• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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September 27 [Hot Jupiters]

September 27

When I woke up, Aric was still asleep and had his back to me, so I nuzzled him between his shoulders but that didn't wake him up. I thought maybe he doesn't like being woken up early in the morning, but I didn't want to stay in bed forever waiting for him to wake up.

So I got out of bed and went to the window and watched the birds and smelled the sky. It was another clear day out and the birds were all crowded at the feeder except for the sparrows who were smart enough to not wait in line. They were down on the lawn, picking up all the seeds that the other birds had dropped.

I thought about going downstairs and seeing what he had for breakfast, and maybe I could make him something. But Aric might want to cook with me like Meghan did. So I watched the birds a little while longer and then when I heard him moving around I climbed back into bed and nuzzled him in the back, then brushed my wing down his side.

Aric rolled onto his back and I tickled his chest until he put his hand on my wing to stop me, and he must have noticed my broken primary for the first time 'cause he wanted to know what had happened, so I told him about getting it caught in the door.

He said he was sorry for touching it because it must hurt, and I said that it only hurt when it got tugged on, 'cause the feather itself wasn't alive. If it got pulled out, that hurt a lot, but if it just got broken it only hurt for a moment, and then it was over.

It wouldn't be any good to have feathers that hurt when they got broken, or else we'd never be able to fly anywhere. I didn't know anypony who had all their feathers intact when they moulted. Maybe some really prissy pegasus who never flew might, but some of them always seemed to get bent or broken somehow.

He didn't believe me, so I reached up on one of my wings and bit half of a covert off and spit it out on the bed. I was gonna moult soon anyway and that was always one of the first ones to fall out. It already felt a little bit loose.

He picked up the half-feather and ran his fingers along it, then looked at the edge where I'd nipped it off. And then he said that maybe I'd better keep my head above the waist because he was feeling a little bit intimidated.

I promised not to bite him, and then kissed his neck, and he ran his finger along my leg and pretty soon I had him pinned down to the bed and even though he probably could have pushed me off, he let me be on top.

He didn't have a lot of food in the kitchen but there was some oatmeal, so he heated up some water and while we were waiting for it to boil Angela came upstairs and she said that she hadn't seen me for a while so she crouched down and hugged me and then asked Aric why he was up so early, and he said that it was my fault. Then he asked her if the weiner-dog boxers she was wearing were David's, and she said that they were.

I wanted to stay around longer, but after we'd eaten I had to leave so that I could get dressed for my lab class. So I kissed Aric, and then I went out the side door and trotted over to his birdfeeder and stood on my hind legs so I could shake some seeds out of it, then I took off for school.

I probably should have taken a shower but I didn't have time, so I emptied out my saddlebags and put my physics things in them and my science gear, too. I was hoping that Lisa would button it for me when I got to the lab, 'cause Peggy wasn't in the room and I couldn't wait much longer or else I would be late.

I was lucky, 'cause Lisa did help me, not only with my lab coat but she also put my mane back for me, and then I got out my notebook and clicky pens and waited for Professor Brown to arrive.

We got to play with alchemical hot packs and cold packs in class and we had to take lots of measurements and then we could figure out what was in them from tables if we got our measurements correct, and then after we'd done that we also got to make our own little reaction in a test tube which was really neat. It was a lot like potions, 'cause you mixed the ingredients together the right way and then they would do something which in this case was just get hot.

And then after we'd all done our reactions he said that he was going to show us another one that was fun but that we weren't allowed to do. So he took a plastic eyedropper and dipped it in a small bottle of yellow liquid and squirted it out on some paper, and when the liquid evaporated it left a white crust on the paper and all of a sudden it burst into flames on its own.

Before we left, Lisa offered to take off my lab coat, so I didn't have to fight with the buttons, and then we went to the lounge and went over our notes for a little bit just to make sure that we both agreed on what our data was and what it meant and what formulas we'd need to use on it. And then I went back to our room and got my astronomy things, and just as I was about to go to lunch, I remembered that today was Tuesday so I was gonna sit with Cedric and Leon and Trevor, so I looked through my poetry books until I found The Rain in the Trees. And I put that on top and went to lunch.

