• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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October 28 [Vector Fields]

October 28

I woke up at my usual time, and I realized that I'd forgotten to ask Peggy if she wanted to go trotting again, and I was gonna but then I looked out the window and saw all the clouds and I hoped that she'd want to sleep in, 'cause I really wanted to fly in them.

I told myself that next week I was going to begin remembering to ask her the night before, and maybe we could get a schedule going, even though it was almost the end of the year.

Or maybe I was just fooling myself, and I wouldn't remember.

I filled up my camelback and put on my flight gear then had some hay for a snack, and I was thinking how earlier in the year it hadn't even fit in a box and now the box wasn't full all the way to the top and pretty soon there wouldn't be any more. So maybe next week I should go to the farmer's market in the morning and get enough more to last for the rest of the year. Maybe not a whole bale; maybe the lady sells them in half-bales, too. I could also get more from the internet, but it was more expensive that way.

I went out to the boardwalk and called the airplane directors, and the grumpy man said that I could fly, but to stay low until I got to the 131 Highway, and so I took off and flew low to Jeff's house and I landed there long enough to greet Caleb and Lindy and Trinity. Caleb kept looking around for Peggy, but I said that she wasn't with me today, and he was kind of disappointed.

All of them thought that my flight gear was kind of strange, so I showed it off to them really quick. They'd probably seen me through a window in their house when I was wearing it, but never up close.

I told Trinity that I would go trick-or-treating with them, and then I asked if I could tell what my costume was going to be, or if I had to keep it a secret. And she said that I could tell, so I told her that I was going to be a snowboarder, because Peggy had the right clothes for me and also I had snowboarded before with Peggy and I was pretty good at it. I said that there were videos on YouTube, and Caleb said that he'd look for them, and started poking at his portable telephone.

She was kind of sad that she didn't get a ponyback ride today, either, because I thought if she sat on the camelback she'd squirt all the water out of it. But I promised that I would when I was trick-or-treating, and then I nuzzled her and Lindy before their bus came. And I wanted to nuzzle Caleb, but he was kinda distracted with his portable telephone.

So I took off again and I stayed low still and flew by Aric's house and looked in his window and he was asleep and if the window had been open I would have crawled in to give him a kiss but it wasn't.

Then I took off and climbed a few hundred feet above the trees and headed west. I went all the way over the 131 Highway and then angled north to get to the beginning of the Kal-Haven trail, but instead of following it, I just climbed higher and higher until I was up in the clouds. They'd started to break up so they weren't a solid mass and there was clear air between them and I could fly in that—that wasn't against the rules. So I raced around the clouds and then shoved a couple of them around and mashed two of them together and then bucked my new cloud to make it rain, and then I took a bunch of wispy cloudstuff from the edges of one of them and made a target ring in the sky, and I flew through it a couple of times, once with my eyes closed. I couldn't be sure that I'd actually hit it but I thought I had: if I'd been close to the edge, I would have felt it on my wing, and I didn't think that my aim was far enough off for me to have missed completely.

Playing around with the clouds might not have been the best exercise, but it was fun. And when I had had enough fun, and my watch said that I ought to get back to campus soon, I dove down and skimmed right above the trail for a little bit and then after I'd lost most of my momentum, I made a broad turn and started flying back towards campus.

I went over the 131 Highway not that far above the tops of the big trucks, and it was probably closer than I ought to have been, cause I got buffeted by the wind from one of them as it roared under me. And then I was actually below the big electricity wires when I got to the other side, and I climbed up a little bit and flew back towards campus.

Even though I didn't have to, I cut across Main Street and flew right above Taco Bell, and a seagull who was standing on top of a lamppost took off and started following me, and I think that he was the one who had gotten food from me over the summer. If he was, it was strange of him to remember—I didn't think seagulls were that smart. And maybe he was just mad at me and thought that I was trying to claim his territory for my own, but he followed me all the way back to campus, and when I descended by Trowbridge, he matched me almost all the way down, until he decided to land in the big trash bin rather than on the boardwalk. I hope he was happy there. Maybe he'd gotten tired of Taco Bell, although I didn't think that you could get tired of it.

