• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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May 9 [Math Test]

May 9

Of course, today would have lots of clouds to choose from. There hadn't been very many when I got up but by the time I was done with my morning flight, they'd rolled in and it was pretty obvious by noon they'd be covering the sky completely.

I got in the shower earlier than I'd planned 'cause when Peggy got out she said that Kat wasn't waiting for a turn. I hoped she wasn't sick—maybe she'd gone away for the weekend or something. But that was nice because it gave me a little more time before breakfast and I didn't feel as rushed as I sometimes did.

It was the seventh week now and people were starting to talk about their plans for the summer in more specifics. I didn't have any plans yet, just my bucket list. I guess I should have planned further ahead like all my friends had but that sort of wasn't a thing that pegasuses liked to do if we could help it. It was a lot better to just take things as they came.

Hearing Joe talk about how he was going to move to Japan really got me thinking about it. If there weren't any classes in the summer, did that mean that I was going to have to move to a different place during the summer? And where would that be? Would I have a roommate?

Peggy was going back to Colorado, I knew that. Aric had a house, so I could live with him. Or maybe Meghan. I would have to ask Mister Salvatore, he was smart about things like that. I didn't know how to get a house. In Equestria, I would have just had my friends help me build one.

We had the last test before the final exam in math class, and that took the whole class period. It was a pretty complicated test and it was a bit stressful to know that I couldn't ask any of my friends to help explain things if I needed it. I didn't, it turned out, but that thought kept on nagging at me, that there would be some symbol that I had completely forgotten and then I wouldn't be able to answer the question.

Then when I was done nobody else was and I thought that either I was a lot smarter than anyone else in the class, which I doubted, or else I had flown to conclusions I should not have, so I went back through and double-checked all my work and I'm glad I did because there was one question where I had made a really stupid mistake.

I still had some time after I turned in my test but there was no more class so I went back to my dorm room and read through more of the ham radio book. Mister Salvatore was right; there was a lot in there that I didn't really need to know. I wasn't building my own radio or antenna. But he said that they would be on the test so I had to understand them. And while it didn't give me exact details on how electricity worked, it did show how complicated it was to make sure that it went where you wanted it to.

I thought I'd change things up a bit and sit with Meghan and Lisa and Becky for lunch. They told me that they'd all had a fun time racing go-karts, and on the ropes course as well. And the three of them seemed pretty cheery and I asked them how their Equestrian class was going and they said that it wasn't the same without me.

So I suggested that maybe it would be fun to talk in Equestrian for the rest of lunch, and they all thought so too. It was kind of hard to switch back from English and I felt like I'd forgotten how to say a bunch of stuff, which was really weird.

I said that things were getting kind of busy for me because the end of the year was coming up but I should go visit their class again.

Then Meghan invited me to come over Tuesday night and see another Harry Potter movie, and I said couldn't watch a movie on Tuesday because I had an exam on Thursday but I would come over anyway. Lisa asked us which one we were on, and I said that we had watched The Order of Phoenix but that Meghan and I had wound up talking through most of it so I didn't remember what had happened and we decided that we ought to watch that one again.

When we were taking our trays away, Meghan asked me if I was free Saturday night because we could use the hot tub again if I was, and I told her that I would. Then I asked her what she was doing over the summer and she said that she had a short-term lease on an apartment in Kalamazoo, so she'd be around, which made me happy. I had been thinking how lonely it was going to get in a couple of weeks and at least there'd be one familiar person around.

Professor Amy reminded us that we'd be having a test on Wednesday (I think all the professors were trying to get in one more test before finals) and then she said that today we were going to talk about exchange.

She said that was one of the fundamental things that separated us from wild animals: in the wild, the only exchanges were typically between mother and child, or a pair of potential sexual partners. However in human society (and in pony society, too) exchanges went beyond that.

At first I thought she was only going to talk about buying things at market but it turned out to be more complicated than that. She explained how the idea of sharing probably started with hunting, because one person couldn't eat all the meat before it went bad and so he would share it with his friends and presumably when they'd caught something and he hadn't, they'd share it with him, and that was sort of the foundation of all society.

And as she went on I could see how we had also developed a similar system. From the very beginning when pegasus bands had begun to ally with earth pony tribes, exchanging weather for better food than we could forage, and as the two tribes grew closer exchanging protection, too. And then as time went by and cities grew ponies got more and more specialized so that now instead of one farmer trying to grow everything, she might only plant peaches and would supply all the peaches to her town and maybe the ones around, too, and when peaches weren't growing she would use the money that she had gotten to buy other food.

We would explore for new land and work with the earth ponies to make it fertile, and we'd also give them extra feathers to make into quills so that they could write and keep track of it all, and pretty soon everypony could do what they were best at and not have to do things that they weren't good at.

I suppose the unicorns were doing the same kinds of thing; they can't have all been raising the sun.

Dinner had fish which would have been good except that most of it had a bread coating like the bad fish sandwich I had had at the ski resort, and I didn't trust it. Usually when they had something that was fried that meant that it was bad and they were trying to cover up how bad it was.

But there were also salmon patties that looked like they might be okay and also some thin fillets of cod so I tried those.

Sean was surprised to see them on my plate and told me that they were meat and I said that they were fish, anybody could see that. Maybe that wasn't fair; the salmon patty could have been anything but it smelled like fish. They tasted all right, too. A little bit dry, but not too bad.

Peggy told him that he was lucky that he hadn't smelled any of my cans of anchovies and I said those were good for energy in the morning. Sean said that he had never heard of anybody actually eating anchovies before and Christine told him that there were anchovies in properly made Caesar salads, and surely he'd had one of those before.

He told her that he didn't believe in salads, unless it was a taco salad. She said that didn't count, and he insisted that it had lettuce therefore it was a salad.

I wanted to do more studying for my ham radio license after class, but I thought that I'd better review my Anthropology notes instead, because of the upcoming test. And then when I was done it was time to go to durach, and I walked there with everyone and rode back with Aric. I asked him if I could drive because I'd done so well with the go-kart and bumper car and he told me I couldn't but maybe one night soon we could find a big, empty parking lot and I could try there.

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