Leon thought it was really funny that I still had my mane in a ponytail, which is what it's called when you have your mane pulled back. And I said I could let it down but I hadn't brushed it yet today so it was kind of messy.

They wanted to know if I'd seen the game on Friday, and I said I hadn't, 'cause I'd had a birthday party instead. And then Cedric said that he didn't know it had been my birthday and then he asked if I knew when Aquamarine's was and I didn't but I thought it was probably in March or April. He wanted to know why I was so sure, and so I explained how most foals are born in the springtime.

Both Leon and Cedric got kinda quiet and thought about that, and then Cedric said that it didn't seem right, although I didn't know what wasn't right about it. It was just the way things worked, and there were lots of other animals that didn't have babies all year round.

Then Trevor asked how many astrological signs we had, and I didn't know what those were so he had to explain. And he said that I was a Libra but didn't know for sure what that meant, so he looked it up on his pocket telephone and said that it was also called the Air sign. And Leon said that he was making that up, so he showed Leon, and then Cedric because Cedric didn't believe either of them.

He said that human astrology probably wouldn't really apply to a pony anyway because it was based on what constellations were in the sky and he was sure that we had different ones, which we did. And I didn't think that it was considered a good omen to be born under one or another, just to be the first foal born in a year.

I got out my book and Leon laughed and said that it was funny that I missed poetry, and Cedric crossed his arms and told me to hug Leon, so I got up and he kind of backed off a little bit and said that it wasn't fair, but he couldn't go anywhere without getting up and running away, so I hugged him kind of off to the side, which wasn't all that comfortable, and Cedric said that it was good to lose a hug war.

Then he slid my book across the table and started looking through it while Leon tried to push me off and then gave up and hugged me back. And he read a poem called The Superstition which was about cars, and it was kind of sad.

Trevor read one called The Lost Originals, and he got kinda thoughtful at the end of it, and said that it was kind of sobering to think that he didn't even know where he'd come from and there was probably no way to ever find out. And then it would have been Leon's turn but he said that he was going to be late to class and Cedric looked at his watch and we realized that we'd been talking longer than we thought and we were all going to be late for class.

So I galloped across the quad and flew over Academy Street so I didn't have to look for traffic, and then when I found a clear spot on the sidewalk I landed at a trot.

There were more people in the hall than I would have liked because everybody was hurrying to class and it was rude to fly over them but I had to be careful in the hallway because I could trip somebody by mistake.

I made it to my class in time, and I sat down next to Anna and she was happy because I think she'd been lonely, too.

Professor Miller started by telling us more about the inner planets, 'cause she said that now that we'd learned about the solar system in general we'd start to take a closer look at how people thought they'd come about. And she said that it started out as a disc of little things around the sun and then they all started sticking to each other in regions, which would turn out to be the orbits.

And she said that the inner planets were close to the sun, so they didn't have much ice and gas, because the heat from the sun drove it off; the outer planets got more gas and ice, and therefore were bigger, and that probably other solar systems would be the same.

Then a bunch of people raised their hands and I raised my hoof and she said that she would get to the problems with that idea, but people had thought of it before they had found any other planets.

She told us about wavelengths and how they got squished together when things moved towards you and stretched out when they moved away, and why that was really important was because distant stars moved towards us and away from us as the planets went around them.

And then she gave us all the calculations for the first planet that humans found, which orbited a sun called Pegasus 51 (and a lot of people thought that was funny), and it was all wrong because it was big like Jupiter and really really close to the sun. And astronomers thought that maybe their measurements there had been wrong, but then they found more just like it around other planets and they called them hot Jupiters, and she ended the lesson before she told us why, which was kind of disappointing, but she promised she'd tell us more about them in the next class.

I went back to our room and worked on the physics lab so that me and Lisa could meet tomorrow after class, and I got done a little bit before dinner so I started to read Matthew, which is the first book of the New Testament. It started out talking about Jesus's lineage, because a lot of people also care about that, and then it said that Mary got pregnant before she was married to Joseph and he was going to divorce her, but the Holy Spirit told him not to.