I went inside and got undressed and made sure that Peggy was getting up, and then I went into the bathroom and I had to wait because there was someone in there and when she came out it was someone that I didn't know. She said that she'd spent the night with her boyfriend, who lived just down the hall, and I didn't know him very well either although I'd seen him a few times. He was a sophomore and I think he was kind of scared of me.

I would have liked to chat longer and make a new friend, but I could tell that she was impatient; maybe she had a class first thing in the morning. So I got in the shower and got cleaned up and washed my leg really well, and then when I was done, Peggy was waiting on the bench and so was Kat, so I was glad that I hadn't dallied.

Peggy must have gotten there first, 'cause she went in as soon as I came out.

I was still preening my wings when Peggy came back in and she asked if I was going to be staying in the room tonight, and I told her that I was, 'cause we were leaving early tomorrow morning, but then I wouldn't be back until Sunday, and she said that that meant she could have someone over Saturday night, and I said that she couldn't use my bed if she did, and she laughed and said that she wouldn't but might it be okay to use the papasan chair. And I said that would be okay.

They had the wafflemaker working for breakfast, but otherwise it was the same things as always. I guess they didn't expect parents to eat breakfast.

So I had a waffle and I had some of the strawberry gravy on it, too, and almost everyone at breakfast was kind of tired and yawny except for me. Sean ate his food and then put his head down on the table for a nap, and Christine started to take people's napkins and put them on his head. And then when it was time to go, he was still napping on the table with his napkin-hat, and Christine said that she could wake him up and she reached under the table and all of a sudden he jerked up and I could see that her hand was under his shirt.

He rubbed his chest and said that that had been mean, and she said he should have woken up when she was poking him and he said that he hadn't been asleep and she had never poked him. Then she said that she'd thought about poking him and that was basically the same as having done it, even though it really wasn't.

Professor Brown started to teach us about phase equilibrium which was something that was very important in weather work, 'cause it was about how things changed from one state to another, like water turning into a vapor or ice.

At first it was pretty basic, 'cause he was just explaining to everyone what we were gonna be figuring out, and he didn't have to tell me what water did, but then he started drawing phase diagrams on the markerboard and it had coexistant curves on it which was where the water could exist in two phases at the same time.

The endpoint of the lines were the critical points, and the point where they all came together was the triple point, which I thought was going to be a very important point.

And it was all really good to know, because even for us there was still some guesswork with the weather, and we never seemed to have enough pegasuses to control it all, so any ways that we could make it a little more efficient would help, because maybe the weather factories could make a few more clouds with a little less work or maybe they could be moved more efficiently, or maybe even we could stop a storm with fewer weatherponies.

So I really paid close attention when he was writing out all the equations, and I made sure to copy them exactly into my notebook, even though they were also in my textbook. I was really glad that I'd spent time practicing math letters, 'cause there were a lot of them.

Me and Lisa went over the lab notes that she had typed up in the lounge, and I didn't see any mistakes in them. And then I flew back to the dorm and sat at my desk and did all my homework until it was lunchtime.

They had tacos for lunch which I think was going to make for interesting classes in the afternoon. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea, but I got two of the crunchy ones and a burrito as well, although I had to leave it open and then when I sat down at the table I tried to fold it and roll it up myself, and I didn't get it right, which made me feel kind of stupid. It was just a geometry problem, after all, and I couldn't figure it out.

But I guess it didn't really matter, 'cause it still tasted good, even if it was kind of sloppily wrapped.

Sean was more awake, and every time Christine reached in his direction, he crossed his hands over his chest and finally she said that they could be even and he could give her a purple nurple and he said that there was no way he was going to do that at the dinner table with everyone watching. Then he said for everyone to cover their eyes, and I put a foreleg over mine and I heard Christine yelp and I couldn't help but look and he had a really smug look on his face and she hit him in the shoulder hard, and he said it was worth it.

