me and asked if she could take my picture, too.

I told her that she could, so she took out her telephone and took my picture, and then told me to have a blessed day, and I said I would, and took my bag in my mouth and pushed my way back out then took off again.

I'd meant to wait to eat it until after I took a shower, but I'd had the smell of it in my nose the whole way back and so when I got up to my room I tore open one of the sauce packets and unrolled the burrito enough to squirt it inside so it wouldn't be as messy, and then ate it. It had gotten a little bit cold on the flight home, but was still very good.

After I'd taken a shower, I got out my math notebook and sat on my bed and started reviewing. Peggy had come back and had the same idea; she was sitting on her bed with her own notebook.

We spent the whole afternoon in the room together, getting ready for our final exams. When the rain came, I got up and looked out the window at it for a bit, and I also turned on my radio just in case I had to go watch for storms, but it only was a gentle rain.

It had tapered off by the time we went to dinner, but had started up again when Peggy and I went back to the dorm.

We studied some more until she said it was time to go to Christine's for the party, and I sent a telephone telegram to Aric to tell him that the party was starting and then he asked me what room it was in and I had to ask Peggy, 'cause I'd never paid attention to the number on their door.

It took him a little while to answer back, and I was thinking that he somehow hadn't gotten the message, but he finally said that he was on the way, so Peggy and I left and when we were on our way I heard a familiar noise and turned around and Winston was on the street right behind us. So even though it wasn't far at all, I convinced Peggy to get in the back of the truck with me and ride down to her room that way and she said that she was glad she'd decided to wear jeans because she didn't think she could climb over the tailgate in a miniskirt without flashing everyone.

He found an open space near Christine's dorm, and parked there and we got out of the back and went to her room together. He had two big boxes of beer and all the ingredients for White Russians.

There were a whole bunch of people already there—her roommates, who I sort of knew, along with Sean and Joe and Keith and Malcolm.

It didn't take too long before some people were playing games on the television and Amanda and Malcolm were sitting on the couch right next to each other talking and I got to sit in the papasan with Aric for a while and with Peggy for a while and then Cecilia fell asleep in it because she'd had too much to drink. And it was a funny kind of party, because it was partially everyone celebrating that they'd finished a year (even though they really hadn't until they were done with finals) and kind of saying their goodbyes, too, because most of them were going to leave the same day that they were done with their finals.

Some other people came by and visited for a little bit because the door was open, and someone—I don't know who—ordered Papa John's pizza. Keith asked me if I wanted to play Mario Kart with him and I said that I wasn't very good at it because the control buttons weren't made for hooves, but he said that I'd have fun anyway. And Aric watched me crash a lot and said this was why ponies shouldn't drive, and I reminded him that he'd let me drive Winston before and when Peggy glared at him he told her that he'd only let me steer, and he'd been in control of the pedals.

It was well after midnight when we left, and the three of us—me and Peggy and Aric—walked back up to my dorm room, 'cause Aric was too drunk to drive. Aric started singing a nonsense song called Bad Romance and Peggy joined him, and I did for the chorus, too, because I knew the words for that. And then when we got near the dorm I decided to fly up and sit on a tree branch where I could sleep until Aric finally convinced me to come down and go the rest of the way back to the dorm, even though that seemed like a lot of effort.

Both Peggy and I went to the bathroom as soon as we were back in the dorm, and then she said that I should drink some water so that I wouldn't have as much of a hangover in the morning, which seemed like kind of dumb advice to me since I thought it would just make me have to get up and pee more, but she insisted that it was the right thing to do, so I drank some water out of the sink, and then when I got back to the room, Aric was lying on top of all the blankets with his shirt off but his boots still on and he was already snoring so rather than try to move him, I just cuddled up next to him.

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