Then after the baby was born, mages went looking for him to give him presents, and Herod found out and was scared, so he ordered that all the young boys in Judah be killed, but and angel had warned them and so they went to Egypt, and then after Herod died they came back to Nazareth.

And then Jesus went to get baptized by John the Baptist, and I couldn't read anything past that because it was time for dinner.

I kind of knew how Jesus's story ended, because of the Easter service, but now I wondered why God had let people do that. Maybe Matthew would say.

I just picked at my dinner 'cause I was a little worried about how things were going to go with Meghan. She was a little bit more skittish than Aric, and I hadn't had a chance to talk to her after our talk at Waldo's, and I know I was being kind of foalish. And everyone noticed, and Peggy hugged me and said it would be okay, and Sean was really confused, but Christine said it was girl stuff and then he stopped being curious.

I should have had dinner with her. We could have even gone out to dinner together; that would have been fun.

I should have taken a shower, too, but I hadn't, and then I thought that maybe I could use her bathtub or we might be able to get an Uber-car and go over to her uncle's house and use his hot tub and that would be nice and relaxing.

I knew I wasn't going to finish my dinner so I asked if anybody else wanted to eat it because I hated to waste food, but nobody did. And Peggy asked if I was going back to our room and I said I was, so she said that she was done with dinner, too, and she'd come with me and we could talk on the way.

And so while we walked back to the dorm I told her how I was nervous even though I shouldn't be and Peggy said that she thought Meghan would be happy to see me and she was really proud that we'd had our conversation together, and then she said that if I wanted to use our room tonight she'd go sleep at Christine's.

I didn't want her to have to give up her bed, 'cause that wasn't fair, but she said that was something that roommates did for each other. So I hugged her and helped her put her sleeping clothes and homework in her backpack and then I hugged her again and I was feeling in a lot better mood when I went to Meghan's room.

So when I told Meghan she was really happy, and when Amy came out of the bathroom Meghan told her that she was going to my room to watch movies and Amy told her to have fun, and I didn't think that we were really going to watch movies.

It was still light out, so we decided to go walking around a little bit before it got dark, and we wound up at a little playground, which had swings and a strange little play-structure that had a slide and some balconies that you could look over and it was a little bit too small for Meghan but she climbed up it anyway and we sat together on it and watched the sun go behind the trees, then we both swung on the swings.

We walked back to campus together and I thought I should take a shower before we went to bed, because I hadn't had one all day, and she said that she wished she'd brought her shower supplies or at least a towel, and I said that I had extras.

There wasn't anybody who wanted the shower at night, so we had it all to ourselves, and when we were done we dried each other off and she said that she'd preen me back in my room.

Since we were just going back to my room she just put on her outer clothes and left her underwear off, but she had to wrap them up in her towel so that nobody would know she wasn't wearing them which I thought was kind of silly. And I pranced back to the room with my tail high just to tease her.

Then when we were safely back in my room she hung up our towels in my closet so that they could dry and she got undressed again and sat on the bed with her legs crossed and I sat next to her and stretched a wing out on her lap so that she could preen it, and she found my broken primary right away and she said that I was getting really beaten up this quarter.

When she was done with my wings I got out my brush and brushed her hair, and then she brushed my mane and tail and groomed my coat too and I was kind of sad that she didn't have a coat that I could groom.

It was also sad that none of my friends could fly, 'cause it would be a lot of fun to go flying with someone else.

I asked her if she was looking forward to going to Indianapolis, and she said that she was, and I told her some about all the ponies who were gonna be there, and she remembered most of their names from the movie of us fighting the tornado, 'cause I'd told her who they were then.

She said that I should see if the weather people wanted to make a movie of me flying in a storm, and I thought that was a good idea. I bet they'd like it, and so I said that I hadn't, but I would try to remember to do it before the next time there was a storm.

We snuggled up under the covers, and then after a little while she asked me if we could use my toy, so I got out of bed and got it out of my dresser.

Author's Note:

The Superstition

The Lost Originals (first poem)

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