After lunch, me and Sean went to math class together, and Professor Pampena said that now we'd be learning about vector fields and line integrals. He said that vector fields had vectors everywhere, and he showed us examples which were wind maps, and I'd seen those before in climate class, and so I understood right away what we were going to be learning.

He showed us how to draw them, to start with. 'Cause you couldn't draw the whole thing or you wouldn’t be able to see anything, so you needed enough vectors to know what things were looking like, but then you could stop.

Line integrals, which he taught us next, were about the work done by a force during the motion, and at first when he was drawing straight lines it seemed pretty easy to calculate but then when he started to draw curved lines it got a lot more complicated.

But I bet that this was one of the things that astronomers used to figure out how much planets and stars and stuff should move by gravity, and it would be even more complicated because Professor Pampena was only drawing in two dimensions.

So he showed us how to calculate it out by getting the dot product of the force and the velocity, which made sense, and then how to substitute another variable in so that you could actually solve the equation.

We went to Sean's room after class and did homework, and I had a little trouble concentrating, 'cause I was thinking about the weekend, but I had to focus and get my math done, 'cause if I didn't, then me and Sean wouldn't be able to check it together and then I'd have to do it on the weekend when I wanted to be having fun, so I just tried to push the thought of the weekend to the back of my mind, and just concentrate on math.

It was easier in class, 'cause Professor Pampena was entertaining and there wasn't anything else to focus on, either, although I had noticed that some students didn't take notes but doodled in their notebooks instead.

I think if I'd been concentrating more on my homework, I would have beat Sean, but I wasn't, so I didn't. And then when he saw that he was done and I wasn't, he asked me if I was having trouble with the work, 'cause he could help explain it to me, and I said that wasn't it, but I just was thinking of other things.

He said that he could change the music back to Loreena McKennitt because sometimes when he listened to something new he focused more on that than the work he was supposed to be doing, and I thought that wasn't a bad idea, so he did, and I think he was right, 'cause at first I was listening but then I sort of let the music move to the back of my mind and finished up the problems.

We went through and checked them together, and I guess I had been distracted, because on the two where we'd gotten different answers, I'd been the one to make the mistake. And then I felt really dumb, but he said that he knew what would cheer me up, and so we watched two Numberphile movies.

I really liked them because not only was James so smart, but even when it was something that I didn't really know very well or even had never heard of before, he explained it so I could understand.

So I learned about a formula that used all the numbers from one through nine, and it made a number which was called Euler's constant, or e for short, and the formula was accurate to the first eighteen trillion trillion digits, and that was really neat, except that I didn't quite understand the rules for powers that let him get those numbers in the first place, but I was sure that if James said it was true, it must be. I'd never seen a power to a power before.

And in the second video, James' friend Matt got three books that had the longest prime number ever discovered so far which was one less than two to the power of 74,207,281, and he said it was over twenty two million digits long.

I thought it was kind of silly to print that all out, because who would actually read it, and I also wasn't sure what use a number like that was anyway. But when Matt talked about it, and how it was found, it sounded kind of neat, and I wondered if the computer that figured it out got any credit for discovering it.

Sean told me that there were other computer programs that helped look for alien life, and the program was called SETI, and he showed me how to find it so that I could install it on my computer and maybe it would find sapient species somewhere out in the universe.

Sean said that it would be kind of ironic if that happened, but he said that I should do it anyway.

I went back to my room and I should probably have read my Bible, 'cause I was getting close to the end. There were a bunch of books still left, but they all must have been pretty short. And next there were two Corinthians.

But I wasn't really in the mood for it, so instead I packed everything that I'd need for the weekend in my saddlebags (which wasn't much) and then I thought that I should get something nice for Gusty, so I went to the bookstore and found a Kalamazoo College sweatshirt. I wouldn't have got that for anypony, but I thought that since she liked to wear clothes, she'd really like it.

I hoped that I wasn't the only one who had thought of getting her something, 'cause I didn't want to make everypony else look bad. But it just felt like the right thing to do.

And then I went back to the room and when Peggy came in she had to open the window and I said that I was sorry and I shouldn’t have eaten so many tacos and she said it was okay because that way if she farted she could just blame it on me.

She opened the door, too, so we had a little breeze coming through the room, and I could also fan my wings and that helped, too. And I said that I was kind of sad that we weren't taking Amtrak 'cause the train was a lot of fun, but I guess that we didn't really have time for it.

Kat and Rebekka stopped by and talked for a little while, 'cause our door was open, and Rebekka put some small braids in my mane, and even though she didn't have anything to tie them with, they stayed 'cause they were so tight. She said that they'd work out after a while or if I decided that I really didn't like them I could have her or Peggy or anyone un-braid them, but I did like them.

And since she was there, I put on the Solomon shirt and she went to her room and got scissors and a Sharpie marker and drew the cutouts for my wings and put them in the shirt for me, and it was a lot more comfortable that way.

All four of us went to dinner together, although Rebekka and Kat went to their own table rather than eat with us. And dinner was really nice, 'cause there were some parents who had come to dinner, but we all agreed that their kids didn't look all that comfortable to have them there, and Meghan said that she was glad that her parents hadn't come, and everyone agreed.

A couple of them came over and wanted to meet me, and that was kind of awkward, 'cause I didn't know them or their child, plus I had to stop eating and answer their questions so I was kind of glad that I'd be gone for the rest of the weekend. It was just natural curiosity, but I would have rather had them stop and talk to me out on the quad or something.

Still, they were really friendly and outgoing and the man even gave me a little paper card with his name and telephone number on it and I set it on the table at first and then after they'd left Meghan said that she'd keep it safe for me and stuck it down her shirt.

Christine said that she wanted to have a gathering in her room and we could play games on the television and card games, too, and have some beer and have a fun time and be thankful that our parents trusted us enough to be left unsupervised.

So we all went down to her room together and Sean said that we could watch Star Trek, but she said that the television was going to be used for games and that Star Trek was for another time, and he was kind of grumbly about it until she said that he owed her a re-match in Mario Kart and then he said that he was going to beat her again and there was nothing she could do about it.

She said that she still had to get him back for what he'd done at lunch, and he said that he'd still win, and she said that sounded like a challenge.

I wasn't any good at video games, so I played euchre with Meghan and Anna and Reese, and then after the first game had gotten done, Anna and Reese wanted to play Mario Kart and so Christine and Sean played euchre with us, and me and Meghan skunked them. Sean threw down his cards in disgust, 'cause he'd gotten a really good last hand, and we'd just called up something else that made it worthless.

Christine claimed that that was her revenge, although she really had nothing to do with it. And then we all agreed that they had to streak in the next twenty-four hours and they had to have a witness to prove that they had, and Christine said that there was no time like the present, so she announced to everyone that she and Sean were going to streak the quad and anyone who wanted to watch could. And he just looked really embarrassed by it, which I think was why she wanted to.

But he agreed that that was the penalty, and he had to do it, and it would be better to do it with her than to do it alone. So everyone had another beer first, except for Anna and Reese, 'cause they were racing, and then we all got up and went to the top of the hill and sat on the benches by Stetson Chapel and Christine said that anyone else who wanted to could join, and I said that I would, just because it was fun. But nobody else wanted to, which was too bad.

So the two of them got undressed and then all three of us ran down the quad and when we got back to the top Peggy admitted that she'd thought about hiding Sean's clothes, but she had decided that that was mean, so she'd just hidden his underwear. And then when he picked up his shirt he found out that she had tied his pant legs in a knot so he had to untie them before he could get dressed again. And after he had, she got up and she had been sitting on his underwear the whole time.

Peggy went back to Christine's room afterwards, but I thought I should get to bed a little bit early especially 'cause Madison was in a different time zone, and unicorns stayed up late and woke up late. So I asked Meghan for the card back and she reached into her shirt and got it out for me, and then I went back to my room and remembered to put the sweatshirt that I'd bought into my bag.

It was kind of lonely in my bed, since Peggy wasn't back, and between that and being eager for tomorrow I had a little trouble falling asleep, and for a long time I just had my eyes closed but my ears were still listening to all the sounds of the dorm.

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